Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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I GARDENING GOSSIP. I (From Qtirdenmg litimirated.") I CONSERVATORY. I The climbers which occupy the roof, if well done, will afford a grateful shade to plants beneath, and in louie cases this may suffice without any further shad- ing; but in such bright weather as we occasionally have something to break the force of the sun's rays is absolutely necessary. In large houses roller blinds are not easily worked and are very expensive. Where a permanent shade must be used I have found (writes Mr. E Hobday) a double thickness of fishing-nets sufficient for most things. Summer cloud, which gives a green tint to the glass, is suitable for Ferns itnd Palms. A shade is quite as necessary for fine- foliaged plants as for flowers if the plants are to be kept in good colour. Something depends upon the character of the house as to the amount of shading required. Heavy shading of a permanent character is calculatsd to do harm. Ventila- tion must be abundant now, and a little air should be left on all night from this till end of September. Watering must be well looked after, and when a plant is watered always give enough to run through the pot. It is best to do the watering either before the sun gets very hot in the morning or after its de- cline in the afternoon. But when plants have filled the pots with roots the moisture is used up so rapidly that it may be necessary to give assistance at other tunes. I have seen men go to dinner on the strike of the clock and leave plants with leaves wilt- ing from want of moisture; but such men generally discover they have mistaken their vocation, and soon find their occupation gone. Marechal Niel Roses which have done flowering may be cut back rather hard, and the young shoots which break low down should be trained in a foot or so apart. These young strong shoots will grow 8ft. or 9ft. in one season, and when well ripened will produce very fine flowers their whole length. Late-flowering Lilies, such as auratum, lancifolium, and its varieties, are now grow- ing strongly and should occupy a light position in a well-ventilated structure. There is very likely to be green-fly in the centre of the plants among the liower-buds, and if these are not destroyed the flowers will be deformed. Vaporising will be effec- tive. Balsams should be grown in a low house or pit near the glass, and be shifted before any check is given. The finest and best flowered Balsams I ever had were grown outdoors after first week in June. FERNS UNDER GLASS. I Shift on any plants which require more root room. Seedlings in boxes should be potted off into small po 's, some into thumbs, and larger plants into small 6L) 9. We find our young stock of greenhouse Ferns does remarkably well in frames during summer with glass whitewashed and kept close, and the atmos- phere moist. The propagation of Adiantum Far- ieyense and other kinds which do not produce spores ireely may be most effectively done by dividing young plants in preference to older ones. With large plants the crowns in the centre of the plants are generally small and weak, and seldom make good stuff; but with young, robust plants all the crowns soon develop into serviceable plants. More loam is used now for Ferns of the robust kinds especially than was formerly thought desirable but the loam should be of good quality, and of a soft, silky, greasy character when rubbed in the hands. In this way strong growth is made, and the plants are more lasting in character. TOP-DRESSING CUCUMBERS. I This is very important, especially when the plants are bearing freely. The plants will inform the culti- vator when they want help. When the white roots work through on the surface it shows they are hungry and are looking out for help, and stimulants, though given ever so freely, will not supply the lack of a little sweet, fresh turfy compost on the surface. The stopping and tying in of the young shoots are now very urgent. If this is neglected the plants run out ana cease to bear from their crowded condition. Fires should be kept going till the end of June, though, of course, in hot we&ther very little fire is required. The growth of Cucumbers should be as rapid as possible, and this means warmth and mois- ture in abundance, both in the atmosphere and also at the roots. We generally use a thin shade because it saves labour, but the less shade Cucumbers have the better. If shading is not used the atmosphere must be in a constant state of saturation—must, in fact, be worked on the non-ventilating principle, as it is impossible to keep moisture in the atmosphere when the ventilators are ODen in an unshaded house. WINDOW GARDENING. I All plants which have done flowering may be placed outside, but not forgotten. Ferns and fine- toliaged plants are more in demand when the hot weather sets in. They make less litter, and if sponged regularly are not difficult to keep in health. FRUIT GARDEN. I A deficiency of lime in the soil is often the cause of Cherries falling prematurely. Where this is the case, the omission can easily be made good by dres- sing the ground beneath the trees with lime and fork- ing it in lightly. Bone phosphate is a good dressing for fruit-trees, and is not very expensive in compari- son with other manures. There is a good deal of work among the Peaches on walls in disbudding and fighting insea-ts. Promptness in both cases is necessary to obtain the best results. If the foliage is blistered, the worst leaves should be picked off, and Tobacco-powder used freely until clean new growth ia starting away. If the codlin-moth has been pre- valent in past seasons, some efforts should be made to deal with the pest by spraying as soon as the blossoms are set. Where there are only a few trees the question of cost hardly comes in, and those who object to use the arsenical mixture may try other insecticides, of which there are many, that will kill insects. Disbud surplus shoots from Figs and Vines on walls. Bush fruits are very prolific this season. A mulch of manure will be useful over the surface. When the roots are comfortable the crop has a better chance of swelling and ripening. OUTDOOR GARDEN. I Tender plants should be planted out now in beds and borders. It is perhaps hardly necessary to say no plant should be taken direct from the greenhouse to the bed without more exposure than plants usually receive in the greenhouss. It is sometimes thought best to plant in showery or damp weather, but the soil should be permitted to have some influence. If adhesive land is trodden much when the surface is wet it makes it too close and hard for healthy growth; therefore, such land should be planted when the surface is dry, or, if it must be planted in wet weather, have a light board or two to lay on the bed when planting. All plants should have a soaking of water when first planted to settle the soil round the roots. Petunias are splendid plants for a dry, hot situation. Calceolarias are not so much planted as they were. Yellow Antirrhinums, closely selected or rooted from cuttings, make neat, bright masses, and, if the seeds are removed, the blooming is continuous. The small yellow Marigolds are bright, but many people dislike Marigolds. There is a bright yellow Nasturtium named Coolgardie which, when rooted from cuttings, makes a bright yellow bed. One never has too many Salvia patens, yet it is not difficult to work up a stock if the old roots are saved and kept in sand. For a sheltered bed, yellow and red Cannas make a charming group. VEGETABLE GARDEN. Tomatoes should be planted outside now, if not already done. Water freely until established and then mulch. They want a sunny position and con- ditions suitable for free growth. A weakly plant cannot bear a heavy crop. Tomatoes under glass must be very freely ventilated, and a mulch of manure all over the ground occupied by the roots is very desirable. It will save labour and increase the weight of the crop. Celery must not be permitted to. receive a check from want of water. Sow salad plants in small quantities often. In a dry, hot soil Lettuce soon bolts unless mulchfd with manure and the plants watered occasionally. Surface stirring be- tween the rows of young plants is a most important cultural detail, and is much easier and pays better than watering. A small sowing of Endive may be made, but early-sown plants often run prematurely. Apply salt or nitrate of soda to Asparagus-beds. Plant Vegetable Marrows and Ridge Cucumbers. Plant Brussels Sprouts. Sow Turnips for succession. Thin Beet. If any blanks appear in the rows fill up with the crowded places. Beet transplants well if watered well after planting. Remove flower-stems from Rhubarb. Mulch and water Globe Artichokes Plant out New Zealand Spinach. Transplant Leeks into manured trenches. Make up Mushroom-beds in a shady spot outside. Beds in bearing must be watered when necessary.

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