Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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Castlt-Slrcet Meet iri g-LLUitsc} SWANSEA. THE PubUc arc respectfully informed, that the NEW INDEPENDENT "ENGLISH MEET- ??'iU'St;,C\Si'L?-STf{.E?T,.SWA\SJ?A,wi]))? ?EX?ij tor pt\ ?E WORSHIP OI WEDVKSDAV, the *-??' Instant'—THE Services to continue 011 THURSDAY. The following Ministers 'xi.ll preach in English on tin ?ytc?'??otc?j 3jfMM?e<'? ;r/??<'<'«c/! :<t E/  M/t on ?/<e Rev. Mr. THORPE, Bristol Hev.M)'.Pr,TEu, Carmarthen Mr. EA&T, FroH\c I —- Mr. ?VA?LOW, Milford; jind m U els' Rev. Mr. DA VIES, Swansea [ Rev.Mr.E.JoN-Es,Pontvpool The Friends of this new Inter1 st will be thankful for the *ttend;itiee of those Ministers who may fed inclined to favor them 'iv itli tlieir company, and who are particularly re- quested to, On their arrival, to Mr. JONES, Wiud-st'rcet, and to ilr. (tulmTHs, Market-place, who will take be atlbrded them. EAGLE INSURANCE OFFICE, ACT Y SENEDll. LLUNDAIN. a geir yn y ddiogelfa irchod 'sydd gyiffrysodig vn Nhaledigaeth y Rhcnto tin rhvw betltau ereill a losgir pan Dan, ac yn leilmd "dented Than o'r obr (/'remmm) a ddir YIl ar[eml i ^Vjdti-dai eraiil. Gwneir yn dsla [rolled trwy Leehcd. (itiedrnd Hytryd (Life Insurance) ar diltrau Rhcsymoh | Aduew yddirtnob ysgiifen Ddiojjeliad ( Policy) adderfydu i Y1!hÜn o ltagfyr, pymtheg diw'rnod ar 01 hyuny. Gonucuwft.wYTi, Mr. David Jeiikitt, Airmtfydd y Papur lin n Mr. Lewis Davis, Pcrlysieuwr, Abergele. •SWi'DD GAERFYRDDIN. At Diigolioii rglwvxicliaclli Cvdvvtdv, YX CYSNWVS r Tíi CfiicmnmiJ, sef eiddo Cydicely, CarnmdMi,h .hecimet\ a.phlxyj'uu imiryiciol Cydtoely, Pcmbrcy, St. Iskmacl, Llu/I- <ltrfoyl*g, L!angu»»o, rjatigen<k</rny Llanelli, Llanm, JJancai, Llaygmncch, Hetties, rhan 0 La'ndilo-J'oicr, 1.lall- arlhnty, Llandilo Lktnddurvg, Llandcbic, a l'l&!J:i.'uingcl-A})zrbythych, "T Mae amrrw ach wyniadau o bryd 1 y -&. ihvyddyn dd;w?''(!at a'r un brosennol, w <di cad ?u S? n('uthm wrtnyf, td Gorueiiw Uiwr y Llys Frovrol (/??' y°nrt), a gyniwlir dros y dywededig' Arglwyddiactli, foil ??i!y:t:nd ?/j'M?/)tcitni<)?y')r!):).f)?jdu ar width yn ??''?'"?<t)tyiJt!r?r?y?yr (?'?<<-);M.\) ?yt)?trh')':]?t?'r; ?'?'?' ?" y <'yt''y? Lvsoedd, i o,od y < y))?haw?;ut a yrrir ?' ? )' ??'?'u gryin, w,di lunl jH eu«g 0 greulondeb, gor- a/r' ?'thdd?)t[;td (txtvrlk'u ) m:nn< :UI\I') I', weitl! ¡au, lHa J w<Hlion llafnrn; frwy yr liyn y rnae Kawcro dcnlnoedd •l: editact eu giiru i'r cyfyngder tmvyaf; ac. yr yilwyf wedi l\i h"" ?'" 'y'?'?" Ihy cyt-?w Ly?cdd, fod ;?nf.  l.lh 1m?', r "t:"«Ü (:.¡GÍ t'1 l1cut.hur a dynittti mew n acltos- ii.H -1 ty "-hien, oddiwrth yr ausenrheiilrv.\dd • «, -ic n cVn.e.i1 ad( wyao.odwvcJ ?.?), < h?r?y?i ),;?yr;?i.h.ur, llLly\IS IUll:ltll\yr 0 bJitll Y d)'l:ion a !\IU('ll't 1;1'('('I1II; v J^vn ,tit allaa i ?-'?" ??