Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

19 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



TOLD BY TOMMY. INTERESTING SOLDIERS' LETTERS, j Driver S. P. Allan, or the Anununi- tioii Column. Lith Brigade, 3rd Cavalry Division, who will be ranvembered in Swa-neea a6 horse keeper at the L. anci N.W. Railway. writes an interesting i letter home to Mr. W. Tanner, a w(,,Il- know-a Swanspa voe&list. The following ar? extracts" We »ro till away from the RTt-n? 1i, [ tMhpv? we ar? wait?l, ing until we have isor,?, favourable w-a.tbpr, as we are having a tremendous lot of raia, which makes it very had for traveling. We are up to owr eyes in mud. and our boot^ are never dry. Wp are sleeping in banas; we haw a good b^d of ft raw. Jt would be much nicer to have a !)d -Rpring bed. hut still we can't havp it all gain on active service. Under the circumstances wo cannot GRTUNFCIE. There is Oil-B thing the Gov- ernment is doing, and that is feeding the ¡ soldiers well. Great credit is dw for qJ,P wonderful way in which the trans- portation of food is carried out by the A.S.C. Soaae of my friend« are, on police duty looking after the cafes and French beer. As r am writing his letter there is an everlasting stream of Highlanders going by playing their pipe*. I received a parcel at Christmas containing some fchagg and rake Wbacco. 1 guessed that the boys had sent it. 1 am going through the hoops, an^i there is no way out of it until the end, when we shall all roll on." The writer dOiRS with a re- quest for an old sou'wester, an article which is unobtainable in France for love or money." How South Wales Borderers1 Officers I Wsrc Averuted. How Corporal know Sergeant) Mathew Pugh, of the South Wales Borderers, won the Distinguished Conduct Medal at Ypres was told by himself in a graphic narrative. Sergeant Pugh, who is recovering from ho effects of a wouud received during severe fighting, resides at No. 17, Carne- own, d hercyoIl, and he joined the Expe- ditionary Foree as a reservist, having seen active service previously in South Afriv.a. 1 It was on October 2Sth, just outside that we lost our gallant Major Law- rence," lie said. I conveyed a man a couple of mike into safety," he added. We lost Sergeant Ailman, of Ponty- mister, and Sergeant Smith was wounded, and I took charge of our platoon. On November 1st we were literally blown out of our trenches by the enemy's artillery, which was then only 300 yards aivay from us. Lance-Corporal Stone was jent with a diojjateii to headQuartprb. and In returning behind the Gloucestershires, \0 was hit by a piece of shell. That nigiit ve were relieved by the. BOth Rifies. and tell hack about two miles to the dug-onte. I' Then, the following day. an order came to retake the trenches which had. in tho I meantime, been lost, and the Borderers, the Queens, the Gloucesters, and the l Welsh Regiments went into the charge together. In the twilight with bayonets fixed we went on for about 2.000 yards, and bad « twief, at far to go again, when] fell be- ¡ saasp 1 had no more wind to do on. Private Bob Black, of the Borderers, who is now corporal, and also a D.C'.M., asked mp, Have yon been hit, Barney?' which is my nick-name). I explained to iiixn what was the matter, and he stayed with mo. for he. too, was exhausted. "We bad been there for about 10 minutes when I heard a machine-gun 1w ing fired, not far off, and I spotted the a-c", when it was concealed to be a house .n the roadside. Bob and myself pro- ceeded to the spot very cautiously. liotli ascertained that ther wan no back door, and we decided to rush the house by the only entrance at the front. We foued it open with a bang, and found there in the kitchen a German cincer who said something in English to Bob. who lost Mf time in taa'nn? sure of his work, and having attended to another Gorman soldier we went upstairs, with