Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

5 erthygl ar y dudalen hon


Rhestrau Manwl, Canlyniadau a Chanllawiau

I BIBLE SÖCIÈTY. A T a ??RRAL MEETING of FRIENDS  A ??RiT?H and FOREIGN BIBLE SO- t<1ETY, l.'t'Id pnr:i\t¡mt ?' -??-tt?-tnent. at the B()A's- HAI, in the I'Ow?! ofCAHRt'tULLY, OU TUE?AY, the lth j C??? ? f ÜECW¡IBER, i8H I ?B2V????y II ALU E?. ?. P? I 17r I,, I1 I?THECHAIR; tT1- Ii-JiU>wing Resolutions were moved and unammously l' aúopted;- t t ?? ?!0t.?t7,, a.'ioptcd:—  1. *10 and constitution of the British and W* V-* Society have the coniia! approbation of this  ?''???y be formed, to be caHed The Branch g i; f Ci', for ttit! of ef)-oper;ttitiI,- BiM. ".oc? "■/ Cmrp hilly,n for the purpose of C(H)peratn ,??t!tc ?n'i-h and Foreign iJhk Society, in promotiug, ,t- j^trt5)Ulii,B of the Ho!y SCrIptures both at home amI ;], ™n?drmabiy to the principles of the British and T oioigu hibie Society; the Bibles and Testaments to be cwuiated by this Society shall be without comment, and ill the languages of the United Kingdom, of the au 101 Ised verpioti only. 4. That ?? perso s subscribing One Guinea per ammHl, or i»wards, or Tn Guineas, or upward", m one time, sh:dl be ^einbrrs 0f Society. ??'ai the business of this Hnciet" shaU he con.'Hct?d by ), p'. esident, Vice-Presidente, a Treasurer, Secrciari?, and "i-t?ittpp, coD?'tin? of twentv-four oUler Members, half of -,II-L',i be Members of tuc Established Church; and tlJat hve Members of this Committee COl1titute a Quorum. 6. That every Clergyman, or other Minister, who is a i lember of the Society, shall be entitled to attend and vote tue Meetings of this Committee. I. That the Committee shail meet once a month, orof- t<Mlcr> on SOllie day to be iixed by themselves. ::1. That the Committee divide this neighbourhood into districts, and zippoiiit raoce, oflieir for nwh <iistnct, who nuty associate with themselves any Subscribers, lor the purpose of soliciting Subscriptions and Donations troni the tiihabttKuts thereof; and tliat fiiev establish oropcr Agents and Correspondents in difi'creut parts wilhin 'the li- toi'.ts of this Branch Society. 9. That toe. whole of the Sabseriutions and Donations ? ?'c?i-d by this Society s'?U !? reiiiiitt-d after 1'dn'¡H 'pp^'tal expeaees, to th< Auxiliary Bible So £ .lV-jot Bridgend, on condition of such Süeid} !'a)till to  ¡hc .:unc p.? iic?-t? ??;nn.-d iu mch ca.cs t? "its Auxiliary ''Soviet' 0 ,(). ?''? ?'? Committee shall make it eH'ir Lusin?? to ¡iÍ ff')i! '?tf'-Lmi!t.? (?r )1:1g 7S:f;:i: !j t¡:¡J!:¡:r J.fc?, :?c in want oi Bibles or Testaments and tuiable (& t'? .'curc themand that it s;!aH b,? the duty of the Com 'nH,tt('e t? furnish thein therewith at prime cu?? reduced P"?, or graf.b, according to their ch'cmmtanct?. 11. That such persons as may n?t find it f-osy?ni?nt to h. *6».»Iembcrs of this Society, shall, upon forming themselves ?"?) Bible As.?atio:?, be rtitl,-d to ourchasc at the deno- "wy afuiis Society, under the dircclion of the Committer-, t ?_p?s ot the Scripture at pdiM cost, for gratuitous distribn- tion, or mle at prime cost or reduced ?icM, among their roarer neighbours. Jf-11 Clergymen, and other Ministers, within the ? <w ? miS ocie'y, makin CoHeciiolJS in their r?pcc- t\(, COi:gn'¡::ll1ons m ???'t' the t?titution, sha!! b<.<-? ?<?j jf.' ? ?''? "f;' C?'?c'"?? b the Treasurer of this £ iv «teive lu>ii>les and Testaments to an ?-u.t, not t-,CL,US o.¡c halt Of the ?'? respective CoHcetions, t-sti- i)'r:t??"? t?r= ? ?'' as '?'! he ?"?' to be needed by the pom in the vi«Si Such return of ^W«and IVstaner.t, n,e daimM f? ?S-?'? ??" ? ?-K-sand T<tai.r.ts t¡ 'e d.aunccl within óne Year fr.¡tn the remitt.lnce of the Co'lection it :ccui!1f in this, and iH ail other ca to rrcfVM- '"( 'C ?'