-<?. ?' ? (/•'»»«/< tii i 1 •' 1 'r 1 "l,'w.ydd-<rtinaiifoa<ll()iit eu Dirprw.vwvr, •lj j "'X11-'011 r,t!dani MTthwynebol i'r t\s.tml- .wthall. v -1 'iNdMedi cael ca sada<d-sjan A V1 hcrw vdd fod :.grilemv.vr ) i »vhrprn y w y r ereill y 11 cad ff<«ldef i dda<e« ac ?t?jtrt.r:,r?h'aitnynddynt,trw\'rh\nYin:!c'rU\socdd vediuytod 1 ambarcit ftuavr. 1 an ady??n? yf.?d y Llywedd h?n wedi ?.ol ou .?-y.Hu ?n y D?ut?.d?rd?.t), ?c alifarm)), y Jirenin A.'t?d .'i'?v.r,cry-yrhw:ju?it?9t)u;tttv?ddani)at-i:inth<-ih!? ?.n. yr oeml y ,-wui \nfwv iiÙ ehvd-v. erth M10 v dvdd ?'?h\.) bod ( it ilnrlian deciirenol weds cael eu IK M vo "i; L'lwr ?'ii <?F;.<t:x?!' iiwnuw hyd y pryd jjivn, a'u bod vn eaei cit (,Lh\ gvda pharch ac nrddas dyf;dwy ¡an y (jorudm i!Í\u, ?'' hwn a ganlynid a;\jT boll b)-tttyd-ddc')iaid (fire- ''tildtirs j oddi lewn i r AV^hvyddlaetli, y l liai a weinyiiiient. Sytiawnder lieb dderbvn yncb, y mac hyn yn h'T?}' a)'x\- I ,:oedfliadol i mi u'u buddioldeb, pan gedwir livvy mown } ?'xtd??t-ddus. fta;i liynny, yr yd\vvf wedi troi fy medd- .*bau erys cry 11 amser, 1 ymdroclni cael allan foddye-iniaolh r!).?y(t,?K?u,.?a<-d<!?? r ag ydynt w edi ll'ynnu felly; ac d?y- y?ynact!), bamaM \u 'tu.tdud i tab???Kt'i- rllai •-lalynol—s-ef, ?odcynnaU.iLd y Hysdrosbuhuno'rTrtChwnnn?do "yn allan i gael ci ddiieu, a bod iddynt gaol eu eysyyi'tu yn ?'? a chad eu C'M'md yn imd dros yrAj-xhv\ddKU'ti)?n |T> ll'rediii. -Na byddo j un dyn ad dadicu, gwueufhur fvtlM"y'"cion, "ac ymarfervd a'rgyfraith inrwn rhyw fodd amgeii, vn y t ";11'\ I Lys, oddi ?ttir ci fud, vn Ddirpnvywr o ??? Jchcdd Car-rlytddin. t  ?'yddo i'r cyfryw Lvs ?c! ci ?vnnn! yn yr tin man, ? "? ? c.vti.. ?dn. ac csmwythyd y rh\dd-d'dci!iu)d a'r ymofw Y, r, d'(' '??* amse¡: i amsrr, i fi?rth "'r cyfry? Arclu vUa,r111 >r ymddaugoso i'r Geruchwiliwr fod iuyafi :(' 1 i'od !;r'i' 'v* ?,Hp r,ll -sivn' (t^'udlc) ar1 1'1 drl'fnn, F hwn a 'hn-ir-K' .?! ""J" rlnvyni-ysgrif ???).f;yd? dan i'rhniydddl'?''?''???"?!?''?'??"t'S?Ydd\)) fl'yddlou ac va 14 J, )N Y?"'t'; ? b.? <-ani??d'idd./ ( t ?; cfiwecli o liw"t > !l,,vv\yi (v rhai ydvnt i 'ad eu eyinmer- ?y,, ..? tv?, ??-'? ? '?" ??'? ?" 7"? ?,  '")'??Y)t)t<)rt nv\uY'!?!t t ;)?)i!? ?. ,?t ? Lhs.M-dd i ?d..v hedd- > V (!lla ? ac 1|;i b\ddo i mi nvvn gaol ci wasan- "Mn, Iul (-i?yth?ni, oml t;;iu cvfryw Bn< *'<.s)?r,ttctn<-v<r??<.i?vr)nnrtt)???. t ?:)tp(.(?.?:)t- tn?:)m vn unig (ac nid pawb yn 01 yr he!) r l"1^ rydd-ddciliaid, a. tyddont yn trigo vn, nou IP'rlla c>'»n«ydogaetli V Ho ag 7 digu^ddo i'r Llvs eael ei iys, i a ?"touK?v?" gan y (.Mv?vvr, idd<fod)'r< \f)'\w 'Foù!1; I()"u hylilrtrtl )-H Hci.tlm Jr. ?')), o hyn ^thredoedd y cyl'ry Lys gad cu dwyn ym, j 'n,-v" -yr ia'lil Fr dibou i eeee.rys ddadleu ymhellach ynghylcli pvobrwyon y [, -Xh'>vv ?'? '?'?'? '?"? o'r Llys nesaf aliaii, i gael ou y t'.t'"at?" :<x y ?' )- ?<hn), i ciddo 1.1 ,ll,:nnr a{),;('d aS X oaaiattao amgylcli- ^sbartiiirliw"v yJnV ar. argropiiir enfres o iionynt, a W<-di 4;?o<t'<;h.??? y"??'< y (/??cf'??). ? wyf t i o hi y "? ''y" ?L-ynodch 0 r ^nJ,u» ^deni V llhlrt\l\'ot'h!H,Y"i(J fT ei.c iH'o¡¡¡il, y'-Wyty,) ?? d<'rnYhY<'dui<?'??'?' <'y'n.n<-nuiw?.ct! yn ?ysnd llul'' '"cJwfo.K r Y«rhwanr-H fy mmi 'yn grvf i ??.?.?.-?? ?-?<- ?? ??,? 0/1(.£ yell wa   F,-fy r u<i} ?:> 'p.I.l.h:Ul n¡\o'yn tI;liy!og, Ha thC!IOH.h.thIJ '?' 'f??''?? .\?'??""?? uitkias d.?hrcuoi: ?yt.y?,, !cj,? h:u!,ir???<?rhanm?r).c)n,.th. n?r bobiogaidd, ae ffll,{ \yslü l' Jr, 19-ad}1I ¡,ranlvlJol'¡ hrll. lyvtj;¡'\}j)dc¡'Ûi- Wrht u fv,TnV '? '?"? ?' y ?OKvch'tud yn sicr, „ J vn harliau- ar ei ch1ad 1 c!ivvi. Afedduyf yr anrhydedd kfod, ?Ich)hdd}o,ia\t?<jyij?.i??:?,?.?t:twr, ? JOHN LILOWN, ?n)chwni?ri'r(<?i)-A.!ihyd.\i-?.Cawd<):-J C ?'??yddvd?wcdcd?" At"?'??idinct'i. '-?fyrddin,!U-?L?.U. APPRENTICE WANTED. 1 A Steady LAD, from sixteen to twenty years -.Of ago, of respectable parentage, -witU whom a Pre- mium is expected, as he Ay ill hrfve Hoard and Lodging in the j House, w ill meet V/th dgc encouragement, and every means vised to bring him to,a thftrough knowledge of the Mercery, Grocery, and llabcnlaslicry Business, by JOHN DA VIES, Corner of December 1,1811. r. ?T :L MHETtNC heM at the Wy?DHAM- A A ibis, BRIDGEND, on Saturday, the 26th day of f November, )81t? in ptnsuance of an Advertisement in the t Cambrian of the 19th of November, for considering the expediency of making a Tram-wäd from the Hills north of Bridgend to Ewcnny, Tn E /?AocH.??E WINDHAM <??7Y, M. 7\ I\ Tlli'. CIIAIK Resorted,—That it appears to the Meeting advan- j tageous that the Line should iMrthmetu'e hear Ewenny I Llumy, and that a Branch should be made over Tyr Gunter and fvevan Cusk to Ta-ibach. ¡ Resolved,—That Messrs. MARTIX and DAVrES be em- ploy cd to make a Plan of the intended Line of Tram-road, and.?so an Estimate of the expense necessary to carry the proposed Plan into execution; *o ('?,i-i-y tilt, II Estimate be made before the 1st of Fehruan next. Resolved,— That, to effect the purpose aforesaid, a Sub- scription be immediately cuternl iuio. I JiesolcGil,—That the .Shares be .'J'i.yeach, hut that the re- spective Subscribers at liberty to take as manv of such Shart-sas they think proper, and that five shillings per han be paid at the time and place <;i" subscribing, towards defraying the expenees of the Surveys and intimates. ) J/esolvetl,That Books he left at the several Bank* at Cardiff, Neath, and SvVansea, and also it the Hear ini;\ CoW'bridge, and at the Wyndham Anns, Bridgend, for the pui pOSe of receiving the names of suth persons as wish to subscribe to the undertaking. R<■■soloed,—That the above Resolutions be signed by the Chairman, and published in the Cambrian and Sefen Gomer 1 Newspapers—tlttve times in eaCln I Resolved,—That, on recei?n? the P)ans and Estimate?, the Chairman be requested to caB annther Meeting for the purpose of carrYin? the object into effect. WINDHAM QUIN. Resolved,—That the thanks of the Meeting be given to tlie Chainllan for his able and impartial conduct in the Chair. The following Skbscrtyliows irere immediately entered into: j AO. OF SHAKES. I Windham Quin 2D pd. as. per share I Ctu j Edward Picton ti Ditto M. p, .