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£ >glrsfrg I PARK HALL SALEROOMS. CARDIFF. X E N N A R D'S NEXT GROCERY AND PROVISION SALE WILL TAKE PLACE ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8TH. All Goorls for this Salts to be sent in not later than two days before. SOle 73660-12066 Dttsircss J\.bbrrS5fS. R J HEATH AND SONS, '12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class pIANOFORTES, QRGAInS, AND II ARMONIUMS, 1: IN SOUTH WALES, Which they are offering at a LARG/E DISCOUNT FOR CASH, And on ,the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. Pianos, from 16 guineas. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free 259# Pinnos, from 15 guineas. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free 2bgs JIVEPORTAXT. gPECIAL. E N S O N S G' NEW PATENT (No. 4658), "LUDGATE" WATCH, SILVER GOLD £ 5 o £ 12 12 IS A "SPECIAL STRENGTH' SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, MY BEST LONDON MAKE. WITH THREE-QUARTER PLATE MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT. •CHRONOMETER BALANCE, WITL1 DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN MASSIVE STERLING Slt.VER DOJlK CASES WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT WINDS <& SETS HANDS & OPENS AT BACK, MAKING IT A BETTER WATCH THAN ANY S10 WATCH IN THE MARKET, ITS ADVANTAGES, OVER THE OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE BEING i ENORMOUS, AS THE 'LUDGATE" WATCH WILL I.AST ONE HUNDRED YEARS, IT NEVER BREAKS, AS IT CANNOT BE OVER. WOUND AND HEVER NEEDS EXPENSIVE REPAIRS. 'IS A BETTER TIMEKEEPER. IS A BETTER WATCH, AND t IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER WATCH 80LD FOR BM IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE OF ALL KINDS, AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH AND is^UAUiV SVITKD FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAY MTJfKRS, GENTLEMEN, llOYS. AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL USE, MADE IN THREE SIZES, AS UNDER: WORKMAN'S, LARGE SIZE. MINER'S A RAILWAY MEN'S, EXIRA LARGE SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, M t'DIU.M SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR £5 5 lhl. CASH, OR P.O.O., PAYABLE AT G.P.O. PRICE IN 13-CARAT GOLU CRYSTAL GLASS CASKS TWELVE GUINEAS. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. BENSON is the only ( Maker of a Three-Quarter Plate English Watch for £5 bs, and that our Patent I "Ludgate" Watch cannot be had through, or of any Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any "itringemeut of the Patent Rights will be proceeded against. A Book explaining the advantages of this Watch over the Full Plate English Watches so!d by &U other makers, will be sent Post Free on appli- cation, to J. W. B 8 0 N WATCHMAKlSB TO H.M. THE QUEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY. 62 and 64, LUI)GA,'rE. HILL, E.C., AND 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. Illustrated Pa'nphlet«,^r^atches from £ 2 to £ 500, Oold and Silver Jewellery, Clock, (House. Chime, and Turret), and Musical Boxes, free 0n application. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS.—FOREMEN, SEC&KTAJ>IK« -of FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. AGENTS, and ethers will find their incomes considerably increased by 4)stablishing Clubs for the Now Patent "LudgaU" 'Watch, as it is worth from B5 to £ 10 more than any Elish Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all others in the market. 11968 72776 253e FO STAL i) i; L 1 V E II 1* JL OK THB SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. ^"•tors of the SOUTH >VaLES DAILY NEW beg to announce that bv a special concession of th- Postal Authorities they are enabled to despatch their ^?r<? in °" ef'Cw-norni»K bv rii8 Mails leaving Cardiff CARMARTHKN^Slfe, PEMBROKES HIUK CARDIGANSHIRE,' As well as those portions of URKOON^MMM „„ MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Tredegar and Kbyinuey Valley Postal Districts, may now have the BOUTH Wales DAILY NEWS delivered at thsiz-razi tfonces daily by the «nw »s r,hac which convevs their London„ I-ndoii ttnd West of England subscribers rece ve ku«ir naners o" the afternoon of publication. TheSeco^ KD,TION of tl,« Sob™ Wat-s DAILY Nkws i, jorwii'iied, prepaid, to residents of the follow- ing and «11 ctli«r places within the Cardiff Postal 1. inr the first morninc deliverv CFasIII." j' enooAd Brides^|.n t. Nichoiii •KIy 01l.11stun. eterstonM It Fag enooAd Brides^|.n t. Nichoiii •KIy ionvilston* eterstonM [oraaJiStown lelingriffith t Andrew's t Andrew's Sully Couityralla pinas Powis Cadoxwm Bafty. Caerphil'J Bedwa-s Ystrad My"*0" £ *Uypau1, 5M5fellon's Mably IMi\Jiaei*tn-i«Ved\\ Castletown Marsh Held Penarth ILlandough Lis vane Llanishen Whltchurcb Whitchurch TafFs Well TonRwynlais WainiftTnkig. IPJSK QCAKtKK, POs"?