Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

8 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

- - - - - m I.N BARDDON1AETH

-*-?i?%?- ? ICYWYDD MARWNAD…


-?i ?%?- ? I CYWYDD MARWNAD MR. THOS. EDWARDS, I BARDD DINBYCH, Yr hwn a elwid ym mysg y Beirdd, TWM 0' R NANT. lB'l.E'raf,heb!awi'riaith, lymorotamaraith? Pwywyrgerdd.paeiriangaf, Dythogwyn,bethaganaf? PaystafeU.pwysdyfai, Odwrf,hoHLundainadat I nii i farddotii'n ddwys, Ac awenydd i gynnwys f Cwynachofcan-och!hefyd, 0 eithr Bardd a aeth o'r byd. Twm o'r Nant, tymor ei nod, Dirfawr' sy wedi darfod, Och yw hyn, pwy na chA'ynai? Cynnydd ))awenydd sy'n Hai; Ofarw'rBatddhonFhardda &,], Y naw duwies sy'n dawel; A ninnau 'n wir yn un wedd, Deit drostom, dawe! dristwedd, CcNt'r Awdiydd; caH rhadtawn, j ODdinbychoeddwychciddawn, Hyn yw'n cwyn ar dwyn t'n dydd. Marw e:n brawd, mawr iawn bi-ydydat. Tomas Edwart mwys ydoedd, Shakspeare Cymnt, wiwgu oedd, A'i Hofydd yn ei haf-iaith, Aciawnhwyliganu'thiaith; Saer Entei,liuts swt n trwy les, Saer ccrddi, henuhanes, Saer caroian sicr a!wad, Asacrglanismogwiad. Awenydd wyeh ynddo oedd, Hardd odiaeth traidd ydoedd, 0'i ifengctyd diwyd daeth, Iddo 'r iawn ddawn farddociaeth, o fewn ei oe.. ni fo neb Barotaeheiborateb, Kagodid,cyntnagwedi, Er dechreu gwaith cin iaith ni. Atebai(!)iddiob:uth) Feirdd ci oes, at- fwrdd a'i waith, Hcb myfyrio, i'w go* givyclt, Cyn fwyned, canai'n fynych. Nidaddysg,oddysgganddyn, Hawddgw€]ed,oeddi'wga')yn; j RhoddnaUu,ha)'ddhynota' I'w ben, oedd ei aweu dda. Beth pe cawsai ddifai ddysg, I'w ddydd ifengaidd addysg, Sefysgotrago<o!gain, Rhad iachus fel Rhydychain, B'asai 'n hardd, bpn bardd y byd, A rhyfcdd atblaw hpfyd, I''etyduwiau'n flodeuawg, I basio rhai'n, b'asai rhawg. Ond f(=! 'r oedd, dyfa! yr aeth, Iddwyssadai-nddysgeidinct!)/ Cyfrrcd)n,wrthd)'inrhiHwedd Yr Awen, wiw la"ven w!edd Ffhwd oedd hi, hcH' redodd hoa, AhyftifoddfeiafoH— Egiii j-, o natnr y Nant, Oeddeigan,weddogoniant, Swndyfroedd, son diafraiù, Ydoeddhi,bn!t'o'ib!aid. Er t'r byd frycheutyd chwant, Gan wrthddrychan a th) achwant, TtaUodion mawrion a man, Gyda gwg, gwawd a gogan, Cybyddion a dynion Aig, Ei flino, yn f]ieinig, Yr A wen, fet yr eos, Oedd iddo 'n nerth ddydd a nos, Coda'i galon, wiwIoll ,h, A'i gwers gain, fetgor'sgynwr. O! mor wych yn Nghymru oedd Cwnawn ddweyd, pen Gwynedd ydoedd, 0 brif-fardd mawr heb 'ratnn CanaiGymraegaegagun, A Samwet a'! resymau (Fenyc)ywn)eigyfai!tc!aa, A ganai'r aeg Saesnaeg sain (Gwyn frawd) ag un o Frydain, <A Chymraeg hyi'aeg hefyd, Ei hen geta oedd Itwn t gyd, Ond marw wedi y mawredd A wtiaetli o'j byd, aeth'llr bedd, A Thomas a aeth ymaith, Oer iawn yw dweud, i'r un daith. De' a Gwynedd yn deg ennyd, Can gwa! sy'n cwyno i gyd; Y rhai garai 'n rhagoro!, Ei walth a'r iaith ar ei oJ;— 0 Gybi Men gwybu mil Ugeinrnwy, ie ganmi!, Ameiwaithdinamieithydd, Draw cred aeth idrc' Caerdydd, Dundain a phob He iawndeg, Ei enw da sy fynu'n deg; Eienwefa'iwaithhefyd A sai' byth i oes y byd. LIaadain. W. J. Bardd Men. To the Editor < Seren Comer, t SiR,—Y have, with no smalt regret, read your inten- tion of discontinuing to publish the Seren Gomer, as announced in your Paper of the first instant, and as the very respectable manner in which it has been conducted has, in my opinion, made it of great use to my country- men, I should be sorry to see it whoHy discontinued, and therefore trust you wi)I excuse the liberty 1 take of suggesting a few ideas which have occutred to me on the subject. I am well aware that many Welshmen as weH as Eng- lishmen have held that it would beweU iftheWe!sh language were who)!y extinct, and also that the Erse and Irish were so, in order that the communication might be mote easy by the genera! use of the English, yet the log* of an anticnt language is a serious one to learning, and it may be doubted whether by the intro- duction of another more reat good can be dene as to improvement than by instruction in the antient )an- guage. But, however this may be, languages wilt take their course, and as their extinction) even under cir- cumstances that bring it on, requires at least the time of some generations, surely it is important that all the use- ful information that can in the mean time be given should be so. This I believe is acknowledged, and I would therefore rather believe that if, as you allege, the more wealthy of our countrymen have not encouraged your Paper as you ha<! hoped from them, it seems to me that, as they in general know but too little of their native language, they have not been inclined to take it, as not being able to find in the perusat either informa- tion or amusement. This I conceive to be realty the iact; and therefore submit to your consideration whe- ther if in future you were to devote one whole leaf, viz. two pages, of your Paper to English, and the other whoiiy to Welsh, you might not find it your advantage to continue it, as by this means you will probably retain your Wc!&h Subscribe! s, and obtain others for the sake of the English part. The English leaf will thus sufHce for advertisements and the news of the week, and the Welsh one for your correspondents and agocd abstract of the weekly news. Ishoutd, however, b(-g leave to recommend that neither leaf be ailowed-to trench on the department of the other, because if it does, one of the parties of the subscribers may fall off in corse' quenco. This pian, though only partially adopted bv the North Wales Gazette,seems to have proved benef. ¡ cial. Should you think proper to adopt it, the insertion of some of the best works of our Poets regularly, of such I mean as deserve the name, as Taliesin, H. ap 0. Gwynedd, lolo Goch, Huw Morris, &e. and of our all, tienf Triads, from the Myfyrian Archeology; but in the established orthography, might tend to keep up the atteBtioncftheWe!sh. By the bye, I am gtad you have adhered to the established orthography, and not adopted the very injudicious alterations, to say the least of them, that were proposed to you. Should what I have proposed be of any service to you, it will give much pleasure to, Sir, your obedient servant, POWYSIEKSH.

At Berchennogion Sey,en Gerner.…

. At A",--At ,z),a,pltiady(ld…

At Ai,-,i-Gphiadyd(i 5'e


