Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

2 erthygl ar y dudalen hon




Carttff cbool. JOSEPH WILLIAMS, HUMBLY returns his thanks to the Inha- -E?A hiiants of Card iJt and its Neighbourhood, for the very tiho'al encoufa?onc?t he has met with since he has taken to the School of Mr. L. REES, which is now broke lip for the Christmas Vacation but, by the particular desire of a number of parents, will be Rli-OPLN luD on Mouday, the 9th of January, 181.5. J. W. with regard to his knowlede in Algebra, Geo- metry, Astronomy, &c. would refer to those Questions by him answered in the GeiUleman's and Ladies' Diaries, and several QucotillllS at dilièrent times pmposedhy him in the latter; the last far the present year, dated at Neath. He likewise teaches Navigation, Short Hand, &c. A limited number of Boarders takuu, to whom great at- tention w ill be ptid. Y mae JOSEPH WILLIAMS yn dychwelyd y dioleh gostyngeiddiaf i Urigwlion Caerdydd, a'i Chymmydogaeth, am y cefnogaeth tra imfTionus a gafodd oddi ar pan ddcch- renodd ag i'sgol Sir. L. REES, yr lion sydd yn awr wedi ei thorn i iynu dros y (Iwvliau Nadolig; ond ar ddcisytiad amryw rieui, a ADAGORI.R ar y 9i'ed o ionav.r, 181.). Gydfl golvvg ar w ybodaeth J. W. mewn Rhifyddiaeth f-ytiiyrenol, liaear-fesuraieth, a Servddiaeth, &c. de a gy- feiriai at yr attebion a roddwyd ganddo ef i'r gofyniauau yn Nydd-lvfrau y IJoneddigion ac eiddo'r Rorieddigesau, ac amryw holiadau ar wahanol aniserau a ofvmvyd atlddo ef yn yr olaf; ydiweddafam y thvyddvn lloIJ1 a ainserwyd yng N ghas tellnedd. Y mae efe hefyd yn dysgu Llyngeswriaeth, Ryr-law, Sec. Derbynir rhifedi pennodol o FyrddnF, am y rhai y gofelir yn y modd manylaf. ARGRAFPIAD NEWYDD. Hcihhjw y Cyhocddwyd, warn un IJyfv, TVyth-phjg, AC AR WERTII CAN D. JENKIN, ArgraJfydd y Papur hwn; Jenkins, Abertawe; Daniel, Evans, Harris, a White, Caer- fyrddin; Davies, Mwlilbrdd; North, A il- zi Heath, Fynwy; a lirown, C'aes- newy dd-ar-AVy se, A J,],UN lR A WDWR WEM EI DYNI: YN JF ALT 01), ALL BRIS >IOR ISRX A THHI SWLLT, Ty ivy sydd Solomon i lecfiyd, (YN YU IA IT II SAESNEO); NEtT, Gyfarwytldyd i'r ddau Ryw (Gwrrywr a Benyw), MEWN AMRYW IOt, ANUWYLDERATJ. hwn a amlyga yn gyllawn, mewn modd Jt byr ac eglsir, y modd mwyaf hawdd i ymdrin a'r C'.efydau canlynol, ynghyd a'r Meddyginiaetliau mwyaf eileithiol, y rhai a drinir o dan en penau 11l;¡ih\nnl:- Erthyliad, nea Esgorfa an- hyrnmig Diiiyg Anadl (yJ.ithma) ] Diepiiiad (liarrenness) (Jleryd-geriaidd (littious) Y Glesni (Chlorush) Dwyn Plant Darfodedigaeft Ckfydau M e n y waid d I .lew vuoa (Pits) Fluor Albus (Whites) Gwyiitogrwydd (Flatulence) Diferlif-archoll (Gleets) J fad-lit ((ionorrhwa) Cletyd-y-ddiieg (Hypochon- dria), neu y Dolur prudd itltvvfns Anhwylderau cydfynedol a BeiehiogmJdd Diifyg traul bwyd yu y cylla A jnioe th der I e uenc t v it bddcr