Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

15 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



LLANRWST AND TREFRIW COUNCIL SCHOOLS. ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. UANRWST BOYS' SCHOOL. Mr \V. Ilughca, J.P., and -the Rev. W. Tho- mas attended' at the Llanr\v»t Boys' School to- day week as repre<t»enta.uves of tho Grouped benooi Managers for the purpose of presenting tha Loys with tho prizes awarded by tire County Education Authority. Acouit 120 boys .mustered1 under tihe dtarg-cof Mr D. J. V\ll- liaujs, lilio buu/im utter, and his staff (Miss Vv hi'u, Miss Tlx»t*is, Mas McGregor, and Ylr Herbert E. Joneo). Before t'he prises were dis- til baled, tho dbildron went thro ugh the follow- iirg programme in a manner reliectng the grua-uitct credit all those responsible for their training. &:n:g, "Yu iadh i ti. Gymru," the boys; ixeitation, "Lieweiiyn a'i Gi," Gvvilym Roberts, Stanley Richards, arid R. J. W-Mliaans, and also in WojSh by E. Hutchinson, an Eng- lish J ad; 90115?, "I to toll the etiory," the boys; recitation, "Both didaw o bono li?" T. J. NVikiams, O. Griihths, and S. T. Hughes; duet, "Room for many tt.ore," T. J. Owenand O. 0 riflith; solo and chorus, "Ld-i Lom, 1). AVi&iains (SOLO) a.nd the boys; recitation, "The Spanish Armada," Ellis Davio; eong, "Codaad yr Ivhodydd," a [sorUion of v/bidh was whistled in excellent. time, and "r know a. bank. Miss Thorns acted as accompanist. SEVEN YEARS' UlNJtiHOKEN RECORD. Mr VI. Hug.h26 expressed his satisfaction at the nuiubor ot books awarded as prizos, winch that the byyj had boon fauttiful and rc- gular in their attendance. lie wafi also very piea^cd to observe taut two boys were to be presented with silver watches for perfect attend- ance during the last seven years, 'H1o() sciiool bad been orxined 399 times during tvie year (1910), and mere wore 21 boys who had attend- ed without losing an opening during that per- iod. He hoped fcney would ooutinuo faithful and a-iso qualify for wSuksbes. There were 18 who had only lost a few openings. In attending tihe eoi.ooi regularly they wore not only benetitting themselves, but the ratepayers at large as tibe Government grants were aoUowod åln accord- ance with the average attendance of the cihil- drr-ti attending the- sclhcoi. lie hoped the par- ents would grasp this fact and see that their children took full advantage of their opportu- nities. Tru: ltov. W. Thomas presented a silver watch, each to Robert Roberts arid Robert Evan Prit- cbard inscribed "Presented by tho Denbighshire Education Committee for seven years' perfect attendance a.t tits Uanrwst Council School, De- cember, 1910," and said he hoped they would continue the excellent course which had proved EO gratifying to both themselves and the ^onool, and that their future career would bo marked by success. He _urg>c-d upon them to keep the iwatolies in commemoration of the happiest per- iod of their lives and look up-on them as one of their most valuable and cherished treasures. Mr Thomas then presented books to the fol- lowing who had attended the school regularly during the year:—Robert Owen