Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

28 erthygl ar y dudalen hon




HAW »IU)EN ! HA'V \ liDE;\;










[No title]


[No title]












DENBIGHSHIRE EDUCATIO: PULICY BOARD OF EDLCATfONS INTENTIONS. BIH. WATKIN WYNN-S WARNING-. On Monday a special meeting of the Denbmii- Aluro younij; Oouneii was held aL W rexnam, umio- wie chairmanship oi Ai r. John RotiOrw. '?ne ??-k ?po?ed that be nau received two. lexers Wi tHe ?oard oi Education, ior*a.-<W an order postponing tne <?.?d dav i,r L ?.10_ ..? owing uo ti? MrM?ol t;?  ?y ?.c ?o?u.u rc?u? ? auo-^ ciaute tor ?'?..?a ?c iir ?on-pfo?d? ?.:uu.. 'Y^* ^d'  ?'?"'??t 01 me Education C?<oiuiun? t<-?. wa In '&co ot tne oosuioa tnev mA   ? "? "?'? ? me -uoard oi Edu- c;il ttuil, ttiat tfle h, j uciALl()Il .L"Clu- ?t?i.i, he now proposed that the ?ducuuon Coin? ■ 'fe appointed at ? last rnc?u.? be auth£ or- b" to T1" ? t?e "cc<7 -ria« r I,. .? ? .u? oper?J, „ the appointed Mr. Christmas Jones seconded '? res01uÜoD, wlucÜ was "cned. ?r. ???d n?xL moved the adoption of t^het iiiiii,tes of the Education ?n.??? hcid? ?.scer on December 18. Ar. Li?t E?etu? Mr i?y n.dc ar. un?cc.? at.t<p. ? n?. the <:iLlse 1 rotusiB'; '? auil to ????y -?oc.-s <lu<,t('u. ruo at? a mem b \at,kin \\llli<lm'l VVyr.!l said he r(' as :a men,ber ot the Golllj('¡J, not to olJ(Joó<'  but to put clearly and exacUy b?n. u.e  tnu pro?b.e ?et of what they v?re dou? In laicmg up a ?sicion d.?cUy aura?on?uc ? the o?.itary .c?ooi. tliey wcre makm .he? u?h? ahuo? a iaugnmg-,stock to a large number If Othl.' counts, and ?p'ec!s']y o' the "? .o.u.e.s, a.d he d?d no, think ? <.Y ?rc W;Ll1ÎiJ their !egaj rights m some of the poi? He « quite certain, too, that it would co? t? (?u?! by and by in litigation more money and more triuble than they ha 1 now all" idoi r.f   ou.d feel lor the members who disi.kcd the A? but nevertheless it was an Act pa.-sed by ino majority in Parliament, and they were bound to aome by it. (Hear, hear.) He had known that Council very much in the wrong before wlni they made a certain scene about the traction engines. Certain members thought traction engines objectionable, and could be wiped oil the face of the earth, but the owner of a traction T1 namet, oones, of Corwen. fought them and t,ey had to pay about £ 120 in costs. He lu:2r<j that he also was going to be attacked, but ho never had been yet. Mr. Simon Jone: That was extraordinary (Lan'w' ) extraordinary education. (Laughter.) Si/Watkin Wynn That is exactly the point. This is ?xtr?ordtnary c-ducouon made orr'u?ry [?y Act of Parliament So was tii,, (?xtraor(i* traction, as tho Council found to its con. Mr Jones represents one sido and I the other, but do not know that we differ so widely. What I should like to ask the Council to consider is—Are we really wise in doing what we are doing, or sn we running our head:; again-t a brick wall, and shad we not by and by have to climb down piece hy pit ce. i feel sure we are not occntmmr ». wise or dignified position, Proceeding. Sir WaHrin argued that the councils could not orj«h fl>e Edu- cation Act, and contended that even if Sir Wmiain ?areonrt. went in to-morrow tho eight" y Irish members would vote ag '?t ?y change i:, thVt i But that, wa not> his Point. He on? .?! ? J? '??"'?' ?"?? ?" smiiin« ? huo- La'? They ?'? "? "P'? ??- -?? and why should they not reco?nsc that fset HI? earnestly hoped that the matter wcu?d be re gardrd m a different light. He -.Touid wiH'r-?v come to an agreement if possible, and would lnxo }On d for it if he had had a chance. He believed in it, and had had some experience of an agree- ment between British schools and Neuo-ii'l scnools. In that case the parishioners had power to elect a school board, but they had never douo ,0, and even now they were crying to him to eon- i-inne ms scnoo]. That. was only onn instance in .-» pa. i- .i wnerc, lie should think, there were t-\v<ytfy Nonconformists to every two or three Church peopie. An arrangement was niade that worked very well, and he d-d not; see why something of tne same kind could not be done by tl,.e, coitnry councils. Something was attempted, be oeneved, but he was not in England at tiie time, ai.d it would probablv not have made ;m-"h cider- once if he had been here. That fell t but only from the swinging of the baiance. The mttri points were agreed upon. and there were only one or two other points which, with a little patience might have been adjust, d (Applause.) He di.i not know who upset that attempted arrangement He appealed to the Council, was it wise to take this extraord'nary action when thev I new the, would have to climb down? Mr. Lurmoy: You are giving us fatherh- advice (Laughter.) Sir Watkin Wynn: That :s exact;v what it j. Mr. Lumley. (Laughter.) This postponement is a warning to u. It is to give- the councils some time to reconsider their position. One or two cases in the law courts, and the wirole oppusitioil- will topple over. (Laughter.) The National schools will never give you their schools, except in one or two isolated cases; t.hey are as firm j:9 that point as the Nonconformists are. 1 speak its a friend and as a member of the Council, and I s:;y w< -« ,e to climb down if we go on. ami it would be far better to cany out the Act in ,i's literal sense, and then we should have peace and quietness. Captain Griffith-Boscawen fully endorsed Sir Watkin had said. Though he was a member appointed on the Education Committee, he could not vote for the adoption of the report, becaaso one of the recommendations was, he b'lieved, illegal. He was not sorry the appointed di y wjps postponed, because it might lead to some kind of settlement or compromise. A little give-and-take on both sideE-a.d net on one side only, as tho other side seemed to tliirik -mignt. he believed, lead to a reasonable compromise. It was a dangerous precedent to refuse to carry out the laws of the country, and he must not vote for apy resolution to do that, though he would like to soe the Education Act amended. (Hear, hear.) Mr. J. W. Lumley said, es representing those of the opposite view, he could say that they wore prepared to compromise, and to agreee to a com- promise that would not be nnp-sided. He sajg- gested to the managers of the Voluntary schools ail arrangement under which the Council should recognise their rights in the buildings 4y paying an annual rental for 'he use of them, and that the buildings, when not in use by the educa- tion authority, should be at the disposal of the owners and managers for purooses of their own. That would get over a dulieulty which had arisen owing to a great extent to an unfortunate clause in the Act. Sir Watkin was -ahing upon them to lialt-for what purpose? The Board of Education hild given them no warning. Sir Watkin Wynn, interposing, agreed with Mr. Lumley that the Board of Education had not directly told them anything, but they had sent a very clear warning that they ljieant to have the Act carried out. and the (.-oumv Council would not be allowed-lie was now troia information received hom a private ?)urcc th?t he could not quote from— to c?'ade their du?y. 'J he Board had the power of mandamus. Hoy they would act he was not. going to say. Ho desired to say that he did not in his «peoc.h suggest a compromise; fie expressed regret that the com promise had failed. Air. Burnley said it was the duty of the Council to deal with official comnnmications and not Xo listen to outside statements, even when they came from Sir Watkin. Mr. W. G. Dodd maintained that tho CounciF-s resolution was not an illegal one, while lie con- tended that the Board of Education had taken an illegal step. In the course of further discussion Sir Watkin said Most of our Gliffereiict, are merely splitting straws." The report was adopted.

