Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

18 erthygl ar y dudalen hon










I CANADIAN NEWS JeTTINGS. I Onn OWN CORRESPONDENT.) VioNTiiiiAJ,. January 24th, nHIf, •« t >t in of news this week comes n '• lim water and will be old .Fi fiuK! y >u this; I refer, of ■ it of Lord Stratlieona, an — v.-r. K, ciilv felt from one end of the o'iK-.r. Aii eminent Montrealer i« t, s iiin«trntive of the wonder- • i It a of the great man to whose ;i ,h • s.s One anecdote he tells :e <>i Lord Strut hcona's life of •.•«v ,jeoj»V have caught a glimpse. A < fMit't, Lord Strath<x>11it firmly be- j>i»-sscssed tile gift of second sight. ■ i friend ->i his he related an experi- he tilst carne to • .a II. when he was in the Hudson's ■ M'i v.te and was stranded at a '.v.. t. iu touch with the outside a < »ne morning he related y >.r ::te .-oinji niu.n the details of an ■ > .i > <i.i In- r. it had during the night. ••• •». i t! DM .-iiied that his sister was :1 'i.'i mother to lift her up he saw the < < J ■'J lo liet- knees, and as she >" ,<, tfix months later, when the ■ iv i so une of them was described the vi. j) th. y oung fur trader had ■ '•y <« in i > avliester-street was f ;ii is. ini ii.ii «f one side of his T" < st't old Ki» belief that u:. \n hi* old house until ■ «. -tun. > > vi .tu the present honse in <i; • ■ hudi, it waR e,mst.nwted was left n and only pulled was I :•* .ANO SEAS. i ■ i. ■ hi i-iiada m which ijord i his career t:. o ■.> I.if vit'eal. Likes. In his ■ ••• '> ••• •' Mir amount of shipping il"l*li, lj,,LL v(!rN- little ii i u' w stem end of the great ■ ■ i' i.t > Wi a ;i!I his foresight, Lord v i h.jt. -I'v !a\<* foreseen sneh strik- s, c r V,-1 in the annual report has just >-> N t- '• »■! a ifcord year for .-a \V niie all records Ui! timuje of goods'carried, •V". I -i ,y <» s > broken for t.ho IInl11;'('¡' and M' •*)<<.• If/s MiJtereJ by shipping. This, "jys to tiie extraordinary and • nurrieaiio which swept over the i, j,. ,» i'.i.c Uu; r.-t I of tins seas.m and which wr—it many i:mre. United Spates 'Ut' l a <.  ?t;'  '-< ?. TuWll WMld, of <1, s .i-M, .iu t t t.hV-Ltko Curriers' Asso- a ni thjir anna d ban juet, pronounced the i ui that tiie voiinn j of commerce on the • i, jL lies w\.u'd be "ten times as great as itn-t opiimis ie estimate of annual commerce if the natural water- the leal of the Lakes to the Gulf of L-ivr*-i:ce were made nav for i i v 'ssols. The dost of such a project from the oc ?'c Likes to Ihu'ia.'o would be only yj 303 and the tola' c?ttothMt<c'?woutd • liiti Senator estimate*, he greater than > s.00'1 "30. a cjmparatively small amount if the — -atini ite came up to the Senator's predic- Tlure i;5 no doutit that some day or another j et will be earrif 1 out an i the extra- nd.t in speelacie wiiI be seen of ocean going o.-i-xd p ■ M^,ra'ing more tiian 1,500 miles into ,.n.i alino h it way across the Continent. I COLD ST Dr?AQE. T have in 'oeforo tho Commission which • i 'i.riiig into the high «iat of living. Having mi v iMcca-H i power t > examine witnesses on oath, C<.)!»nnie<i<»n has starte on tour. Beginning, it will probably visit, Winnipeg, L.iiiirai and probably also the Maritime Pro- iii *e.s, and wili ex4niirte into all questions the Mt truit stijlTs. Montreal is recognised as st C,)I(l in Canada, i i -n-e suppdes of meat and (ialt-y are t th^ry, and cold storage will, therefore, be it ■ C..pnm> mon's priueipal object of investigation •••■die t'i«r.5 It is alleged that col(I storage., the ()..(. I if tie icent institution, naturally, is made use b* :is-rup'i!ous trusts for the purpose of raising (iiioiis are held in cold storage until all i-tii.- a .CAfcity is created and are then released while the high prices caused by the •• • v in force. The truth of these ailega- ■r.' be proved tie disproved hy the Com- ANTL-AUTOM OBI LISTS. '.S I*. I Hill g-a I to say. are very strongly •ie i**gi-< a-ive tapis this session. liotli tiie liJ;i I" al ] sevei-a.! of the provincial Parlia- ,• M are working on schemes for the better so^ing, <! and upkeep of our Canadian ta ys. I n:or! una!fl v. some of the local „.ii»i*:i,tionM «« the small places are still some- in their ideas. A number of ,< r. v, tiie rucent session of the Highway at C\IH!(J,I were (piite reactionary in i 'if id tiie schc-inii for run dng n<r!>i il II'uiiK roads through the country a marked spirit of hostility to- t iiv ntoU'i' car. I'liore i, v to i • • u i against a m ttor car on the ordinary un- :in.tid:;,tl "dirt" roads of the more distant ritr-il disrriefs of Outj&rio and <iebec. A :ast motor <-ar will dki ti lot (of damage to a soft road b-'d. but the remedy i, to improve the roads, not it* iii!i tiie motir ear. I THE JOY HORN SANNED. x Down here HI tjiienk C the Legislative Council nas passed an amendment to the motor vehicle > v v.liieh mi-ht. be. adopted with considerable advantage in ot.her parts of the world on your •ftent rnns: Xa bell, horn, <tr other device for .signalling shall used except a-« a warning of danger, nor shall be sonndeu in Mi-di a way as noise eveept in he cast* of :,)" n ",) lnlJ¡- ,¡, nrntr, veliude^ HII t autb thin i.■< r!),sc of ns wii > h,"I sniTvj.-ed 11.>1" iov t i ior who apjctrj'sitly attempts to p'tty rag'iinifS otitis junior 110rll, will welcome this Jiitie means of chccjiiii-' him. WOLVES. Word has just been received from Port Arthur of a fierce, battle with a pltck of wolves in which Peter Nigosh, an 1 ndian trapper, w is kii!« d in the Lake of tiie \Vood-t ciunrry. The encounter occurred a few miles J'roni the War-road on the Canadian Northern Railway. Nigosh was return- ing from his traps when he was attacked bv the wolves, He had not time to s -ale the nearest tree, an 1 had only a luti-j: hunting knife with which to protect himself. The pack closed in on him, and one ¡tIt. another he slew them with his weapon nntilllinc were dead at his feet. Then, exhausted from his efforts, lid fe:l an easy prey to the sur- t)f the pack. A search party some days t, r- found only the bones of the trapper. Around M:II were nine partially devoured wolves. v'oLen are hunting in large packs in this neigh- } nrhood. Because of the absence of snow they iv tumble .to track and kill the deer, and so are i ide .20} cc and boM by hunger-