^ 0 PER HALF-YEAR •• 01# PER YEAR •• •• I» SOUTH WALKS DAILY NEW* 76 and 76. St. Marv-«t eet, School ADVERKs^ffiSrs^Th* D attention of Principals of p,!™* 'j other "ZOOLS is directed to the followllr* ^RE-1 AID TARIFF for School AdvertleSLS* One Three Insertion Insertions. Insertions: Inseroien s. d. s. d. s. d t a touriiines.. 1 0 2 6 4 0^. c » ix Lines 1 6 •- 3 0 6 0.] a s light Lines.. 2 0 .5 0 8 0 il 0 welveLines J 0 7 6 12 0 ig j Eight words way be calculated to a Hue. Advertise Wftftisstssr u"m »•" welveLines J 0 7 6 12 0 IS (J Eight words way be calculated to a Hue. Advertise  the CARDIFF TIMJM    ?tRWS  w!tb Wftftisstssr Dooil lfltll, 10 M to, foyra part ",ti. of m..rtlol2 JVmnsentmts. THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LKSSEK & MANAGER Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. FUNNIER THAN A PANTOMIME. TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, Mar. 27th, and during the week, Return Visit of Mr H. C. Jarrett's Original American Musical Comedy Oddity, FUN ON THE BRISTOL, OR. A NIGHT AT SEA. Laughter for a week Smiles for a month Good humi'iir for a year Act I.-rHome of the Widiw O'Brien—Ma:oh-makmg. Act II.—On board the s.s. Br stol Elopjment. Gru-d Yarietie Entertainment. Original Burlesque in t:,e I>ady of Lyons. Popular travestie in the opei a of 11 Trovatore. Bar Piayed by them upwards of 1,700 nights in all the principal cities of ureat Britain and the United State". Act HI.—Midnight on the Ocean. All's well that ends well. MONDAY'iv'EXT. Mar eh 30, Mr C. H. Hav/trey's Company, from the Globe Theatre, London, in the new Farcical Comely, THE PRIVATE SECRETARY. Morning performance of the Private Secretary, r SATURDAY, April 4th. Box Plan and Tickets now ready at Messrs! hompson A Shackell's, Crockherbtown. Doors open at 7 Cum. mence?. Door and St. Mary-street Entrance open 6.30, Sixpence Extra. 53237 X> H I L H A R M 0 N I C X MORRELLA'S PALACE OF VARIETIES. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. TO-NIGHT, MARCH 25th, ami eve y evening iluvine the week, grand combination of Star Artists, fresh faces, and old favourites. Doors open at 7, commence at 7.¥J. In consequence of his great success, re-engagement for a limited number of nights of Mr. PAP CASH A rs, well-known in Cardiff as Padrty Mills, tlie ecccntnc Irish Comedian and Dancer, the Bnmp' ligist. First appearance in Cardiff of Miss MARIE BALFOUR, the celebrated Vocalist and Burlesque Actress. Re-en- gagement of the marvellous TYCOON JAPANESE TROUPE, with the Man Monkey, the marvellous Barrel Performer. The greatest Acrobats in the world The iiic)sta-tounding performers in the wnrid Cheer upon cheer nightly greet saucy LIZZIE VILLIERS, (harac.ter serio-comic ,and. clog, and champion lady high pedestal dancer. Every evening the wondrous MARTINI TROUPE of BICYCLISTS, the smallest :in'i best performers in the world. Last week, and pleasing reception or charming R)SIF. BLONDE, dashing serio-comic and dancer. Thunders of applause nightly greet JOCKEY WATSON, vocal comedian and eccentric dancer. YICTORIA ROOMS, ST. MARY V STREET, CARDIFF. GREAT CHANGE IN THE MARIONETTE PERFORMANCES. By general desire, the lioawtiful Drama. of THE BABES IN THE WOOD Will be performed Every Evenine. Also the COURT MINSTjiELS, attired in magliticellt Court Dresses, with thpir funny Jokes, Soncs, and Dances. Never seen before in tarciiff. Morning Performances, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 3, and every Evening at 7 and Half- past S. AN ILLUSTRATED LONDON LETTER Is appearing EACH SATURDAY I THE "SOUTH WALES ECHO." The Illustrations are executed by a well-known Artist, and the letter-press deals in a light vein with Politics, the Drama, and Social Topics. -¡. .vc. '8' THE Public appreciate GOOD TEA. Our 2s Mixture is unequalled for piquancy of flavour and strength in the cup. PLAIN OR MIXED, 6 LBS. FOR lis. LARGE CRYSTALS SUGAR 2D PER LB., f 2s PER DOZEN. W. j^ARCHANT AND CO., ANGEL STREET, 2*6e CARDIFF. 