Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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COFEE to Roasted per lb. 1/6 j 1 ? Costa Rica „ 2/2 | Pea Berry „ 2/4 j   W. T. STONEHAM Argyll Stores I- • » Coffee Specialist Abergavenny I  j ACCOUNTANCY. ¡ Systems of Book-keeping for different Businesses provided- ystems of Book-keeping fo: different Businesses provided. I Trading a!ld Profit and Loss Accounts and 'Balance Sheets prepared. Trading a?d Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets prepared J Periodical Audits performed and Businesses supervised. Income Tax Returns Accounts. Adjustments, Claims for Repayment, Inconle Tax Returns, Account:A..djustments, Claims for Repayment, Periodical Audits performed and Businesses supervied. I &c. "i I Excess Profits Dut cases a speciality. H. JACKSON,0"™" Whitwell, Abergavenny 0.' q. H. JACKSON, cer AWhifwell Aberavenny I WE CLAIM for our monu ental. Work that it is Equal to the best London Photos and Firms in DESIGN and" QUALITY OF Inclusive WORKMANSHIP, but at least 50% Terms on cheaper. application GENUINE OFFER OF r MEMORIALS IN STOCK AT OLD PRICES ROBERT PRICE & SONS I ADJOINING CATTLE MARKET. WE MOVE WITH THE TIMES. lp I w (D s By the Leading London Makers. GRAMOPHONES | CASH or HEINS & Co's. EASY PAYMENT SSSTEK. HEINS & Co., LTD., THE ALL-BRITISH FIRM, 23 Frogmore Street, ABERGAVENN1. E. A. PEAKE, j FLORAL HALL, CROSS ST., FtR Wreaths, Crosses, Chaplets, Anchors, or any design. 4 Bridal Shower. Opera Presentations, and other Bouquets artistically made up of the choicest flowers in season at the shortest notice. New and Reliable Seeds have stood the test for over 30 years. Estimates given for Table, Church De- corations, Weddinp" Parties &c. JESSE PRITCHARD, PRACTICAL BUILDER, 1, Trinity Terrace, Baker Street, ABERG-A.VER_V.- Every description of Building Work promptly exe- cuted. Yarda and Paths Asphalted, Cemented or Gravelled at moderate charges. Careful eltteatior given to all Jobbing Work.. Heating Apparatqs, Boiler and Grate FixiHg a speciality. A Trial Order respectfully solicited DO YOU WANT [MONEY ? THEN apply to the Actual Lender, as below, for sums from £ 10 upwards. Confidential and straightforward business. Repayments to suit borrower's convenience. Special terms to Farmers. No Sureties required. A. SHIBKO, 84, High Street, Newport, Mon. RELIABLE pURNITURE of every description |( BEST AND I ? CHEAPEST DOWNES ■ I Frogmore St. j Abergavenny J REDWOODS BREAD I AND I CAKES PERFECTION = I Redwood's Hygienic Bakery I Flannel Street. W. H. BUTT, Ladies. & Gent's Tailor and Children's Outfitter. CALL AND SEE OUR PATTERNS FOR TAILOR-MADE COSTUMES. HIGH STREET, ABERGAVENNY. THE ABERGAVENNY STEAM LAUNDRY. CO., LTD., Merthyr Road, Abergavenny. UISfDER NEW MANAGEMENT. HIGH-CLASS WORK, J REASONABLE CHARGES. Address Miss TAYLOR, Manageress. 1, t ?_ ,u?.— .j,?-— ?  Is Business Booming ? J IF NOT, WHY NOT ? IS IT YOUR FAULT ? » ALL THE BIG BUSINESSES ^HAVE BEEN BUILT UP BY ADVERTISING > HAVE YOU ADVERTISED YOURS? 8. If you have any Special Lines, proclaim them in bold type. Tell People the GOOD VALUE You can offer. Your Profits are made on what you SELL, NOT on what you KEEP IN STOCK. 