Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

14 erthygl ar y dudalen hon





WORK AND WORKERS. I GOVEKNJir.N T W e'tiints' I' E it A KDS—M A I? T ¥. E ENGINEERS' TIIKEATSNEN STRIKI:—RIIIAVAV- ME, AND STATE OWNERSHIP—METALY.'OKKERS' STHIKB ENOED—Bt n.ciX! TRAOL UWPlTE- TUAC:HKI:S" ST P. IKE. o A mec-i cfHeers from Slieffield. I-as. Cran.o:iliukler-s- field, ?Ja rich e-ior, Li.verjx.oi. Xottingiiam, Lincoln., Burton, and other Cenires vras held in Sheffield on Saturday to pioicst. against the treatrmint they have received the Tltc speakers stated i. ;at they had been obliged 70 come out tee open, or there seemed little chain of their many grievances .eireiving attention unless they appealed direct to Parliament. A reso- lution was carried call ing upon Pu'rliament to grant a committee of inquiry into the in- tolerable injustices" prevalent iu the Cus- toms and Excise Departments. In spite of the rain some thousands of Government workers from Woolwich Arsenal, Kew Gardens, the Enfield Small Arms Fac- tory, and elsewhere marched in procession from the Embankment to Trafalgar-square on Saturday afternoon to attend a demonstra- tion in support of the demand for Inrrher wages. A number of Labour leaders, inc'u.i- Mr. Will Crooks, M. IV. addressed the gathering from platforms. A resolution was carried calling on the Government to con- cede to its employees immediately a minimum wage of 30s. a week, and to all piece and day workers an advance of 15 per cent., to ni"<-t the increase .in the cost of living; and -also calliitig upon tin* Prime M-nister, with heads of all spending Departments, to confer with representatives of the men elected by their union A strike of marine engineers is threatened unless cargo-boat owners grant advances of from 30s. to 40s. per month in wages, accord ing to rating. Deputations on the subject have from time to time been received by the Shipping Federation, writes a London corre- spondent. but. although there is no disputing the fact that the grievances are genuine, freights have so gone down tli :it it is almost, impossible at the moment for the tramp com- panies to thiok of increasing their expenses. The remuneration on the passenger lines has been raised, and the pay of deck officers generally has also been improved, but the engine-room staffs of cargo-carriers have so far received small consideration. Labour correspondent writes to the 1 orl- xhtre J' The terms of reference of the Roval Commission to consider the relation of the railways to the State being considered too limited by the Executive Committee of the I J\ational Union of Railwaymen, they have asked for an interview with the Prime Minis- ter to consider the de-sirabil'ty of the Govern- ment appointing a small Royal Commission which would take evidence on the questions of the safe working of the railways and the working conditions of the staff concerned. The Executive, it 's officially stated, hold the view that any Commission appointed to con- sider the relation of the railways to the State ought also to consider •questiciis affecting tiie safety of working and the general conditions of the railwav workers On the result of the interview will o'errrnd whether any to be given before the present commission on behalf of the National Union of Railwaymen. Meantime, ä. jooit poh.y has heeu adopted between the X. and the Llaiiway Clerks Association in regard to the railways, to be carried out on 11, lines: I. The principle of nationalisation of the railways. 2. Ill the event of a change from private to public ownersh ip, mere should be a central governin g autnority r-ennnsible to Pari: i?n-e>it. 3. That such cctural autitority should have an advisorv committee, upon which body the workers should have direct representation of not less than one-third of the wtioie. 4. The retention of full civil and industrial rights, and that support should "ot be given to -any .suggestions for compulsory arbitration. t4P.I)Y Ftsj'i t iasting eleven week s r. -e111: lias been chiv.tcd of a strike of Biack Country metal workers a, the es!abli-i.itr,< at, of ..Ue-sr-. Henry Hope aid with the trade unions have been conducted through the recruit iv-formed Midland Em- p loyers' Fed< rare. and the- farms arranged gl\(1 most of tin- s!;i:i.rd werkmen an advance of Is. to "2s on me day rate- whilst 'unskilled men also receive a sub-ian.ial increa -.<> :n wagets. Pi; ee workers are guaranteed inter day rate. At the Y.eavdue Steel. Coa^T' and Cok Company's Croxdalc C- iii'ry. Durham. 270 employee-, in udr;■>i;' officials, have received fourteen day-" mi i ice to cense work. I he men are princioa'ly engaged in the Little Bustv and in- I tultO:eanrs, where, it is 'stated, the output i'or r-?n' e?n-ider?b'?e time has been too low for the average wages paid. The week end found the parries engaged in the London building trade d-spe-te no nearer an agreemen. i"he :-rareme.:t issued by the men's federation thai one of the builders had withdrawn th-> pnnahy agn ein-ei.t and re- signed from th nn. '?'. :?e.?.?'' was de- :I\:(¡';()\ ï \(1,1111 ()\ii", :It li',r"[\ ;I: :'I: 1: (;: -s::i.\ t¡l: on Saturday. Oil the contra ry. iireie were more anpliea: ion for i- than- the ar-soeiatio-n had had for some time. Coin.nnnting upon the result of the con- sideration by the Court of Kcferees in the oh p. •. in the Lon-<!o-n huihkag di'"pn!e of iin-'njiloyod benefits under the 11\- surance -lei. y/?./?/?' Xnrsfitt y' "aJ: As the wordiiic -ta id s, the dr'C.s'.nii was r»m y to i;i,e (';(:"¡t:l::j -;l:lSit ;t\ \;y (c!,j/io question. A master may lock lus men out on allY pretext., even the ab-urd, ;wd then it becomes a trade dispute, and so no unem- ployment benefit h( r: he drawn. there is work for th.e Labour Party to obtain an amendment of the Act. that w iJ1 bring its ohevation infirf1 into the -pifit wnr^'St was in- tended when the measure was introduced. An unusual ease nmbr the Workmen's Cotnfieiisatlon Act h-a* been decided in the Bristol County Court. William Ho?ry Bryant, ?ged sixty-eight, a bricklayer's labourer, was I-,tt)oui-er, was man. White engaged on a cooling job Bryant fell through the roof and injured his back so badly that i? was incapacitated. He wed Brown for eomp; usation. the earnings of Bryant, :t v. -taled. wre ?4?.. and Brown stated th:n the net amon?t he li.mself earned was 26s. a w -ek. He was not insured under the Act as an employer, and he would have to pay any compensation out of his wages. 1 he Deputy Judye remarked that it was a hard case, but he had no alternative. He made an •>rder on the defendant to pay 12s. a week. Important meetings were held at Hereford on Saturday in connection with the strike of Hereiord-hirc certificated school teachers for the establishment of a .scale of sa]a>n«M, and the result was a decision of "iit) "I rr,-iiiler both on the part of the local education autho- rity and the National. Union of Teachers. A meeting of the Special Committee appointed to deal with the matter hy the local education authority met at the S.liirehaU. Hereford, but after discus.siug t-ha matter for more than two hours the Committee adhered to their decision to abide by the former resolution not, to a.dmit a scale of salaries, but to trea: each teacher individually and on his merits. An enthusiastic meeting of teachers was held in Hereford Town Hall, and was attended by over 200 members of the Union. The key note of the meeting wa.s. We shall win." A re- solution was passed, thanking the X.U.T. for its action in the eotrnty, and expressing loyalty and firmness to abkV by the N.U.T. decisions. Another resolution expressing con- fidence in ultimate victory was also carried.


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