our bayonets still fixed, and, to our sur- prise. there were concealed 11 Prussian Guards. We accminted for 13 in all in that little j.oh.' added Sergeant Pugh. and we fetched the machine gn back with us, too," It was on November 21 si that I was mounded," said Sergeant Pugh. H but we bad avenged the death of Major Lawrence %ad Sergeant Allman." Remarkable Coincidence. I A rrmarkabie swry is told by Private I Patrick Murphey, who has just been in- valided home to Llsnelly from the froit. Morphy, who was employed as a haulier, by Mr. Protberoe, Pen?ea?r. wa& s<,ran?ply ?toacu. given (m his &r?iTa? in France, the very horse that he had been wdrking 'tt J .Is nelly. At ArNontiH'S, hOWCTer. a sh<all M?w t.b? animal' head o?f. and & ,I i'? ?,? t?rnek Morphy on tho 6caJp. He is making I ►rood r?c?v?r?'. Imprisoned at Wahn. i Writtin.g to bwtber-tn-te-w, Mr. George grans, the Swansea forwwrio. Private Torn I Jones, cf tbe let Grenadier (nø., who is a. prisoner at Waisi, Germany. eeuys: I I am glad to inform you that I am aJl rigitt. 1 aim allowed to write every week, amt you oaa do likewise. I ww pieaoed t.(\ bear that you had a good genie a t Oetidrcs. otod bar-, you enjoyed ChrhJtanae* If you see MfDe of the boye, remember me to riicm. Write soon and let me know hew thinss aore at home." Pri^ast-e .foRa>, who was a reaonro, was called up at the hegmning of the war. He ia a oi Ki-. John Jonee. Ma«on's-road, <»or»iiK>ttt, and a snae-rt,, well formed athiete. During tlw period of service with the Guards he made a name, for himas'lf ir. boxing, and b,not all comers in the re^uaeiu. at his weiefet. PreTicms to the w a >• he took part in maay botrw in-i^'aoeaa and d rbt, aind witi Mr. George Evans aawated in ol),enialc the gyamaaitvai at, PoilardtiL-iis. A few #e»eons eeo be was -one of the bast forwards in fcbe Goreeinon pack. Glais Seldier's Hard Let. II Private Cnal, of th? DtMt?et Segiment, who live at G4aia (S.a Valley-), but who&e p<a?Mttf refeidc in AJKmvos, hae written hom. ?jt?Ung that he i8 a pfte?ner I cf war in Germany. He write«:—l have been captured by tho trerraane. There were over 20C of U$ #a4zh-, and "e thank God that we were aot. kiliicU instead of being taken prieowers. We got caught on October 13th. and 1 hope that I 60 not have, te go tSiroufrh »mch a da.y jigain it. wae terrible. I am getting on weN a6 can be expected under the circum- stancffls. anil I expoot that we ahall be kept INre M priaccers until peace is proclaimed, vfilich I-tope wiH be yery aoon. In a -sufceequent letter Private Crystal liwits at the bard lot of the priaoners of War. Withou? fjDC' bton?y t11M they nhaÝe enough food, ht? request f?r i i^nancia! a^iistance akowo cleariy that Eugliek prwoacrs cf war in Germany do not receive the careful attention and troai-j jaent that the Teuton prisoners receive!n I this* oountry. I «,-ritWi, "I am gettirig on aiR wou as caa ift etl, but 1 have not had any raoxtm I for five weeks. and I should be thankful if you could mamase to send lOt" eome. so tb:\t we y-an bsiy breed and otDør eatablen h. We are not allowed to saaoke. so it ia ILIQO- less te se«d swtokee. I hepe t'he w-ar witt 1(X)n md, wi, t-bat I c-uai Pee yjn all agaig. ft sees** years instead of montàe see* I eft home." Philosophic Trooper. I Writing toO bag brother, Mr. fWjorjre Hux- able, )f01Te, .JJ, John lkixiahie, 4th Oa^airy Bfipswle, »64fc y^goon Gua^rae. «ays:—0»»r troep officer, who is Ð. rood oiid moo,-t. t-mutod vs well at <^hrwtin«:iis. and rave us < rogso per f w. agv i4.iY be,ring <lr>e«dfnl weather, rwsn pen rirMc down dxy a nd nigdhrt. wifh -tbe re«iit 'a: tfce !'('ad.. are under w.c:ht<r in stasy I (Vi0<-06>. 