Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

25 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

ntVY mnmi oUlAtJ A nnpvoswcyo


ntVY mnmi oUlAtJ A nnpvoswcyo Qfin—n uuurlOmi-M OIl OPPOSITION I FUTURE COMMERCIAL POLICY  ..4 i 'el'al important matters. including cc",?,tt?s renorfc with r,.?,??  "L'V ?,,  iyiduft-rial Pl)licy after the war. were h ,,jl?idereil i. ?? monthly mating of f?^a Chamt?r of Comm<.r? on ??y ?raoon. Mr. E. P. Jones (pre- tideBt) in f? ch?r.. }{Ilklll& au appeal on behalf of the Bed Cr°T )2f y' Mr- ?" P?"?? out that ? t?) ei,ed from ?? War Offiep  Lnt?-' ? for a large num?r of hd5 ,ad ?b?an?a s avocation would bo about 900. Mrs. R?pcr Wri"ht had kindly Inntoor^i ? ?'?''? -20 to 25 b?s at Sk?'tty Chl11'ch Hal1' the whale of tho h e vrlio ],o of i'?io coSt of lllaintenanCè to ? BOR"°B7 her. ?Applause). Ihe mat?r. it was pointed out. wcu?d ? be con?derej at the next mating of the L°*r%Vh* C\*mUT- 'Mr. H. Stan!py L- Cook pr?fn?Gd an ex- ? hau.s?rn!. e report on the nation of iuv- eflih. employment. Regarding street1 trading he ela imed that they should not + be content with improving the present' system, but to deal with the trouble by i Abolishing it altogether, for no one could dispute that in their children they had the greatest asset they could command, "« and they should (10 their utmost to pre- 5<?r\ O and fit them to take thér place in the ?atc. STRENGTH OF A NATI OIN. Thfl and tri-m. «.J7. n- 1. -L)i illein nation depended upon the survival of its T children, and their pnysical and mental; health, and he quoted a passage from the 11 repQrt of Sir George Newman. ch?f medi- ca! officer of the Boa? of Education, who T V°11U out that i there were (lwr ?200 ? bo Eelhng nc?p?r8 in thj r ?c<ts and ? hor?,-? amp!o <-videMe to? ?.ove that t!us kind of emp!orm?t led » b no good end- hut was hopelessly wrong from an economic point of view. A large number of street traders were still at school, and the stopping of their trading v. mile]t undoubtedly, add to their ability to absorb learning, fn res^ pect of the distribution of news- i papers, Ile public could be served by means of kiosks, accredited newsagents, and men who were not able for various o reasons to earn their livelihood on ordi- w nary employment, but he felt sure that p She qneshon of public convenience would .1 soon be adjusted. a AKIN TO EDUCATION. T The whole m.-if for. „ s T f" street iramng ny I j juveniles vas closely akin tb that of fHiU- I cntion, and Mr. Cook considered that if (1 the present system of street trading were i11 a'roli-hec., and also the age at whieh G juveniles could leave school was raised, it Id would mark a great step forward. In con- be elusion, he suggested that with iho afco!- i ishing of juvenilo street trading, in- rree-'ed powers given to the Juvenile* on Employment Sub-Commit tee, its actfvi- pl tics extended by electing to on its f body representatives from the many indus- of tries in their midst, trade organisations, ctc strong vrorking section would be it) formed al ive to its opportunities and re- fo sponsibilitics. and keeping in touch with th school teachers, tho Labour Exchange, of employer', and tlie After-Care Committee, tl1 a cham would be formed which would pn cover the objects in view. L, 4 QUESTION OF NATIONAL IIVSPORT- pi ANCE. tb Ther6fcro. he asked them to consider the  ouestion, not only as a loe?L but also a a? national one, and he cla'lm&d that Swan- I te-r vhifmr*mWrfcs '1"t ttl('11 inestimable value. (i-nnlnr$c.) :J-: ..HI, '-)0] CASE FOn TRAINING SHIP. 101 fr. 4 T1 • '"SM.iiii. u'veona rcprcsenta- r hvû of the Chamber On tho tt„ v \.4. "1J.1I V 1" CPC PMptoyn?nt Comnitt?) supported I' .? w? advisab? to keep in mind a ?