¡njth 6 Ditto illiam Humphrey, Vrumpton 5 Ditto Parry, Llangwnyd 4 Ditto Tiiomas Jenkin, (icily 4 Ditto William Pa.rrv, Angeltown <•.••• ■• 4 Ditto David Griffith, Llangwnvd • • 4 Ditto S. t' Ditto II V» illiam liecs, Court Coleman H) J. M. William*, Bridgend v. ».4 Ditto John .Miles, -\1Wt'Hlil' 4 Ditto I!ic!iard I Jevvellyn, Jun. Treinain 2 Ditto Koberf Jenkin, VAvenny 4 Ditto i.?,weiii1y .4I)itto YiiisiitNidra2 I)itti) Leyson L<'??h('r,?tont()n.t. 1 Ditto William W illiams, .Sea'ands 1 Ditto ^V'illiam'i'hdma'S, Wallau 1 Ditto Stephen Stanford, Dnrva) 1 Ditto David Smith, Ogmoro ■ 1 DiUo Richard ebb, Salisbury • 4 Ditt? •John Davies, 15rid«end.. 4 Ditto William Tritemnn-, (iitto 4 Diao •Jolin {IHfFith, St. 1 Ditto t IL:I) John Hopkin, 4 Ditto lit;hard Tiirhervillc TurbervHIc 10 Ditto Francis Tnynton 2 Ditto David Howell 1 Ditto Thomas Hopkiu > 1 Evan John. Brocastie 1 Edward Nicholt 1 POPULAR SCHOOE BOOKS TRBLRSIIKD BY C. CRADOCK W. JOY, s O. C)! Paternosler-Roiv, Landon; Ant) may be had of D. JKNKIN, Printer of this Paper, and J. HAKUIES, Swansea; Evws, and ILuutis, Carniaitben; WJM.IAMS, Mertbyr-Tvdfil; Llnns, Cardigan; GEE, Denbigh PHILLIPS. Ruthin JONKS, DoJgeJlen; SAUNOEKSON, Bala; LEWIS, Newport; J and all other Booksellers, j 1. The SECOND EDITION, w ith numerous Cuts, enlarged and much improved, price (id. sevVed, C"1 UVS NHW BRITISH PKtM!?? for ?. '!? Children of an eariv Ae; iatended to precede the NEW BRITISH SPELLING-BOOK, and-oiher similar Reading Books, 2. The SEVENTH on fine paper, corrected and much improved in the arrangement, with 40 new Cuts added, price is. (id. bound, NEW BRITISH SPELLING-BOOK,, or an Introduction to Spelling and Reading, in Seven Parts, con* iaining a great variety of easy Lessons exactly adapted to the capacities of You in, and arranged in a new, easy, and pleasing: order-; the Tables of ords are divided and ac- cented according to the purest modes of pronunciation. 3. On line paper, and handsomely printed, price 4s. neatly bound, (;try's .\E'\rBRITISlI .READER, or Sequel to hk N I'.W BRITISH S N 4; Po 0 K, containing a great variety of easy Lessens, selected from the most appr«M'd Authors^ exiiihitiiig a v<*ry easy gradation,^ and adapted to the junior flasses of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Schools. 1. Just published, the Tmno EtHTION, 1, d, vpry eon- itkralJly improved, and fliul (I soil t? (,e S. bound in red, ENGLISH SCHOOL GRAMMAR; in which Practical illustration.i.s, ineverj[ step, blended with Theory, by Rules, Examples, ami Exercises; adapted throughout to the Use of Schools and Private Teachers. 5. SECOND EDITION, enlarged and much improved, royal Umo. with seven handsome Maps, price s. (xmndin red, UF)' SCHOOL GEOGRA P JIY oD:.a now, easy, and highly approved plan; comprising not only acoirrplete general Dosciiplioii, but much Topographical Int^ormation, tn a digetted Otder; OAhibiting tarec distinct Patts, and yet tbrmwg one connected WlioJe. Jixpressly adapted to every Age and Capacity, and to every Class ut Learners, both in l^adies' and Gentlemen's Schools. The Maps on a handsome draw ing paper, neatly eo- loaredj are sold separate for he cmiveniente ttf Tcacflters, prjc s. sewc.1. ■ ■ 6. GU\s SCHOOL 'CIPHERl \'G-ROOK for Begin- ners; c(Mitainiug a complete Set of Sums in the first iÙÚr Rules, of Arithnietic, printed in Jare 1"i¡;:nre, the Copy- book Size, haVing the Sums set, aud all the lanes ruled on excellent writiuir paper, Second EDITION" price tid. 4to. half-bolnd. Also, A KEY t(i ttic- above Sinus, price 6d.. 7. SIXTH EDITION, on "fifte-paper, handsomely printed, with near two hundred new articles added, and the whole carefully corrected, and niueh improved, price 7s. boards, or. is. till. neatly bound, GUY's POCKET CYCLOPAVIMA Or, Miscellany of i Useful Knowledge, from the latest and best Authorities, designed for senior Scholars in Schools, and for yonn. Per- sons in general; Containing much useful Information on } various Subjects necessary to be known by all Persons, and yet not to be found in Books of general Use in Schools. By JOSEPH Gijy, late Professor of (reography, &c. Royai Mi- litary College, Great Marlow. S, GU Y's CHARTof GENERAL HISTORY, Anc'ierft and Modern on a bre sheet of Coiumbier drawing paper, the SECOND .EDITION, corrected, price 7s. coloured; on caiivas and rollers, 10s. Gd.; and varnished, price 1 is. 1). *16 royni Uo. price 18s. neatly half-bound; or full c<>- J. loured, 1 is. GENERA L ATLAS containing dis- till"t ii t' It the principal States and Kingdoms through- out tlie-World, from tlie latest and best Authorities, includ- ing a1\1ap of ancient Greece, and of the Roman Empire; the w hole correctly engraved upon J'O plates, royal ito. and i beautiful!y coloured outlines. J 10. The FouitTft EDITION, just published, with comidera- bio Additions titid improvements, price 7s. 6d, 12mo. neatly bouni'i, An INTRODUCTION to "EnemA PITY and AS- TRONOMY, by the Use of Globes and Maps: to which are added, the Construction of Maps, and a Table of I atti- tudes and Longitudes. By E. and J. BRUCE, of ewèastJc- upoe.l'yne.—-In this edition the pnpntauon of towns in Great liritain is taken from the Population Returns of 1811. 11. Now first published, price 2s. 6d. sewed, A KEY to Ill-,UCI,"s GEOfiRAPHY: containing An- swers to the Problems in the Geography. By J. BRUCE. 12. Just published, t.hif t^FTu EDITION, corrected and much improved, Willi a. Geographical Frontispiece, price 1 bound, A SYSTEM of A N'ClV.NT and MODERN GEOGR A- PH\, with a series of Geographical Examinations. By JOHN HOLLAND, of Manchester, Author of many elemen- tary Books. 