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J. DAVIES & SON, A.M.I.C.E M.S.A., CIVIL & MINING ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS. VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS & AUCTIONEERS, COWELL HOUSE, LLANELLY, AND LLWYDCOED. CROSSHANDS, Sales by Public Auction or Private Treaty of Pro- perties, Plant, Stock, etc. Surveys, Finns, Valuations, Reports, Lite. Fire. Accident. Illness, and Workmen's Compensation Insurances. Telegranjs :—" Davies. Surveyors." Telephone 367 National. Established 1854. 2426 The Charing Cross Bank. Established 1870. CARDIFF BRANCH-73, ST. MARY STREET. Head Offices :-28, Bedford Street, Charing Cross, London and 39. Bishopsgate Street Within. London, B.C. Branches: Manchester. Liverpool. Leeds, Bradford Bristol, &c.. &c. Assets. £ 1,607.949 Liabilities, £ 1,236.871; Surplus, £ 371,07b LOANS of jE30 to £2.000 granted at a tew hours' notice in Town or Country, on pei'sonnl securitv, jewellery, precious stones, stocks, shares. and furniture without removal. Stocks and Shares bought and sold. 2J per cent, allowed on Current Account Balances. DEPOSITS of £10 and upwards received as under:- Subject to 3 months'notice of withdrawal. 5 per cent. per an. t. 6 It • 3 12" Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. Owing to the nature of our investments, we are able to pay rates of interest on deposits that will compare favourably with dividends paid on almost any class of stock or share- holding insuring the safety of capital. We have been established for 40 years, and our position in the banking world to-day testifies to t,he success of our business methodi ¡ and to the satisfaction of our customers. Write or nl for Prospectus. A. WILLIAMS & H. J. TALL, Joint Managers I ASK OF THE OWL I (and he will wisely advise '< J you to use Bliss Native fe ? Herbs-the Original Herb || Bt Compound-the common- sense remedy for purify- s§k ? ? ing the blood, toning the I ? liver, restoring the kid- I  neys, correcting constipa- J|| N& tion and rheumatism, and hM putting the entire system j in perfect health. Many |f||pf| j testimonials in our Alma- nac tell of wonderful ?? cures-and the cost is so m little —only 4/- for a box m y of 200 tablets—enough for < the whole family. Re- i member the name-BLISS. j FOR SALE By I WILLIAM DAVIES, Glasfryn, Dunraven Terrace, Gowerton, Clam. Mrs. EVANS. 30. TREBANOG RTX, CYMMSB, PORTH, says: "I was crippled by Khewniatism and had to use crutches. Pli-s Native Herbs has conquered the pain and made ine well." HARMLESS, IMMEOIATE, PURE. NOTHING DANGEROUS IN O  k D E R S PRESTO DOWDERS N for Hea d ache, H for Neura g ia, for Toothache, for Quinsy ACCEPT NOTHING ELSE. RUN NO RISKS. Box of 12, I W. JXYVIKS (t (!b„'wtHsfr.viu Agencies 'Hox?F'?r!\v7j)A\')KS A- <).. ?t!<s?:v! Atfcnc.ica FOR SALE.—Stephens' Ink (the best in the market), Carr's Inks, and Webster's inks, Fountain Pens, Letter Files, and all kinds of stationery useful to house or office, at lowest pricee, at the Mercury" Office. 21 Market StiMfc QUALITY TELLS! GOOD WINE NEEDS NO BUSH, and Mfmi P* | -t4 j j ?-?? i DUO n pia?os NEED NO PUFFING. A Visit to HENRY F. BOOL'S (From BEOADV/OOD'S) SELECT STOCK will mmvince intending pard a«er* that they will SAVE POUNDS by having an they can rely upon, and at prices usually pairi for cheap-made goods H.F B. has IleVer fai ed to give satisfaction. Instruments on the Hire Purchase System, if desired. Note Add reSft — 42, THOMAS STREET, Llanelly. Est. 40 years. 7121 Gower"s Duici-Derma (Registered ill Great Britain). The Best Preparation for Chapped Hands and Roughness the .Skin in Winter. Invaluable in the Nursery. 6d. and Is. per Bottle. Prepared ouly by JOHN GOWER, M.P.S., PHARMACIST, CHEMIST, and EYE TESTER, from London and Cheltenham), VAUGHAN STREET, LLANELLY. COAL fSSTT: COAL. COAL. C, 07 A ? COAL UP 1M D. & E. WILLIAMS (Bros.) Coal, Hay, Corn & Chaff Merchants, Stores: 7. WATERLOO ST., LLANELLY. A trial solicited. Prompt attention given to all orders. QUALITY GUARANTEED. 2318 Thou hast given a banner to them that fear Thee, that it may be displayed because of the Truth." A FREE PUBLIC LECTURE Will be delivered (God willing) at GAS BUILDINGS, MURRAY STREET At 6.30 p.m., on SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 1910 Subject: "The Meek shall Inherit the Earth." BY MR. W. E. PHILLIPS. A cordial invitation to all. All Seats Free. No Collection. Please bring your Bibles. BIBLE CLASS on Thursday Evenings at 7.30. SUFFERERS FROM RUPTURE Had better consult Mr. David Charlea, Pam • Ilech Cottages, Pwll, Llanelly, who has receivad The following testimonials and about 1,996 ithera, which will from time to time apptu in this paper:— 6 Penrally Terrace, Skewen, Neath, January 1st, 1910. Dear Mr. Charles, With great pleasure I write you this letter concerning the remarkable cure of Rupture that you brought about on my child. As you will remember, he was only about six weeks old when he was put under your treatment, and from the first day he seemed to get bet- ter, for he was continually crying before with pain: and after continuing your treatment for a few months he was perfectly cured, for during the last four months he has not worn a truss nor any abdominal support whatever, and four months without a support at all is a very good trial, I think. During that time I have not seen the least sign of Rupture at all, and he is now a strong, healthy boy. I shall with pleasure recommend you to all sufferers from Rupture that I may know of. May you long be spared to cure many again. Kindly accept my many thanks, with best wishes for the future. Yours, etc., DAVID HOWELLS. —<j— Brynhyfryd, Ponthenry, Near Llanelly, Carm., Jan. 27th, 1910. Dear Sir, With great pleasure I inform you of the wonderful cure effected of my Rupture on the right side Being unable to follow my em- ployment, I was advised to try you. Thanks to your attention and treatment I have been completely cured. Since I finished your won- derful and effective treatment I can follow my occupation quite the same as before, with- out wearing a truss or any other abdominal support, which speaks for itself. My earnest hope is that you will be spared for many years to come to cure those who are suffering from the terrible malady. This you may use as a testimonial, and I have no hestitation in advising- all who may be suffering from the said complaint to consult Mr. Charles if they desire a complete cure. I remain, yours truly, MORGAN MORGANS. FOR SALE.—Stephens' Ink (the best in the market), Garr's Inks, and Webster's Inks, Fountain Pens, Letter Files, and all kinds ol Stationery useful to house or office, at loweaH prices, at the Mercury" Office, 28 Markat atreet T.1aneJJz.