6 POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of all Diseases. GRATIS.—Sent l>v Post to all parts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS DE. BILITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE RESULT 011 OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES This Book cives a. POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES The Names of all Medicines are civen in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each caae. IT IS A GUIDE TO THE SELF-TREAIMEN1 OF ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. NOTICE.—THE POSI- TIVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE BOOK. Ot 'POSITIVE REMEDIES' ARE THE MEDICINES USED BY DR. SMITH FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS. By the aid of this Book Invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malady, and find a Positive Remedy for the Cure. The names are pub- lished in English, to enable Invalids to select the remedy and Cure Themselves without consulting a medical man, making a written statement of case, or paying consultation fees. Send Two Stamps for the BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES, which contains 244 pages, and Rives a cure for all diseases. Post free on receipt of Two Stamps direct from II. & H. SMITH & CO., 130 POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY, 26. SOUTHAMPTON.ROW. LONDON. W.C WORTH A GUINEA A BOXK BE^OHAM^S PILLS ARE admitted by Thousands to be worth a GUINEA A Box for bilious and nervous dis- orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The tirst dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fic- tion, for they have done it in thousands of cases. Every snlferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all elntructions, and bring about all that is required. No For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all elntructions, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they female should be without them. There is no medicine *o be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they L ,oon r»*tore females of all ages to sound and robust n^aith. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a few jjozen will be found to work wonders upon the most n organs in the human machine. They streng- then the whole mnscular system, restore the long lost compleaon, bring-back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the wholephysical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands,embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the ner Tons and debilitated is, BEECHAJM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Couchs in general, arthma, difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath, tigatness and op- the chest, wheezing, &c., these Pills stand siou \?y sPeedily remove that sense or oppres- theVatfent^f Ur-.y,of b^hing which nightly deprive PILLS a triaL and th any Pe>son give BEECHAM S Sort time be^ removed.Bno8t Solent lough will in a the vvot^]bSkcham^s Pills'st H^leiJs -n°fciCe Government Stamp affixed to each box of th^Piiu not on, they are a forgery. '• 1 Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St Helen's) Lanca- shire, in boxes at Is lid and 2s 9(1 each. Sent post free from the proprietor for 15 or 36 stamps.— Sohi by all Chemists ana Patent Medicine Dealers. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. 12065 13EL1GIOUS SERVICES.—The atten -I- v tion of Church and Chapel Managers is invited to the lollowing SPECIAL PREPAID TARIFF for Ad- vertisements annonncing the holding of RELIGIOUS '?5?ylCES- ANNIVERSARIES, and TEA MEET- INGS One Three Six Twelve Insertion Insertions. Insertions. Insertions. „ *• d- s. d. s. d. s. d. FtwjrWnes.. i 4 4 0 6 0 8 6 I 2 •• 60 •• 90 I2 0 S | 80 12 0 16 0 £ 7 *UnM- ? 2 12 0 18 0 24 0 6 0 18 0 27 0 36 0 **•: 8 0 24 0 36 0 48 0 „ Tfv; *ord\toay be calculated to a lire. This TariIT j.^ tr> AdveriittiHaiti enumerated ca,! also appear in the CARDIFF WALES A-EEKIA- NEWS in conjunction witq those in the Smith Wales Dailr A em:, so as to rorm nart of t!i<^ series of Insertion* XTERVOUSNEis, LOSS of ENERGY," ana VITAL POWER.