Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

21 erthygl ar y dudalen hon


[No title]




IS CONSCRIPTION NEEDED? VIEWS OF THE GOODWICK DEBATING I SOCIETY. The Goodwick Debating Society held their last debate of the season, but not tiieir last meeting, on Friday evening. In the absence of Mr. U. Lamberi Gibson, Mr. A. B. Edwards was elected speaker for the evening. The subject was "■Conscription." Aix. G. E. Dunsdon moved that consciiption was desir- able, and gave some cogent reasons in favou; of it in the paper which he read at Ile open- ing of the debate. The opposed was Mr. H. D. Johns, who a;'o read a good paper on the subject. Mr. Dunsdon said that it was to be re- gretted that there were so many bigoited ob- jections to conscription by those who had never troubled to enquhe into its advan- tages or disadvan ages, but who commented directly the subject was mentioned unreserved- ly to coiidemn it, us ng against it such ph ases as "The blood tax" ana "The cuise of mili- tarism." One of the benefits of consciiption Mr. Dunsdon assented, would be its natural tendency towards the extinction of that species of politician whose sole desire seemed to be the colouring of the whole, wo Id red, or as much as was possible of it. They would see the disappearance of patriotism by proxy with the introduction of conscription. No one could deny that their military system wanted altering. Lord Roberts had said a short time ago "That the armed forces of this country" c e absolutely unfitted and unp, c, pared for wa; The only tiue safeguard against war, the speaker maintained, was that the armed forces of the Crown should be in such a state of readiness and efficiency that it would not be to the interests of any Power to risk war with us. He thought the forces were not in such a state of xeaciiaess- at the present time. This was proved by the South African war. The Duke of No.foi folk's Commission had almost advised con- scription, and what the army may have to do on the vast frontiers of the Einphe some day made the subject worthy of deepe con- sideration. On the supposition of Ryssiai agression in Afghanistan a large army from home woul'l be lequired, because the native troops would have to remain in India, and it was imperative, in the event of war with Russia, to have a large army. In other countries universal and compulsory military service was regarded as the natural covolMa. y to universal and compulsory national educa- tion, whilst the duties of State to individual and aid of individual to State were recogniscd as logically leciproca' Mr. H. D. Johns brought forward many arguments to show how conscrip: ion would be a curse and not a benefit to the coviiit.N' It would undermine our social life, and from an economical point of view it would ruin many of our institutions financially. He mentioned how it would take the best years of a young mail's life to tiain for the aimy, instead of allowing liiiii to follow his occu- pation, and he showed how often young. fellows on the Continent reveflted against this system, which made them leave the country rather than submit to the tyranny that en- fo-ced military training upon them. He be- lieved in voluntary service rather than in conscription, and there would be 110 need for this country ever to fear so long as they had a strong volunteer force. He aiVo ad- vocated rifle clubs in every village, and thought rifle shooting could be made a na tional sport. Mr. A. H. Clark said lie did not agree with the honourable mover, who was inclined o speak disparagingly of the regular forces. He was of opinion that conscription would he a backward step, and one which that house should not encourage. Mr. Moses spoke to the effect that every young man should volunteer hit; services for the defence of his country if necessary, but did not believe in a term of compulse; yr- training. Other speakers against consciip- tion were Mr. D. < L. Llewellyn, Mr. Bi'ewitt, Mr. J. W. Canning, Mr. T. G. Harries, Mr. E, W. Watson, and Mr. F. Griffiths, and the speaker, :M,r. A. B. Edwards. Mr. J. C. Boweij supported the 1110\ e'v. The voting showed that there was a laige majority against conscription.
















