Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

9 erthygl ar y dudalen hon


Rhestrau Manwl, Canlyniadau a Chanllawiau

CHESTER TOWN COUNCIL. I A monthly meeting of the Town Council was field on Wednesday afternoon, the Mayor (Or. Roberts) presiding The other members present were the Sheriff (Mr. Heury Dodd), Aldermen H. T. Brown j. A. Dickson, T. Smith, W. H. Gfiurton, J. J Cunnah, Dr. Stolterfoth, and John Jonas, Messrs. B C. Rolwrts, James G. Frost- W. Veniou. H. i?or,b. J. t?crton Gilbert, L:¡a0 Joii £ -3 W. Fct?t?'?n, a. Cttpi?M'k. R?. Cecil Da.vK?. .1?? D. W. H?weU. J. WtU?tn?on. M Gi)br)n?? P. Cockrill, ab'J Drs. H??m?!?:'n. Mann am'. ??S wttbt'MotHoi?Id. Moliin K-,n- ,with til?? pu;, f i T OF TI-I E LATE 1) U K V" ? I The Town Cleru I ilr. 8. Suntii) bad roceived ;< letter fropa Coh VVufurd LLoyd stating that the Duke of Westminster wllj lead Mr. Walker his grand- father s picture by Millais, with a view to his making e copy oi it for the Town Hull; and that tha picture can ue sent to Mr. Walker's "tudio in J-uati. and chit it should be- returned to Elton fthcsic the middle of September. The Town Hall OoftimifTee resolved—"That Mr Walkers offer, on the ter-ni stated in his letter of the 17th ultimo, be accepted I and fcUat Colonel Wilford IiLoyd's letter ix. communicated to him. It was further resolved-"That the steps to be taken for providing the necoasary funis b3 left in the hands or tbe Mayor. The Mayor said that all the necessary arrange- ments had been made, and they now asked for tife necessary iunds to cury out the sclteme thoroughly and well. It was found there would be required about £ 200, if not -more, and at (he committee meeting the uther day it was decided that the subscription ii->t sboald ba handed round the- Council Chamber. Of course the subscriptions would not be confined to members of the Council, but would bo open to outside citizens, who, ho was sure, would respond freely.—The list was then passed round LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. I Mr. ?. C. K?bprta moved and AL(lerm ?. -J. | Cumah ?econaed, the re-?ppoiutmoat of Alderman Stolterfoth h? the representative of the Ohe8kr Town Council on the Council of the Society for University Extension in Liverpool and District for the session 1'.m)o-4. FORTHCOMING ROYAL VISIT. ADPEKSS TO THE DtiXCB AND PRINCESS. The Mayor stated that all the arrangements connected with the approaching Royal visit were now complete with one:, important exception, i.ameiy, tho approval of tha presentation of an add rces to their Royal Highnesses by tho Council. It was the custom, for the senior Alderman to pro- pose and tho senior councillor to se-cond a motion of that character, Irr. the. absence of Sir Thomas Frost, tho senior alderman, he had great plca.surc-! in call.rig upon Alderman H. T. Brown to move the resolution. Alderman Brown said it devolved upon kirn, as i the next a-enior alderman, to. proposa th resolu- i tion. He was quite sure th COuncil would be only too glad to ,o qyt&s& by address their welcome to tha Prince and Pr ncens of Wajps on their approaching visit. Tha Prince and Pianoes of Wales, in ad- dition to their many other tit?as, enjoyed tho die- j tihetivo title of Fari and Cauutou of Chester. ITo j remembered not very long ago his Majesty the King, who tho;), bora tTxat title, upon a pabhc occasion, in reference to Chester said it was the city from which be derived one of his proudest, titles. He had no doubt that tho pride which the King felt wLoii he occupied that position was ",130 felt by the of Wales now that he held it. Among all the cities of England he did not think thera was any which had proved thit it was and is more loyal than the city of .Chester. He was sure it would aiford t,f: Council the greatest satisfac- tlon. to be ablo to-welcome the Prinoe and Prin ces of Wales among <thcm. Hp could not help thinking it was a happy coincidence that on the forthcoming ocoxHion the weLxms of Chester to the Prin.