Roberts, Christ- mas Hughes, Jdhn Griffith, W. It. Hughes, W. Janes, John Hudson, Samuel Thomas, Samuel Tudor Hughes, W. Williams, Arthur Hughes, Arthur Roberto, John Thomas, W. R. Jones, J. O. Roberts, Krnyr Jones, MaJdwyn Williams, Ilobert E. Hughes, O. J. Pritohard, and T. J. Owen,, and also to the following for good at- tendance:—Ernest Hod gins, 3y8; Harold Evans, 298; W. Percy Jones, 397; Henry Parry, 397; W. Hughes, 396; W. Davies, 396; J. Williams, 396; R. C. Roberts. 396; T. Willia. 395 (long tdistanoe from school); Jonathan Triv.ett, 394; R J. Williams, 392; Reginald, 392; Idwal Jones, 391; J. 1. Davies, 391; Owen Rebsrts, 391; Llewelyn Williams, 389 (long distance); Arthur Davies, 368 (long distance); Morris LLoyd Hughes 365 (throo miles dis- tance). The boys finally sang: "Fel y l'loiig ar gein y Hi," "We are out on the oocaai sailing,' and 4'0 beth a wneii di a'r THE GIRLS' COUNCIL SCHOOL. Prizes were distributed at the girils* school on Friday afternoon, the large schoolroom being ■wfH filled by too cihtldren's parents and others. The Grouped School Manag-ers were represented by Mr W. Hughes, J.P., W. Thomas, and tlhe Rev. W. Cynwyd Witliams. The children were under the supervision of Miss Jones, the head teacC:er, Miss Evans, Miss Jontes, Miss Jjaily Roberts, Miss Roberts, and Miss Lucy A. Roberts, assistant teachers. A feature which attracted much of the chil- dren's attention was an enormous Christnias tree laden with provided by the teadhers ami the children. The following programme waa presented be- fore tlie prize clitstiibuition — Pianoforte duet, Jones a-d Lally RobM-bs; choriises, "Christmas Awake," and "Breuddwyd y ro<]- .ilrrrits," the dhildron; rocitatioa, "Balahdsr, Dilys Pughe and Jane Roberta; chorus. "The Holy City" (soloist, Miss Maggie Evans), the dhi'ldrein; ring drill, Standards I. and II.; chorus,, "The Better Laud," tho chiildreJi (solo- ist, Miss Met,a Owen Thomas); rocotation, "Dirty Jim. six children. Miss Lally Roberts acted aa accompanist. Mr W. Hughes said he was very pleased to see so many of the children's parents present, as it indicated tihe awakened interest evinced by the public in education, and the appreciation its priviLeges. He hoped høy would mani- fest it in the practical form of sending their children to school regularly, so as to enable them ail to start life well equippsd. Mrs T. C. Roberts then presented prizes to the following cshildTen for perfect attendance during the year:—Biodwen Thomae, Ma.ry Catherine Williams, Efllen. Edwards, Hannah Mary Hughes. Antnie Mary Williams, Myfanwy Davies.ud Miriam Hughes. Good attendance: Dora Ellis, Katie Davies, Oatherine Jones, and Maggie E. Jones. Good conduct: Esther I/loyd Robert. Vera Owen, Myfanwy Burgess, Meta Owen Thomas. Ellen Edwards, and Lizzie Anne Jones. Best marks -during the year: Esther Lloyd Robert^, Emily Williiams, Myfianwy Bur- gess, Winnie Richards, Ma.ry Elizabeth Roberts. Mrs Thomas prcsemted certificates to the fol- lowing children for attewla.norv:—Mary Cather- jne Williams, Blodwen Thomas, Ellen Edwards, Harorsah Mary Hughes, Amiie Ma.ry Williams, Myfanwy Davies, Muriel