Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

3 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



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AMM?F?O. ? €- HIGH STREET,IVI ¡A tn. g, ——————————————————————————————"—————————— ? Ð 's ???????????C???????C?CS??????C??!??????????? For ;eelin& Cards ——— ? TRY THE ——— Amman Valley Chronide OMice. w r- v -$ t W'tT* ?tt?? '%W?y??t?K5???Vy J! UJB)L&rJF M OF \VURRY.. YI-? There is nothing which causes more Worry, Trouble, Anxiety, Irritation. and Pain than Aitments of the SKtN. FLESH. BONE .4D JOL\JT, Immediate Relief Îr, obtain if you oniv use ;:(," 1\ å. tí ? fJ) A ? t ???? j I' ),(A 'I! ¡: 1I7;;Sri 1'1/1 —? A ?"???'A ? u'? ??? ???' ??-x ??f") ;'{'I7' ??? :r"11 ,j. ,¡. ?'% ?-? <j ?? ??'?-? w?L ? ?t '???' A ?t tt-'???. ? 6..)' My ieg wa? \ety bad for a, !ong time, Burning P <s'lll .hr.oÅ uc. bearable, unti! ux<-c GOME! BALM,* whtCh sl once '"J3<c! tbe p< and very soon cured nie." Comer's Ba!m is now we!! kmawa throughout il-le land as' he most usefu! and succ!ui H.medy. BaJ. for All kinds of Skin H;h, Sore<. Wounds. U!cers, Cutz, BunM. Scatds. ExcoriatioM. AbMSt<MM. Bad Jgs. Varicose Veins. Goex's 3SHat.3'.tXt. for Eczema. Ereakings-out ip Cruidten't Heads, Ringworm, Ca;' iirrnt tion<, Itchii¡.gS, tn V' ?t<*a arti Chiidicn. GoeI'S B& -.n. for Pi!es, Scurvy, Inflamed Corm. Buaions. and Gouty joiDt, Rhcu nMtic Limbs. Stilt Joints. Lumbar TH!S VALUABI.E REMEDY SHOULU BE KEPT AND USED IN EVERY HOME. It will soon put an end to al! Worry. Ask and tee that the name in fu!! is; on rhe Box, a!so the nanie of JACOB HUGHES," without which oonf M genuine. Sold by Chemists and Stores at 1/3. 3/ 5/- (heading War Tax). o< send !/4. 3/2. or 5/3 (in ttamp" or posta! order) to M<«t— Jacob Hughcs, M.P.S.. L.D.S., MANUFACTUR!NC CjHEM!ST. PENARTH. Cvdjff :!Jmmmmm!!1 illI II i :11111 IUIIIII ¡ II i 11111 ¡I! III! 1111: II ¡ 1111\ ¡ I\I! 111111111111111 i 111111111111111111111" I = We are Now Re-appointed Service Dealers and ? FORD du 61! xx it gis EE In the ? ? UaneMy Parliamentary I)ivisioii. -ZE Our Service Department I = Wm supply any spare part from STOCK, ? repair your Car, or give advice. i g NEW CAR PRICES: ? Touri.,ig Car 2 2 0. Chassis -9170. ê EE Van £210. Town Car 9300. S 1 Ton Chassis &200. ? [J. Works, Manchester. == E Order your Car NOW for delivery In rotation. E t DAVm JCKES & SCKS, ) § The Garage, AMMANFORD. I = Tefsgrams: The Garage, AMmanford. EE ê Tolophon' nford. ê 5imm 111111111111 II II! I 1111111 11111 nllllllllllllllll II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 æ v "TT' tt t???? TF? Pastrycook, Confectioner, A I.JK.* ?- JL J?jL?? and Caterer, Tennis View Restaurant 16 & 18, CoMege Street, Ammantord. Wedding & Birthday Cakes a Speciality. Pastries of the Best Quality. Don't Neglect a Trial Order. -Wi WBEN YOU BUY A PIANO HAVE THE BEST. Thompson & SbackeH, LM., Invite iMpeetion of their Splendid Stock of BRITISH-MADE PIANOS OF WCRtR WtDE FAME, Inc:!u¿in¡ tMtruMcntt by the fo!!ow)Dz Cciebtated Makers— JOHN BRIP)SMEAD & SONS, CWALLEN & <?OMS. J. & U. tiopKINSON, J. W. CROWLEV, AJEt-LO & SONS, 41 EKOAEtWOOD P;AND-PI.AYERS MOORE & MOORE. t!UST!NE BMOWME CRAMBR & COMPANY, COLLARO & COLLAR&, And atheM too num&tout to tncatton. UNSURPASSED FOR TONE. TOUCH. AND ELEGANCE OF DEStGN "n. /"m < maut ilnci F-x,-n'anueri ti not approved. fTJ: VALUE ALLOWED FOR OLD PIANOS IN EXCHANGE. 25, QUESN STREET, C:äJRI>IF.F. ?& 60. Step?y Street LLANELLY. ADDRESS: 60,p .epney ree" LT,ANE'LI,Y. Tradesmen's Announcements. G LOBE Eaot, Shoe, and Ciog Stores, Cotiege St., Ammantord. ALF. WILLIAMS. The Noted House for ALL KtMDS OF FOOTWEAR. Boot Repairing Neatly Executed. I Beautify the Home Dainty Mats, Comfortable Rugs, Choice Patterns in Linoleums, Carpets, Hand- some Mirrors, Bedsteads, Bedding, Wire Mattresses, Overlays. FURNITURE of every description t .nufactured on the Premises. Pianos, Organs, and other Musical Instruments. H. TARR, 71, Wind St., AMMANFORD. The au M!cy F!M!sMBa Storet. "For the Blood is the Life." If it is any such Disease Eczema, &rofula, Barl Legs, ?a? ?i?c??e?, ??cer?, 6'????