13, SECOND Edison, illv^trated with Copper Plates and AVood Cuts, price 3s. (id. A TREATrSE on the CONSTRUCTING and COPY- ING all Kinds of GEOGRAPHICAL MAPS, in Four Parts. By THOMAS Dix, Master of North Walshain Aca- dtInv, and Author of a Tferitisc on Land Surveying, &e.— Part 1. Elucidates the GlObn'-nr, Stereographie, and Merea- fctr's Projections of the World.— Part 11. On the Projection of Maps of particular parts of the World.—Part III. A Description of Instruments, by the help of whichlhe Me- j rit,t*iiis iiid of Latitude may be drawn with great i facility.:—Part IV. Directions for inserting places, draw ing j rivers, sea-coast-, aud other, t J'llaric: a nd for cop" yin' g. colouring, mounting, and other minutiie for Mapping, lh TPfice 4s. bound, the Fourth Eninov, (with consi- j ¡1<-rable .lml,rov"ments). "ARITHMETIC; adapted to diffeient Classes of I,e-.trn- crs, but more particularly to the Use of large Schools, In Three Parts, arranged in a new manner, aud enlivened with j numerous original Examples on interesting subjects. With an Appendix, containing Five Classes of Recapitulatory Extremes. By Robekt GoooACfefc, of Standard Hill Aca- Nottin liatn. 15. The THIRD EDITION*, \'ry much enlarged, price 5s. Gd. neatly bound, A KEY to contiiii- ing Answers to Question in that Work, with the Solu- tions, nearly at full length, of more than one thousand of tile most important Example?.-interspersed with explanatory" Note" and Observations; by the Attthor of the Arithmetic. 16, All ABRIDGMENT of GOOD AC UK's ARITH- METIC, for the Use Of Ladies' Schools and junior Classes, prion Is. (id. half-bound. Also, the necessary TAntEs in ARITHMETIC and MENSURATION, arranged 1ft one page, post Ito. on a small type, and on tine stout paper, price 2d. 17. Duodecimo-, price 4s. hmnd A TREATISE on adapted to the Use of Schools; containing two Sets of Books by Sin?te! Entt?,one by Double. Entry, and an Outline Set to be filled up by cither method; to which is added, a Familiar DUerrtution on the various Bills and Notes used in Com- merce as Substitutes for Cash. By Robert COODACRK. 18. The Tiimn EDITION, veiy much altered and improved, i just polished, price 3t. tkl. hound, Tlie TJJTO fp i%>SISTANT *MODER N1ZED, »r a t' I'ttctkcil Arithmetic; comprising all the modern lmpTtiveuieimin -that Art w hicii are necessary for the Man of Business the practical Scholar. By the Rev. TitDJIAS PEACOCK., Dentoa^jiear Darlington, Durham. 