Hughes,, Anne O. Jones. lizzie Jaw Roberts, Mair Roberts, Sarah Trivett» Sarah E. Edwardli, Do rah Ellis, lizzie 'A. Jones, Catherine Davief>, Mary Williams, Nelflie Davies, Maiggia A. Jones, Winnie Jones, Atuiie Lewis, Mary Elizabrilh Roberts, Sarah Roberta, Rennie Hughes, Elizabetli Mary Ro- be. Cassie Jones, Esther Iioyd Roberts, Mag- gie Blodiwen Jones, and Je«nat& Jones. TEACHERS CONGRATULATED. The Rev, W. Cynwyd Williams and tho Rev. VI. Thomas congratulated Mias Jones tier staff on t'lie good prograss made by the sohool during the year and upon the excellent discip- line maintained over the dhildreni—amply x- emplified that day fn tho miamtor the children went through the programme, and cspoaially the physical drill. The entrance of Father Christmas (represented; by Evans) into the room ercatcd quite a, flutter of expectation amongst the juveniles. The sharing of the tempting fruit of the Christ- mas tree was thon prooaedted with, nruclt to the delight of the reoinients. After the usual vobe of tharnhs had been ac- corded, the proof^viling'ft terminated with the ei.igii, ir of the Welsh National Anthem. TREMRIW COUNCIL SCHOOL. The di^Urifbultion of tpiiLzcs to eciliOiOil ch Lldnem ie vietry g<aneraky oihse.rved a.t llntw, amd on Thursday evcinimg' ttvi ortirwdcd audnonoe ait the PuilVfjc Hao: proved tihoit tihe evernt ds stJ1:J.í1 as popular as Th'e ocea- KLon was largely devoted to an'cn.t provided soMy by tihe ohiiildawi attending the Council! ISohool, exceOileaitdy trained by Mr Kobetrbs, the heaxlmasteir, and his aissisbaiait's.. The Rov. Evan Davdee preeitded over the miCtclt- tng, and ithe Rev. Heniry Joimeis oooudiwcted;, Mr R. Roberts aotiiinigf as acGomuna.iitx-Jt. T.h.e Oha:rm.aJl. En IDds oo..æ:X'19S, said ltùla!t tlh-e ga a.udri..emœ .ad; the 1ll1C'0Ü:mc g.a,V'8 ev1dr.trooe t'h-e køen ]Jn.{IDf'st iEwiu-oed ,by the !X1Ironts th.e oouatlAOtD. -of tht('i'f ohii!,Œr>f21ll lliTI:¡} the nig[h..t ()œJOC'.qpbil{),n of th. ,-1 t:, t Wiaírds tJh Tht IOltf u. ,6 ..0- -am. e il"eSu.ltbs of t!hol!> T<ØOC:nt I(',X- w>erte> ,J. rand 'htÍs staff "vuWv to thoœl1.2¡:1k:r WUlO had &Da.r>ed UOO paiIlI3 to <Nl5U.l'8 tJhoa excc.clloemt rœudts aoh' d N rohoo.l .hn th.e ya;Y.e lo('VO. 0 8U1'lt8as ;y oouJd show hot tar 't'C _1 was !lllaJ!i1fffltlCld alt thE) r.('tCf'Il:t (Q,umIL y Vt.U eXaJI:b:U1a.t>>OO1 a.n d n- 1 1. bless the 'lj¡,ffi.r.i' uy WOUd,(1 !lve to w C(1);!}ICiJ.{)f1 a.s ib1l1( EttC'D- p11l1.g- oVUli'3 'Wfiuioh ILad bl_J ø. ui&"f11ll J3J1d h oœ;¡a, t'hoeill to !c.a,c;ù '11he chriLdu-o.noUJl'a.i>e caroc'r (ta.;pp1am&e). 'a ron, of. th-e: oPl"aSOul,d:a.y w.erc acoorxlt&i R'J not ('xtClllllk'.d to 1ått1e t11. ''o,ho, :ID3;ny rose-s, of\vlOd'Lù.e ; tfle) had a,bs<o.rhed, to su}W'œ- :.m.1. llI1<C.<ljpciJt:.a.tøC! f.roID C(Ur.IJ'l11,g -eM: :ve.IL.Ilood otfu'CiI"W'JOO, owúmg 11..0 .a hrohm a.mJ. or l.e:g, who shoo ¡ iltt1-a I'ùgM tl1'ey posseærd U¡ tJ,1.061e Iwlho c1l.o.Soe to ta.lm .a.d- 'V-Ml:ta,goe It, bh,e,ill' ohJicl atta:i:nmclll1ts b(¡111SJ' t,('{! r a.hibty to ul8e >eo CWlbe (J.a.UG";¡.Ukli'). N f) W h°,weveor, <:duca¡bi.on w;as im t'If-,a¡cl}l oJ ø.1J, :nd.ll1t 'WaB ta.ughlt dm .a. m;amm.e.r that w;s so 'P'OO6mg tbia;t chitIrdtr.f::lIl d:eJigJù1JOO to t.a.k.e adV.amir.A.