- ziid Pruicess of. Wales would be shewn markedly aad principally by their Mayor, who was a Welshman of Welshmen, and who the citizens were very proud to see ia: that position. He could not help thinking that tha Prince turd Princess of Wajea would be glad to find the welcome of Chester offered to them by a, Welshman. He now moved that an address h, presented to their Royal Highnesses on their visit to Chester, on the 4th May ri- xt, and that a committee he. now appointed to prepare the address and make arrangements for the presentation. The address, by the Mayor's desire, was to be left to the. discretion of himself (the Mayor)., the Recorder, and tho Town Clerk. Ho (Alderman Brown) thought they would agree if could not bo if b"tt°r hands. He would ad,( to his motion that the address ba left in the hands of that small committee. Mr. John JOLe;" as senior1 councillor, seconded the mot1 on. whie i was unanimously carried. It may ba added that the Chief Constable has been instructed to obtau the services of six of the Liverpool Mc •unted Police to aot as an escort to their Royal Highnesses when they attend tha Races. I TH7 POLICS BOAT, The W atcli Committee vcoro to anI cept the tender cf the Dee tioa-ting Company Lid., to supply an electric taunoh as a "Police. Boat" o r Saturdays, Sundays, Bank Holidays and Regatta day.during the toating seasatu, for tha sum of £ 55. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. At a recent r- eetmv of the Lighting Sub-C'orr.- > > mitte of the Corporation the Electrical Engineer reported the probaWe requirements and estimate of capital expenditure for the next three years, and presented a statement shelving (hat the amount £ 105,924 sanctioned up-to-date will he exhausted, and £ 1,275 in excess by expenditure already sanctioned by the Council. After discussion ip was rusolved "That it lie recom- mended to the Council fcls-it application be made to the Local Government Board for sanction to borrow the further sum of fcl4,07G (making with the 9 above £ 105,924 a total of £ 120.01)0), for purposed connected with tfcft eleotriciight undertaking." Mr. B. C.- liol.-erts, Chairman of the Committee, moved the recoimnendvi m, and said the amount i,,)n, ankt sa, l the, arii(-)uvt wouM serve the committee for the next three'l Mr. R. JLmub RCOMidcd. and it was cArr!pJ. It was received, on the motion of Mr. Rob<?. that the committee be (tuthoris?d to accept Ll-;cA ? tead?r of Mf?ra. Chamberlain and Hookaum to supply oae hudr,d met"TS (when a.nd as reQuirjd! at a cost of jB284 7s. 6d. WST OF ELECTRICITY TO THE I I CA:)ST OF TRAMWAYS. T-D Tlll,' I iiijerton Gilbert flmjied to havo been detied betweor the two ooinmitt^, the Lighting and Tramways Ownmittees—if they reaJly. wc«r«! two oo;am:ttee3; it setmed ill respect' to be morf' cne than two--thaf tnf" unit pii £ e of eJec- triciiy ehargtd to the tiainways undort.tkinDr lx, lid Ttie:<' :1em to b, some misconception ir the town as to why th-e (rams should to chargou more fc.;an lire price to other molor pov/er users. lNi". B. O. Roberts said he thought by him. tliat tney iiad had to go into capital expenditure for the purpo-e of Supplying tho tram- ways, aad it WJS an that account that they had charged them rather more than the minimuir. charge for clergy to other nwtOl" usera throughout tha city gee-riliy. Mr. Egerron Gilbert intimated his satisfaction at tire explanation, and the Biintites were con- finned. ADOPTION OF NEW STREETS. Un tiro motion or Alderman John Jo ires. T,p, etreet and C^ueen's-avanuo declared highways, repairable by the inhabitants at large. Alderman Jones explained that they had paved, ch-ta- nalled aiici jo tilz_i satisfaction of th"? oity Burveyor. BETTER LIGHT AT THE BATHS. Alc.erman Cnu^n moved .that the Market and tkiths c Committee. be authorised to accept the teuder of Messrs. F. J. Jones and Son to supply; and 1.ix 65 batter, lamp holders round the gallery of the Atlantic barb; with all the casing, cables, .,tc ilewl and other apparatus, for the sum of £18 10, Alderman Oh virion atid tlie motion was pro. i pos -d on account of their uaiia tho Atlantic for galas. It was not lighted as weJl as tie-y would like ic. They received £ 2 2. for each gaia. and sometni.rg like 15s. for each polo match, so tha.t. financially, it was not, a bvi outlay. The ►jneritf seconded, aad it was carried. i OF FOOD AND DRUGS. Mr. Kac-rtin.Gilbe.rt asked chairman of the' Public Healtil Corum ttee (Dr. Hamilton) if he was satisfied with the range of subjects deait with by the medical officer of jhraki; aid the public analyst under the iood and Drugs Act. Ho thought greater attention might bo paid to' these subjects and t-uggeKted that butter and cheese and other articles which received irregular attention, might be kept unde- observation. Drugs wera an important branch. Dr. Hamdton said drugs had been examined from iiiiio to mae. Thoy wete very glad to accept any sL;0gcst.o:i from a.?y member cf the Council as :o an???y e- ? v-h.c? m;?ht b3 tai:?n. The articles they had examined weio c-onsidcied the most use- ful, for ae.aij ;i; LaBiliiRV'S NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. i A.ldeiUi<tM SLoIterfoth moved the confirmation of. the minutes of the Free Library Committee, ■ wh. -jutuined a resolution that the ofiici of Air. W. 