Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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BARMOUTH COUNCIL. MONTHLY MEETING. The monthly meeting of the above Council was held on Toesday after- noon. Present :—Messrs. William Owen, J.P. (chairman), Edward Witliams (vice chairman), Rees Jones, Henry Freeman, D. 0 Hagbes, J. Llewelyn Davies and Rbys Jones; with Messrs. William George (clerk), R. Llewelyn Owen (deputy clerk), T. R. Parry (surveyor), John Roberts (rate collector), and Watkin Owen (boating inspector). BATHING OFF THE BEACH. Arising out of a report.. of ft special meeting wbich b.,vti r;,ferr-ne,- tn n. eom, plaint made by Mr Hugh Daviee, Old Belle Vae, as regards bathing off the beach, the Chairman said he had seen the Bathing Inspector (Mr Watkin Owen) with regard to a statement made about him, and the Inspector had pro- mised that there would be no need for My tatk in the fnture, and in- formed him that he always did his work to the best of his ability. The Inspector said it was not right for the Council to take notice of the statement unless it was in writing and not verbal as it was made at tb<< iast meeting and behind bis back. It ought to have been made in writing. In the report of the special Council meeting which appeared in the Barmouth Adver- <Mef, it was reported by Mr Hugh Davies that only two persons bathed from the bathing machines on a certain morning, but as a matter of fact, thirty. two persons bathed from the machines <nd only two bathed off the beach, and he bad spoken to those two persons. Mr D. 0. Rugbes said be thought that the complaint was to be sent in writing to the Council. The Chairman said be bad seen Mr Hugh Davies, and he was satie&ed with the explanation given, and that in future he would send bis comp!aints in writing to the Council, if need be. THE BATHING MACHINES. A petition was read from residents in the north end of the Marine Parade on the subject of the bathing vans placed in front of their houses which they de. eired the Council to have removed. It was decided to interview Messrs Davies Bros. so as to ascertain what were their intentions. Mr B. J. Jackson, Marine Mansions, appeared before the Council, and said that be understood when the Works Committee were down on the Parade on Thursday night that the machines wou!d be removed by Monday night, but the machines were still there. A number of ratepayers on the Parade bad called on him and had asked him to appear before the Council and to !pdgo another complaint abont the bathing machines. If the Counci! leased !and to Messrs. Davies Bros. for bathing purposes, they ebou!d specify where the machines were to be situated. They, as ratepayers in that vicinity, considered that the machines in the present position were a nuisance to the bouses, and if they were not removed forthwith there would undoubteb!y be trouble in the payment of rntes this year. The Council should eee into the matter and let them know what tbpy intended doing. The Chairman said he had seen Messrs. Davies Bros. over the matter since the Works Committee, and the reason given why the machines were removpd to the present position was be- cause of the high tides prevailing just now. Tbay would be removed lower down after the high tides. Ho understakiog been given by Messrs. Davies Bros. that that wou!d be done. Are you satisfied with that, Mr Jackson? Mr R. J. Jackson -No; not at all. The Chairman.—What more do you WMt the Council to do ? Mr Jackson said that the petitioners wanted the Council to give an under- taking that the machines would be removed at once. The Chairman.—We will Heave the matter where it is now. Mf Jttckson.—I am not satisfied with what the Council have done. The Chairman said that Mr Evan Davies had informed him that the machines would be removed after the high tides which were prevailing justnow. Mr Jackson.—The Council should in. sist that the machines abouid be removed forthwith. The Chairman.—The Council are doing what they can in the matter. Mr Jackson.—I am not satisfied with that. The machines ought to be removed. The Chairman.—Next matter, please! Mr D. 0. Hugbes said the matter would have the serious consideration of the whole Counci!, and the petitioners could rely that the CouncU wouid try to do what was fair to both parties. Mr Jackson said that none of them took any interest in the Marine Parade as long as they bad the rates from them. The Chairman.—That's all nonsense. The Council took as much interest in the Parade aa in any other part of the town. Mr J. L!ewe!yn Davies said that no doubt Mr Jackson would hear further on the matter from the Council. The Chairman.—Yes; be ought to have waited until be bad bad the decision of the Council on the matter* and not come there to interfere with their business. I Mr Jackson.—I have ae mocb business as any of the members to be present that day. The Chairman said he had not acted as be should have done. Mr Jackson then left the meeting. The Chairman explained that & peti. tion had been presented to the Works Committee. The Committee bad visited the place and had interviewed Mr Evan Davies, who promised tha the machines would be removed forthwith after the high tides. After some further discussion, it was decided, on the proposition of MrHeary Faeeman, seconded by Mr D. 0. Hugbes, that the matter sbou!d be !eft to the discretion of the Works Committee. A letter was read from Mr H. Steele enquiring whether the charge made last year for the privilege of crossing a per* tion of the beach over which Messrs Davies Bros. had the bathing rights would have to be paid again this year. The letter was referred tobe Clerk to reply to, and Mpiain the position and views bfldby the Council on the subject. It was reported that any person plac- ing a bathing but or tent within the Urban District area must now obtain a permit from the Locai Authority aod sitni!at' permits wi!l be issued by the competent NMva! Authority in respect of those erected outside the Urban Dis- trict. The Nwvai Authorities point nut that as U'ban District Councils usually charge a fee for the licence of bttthing tents, the issue of such a licence would cover the requirements of a permit but care would have to be taken that no person of alien origin wcu!d be granted a licence. BOARDING HOUSES AND THEIR I SIGNS. The Works Committee reported that Mr C. A. Mendbam, Mount Argus, had written seeking permission