(J'. -of Mt lt t. if W .> !1tJ1Jp:C'lr.a 1l'Yr3 a.lJeS to ,¡,t6 POlSÙltio.n in MIlE.' 'all of tprogxees, that parcsL.s should do thcrir duty, mot oaky to tlie&r offg, but to tfiie ait largfe, by t/heair chiddaxm (reguAarly to echoo.1, so that tliey might a*Iii Slave oqtta.l ojppartTsnditieiS to success- fully cope wLtfh the baibtle otf lctfe, and .at k^t be started im thetriighit dcTection. He hoped soon to find that tihe parents were so i2\,],i,ve to their duties that it would no ilongeir be necessary to apjjodint officer's to foCllli im tBi-pfrn <a,ppT.<au&e). llhey Iwer-o cIil proud of tihe euoooss of the oMdirem ircnowai of thoe eahooJ, and tihe .ifladafa'tigab>e effects oa tLciir teachers (loud a,pp!ojusc). The ehidaxan WTmt tliTou^h the foiPow- 1 sag programme m a. b:ig1Úy 011ed.iita.ble maoner, Mr R. Rooerts, tihe ihe-adimasteir aot- iag as accomipaaiLst: —Walsli sting, "Mwilvn B«cii Medyn," the imfants; ixxatatiou "F«.1dfcor Chnisfcmas," the imlamts; kinder- gaa-teci, "Coma .amd take » stwimg- wrwiSi. jm"' the ohlkiwn; hoop drill, i.nfo.n.ts, rmnse.ry Khjrmes, the jenfant-s; addmas, Mr Irar W-jf. 1; actioai Mlltg, "Little Wivec," tho gi-ris; "Tbe Seasons,1" !t,ho W-B HTM! gniHw; FFL»y»?caJ e.xerobcs, the B*Y« • tu^ni aoag-, 'Couia we but rtile," ■ iMfoji, and tie Phooiog'r^xh)'' C. Roberts amd Harold Read; Qcttiion oonlg, "'I'h,e Smaxt P.T., J. Evans and class; Weflsh rteaijfea'tion, "Yn Shop y Poxued," Anmfbo Wíù- Liarna; unison sOIng, "Giggl.8 de Gnim," six igiirlis; action scones "Coach and Four," tBie boys aind giinls; faroe, "A Screw Loose." The distribii'titooi of iprizes were them pn> oeeded wiittlh. Giiflts for aneedlework awarded by Mrs Marsh were dasfcriibuted by heirscCf as fd" -owc,St-andarct 1.: 1, Nellie Moss; 2, divudad bcitwccr-i Jufiia Macg-utarie and Hiiiliije.r. Stamdard II.: 1, EmiJy Willianiis; 2, Mary WuIIiiams. Standard Ul. 1, divided between Morfudd Jones and Mytf.amwy Ro- berts; 2, divided bc'twe'.cn Ida Jones and Gwcm»cLoilime Mortris. iStandaTd IV.: 1, Annie E. Wililiams; 2, divided betwcccn Magigie Evans and BIodswcca H-ughes. V-. 1, Jane Jones; 2, Kate A. Jones. Standard VI. 1} dijv'idtd batweeoi Annie C. Roiberts amid Filoxfsi'ce Shaw; 2, divided be- tween Saraili Roberts and llith Evans. Standard VII.: 1. Jcinoiio Evams; 2, Edith Ocrtiific-ates grasited by the Caxn arvonah 1 re Ediicatiooi CoiricnLttee w £ ,re paxoe-ntcd to the foLilowiriiig for j^assdnig tihe. merit class in b •» noocmt County Sohioeil CuXamicnaJbion — Hughes. iRdlxuit Wdiiliams, Filoretioa Shaw avi Lilian Hughes. PROFIOlÐNcY IN ENGLISH. A inamvber of priaes were awarded by Cap- taiin Eitclietn for proficiency :in Enig'xdli. Mr Ev.wn Joaes, ILamovvt Coaixuty SdhoaL, who •e^amiiued. the ciasscis, •rcportDd Wj sattis- tactortHy of the high stasbdsard attadmed by the sdhiovlaris. The priaes -we--o <liiritc.bnted by too Rev. Heniry Jones as MHows:—Stoddard II.: 1, Dwothv Hughies; 2, N^eiilie Moss; 3, Jwlia Miacg*ua;r:o; 4, JOlun. H. Ttirng-ir a.mi AninLe Reiberts; 5, G. H. Welkin, Doirolbhy Jocaes