Papurau Newydd Cymru

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Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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TBWLE'S & STEEL I'OR FEMALES quickly correct vJI irregularities md reUcvf the 60 with the s('){. Boxp, )'. lid. tnd 2t. M.. of &]t Chcmu.ts. Pent anywhere for 15 nr X< &'ttm!)t, by ttie Mr.]¡er, E. T. TowLE, Chen:LSt. Kottiug-hnn: ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B41 PILLS ie WMTtmted to care til diechartOB from the Urinary Organa, it tittm- MX (Mqairtd or OQMtitution&l), Gravel, and Pains Imt*ki*&Bsr acakm Guira.ateed free from Mercury. Sold m Boxes, 4a. td. each. bv all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or aent to any addreM for sixty stamps by the M&ktre, THE LufOOHf Atrc MiBLAirm Oomtrm DJtvG COMPANY, Lincoln. WhoIesaJB Afente, BARCLAY NMra, London, and all the Wholesale Houses. .HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES, t t and foltow the advice of the eminent Doctors Prout, Morgan, Turley, DowsinJ Gibbon, who have bormo unqumtged testimony to the value of TAMPLOUGE'S PYRETIC SALINE. AIt gives iutant relief ia keadacke, sea or bilionn s!idk. me<ML conetipation, heartburn, soartct and other fevera, tmaupa. BMasles, eruptive ant sktn eomplatnta. Uftt 'Be subet;t,ate. H, ju"rvw-gon. 1M Holborn. Toadm YORKSHIRE RELISH It tt tte moat datioiom aauce That you can have with any eourae. Taken with aom) it oath a charm; With gearies bIaneMaz does no harm; With cold meat it a NaMry rate. To eat cold vtande it make* yoa daMt. The daintiest diAee BMM ddio!oiM; And ewn Mndem ?eeae more spedoat. Every dish it dee* bwm E'en epieuMS tab sauce do love. Of im&attoM please bsware; Te get the real aamee take gteat care. BOLD EVERYWHESE Bf M., la. & :<. BOT'n.Ba. So/e Proprietor8, BOODALL, BACKHOuSE & Co., LEEDS. FOR I 0 0 EXCELLENT AND PALATABLE HOUSEHOLD REC!PES ty/Vte to GOODALL, BAOKHOfJ8E <& Co., LEEDS, BtMbemg a penny etamp for po<ta.?e. when yoH will be pr?- Mnted wth a valuablo book of !<? pares, bound in oteth, and foNy mMtMM, oaCad "(MOD I& %g 11 MADE, SAID, ,k DONE 16R EVEUT HOMTi: AND BOUBBBOLD' EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. ?CM?? _f???s??-?? vU? ?' ?? ?t?????. "-4 TCR. EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. ADVANTAGES. I Are entirely &'ee jg'om SMEItL Are not POISON'OUS Are manufactured without PHOBPHOBUS Are perfectly harmless to the OPERATIVES Are very Damp Proof [EMPItOYBD ?e 0 nvreor t 1fa.b1e to Spontaneous oomiuation JMcht only on the Box. PAGE..I WOO DCio K GOOD for the cure of WIND ON THE STOMACN. GOOD for the cure of INDIGESTION. OOOD for the cure of SICK HEADACHE. GOOD for the cure of HEARTBURN. GOOD for the cure of BILIOUSNESS. GOOD for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT. GOOD for the cure of ALL COMPLAINTS arising from a disordered state of the STOMACH, BOWELS, or LIVER. Sold by t<U Medtctne Vendors, in boxes at ]s lid, 3a lei. and 4s 6d each: or free for 14, 33 or 54 -inpa, bllm MSE D? wboDCOC? HIGH"8TRE?' UNCOLN. "MACNIVEN & CAMERON'S PENS — aro the boat.Public Opinion. They come as a boon and 0. blessing to men." ThePiokwiok, the Owl and the Waverley Fen." ?<!)!<!<?'<! saye, They are a treasure 6d. and la. per Box. Sold throughout the World. Also THE HINDOO PENS, Nos. 1, 2 & 3. Specimen boxea, containing all the kinds, by post Is. Id. .p teds of Pem and Penholders, and 23 to 33, Blair Street, Edinburgh. (Eetd. 1770.) It is evident that Camomile ls Nature's own simple and safe remedy for Indigestion and all Stomach complaints, for during the last 50 years NORTON'S CAMOMILE PiLLs have afforded relief to Thousands. Sold in Befik8 at 1<. lid., 2<. 9d. and lit. A PLEASING APPEARANCE IS THE naST LErro 01' t7ODFREr,s EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS, For Bofteuinc the Skin and Improving the Complexion. l"B. a<<. Met. bv althedicine Vendors atidp#r.funwe,: 'AFOR THE? BLOOD IS- THE- L]rE- tg WORLD-FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine In the World. OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY AOCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE, PROVING THIS TO BE THE GREATEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and per- manent oura. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cares Blackheads, or Pimploa on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Curee Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Gland liar Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impTtre matte)', From whatever canse arising. -As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from to the most delicate con. Btitution of e&her sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TEST)MON)At-S FROM ALL PARTS. Sold in Bottles 2s. Cd. each. and in cases, containing six times the quantity, lls. each—suSlcient to eSect a per- manent cure in the great majority of lon?