—A gentleman having tri«o in v*>n every advertised remedv, lias discovered a sipiple&ie&n* of self-cure. He will M happy to for ward the particu^rs to any sufferer on receipt of a a atamped^d directed envelop# Ad$r«u Jf T. Sewell, [ Baq., Cb'swlok. Ml<td «««*, ?12 | %usingsa ^.bttrggsgs. OTHAM AND SONS, 26 & 27, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, NEW STOCK OF SPRING OVERCOATS. "COV ERF 16/6 COAT. COVERT 18/6 COAT. COVERT 20/- COAT. SPECIAL DELIVERY OF NEW ^lOVERT ^JO ATS. COVERT 25A COAT. COVERT 30/- COAT. COVERT 55/- COAT. AN IMMENSE VARIETY OF THE NEW ^LBANY CO-KT. ALBANY 17/6 COAJ. ALBANY 17/6 COAJ. ALBANY 21/- £ £ £ ?* ALBANY 26/- COAT. ALL MADE WITH DOUBLE-STITCHED SEAMS. A LB AN Y 35/- ~C"~0XT7~ ALBANY 37/6 COAT. ALBANY 43/- COAT. The above cannot be surpassed tor Style, Finish, and Workmanship. MADE EXPRESSLY FOR THE pRINCIP ALITY QUTFITTING s TORES, 26 AND 27, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. JOTHAM AND gONS, PitOPKIETORS. JjEFORE BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE Write for the "Illustrated Pamphlet," sent free on application ly the Largest Watch Manufacturer. JQIAMOND i EWELLERY, Purchasers supplied direct at trade prices. A SAVING OF FROM 25 TO 50 PFIEL CENT. MR. T. R. RUSSELL" MAKER TO HElt MAJESTY THE QUJCE, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 13, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. (NO AGENTS IN WALES.) 277 j^ULTON, JQUNLOP, AND ^JO. CAHDIi F AND SWANSEA, ALSO AT WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP AND SONS, And others of the finest BURTON ALES. PRICES Per Kilderkin. Per Firkin. 18s. I 9s. 21s. I 10s. 6d. 24s. ) 12s. And upwards. 155e gULPHOLINE L OTION. THE CURE FOR SKIN DISEASES. IN A FEW DAYS ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, ENTIRELY FADE AWAY. BEAUTIFU LLY FRAGRANT. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. CURES OLD-STANDING SKIN DISEASES. REMOVES EVERY KIND OF ERUPTION SPOT OR BLEMISH, AND RENDERS THE SKIN CLEA-t, SMOOTH. SUPPLE, AND HEALTHY. Thore is scarcely any eruption but will yield to Sulpholinn in a few days, and commence to fade away, even if seemingly past cure. Ordinary pimples, redness, blotches, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by magic; whilst old, enduring skin disorders, eczema, psoriasis, acne, lackheads, scaly eruptions, rosea, prurigo, tetter, pityriasis, however rieeplv rooted f< Sulpholine successfully attacks. It destroys the animalculie which mostly cause these unsightly, irritable, painful affections, and always produces a clear, smooth, supple, healthy skin, "Suipholine" Lotion is sold by most Chemists. Bottles, 2s 9d. jpEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. HEALTH, STRENGTH, ENERGY. GREAT BODILY STRENGTH, GREAT NEaVE STRENGTH, GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH, GREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH, Follows the use of PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. It improves the appetite, promotes digestion, greatly strengthens the nerves, increases strength of pulse, gives firmness to the muscles, alters pale countenance, supplies deficient heat to weak circula- tions, overcomes bodily weariness and weakness, cures many painful complaints—neuralgia, sciatica, &c.; is remedy for dyspepsia, stomach affections, &c and horoughly recruits the health. PEPPER'S QUININE & IRON TONIO. MOST IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 1 0{ this valuable medicine is now supplied at 2s 6d, thus bripgine it to the reach of all Classes, and greatly preventing the many injurious imitations Lrgely offered. PEPPERS TONIC. Insist on having it. Bottles, 16 doses, 2s 6d; next size, 32 doses, 4s 6d. Sold everywhere p 'Ee P F, ]R's rpARAXAOUM AND JpODOPHYLLlN- THE SAFEST ANTIBILIOUS MEDICINE. A FLU-ID LIVER ME D I C I N E WITHOUT MERCURY. MADE IPROI, DANDELION AND MANDRAKE ROOTS. J* n.°y u?°d and regularly nrescribed by many Physicians instead of blu« p;n calomel for the cure of dyspepsia, billiousness, and all symptoms of con- gestion of the liver, which are generally pai-i beneath the shoulders, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in the morning, gidainass, disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. „ 2s 9d and ♦» 6d. Sold by all Chemists. Insist on having Pepper's. LocKYERPS SULPHUR HAIR I RESTORER. THE BEST. THE SAFEST. THE CHEAPEST. RESTORES THE COLOUR TO GREY RAIR. INSTANTLY STOPS THE HAIR FROM FADING. OCCASIONALLY USED, GREYNESS IS IMPOSSIBLE. REMOVES SCURF, AND EMBELLISHES THE HAIR, CAUSING IT TO GROW WHEREVER L tHIN AND PATCHY. 