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0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0: 0: 0: o: o: IF YOU WANT o: o: o: GOOD PRINTING o: 0:0: AT O: o: o: CHEAP BATES o: 0 o: o: 0 o :o :o :o :o :o :o .0 :< 1 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o: o: T 0 o: o: R 0 o: o: Y o o: O: THE 0 0: o: N o o: o: E o. G CA UDIiN OFFI'JE, o: o: W o OT,D IIRTD(IE, o: 0: 'J: HAVEPFOHDWEdT. o: o: o: o: o: o: o: o: t): o: o: o: o: 0:0: o: O :o :o :o .0 :o :o :o :-J :O :o :o :o :o :o :o: ARE YOU BARGAIN HUNTING LUTAS LEATHLEY'S ANNUAL SALE is where your hunt should terminate, and it need not be a long hunt either. By dropping a post card addressed to their. a '_t:'ge variety of Bargains Dress and Diuuse^Materials will be sent for your selection, together with ordinary Price List and BARGASN SALE LIST clearly showing the great reductions. Bargains are also offered in BLOUSES, DRESS and UNDERSKIRTS, CORSETS, UNDERCLOTHING, BLANKETS, TABLE COVERS, TOWEL3, and all kinds of Household Requirements. Gloves, Boots, Aprons, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Gent's Shirts and Undervests, Umbrellas, etc., etc. DO NOT DELAY UNTIL THE BEST BARGAINS ARE SECURED. HONEST REDUCTIONS. Cash refunded if not thoroughly satisfied. February 1st until February 28th. (Patterns need not be returned.) LUTAS LEATHLEY & CO., Department 2A, The Warehouse, ARMLEY, LEEDS. THE FAMOUS CABLE TEA. The proprietors of the Famous Cable Tea write :— In consequence of the reduction in Tea Duty of One Penny per pound, we have decided, as from May 14th, 1906, to reduce the Wholesale price of the Famous Cable Tea One Penny per pound, but the Retail price will be changed from 2/2 per lb. to 2/ This will leave a smaller profit to the Retailer, but the Retailer must look for his compensation in in- creased sales. This popular Tea, at the popular price of 2/ should have a largely increased sale, as the Proprietors are determined to keep the quality fully up to the -standard. Our Local Agents, MESSRS. WM. JOHN and SON, Quay Street, Haverfordwest, supply the Famous Cable Tea, in 101b. and 201b. and 501b. Boxes, and to whom all your Orders should be sent. jSTneW Motor & Cycle Depot Has now been OPENED in the lower part of f West Street, FISHGUARD All work will be done on the premises by a qualified mechanic. Cycles built on the premises from £ 6 10s. All Motor repairs promptly at- tended to at lowest prices. Agents for several First-class Motor Cycles and Cars. All kinds of Accessories kept in stock. Motor Spirits, &c. HALL THOMPSON, WEST STREET, IFISZHZGTTT^IRID. BLAND and SOM, Carriage Builders HAVERFORDWEST. Steam Factory, Old Bridge, Haverfordwest MERRYWEATHER ON WATER SUPPLY AND FIRE PROTECTION of COUNTRY MANSIONS. EXPERTS SENT TO ALL PARTS TO Report on EXISTING Arrangements. WRITE FOR PAMPHLETS: IERRYWEATHER & SOUS, 63, LONG ACRE, LOHDOH, Wle. w Best tn 1787 Beat ever einee. A Test of RelibLlity. 00 Years' Reputation. FOR LADIES. KEARSLEV'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S PILLS ^quentl^rdere^^Bpecilllste. Awarded Certificate of Merit for the cure of all obetructioni. Irregularities, anaemia, and all female complaints. They have the approval of the Medical Profession. Buie. 1/1J and 2/#, of all Chemists, or by post, 1/2 and 2/10. C. 10. 42 Waterloo Rnad. London.S.K. In«i»t on having XEARBLETB^ OUTH AFRICA, ROYAL MAIL ROUTE UNION CASTLE LINE. London and Southampton. To Cape Colony, Natal, Dela- goa Bay, Beira, etc., callnig frequently at Madeira, Las Palmas, Teneriffe, Ascension, and St. Helena Weekly Sailings. Fast Passages. Superior Accommodation. Best Route. For Rates of Passage Money and all further information, apply to the Managers: DONALD CURRIE & CO., London, or to Local Agents. I bole Agent in the District for I MESSRS. WORTHINGTON'S CELEBRATED MILD & BITTER:ALES In 9, 18, and 36 gallon"casks. w India Pale Ale in Bottle. Agent in the district for Messrs. Guinness' Extra Stout in Cask and Bottle. Iiiíõõïiir- The H ine and Spirit Stores, Fisliguard. -E:;? ROBERT WHOLESALE & RETAIL WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, SEED MERCHANT, MALTSTER, &C. R.L. invito attention to F, q choice selection of old WINES and SPIRITS: GOOD SHERRY, pale or gold, from 15s to 30« per dozen; sup. r, or <l.Uo, ..ale or gold, from 30s to 42s per dozen. A MTIL A DO, pale or gold, 30s to 60s oer doznn Port of various ages, including Coeksburo'a and Offley's of the best vintages; sound Clarets from I5s to 30a n«r dnJV 11 m 8 Ingham's MARSALA. Our noted Special Club SCOTCH WHISKEY, guaranteed pure Malt and well-matured, at 21s pe- gallon, or 42s per dozen. HAVE NOW A CHOICE SELECTION OF GRASSES, CLOVERS, &C., IN STOCK. HENNESSY'S Brandy in Wood and