Papurau Newydd Cymru

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DENBIGHSHIRE EDUCATION COMMITTEE. DISPUTE WITH THE WELSH DEPARTMENT. i). CONCESSION BUT NO SCALE FOR TEACHERS. "OLWYN BAY SCHOOLMASTER'S -N L APPOINTMENT. (From Our Re;>orh_). Aof the Denbighshire Education ■DoMimittee took placo at tin' County IIall, Dcn- fci^h, oti Friday. The principal questions arising at. fcje meeting were- as to dispute with H> Board of Lduoation about the share of the fcrymbo school lit.-gaUoii ousts winch the ooill- :aiuw> ooiu.dpir me leloard ougtiit to pay, and the of fceaeuors' saia-riej according to a ■ixed ac-alu based upon tine mm of tho suiioais and h.. I.) Ll! u-L<) the -iU'v.s-j.Diiiiy of a acaic of saiarios, iiio committee Q, not at-cui qu:i'j unanimous. Mr U. ci, u¡¡.vi-ci>, ,1.0.-< Luiaurcss e-A-poriono;} may add: wcig.nt to hu Vl,il1l0¡i. ot)porx?u l't atrongiy. Utl1, hr j. ii>. lvv.h: (J, ¿l'ÜU-t;J()i1.lullvW..I. i1rLi,l¡vt.hJtC. iiovv- tvt'L, L..t; o. itropi-ou. tor til-e- prt'- aem, me U'u*iacrs will uc avowed to ild w..VtlG;.L.v!¡, to uidK-u 1"í'J)rt:uent.a.tlv-H,o. ÚO tdie com- uiutou '.wuii i-0i.-i.vw, lo u*; jiayiueut ot suefi iCMXHjr* iA. tu u*e» YIÜ oi 1..4¡") vieputatious,,i.Ü.t.t('li ieuiiuk- tated. .V.i. w. U. pitx>.cied, and tli«' members |fctv»ciit were Uio 101.10.. Ul6 dr Goaier 1.0- belk, Mrs Parser iJavnii, Mrs H. J. Powell, iVluo OvO, Mr j. Itu-oeris, fth Christmas Jones, Joiiu Roberts lleaton), Mr W. J. W ll- iiams, ilr J. Alien, Mr J. aiepiiCiii Jones, Mr JOIlll Ai*oii, Mr Uaviid Lewis, Mr J. Vvilooxon, Mr iJ. S. Lra, Air 6. Alton, Mr Simon Jones, Mr,vard J«uos, Mr J. iiarriaOii Jones, Mr lJ. Kooerts, Mr liennoi Jones, Mr J. E. Powell, Mr Y\ Parry, attd Mr R. lSavvarda, WvUi ft'i.r \V. K. Evario ana -vir Joum ioocercs (Joint IStsjro- iMrusts), Mr J. C. wncs (organise r) and Mr W. li. itCB. I'i>Ciio OF MEETING NEXT TIME: (JOE vV i'N L>A V. The following ik»uoc svtaiKimg in the name of Air Edwaid Hooerts, sts^undod by Mr J. Stephen Jen os, wad refer red to Use liiiuoatioa Oorrunitteo by t/io County C^uncji on. Noveiubor 11th: 'J.'llåt the resolution (>aatsc«i by tlio County Council on tixe 6tiii (hy of May dircoting tae Eiueai.ion CoHimituMS to hold U.m quarterly and <trt<r meetings of tne Ekiucation Committee to ■which tlie Press arc adnu^^ed, at Wrexham, Den- }j;;<rh and Coiwyn Bay alternatively, be reacia- dod." line matter now csime up for consideration. ilK EDWARD HiJBEK'irf moved that, the future ix; held at Chester. The CiiAIKMAN aaid (hat the Committee were unanimous in asking the County Council to res-cinci the resolution, and it was only by a technicality that it was not l-ctsciuded at the- last meeting of the County Council. Instead of actu- ally rescinding the previous resolution, the ques- tion was referred to tlhc Education Cjiumittee for them to tak-e their own The REV. TilOS. 14A) V L) moved that the fiexti meeting be henl at Ck>hvyn Buy. masmuch as the Co i ion it toe i.-a-d now boon to Wrexham and L)enbi,fi, the oLner two filaces in Which bhoy were aaked to hold moefcngs. MR D. S. DA VIES, supporting Mr I^loyd, said it wouki be an ungrae-ious tiling not to go to Colwyn Bay for one uieetmg. lIe sug- gested that they s.'iould agroo to the next meet trig being at Coiwyn Bay, and then that the Committee shouid revert to the Cheater arrange- ment. MISS GEE: I think we went once to Oolwyn Ba.y, and we went nowfliero eld: at that time. MR SviLGOXCN oonfirmed that s^-atemont. Tim CHAIRMAN Perhaps Mr 