Papurau Newydd Cymru

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YSTALYFERA NOTES. PREMIER CINEMA iha good fare provided at the Premier Oir»onia 1:Ü:ltj IJUf5 to attract large a-uu- ionoeo who enjoy the programmes pro- ickd in comfort, thanks to the exceiie-nt l'ating arrangements and the first-class vantil&tion. On the first three evenings ".Cf thi3 week two special feature films, "}[a.n ard Woman" and "Joyce ot tho N&rlAi Woods'' found ed on novel cf 11.r, by Harript T. Com-took were i h and followe d with keen interest. his (Friday) and to- n-oi-rcw evenings 1 Jt.3 lessees have obtained "The BLack Circl.' by the C' nes Co. of Rome. A i-iiffu-ient guarantee that it will be full c; thrilling ard sensational incidents. The matinees held on Wednesday mornings P-rv voil attended, and undoubtedly will be- come very popular amongst those. en- gaged at night work. ■ACCIDENT Vvhi'.st, c-'TOing downstair. on luesday .^I'ing, Mrs. W. L. Gould, cf the Yr- talyfcra Hot. stumbhd and fell, with thi result that she sustained a fracture •of the ii'tm: riis cf her left arm. The p-i-Li«--r. cf the stairs whore Mrs. Gould I 11 i* peculiarly formed, and she was hurriedly d.scending without a l cht at the time.. Drs. T.X'wis and de Vill'e:?: sot the injured limb, and for- tr.nat-ly only a simple fracture was sus- t.:i;:cM. Y A L Y -E P, A v. AMMANFORD Ovor 503 supporters of the Rugby journeyed to Ammanford on Satur- when Ystalyfera paid th'ir return visit to that place. The four brothers L-'rigdon—that phrase founds well—were 1: n t -for Ystalyfera, and the result was r'.rw which shows that Ystalyfera are 1 i!,) their form. Neither side r, the pame and "gate" were 1:: seen on the Ammanford ground 1 U f-.t-C&OI!. < vr rUAKY DEATH OF MR. J. W. COPE 1 ii 1 live cIf&.n occurriu suuaeniy at. uwju- < lyn, of Alltygrug, (11). Friday evening <i the best known residentsi of Ys- John W. L'jpf. Deceased was 70 years of age, «.;ml rpj;tared in his u?uil h.dth when he 1 ft hTi. homo in the afternoon to go to the 1: Oifice to draw his old age pension. On ti, previous iMonday ho had vis-tod Prwti.rdol^is, to see, his younger brother •• h > h very ill. Deeca'cd was, a, ra,tivo <f Nenth, but cune to Ystalv- yen-vs- age. He was em- r:;}\"d at t.> Old Ystalyfera Works up 1 t) 23 y us ago, when the works closed 4:1. "net up' to 15 month s ago followed cerTip-'tiriii «{ d :ubler at the Ynisced. v. v v T:nplat.> 'V'ks, projf that th.- old f pisses^r d an iron constitution. iCe Iraves a widow, who is 74 years cf :id s he is in indifferent health; £).d tln-ee daughters, viz. Mr 7?:C, Trebaros Messrs. John and Tern Oops, of Ystalyfera; Sarah, wife o £ Mr W n. Lewis, of Seven Sisters; Mrs. ] Tom Jkcs, Bronvrallt, A'Uygrug road i Miry Cope. The funeral took piZc-ir burial g.rcimrl on Tuesday the Rev. W. Jones officiating. There vas a large gathering. The locii ! of the-. R.A.O.B. ,ent an art-ifici-d v/rer,tii, hut t hcoe were no flcwero, by re- qimr-t. PFATH OF MR ABRAHAM JONATHAN The death occurred at Swansea IIcapit- al on Friday of Mr Abraham Jonathan, of Clee's Lane, Godregra.ig, who had been admitted to that institution suffering from an internal complaint. He had been in indifferent health for ahout two years. He was 50 years of age, and leaves a widow and a grown up family. Deceased was a deacon and a',t Panft^.g; treasurer cf the Pantteg Choral Society and had been actively with the musical life. of the Valley fc'r lr.y years, and his loss will be' greatly felt. He was a. tin-worker, employed at the Yrtalvfe. a. Work*. The funeral took at Pantteg Burial Ground on Wed- r->;• i the members of the Chcj-nl S'jrfc.* v wcrs ["cS,,¡(, a';d sr"? at the K:v-? d- After a short illness the death took 'I place at Gnoll road, Godre'rgra;g on Friday, of Gwynneth, the five year old i.augii^r 01 Air and Mrs. Taliesin 11uH!.3.s. The bur'al was conducted by the Rev. W. Jones at Zoa.r, on Tuesday afte: neon. YSTALYFERA INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY Mr Sam Baker, of Baker's Buildings, racords the interesting fact that he has attended Fix funerals during the last six weeks, and the ages of the six deceased poisons amounted in the aggregate to 478 years. The eldest was 9x, and the youngest 71 years of age. These in- ;i!:ees of logevity are surely proof of the healthiness of the climate of the Swansea Vallsv. | BARGAIN HUNTERS L;\rge crowds 01 ta.?ies assembled in tha viciilty of the Square, on Saturday <\emi:t:nd the inLt?ricrcf J. T. Owen's MtAbHshmpnt was a hive of industry from i lrly afternoon to late at night. Sale time at J. T. 's always attracu;, due no (I.