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I EUROPEAN POLITICS. o EXCUSES (iOOD AND BAD. leopie generally hint excuses, cither good, bad, or indifferent, in their attempt to justify their line lif action, especially if that action is not a. ri^hc one. Tin*. Jews will excuse their past action in crucifying .Jesus by attributing to Him the crime of blasphemy. Jesus makes ,11s,e of this well-known tendency in His parable of the invitation 1.4) the marriage feast. Th. first to receive the invitation "made light, -of it." "and they all with one consent began to make excuse." There is [ trouble to be in the earth, and it will be due to the policy of men and the selfishness of | nations. They will have their excuses for their policy, selfislmess. and pride. Germany had its excuse Why it- would not, join in with the disarmament proposals at the last Hague Conference, viz., that, lx-ing i i i-roi i powerful neighbours may become enemies, its national cxistejice would be en- i dangered if it, permitted its sword to become | blunt. England has got an excuse for its de- sire to keep the Navy predominant on the 1 ocean. To Bible lovers these excuses can properly classified, and. what is more. ilic-y will hf: utilised to further ihe Divine pjo gramme written in the. Scriptures. Cod ha;? i been interested in nations and their excuses. or, in other words, their desires, and has con- irollocl. them to further His glory. Bal, X-)Il and Rome's desire for territorial aggrandise- ment. was utilised at the proper time for the punishment of Israel and the destruction ni Jerusalem. Britain's friendship i'or the. Jew • will be utilised in the furtherance of the Divine plan to concentrate all nation's eyes on the Land of Desire. But Britain has one j failing that, is very abhorrent to God. It is pride. The pride of nations great humiliation at the ret-nm of to j the earth. The Day of the Lord will he a d iy of gladness to the children of humility: to the i | meek of the earth, it will be the day when 1 tliev shall inherit the earth (Mai. v. 5). But to the arrogant it. will be a period of 1110111:0- iW2. "The lofty looks ot man shall he brought low, and the harghtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord atone shall be exalted in that day. For the day of the "Lord of hosts shall lie upon all that is proud and clotty, and upon all that is lifted up upon all the ships of Tarshish" (Isaiah ii.) Britain boasts in her Navy, and, humanly speaking, it is an absolute necessity to the situation, s But while there will bs an Armageddon on the land, there will be a. duplicate- of the Ar- mada on the water: so says the Bible (Psalm [ xlviii. 7). Here is an illustration of British thoughts on the Navv. taken from the "Stan- i dam," Feb. 17. 1910: BRITAIN'S PRl L)E, "There is not. a man in the country worth consideration who does n-,t inherit an honest- pride in the British. N avy. We do not RHY: that he relies solely upon lis protection to se- cure his personal, safety, and therefore 11e I desires to maintain the. strength of the Fleet, Of course he does. -But there is more than I that. The Royal Navy is the pride of Britain --Britain near or far. It is the sign of law. order, and .prosperity, the warden of peace, and guardian of trade, the rescuer in time of trouble—rebellion, flood, or earthquake. It is the most potent instrument of civilisation ever forged by the hand of man. Not. only are the British people willing to spend money on the inaintenanee of the Navy.tbev are anxious to spend money on it. They are proud of spending it. The Royal Navy is the pride of the nation. Let our statesmen set in authority, of what party soever, but. grasp that simple truth, and act upon it, and there would lie no more question of degrading the high, and inexorable claims of the Service by associating them with the disputable issues of corn mon controversy." WHY -GERMANY ARMS. (Waiting for the break-up of Asia, Minor.). Germany will atso have art excuse for fixing her eyes on Asia Minor, which includes Palestine, and the Land promised uncon- ditionally to Abraham—which promise re- mains to be fulfilled wlieit Christ rises Ahra- ham from the dead. But Germany little knows of her destiny declared in the Bible. If the reader's curio,sfty is aroused, let hint read Ezekiel xxx\iii. and xxxix., or Joel in., or Zec-hariah xiv. But here is her excuse in 1910. Herr Charles Tnclima-nn discusses in the January question of German aims and English oppogition. After denXi^'Ulra^' GermaBy wants 'war with this country, he- goes o to answer the ques- tion: "is Cermany retffty for "Most assuredly is," he "and I do not hesitate to aver il^t, it war ^-er-fe- declared to- morrow, Germany's intimate knowledge of this country, and this country's ignorance of Germ-any. w ould astonish even those bellicose critics of naval preparedness -who aife con- s;i i, I this much, f would show that,although Ger- many is for wgr,ytJi..any ;.cyu.3iry, war was never further from her intentions., "Why should not* dpTmauy be in a state of preparedness- for any emergency? Why should she he dictated to oy.any voillitry, to how she should, safeguard, her interests? If GeT- many chose to build a thuusaud Drcad- noughts, \\hy sTiould. any other nation take umbrage, so long as Germany herself pays the piper for the tune? Is it not the duty of a great, itotfiou-- like Germany, surrounded as she is on the one side b« Russia, on the other hy France, and on the sea side by England, to prepare herself for any emergency, including that of war! "I Germany keenly desirous cf annexina: i?w lands? Of coursy.4¡e js.J ?Kv could she be oti?rwise v/ith 'a p op?tbi?'?-sevent.y millions, w hich, in time to'WM'n? \?! with an increase of,.one million^a^uaily, be* -nigh on one hundred niilliorBS, soniixieu within nar- row limits? She'is like-a. Ijoiler on the point of bursting, with somebody sitting on the safety valve. She finds England in her way evervwhere. Germany must find An outlet for her surplus-, just., as, Japan is finding out- lets-for her people. But •■hither can she go J "Is India attractive-, to her The very idea is ludicrous. Germany has neither the desire nor the means -to. relieve another nation of an irksome buj-den. Equally ludicrous is the idea of an aft rick Oil Austrilila ? an ad a. Germany has no wo the Monroe T?octrine permit a"? 3ar:H'i? on American soil: this apart-.from the lo?aHyatid. tlii. al);irt the azi??.. "Nor does Geimany-premeditate can rat-tempt, on Egypt, or any otlje^colqny over.which the British flag is flying to-day. There may bo moments when she secretly covets, Sav. J-aNa or Sum atra, but what; interest- has England in either of those isliands? "Let me express an ■opinion': the dcy is not far distant when Asia Ali nor will fall, figura- tively to pieces. It wo;:iId*be a contretemps to the liking of Germany. Who could prevent annexation in that direction, when Germany would have ouly ? '?alk 'through Austria in order to plant lier ?lag on the desired spot?" Herr Tuchmann fi?g*'Oii -iii desired of England. # To he continued^ God wilLng.,