sbryd A.rllociadal! m isol t'lefydan gewyaog (Ke-rvous) Onaiuaeth, neu Drythyllw ch dirgel Beichiogrvvydd Peswch (Jewyiuvst (Rheumatism) i ( Scrofula) (iwendidau hadawl A Clefri poeth (Scurvy) Tro ar Fywyd, I &c. &c. ft- At yr hyn yr ythvancgir Traethawd ar y Freeh Ffrengig ( Venereal Disease), Diferlif-archoll, a Gecetulidm hadawl. Gan S. SOLOMON, M. D. Yn y cyhoeddiad defnyddiol hwn y gwelir Traethawd ar Glefydau Menywaidd, y Doluriau Gew ynog, (-lefyd-y- ddueg, a'r Drfüdedjaeth. Cymineradwyir y Uyfr Jiwn i ddynion ieuainc a becngyn j'w rhybuddio rhag syrthio ar graig anglieuol (ar yr hon y mae milodd wedi eu cyfrgolli), ac i fod yn foiidiou i'w cad w rhag aliechyd, a u hoB gYII- heddfaa rhag dinystr. Y mae'r gw;iith tra buddiol hwn yn flrwyth llafur Ilawer o flynyddodd o brohad a snlw ar ganlyniadau niweidiol rhyw faidirgel a dinystriol, ac mewn trefu i gael meddyg- iniaeth i'r hwn y mac:'r Meddyg uchod wedi cyssegru rfian fwyaf ei fywyd. Ni ddylai perehenogion ysgoiion-cyd- westeiol (boarding-schools) ilell athrofeydd fod hebddo. Dynoda y llyfryn hwn y modd tmiongvrch i iaehau o'r Blenhorriiagia, neu Dad-lif, i Siphilis sefydlog. At yr hyn fe yciiwantgir Traethawd at- Drythyllwch dirgd, if mad- rodd ar Analluogrwydd gwrrywaiddj a Diflrwythder a Di- epilaidd-dra pertftynol i w ragedd, See.; ol-yjnadrodd ar fai aiighylsoedd a dinystriol, ac anerchiad i Rieni, mgcledd- v\ yr, Dyscawdwyr, a'r rhai sydd a gofal dygiad ieuenetyd Iynu arnynt. Hefyd cvngor i A inolchwyr (Bathers) yn neillduol' y rhai adinir gan (Jlefydau Gewynog. c,b1 wedi ei ai gyfrwng-wasgaru, S.j a:nrywia -iii o iianesion g« irioneddol, y rhai na ehyhoecidwyd erioed o'r blaen. u y rhai. yr eglurir arwyddion, v dull o ymdrin, a'r nieddyginiaethau, yn amrywiol 1, Clefri y Gymmalwst, Ge- wynwst, a'r 1 recti Ffrengig: Rhybuddion i (idynfon ice.- aiiic am y perygl ° gymdeith'as ac yindriniaeth amveddus; a'r gwahaniaeth rhw ng arwyddion y Freeh l-'freiigig a*r rlizii a gamsynir yn tynycn am (Ianynt. Y mae achos i bob dyn wrth yn neiilduol ieuenetyd o'r ddau ry-iv, y vliai mewn modd af- hvyildiannus a roddasant fibrdu i jai iteyllodrux, dirgel, a dinystriol, gan niweidio eu liieehyd, a riystry'wio eu boll alluodd bywiol trwy hynybydd i'r cyfryw gwrdd a iHc- ddyginiaeih gytsur-lawn" w rth ddarllen y dull o ymiaclmu a ddarlunir yn y l''ywysydd < lechyd. 1l1 gymmeriad tra rhagorol y llyfr gwel yr amryw Ad-olygiadau. At y Cyffredin.—Ni ddichon dim fod yn brawf cadarn- ach o dtlefnyddioldeb y llyfr lnvn na'r gwerthiad di"-yft'elyb a gafodd; dim llai nD CH AN MILo GOPiAU a wertli- wyd o hoaaw mewu yehydig iavvn o amser. P?'M? o'r ???' a ro?Mwy? i'r f?MYt?A hicn yn y Sun, Star, < 'oni ter, Alhum, Times, Daily Advertiser, Morning Chro- nicle, ar rhan amu'jo'r llhestryddion dysgedig yn liicrop. Yr ydvm vn mcddu'r hyfrydweh i ar.»ly»u, fod ar.r;u? iad a rail o'angliydmarol D\ )V SY I>1) i i ECU YD y Dr. Solomon wedi gyaoeddi; liytr ag sydd yn sier w edi cael miv y o w erth nag u" cytansuddiad mcd.iy?ol as,!y\?:?n ni ()n ain j daaocriotd. Wrthetddatii?nynfanMjt.bydd?ramtcit gvfarfod a Ilawer o gynghorion a chvfarwyddiadau huddiol; ?