and Keaincr J. Hiililior. Standard II.: 1, Ivor Wiililtiams; 2, W' znas; 3, Enaiiy Wtililtams; 4.L"izzit? Priiteh-a.rd; 5, J. H. Roberts; 6, J. LJoyd Jones; 7, Mary Wil- liams, W. J. WiMiaias, Ehnyar Williams, end Etnictdh J. WilU'ilams. Standscd III.: 1, Lizmz> Evans; 2, Aithur WLlRiaanis, HJClw. Dav bc!s' Myfamwy Robetrta, E. G. Tliiomas, PhyCfHs Evtaais, and E. G, Motmu-s. Sftandard IV.: 1, Cih.arJie Reed; 2, Rlod'yvem Hutgihic<s; 3, Prances Slack; 4, Mary E. Roberts and •Magigiiio Evans; 5, Leslie Gregory; 6, Percy IMicltae. Sfcaa^dord Y.: I, Gladys Hinghes; 2, Jainis E. Jones; 3, Kate ,A. Joiuss; 4, Animie Williams, Gladys Stob^ite, 5, Roibert Wii- liams; 6, Jane M. Jontas. Stamdaird VI.: 1, Flortnice G. Shaw; 2, A. C. Rcjbe/i^ts; 3, Phoebe C. Joaes; 4, Anniie Evans. Standard VII.: 1, Jenmiie Evams; 2, Edith F. Ellis and W. íD. H-uigihes. Mr R. H. VVilViaim- C.C., p.reisnnlt>ed the prizes for reig'u!a.r attendance diuirim^g the. year as follow Hirat (GLaee (medal for fehreei year's' pcnfeelt ettondcance): Myfanwy Ro- 'beoifas, alias Edi'i'Jii Erams, R. D. Ei-jgihes, Elorenice Sliaw, Kate Amam Jones, E, igra Wil- liams, Ivor W'iiUdaiiris, Dotrothy J. G. Jones, Kate Diaviies, Lizzie Evans, LgisIiIjO Gre- gory, Frajnieets Slack, LJ.S'Wicllyn Llavics. Second Clatse: Owein Pierce, John Da.vies, Mary Jcaies, Mary E, Roberts, Thames O. Davies, Edward G., Alesamder • MxiR-ae, Gladys Hughes, Clhairlie Read, NdJÙ3 Mosis, MeR.^?, Eneeh J. WEtiams, Daisy Robents, Lewiis A. Jontca, L1. G. Joaies, Annie MoRae, Zacariali Jones, W. Jones, and J. L. Loudby. MT R. H. WilHiaans Ðalid he had never ocem deaner tand more in'tciUiigeint diiXdreQi tliaci those who stood before him, and he felt can- fidemit tiha.t they woufd one day 100 a orediit both to tbair parents and ithe village of their nativity ^.applause). The Itcv. Henry Jones saiid tihat Captain Kitchen wished tbe clbiildrx'n to know that .he giave Ifhe anmnual prizes ,;m jnemory of his brotfher, Mr Frc4dieric Ki.'lbclhcn, v.hio iiad taken so mudli initirrest ioi tho school. Mr Evan Jones, who had ex arm: nod the children, iiii hia rclport, Lqtat,?d tPiLat h;c?,Yw h:g?b;v 'Pi 'W-?tih thk, -chool amd t!h,,?, m *rnttaLncid, tiheT,,t). I-I.-o w;m g-Alp,aw witdi the ?i d lanswws igiveta by the younger dli iiklren.. He (tho spraker) was-, glad to niote that the Walsh children had held their own in am examination in English subjects (ajnilause). 'Die..teiacCjuans wcce to 100 ,h:ig*b3 y (xmmMTuckd upon .their work (applause). Pa,rents oouJd mat plceo too mutcffi weight on fche value of, it wias the best equipment with Vlfllrll ito Ifigiht the batl'le of [lie. If C rlmlt Bntiaijin to maintaim lier poeiifciioo,. at tho hiead -of the naftiieui: of tlha !world it was tliat hv-r tj a ,j 1, b t. ord'u,e¡ ¡p,ijboloe, as of to-day was the citizen of to-imiorrow (cipp^ausis). M.r T. R. VV ill Laais moved £ (vote of thanks to the donors of tihe priiarts, tbe, Clh-airman, the oondncitor, \Jh,e he £ .dm^at,ej- and hils titaff, wflTjioh wats sccanded by Mir Evans, Grafnant Hoiuse, anud caaniied wOtili acclamation.

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