'J. i'liOtUuS'. Northgate-strcefc, to eupply the newouaoeis, tikagaz nes, etc., bo accepted. Mr. xi Ci-cn said he had not a word to eay J..I L IV,t. Thomas, but he taougiit other nav, llJ .ald have a ehau.e, of t^uue-uiig. Aid ri.iaa Stolterfoth said the tender essrs. I R V-: >•„ Q., was not oomplet^d, and su> »i.oii and Co.'a business ha.d L0. pur | the latter simply j supply,ng the newspapers aiitl magazines till the • "f th-v or-ginal tender expired, feuders b3 invited at tha end of that period. } fie- "¡;a. d he was quite satishe^. and the nii i -'f < o."firmed. 11-li K RTISING- CHESTER. '1' "li. ;t tha oonmi ttee be authorised to accept. Messrs. Phi!h'<-? and liolder's oS?r t? supply 1,500 copies oi thoir 1 W guide book (o the ci'y, Mid dis- tribjj,? t c a-,mo or, thc- of he CL!?ind, Allan ()ominiim. American, end other steamship I:n,ts. o.-id at hotels, clubs, otj., for th; sum or £ 15 6'L" Tl.o Mayor, iG mov ng the recornrnendation, re- mark d vhnt they wp,e mewing witii t\û tims, «nd w?r :t J?t ?r?ng'in? tho gOGJ old ciiy before the. p-b'"io on land and writer. A'de-'eerev C'uunah seconded, and it was adopted. Tii h HOUSING SCHEME, FINANCIAL FIASCO. v K HENT PROBLEM. M! lec-eting of the iron sing of the, -?-? ?'? Ccramittc'? of Ciiesrer Tc)wn VK^e:'Jf^ Covcrnine?t H'?rd.spermi?-icn' Co?i.?.?. t..? ? (irtion of the V?ter Tower: to a.pp??"-??  ? for dwc![in?a to bu pru. Gai:ee-- .??p,? ?L of the Housing of viiux. 18!;0, and to brrow: ,ie, the. ui'.ssex dwellings was' ???'? '?t?? ????/ 'JIpWIl Clerk m?ported ffRSl L^Tr.yn,c,,t of the ?: -?.<' -? e?s from the date of bo?o?r?. ? A statement prepared by the City Accountant was I read as followii v | nWEIJ.IMM rolt THE WORKING CLASSES. Twelve Oottages at ;t;i80 per Cottage, £2, lGO. Repayment of loan (£2 7s. 9d.)* Interest a.fc per cenl 6 <> 0 Present relit oi garden land, on which it is propo.d to build twelve coi'.ii^es, at Hi 13s 4d. per cottage 0 4 5 Poor rafco at (jd. in the H, less vJ per cent., ra.L.Lie value 1 13 Wiiter rate on cottages at a weekly rent oi 4s 0 11 8 eiru iasurauco at ls. 6(1. per c,,nt 0 J 8. Repairs 10 per cent, on gross renoul (rent per cottage 4s. la.) 1 1 3 Empties, bad deois, &c..5 per L,nL. cr, gioss remai). 0 10 < Total ,£10 lu 2 Weekly rent at 4s. Id. per week £ 10 12 4 Provision for repay meat of loan would require the addition of lid. per week, but the result ot raining the rent abovo 4" W. per week would bo to lose the per CI_nt. ,.howance for com- pounding, and the reut, £ 1U per annum, wouid I tall about E2 sa,,I.b oi tlio a.nouiit required. A rent of tis. per weeK ( £ 15 li!j per annum) shews a 10. of 9s. lid. per annum. The committee considered (1) the advisability of approaching the Local Government Board with reieronce to the period iulowed for repayment of the loan. 12) l'ne renis to oe lBld in respect of each of the proposed Lii cottages a.nd Fi) whether, it tenders are obtained, there mAy not be some reduction in the estimated cost, Lz, 1(;0. L' After discussion, it was re^oivea mat Lite surveyor prepare a speciriciition and have bills of quantities taken out obtaining aucu assistance as he may require, and, wnen completed, that tenders be invited Oy advertisement for the erection of the 12 cottages azi proposed." ibe committee, on the proposition of Mr. W. Ferguson, seconded by Mr. vV. Carr, resolved unanimously That the comHlHtee desire to express their great satisfaction with and appreciation of the able manner in which the case for the Corporation was got up and presented to the Inspector at the recent inquiry, and are of opinion it reflects great credit on the Deputy Town Clerk and the depart- meut "-The. Deputy town Clerk submitted a statement, of counsel's fees and other expenses incident to the inquiry, which were passed for pay- meut. Mr. Vernon. moved the adeption of the minutes of the Committee. Alderman Smith asked the Council to postpone the confirmation oi the minutes, because he saw thai the committee had oonsidered (1) the ad- viability of approaching the Local Government J. .l..£, _r-J nllr.II'r1 çr\P rsoara witn rererence wo tut? peuvu auv.. LVL repayment, of the loan, and (2) the rents to be paid in respect of each of tho proposed twelve cottages. He respectfully suggested that the 00 mini tree should candidly inform the Council, before they azked them to put a blank cheque to the resolution they proposed, what they had done as regarded approaching the Local Government Board for an extension of the period of the loan, also with respect to the rents proposed to be charged. He observed from the figures in oon- ncction with the matter that the rent was set down at 4s. Id. per week. or, adding the lid. required to meet the provision for repayment of loan, 50;. Ho ventured to think that cottages of 5s. per week were not wanted, and he thought it would be the opinion .of tho Council. If on the other hand tho committee intended to charge 3s. or 33. 