19. The SECOND EDITION, ^kistrated with Plates, price bound, The PRACTICAL MEASURER; containing the Uses of Logarithms, Guntor's Scale, the Carpenter's Rule, and the Sliding Rule; the bGt and most approved Modes of drawing Geometrical Figures; the Doctrine of Plane Tri- gonometry, and its application to Heights and Distances; the Mensuration of Supt'rfieos, Solids, and Artificer's ork, and the Methods of "iirveying, Planning, and Dividing Land. The whole illustrated with a great Variety of Ex- amples and Figures, adapted to the Capacities of young Scholars, and suited to rcai HusiuMs. Ry the Rev. THOJIAS PEACOCK. v 20. In tho" with numerotis WoodCHtshv B'-fick, and dedi- cated to the (If Durham, price lUs. (id- boards, The PRACTICAL SURVEYOR; being a Tn-au„e ou Survrying, desilIed for the Use of Schools. By the Rev. JOHN FURN'ESS, l'olltdand, Northumberland. 21. In a han.'lsoine thick J'2mo. Volume, with an legant i Frontispiece^ price bound; or o!- ltrg(- paper for E'amilies, iorming a large Svo. volume, price lis. Gd-. boards, The WOULD DISPLAY ED; or the Characteristic Features of Nature and Art exhibited. On a new pktn, in- tended for Youth in cenerat,as an Oitllineof the most striking Parts of Human Knowledge, and as a Remem- brancer to those of riper Years; being a concise. View of Geography, particularly the British isles: tltei.r History, j Laws, Constitutions, (ve. Of Maps, their Varieties. Cu- rious Animal, Vegetables, Fossils, & Extraot:dinar"v Emlrt,; of Humau Art and Industry, Mechanical Powers; various Philosophical Subjects. oil the Aurora Borealis Thunder, Lightning, Earthquakes, Winds, Springs Saltuess 01 the Sea, &c.; the Links that join the animated and <na- iii:iiatt'(1 (of the Creation; Bio?apltv, ]?orci.t and Dmnesiic, Lives of the Heroes at t!ie Siege of Trov, ?'.c By John Gr ek;, Private Teacher of Ge?raphv: Author  of an hUroductiou ro t?e L u1 (he Globes, Ladies' Arith- metic, Heavens Displayed, Expeditious ?iitructor; &e. 22. The Eight" EDITION-, price Is. in coloured paper, f,) r t, I i,, dren. By Dr» M AHTIN ET, Professor of Philosopiiy at Zut- phen. Translated trom the Dutch, by the Rev. JOHN HALL. of the English Church at Rotterdam/ Head nature, nature is a friend to truth." Young. 23. S?TitLDrrtu?', price 2s. neatly bound, M. CO?ULRi: CQLLO?UIORUM CENTURJ SKLKCTA -er, ? S.-icc? ?'cn'?.-yof -M. C?rd?? ldu- quies: in Four Rooks the tw o first ncf6rt\p £ >5hied with a Literal Translation. To \yhieh are added. Two Vocabula- ries, the first of which contains the 'Conjunctions, Preposi- tions, liiterjec!rt>is, and tUv more common Adverbs that oc- cur in this Selection; the second, the Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Participle" and the less common Adverbs. Also a j Scheme of Latin Numbers. By tlie Rev, Jons PARKER, j -file of L,Ltir, Nkinll)ers. >'v tilt- ltev, 3 oil N. i,'AI',I1".lz, of Durham, and late Vtc&t'of Stanv, iv, Cumberland. A NEW EDITION, done TIP in coloured paper, with a head of the Author, price 2s. &I. sewed, The ARCANA of SHORT HAND; or, E?p?tfiou? Writing made Easy. Bv H. EWINY;TON. T??hkh?rc? nosv added, Regular Lessons, for want of which few have i gained a perfect knowledge therein. j i ■ i

NewifddioR Llundain^ fyc.…