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Important Meeting at Hereford._______I




NOBTH HEREFORDSHIRE FARMERS' I UNION. The Question of Parliamentary I Representation. The annual general meeting of the North Herefordshire Farmers' Union was held at the Town Hall, Leominster, on Tuesday. Alderman A P Turner resigned the presidency, and Mr J M Parry, the representative of the branch on the National Executive of the Farmers' Union, was appointed in his place. Mr W Smith (Bishops Froome) and Alderman J Farr (Brier- ley) were elected vice-presidents. The meeting then proceeded to discuss the question of forming a society for the purpose of receiving grants from the Board of Agriculture in respect of the improvement of live stock in North Herefordshire, and afber discussion it was decided to form such a society, arrangements being left to the executive committee of the branch. The advisability of establishing in the district a creamery on .co-operative lines was also discussed, and adjourned for further con- sideration. In regard to Parliamentary representation, Mr J M Parry said he bad felt greatly honoured in being invited to consider the suggestion that he should stand as a Farmers' Union candidate for the division. As he had stated at the time provided the feeling amongst the members of the branch in the constituency was the same as that expressed at the meeting when the invita- tion was extended to him, and provided a sufficient sum was granted, he would be pre- pared to give the matter his most serious consideration. He was thoroughly satisfied with the feeling that had been shown, and it remained for them to provide the funds, a fighting fund being necessary.—It was under- stood that the idea was not abandoned, but postponed. At the annual dinner, held in the evening at the Royal Oak Hotel, Mr E T .Cave, Chairman of the branch, presided, and others present included Captain C L Ward-Jackson (prospective Unionists candidate for the division), Mr J M Parry, Mr J A Thompson (chairman of the South Herefordshire Farmers' Union and its representative on the National Executive), Alderman J Farr, Mr J H Trewin (chairman of the Kington Branch), Mr G Butters (Newton), Mr George Edwards (Dilwyn), Mr J E Lewis (chairman of the Wyeside), Mr W Smith, Mr A H D Powell (secretary), Mr C E Boddington (Shelsley), Alderman H F Russell, the Rev T Howell, the Mayor (Councillor J Watkins), Alderman H Gosling (Leominster), &c. In proposing "The National Farmers' Union," Mr J M Parry said he wished to empha- sise the fact that if there ever was a time when it was necessary for farmers to unite, now was the time. At present all sorts of suggestions were in the air, and now was the time for farmers to join together to express their opinions so that these opinions might be conveyed to quarters where they would be heard. Mr J A Thompson, in responding, congratu- lated both North and South Herefordshire on the progress made during the past year so far as the union was concerned. He understood that in North Herefordshire they had increased their their membership. In regard to Parliamentary representation, he said there bad never been a time when direct representation or expert opinion Was more required in the House of Commons than it was to-day, or than it was going to be in the near future. A number of other toasts were honoured.


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