1).,r. or Mr ..d will move an amendment that we go to uLivyn iiay for tile next meeting. The RE\ THOS. LfA-) Y 1) it it has ever been at Coiwyn Bay [ don't wanti to press ths matter. MR EDWARD ROBERTS: Perso/ially, I have no objection vi move thft the ncxi mooting be held at Colwyn Bay, a.nd then that we revert to the former practice of meeting at Chester. MR D. S. DA VIES seconded i-l-at motion, whicii was carried unanimously. GYFFYLLIOG COUNCIL SCHOOL WATER SUPPLY. SETTLEMENT ARRIVED AT. For vears ttere iiave been more or less earn- est negouatkjH* between the Ruthin Rural Dis- trict L'ouiicii, tile Oyflyiliog Parish Council and the Countj Education Ck>in-mitte'L', to siecure a pure water supply for the village and for the Council School and schoolmaster's house, which is on the hiiisido abov > the village. To assist tthc District Louncii in tiie provision of an ade- quate scheme tae Education Committee offered to oontr:i:wte £ 150. In a writer dated Deoombcr 8t11. M.r n. Hum- phreys Roberts, Clerk to tho Rural District UouticiJ, wrote:—"Tbe Ooon-cil win, out of its curicip-L fund, have to arrange io aidvance the re- quired sum to the parish, aini, oi course, reiies on having the- promised i;150 from your Autho- rity in empliazic-,e with tlie i-ei-it and re»oki- tions adopted not olliy by my Council^ but the Parish Councii and your Authority. Unkaj now, £100 at iczl, of tho juoitey pix>mLsed can be ad va:ic*'d on or before thc 1st February' next the sctienw wiii have to fall throi!h. The bal- ance of £50 I could arrange to remain over un- tu our Surveyor reports to my Councii that the work and oontract have been completed. W-o. cannot, acel),t any nmv or further arrangements or that tihe amount is to be paid on the certi- ficate of your arohiteot." MR Lb vV ARD ROBERTS, the Chairman of ~le Buhding Committee, said he would move tiiat tile advance of £ 1C0 be made to tiie Rural District Council at once. This wa^ unanimously agrcod to. Th-; other £ 50 wii.l be paid when the work is finished = LLWlDGCED COUNCIL SCHOOL The County Architect wrote T have to re- port that I fixed a.n appointment with the local managers to meet at this soiiool OIl October 27, but unfortunately only one rnembor, Mr 16, a member of tlw Education Committee, pu.t in all appearand. The {ucauses were ill- apeoted, and 1 pointed out to Mr L-a%vils that an attempt to increase the size of the classroom would of necessity require increasing iho size of the gins and infauts' cloakroom. Tiie local visitors have expresised an opinion that £100 Quld cove what they assumed the necessary Jnipio',emerits, but in May, 1906 I estimated the improvements to this school would cost 1.0 less fcfluji £ 200. The Cierk to tih-3 Colwyn Bay Diatriot. Mana- gers wrote that this oommitUH> nad approved the plan whioh the County Architect had aant to' Mr David Lewis, but hopod the expe^-sc would oe kept as low as possible, as the neighbourhood is nut increasing. The subject was deferred for the views of the organiser thereon, LLANRWoT COCXTY SCHOOL EX- TENSIONS. GOVERNMENT GRANTS IN DANGER.. Ihe folio wing let. or addressed by Board of Education to the Llanrwst County School Goverr.ors wa& submitted: Two of the ccnd>;ions prescribed, by the Trea- sury upon the fulfilment of which depend the payment of the Treasury grant are as foiiovvs :—, (a) The school premises must, 00 hoahhy, and suiuib.e )w tho purposes of aa intermediate school; (;>) tho school premises must provide sufficient accommodation for the sobokrs aitwood- mg the school. The attention of tno school g,ivea-wrs has been rc, I vclrawn bodi by the Central W elsh lioard and by the Board of Education, to the urgeut need for new buildings for tho Lta,-ir-,v.