-etanding caoet, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent for 80brl32 stamps by the Proprietors, Tax Lufoour AND Mnu?NB = zo DM6 (303,r %r Lincoln. (Trade Mark—"Blood Mixture.") v\.AA Ll}¡ HoMt M. ail StMtMMS to UNITED STATES & CANADA. FROM LIVERPOOL. POLYNESIAN, for Halifax and Baltimore, Nov. 16 NOVA SCOTIAN, for Portland, Nov. 18 SARDINIAN, for Halifax and Boston, Nov. 23 PARISIAN, for Halifax a-nd Baltimore, Nov. 30 HIBERNIAN, for Portland, Dec. 2 CASPIAN, for Ihlifax and Boqt(,n, Dec. 7 OCEAN RATES. Saloon Fares ;E18, ;S15, and;L12 Ilitermediate, f8; -64 -lB. Through tickets i:'lwd to Chil'i1O, Ma,nH,oba,, North- West Territory, and to :¡,ll poind iL the Western States and Canada, at lowest rates. AF.I,ITLD PAR.sAbt:s to !lJe1:Je._ nre granted to General Labourers for £4. a.nd to Agriculturists, Agricultural Labourers, an.1 tcmnlj T):)-estic Servants for C3. PAMPHLETS-Second Series—Reports of Tenant Farmer's Delepate3 on Dominion of Canada. also re- cent issue of Pamphlets on Canada and the Western States of America., &c.. sent free. Fullparticul&.rs "n aH,liGlti(;il tc ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., .T a'w; Street, Liverpool, r to KELWAY & Soxs, Milford Haven; JAMES GRIFFITH, FostmaterJ High-ptrpet, N eWDort, Pern. ndJ.W. FRANCI6, Uoat-street.Uaveriordwetit. 206 Made of LONG 8TAPLE 8ELEOTED ELASTIC WOOL8 SPEARMAN'S ROYAL DEVONSHIRE SERGE In aU FaahionaNe Cotoure and In New Fancy Dwis. Makes a WArm gannent withou rbeina heavy. Un-   V=ug. land Sea-sidewmr. Sea water wiU notturt it. WMhc!) )i)te jituinet and bruahes like doth. Specie m<tke for Children's and Yountr L.tdie*' DreMes in Navy Blue, the yard; for Lxdiee' we<f at It. tId. and t*. 11< the yard; for Gentlemen's at t<. U'd. and &). 9< the yard for Boy' wear at 2<. lid. and 3t. ]M. the yard. Patterns free. a1ti),h t:I, C)U- riage ptiid on all of 2()s. and cpwsrdt to all stfttiona in Bn?'m't nd W-les; atso to Mtnourgn, Dublin, Belf"t, nd SPEARMAN and SPEARMAN, Plymouth. No other ftddress or agency whatsoever. "The CLEAN Black Leacl.Vfde Press- tAMC? COLD MEOAL ?'?? Ex- f?????S? Succesaive awMds for Ex- D 0 M E"? ce!IenceofQuaIityMidCIeanli- t?? ??? t W B &oM ??? B fco/!o/M/-ca/ RD) ?.?A\f? ?? B—Er-? AEn? DEW AR.E ofWorthle'tr-q,, MOUEXINCr FOR FAMILIES. MESSRS JAY'S expei-ionced DRESS- MAKERS a.nd MIT,LIXER.S to un. of t,he Pree of ('xp.,n" to p\ll'chIlSt'i'S. They take with th"B1 d.1'("-o, a.:1d besidca Patterns "y m:,t('l', At Is, per ':1.rd a.nel l1i,ards, All ma.rked in pJiin h;nrcs, and ut the l'l'i,,(\ a.s if at the wa.rphouse in (-.s treilsto l:Í\'cn for at a rl'a.t Sayill to Ia.rge or small familics. aib<-???c ? ut x)u on ur ooun ty. The London General ?o'o?e, egon,- .Itr-t,  -u_- TMPROVED JANUS CORD (Petered) BOTH SIDES AL]KE. I., Gl1in(,R$ the full length. ?.Mle spccinUy for JAY. and reoomincndnd by them a. the best antI eh""t material [t the prien cyer manu- f:M;tnrf. d for n. Ia.< h 's drc ? JAXUS C01;D' ))mk? ? r' r)t:.rknbly wen. a.nd 'îa.llsho iPlf;'r N.tck .2 fi!ld it an excellent well.l'ing dress. treet JAY',S nt-strect. JANUS CORD FUR WEAR MY BISIlorS ??D S r S CJLEHGYMUX. d more or d ers I,fE;SRS JAY have roceived more orders l it for this mat<1rhl than for any other Cloth manu- for them. It is oft, p!htbtc, wusht's without loss of colour, a.nd lookft well to th(, last. Thn ClL>rT are now for Coats, aud Aprons, made on tile II/'('1J1ises. JAY'S. R.,tóent..stn.,>et, LONDON. W. CHOUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. COLLIS 1R)?n0 n" ?vE p'o S ruUilL? u?DinnJjr)Vin?DD, A ft-?%, (l o.,7c?? qiiite. ef' A ff' clJ>f'e quite .ectti:Ll.-Ci?utioii. -rhe cxt.raol'(li,rv m' (:icfd r"?rts on the cOic?c.- of Chtorcdynn rcndt'r it of vit.l ill:¡>\lt'tnlH'e that j,\w public ??liould ohain the ,1\uine. whirh is 1,nr,c..te. I In' a Government starnII. bcarjl1¡! the w(>J'(L J J: .1. C"lIi Dro'11c's Chlorodyn(> S"e rlc.>isjon of Vice- (]'I '1\'1'1.1' !jJ' ,y, l'a¡<e 'Vood, tIlL' 1'1 uh lli':I. iSM, i, 1,, Govei*rki' ,lent b.iri,,g the (")Ili s ?Bromne, Cl,lor"dyl" Spithting. I .-onM. ?ur it un-:d)t!)Mu m 1'hUusiM ?nd Spa?modjio Cough th.' 1,(me1. t. it> VCl'Y rota t k< 'd. T it in 1,11LIlisi, .all(i Uo6gh A'= n Sedative. Anodynf. H.fid Anti-p.-?x?tdK' I cn?idci' Dr J. Dr. Ai-Ili'tlina-ii, of New (4-,tllr)v?ay, kuowtl. ?'.dd m Hot-Lies. 1/1.?, 2.9, ? 4/C, by i),t) ('h"iu! ts. Tt-JC'BRILLIANCY 1 LL PURITY S)LBER s??Y jr;Lj-r tC OANN]O.)MY LIGHT. FOR BURNING COLZA AND OTHER VEGETABLE AND MINERAL OILS. ALSO FOR COAL AND AIR GAS. PROFESSOR E. J. BABtf Bays :— "THE PRISMATIC SPECTRUM OF THE 'S!LBER UGHT' IS ALMOST IDENTICAL WITH THAT OF THE SOLAR RAY." HIGHEST AWARDS WHEREVER EXHIBITED. SILBER WELLINGTON READING LAMP, Complete, 67s. 6d. SILBER DOCTOR'S LAMP, with Lens for LaryngoBcopio Examinations, 37s. 6d. SiLBEp READING LAMP, Complete, 27s. 6d. BiLBER TABLE LAMPS-  Bohemian GIMs Vase, Lamp with N i=,.dGlobe and CMnineyComplete, Height to top of Biirner, 14 in es, los. 6d. Other Patterns, 12s. 6d.. 14s. 6d.. 16s. 6d.. 18s. 6d., SIs., Z5s.,30s.,to.E6each. BiLBEB BRONZED TABLE LAMP, Complete. Height to top of Burner, 13 inches, 68. 6d. Other Patterns, 10s. 6d.. 14s. 6d., 17s. 6d., SIs., SBs., 30s.,to JE10 10s. each. 8ILBEB SUSPENDING LAMPS— Bronzed, with Balance Weight, Complete, 14s. 6d. each. Other Patterns, 17s. 6d.. SIs., SSs.. 27s. 6d.. 30s., 3Ss.. to .ClO.lOs. DRAWINGS AND PRICES, WITH LIST OF AGENTS, Porwarded 0" Please or two THE SILBER LIGHT CO., 4U, WHITECROSS STREET, LONDON. E.C. MANUFACTURERS AND CONTRACTORS TO THE ADMIRALTY AND MOST RAILWAY COMPANIES. CONSUMPTION MR. G. T. CONGREVE'S Nsw WORK. "mHIS MAR VELLOUSWORK touches JL the sympathies of human hearts everywhere." Here is hope for the despairing." So writes the Editor of the Omig?U& 11 Zhe?e. T?/tTR. CONGREVE'S work on Consump- JjJL tion, Asthma., Chronic Bronchitis, &c.. &c., contains ONE HUNDRED and THIRTY- THREE SELECTED CASES. POST FREE for 6d.. or Is. 3d.. from ELLIOT STOCK. 62, PATERNOSTER ROW. or from the AUTHOR. COOMBE LODGE, PECKHAM, LONDON. S.E. ? ? A AT LONDON PRICES. AGENTS TE-A-jL- WANTED EVERYWHERE. 61bs. Carriage paid. GOOD STRONG CONGOU, thick and lasting Is. 8d. per lb. VERY STRONG INDIAN MIXTURE 2s. Od. per Ib. FINE FLAVORED PEKOE SOUCHONG Ss. 6d. per Ib. .rNr4,:]?uWg(Ésttiïri: SOCIBTE ORIENTALE GASTRONOMIQUE. FINEST FRENCH COFFEE. ?- RED, WHITE & BLUE (LABEL). RoMted after the celebrated French method and Composed only of the TRINEST JA OUNTAIN COFFEE .l.T-L And the FINEST BRUGES CHICORY, Sold by all Grocers throughout the United Kingdom. in i, 1, and 21b. Tins. Price 1/4 per lb. Wholesale of Hanson, Son, Evison and Barter. CHRISTMAS rRESNNTB AND NEW YTEAB'S GIFTS. <JENNER and KNEWSTUB A RE now offering at HALF PRICE for Cash -C?- the whole of their SURPLUS STOCK cousiBting of Albums BaiometerA, Betting Books, Blotting Books, Candle- sticks, Card Caes, Despatch Boxes, Envelope Cases, Fusee Boxes, Inkstands, Letter Weights, Match Boxes, Pocket Books, Purses, Suites for WritingTable, Trinket Standa, &c., together with hundreds of USEFUL ELEGANCIES SUIT- ABLE as PRESENTS. Alpo the whole of a Manufacturer's Stock of FIRST CLASS LEATHER GOODS, owing to the 'olonged depressim of trade, to offer at HALF THE USUAL COST. cùprUSÏOn o trade, JENNER AND KNEWSTUB, 33. ST. JAMES'S ST., Mid 66?JERMYN ST., London, S.W. I33R, SOT. T?-CXSTIN-G-S-][-Zi-.RAN?IN?, -?- of EVERY KIND. Union -?* Ft Olly?(1;7? LIVERPOOL. —— CASH PRIZES from*———— —— -P?? f?n DOWN TO ?20— öt,;I ??? Monthly divisions.-AH under A4ng Guarantee.—Shares 6.10 and ZO shillings. Every Share a bona nde chance to obtain a Prize. Apply tothe Agency lor Public Funds ce2 i bJ'e:tztrffor IMn dressed to James Colmer, 29, & 31, New Oxford St., London, W.C.. will be duly attended to. PROSPECTUS AND LISTS GRATIS. A LL PERSONS WANTING SITUATIONS should send ?? 12 stamps for a SELECT LIST of BEST VACANCIES n a parts of the Country. State Bit.atio, ,,d district required. Address :-General Employment Ag?? y, 4, Cor).r.,in St. Manchester. "HES??? WITH l u EQUAL TO 45 CANDLES PRIZE MEDALS-PARIS 1878. The most brilliant and economical mode of illumination. Gives three brilliant vigorous Btunea of light. The wicks are plaoed in form. Each wick can be depressed or ele- vated at will and emits no smell Consumption of OIL (Kerosene or other Mimeral Oil) less in proportion than that of any other lamp. TABLE LAMPS, 16/ S1/ 31/ AND 105/- EACH. SUSPENSIONS, 20/ 46/ AND 106/- EACH. CARRIAGE PAID TO AM PARTS OF THE UNITED .HJNGDOM. DESIGNS AND PRICES FREE ON APPLICATION TO TONES AND WILLIS, PATENTEES, ? 43, Great Russell Street. London. W.C., and Temple Row, Birmingham. tmw§ mm LLur v a V PCBJtLY VZGZTABLX. i'erfectijr Bfumlett, Will reduef) fi-oin two to fo"yin tr- inIC its converainn mto Snld by C h mis ta. Send atamp for Botanic Nedicine Co, 3 New Oxford-street, London, W.C. Xktlt BEN SON'S WORKMAN'S SILVER ENGLISH LEVER. £5: 5 0 SPECIALLY MADE TO KEEP PER- FECT TIME STAND ROUGH WEAR and T AST A LIFETIME. IN A LL SIZES. (CAPPED, JEWELLED and ALL LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. Delivered safe and free to all parts on receipt of <S6. 6. 0. BY J. W. BENS ON, THE STEAM FACTORY, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.G. Illustrated Lists of Watches from J62 2s. to JE200 free. Agents, Secretaries of Societies, Foremen and others, required to establish Watch Clubs for the above. 341 J. PREECE JAMES, AROHITECT & BUILDING SURVEYOR, ALBERT STREET, Haverfordwest. 157 SYM?NGTON'S WORLD W)DE ADAD? REPUTAWTIOIDN EARABS ? DANDELION, FRENOH and PATENT COFFEES W. SYMINGTON & CO., B'P)wden 8team Mills, MARKET HARBOROUGH. ) fsfa&s/!e</ ? ovel* fifty years. r?APE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL, & EAST ?? AFRICAN ttTBAMEBS.—The UNION 8. 8. Oo.'e MAIL PACKETS waN ffom ScurHjUttPTOtr wveey tJtemate Thnmd&y, & StefHnem in theEntwrnedi?teSerrioe wvery alternate Frid&T tU teavim? F?ymonth the next dg6y.Af at% Oomp<my'a0at. eee.OFiMitatPtttoe. aoQthampton.orlLLeMenhtta e(t.J<ondon. or to T. T. Ja.okøon, Kilford Htven. ?_ T?ALKER's CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES  others. Pri.e M(?dals. londo?. IF,62. F&h!<, 1M7. St?e'-fron. &? Ss. CoMfrom ?0 6h. 77.Cornhin? E.C? 230, Regent Street, W.. London. De!'cripttVtPa.mphlpt?ree._ J--&J H-OPKINSON:95.-NEWBoN-P-Ëh.. I J.&j 0 -AL JIL Ma.nuiM'turersof Grand and Cotta.ce ?-Fia.nos. CAUTION the Puhtip against ,??pu)-cha.sinf: Pianofortes bearmf! the namp o< ??HopKlNSON which MP not o( thcirmnnutacture. -,cnY instruments sta.mppft wit), their 7'tY;? .Va;'&. ?J. & J. HOFKINSON. LONDON, are ermine. Photograph,% and IAsts free on applicutioti. "Mtty hhJr:rha)1 the r:iïe Mt'sic Wnrehouses._? "———BEA80NABLE PRESENTS. THE MIDLAND COUNTIES WATCH COMPANY. OF VYSE STREET. BIRMINGHAM. 258. 25s. I pt, ev(?i-v rE'a.der ,? f ¡¡f\f).d  be,iutifu T ",Cw loguc, cont-aayiiiig list of testimonials and over 5(¡() Ii ne rtla\Vag ra- of w.t.  El,tro nate, sent to an part of the worl2 GENTLEMEN'S. FINE SILVER, crystal glass, Mi). INDIES' FINE SILVER. Aat crysttti glass, S6s. YOUTHS' FINE SILVER, Sat glass, LADIES' GOLD LEVERS ex- COAM 08. These WATCHES are frequently eoMt for treble the money. Cheques or P.O. payable to Mr. A. PERCY. ?,? ? .? BILLIARD BALLS, CLOTHS, CUES. TIPS, and  "th?r Billi.,d R?q.i?it" t Q??f? HENNI& BROS?' I?ryW?rks, ll. ?n ?re?, ?'?????? London, W.C. Old I an?) usted or exchanged, and Tables Re'c u'hion?e r'l e-co?,ered. Price ?? 6? *?? Listt, Ctoth & Cushion Rubber Sample ePost Free. 'tJAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES. ? LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE. It forms a most invigorating beverage by the simple addition of water, and M taken according to directions is the beat preventive and curative, of SmaU-pox, Scarlet Fever, and other diseases. It does no2 contain Magnesia or any earthy matter calculated to duce Gallstones or Gouty po6its. Prepared solely b LAMPLOU?H. IM. Hotborn? Eondon. ?HAV? ? 1? HTT. OUR HOUSES ?TAKE IT IN YOUR TRAVELS. TDILLIABD & BAGATELLE TABLES. A LARGE STOCK: of NEW & SECOND-HAND TABLES <ttwaya on hand. ?r«<br ?rtc< ?M«. G. EDWARDS, (Comer of Iíar ShG{r1Nis¡föAri:,t-:Ds, COOPER'S CAFFEINODlIES: ??' THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY FOR HEADACHE. In sick headache, and the headache affecting one side of the head. Ss. 6d. per box. Post free on receipt of price. C. B. COOPER, Queen St., Norwich. and PLANT CUCUMBER FRAMES ? FRAMES, from TWO GUINEAS. Fainted, glazed, packed and delivered free. The frames are thoroughly weU made, and can be put together or taken apart in a few minutes. Price lists free. R. HALLIDA Y CO., Royal Horticultural Works, MiddJeton, Manchester. X I- 0 PIR:R CBNT.T IIE IITIDURBRIDGE POTTERY- WORKS (Limited). DIVIDENDS Minimum Dividend of 10 per cent. per annum, secured by Bond. For A uil particulars and prospectits, GUARANTEED aply to the Spcretary, AA, Bishops- !gate Street Within. London. E.C. BRACELETS. The only one that is safe. To be had of all respectable Jewellers and Fancy Shopkeepers. hWE8' llpex;.le W-INGFIELD, ROWBOTHAM & Co.*s SHEFFIELD REGISTERED SOLID FERRULE ? TABLE KNIVES. ORNAMENTAL INDE8TRUCTABLE. Sold evervwhere. npREINTERN ATlOI'?AL FUR 9TOR)iT, JL t< If! HEnENT ST., LON)!OK. T. 8. JAY, MANAGER. .kin.c)t!'tsand Newmarket Coat., Fur CapeøHats, MWfs, Gloves, Md Ru?f) ?' WH?LESAS ?KK'ES ?O'R ?A6?t'uS ?Mticn?rt?S THE RIGHT THIG IN THE RIGHT PLACE. BEECHAETS PILLS. ?ETFq? //??/ ??\ ?? ?JPATENT ? ?? 0 Are a dmitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea a Box for and nervous dis- orders, fuohaa wind and pain in the stomach, sick fulness and aftcr mealø, and drow- ..iness, cold chills, fhu.hins f heat, toss of nppetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, rcurvy. blotches OH the skin, disturbed steep, frightful dream", and aR nervous and trembling sensa- tions, &c., &c. The nrst doae will Kive relief in 20 minutes. ThM is no nction. for they have done it in thousands of cases. The proprietor of these Pills havin obtained (at great cxpense) apatentforthem.he challenges the whole world to produce a medicine equal to them for removing the above complaints, and restoring the patients tfI sound and lasting health. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills and they will be to be N', OltTli A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bnng about ait that is required. No female should be withou them. There is no medicine to be found to equal Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the diree'.ions given with each box they wi)l foon restore females of all ages to sound and robust BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As F remedy for Conllhs in Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing, Shortness in Breath, Tightness and Oppression in the Wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled; and anyone labouring under any of the above complaints need only try one Box to prove that they are the best ever offered to the public kn-Ai-thmatic .udCon-iumpt.ive Cough). Hoarseness and Oppt'esston of the Chfs They speedily remove that sense of oppression and dimcitlty of breathing which nightiy deprive the p:Uicnt of rest. They give almt?t .nutant relief and comfor! to those atutcted with the above dis-tressing and, hen neglected, dangerous eomptainti.. Lft any person troubled with any of the abovp complaint gtvf ./}<'ec/!<!M'< Gottqh Pills a ttial. The moM violent COl',gh will in a short time be removed GrltttÙm.-Th, ;jubdc are requested to notice that the words Beecham' Pilb, St. Helen's," are on the Government stamp amxcd to encn box of pi!I§ if not on they an- a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and rctai) by the pi-opt ietor, T. Bcecham, Chemist, St. Hetetis, in boxes at Is ld and 2s 9d each. Sent. pn;-t tree for 15 ur 36 stamps. Sold by every drug- gist in the United clirectiùuH given with each box. 202 P IANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS For Sale & Hire, also on the Three Year's System, AT B R I GS TO C KE'S Music and Fancy Warehouse, 7, Market Street, Haverfordwest VIOLINS, CONCERTINAS, ACCORDIANS, MUSICAL BOXES, &c. ROMAN AND ACRIRELLE STRINGS. 177a A SPECIAL SHOW OF Â U T U M NAN D WINTER ?!: ILLINERY CHOICE AND SELECT ON AND AFTBR SATUIZDAY NEXT. M :a S. CARTER Who has just returned from LONDON, after securing some of the Latest Designs and Leading Novelties as exhibited at the West End and Pans Fashions for the Season, very respectfully solicits an inspection. COSTUMES, DRESSES. JACKETS, & ULSTERS made on the pi onuses with skilful hands at most Moderate Prices. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS, PROPERT HOUSE, GOAT STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, CONDUCTED BY MRS. W. CARTER. Bridal and Mourning Orders promptly executed with the strictest economy. TERMS-CASH. AUTUMN AND WINTER SEASONS. GREENISH & DAWEJNS Beg to intimate that they are now prepared with a full assortment of New Goods in every Department. DRESS MATERIALS IN ALL THE FASHIONABLE TEXTURES. VELVETEENS GUARANTEED «FAST PILE." JACKETS, MANTLES, ULSTERS, AND FUR LINED CLOAKS. HATS AND BONNETS IN STRAW, BEAVER, MELUSINE, FELT AND SEAL. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. FURS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. TAILORING AND GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. POST ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. 24, 25, & 26, Market Street, Haverfordwest. October, 1882. WINES & SPtRtTS FOR THE PRESENT SEASON Selected from W & A Gilbey's List of 244 varieties, representing the largest finest and best matured Stock in the world. The purity of every article is guaranteed under Act 38 & 39 Vict., Cap. 63. Consumers wiH recognise in this Act a means of verifying the guarantee W & A Gilbey have always given of the purity and genuineness of all WiNES and SfimTS bearing their seals and Jabels. No better guarantee of QUALITY and VALUE can be given than the fact that about every eighteenth bottle of Wine, and every fortieth bottle of Spirits, consumed in the United Kingdom is supplied from W & A Gilbey's Stock. This statement is based upon the Government RetnrM. WtNES Bottle Dozen PORT Castle A/?< ??«? An exee)!ent ? ?, 241 fruity Wine, weit matured 5 years old ) ?/ ?n??/ PORT Castle B /?M /'<w?? A nme fult- (n,< nQ/ fiavored fruity Wme 8 years otd ) "t ?0' SPANISH PORT Castle ? /?t ?? ) ? ,Q c/ A fruity Wine of good body 2 years otd ) -0 -?? SPANISH PORT Castle 4?? ?<MM The ), 221 finest old Xed Wine produced. 10 years old ) i/ ?1? U ?n?n// SHERRY CasUt SPANISH ?M ?<tM ) .n A good Spanist Wine 2 years old?-L/O J-0/ SRERRY Castle C /?- /?w< ?<t< ?'' ?.0/? 28/ excellent type of dry Sherry 6 ye?rs old f "/? ?000 MARSALA Castle VP ?a?/?? ?.<-t? t, ,„, A delicate dinner Wine 3 years oid ) i/t -LO/ MARSALA Castle C ??./?< ?Mt? ) i ,Q The finest Marsa)a imported 7 years otd ) -L/0 ?onW/ CLARET Castle A from France A good ) 12/ sound Beverage Wine 6 months in bottle 11 12/ CLARET Castle C ?t?< ??t?<-< A superior t Q Medoc Wine 18 months in botde ) -0 io/ 8AUMUR Castle Silver Fil A Sparkling )n,< 25/ dry Champagne SAUMUR Castie Gold 7''M/ A choice Wine ( 2n /„6 30/ oftheDistnct < CHAMPAGNE Castie 1 A good Sparkling )n/n M/ Wine for ordmary use f CHAMPAGNE Casde 3 A high-dMs )?, 42/ deheate Champagne 3 6 4.,2n/, SPtRtTS Bottle Do- Bottle Dozen GIN Castte UP HigMy rect?d at W & A) 2/ o?y Gilbey's Distillery 33 per cent. under proof GIN Cast)e PROOF HightyrectinedatW&A?/m o. Gitbey's Distillery Strength, proof f ? ?U 0?/ IRISH WHISKY Cast:e UP F:nt)n/o <y7/ Dubtin Whisky 3? per cent. under proo< ( 1 ?'/ IRISH WHISKY Castle PROOF Fine?, Dubtm Whisky Strength, proof )0/ OQWc/ SCOTCH WHISKY Castle UP FIne)n,n o7/ Scotch Malt Whisky 33 under proof) ?? 27/ SCOTCH WHISKY Casde PROOF Fme ? no; Scotch Mait Whisky Strength, proof, 3/ 3W BRANDY Casttc UP Possessing the whole-) n<c on/ some qualities of Cognac 33 under proo i l 2/6 30/ BRANDY Cast)e PROOF Possessing thl 3/6 4.0/ wholesome qualities of Cognac Strength proof COGNAC Cast)e D A nnc o!d Cognac) n,p Hr?ndy 33 per cent. under proof) 0/0 4Z/ COGNAC Castle F A very nne old Cognac ) ,c Brandy Strength proof ?/b M/, JAMAICA RUM Casde UP A nne) n 'o nr71 Jamaica Runi 33 per cent. under proof) A 0 ?<y' 7// JAMAICA RUM Casde PROOF Anne?Q, Jamaica Rum Strength, proof) 3/ 0Q0?/, HOLLANDS Castle 1 DistiHed in Honand) p? QO/ (rom Rye ?4 per cent. under proof ¿,o HOLLANDS <.S7/? ???? The nnest)n,o n?/ Geneva. Bottled abroad. 14 under proof 12/6 30/ AU B<tttt<t (except for apMMin< Wine*) Mw cJaarged Id. otet. wtuch h ttttowed when retnmed. AGENT- G. V. -HARRIES. Chemist, 36 High Street. HAVERFORDWEST ESTABLISHED HALF A CENTURY. GREEN AND JOHN, WHOLESALE G&eCEM lea, Coffee, Spice, and Provision Merchants, Tallúv Chandlers, Coffee Roaster., c., QUAY-ST., HAVERFORDWEST. Agents for the Sale of Lawes' Celebrated Manure. i4 HOLLOWAY?'PIL LS I World Known—World Tried For strengthening a debilitated constitution, these Pills are more emcacious than l any Other medicine. Persons of a Mrvous habit of body, and aH who are suQenng from wettk digestive organ*. or whose health has become deranged from whatever œuse" should lose no time in pving these Pills a fair trial; their action is immediate, beneficial and tMtiag, restoring order, health. and vigor in every case.. For Disorders of the Liver, Stom&ch, Kidneyw and Bowels. These purifying are coafidently recommended as the most and certain remedy f "r Indigestion, Flatulency, Acidity, Constipation, and all Disorders resulting from dÍ50rdered Stomacb or Bowels. They act as purifiers, alteratives, Itrengthenen of the stomach. powerfully tonic and I aperient, they are mild in their operation and bene&etti to tht whole system. Weakness and Debility—Nervous Imta- bility and Low Spirits. The wholesome enect exercised by these admirable Ptik over the Blood and Fluids generxtty, is like a charm in dispeliing-low spirits and restonn& cheerfuluess. 71eir general apenent qualicies weD fit them for a dotio medicide, icularly for females of all tges and periods of life. They qmckly e?ect all impufitiex from the system, and regulate every function of the body. giving wmdciful tODe and ODVJtY to wwk and debilitated constituuoul Complaints of Women and Children. Any mother, nume, or yoaag person guided by the direct;ons which accompany each box of HoUoway's Pills, has at once availae means for checking purifyinc tàc blooi, aDd from the system nil gro56 humours. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London: also by nearly e re V table Vendor of Medicine througho.t the Civilized W2 IE m Boxes and Pocs. at IS. I id., 9d., 4s. 6cL, US" 225. 3gs. each. Full printed directioIls are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any Language. N.B.—Advice Mm be obtained, free ef charge, by applying at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. No. t8. 