1' raakc thi bad for aø. cs iLie POrlr horses have to be Attended w. w. m not forget them, for I they are great fnends to uo. For quite a good time we ha ve be&n bHleJed. which truly is a blessing, as we ha,* h<&aci-cover and rrome istjswv for a bM. 1 would now feel rather efen&nge to be on a feeuther one, but. am living in hope of having one under me eome day. Only two pau-fro-z my old section now jetft. The other*, have left ins. but neverthe- less we are ha-ppy. it's a aaae of England, irekind asid W»!« for ever. The gims were buey tlmiu.-houl laet night, and to-day I suppose our boys aIle givias them their New Year e gift. Ro 11 oo I eay, but 14iat will not be until those nioe Ger- maiM get wiped out. I do love them (l don't think). Part Nobiv Play-ed. A letter, dated the 7th insi.. has been reeeivod by Mr. Jflmes Harris, Earleewood Hotiee, Britonferrj*, iDtormang him of his uncle"? death. The following is the text of the communication:— The Non-Com. OSicers and men of the hi Gloncefiters' Stretcher HeaTers l'áotili to coone into close syaipathetic touch with you at. tJiis eritioal time, and to tell you how much they appreciate the heroism sJiown by Benj amia Harris and the sacri- fice in nobly playing his part. I am sorry to inform you of hifi death. He was killed on the 6th in at. whilst in action, and twekei up by the Gloucester's Btti i^ers. You mav rest assured that he was decently buried. You may know me. as my brother li^ e« at 72, Hunter-street, Britonferry.:—(Signed) H. E. Wilson, 1st G.R. Stretcher Bearer, 7992." Benjamin Harris. Harris, whose portrait is reproduced above, was the son of the late Mr. Edwin Harris, of < rumlin Burrows. He joiined the Grenadier Guards as a regular on January 2nd, 1833, he them being 1;11 years old. He was discharged on Janu-ary 1st, 190.5, with an excellent character. He served through the South African aDd Egyptian canipaignfl, and earned the Queen't; and Khedive medal and clasp, the ^oudan, and also the South African medals and clasps. He wa-s the reventh or nine sons, and of hifi brothers there are two in America, one in Australia, and three in Briton- ferry. After 1)16 discharge from the Army be -secured a situation at the Cape Copper W orks. When the present war broke out he could not., as ono who ■aerved under him, turn a deaf ear to the call of hi.. previous Genoral (Lord KitcheneTl. and volunteered again for active service. Leaving bis em- ployment at (xarnant Colliery, he enlisted, and was pnt immediately on the pfrengtth of the 1st Grenadier Guards. No official news has yet reached his rela- tives, but several lottery have been re- em^M in Swansea as to his death, and where he lodged oi Port Tennant his land- lady has gleaned that when the Highland Infantry, together with tho Gurkha, had lost Mmf trenches, the Minister Fusiliers, the 2nd Welsh and South Wales; Borderers went to their assistance, and successfully drove off the fuem v arid re-took the t rerw-he.s, after desperate hand-to-hand fighting. Harris fell, together with several of is comrades. who had shown great courage and daring. It was only last Monday that the nephew named above received from him the box and contents of Princess Mary's Christmas gift. I The deceased was a finely built fellow. I standing a .li-iile over six f. and was well known in Swansea and district. '.With the Heavy Artillery. I Mr. Jack Andrews, now serving with ] tbf 114th Heavy Battery, R.G.A. at the front, where he. has been einco the be- ginning of the war, writes as follows to his mother and brother (Mr. Phil Andrews, 128, Strand, Swansea) •- Our battery has been very setive for several days, and done grand work, .» Mr. Jack Andrews, I shelling a town which the Guards took I in front of TM last night. We have had terrible weather. The trenches are full of water, and all the mads flooded. We are anxiously waiting for the time when we shall be abJ. to have a few days' leave, which I believe is coming oor way shortly." ————— .—————









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..._-__ '-ï- _- >. SMART NAVAL…