1 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE I THE ABERGAVENNY CHRONICLE THE BUSINESS BRIHGER '"V DO YOU CONTEMPLATE MATRIMONY ? If so, you should marry a' furnish your home with the least -possil,i'e delay, for furniture is continually bediming scarcer, and the indications are (1at ,for a con- siderable tiav- AFTER THE VICTORY furniture will be almost unobtainable. ¥ At their Seven- Branches and numerous Reserve Warehouses „ > throughout South Wales BEVAN & CO., LTD., Wales' Largest. Furnishers, Newport, Pontyj; >ol, Cardiff, r(, &0. still have immens'e stocks ei reasonably prices. IMMENSE SELECTtOMS BELIABLE GM<?6. ALL REQUIREMENTS.  I DoIi. n .Ioerø-r nnd Dlstrit' 1VIORGAN & EV ANS THE SUPPLY STOPES, Abergavenny and Criokhowell, HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN OFFERING Very Fine LIGHT DINNER ALE AMONTILLADO 6 per Dozen Pint Bottles. AND MANZ ANILLA SHERRY HEREFORDSHIRE SHERRY CIDER ALSO SOME Ohoice Old MADEIRA. 5'6 per Bozea Pint Bottles. STILL WHITE WINES PRICES OX APPLICATION. 30 per Dozen Bottles. THE WHITE SISTERS GIVE LESSONS IN French, Pianoforte, Violin & Mandoline, Painting, French Painting, Poker-work, Needlework we Children and Adu!:a, both ladies ar.i gentlemen. Tbey take also young indies who left school for accomplishments, French ard Needlework at moderate charges. FRENCH CLASSES ars hn:i. Terma: 1"2'6. if 01*83 is coBjpoae4 of at least six membev? .15/- if ouly fonr niembei^. For rertbec partionl&ra Apply to Jhe,REY. MOTHER SUPERIOR, Pen-y-ponncl House. i P.O. 30 Abergavenny. Teegrams; Stanley, Abergaveajay. CHAS. P. STANLEY, BLACK LION YARD, ABERGAVENNY. i Alwa a Buyer of Iroa, Brass, Copper, Lead, j Zinc, Pewter, Spelter, Gun Metal, Rags, Foaes, Rubber Bottles, RabbitvSkins, etc., ¡ etc. BEST PRICE GrvSt. I Upon receipt of Post Card will wait uponl)rou immediately ¡ ALWAYS NUMEROUS ARTKXSS FOR 3 ALE. 11 R. M. WILLIAMS, LTD., Chemists & Opticians At I | EYESIGHT TESTED I Occulists' All Prescriptions Repairs Accurately Promptly Dispensed.. Executed.. FULL RANGE OF SPECTACLES — AND LENSES IN STOCK I AngefHotel Cross St., Abergavenny YE OLDE FYRME. WILL. EVANS, SCULPTOR, 2 Brecon Road. ABERGAVENNY., Compare my work with others and not be misled by bluff advertisements, as all I want is a fair price for an honest job. Unequalled for accurate work in ¡ MASONRY, CARVING & LETTERING, as I specialize in this one business alone, and it is impossible to put up a first-class job and give satisfaction at shoddy prices. » ■ FOR PURE HOME BREWED ALES AND STOUT, WINES AND SPIRITS I -TRY- I THOMAS DELAFIELD, j KINGS ARMS, I ABERGAVENNY. PERSHORE CO-OP. FRUIT MARKET, LTD., PERSHOfeE, Worcs. WE HOLD SPECIAL SALES OF EGGS. &l:t; EVERY THURSDAY; j BOXES SUPPLIED. C. ARNOLD CRAPP, Manager. C. ARNOLD CRAPP, Manager.  VEGETABLE PLANTS. Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Brussels. Sprouts, Tomatoes, I vegew* marrows. Savoys, Cabbages, Kales & Broccoli all at 1/- per 100. Bedding Plants Bedding Plaits I Geraniums, Begonias, Calceolarias, Mar- gurietes, Heliotrope, Dahlia, Violas, Lobelia, Asters, Stocks, &c. Insecticides, X Potato Wash, Kalakilia, Abol. Ex All, &c. Bordorite. Sulphate of Copper, aud Pure Washing Soda. Wreaths, Crosses, Bouquets & Cut Flowers. HENRY PITT, (F.R.H.S.) Brecon Rd. & Old Nurseries, Abergavenny. j Licensed Agent to stock and sell Poisouocs Com- pounds for use I in Horticnltare. Tel, No. 11.4. j Tel. No. 19. j New Grates t soon pay for themselves apart from increased warmth and comfort, and are astonishingly cheap at ROBERT PRICE & SONS, LION STREET & PARK ROAD/ 1 District Agents for the Celebrated I Oakelev Slates, and the firm for all Building Materials, Timber, &c.