848e Bottle* Is H Sold everywbw, U949 Snshwaa Jltiirrfsscs. s ALE. SALE. SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE :«-mm SALE SALE QUEEN-STREET, SALE p.BnTW SALE SALE CARDIFF. SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE t SALE 1am F. SPWNGFOED SALE SALE SALE SALE AND CO., SALE SALE SALE SALE Are leaving the abeve pre- SALE SALE wnst Clear the SAT^TC cat^ whSle valuable SALE stock, wbicfc comprl»»s SALE SALE General SALE SALE SALE SALE T\ & APERY, SALE SALE -LJ A SALE SALE SALE SALE Dresses, Mantle* shawls. SALE SALE SALE SALE Dresses, Mantle* shawls. SALE SALE Under-cfothint. ^ce9. Rib* SALE SALE HuckalicksnSTo4biW^; SALE SALE Blankets shirt?nl° TaWe SALE SALE Lilen", Cumin: èfftnnes, SALE SALE Gloves, Trimniin*. Haber- SALE SALE dashory, kc. SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE The Sale will ,«-i-nee To- SALE SALE morro* SATUEBA™M»r.28. SALE sale SALE holders will do wti to inspect SALE SALE h beln5 » f«nni1d SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE TP ftPRXNGFORD SALE SALE KD SALE SALE AND oo SALE SALE SALE SALE 4, QUEEN-STREET, SALE SALE SALE SALE UAltbUW SALE SALE SALE SAL8 SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALrt bALE s ALE. IsALE. jgj ASTER TIDE DISPLAY, THIS D Ay- T 0 L A D I E s- j^J-ATCHLESS lITLJIlS, FAULTLESS IN PRQDIT^TION, FASHIONABLE IN jlODE, GRACEFUL IN FORM, STYLISH IN TASTE. MATCHLESS MANTLES, GRACEFUL IN APPEaraNCE, DESIRABI.E IN DRESS, UNCOMMON IN DESIGN. USEFUL IN WEAR. MATCHLESS MANTLES, HANDSOME IN PATTERN, ELEGANT TRl2flj £ jjfQgf BECOMING IN SHAPE, EXCELLENT IN MATERIAL. ATCHLESS MANTLEs, NOVEL IN COLOURS, DIVERSE IN SIZES, VAST IN VARIETIES, GREAT IN QUANTITIES. jpi EE DB B I'C K COX, 23, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, The Largest Caterer of Mantles in the provinces, whose styles LONDON, LEICESTER, CARDIFF, AND WOLVERHAMPTON. 73551 NEW EVENING pAPER. NEW jsviysiNG PAPER. NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. THE South Wales Echo Will be published EACH EVENING, As follows: i FIRST EDITION 2 O'CLOCK P.M. SECOND EDITION 4 o>too» r. 41 SPECIAL EDITION 6 O'OLO«K 28 COLUMNS. 28 COLUMNS. 88 COLUMNS. 36u5itl £ 55 Abbrrsses. RPRY PUDGE FOR T OOLS. T- OOLS. n.,OOLS. T TRY JI mooLs. m°0Ls. ^OOLS. PUDGE- rjwOLS. rjpOOLS. 'JHE rriOOLS. rpOOLS. mOOLS. rpOOLS. NEW TOOL foOLS. rficois. -P^EPOT. TOOLS. rpooLs. £ J mooLs. SHEFFIELD HOUSE, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. 286e SPECIAL LINES IN BLACK, AT W. PRICE & SONS. GENTLEMENS BLACK CURRAGH SUITS, 2b/ 35/ 45/ 55/ 65/ GENTLEMEN'S BLACK OXONIAN SUITS, fO! 60 70/ GENTLEMEN'S BLACK COATS AND VESTS, 20/ 25/ 30/ 35 40/ 45/ 5C/ GENTLEMEN'S BLACK CURRAGH COATS, 15/ 17/5, 20/ 25/ 30/ GENTLEMEN'S BLACK OXONIAN COATS, 20/ 25/ 30/ 35/ 40/ GENTLEMEN'S BLACK TROUSERS, 10/ 15/ 20/ BLACK SUITS FOR JUVENILES. ECONOMICAL, DURABLE, & FASHIONABLE. THE CARDIFF HOUSE. CORNER OF CAROLINK-STRKKT, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. Ille-23 ANEW SERIES OP SKETCHES OF CRIMINAL LIFE, By the Author of The Adventures of a Social "rastrel," "The Gentleman Tramp," "The Career of a Scapegrace," &c., WILL COMMENCE IN THE gOUTH ALES JfJCHO, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 28TH. These Sketches will form as startling an exposure of Criminal Life as the Author's narratives of Vagrant Life They are written from facts, for the truth of which the Author vouciies. The following synopsis will give somi idea of the Sketches:— CHAPTER I.-An evening in a London Cross Crib." « II.-The Sn»ak—How thieves are madc-A model Michael Fagin "—First time in gaol. It III.—The Pickpocket-" Lucky Bob's" tory- Ilia dodge, in prison—tlis sad end. it IV.—The t. (continued) Charley Espiin, the Manchester "dip."—His experiences—Marries a lady—The force of habit and its consequences, II V.—The Cciner — Ned Smith, the Brum magem "Simla" maker-H is adven- ture in the couittry-Lyiicli law in Wales. VI.—The Bursar— ''Bristol 'L\-ed Catch- ing a Tartar "—A terrible adventure- Lite in a Convict Colony. VII.—The Burglar (continued)—Ned Cleveland, the Church-breaker — His role as a ghost-Frigiiteiiiii6, the Sexton—Sui- ,ciiie in -io: ti VIII.-Tile and his lady wife—Ambition and its punishment. „ IX.—The Former (continued)— Harry Griffiths and his legacy—A. honeymoon trip to Vfrie—Five'years' penal servitude. It X.