6d. per week, then he thought it was only fair that the Council should know whether the Is. 6d. or 2s., as the. case might be, would fall upon the rates. In the event of its being L. 6d., that would make about E46, which would fall1 upon the rates in respect of the cottages. WTith [ very great rospect to the committee, he thought tho Council ought to have more information before the minutes were passed. He moved that the minute* bo referred baok to the committee. He merely did that to put himself in order. Mr. Coppack seconded. Mr. Vc eon said the information Mr. Smith asked would' be given to the Council before any- thing Was done. The committee had not decided what rents they were going to charge, and they could not decide anything until they had got the tenden in and they knew what the cost would ba He thought no member of the Council would object to tho. committee's making application to the Local Govornment Board, if they thought fit, for the extension of the period for repayment oi: the from 40 to 60 years. That would be for the benefit of the Council and all who lived in. the houses. The object of the committee was to have everything as straight as possible and as plain as possible before the Council. Alderman Brown confessed that he did no altogether folio-,v the figures set forth in the minutes of the committee. The statement by the City Accountant was not as plain as it might be. Mr. Vernon: Well, I don't understand it, certainly. Alderman Brown said if the rent was increased by another 8d., bringing it to 43. 9d., the Council would .!o;o the benefit of the compounding. It seemed as if they would require to charge a rental of at lea-t 63. per week to cover expendi- i lire, which shewed a loss of 9s. 9d. per annum. He thought the Council were entitled to have; the figures in such a. form as they would under- stand them. Mr. Siddall said he noticed that the Deputy Town Clerk had submitted to the Housing of the Working Classes Committee a statement of counsel's fees and other expenses incident to the inquiry. Would it not be dssiraule that the information should be in the hands of tho members of the Council, and that all the expenses in connection with the matter should be charged properly aud entered against their own proper aeooums? (Hea.r, hear.) Mr- Vernon said that &s a member of the c?mmitteo he should strcng<y object t< that, because the committee were not responsible for tho objection 'of other people, and the objection cf others really caused the expenditure—the money thrown away. If tho money expended had been given to the advantage of the com- mittee, the latter would have been able then at a loss of b. per week to have let the houses at 3s. 6d. per week. Alderman Churton said he was surprised tc hear such a statement as that from a. member of tho Town Council. It was perfectly we" known tint the Town Council had no right to embark upon that sort of schcme without the tanction of che Local Government Board. It was also well known that anybody had a perfect right to object if he pleased and it was not a reason- able and fair thing to say that because people i exercised their perfect right the committee were j not responsible and regretted they had not the money they ought to have. When committees embarked that sort of thing they ought to look ahead. There was a good deal to be said on both sidM He was bound to say he felt very i dissatisfied wi^h the result. It had always ap- peared to him that the reason for supplying those houses was a iviiit that could not be supplied privately. They did not want cottages at 6s. per week, and if it was the intention of tho Corpora- j tion to supply cottages at 6s. per week, he for en'ireiy and absolutely opposed it. Mr. Vernon: So shall I. Aldorraan Churton: So will you! At the present moment we don't know what is going to happen. You are authorising the surveyor to prepare specifications and putting a number of people to a lot of trouble. Until you get the decision of the. Local Government Board as to extending the period for the repayment of the loan, I for one don't think there is the FJightest neod to go on with it. I shall oppose it. If it means you have to charge rents of 