-t County Sohwi, Plans for new buildings hav.a long since boe.n pre,paroo by the governors, and suoimtted to the County Education Committee, aud in ap- pi-oving the plans the governors resolved that it be clearly understood that th^r approvM will net- imply that the governors agree to a rc- ciuetion besrg .made wi the annual grant now paid out of tiie general county fund under tl>e revised county scheme, or tliat they bind them- selves to carry out the proi[>osed extensions in the ev e.nt of such a reduction boi-ng made, The Education Committee th-ercupon deferred the cotisideration of the proposed extensions for six months, "within which tame it is hofpod that tne proposals of tiie Joint Education Commitiee for aruorxkng the Deiibighalnre Intermcdiate Education Scheme wili be (irtally approved and; that at a meeting held on the &th October last the Education Committee still further deferred' tne consideration of tho matter until "the new scheme is in operation." The Board oan-not aooept the positioji that improvements to school prem whioh are snown, in this caso, to 00 highly necessary may be deferred, if an alteration of the county scheme ii; in contemplation, until a new scheme* ba become law. Apart, however, from that aspect of the matter, the fact remains that the present buildtDg3 did no ^ahijfy the ooinditjioua cjuoted in this letter dwring the edwcaiional year 1909-10, and that, if further action is delayed until after tlx> now suhonto becoanes law, tliey will con- tinue to fail to satisfy those conditions during tne greater part, if lot the whole of the edu- cational year 19" 0—11. Unless the Board receive, before the 10th January next, an asiu-ranoe that the new build- ings will be proceeded with without any further eletay they will be compdiled to reeoanmendi that a reduction shal be made in tbo amount of trie Trea.sury Grant payable in akf of the .iohooi. The educational year 1910-11 is now well ad- vanced. and unless prompt stetJS are taken to remedy the defects in cjuestion, the grant under the secondary schools leguiations wiii also bo endangered. The County Arahiteet reported: — "Tliis sobeme, as you are aware, has en-tailed a con- aiderablo airimmt of time and labo-ur on my part in preparing. So us to meet tho governors' approval, no less than live schemes have been prepared before scheme £ wa.i approved by yieir chairman on tiie 10th November, lyGS. As pointoe-d out to tiie governors, jn this scheme, it w-aj practiealiy iuipoaaible to work on the strict linos of the iiourd's req'uirements, and! aftior caivful examanati'on of the s^neme by the Board's architect I have to inform you that tho only deviation suggested is that the Board wi.!l not recognise the Assembly Hall in the Girls' Department, as a room that oan be oet apart for claris teaohang. This wtl result in a Jajj of 62 plates whden, as 1 expkurwd. to the Board, is a. very serious matter in thu small school, an-d OlJre whic-h w-c-uld be g'reatJy felt, but to overoomc this I suggested tiktt the pre- sciKt cookcry room which tae governors oesiire should bi wet- apart -as a iimchuon room, should 00 converted to the use of a class teaching room; this would give aceommodlation for 24 solioJars as a set oit against the kiss of the 2 in the Assembly