—Miscellaneous—Gipsy Dick, the "horse- coper"—Sheep stealing adventures. „ XI.—Miscellaneous (continued)—The Jewel- lery "Faker"—Where stolen watches go to-Do(iginz the Pawnbrokers, Xii.-Sterie told by thieves. rpUZZONE FOR A STHMA. T UZZONE FOR ASTHMA. T UZZONE FOR B RONCHITIS. T UZZONE 'FOR -BpoNcHITIS. TUZZONE FOR COUGHS, COL-G.HS. new Cough Care, which thousands "praise as an important discovery. ONE DOSE of this uleasant and marvellous medicine does more to r 'move a cough, no matter how long standing, than a bottle of the many worthies* so-called remedies in the market. In Asthma XuMone has no rival. Be sure when asking for Tuzzone that you Ret Jt. Hitherto no spurious imitation has appeared in the market, owing to the very unique way of preparing this medicine and the impossibility of copying it. thus Turaone stands alone, nnappronched in excellence as a safe and certain cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all dis#ases of the Lungs, Air Vessels, Chest, and Throat, Tuzzone triumphs when all others fail. Sold in bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d, by all Chemists, Proprietor, A. J. Abdy, 35, Fetter-lane, London, E.C.- Agents i Stranaghan and Stephens, Cardiff and Penarth 190e 71682_ A WORD to the Wise Cause and cure of debility, want of energy, and premature decay. In struetions to regain health and vigor. Sent on receiptof 1 stamps by Publishers. Fitsalan-sauare Sheffield. 201a D n. ROOKE'S FAMILY MEDICINES. T\&. ROOKE" RIENTAL Kit. ROOKE'S 5pl.AR KUXIR piLLS. ROOKE'S AflD FXRIENTAL j*. ROOKE'S Oriental^ PILM. ILLS These CELZBRATJRK itigNTAT )"• »00KB.sS^S™li'°OMI!NTAI j l )n ROOKE'S P 1 L L 5 *\R. ROOKE'S ^CENTDRV.andhare ^RiEnTAL 1 a proved invaluable in il \R thousands of Cases. M ILLS JR. ROOKE SFor a {uli descrlp. JL» 4 <» Rr.nTrr>. tion of these medi- RIENTAL ROOKE S cines and their use (j1"11 KR. T>nnR-ir!*iH fclj8 Treatment 1< ILlg JK. ROOKE'S aml C)lre of Disease, <* Rnri|rF.q with scores of genu- ORIENTAL KOOKE S ine •iest(raonials,3ee II AR. ROOKE'S Anti-Lancet. ILLS. a. ROOKNS' JUL ROOKE'S ANTI. LANCET. V £ ILLS. R EOOKE'S™" well known RIENTAL work 172 ■ R. ROO:lr.E-S Eale", "P d may be I L L S ■ <E. RooKE's^0-K^§»b«l?';oBIBOTAI "KR. ROOKE'S En«land- pILLS. R. ROOK'W'i IE AL So nnrtTTR's SOLAR ELIXIR || ILLS )R" KOOKEbj, 80ld }n bottles M pnnirn"?:48 6d and Us. and TXRIEXTAL |B. ROOKEft ORIE NT AL I 1 ROOKE'S "IT PILLS. •)«, BOOKS'S^^SSSSrysiBllTM -onfixrv k Vendors and by 1< I r. f. s JR. ROOKE S DR ROOKE, Scar- p b • R. ITOOKE'S borough. RIENTAL 1L ROOKE'S T) I L L S. IL ROOKE'S "DR. ltOOKE'S RIENT AL J HANDY 1 R ROOKE'S P9CKST-GCIDE TO |3 I L L S. • HEALTH AND £ \K. ROOKE'S HEALTH R*»TORIN<S X RIBNTAL • F LACKS, LI R. itooxrsvuu of pleasing 13 I L L S. • illustrations and S B. up4ni inforinatiou. ITIENTAL • Wjages. \} "\R ROOKE'S This Book may be I) ILLS. ■ obtained gratis trom •' R. ROOKVS all Patent Medicine RIENTAl, f Vendors, and post 1# t'vr. ROOKE'S free from Dr. Itooke, Q ILLS.! f Scarborough, Eng Jff IL ROOKE'S land, on receipt of RIENT.IL f a penny postage- \J JB. ROOKE'S stamp. pIL LB. MDICINIM. .JL* .m ma. 36usiutss ^.trtirisses. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SYMINGTON'S ARAB'S COFFEE. FOR STRENGTH, FLAVOUR, & AROMA IT STANDS UNEQUALLED. SOLD IN OBLONG .TINS. BOWDEN STEAM MILLS, MARKET HARBOROUGH. GOLD MEDAL, NEW ZEALAND, 1882. 295e SPRING ks U I T S. GARR B R 0 S. TAILORS, b4, ST. MARY.STREET, CARDIFF. SPECIALTY 16s TROUSERS. Having purchased a large assortment of splendid Trouserings, Su.tings, &c., in all the most fashionable designs, colourings, and materials, are now offering as a specialty TROUSERS FROM 16s. SUITS „ 58s. A trial only required to prove the superiority of their make. BARR BROS.' established reputation as Cutters guarantee style, quality, and a perfect fit. All goods marked in plain figures, from which no abatement will be made or discount civen. e il Te:-ms strictly Cash. SPECIALTY 16s TROUSERS. BARR BROS., TAILORS. 293e 12057 64, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 7357b 40 JJRIDGE gTREET, c A P. D I F F. C, 0 L L I C K, PAWNBROKER. MOST MONEY LENT ON GOLD AND SILVER VALUABLES. OVER S2 AT THE RATE OF 4D IN THI POUND EXCEEDING £ 10 AT A LESSER INTEREST. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AND DIAMOND RINGS VISIIY CHEAP. SPECIAL LOTS OF GOLD WKDDING RINGS SPECIAL LOTS OF GOLD WKDDING RINGS AND K 5EPERS. 