Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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I Y. M. C. A.


I Y. M. C. A. I CONFERENCE AT CHESTER. Th> seventeenth annual conference of the Liver- pool and North Wales District Union of Y.MJC.A.'S was heJd at. Chester on Wednesday, and was attended by a representative body of delegates from all parts.of North Wales, We6t Cheshire, and South-west; Lancashire. The an- nual business meeting was held in the Chester Y.M.C.A. rooms, where MY. Charles J. Proctor, Birkenhead, president, cf the union, presided. There were also present the Rev. T. Gaaqaouael Baligor, and Mr. Joseph. Gardner, Liverpool (vice- I presidents), Mr. T. ChaziI-s Johnson, Chester; j (Union representative cs National Council), Mr T. Jameson, Liverpool, ardi Mr. W. H. Ralston, JBirkenhead (the hon. district secretaries), ML I T. Gwilym James (traveling secretary), Mr. J. I-JAmi-eio,i (secret&ry of the-ChesteT Y.M.C.A), 4e. I jr_ ANNUAL .REPORT. J -I ?, 1 I vnu">vu LEAU LFC annua J H'p"n;, WJUCl1 ehewed that the limon now oonsisted of twenty .associations, with a. membership of 8,706, five auxiliary societies, with a membeiship of 854 M centres occupied by correspondents, and 69 centres where the association was. represented, uiaking .a total membership oi 9,7L4. The property in the.r hands was valued at £6f>,600. The report Ùf"- scribed the "\ariou^ pliate^ of the Union's won during the year, and drew, attention to the strik- ing success of their operations in Volunteer' oanjps. particularly witix .the 30th Field Army Brigade at Salisbury Piain, the Welsh Border brigade at Towyn, and Ohesnire brigade Towyn. It stated tnat the work had proved Qf: increasing efficiency and .usefulness. Short allu-' fiions were made to the principal associations ini the Umon. In Chester it was stated the work' was growing apace under the supervision of Mr. Jamieson. Two noon prater meetings were held weekly with good attendances, one being es-, pecially for busincSb men. The membership was' increasing, and now stocd at 314. This rooms were often inconveniently overcrowded, and if the work was to continue if .grow, a larger build- ing was imperative, and jxmst very soon be se- cured. Thia total income of the associations of the district amounted to £ .7.035; their total ex- penditure wat 26,575; whlle their total indebted- ness was £ 1,008. On the motion of Mr. Jtmeson, seconded by Mr. Ralsicn, the report was adopted. Mr. Black, a member of the Liverpool City Council, gave a practical and well-preparedl paper l on x .M.L'.A. s and Sunday Schools." His subject treated of the difficulty of dealing with boys be- ,tween the age when they left Sunday school and the time when tho Y.M.C.A- appealed to them He said the period" of boyhood to which he re- ferred Jay between the ages of twelve and seven- teen or eighteen, add boys of that! .age represented £ ix or seven per Qnt. of the population. It was a time of critical physical and spiritual change, of mental restlessness, of doubts, And a disturbed conscience. The boy in thoso years crayedJ for knowiedgte and sympathy, and to .be understood and appreciated. On the other hamd, it was a pe-riod cf moral activity and high ideals, strong emotions and enthusiasms, an age of iiero-worship and altruism. Many of the beet missionaries dated the choice of their life's v&c&tion from those early ages. Firstly, a boy cceded any amount of physical exercise. The energy, stored up in him nei--deci careful training. A boy also neece-ii the society of lads of his own age and class and most of all leadership. Neither tht-, average Sunday school n-cr the Y.M.C.A. was organised Y. f. and eqaippied to meet the needs of sueia boys. Only about forty of their associations made tie attempt, a state of thi! which was in. contrast to America, where, iiudtr educated and well- directed it was assuming large pro- portions. His plea was for the Y.M.C.A. to realise the tremendous needs of boys, and the. opportunities it had cf helping churches and Stm- day schools by supplying- what they individually railed to do. Among the epecial plans h.-? em- phas:sed that which touched the physical life. A rellgicn that. included the well-proportioned giowtn of th? physical body was the one that appealed to the. boy. He worshipped strensrth and power, and' Ir.e physical training must go to- gether with the training of his mind. An interesting discussion, in which many took part, followed trie) reading of this paper. Afterwards the election of officers was pro- ceeded with. Mr. C. J. Proctor was re-elected president- for another year. This vice-presidents i and the other officials were also re-elected- Mr. Alexander Guthrie, Liverpool, who is a vice- president, was asked to become a vice-president of the National Cour.cil. After the meeting a visit was pacd to the Cathe- dral, which was inspected with. great interest. MR. YERBURGH'S HOSPITALITY. I "D__ .L.1. 1_1 • _»• 1 I I I LJY lone r-iiiu iijvjtaliun oi jur. tiooert jcerouig-ii. M.P., the delegates were entertained at an ex- cellent luncheon at the Town Hall, at which about seventy were present. Mr. Yerburgh was unfor- tunately prevented from being present owing to his Parliamentary duties, and the Mayor (Alder- man R. Lamb) presided as host in his place. In addition to those who attended tho meeting in the morning, there wer,3 present Colonel H. T. Brown (president of the Chester Y.M.C.A.), Mr. W. Ferguson, the town clerk (Mr. J. H. Dickson), the chief constable (Mr. J. H. Laybcurne), etc. The Mayor welcomed the delegates to Chester on behalf of Mr. Yerburgh. He hoped the con- ference would be satisfactory, and that they would return with happy reminiscences of the old city. Colonel H. T. Brown welcomed the conference CD behalf of tSie Chester Y.M.C.A. He said that the social position of young people at the present day was altering so very much t^at an association of that kind had become a most valuable adjunct to the lives of young men, a *d regarding the Y.W.C.A. of young women also. In these days of education and higher education young people arrived much earlier at a wage-earning stage than they did some years ago. The result was that they had lai-ke-ly to find employment else- where than in their native placee, and were los- ing to some extent the valuable aids of home in- fluence and example, and they were thrown largely into the arms of strangers. They knew that even in a small plaoce like Chester, strangers were em- ployed perhaps by people who did not take any immediate interest in their welfare uutside their business. These young men were subject to temp- tations, and unless some friendly hand helped them it must be greatly to theur prejudice. It was to safeguard that that thesr associations were, formed. He wished in this immediate neighbour- hood employers of labcur having men or boys under them. could be found to take a more imme- diate and deeper interest in the welfare of the association. He was quite sure it would tend to a far better feeling between employer and em- ployed if employers took a lively and deep interest in such associations. He hoped the association would be brought more immediately to the kn -w- led'ge and sympathies of employers of labour, and that in future they would find them taking a more active and sympathetic interest in the wel- fare of the association. (Applause.) Mr. Proctor, president of the Union, responded out behalf of tha conference. On the motion of Mr. Joseph Gardner, seconded by the Rev. Gasooygne, the conference returned their heartfelt thanks to Mr. Yerburgh for his hospitality, the Mayor, Colonel Brown, andf all who had prepared the reception. The Mayor replied. Mr. Gwilym James then announced that he had reqedved apologies for absence from Mr. J. Her- bert Roberts, M.P., and the Rev. J. J. Howarth, Colwyn Bav. BIBLE STUDY AMONG MEN. I ±ne arternoon session, was devoted to an ex- cellent paper on Bible study by the Rev. G. H. Lunn, vicar of the church of St. Mary Magdfe- lene, Liverpool. He said there was no blinking the fact that there was a lack of Bible study among men. He did not like to acknowledge there was less Bible reading than in the past; and perhaps there was more, and to- day the Bible was the book that was read more than any other book in the world. There was a. lamentable lack of real study of the Bibie, and we had net been making as much of it as we ought to. To-day we had too many apologists for the Bible. W/e had not the old-fashioned apologists of the first three centuries, who oouid come to the world and say, "Thug saith the Lord!" Men were now trying a compromising position, and were trying to shew there was no cteep under- lying eternal antagonism between up-to-date thought and Bible teaching. They ought not to be among the apologists who said ..It is not un- reasonable," but they ought to take it up as the word of God. He believed then? was no real an- tagonism between what the Bible taught and! science taught. There was a profound ignorance as to whe.t real scit-noe was and what the real Bible teaching ws*. Men did not read the Bible because they did not, realise the beauty and rich- ness of it. He had been told during luncheon that what was wanted was a more up-to-date ministry. If they meant by that a minister who would give latest views frcm the latest professor at Oxford and Cambridge, and give flimsy statis- tics for the congregation to accept as final, he rc- fused to be an up-to-date minister. While he re- specte dl the P.S.A. profoundly, he stated that men who used to go to a Bible class and take Bibles with them, and looked up passages in them, now w>ent for a twenty minutes "nippety" sermcn, "brief, bright, and brotherly." Thousands of men in our cities were using the P.S.A. as the only means of grace, and the old R,h class seemed to have, lost its power. Finally, Mr. Lunn spokte some words of encouragement on the Y.M.C.A. Bible dafSe". The paper provoked' much discussion, and the P.S.A.'s were strongly defended. EVENING RECEPTION. I In the ervening a diamond jubilee celebration reception was held in the Assembly Room of the Town Hall. The Duke of Westminster had kindly promised to hold the reception, but it was an- nounced that he had been prevented from attend- ing, and Col. Wilford N. LLoyd, who the Duke had hoped would take his placs, had been called away suddenly to Lender). After a short musical programme, Colonel H. T. Brown, accompanied by several gentlemen, took his place as chairman on the platform. Addressing a. large audience, he said he was quite satisfied the association was dcing most excellent and helpful work. and. the Chester Y.M.C.A., under the guidance, of the or- ganising secretary (Mr. J. Jamieson) was improv- ing its position very much. (Applause.) Mr. James announced that Mr. A. K. Yapp, who was to have spoken, was unable to be pre- sent, and Mr. Geo. Clarke, who had been conduct- ing a misskn in Liverpool, partly in connection with the Y.M.C.A., had come iiu his place. Re- ferring to the "million shilling fund" in connec- tion with the diamond jubilee celebrations of the Y.M.C.A., he said they had at present 163 towns appealing for Y.M.C.A.'&, and they needed at least two, if not three, additional travelling oesc, reteries. They needed in their district at least £ 5,000 to carry out their programme. •MR. G. Clarke Vave an tores ting addve-a on 1 the work of the Y-M.C.A.'s as he had seen it in j d?Serent parts of the world. Be me-nticn-ed that L Mt Vanderbilt. the', miIlion&H? made, a p,,actiw  of going to a Y.M.C.A. once a month to w;lccnu> the young men there, and sund them a cup 07 tea." That was -very unlike the rich swelh ia England who promised to come and then did net: ■ turn up. (Laughter.) Colonel Smith gave his .essperienoej* cf irlie work !'Ûf the Y.M.C.A. with the Volunteers in -eaiiip. Other speakers followed, and brought an imc:wi- uig meeting to a close.



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