4 WILLIAM HARRIS, NURSERYMAN SEEDSMDN, MONKTON, PEMBROKE 796 TOWER HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. PRICE & RUSSELL, PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, PAPER-HANGERS AND GENERAL HOUSE DECORATORS. ALL KINDS OF GLASS AT MODERATE PRICES. HEALTH, TONE, AND VIGOUR. y c o Thie preparation is pronounced by the most eminent members of the Medicat Profession to be unequalled for its power in replenishing the ??italit7 of tbe body, by its supplying all the essential constituents of the blood and nerte substance, and for developing all the powers and functi olor' of the system to the highest degree. It removes pimples, blotches, purines tne blood, gives new life, sound and refrcshing sleep, and restores the constitution to health and vigour in a short time. Sold by most chemists at 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., Us., and 22s. per bottle; or sent to any address on receipt of price by HILT OK Co., 9, Northumberland Street. Strand, LondoR. CAUTION.—AsK for Sir Astley Cooper's Vital Restorative." Do not let the chemists persuade you to take any other. The of larger bottles and leSll price is put forward. It is QUALITY the aniicted require not quantity. Agenu.- Barclay & Sons, 95, Farringdon.street, London, and all the Wholesale Houses. 384 NEW BREAKFAST A AFTER OlNNER BEVERAGE. CON ROYS MALT COFFEE Pure Coffee combined with Malt bll Patent Procesa As a breakfMt beverage it ia unaurpaased. "— ig U] Dr. SANDEMOx. M.R.C.8. and heeJib I produomg article of diet."— ) E.DAV!M. F.C.8..&< t ASSISTS BtCESTtON. Betaa from all Grocera, DruMTstt. tc. PrepMed only at the MALT COFFEE WORKS. 34..M-MT ST.. LIVERPOOL A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. y? RATIS, a MEDICAL WORK, showing suf- \jr ferers how they may be cured and Recover Health and Vitality, without the aid of Quacks, with Recipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin ASections also chapters on Happy Marriages, When and Whom to Marry the Temperaments Stamm er. ing Vital Force How Wasted and How Preserved Galvanic Appliances and the Wonders of the Micro- scope in detecting various Complaints. Post free for Two Stamps. Address, Secretary of ANATOtfT, Birmingham. 978 Notice to the Public. A LL PARCELS Intended tor conveyance -?- bv the MAIL CART to Saint David's, leaving the Post OBHce every morning at 6.?0., and returning at 5 p.m., must in future be left at the NEW INN, Upper Market street. Passengers to and from Saint David's will find this old established house replete with every comfort. Passenger ares to and fro 7s 6d. single journey 5s. Parcels at moderate rates. THE CASTLEHOTEL. HAVERFORDWEST. Family, Commercial & Posting House This Old Established Hotel Is now under NEW MANAGEMENT. It has undergone Thorough Repairs has been Re- furnished is centrally situated; contains Sitting, CoSee, Commercial, Stock and Sale Rooms. NIGHT PORTER KEPT. First Class HORSES, NEW CARRIAGES and HARNESS, havebeen purcbasedregardlessof expenae OMNIBUSSES [EET ALL TRAINS. 295 GEO. J. BLAND,—PROPRIETOR BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF HAVERFORDWEST. FAIRS FOR 1882. 'I'HE FAIRS for 1882 will be held as foIlowB, un- .L ess unforeseen circumstances ehall make an alteration necessary:— JANUARY Tuesday 10th FEBRUARY 14th MARC R 2fst APRIL llth MAY 9th JUNE, for Wool and Stock, 13th JULY llth AUGUST 15th SEPTEMBER Wednesday 6th Tuesday 19th OCTOBER, Hiring Fair Thursday 5th Tuesday 17th NOV,E, MBER ]4th DECEMBER „ i2th The PIG FAIRS will be held on the day after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending the Ha/\ erfordwest Fairs are hereby cautioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Knife or other Instrument for the purpose of Marking any Animal; and Noricz IS UERMHY GIVEN, uuder the Statute 12 and 13 Vict.. cap. 92, all Persons found Lacerating any Animal will be liable to a Penalty of FIVE POUNDS. W. P. ORMONB, MAYOR BRISTOL STEAM NAVIGATION COM PANY (Limited) NOV., 1882. '?,t ?T?HE foUowing or other NuittMt c?tJL Steam Veeaele, unteM prevented by ??JlW[t?tmN.?iL?? ? strikea. want of foot, er toy oafereeeMt ?S?EESB? occurrence, are intended tc Mit M endw- m?ntioDed, from Cumberland BMin, with or without PHote, and with liberty to tow Teeeelt doriet <?< Mocth of Nov., 1882- MBROKE-DOCK., MILFORD, AND HA- VERFORDWEST. F&Ott B&ieTOL. Briton. 3, Friday lot mem 10, Friday 6 tftef 17, Friday 9 tMm 24, Friday 4i ttftef FARES—Cabin, 13e. Fore Deck. 7*. 6d. Ten by or Pembroke Dock to Wexford—FMM—OttMt M< Fore Deck, (St. T E N B Y. Briten. fROM BMMOt. 3, FridaT 101 more 10, Friday 6 after 17, Friday 9 more 24, Friday 4i aHier FARES—Beet Cabin, 12e., Deck, 6*. CbildrM M«t Twelve years of age, Bait-price. S- OFFICE —32 PRINCE STREET. The above Veesele are fitted up lot the conveyMM< PasBengers and Goods.