6s. per week, I say the gnreo il not worth the candle. The best course is for the comrritteo not to ask them to pass the minutes as they stood, but to recon- sider the question and bring the matter before tho Council in a little better form. Alderman John Jones could not help thinking that the Council was antic.pating a discussion which they would have an opportunity of in- ducing in later. It was utterly and absolutely impossible for the committee to determine what rent they would recommend the Council to charge the tenants until they had ascertained the actual cost of building the cottages, and they could not. get that until they had tenders from the b-utdera. Mr. Williamson endorsed what Mr. Jones had said about an: ipatIng matters. it tnere was a division he asked that names should be recorded, Mr. James G. Frost •••aid as they were repre- sentatives of the ratepayers he did .not under- -stand why Mr. Vernon did not tell them what exDenses were incurred by the inquiry. Mr. Vernon I don't object to that. Alderman H. T. Brown said the expenses re- ferred to came within the province of the Finance Committee. First of all there was £ 59 which was voted by the Council at the last meeting, and that represented fees paid tc counsel at the inqu'ry. They would find from the minutes of the Finance Committee there were three items amounting to £29 17s. 6d. for certain information f-om Mr. Shone, also maps from Messrs. P; iil:ps:n and Golder, and statistics from other ,iu-,trt-r- Thør" was ancther item of E13 17s. Id., ?dudins- £ 12 18*. Id. fm- extra clerical a?Ist- ance. making a tolgl of £ 93 14s. 7d. There were •«vr;e fees to the Local Government Board, amounting to £ 2 or E3, had not yet been recevecl. Mr. Sidchll Thank you I am very much obliged I am surprised that Mr. Vernon objected to give it. Mr. Vernon: I diun't. I simply objected to its being tacked cn to the cost of the houses. Mt-. B. C. Roberts said it seemed to him thinzs had very much altered. He agree d with Alderman Churton. They were al! led to believe, and it was the hope of most of them, that they' would be able to build the cottage; at rents of 3s. cr 3s. 6d. per week. New they were told the co'tnir-s oo tid not be bi? t at less t;1an 6s. m, d b i l"? per w ek rent. If they built the cottages and had to charge 6, per week rent to balance their p.-counts'' would be in t>os-ession of a white eleohant, becaoso they would not, be able to let the cottages at 6s. Nobody would take them. They would not be 6". cottages at all; they would not be worth mor^ thfn 4, in the open market. TF they could not build cheap cottages, there was no harm in waiting a few years. If the cottages ccit'd not be built under 6= per week rent they would be in a hopeless dilemma. Mr. Ferguson hoped the Council wculd support tho Committee at the present stage. Mr. James G. Frost said the period for the rùpayr:nt of the loan was one of the great thing". If they had to repay in forty years the scheme was a failure. They must remember that the committee had always told them that tLe building of the houses would entail no extra expense on the rates. Mr. CockriS thought the discussion was pre- mature. and hoped the committee wou!d be a lowed to go on with the business so that they could bring fuil details. Alderman Smith said he ventured to think, in spite of what had been said by Alderman John Jones, for whose opinion he always entertained the greatest respect, that it .was not necessary to pass the committee's resolution at that stage, and that it would be far better for the committee to reconsider the question: < and bring a more definite proposal before tha Council. He did not think the most sartgu;ne,,member of the com- mittea could expect to redace the estimate by very much. It would "he a. very trifle, if reduced at all. Therefore it cculd have very little effect, and they need not Wait for that. He really thought the best thing was to postpone the pass- ing of the minutes until the committee gave them more information on the subject. Mr. R. Cecil Daviea said it would be impossible for the committee to give more information until they got a definite tender from the builder. His opinion was that in the estimate of £,160 they had put down £350 more than was enough for the cottages. When the voting was about to take place Mr. Williamson asked that the names should be recorded. Alderman Churton Is that by way of terrorism or something? Mr. Williamson withdrew his request, and Alderman Smith's amendment was put to the meeting and lost by ten vote3 to twelve. The minutes were then confirmed.





[No title]