-arnir- ^ju i.e,. that to -top street tr?dinH v.o?d i? wa 2iease the evils complained cf unless some II ?fforts were made to absorb the energies brc )f the youngsters in some proper occnpa- A tions. That wodd tnx the abilities and am foyers of tl> > Commiltee, who would h.?v? o?c to heat about for averts mto which the eioi po.cnha! ?r?m of jm-eni10 Hbo?r f.<?d 1 h<; dn-?-tcd. Tl? Committee had to doal lia ?.h elo.? on 2,000 c??s everv vear whi? P? was a !ar? aluo?nt to ? absorbed even ? ?n ?mp'?tnr.t ar? li? S?-ans?. and lie ,SK«y to work in various I, directions One oLieet might be taken AfJ when the time came, by the Chamber 9f Commerce, viz., the provision of a train-  snip at t? pert. for cithpr the R«al r c the Jiercantile Marine. Already a f?nd?dm.c'pus for such n.wor? was '? conducted by Lieut. Join HorlgcHs ???' ??'?'—??d if tbcv maintained ??? n Work tiH af?r ?p war ?<! o'.?r ,? j-tipv r? 1 ?' ??' Ver-v ?'? case fbr I =' ec 11 ? '?'n? .hip for the t?n. ??, On moHoll of Mr. ? ?' J;. Sails. f,) cotton of Mr. J?. ]\. Sails. t5oc5onr5 hy Vr. A. W. I,. W3-nn". a reso- illt!Oll "I- ''nt'on ?? Haanimou<y carried denrecab lK,d, :n;I ??"?'? The rc?ndon ?H be '?? ?-? ,? ??r AIfr<.d Mond and Mr. T J cn') ??-?..r?? for s?n? D?s?ict.. Tlio ?PTER THE WAR POLICY. AI The Ch;n-111";r dipr-os'sor! 11- vcm- lJVll u. Ln. °lriInii tee on tho Industrin! I A, A UJ .t\ ^11 Viifr ? Vl" (a r^,orf of ?bich ap- heai Wared in Our ?'o?'?M on Friday. A<; ?T. ¡ Uh lectecl j 1,?l 01)1')O?',itioll fras ??1 to a ca? ,5 J in the ??"?' ?'?thv re,Or? <;X<'111pt 6J¡ip.ow-I1('rf! irojh taxation, pro-I At ,ui!d?.?? ?'????' ???s ?c P«» in Smij IUlhf¡lJg nc>w tonnage. ? Af-ter   "I7?,tllv .?P??on hy Mr. rfu 'rc?A-nr colltell(lecl tLat tito at nggo.H Wi a po!icy of r"tional wis- *uel om { r i> T  R. L"  ^oved <?e dcletjon. s'Pec r« !l1A'g'Pgt('d that the Go?rnment should I,an e ca!?"' to put on our c:de all the work ??s ?. ?" ? P"? ? ?" ?de all thp ?ork '"? collcdco from chipping ?on irro .?„ '?'? P?amers to belong to Proc ie Go-p, TlnK*p-t ""? to the i-np!? wl?so i E( ?rvJ Was" Tras °1}e of the meanest the t Nvls. It was D?le of ropohti(Jns ??" ?"? forward bva ?tci palthv?? "?"?"? who had P.,trn?d of lUon. esdalJy at a time like 6-10 ? croei Jfr. a P. tiigh, am secondpd. Decc e 0RTS AND FREIGHTS. tllou M., v e^tenhens said th-if n. and -'UV .?. '"CUI' 11 the v„( JH^^ssary for them not onlv to :r' ¡;: lJr I" "?ITr ?r*o?s fhvy this* ^°"nt,T to foreign county, but  have K frpiSW- and as much hl^,( q-t>lv get K^rom frel»hts as they could c<^ s b .ly get The main point was: Werg rclat rv mg too much or too litlie "? .t! R, J,. Sails: ?rto ?———? P-PI? h p t .?h er i? ?? ?hdh?r it was in I  ??.?o??I i!?.?? ?' "?? ??"?1 ? -?? 3" ers bllt, "? Germans were mib- Ak! |heir n. ITIT ouA í.jr.g t! If JX:ople to blllld :ctcalcl:s, I is sui i how' ? ?? ??"1? of BHtain ? ?? b :J.t agillll'oL a S2le1l1C ? this d?riptio? i 111!'st. ak opi^ nltional ^nt of ?? 