HaD, thus minimising tho loss to eigiit places. To provide some accommoda- tion as a iunehton room the Board wiJi! not ob ject to the use of the propewed cookery room lor this purpose. If you approve of the plana for the tx)-moJ.eHitl of tins sdiool wjth tre aoovo alteration, I would recommend that they be again placed lx.fore the governors for their approval previous to dispatching to the Board at I'ld'ucation, MR W. J. WILLIAMS recommended that- ,tho j;lar.ti relerred to by the County Architect be again placeil before the governors for their approvai previous to their bii-ng dispatched to tne Board of Education. He also asked that the County Architect be raquesfced to uttoitd tho next rnC<Etm'g' Gtf the, governors cf he County School, at which the pkwló would bo submitted. It would faedxitate matters wry much if he wo¡;d attervd in the face of The existing dlili- euJty, On ("he motion of MR D. S. DAVIES. the matter was referred to the Higher Educa-tioii Coiiiinittec with power to act. RUTiilN CHURCH SCHOOL. A letter was read from tho correspondent, dated the 15th November, staling that he. bad now received a copy of the Board of Educa- tion's budding operations wJúJh had been seat to their arclute-'t with instructloiw, to comply wth them, as far as |>:«si:ble, in the al- teration of the plana, and tliat tne altered rh.n; would be forwarded to the Lreal Educa- ton Authority in a few days. The Secretaries Ptaied that they had not yet received the pk-as, and the oonsidera- tion of the subject was therefore deferred. PENTREVOELAS CHURCH SCHOOL. Tho observations of the reprssentative man- ager en the claim of £ 24 16s in res/>ect of "lair wear and tear," and corTesjioinienoe re- latit.g' to such observations wore considered; and siu-m of £ 3 5s 4-d in res-poet- of such claim of £ 24 16s was offered in settlenieiH. I TANYFRON COUNCIL SCHOOL- The I>>nbi»!h District Managers u-na.ramousl.v oup;x.rted the appiioatdon of tho h-e-a<i;nasLor ol Tanyfron School for a house, ai they consider the some is urgently needed. Tho lnoadmaster was asked if he is to pay a-ni an-auad rent of £ 15 in the event of a house being erected, and that iri the moaivjime the ccn- aider-xtion of the subject bo deferred. The Headmaoter wrote pointing out- that the rent asked for was quite be.yc-nd his means, and suggested that a house oou d os- built for 1;300. The matter was rc.ferred back to the Building 'crnmittee. "FAIR WEAR AND TEAR." I Claims for contributions for "fair wear and tc-a,r" were de-alt with from several non- provided schools. In the oaso of Llanddoget ool, iiaJt the cost, ot oleaairng and distemper- -Oaa r ing the sciiool wails was a!l'.»wed, but the com- ruittee refusod to pay JM 3s for fixing cap and oeat t,i;!s, ami an iron han.Jra.i1 at the SCh0ol. Ilaif i clainis of the Derwca raarta gors and tht" Li,j,;r"-xiw.Y'1l managers wss allowed. ULAN CONWAY rROPO.-ED COUNCIL CIIÜOL. Mr R. T. Williams, Brynhyfryd, Glan Con- way, having written on the subject of the pro- vision of a Council School at GLan Conway, the Secretaries, replied that "The Application for a Council fc'chool at Glaii Con way was, at the first meeting after its receipt, referred to the Attendance Committee for cors'-deration .d and rcport, as the manag-ecrs of the iton- provided school at Gl-an Conway have dceided to enlarge the existing to acooiTKnodate 50 additional sehx-Jans, the Education Ckanrait- dicl r,(>t taie any action for Uie provisinm of a Cor-iieil School at Conway." The