-)iibt, to the excellent range. of bar- gains which may be obtaii^u. I "Y DDRAIG GOCH." There was a fairly good attendance j at tho weekly meeting of the "Ddraig Goch Gymdeithas" tield on FmUj^y evening at the Jerusalem Vestry. Mr. G. Griifiths presided in the absence of the vicar (Rev. J. Secundus Jones) and a highly interesting debate on the sub- ject., "Do we give too much time to sport?" took place, Mr Brinley Thomas B.A., speaking in the affirmative, and Mr. I. Hees in the negative. Mr. Thomas argued that the youth of the nation was devoting too much time to sport at the expense of education and the cultivation of intellectual powers, and deplored the time wasted in this manner, whether as actual participators or eye witnesses. Mr. Rees contended that to a very large extent the British nation had been built up on its physical fitness, and urged that sport led to a true development of that fitness. Among the subsequent speakers were t Messrs. J. Morgan, Isaac Shepherd, J. Davies. J. W Jones, B.A., H. Morgan, D. J. Williams, and W. J. Hopkins, and a vote on the question revealed a majority against the proposition (in favour of Mr. Rees) by 32 to 17.  THE P.S.E. SOCIETY. Mr. D. S. Williams, who had been announced to sneak on "The Constitu- tion," at the meeting of the P.S.E. Society last Slinday evening, failed to put in an appearance, in view of which fact a mis'-e''aneous programme had to be substir;r°d. Mr. T. King presided > over a fairly rood attendance, and im- promptu speeches on current topics of interest by Messrs. J. Davies, T. Kirr;, Isaac Shepherd, T. j Morgan, W. J. Davies, D. J. Jones, and J. Samuel. The m-ograrnrno for Sunday evening next In, been rearranged and instead of the debate announced in the > syllabus, a social and competitive even- ing will take place. This promises to be very successful, and it is hoped that there will be a large attendance of members and friends. An attractive programme of literary competitions, impromptu speeehes, etc., is being ar- ranged, and six handsome books are offered as prizes. The institute should be crowded on this occasion. PLAYHOUSE AND COLISEUM I There have been very strong attrac- tions at the Coliseum during the week. On Monday and Tuesday evenings An- drew Emm's London Company presented Charles Reades' great novel in drama- tised form It's never too late to mend." The caBi. included two prominent actors, Mr Francis Edward and Mr Hy. Collin- ford, and. their efforts, 25 well as thrtee of the whole company, were greatly enjoyed by gnrd houses. There was a. crowded hop-3 evening, when Miss Tnrs ITownrd's Co. appeared in "The L'fr-guard?mnn, which has b en given. before in the town with considerable success. The week closes with an ex- cellent picture and variety programme, the turns, provided by Dan Conroy, comedian, story teller, and dancer, and Con and Harry Sherry, two dancing wonders. An altogether delightful series of pic- tures have been screened at the Play- house during the week, and for to-day (Friday), and to-morrow, some really good films have been produced, the star picture, "Love Everlasting," being a drama of the first order. Emily Schofield who provides the variety turn, is an ac- complished artiste, and sings and dances in dainty fashion. DEATH OF MR. FRANK PARSONS It is with much regret that we aJ1- nounee the passing away of Mr Frank Parsons, the sad event occurring in a Swansea Nursing Home on Sunday night ( after a. long and trying illness. Mr Par- sons h,d been manager of the local Play- homo for Mr W. Coutts for about two years, and during that time had made a. grea.t number of friends, not only in Ystalyfera, but throughout the district. He had been engaged in the theatrical profession practic-xlly ell his life, more 1 particularly in the business department. Ho had travelled very extensively, and was well known and very popular among his fellow workers throughout the King- i dom. Deceased, who was 38 years of age, is survived by widow, and a young daughter, and with both very deep sym- pithy has been expressed in their loss. The funeral took place at St. David's Church on Wednesday, and was attended by many personal friends of deceased, in- cluding managers and other officials of Mr Coutts' circuit, who sent an artificial wreath. The service was conducted by tho Vicar (tho Rev. J. S. Jones). DEATH OF MRS. J. H. THOMAS Vv e learn with regret of the death, which took place on Wednesday morning --it her home, Tawe House, Gurnos, of Mrs. Lucy Thomas, wife of Mr J. H. Thoma.s. Deceased, who was 52 years of age, had only been ill a. little over a week, ard pneumonia was the clause of death. She is survived by her husband and five grown-up children, the youngest of whom is about 14 years of age. Mrs. Thomas wits a faithful member of tho Gurncs Chapel. The interment takes place to- morrow (Saturday), at St. David's Church. CURNOS CHAPEL The contract for the carrying out 01 alterations to the Gurnos Independent Chape!. Yrtilyfera, has been given to Mr John R. Williams, contractor, Ystalyfera, whose tender, a.mounting to £ 1,482 10s., was accepted. The architect is Mr C. T. Ruthen, Swansea. It is expected that the building will net bo finished un- til August, but meanwhile it is hoped to hold the services in the Coliseum. 1 ■ 1 ■ 1 11 ♦ 4b 0 + ■ —