23?e—73498 FOR Till: HEST CHIN A AND (J LASS AT A LOW PRICE, Go to W. J) U B B S, CHARLES-STREET, CARLIFF. PATTERNS SENT ON APPROVAL. CARRIAGE PAID. 294e CONOMY IN FUEL. gj ALL'S PATENT FEED WATER H E A T E R. 'TILLIAMS' PATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM BOILERS JOHN -y^ILLIAMS AND SON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STRE ET, CARDIFF. 107e IANOS.-WHY BE WITHOUT ONE JL. When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10s fed PER MONTH ON rjlHOMPSON AND SHACKELL'S HIRE SYSTEM 1 No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR and GLOUCESTER. 240e ILL-POSTING AT NEWPORT, MON. J. DE REES. STEAM PACKET HOTEL, NEW PORT BILL-POSTER and DELIVERER for TOWN and COUNTRY, Rents all the principal Hoardings in New- port ée. Wor executed with despatch 311 > CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR iCROSBY'S LI XIR J BALSAMIC COUGH Ili CROSBY'S ELIXIR J^LIXIR J Is the only rational sub- WjJ CROSBY'S stitute for opiates, nar- T^LIXIR. J coties, squills, & so 12J CROSBY'S frequently recommended 17^ LIXIR. J for C0U8HS, COLDS, &c. J li IROSBY'S LIXIR CROSBY'S BAISAMIC COUGH LIXIR S BLIXIR j'j CROSBY'S is invalnable to Travel- LIXIR lers, Sportsmen, Emi- JCJ CROSBY S grants, ^c., who have to jjlLIXIl^. encounter exposure to XJJ CROSBY'S the inclemency of the LIXIR. weather. llj IROSBY'S Y^LIXIR. ^JROSBY-S BALSAMIC COUGH LIXIR /iROSBY'S ELIXIR 4l^ LIXIR. \V Woiks wonders in eases ITJ /lROSB\ 'S Of PULMONABT CON- T^LIXIR. \J SUMPTION', and has been /iROSBY'S used with signal success- "rr^LIXIR. y in Asthma & Bronchitis. wit /CROSBY'S T^LIXIR /^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH LIXIR K> ELIXIR fij /iROSBY'S js an almost infallible ij^LIXIR /^DAenm. remedy for all Chest AJ ROSBY S Complaints, <fe is equally XT'LIXIR. efficacious in Night 4=^rT„TT, ZlROSBY S Sweats, Influenza, Quin- 17^ LIXIR 6T8. &C. XJ /CROSBY'S LIXIR /"CROSBY'S JJb< ROOKE'S I LIXIR. TESTIMONIAL. |1ROSBYS LIXIR V^OR\CDV>« DR. BOOB*, Scarborough, XIRTYR j CROSBY S fcuthor of the Anti- l^LIXT V^o/cT,w.e Lancet,' writes as fol- TVT_ glROSBY^S lows:—"I liave repeat- TT'LIXIR V^nn«i!v,« ediy observed how very 4-^r iv,n | CROSBY S rapidly and invariably it LIXIR V^T>r,«nvsi sn«,due<i Cough, Pain, and 4^TTVT_ 4 CROSBY S irritation of the Chest in T7>LIXIR,. cases ef Pulmonary Con- />(ROSBrS gnBQption; and I can, ^LIXIR V^_ with the rreakest confi- J r T^ROSBrh dence, recommend it as a 17^LIXIR V^RN^TTV'S most valuable adjunct to -^ITYTT? ( CROSBY 5 M oftwrwiw strengthen- LIXIR ^ROSBY'S f0r thU = ^LIXIR I^ROSBY'S a ^LIXIR. 0ROSBVS BALSAMI^^ COUG H ^LIYm /IROSBVS is sold in bottle;, %tls lid, YA LIXIR \J Is 9d.4s6d, Alls each, by JCJ /CROSBY'S all Chemists and Patent Tj^LIXIR Medicine Vendors, and I'J /"CROSBY'S Wholesale by JAMES M. T71LIXIR. \j CROSBY, Chemist, Soar- I y 0ROSBVS borough, England. J "gLIXIR. ROSBY'S Wholesale by JAMES M. Lixiit. \j CROSBY, Chemist, Soar- I y 0ROSBVS borough, England. J "gLIXIR. ^JROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Domestic tfhunt5. E' N-HRAL SERVANT in a GENERAL SERVANT (experienced) wanted in a small family, age over 22, with good character. Washing put out.-Apply Mrs Walter;, Belmont Villa, 169, Newport-road, Cardiff. 195 GENERAL SERVANT (thoroughly honest, young) wanted. References.—Evans, South Wales Echo." Cardiff. 2C9 Situations Bsrsut. APPRENTICE.—Drapery and Clothing.—Vacancy fur a well-educated Youth.—Apply >V. F. Harvey, 6 and 7, Conimercial-road, Trede/ar. i32 iffly Ed. UTrHERS.—Butcher wanteci £ o 5t?"o'ne ofTurw JJD shops ready, Woodville-road, C&tl'&)- gteat e-emaiid no competition dtns. population V-H. Clarice, 24, Oakfield-street, Cardiff. fi1 OFFICES (set of two rooms; to Let in csssr street Chambers, Cardiff.—Apply J. THTKAA, Builder, Charles-street, Cardiff. J J for alt.1f.tøUSt5, Xanft, &z. IDRIGANTINE for ?ale cheap, oak-bti t e&n JJL) 170 tons light draft; jllT, been refascened. Apply Mr Wood, Rotunda-buildings, Cardiff. 361e CCOTTAGES for Sale, Donald-Street, top IticliKeml j road. Very convenient. Price low'.—Apply A Clifton-street, Cardiff. COB (good) for Sale 12 hands, sound, quiet, go<S worker one Set Harness one long Coal Cart St Baskets. £ 19 the lot.-Apply, H. Western, 57, Chris, tina-strect, Docks, Cardiff. lio CE.