-vr.:MC'rmt'?y?'?'???" ?''a":?ru!? Jaf derbynioJ yn (id?Hi \n c¿wl en dyntHh a!' gvier yr amrywiol Hnhwylderkw ) a ddarlunir yn nctUfim? jnddo, yn :yst? a chyfarwvdd- ;adhttatxy?"??'?(-yd yn gyJlndHJo], "buddiol iawn i ddyn- ion y?M?<T"' v !??- Gdlir cael Tywysydd Salomon i lechyd." can bob idy" fraa-tv wy'x i)evraa», am vr iTu. Tlf-E Proprietors of SEREN GOMER return their grateful acknowledgments to their numerous F riends for the very flatter rag encouragement they have received since the com- mencement of tlie Paper\—and they beg to au- nounce, that for the purpose of accommodating the Subscribers, and in order that the publi- cation of the Paper may not interfere zoith that of other Papers printed in the Principality, the DAY of PUBLISHING is da r instead of Fit da r. They also beg leave to state, that Seren Go.hen circulates very extensively throughout the zchole of the Principality, and is the best medium for Advertisements of any of the kind zcithin its district: upon a moderate calculation it is read at least, uight r.« o us -i x » persons, and those principally Farmers; t herefore, any yidvertisement of an Agricultural nature must be more advantageous to the Advertiser in Seren Gomer than in any other Paper. Advertisers zcilt have the goodness to send their orders so that they may reach the OJicc by Tuesday at farthest. (Pi It is particularly requested that the Sub- scribers will pay all arrears up to the end of last year. -————— Y mac Pcrchennogion Serex Gomer, yn danfon cn cydnabyddiaeth diolchus CyfeMien lliosog am y eynnorthxcy annogacthol a gaizsaut oddi (it- pan ddechreuasant gyhocddPr Papur,-— ac y maent yn crefu cennad i fynegu, mat i'r diben i todd/wit llazccr -o'r Tansgrifzcyr, HC fet na byddo cyhoeddiad y Papur anghydseinio a c/ u I chijhoeddiad Papur an ereill a urgrephir yn y Djficysogaeth, fod dydd y cyhoeddiad zcedi lei NLIVID i DDrDD Meucher yn lie Dydd Gn'ENBli. Ymaent hefyd yn deisyf canialtad i fynegu, fod Seren Gomer yn ymlcdu yu lira helaeth trzcfir ho 11 Dyzcysogaeth, a'i bod y cyfrzcng gorclt am Jlysbysiadau o un a rail o'r faih o feicn fxc chytch yn ol cyfrijiad cymhedrol fe'i darllenir gan, 0 leiaf )fytu mil o ddynion, rhan frryaf o honynt yn Dyddynzeyr; ga hynny, rhaid yzo fod pob llysbysiadperthynol i Amaelhyddiaeih ynfzi-y munteisiol Vr Ifysbysicr yn Seren Gomer, nag niczcn un Papur jSczc- yddion a rail. Dymunir ar y sazel a'n cyunysgaeddo a ITysbysiadau i ddanfon eu eirchion let y delont Vr Sieyddfa dydd Maze rth y man pellof. û:1i Deisyjir yn neiilduol ar fod i'r Tctnsgrif- zcyr dalu yr hyn oil sydd ddyledas arnynt hyd. ddizcedd y Jlicyddyn ddiiceddaf. POPULAR C': ["-C -r-1I.'1\\ rfl\ -;T -) nlr, n .SCHOOL BOOKS PUBLISHED I>Y C. CRADOCK cf W. JOY, N o. 32, Paterm$ler-Ilow, London; And may be Qad of D. JENKIN, Printer of this Paper, and J. HAHRIES, Swansea; EVANS, and Carmarthen WILLIAMS, Merthyr-Tvdtil; LEVTTS, Cardigan; GEE, Denbigh PHILLIPS, Ruthin JONES, Dolgeileu; SAUNDEKSON, Bala; LEWIS, Newport; and ail other Booksellers, 1. The SECOND EDITION, with numerous Cuts, cnLuved and much improved, price 6d. sew ed, g' A UY'S NEW BRITISH FRIMEit, for Children of an cady Ae; intended to precede the NEW BIUTISH SPELLING-BOOK, and other ?iiar Reading Books. 2. The SEVENTH EOFTION, on fine paper, corrected and much improved in the arrangement, with 40 new Cuts added, price Is. 6d. hound, GUY'S NEW BRITISH SPELLING-BOOK, or an Introduction to Spelling and Reading, in Seven Parts, con- taining a gwat variety of easy Lessolls exactly adapted to the capacities of Youth, and arranged in a new, easy, and pleasing order; the Tables of Words are divided and ac- cented according to the purest modes of pronunciation. 3. On fine paper, and handsomely printed, price 4s. neatly- bound, GUY's NEW BRITISH READER, or SEQUEL to his NF.W BRITISH SPELLING-BOOK, containing a great variety of easy Lessons, selected from the most approved Authors; exhibiting a very easy gradation, and adapted to the junior classes of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Schools. J. J ust published, the THIRD EDITION, enlarged, very con- siderably improved, and handsomely printed, price is. od. bound in red, ENGLISH SCHOOL GRAMMAR; in which Practical Illustration is, in every step, blended with 1 neory, by Rules, Examples, and Exercises; adapted tarougaout to the Use of Schools and Private Teachers. 5. SECOND EDITION, enlarged and much improved, royal IHiuo. w ith seven handsome Maps, price as. bound in red, GUY's SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY: on a new, easy, and high!y approved plan; comprising not only ucomplete fli fi?ril]L,. i oll, general Description, but much Topographical Innormation, in a well digested order; exhibiting tHree dlsLwct V;¡rt" and yet forming one coançdcd Whole. Expres.iy wanted to every Age and Capacity, and to every Class o. Learners, both in Ladies' and Gentlemen's Schoois. The Maps on a h&ndsoine drawing paper, neatly co- loured, are sold separate for the convenience os Teacncss, price 'zs. sewed. 6. GUI's SCHOOL CIPHERING-tlOOK for Bed?- n»ys; containing a complete Set of Sams in the first four Rn? of Arithmetic, print'd ii' iarge Fences, the (' apv- book Size, havit? :iU the '?t.n.s set, a..d d i ( i i,t< j r:it'' 'c; on excellent writing paper, "'i-coMj ?e:T:oN?  ncc Jt. Gd. 4to. hail-bound. C Also. A KEY t'» the above Sums, price Gd. I:i)i"i lox, ')?,l ill(,, ::<!T; :X(\d" ;t:lr¡ d; f near tv/o hundred new articles aruled, and the whole :¡72:i corrected, afld mneh improved, price 7. !warch, or ner,.tiy GlH ',POCK ET C YCLOPjEDIA; or, M?ceUany of Useful .Knowledge, from -the latest and best Authorities, desig'aed for senior SeiiolarS in School?, :ntd fnryorta? Pe;- .j soa in f>neTal; jjontuiuisg :f:Ü ?si'?rj?d?D Qii various Subjects necessary to he know n by .all Persons, and yet not to be found in Books of general Use in SchooL;, By JOSEPH GOV, late Professor of Geography, &Ci Royal Mi litary College, Great Marlow. 8. GUY's CIIA RT of GEN ER A L H r TO RY. Andont and Modern; on a large sheet of Colunabier drawing paper, the SECOND ENITLONJ corrected, price 7, coloured; 00 canvas and rollers, 10s. 6d.; and varnished, nrtce Us. 9. In royal 4to. price 18s. neatly half-bound or full co- loured, jt L 1<. OSTELL s N E\V CiENERAL ATLAS containing dis* tmct Maps of all the principal States and Kingdoms through- out tb?\?rbE from the 1 » » i t [?'- tiul- l: a l¡ ¡ (:>,I/;iI:¡;> :({ t\ l\\í; :J¡S,i':t:. t:¡ tiie whole correctly ei\gr« v i 4 t,). d beautifully coloured outlines. 10. The FOURTH Eerf roy. fee^t pulilisliet;, H.h eo'isidera- bie Additions and Improvement, price 7;. uu. i-2 iuo» neatly bound. An INTit )!>' M tu s t ( J «> 1A P)IY ?■ ,i \'»- TRONOM\. bv tilt- Lhe ol (mines and Mapc; to which are added, th ( ) t in i > t oi v md a Table.of L"tj. tudes and Longitudes. f>y L- ana Ji of Newcn-tie- edition tiie population of tew ns «n Great Britain is taken from tiie Population 'Retunit «d' ifcll. II. Now first published, ]<rice 2s. (id. sewed, A KEY to BRUCE's GLOCiitA PH\ e«nt;ii<iin^ An- e?'crs to the Problems in the Geography. ?j J. BKUCEJ 12. Just published, the FIFTH l jorn;>?i, corrected a:»<l muc h improved, with a Geographical Frontispiece, price 4?. bc!!?d., A SYSTEM of ANCIENT and MODERN GEOGRA- of By Jorrv JIOEXAND, of Manchester, Autftor of many eleinen- tai'y Books. LJ. SECOND EDITION, with Copper Plates and Wood Cms. price 3s. tsd. A TREATISE on the ( .IVM HUCT'ING and COPYr- ING all Kinds of GEO iPiUCAL MAPS, in Four Parts. Bv THOMAS Drx, U « ^R of NN » T dcmy, and Author of a Tn'a?c on Lnn 1 vf &— Pari i. Elucidates the Globaiur,-Stereog ';j;; i ,¡ (\j,,jl¡ i,za!,t 1. o, ?the I'?-,rt i'(. (,?il j ion of Maps of particular parts oi UicW(,rL'.—P.? HE A Description of Instruments, by the help of w^ira the Me-4 ridians and Para?lct? of Latitude may b? drawn witii great :(¡: :\l: .'(} ;>l r J,: lôl ;;¡'e; (\j'T¡; ¡:i¡ .;?n-rs,?wuig rivNô, sm-coasta, and ot?er hound?.?'.? ami for copyh:g, coloHring, mounting, and ?taer Ininutiæ for Mapping. 11. Price 4s. bound, the FOURTH KorrroN, (wku consi- derable Improvfinents),* ers, but mare pa' ?cu';u'ty to t?c E?c of h"" 1 in Tiirce Parts, arran 1' > !!■ (ui i L) numerous original o i nu i ;t'„ i • i !an A 1) i I C' y Jixercises. By H.oci.:n'r(.<o:)UAC!.E, jf 8U. i • i F..1 Ac?- tlemy, l\otting¡¡alB. 15. The TftiRD EDITION, very much enlarged, price 5, ld. neatly bound, A. KEY to GOOD\CrÙ}s A RiTHMETH" in Anwers to every Question in that W uric, w.ih -j;- .so u- tions, nearly at full length, of more than oris' t. tae most important Examples, ine.n'spr rsed hIt; esylaaator y Notes and Observasious; by tae Aetiior of trie Arithmetic. i 16. An ABRIDGMENT of GOOD VCRE's ARlTii- MJiTiC, for the Use of Ladies' Schools and junior Classes, price Is. tid. he.u- ) '0.?;Li. Ah.o. the i 1 1 I in A'?iTH'tIETIC?!?d MEN SURA 11 » 11 T po?t 4 o. mi a small type, a i p'l l'1" -'• ) 17. 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In a handsome thick 12oio. volume, with an elegant Frontispiece, price 8s. tid. bounds or oil large paper for Families, 12s. dd. boards, The WORLD DISPLAYED; or the f-haracteristic Features of Nature and Art exhibited, On a new plan, ui- tended for Youth in general, as an Oud?nC of the most striking Parts of Human Knowledge, and as a Remem- brancer to those of riper Years; being a concise View of Geography, particularly the !h'iti.,h id?: t?c'r Hi,;tor, La?, C.?stitutiOHs, &c. Of M?ps, titctr Va.-n'tics. Cu- rious Animals, Yes:ctahlp? FoEsUs, &c. ExtraordinarY Efforts of Human Art and Industry, Mechanical Powers'; va-ii)u.? (-fi" tve Aurora ?on?i- Tnunder,L!?'ttni''???a)-thqtK!kcs, Winds, S?rin?- S.jhnc.? of the Sea, &c.; the Links that join the animated and dna- nimated p,as of the Creation; Biography, Foreign and D.Mu<-stic, Lives of the Heroes at the Siege of Troy, &. Uy JOHN GRKIG, « Ti er of Geography; Autiior of an Introductior to L:? I f the C!or,t?, L?ur? Arith- ( metic, Heavens Di t ?x.oediuo? fL.J ¡.tor, & 22. The EIGHT EDiTION, price J< in coloured paper. [ The CATECHISM of NATURK; for the Use of Chil- dren. By Dr. MARTINET, Professorot Hnlosnpny at pben. Translated from the Dutch,"by Lie i;ev..ioiix' iiiLt, of the English Church at Rotterdam. H Read nature, nature hi afrioni to truth. Young. 23. SIXTH EBIHC.»", price 2S. peatly boand, r M. CORDEiLU COL!a;vuU)RUM CENTURIA SELECTA Of, a Select fco.-iurv of .?. Co!-d"?' Collo- iqu?: in I'?) i iI i, tD t ,,cc.?pa.? it I a Li?rai ¡'f),ttt;1kS,L l[¡1Í':(:l¡.ï¡l;tr;fJ (F:{;J: II'UL F ih- i_ '.??H"< 't'?'?. PI' P L- ;jri2:('1L((¡;,è)r: I. ".¡I1tiJ"L;;¡;)': '^eleetu-n; t > 'la-i • i, a. :,i .p i es, aed t.i-c ■, "• :e ne i ln.iu Nutc « > > i i t,,Iin Ai aster, of W mon-i '-t" ?"' ? 1,? tnect?n)y a F:'f¿'J:: ;:f:<t 1'i.{-:j, W, í F c\(:: :1 2-1. A NEVT EDITS E »H< • > < a headof mfi i~. e '< The A RC \f-: A of~* IO'1! ■ "? .Wi-?im; H?. E;'SV. :}v ?. ?-y\GT.?. i\' ?? ? -=" nti1Y aC'J:d, li. '¡lilr L"ÜIí;, far w..n of w:¡c.:1; c, *uo»kdg.t tutetwia, /J