——Female Stewards on Botrd. Carriages & Horses should be alongside Two Heurt bt* fore Sailing, and are landed and embarked wt the ritk <m< expenBe of their Owners. AGENTS-Mr. F. J. Bellick, Haverfotdweet, Xiltwd and Neytand; Mr Abel Roberta, Pembroke-dock; Mt T. Reee, Tenby. STEAM COMMUNICATION BBTVBBN LIVERPOOL. MILFORD SWANSEA t B&IBTO For tM ife<t<t 01 Nor, tM2 THE ?iTerpool and Bristol ChMne! StM? JL Navigation C?mptny'e 8t<am 8hip<t BRUNSWICK CAPT. J. BARKm. 8TUARf, CAPT. W. F. CAJO'B'BLt.. TUDOR, CApr. E. RuTxvamRD4 MUNCASTER, CApr. J. W. BLAM. HEPTARCRY, CApr. J. PtummoB. JANE BACON, CApr. T. RovuN. LOUISA, CApr. R. WoM SUNLIGHT, CAPT. J. JoNBs. MONTAGU, CAPT. M. DEVtmrx WINDERMERE, CAPT. J. CAMpBtLL! AGNES JACK, CApr. A. F&EKCH NEW SHIP (Bunding) THE S.S. JANE BACON," (or other euit&Mt veMtl) Ie intended to Bail (unless prevented by atty .}" seen occMrreMce) as followe, with or without pilett <ta< liberty to tow Tcsseie -— Prom Liverpool to Milford end Brist#L I Nov. o'clock. Saturday 4 41 night I Saturday 11 9 night Nov. c'ctoek. Saturday t8 4 evet Saturday 35 9BM)K I From Bristol fo u Milford. I Nov. o'clock I I Tuesday 7 12 night Tuesdav 14 7 night I N,ow. tTOMM. Tuesday 21 12 might Tnetdtv 28 7 aigbt I From MilJord tor:.J.AtJerpool. I Nov. o'clock.. Wpdneedty I. 8 mom Wednesday 8. 12 noon Wedn€eayl5. 7 more t<ov. eetoct. Wedneedav 22 12 neen Wedneeday 29 7 ZMfn The Steam Barge Pembroke' if intended to ply on the Milford Haven, in connection with the above SteameM carrying Goodsto and from Pembroke-dock, Boverfordmed and the adjacent towns. FARES :— Cabin. Dectt. Milh.rd to Liverpool 12e. 6d. 6a. Bristol to Milford 8e. 6d. 6t. Swansea to Milford oe.Od' ta. NoTtCB.—The landing and embarcatioc ofGoodaorTM* eengere at Milford, bv whatever conveyaact, wtether at the expenee ef the Steamer, or utberwia. ta at tM fittt << the PamengerB and the Ownereof the Good* mpeedve For furtber particulan eee amall bill*, or apply to Jeet Bacon, 4, Kumford Placp. Livorpecl; G. H. Evaea, Bfh 01; Daniel Morgan, bwanopo Kenworthy «Bd Oe., M«t coble; 'tetJ.OHN PHILLIPS. AegST, MIL"R&. PHILLIP$. AGs. Xn. TWELVE CARTES de VISITE, &. 8d: JL Six, I*. M. OMte *n)M'f*d tc !e itcbt*. tt.: (MtMt. ? t?t CM** with tt<mt*. P?fect Otpitt Md onjft'ud Mtttnttt ?<? I?mtton Photctrtphie Co.. M4. Re?eut 8<Mtt, Le«tt)t. W. "}'. D. PHILLIPS. U.Cw. T ADIES AND GENTLEMEN FROM <m JLj COUNTRY c&c be sure of aeeing their Cocnty Papers in the News Room of the LONDON A)fD ComfTY CLUB, Victoria HonBe, Catbenme Street, Strand, W.C. 496 A GOOD FLAN. OPTION dealing in Stock Exchange ?- Securities often returns five to ten timee whe amount invested in as many days. JE10 to LI, 000 re<Ji<M ttame r&tio of pront. Bxplanato-ry Book øent /ree. Address, GEORGE EVA.NS & Co., Stock-brokeM, Gresham House. Old Broad Street, London. S3t Mr. EDWARD RIBBON. PROFESSOR of MUSIC, and FRANO- FORTE TUNER, A small B&nd for Private Parties only, VMUW, VIOLONCELLO, and PIANOFORTE. MERLIN HILL, HAVERFORDWE8T JOHN LL. Mt)ES A UCTIONEER, APPRAISBR, ACCOUNTAN1, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. OFFICES: HIGH STREET. HAVERFORDWB8T HAKIN.MILFORD HAVEN Valuations made on 7doderate TerMM. SALES GUARANTEED IF REQUIRED. Clients Promptly Settled with. [A CARD.] ALFRED BIRCH, QUAY STREET, (Near CASTLE SQUAM), HAVERFORDWEST. PRACTIOAL TAiLOR <& WOOLLEN DRAPER. All Clotha supplied of the newest pattern* tad thoroughly shrunk. Own Materials trimmed and made in the mowt fMhion. able style, at Moderate Charges. Cloth Garments cleaned, preaeed, and neatly repaired. 424 T. POWI8 REYNOLDS, A rchitect and Buildtng <8Mrp<y<M', HIGH STBJEET, HAVERFORDWB8T. Architect to the HaverfordweNt and Steynton School Boards. 7207 DENTAL NOTICE. '?ITR BAYNTUN begs to inform his patiente that -i?L be hae made arrangements to vMtit the follow- ing towns PERSONALLY -— Cardigan, the second and last Saturday in every month. Newport (Pern.) the Monday after second Saturday. Fishguard the same day (by appointment only.) Haveriordwest the Tuesday after second Saturday. in every month. Newcastle Ernlyn the last Friday. All communication to be addressed to Melbourne onse, Cardigan. 745 MASONIC HALL, MILFORD HAVEN. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. The Building Committee of the Masonic Hall, Milford Haven, are now making arrangemente for a GRAND DRAWHS; G on the principle of the Art j Union, the proceeds of which will be devoted to the Building Fund. Several very valuable prizes have already been promised. Further particulars will appear. 1