qiiestion raiaed by Mr WilLiaros yr&s D2- ferred to the Attendance Commit.t.oc,. RESIGNATIONS AND APPOIKTJVTENTS. Tho foHewing resignations were received :— Miss E. 11.. Boibortd, as«kstant, Ll-anddog'st N.P.; M- s C'.?rt-rude Hoskins, Art. ü8, CoJwyn Ocrancil School; Miss J. C. Jones, Art. 50, Li anrwst Infants' C.; Miss J. P. Jones, Art. 50, Dcnblgh Frongoc'h Girls' C.; Miss L. E. ThorrtTS, Art. ,30, do.; Miss Dora B. Andnews, Art. 50, do.; ard MLss Edith Boyd, cert., Coi- wyn Bay iTifiints' C. The foUoTrlng appointments were made: — Mr J. G. Thomas, Art. 50, Gyffyliiog- C.. £2[; per <ann.ujTi; Mias M. A. Lloyd, Art. 68, LLm- tilvangol C., £ 30; and Mr IJ-2wis, A-it. 50, Blaeuau LLaugemiew C., £j2 10s. EMERGENCY TEACHERS. Tlte foi Lowing were ^ppoiatcd emerger^y teaehcrs at the salaries set- opposite their re- spective Denies, plus travcilliag expense.?:—• M-ss Ritbi'f Edwards, rcirt., LLaiirwst, £ 75 per aimum; Miss E11z::Ü-;eth Jones, eert., Ruthin, £7f>; and Mr William Rowlands, Pwllheli, £80. --No OVERWORK FOR THE COOKERY TEACHER, In reply to azottc-r from Mr F. J. Holmes I respecting tiie employment of this cookery teacher at the- Colvvyn Bay evening elasees-, Mr Holmes was informed tha.t .if the cookery teacher is employed full tinne during the week, she cannot be expected to give instruc- tiou in evening classes as '1. unless &ha is srpocia.lly .Dcrriunembed therefor. HENLLAN COUN<lL SCHOOiL. U pon coiisiiderat-ion of the- staff of the schco], it was resolved IliaL the head -r, Mr W. J. Griffiths, be apjKiintxl assistant at the Rli-ots U pi>"r Standiard School at a sxil a ry not lù titan he receives at present; that the vacancy in the Inf ants' Department be not filled at present, and that the question of r-o tanning it as a separate ek-partineart b& oo-a- s:de-ied at tho next meeting. TECHNICAL TEACHING. MR D. S. I V VIES stated that provision for -instiiietion in cooking, etc., for girfe and in "woodwork, etc., for boys was now arranged for in every district of the county except Llan- gollen a.nd Llajirwst, MR J. E. POWELL urged that the autho- rity should take steps thiennsclvcs to pro- vide technical instruction facilities in the two districts named, and the CHAIRMAN pointed out that Llaitgollen, whioh was always in the front in education,, liad bce/n leapt back by an explicit Deeolution of that. committee. Oil the mot-ion of MR POWELL, the govern- ing bodies of Llangollen a-n-d Lla-nrwist w-eu-c lint-armed that the Education Co-ranit-tee Vtie'na now pnepai-ed to c-onsiider plans for technical accommodiation. MR J. O. DAN-IIIS-"S -NEW APPOINTMENT. Too committee proceeded to tho appoint- moot of a head master for tho Yroncy&y lite Council School (maxjed), and to interview the three selected applicants for tha post. At th.e suggestion of Mr St urge, contained in a letteir from JÜm, each oandiidate was asked whether he woiuld beep a watchful eye upon the property of the commit toe. This is one of the regulations of the committee, but it was thought weill to emphasise it by asking the candidates specifically on the poimt. They all -replied that they oonsidiened it a pairt of their duty. From the ujao applicants the Staff Com- mitter had invitel the following tlu-ee to ap- pear before the oo.,nmitt,o: Mr John Owen Davies, h-aadmaeter of the Coiwyn Bay Council School (Boya' Depart- ment). Mr Davies had rooeuved teatxmoaiials j from the Rev. Peter Jones, the Rev. John Ed- wards, amd Sir Herbert Roberts, M.P. Mr JOLIN Gvviian Joolck, headmaster of Illiiw- las Council Schooa. Mr J-ctoes had tesfenoni'als from Mr J. K. Jones, chairman, and Mr J. Willliams, clerk, of the local managers; Mr Hugh Hughcr- and Dr. J. Kenrick JOTIŒ. Mr Tliomas Pierce Thomas, headmaster of the LLanrwot Non-provided School. Mr Tho- mas had testimonial from the R.