<!a7' '? ?- ?M'<?HtM?, 7?M?, ????, <Sor? and Eruptions, Piles, Rl¿eumatisill, Gtvt, te., don't waste your time acd money on lotions and ointments. which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What you want and what. you must have is a medicine that will thoroughly fre6 the blood of the poison- ous matter which alone is the true cause of aU your suffering. Clarke's Blood Mixture is jupt such a medicine. It is composed of ingredients which quickly attack, overcome and expel the im- purides from the blood, that is why so many truly wonderful cures stand to its credit. Oer S.? ?? TAKE ? ? ?. succes& TAKE ?N? /Clarke's?< -? Blood §' ?\ Mixture ? SoMby?U ?? Chemists ?AND BE CURED.? ? and Stores,  per 1t tie. KefUM AN EVERYBODY'S S<ajat<tMte*. BLOOD PUR<F)ER." I ;«::f{';ftkÜ,:1() I .'I"!)!J,ft.j; t. -.1(.4. To buy your own house— To farm your I own land S ;t#j:(: t "?? ? ? ?0??* ?? jjtt A SMALL income wil! not cover the purchase of a ?LJ? house or land, or even a motor car or pony and trap. Things like these, if you wish some day to poMCM them, must be saved for now. Whatever portion of your weekly or monthly earnings you do not feel obliged to spend for every-day purposes represents future wealth. Spent week by week the little sums which you might save will buy you nothing worth having-in all probability your surplus money will be merely frittered away. Let those small sums accumulate. Invest them in Savings Certificates where they will grow rapidly bigger, and a time will come when you will find yourself with sumcicnt capital to buy the 'bi¡ things you really want. Every 15/6 you invent grow* year by year. In 5 year* you t;et JE 1 back for each Certificate and in 10 year< dEl 6*. A clear profit of 10/6 on Mch 15/6 and no Income Tax ha< to be paid on iit- ?' ? fttt year Savings illto (&?7G? cJèERTIFICATES C?C?77?7C472Ef Buy <A<m repwarly and <t<y wtO JMM <A< way <e prosperity. ?%<y wfw et- t al any Bank, NOMfl Orùr J*M< OPW or SAopte<p<r acti", <M O#icitti Agent. Or you can got 11aøfra through yoMr SeMttpt Associatim 8N. nS?PrC?KB?!? aj? WONDERFUL tjr?B TH Xi ?!S S! ?0 Ma??B?SS? ? ?iNFLAMMATiON "?jM&.t ttt B !rS S&g.? ?? FEVER and HfM! PME, STRONG HE&LIMY 8L688 BRIGUT GLEAR Si(!N, fREi: fflb(if LiVER SH!LL8, Free from those terria t!&yert — Erysipelas. Chills, Pams. Ulcers, Burning. Fevers, toHammatiops, Pneumonia. Dropsy, Pleurisy, Torturing Eczema, Rheumatism, Gout, Pimples, Boils, Blotches. Jaundice 'Dropsy Indigestion, Headache, Backache, And all Unhealthy tnf!amod Ulcerous ConditIons. DEAMNS Ensure immediate benefits !oraMSuMerers, &nd effect quick and most wonderint recoveries. OEMtK'S In Stamped Boxex onlY, 1/3;byPo.t,1/6; Six Boxe< for 7; 6. Sole PreprMtoTt Mtd hventen E. JJeakin & Hughes, The Inflammation Remedies Co., BR!Sm & BLAERAVON, Mm. THE HEXT TIME you have an attack of indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, acidity or i flatulence, try Beecham'sPiMs. This famous medicine is recognised as ? a safe, sure and speedy remedy for digestive disorders and for ? constipation. Do not run the risk of aggravating your complaint by i taking little known preparations of which the value is in doubt. The medicine which has proved efficacious in countless cases of bowel and and stomach trouble is surely the medicine for you. Therefore do not hesitate- TAKE BEECHAM'S P!LLS. ? Sold everywbere In boxes, /aAe77ed Is-3d and Js-Od. PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE AT THE Amman Valley Chronicle" Office, :A..lw:lV.I:A.N" FOX». t Ill, .z

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