to place a board on tb e C&uu ci!' s ground near Graigfach Quarry Having regard to the fact that this was a public quarry and the possibility of further similar requests being received, the Committee coutd not see its way clear to accede to j the application. I Mr Rbys Jones said be saw no harm j in giving permission Mr Mendham was a big ratepayer. } Mr Edward Williams concurred, and ¡ he proposed that the request sboutd be I' granted on payment of a nominal sum. Mr Rbya Jones seconded. As an amendment, Mr J. Llewelyn Davies proposed that the recommenda- tion of the Works Committee shou!d be adopted. Mr D. 0. Hagbes seconded, which was carried by four votes to two votes. Mr H. A. Dennia, G!encairc, wrote inviting the Council to allow him to have a notice indicating the way to Glencairn fixed on the lamp near Hendremynacb HaJL The Works Committee recommended that the application should be refused on the same grounds as were set forth in the case of Mount Argus, which was adopted. WAR RAVINGS I A letter was read from the National War Savings Committee appealing to the public to observe the week begin* ning on Ja!y 16bb as a National War Savings Week": the idea. being that every citizen would be asked to redace their consnmption of goods and services aa far as was consistent with hea!th and efficiency and to lend to the nation for the pnrposM of the WAr whatever money they could save by purchasing ISs. 6d. War Savings CertiScate<. FINANCIAL. t It was reported.tbat there was <- bat. ttoce at the bank in favour of the Cono- cil amounting to 9152 28. 9d. The Bate Collector reported that ? doriDg the month he had collected the snm of j685 17a. M. VOLUNTEER TRAINING CORPS. I Mr Hilton Kfrabaw, Aberdovey, wrote with the aathonty of the Lord Lieutenant to ask the Chairman ot the Council to take stepe for the formation of a Vo!unteer Tr<unin<! Corp in order th&t men over miiitary &ge, unRtfor servieeor'èxemt1tedYby'Tl'ibnnaJs may dri! train Md qualify themselves for the dutiM that may ariee daring the present critic. It was decided to aak Mr D. Roberts, of the National Provincial Bank, to take the initiative in the matter. I It was decided that a small corn. mittee CODeisttBg of the Chairman, Messrs Bbys Jones, and D. 0. Hoghee, should see Mr David Boberts on the matter. I CONVELE8CENT SOLDIERS. -r I On the proposition of Mr RbysJone" seconded by Mr Henry Freeman, it was decided that the Ciounci! Bhoaid yepea-t its application rörcoDvelescent aotdiers to besentio Barmootb I" LICENCES. I Th<y Inspector (Mr W&Uno Owen) reported that up to the present he had iewaed 164 hceccps; and be had no comp!&intt to mahe. Everything wRB aowworMBgsmooth!y. DAMAGING PROPERTY. The Inspector reported that one of the signposts recently pat up by the Coun- cil on the Beach for bathing purposes had been taken off, and he was doing his best to find out the offender. The Chairman said it was high time to put a stop to the practise of damag. ing the Council's and other people's property, and ha hoped the offenders would be found out and prosecuted, After some discussion, it waa decided to call the attention of the Police to the matter. NO ACTION TAKEN. A letter was read from Mr Evan Davies, Cartrcf Dedwydd, calling the Council's attention to the daogerout broken road leading to hia bouse. It was reported that: there was no liability on the part of the Council to move in the matter. THE SURVEYOR'S APPEAL. A communication was read from the Central Tribunal, Locdon, stating that they had considered the communication of the 6tb instant Bent by the Council. They were not prepared,on the evidence before them, to grant leave for a further application to be made on behalf of the Council's Surveyor (Mr T. R. Parry). The Chairman said by that corn. muoicatioQ the Surveyor would be !eav. iog on July 27th, as that was the c1¡ate nxed by the Central Tribune in the Srst instance. It was for the Council to decide what coarse to take now. Mr Rbya Jones said it was very im- portant that someone should be in charge of the water supply, especially after the recent leakage which took place. He was sure there was someone locally who the Council contd engage whilst the Surveyor was with the Colours. Mr Edward Williams <aid that the Council should advertise at once for a practical man. He saw no neod in hav- ing a certificated person at the present time. Mr Henry Freeman supported Mr Edward Williams' suggestion. The Chairman said it was essential to appoint a man who would look after the water aupp!y thoroughly and to see that the town was kept clean, especially dar- ing the next two months. After a good deal of discussion, it was decided on the proposition of Mr Hbys Jones, seconded by Mr J. Llewelyn Davies, that in view of the Councils Surveyor having joined the Colours, the Council should advertise for a practical man to do the work during the Surveyor's absence. It was further decided that applicants should state salary required. It was decided to advertise for the post in the Barmouth Advertiset-. In reply to a question, it was reported that the Council had already passed a resolution to the effect that the salary of the Council's employees who joined the Colours, plus their Army pay, should amount to the sum previously received. "') Mr Henry Freeman proposed thatthe the sum ot 10s. &houtd also be deducted as we!l as the Army pay, as the Sur- veyor would be having bis keeping by the Army. Mr Edward Williams seconded. As an amendment, Mr Rbys Jones proposed that the matter should be deferred until the Surveyor had joined the Forces. Mr J. Llewelyn Davies seconded. 1 On a vote being taken, three voted each way and the Chairman gave hie casting vote in favour of the original ? proposition, which was declared carried- 11 was decided that a speoia! mooting should be convened for next Monday to appoint a surveyor, j I THE RECREATION GROUND Jj! FRONTAGE. A ietter was read from Mr W. W. Greener stating that be bad been trying to find the plans and particulars reiat- I. ing to the offer be made to purchase tbw land between the Recreation Ground and the sea but hit agent did not aeem to know where. they were. He there- fore desired to know whether the Coco- ? cii bad any plans and memorandnme ? that might he useful to him. It was decided that a reply should be went that the Council had foil records of aH that took place. The Council sat for nearly threes hour«. ? ?