Bottle. » I Fine Old Irish Whiskies. I Nicholson's London Gin, Old • Nicholson s Lcndon Gin, Old I Jamaica Rums & Jersey Brandies. u EED'S REFRESHMENT ItOOMS JJRIDGE STREET, H AVERFORDWEST. CATERING AT MODERATE PRICES. VISITORS AND PARTIES WILL FIND EVERY COMFORT. REED'S WEDDING, BIRTHDAY AND HOME- MADE CAKES ARE NOTED THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY. rixVTESR, MAHOGANY AND HARDWOOD TURNERY and 7^0/ JOINERY. Albion Place, Cumberland Road. BUISTOL TBI.KaEA.PHlc A DDBB88 HEAVEN. BRISTOL. AUTUMN AND WINTER, 1906-7. DAVID DAVIES, OUTFITTER AND HOSIER, 18, High Street, Haverfordwest, IS this day making an important Show of NEW GOODS. Every department will be found well assorted with the latest Styles for this Season, especially BOYS and MEN'S OVERCOATS and MACKINTOSHES, SUITS, &c. Everything kept and made to measure for MEN&BOYS. Agent for Nicholson's Celebrated Rain Coats. 18, HIGH STREET.. GEORGE ACE, SPECIALIST IN UP-TO-DATE MOTOR CARS. Official repairer to the Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland. Head Office and works, TENBY. Branches at SWANSEA and HAVERFORDWEST, BEGS to announce to his numerous Clients that he has appointed a New Works Manager, a Certificated Kngmeer with large experience in British and Foreign made Cars, officially recognised by the Automobile Club of Great Britain and Irel-md, who will pei-soiially supervise all repairs to Cars in future; also in order to uonv with iuunmsiug business, several qualified Motor Engineers have been engaged. Mr therefore ralv on thorough Expert attention to their commands ALL jilNDcs OF REPAIRS UNDERTAKEN including special facilities for Engines and Ignition Repairs, Vulcanizing Tubes, Covers, &c. Accumulators charged. Motor Cars for hire. Garage Accommodation for over 100 Cars, Southcliff Str",et. GEORGE ACE, Cycle and Motor Works, TENBY. REE H. SAMUEL Is simply inundated ol IrakO^ with applications for his FREE I BOOK, and thousands are now S writing for it. Why not you? fl In it are:- 1 l\ 1L JP GOLD OEM RINGS, 5/8; SOLID SILVER ■ l\# WATCHES, 616; REAL SOLD BROOCHES, ■ 3/6 S1L V E R ^LAT^NN^RCRUETS, ■ T b 0 us an d. of bargains, a COCC D0!7f nAHUbUML rnbb rn!AL WITH EVERY PURCHASE. BUY AT FACTORY PRICES DIRECT AND SAVE HALF YOUR OUTLAY. IW FREE SHILLING BOOK TO-DAY. -Address I 200 MARKET ST., ■ \SAMUEL,MANCHESTER!J *—t D: J.Collis B!vrn.e.s jy ONLY GENUINEs 3M The Best Betnedy known for Admitted by tie-Profession f COUGHS, COLDS, l^fl Bemody .T6T disoorered. I ■ASTHMA,BRONCHITIS, jgjl I ■ 'MIIQIIIIDTinil Th« only Palliative in ■ LINEURALGIA. TOOTHACHE. # GOUT. — RHEUMATISB. M QHOLBIU mm* OimUiaW Mriical T«U- DVtlNTUVa mmw acoompawas owh bottl& BOLD ø aOTTZMM BY ALL fJELXXM&TBi am l/li. 818. Osch- IMPORTANT NOTICE. Georae Bennett & eo. WINE AND SPIRIT STORES, tflSHGCARI). SALE TO C LjEN ACT, 1901. TO PARENTS, GUARDIANS, and EMPLOYERS of J CHILDREN under 14 YEARS of AGE. I On January 1st, 1902, anew Act of Parliament came into force which prohibits license holders from selling nr delivering any intoxicating liquor to children under fourteen years of age, except in quantities not less than one reputed pint, in corked and sealed vessels. On and after the aoove mentioned date children under 14 sent s messengers should bring a bottle, as it is impossible to cork x>d seal a jag. Every person who knowingly sends any person under the age of 14 years for the purpose of obtaining any description I < f intoxicating liquor, excepting as aforesaid, will be liable to a i penalty not exceeding 40s. for the first offence, and not exceeding S5 I for i• f1 subsequent offence. THOMAS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, BRIDGE END SQUARE HAVERFORDWEST. o: — Repairs promptly attended to. New and second-hand Carriages always in stock. I I WHAT DO YOU WANT .¡' TO GIVE FOR A REALLY GOOD BICYCLE? You do not want a neck-risking price you do not want to pay out in repairs three times as much as the first cost of Bicycle, do you ? Then Call and See, and Try one of our £8 8s Od SPECIALS. Ten guineas can't buy a better bike. If you can't call, send for a copy of our List. W. JENNER, Motor and Cycle Works, Letterston. ALl KINDS OF REPAIRS EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. EVAN JONES, STONE AND MARBLE MASON GARTLETT, HA VERFORDWEST, (NEAR RAILWAY STATION.) Tombstones and Headstones worked to any design in stone or marble at prices to suit all classes. Designs and Estimates sent free on application. TEETH. TEETH. TEETH. MESSRS. E. ENGLAND, LTD., Can be consulted from 11 to 5 p.m., at MISS JOHN, Bookseller and Stationer, 3, Victoria Place, New Bridge, Haverfordwest Every alternate Tuesday and Saturday. Also at Chester House, 8, Picton Place, Haverfordwest, Daily. