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LOCAL NEWS. I Carmarthenshire Hunt.—Sir Owen Philipps was on Saturday appointed master by the Carmar- thenshire Hunt, with Mr W. S. G. Morris (Ystrad- wrallt) as his deputy. Boxing Competition Postponed.— We are asked to state that the Boxing Competition advertised to take place on Saturday, the 31st inst., has been postponed. G. W .R. Excursions.—From an announce- ment in our advertisement columns it will be noticed that the G. W.R. Co., are ru.Qg exctrrsions to Llanelly and Swansea on January 31st, to Gowerton Fair February, to London on February 6th, and to Llanelly, Swansea, and Cardiff on February 7th. Baptist Foreign Missions.—Services were held in Bethesda and Hill Park on Sunday last, when the deputation was the Rev. R. Jennings of the Congo. On the following evening Mr Jennings gave a lantern lecture, and had many interesting things to tell of mission work in the Congo. The high sheriff, Mr Francis D. Phillips, presided. Proceeds of Christmas Oarol Singers. We are informed by Mr S. Smith, Portfield, the organising secretary, that the proceeds of Mr Dixon's party of carol singers 011 Christmas Eve in aid of the National Children's Homo amounted to £ 9 13s Id. The best thanks of the local Society are tendered to the public for such generous contribu- tions in aid of so worthy a cause. College of Violinists. At the recent examination for Licentiate of the above College, Miss Lena Harries, of Pembroke Dock, gained the highest marks in the Kingdom, 96 out of a possible 100, and will accordingly receive the silver medal of the College. Miss Harries has received the whole of her violin tuition from Mr T. G. Hancock of Pem- broke Dock. Visit of the Rev. Daniel IJughes, Ponty- pool.-A large number of people are expected to hear the "hero of the sledge-hammer" incident at Hill Park on Sunday and Monday next. Mr Hughes is a preacher of remarkable power and has great oratorical ability. The lecture on the ten days which be spent in Walton Gaol as a passive resister has been tremendously successful in many parts of the country, audiences being kept hilariously amused for two hours. Not only is the lecture amusing but also very instructive. It will com- mence at 8 o'clock. Tickets, 6d each. Noted Winter Sale.-Messrs Harries & Morris's winter sale, in which exceptional bargains may be secured, commences on Saturday next, and will be continued for 15 days. Customers do not need to be informed that this is a genuine sale of the remains of winter goods, and thtt the reductions are noc fictitious. The opportunity offered by this sale to secure fashionable goods of sxcellent quality at prices so low as to be within almost everyone's income, is almost unique. A perusil of this enter- prising firm's sale catalogue will gire an idea of the bargains offered. A discount of 3s will be allowed on every XI, or IN on every shilling sptnt. Tabernacle Guild.—The week!y meeting of the Guild was held on Monday hlst, Rev. E. N. Jones presiding, when a debate on "Whether bazaars are justifiable means of raising church funds" took place. Able papers for and against were read by Mr D. LI. Davies tnd Miss Beta Thomas respectively. A lively disctssion followed, which was taken part in by Messrs W. Noot R. Walters, T. Bleddyn, W. White, Go Phillips and J. Morgan. The result was 18 for and 14 against. A hearty vote of thanks to the speakers terminated a very interesting evening. The secretary announced for next Monday's meeting a paper by Mr H. E. H. James, B.A. United Charities. — A meeting of the Trustees of the United Charities was held on Monday, Mr Edward Eaton-Evans presiding. The statement of accounts showed receipts amounting to X78 15s lid, and total payments of 149 16s 4d (of which ?41 was paid to alms'women), leaving a balance in hand of X28 18s 9!a.The Clerk reported that there were complaints against two inmates of the almshouses for carrying on a laundry. The inmates were Miss Harries and Miss Rogers, and they took in a good deal of washing and made them- selves a general nuisance to the other inmates. A resolution was passed that in the opinion of the Trustees the inmates should not take in washing as the accommodation was not sufficient Two appli- cants were received for the vacant room at the almshouse, Mrs Martha Davies (aged 65), a widow, of 30, Church Street, and Miss Jones, Milford Road, a young woman 29 years of age who said she was entirely dependent on her family. The appoint- ment was given to Mrs Davies. Death of the liov. W. A. Petors.—The news has been received in Haverfordwest with very great regret of the death on Sunday morning of the Rev. W. A. Peters, M.A., vicar of St. Paul's, Grange- town, Cardiff. The deceased, who was a native of Haverfordwest, had been ailing for sometime, and on Sunday week he collapsed in the vestrv of St. Barnabas Church prior to the service. But he con- tinued to attend to his parochial duties until the following Tuesday when pneumonia set in, and he succumbed at his residence in Clive Street, Cardiff, early on Sunday morning. The rev. gentleman was born in Haverfordwest, and served as a puoil teacher with Mr Morgan, of the Barn Street National School. Afterwards he held the position of schoolmaster of Burton, and was well-known and highly respected throughout the district for his many estimable qualities. In 1898 he was ordained, and entering the Church .the following year his first curacy was at St. Fagau's, Aberdare, where he remained nearly two years. In 1900 he became curate of St. Paul's Newport, and his next curacy was at St. Cstherinels, Cardiff, after which he accepted the living at Dinges- tow, near Usk. About two years ago he returned to Cardiff as vicar of Grangetown and had ever since organised the Church work in that parish with con- spicuous success. He excelled as a pastor, the sick and poor of the ward receiving his closest attention at all times. No one but himself and the recipients knew the extent of his financial assistance in needy cases, and these also were his especial care in his capacity as a member of the board of guardians for Grangetown. Every movement in the ward that was non-political and nou-party in character, and likely to prove beneficial to the parishioners, found in him a hearty supporter. On Sunday evening references were made in the various churches of the city of Cardiff, and sympathy with his sister (liss Peters) vas generally expressed. I The Pembrokeshire Hounds will meet on Monday, February 2nd, at St. Botolphs; Thursday, February 5th. at Valley Farm, Wiston. Each day at 10.45 o'clock. Sir Owen and Lady Philipps, of Coomb, near Carmarthen, will sail on Feb. 27 for the Argentine Republic, where Sir Owen has extensive interests. They will remain abroad for a few months. Accident to Dr. Mills.-While attending a patient recently Dr. Mills, Haverfordwest, slipped on the stairs and strained a tendon of his leg, which produced great lameness, but we are pleased to hear that the Doctor is progressing satisfactorily. Albany Young People's Guild.—At the weekly meeting of the Albany Young People's Guild last night, Miss Edwards, headmistress of the Prendergast Girls' School, read an interesting paper on The hymns that have helped." Miss Edwards compared the older hymns with the more modern, and suggested that the old hymns were sung with more fervour and thought. She mentioned Mr Stead's favourite hymn Be gone unbelief," and Mr Gladstone's favourite hymns "Lead kindly light" and "Rock of ages." An iateresting discussion followed. Cymric Society. The recently formed Cymric Society will hold its inaugural meeting in the lower Temperance Hall on Friday evening next, the 30th inst., at 8 o'clock. The committee hope that all interested in things Welsh will attend. There will be an excellent programme of songs, recitations, selections on the harp, and speeches. Admission will be free by ticket, which may be obtained from the secretaries, Messrs G. J. Griffith and T. Bleddyn. Special Services at the Albany. — The Albany Chapel was well filled on Sunday on the occasion of the monthly mission service, when the Rev. Owen Jacobs preached a striking sermon on Give God a chance." The preacher said that God had given every possible chance to human beings. As the Universe was the expression of God'a power, so man was the expression of His love, and when man turned his back on his Creator, God lost His expression of love. One of the chances man could give God was to believe, and when man refused to do this, he gave God no chance to save him.- During thfl service, the Misses Bollom, Albert Street, rendered a duett, His Holy Angels." St. Mary's Sunday School.—The scholars of this flourishing Sunday School had their annual prize-giving last Thursday. At five o'clock a large number sat down to tea and did justice to the good things provided. Afterwards, under the presidency of the vicar, Rev. T. Owen Phillips, the prizes were distributed by Mrs John James to the deserving scholars, and later the whole happy gathering was entertained to the following musical and varied programme arranged by Miss McKenzie. Piano- forte duet, the Misses McKenzie and Cole; recita- tion, Beatrice Davies; aotion song, Girl Scholars; eong. Leslie McKenzie recitation, Mabel Hadfield action song, Ten Choir boys; recitation. Cyril Jones; song, Muriel Thomas song, Mr W. McKenzie (junior); chorus, "Lullaby," Girl Scholars. "God Save the King." Miss Wybrow, assisted by other helpers, ably managed the tea arrangements, and the Vicar duly thanked the teachers for their work. A vote of thanks to Mrs James was proposed by Mr W. R. Price, and :carried with acclamation. This closed a very pleasant evening. Vawer's Charity.-A meeting of Alderman Vawer's Charity was held at the Council Chamber on Monday, when there were presentMr Edward Eaton Evans (presiding), Alderman W. J. Jones (mayor), Alderman T. H. Thomas, Mr R. T. P. Williams, Mr H. J. E. Price and Mr Isaiah Reynolds. —The first business was the co-optation of trustees in the place of Mr Hugh Thomas and Mr Fred Green, and on the motion of Mr R. T. P. Williams, these trustees were re-elected. The chairman (Mr Eaton Evans) and the vice-chairman (Mr F. Green) were re-appointed. The statement of accounts was read showing that there was a balance of X26 Is 8d in band fro last year. Payments amounting tn .EM 12$ m w6re maae ? a?amea, McTtEerewM now a balance in hand of X30 14s 8id.—Mr R. T. P. Williams asked if the Trustees could not appoint another pensioner, but the Chairman said the present balance was necessary to carry them on until June.—Mr Price: If we have a balance of about £ 30 every year we could appoint another.— The Chairman said there would be no receipts until June, and the payments between now and then would have to be met out of the present balance.— The matter dropped. Presentation to Mr. J. L. Jenkins.-An interesting gathering was held at the Shire Hall on January 14th, when Mr J. L. Jenkins, who has been secretary to the Pembrokeshire County Chemists' Association since its formation, was presented on behalf of the members of the Association with a silver cigarette casket and a silver oigarette case in recognition of valuable services un- grudgingly rendered. The presentation was made by Major Treweeks, Pembroke, who paid a tribute to Mr Jenkins for his faithful and devoted work on behalf of the chemists of the county. In spite of family bereavements, be said, Mr Jenkins had continued to perform the many onerous duties pertaining to the office, and a more efficient secretary it would be impossible for the Association to have.- Mr Jenkins, who was very much taken by surprise, feelingly acknowledged the gifts, and said be very much valued the presentation as a token of their appreciation and regard,—Mr Howard Llewellin, chemist, Milford, proposed a vote of thanks to the small committee who had organised the presentation and to Mr Pugb Davies, for having promoted it. He was particularly pleased that a Haverfordwest chemist should have taken the initiative in the matter.—Mr Pugh Davies replied, remarking that Mr Jenkins had rendered the Association such valu- able services that his only regret was that they bad not acknowledged them in some more substantial form.


Haverfordwest Sessions.

- - -. -.-, - - - -_-HAVERFORDWEST…

Colliery Developments in IPembrokeshire.

Pembrokeshire Hunt Ball.