-TheCarcliff Ice Company, importers of Ner- we:ian Mountain Lake Ice, are expecting a eargo nest month, and nre prepared to make conrrtcts f«y deliveries tiirough tlu season.—Ufficc-s: 116, Bute- road. leeho Tresillian-terrace, Penarth-road 333e -==- ^Ilsallanrons. THE OIPSV," by Thomas Williams, 6, Union- street, "Cardiff; post iree. seven stamye— Everyone sliculd have this bright little song." WA iiloiuil. ^JARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BAJM 9, CAROMS H.STREET. CARDIFF. .MONEY LEXT, WITHOUT DELAY, FROil P,5 TO £ 1,000 At a few hours' novice upon all entirely new and easy -j^teiii; adopted 50lely by this bank, for long or short periods, 70 lioisehol,ier.; (Male or legale), Farmers, Cowket-pers. Cab Proprietors, Lodjrin £ -house Keepers, Tradesmen, and to the Working Classes in genei-al, upon their IlouseboiLl Effec* Crops, Stock-in-Trade, ic., without renievai. Wines, Spirits, Cigars, Tea, Jewellery, Pianos, or other goods taken on deposit, and ca-»h promply ad- vaiiced on same. Distance no object, easy repayments. 71626 Apply personally, or by letter, to the manager. 2666 («Q TO £ 300 A I) V AXCED I^lTy to HouseheldMsT Tradesmen, Merchants, and others, on tiudr own security, vitnout delay or pitillicitv.-Apply Pri- vate Loan Company, 19, Bute-street, Ca, 290e J^TEWPORT.—SOUTH ECHO. IN The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11, Tredegav-p'ace, as fodews: FIRST EDITION 3.13 P.M. SECOND EDITION it, SPECIAL EDITION 6.3^ The SPECIAL ED5T10W contains all the News of the Day up to bis o'clock p,m,-il'c1IalilJg the latest Stock Exchange and Sporting Telegrams. Sold by all Newsagents and Newsboys. Advertisement Tariff. o Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS. ONCE. TIMES. Tl 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0< 30 Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words -1016 2& ———————— X 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 60 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 These charges apply only to the classes of a^VBrtise- ment specified below, and are strictly conftned t( ftboto which are ordered lor CONSECUTIVE insertion an$PArt» rOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION jf either of thè con- ditions is not complied with, the advertisement will- charged by the Business scale APARTMENTS WANTED. APARTMENTS TO LET. ARTICLES LOST. ARTICLES FOUND. BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL BUSINESSES WANTED. HOUSES TO LET. OUSES WANTED. HOUSES T9 As SOLD. MONEY WA^CM. Mom T6 LBTO. mlscvl li.kmmus WATO. MisettiXiKEauSpiUM. PARTNURSHTM WiRU. SLTUATIOSS WAJJTBU, I SITUATIONS VACAST. Advertisements of the above class inserted in tkA SOUTH WALES DAILY NEVrs," the CARDITF TIMES, and" SOUTH WALES ECHO" at the follovitig roltb:- s- ,f*• in Dailv Ke*« WORDS. South Wales Ertie. <~n. rr rr~ 20 Words 1 0 1 6 2 0 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 j 3 4 4 6 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words 4 6 6 9 9 GeneraP/Advertising TarlT ritiTE Pak-i j^s 10& A. SERIES. CLASS OF I IIIUI IJIIJIIM, '■ CLASS OF I IIIUI IJIIJIIM, '■ ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 b 11 ft' upd insr ins* ins* insppnar ■—■— ■■ Business ) Educational > -/4 >/4 -f& 'ft */H Publishers ) Religious Services > « « » Entertainments f p Auction Announcements .Ib • ./6 -/8 I' 49 Legal and Public Notices Municipal and School Board ( ;A ii Tenders and Contracts r" "/b "/6 *'• Public Appointments ) Prospectuses -,0 -19 -/9 -/6 •/§ Parliamentary Elections | J'arliainentarvNotices • 1 1/- 1/- 1/- y- Government Announcements J Parliamentary FIectlons .I J'arliainentarvNotices ó"" t IIi. 1/- 1/- 1/- y- Government Announcements J PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS-•> JLIISTIJSRS insertions, 6d per line 6 to 11 ins van-, 4d x-jc line 12 insertioii-, and upwards, 3d per liue. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Death:, Q,l." charged Is each, if not exceeding 20 w-n-ds, aui 6d for additional 10 words. These cuot be authen ticated by the Signature and Audrsss of the sender. ADVERTISERS, when seiidinz ireinent:g in ="_I. script, llny calculate eight WOdK & line* and Ia lines to an inch. In charging auv«i tSements the liam are not counted, but the advenibeuient, iaeladiag large lines, dashes, and white .s;i,*u: id aiuniHiwl, the space oooupied is ohargttd at the rate SlV(hl lines oaninca.