-2v. J. Mor- gan, roobor of Llanrwst; Mr H. J. W. Wat- ling, chairman of the Urban District Council, and Mr G. J. Williams, H.M. Inspector of Mines, formerly lieadimaster of the Festiniog Higher Grade School. After the interviews, MR R. EDWARDS proposed that Mr J. G. Jones be appointed. He said that the district would be sorry to lose Mr Jones, but that he was a. man entitled to promotion. MIl GOMER ROBERTS seconded the motion, pointing out that it was only to the rurai schools that teachers froan them should, other things being equal, have chances of promotion to larger schools, inasmuch as gorxl teachers, if they vent to country schools, would then know that they had opportunities of advancement, and were not putting them- selves out of the way of promotion. rrlK REV. THOS. LLOYD nominated Mr Davues, who, he said, was exceedingly popular with the children, amd a capital all round teacher. MR D. S. DAVIES seconded the nomination with great pleasure. The reason which Mr Davios had .gn v.e:n for wishing to make a change had appealed to him forcibly; it was that the Rica air V.3i3 not considered suitable for his delicate child. MR W. J. WILLIAMS nominated Mr TItDE. Thomas. He had known Mr Thomas for many years, and had given him a testimonial on several occasions. MR E. ALLEN seconded the nomination of Mr Thomas. The voting was proceeded with. Mr Tho- mas was thrown out on the first round, and on the second vote Mr D/avies received twelve votes, and Mr Jones, Rhivvlas, eleven. Mr Davies was then unanimously appointed, aaid returned thanks to the oomimittoe there- for. RUTHIN TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. A eommitteto was appointed to obtain a s 'Le and prepare to erect a technical scIrk;! for the borough of Ruthin as soom as the- sum of = £ 520 to be petid for the old grammar schools buildingjj is received bv the authority. DENBIUH CHURCH SCHOOL. Tihe resignation of the Rev. D. Thomas, Wesl-ryetn minister, of the office of representa- tive manager of the Denbigh Church School was re ported. 1\n1" GEiii proposed that the Rev. E. E. Jenkins, for in any years a minister of reli- gion at Denbigh, be appointed to the vacancy. MR D. S. DAVIES yecewMltd the motion. MR HARRISON JONES proposed that the new Wesieyan minister, the Rev. Peter Jones, bo appointed ,n succession to the Rev. David Thomas. MR D. S. DA. VIES said that it was import- ant that there should be continuity in the re-pre.xritation. af the sommittee on the Church Schools, and for that reason he supported Mr Jenkins, who had long been a resident in the town. A division was taken, when twelve votes were given for the Rev. E. E. Jenkins, and eight for the Rev. Peter Jones. The former "c was, there lore, elected. LLANDDULAS CHURCH SCHOOL. The Rev. Daniel Williams, LLanddulas, was elected representative manager of this »ohice> in the place of tho Rev. D. Darley Davies, Llanasa, Holywell, resigned. L L A N R W ST DlSTIUCT MAN AG ERS. In the place of Mr T. R. Jones, who, beting on his way to Patagonia, has resigned- thi? office of nia ri/3ger of Llanrwst Grouped Sohoois. Mr John Williams, a member of tiie on Commiittee representing the district, was appointed.