?!y?' of the poor by sale, rather ?anbYg ,13."i;;taGcn('ral M('etin of the Subscribers be held at C?-?'prhdty 011 tae Ihursday before th Michaelmas Quarter tu7, in adl year, w1wï1 the accounts shaH he presented, :Jt'  the past ??' stated, a '?? C??itiec i'm-r" ai'fU ???? "?'? "?? to be printed under ?? 'rt'rtHn of t11C Committee, and circulated among the lU??c? Coiuiuittee, ?ud circuLied Muoag tile t H. Teat in the form:Üion of H- DeW Committee, the i reasurers, the Secretaries, and such three-fourfhs of the oher Members as have most fVequenily attended the Com- In:ttt'{" shaH be n-dii[)k for the ensuing year. rcwtl.5f the Reverend the Hi?on of Hlb nioecsche I rt'?1130stOd to I)a-lro stif, Y??'??S-!?! 1?. M. P. be President: Wyndham I 1..(' ¡ :.q. H. ?'cc? Escj. ?ev. (;corge Thoma. nd  ?,t'n., Ew. he Yicc-PresidenH; Me?r. Davies, I).V Ibder> be Treasurers; Rev. Da?iet f)a- ?t?.h??'' "? ?'?he=, Rev. James Edmund. Rev. Thfs- M'i Th,p' an^ir: ^vau Evans, besee retaries, V. i)i, ? ?'it!ia.n Mor?u., Esq. Rev. Howell YYil- lh ?'?? ?. ?vaa Parrv, and Mea-rs. Edward ?ihnutids, •i i i' ■ « i. „ 4'Jac(,I) T Hopiuns, N?-iiii?tm Lewis, Thomas j) t? ? '!)iam? Y, ii!j::m caters, Thomas Wiiiiams, ?????cn.O! Hichard Ev?ns/rhomasJoMes.Wiiiiam I f?' d::ard J\1urgan" IbviSI Morgan, Thomas Mori!u,u, Jt.J-?um iHomas, atid Lvan Edwards, be Members of the ? '«o->W!' 'HJ?U:t1e1 e ? the year ensuing. Tt *^nn''la' Sfibseriptioiis and Donations be now I v'-tete?' -?M?! S!!b<cytpi.o. ?.nd Dona'io;? h? no? SU.CR. ?"? ??? ?-y n?o Le r,?ecive(? l by the Trea- 18. 'I'ha.t these R r r' t.. C l' be publi^'ied in the Cambrian '^ncl Seren Gom.M. a Col)Y o them  V <lte -ChaSu^ Kf^5 rf \CoZ? o{*™ sfu^fd A»^«iwy Bib)c ?' a,-fi) the llrc.ideiit of tile nJ:).,Tha> the C(}nmittce ?'?t?'c 5th of January, at the Hi'???h, ?'? town «f Caerphilly, at 12 0 d(('k,  tie,I; ofthU&de? circuh?te aa Add" on the °U^Ct Ii J Hen:, of ttl! oeict y.. 'BENJ. HALL, Chairman. —That the Thanks of the Meeting he given to I Caairman, for attendance and conduct in the Chair. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. Annual J1. D.wa/M??. SM?cy-?. ?.??- ?m- tn THT ?U11 Esq. M. „ P ^JiO 10 0 ?.? 5 0 ?? '.?'Jha.t!< L("iVM, 1-,q 1 1 0 Ji'SS R. is ? ? oS ft (V Gran! t, hrsq. ? ?? J» 'hn iiaiford, Esq 3 3 0 ,r- John Vanghan 0 10 6 aiin Wilkins, Esq 1 1 0 1 1 0 tv^re. Davies, .Davies, and Co. 2 2 0  '?n !):?, Esq. 1 1 0 ?\?:WtHin!!M. 1 1Q 1 10 ^• G T°mas' ?s<t. 1 1 0 "'JJ" .1:nonl" 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 ??"'Ksq 1 0 ???v..??? 110 Thoin' ',Is' 'piloiiias 0 Mrs. E. Good ,homas 1 1 All.s. 1). r? I t is -A Bird 1 1 0 ?''  S?W??n ?? 1 1 0 \\iJ'j'¡'¡p: '(';Vl. 1 1 0  '? P nc?" 1, 1 1 ?0 n. Bruf<< I 1 1° i?  ? ?g? i ol  l ?rry ? ? alr; *h°maS 1)?lViCF 1 { y ?: {^omas Williams 1 1 n MMr r! fevan David 1 1 0 Mr, 1 1 y Hev. ??'? Thomas 1 ? ? *^»K 'ehaV i [In;'hc3 110 ll¥' 'i'liomS l:vaus 1 1 0 Air, ''?'i???- 1 ?' t\¡ .ITn \y. 1 1 0 f r. David iRaters. 1 10 S???V???- 1 L 0  t.. D?? ]\1 ???-?-. 1 1 0 &?. Li-8 ?-?n?" ['0,'  1 1 0 tpy hI I ard. 1 1 0 1\{". ;[:h nt's ':IIrIll\uds. ? ? 0 1\1 ,tnas 1\1 0" Ill  iS??P''? ? 1 0 ??'A??.cjLd.e?M.-? e ? i i ? 0 NNI    1 10 ?'???- I 1 0 M Siel rfi'wards' ? ? 0 fr. l;V;>n t- 0 6 :1\1 l' }'<II\ 1: %i* ,L d 0 1 6 ?-' t;i«ienans' ??' ?? o Mrifc^Ah Vnvis 0 10 6' ().h 11 ? 0 5 0 ?M?.  ???-. 0?0  Ft h 0 5? 0 5 0  lar\I S ?.-?- 5 0 T' d.1( \Vill¡rk¡n 1 0 Ba4cfafecr^tS!?:.s and Donations are to be paid at the a Bo? l\ess.lfIs ?-nd 1)011"ItioI? 'Ire toP'nt tllc ,Vies, I)Ztvi('S, Co. (',a(-I'P" il'? tio11"" r. kPPt OjH'n to ?'"?'' ?v f«rther Subserip- ??.?ics. \l1uö wul he also received by tha difiereat ??r''?'?'a?)n?? ?iit i.e ai? rc? by t h diaer<-at



Family Notices