1 In h P]lli6n it v,-ould bgt rU to .teaiVs 0 r THESHIPPINC .NDUSTRY. Ern [r. W. G. Foy UR-IU ? r 'a ?,, rdient it was imPorl:I.:l L' -,F.} råcê. !H I.. II ét'I:l.QUal "? x +1,^4. *Ti^tr *1. *• 111 LU** ua^ionai 7 %o*ibly co?d to U glt I ^f*11 ,??rM?v ?? t&lk  n'r" fnr ápart !l'om 0'a7ld ercnohli^ iljO; G.-S. Harri ? said ? did ? ?  t? fihTppirtg .indnstrv ??,? beij? .d ? any  ed ca anv fzlr,,r,ible position j Satur ?ha <?pp? ,?,,?? ??; lddfT-,s 1'Lc L4 -bc -« rrcfUah)p ? maid. and u ?, the- ?. ?. ??. ?,? ? merld There was no reafon why the ordinary tax payer should be paying his tax to provide tonnage for certain shipowners. If they were paying the tax in order to provide I tonnage for the nation, all well and good. If they musii. eventually spend a lot of the present earnings with a view to pro- viding tonnage to carry their stuff for tho future, let that money be collected in the, shapo of tax. and ear-marked to provide tonnags for the nation and for the people whose, money would he in the bank as a result of the taxation which they were paying, lie did not see why preferential treatment should be sriven to a ebinowner as such. -L I Is sucli. AFTE -R THE WAR. I Uè .r_: --1 RH_L_L -»»1 i. v> x urjiiii Jiiuwii all aiiiL'uqmviii/ ,-c(>()lHn':T1rliry fli'* f 1 \r» "<1. ".L"JJ"l-JJ' "& .&. 'J'I. 6"" -.J.j. to means for enabling British ",IlÎpov."JwTs to readily enter into the rapid building of ships pfter the war, to colii- pet-3 1LLh foreign owners who have accu- mulated large reserves for this purpose. Mr. Treror Matthews seconded, and Mr. Ti.rpin's proposal was agreed to. Mr. Sails objected to the words Brit- ish ehipowners," and moved an amend- ment that "British ]>eopk'J be used in- stead. But by 16 voles to 1.2 this was defeated, Mr. Sails observing on the declaration of the voting that it was an effort on the part of the ehipowners "to get a little more for themselves." Mr. Sails moved a further amendment hat "British shipowners and all other I aembers of the British Empire," be used ) n-Stead of British shipowners." Mr. Behenna seconded. ■ The President said he was astonished t the opposition raised to Mr. Sails's riginal suggestion. j This amendment was carried. APPOINT MEN"T OF DELEGATES. rr1 "11 r "T'" T' me rrosuicnr, Messrs. A. ?. ?. ( iT.?" 1,;rCi;Ût- A es)rsi-r;n Vi TT t f JA1J.V, ..L' o.. -'Uc. LL..J.. utwu, a- I ?.Cook?and the eecretary (Mr. U. J. r tarshall) wcr? appointed delegates to I HpnJ the annual meeting of the Aseo- iatioa of Chambers of Commerce in r rondon. The discussion of the remainder of flief Pport and the rest of the business on ip agenda was d-ferred till Monday t fternoon next. 1 ..11 n a P. & S. B. RAILWAY. c

I —- j ol A:?? Meet?s of S>iare-…

-..-..- -. -.. fr:..!14 eravon,…

leriuan Evall Evans, of Beresford…

?st Pntchard (4?). 4?. Jer5(>v-t{\r-!…

[No title]

Mr. John Per nobis prided…

Misa A. M. Evan, who has been…

A concert was given on Thursday…

On Thursday evening, at Siloh…

There was a. large attendance…

A c surprise " presentation…

The funpral took place on…

lulling nndor t-Jio auspices…

w-Munnvc DM D j SWALLOWS IpSr…


m* 1 ftfc ?UL?u? COURTS./…

- - - -.. , . -  )ular Local…



CORRESPONDENCE. 1 s1 o ! ovei…




" wvrw.x iU L &R>AR\A^ ^ J…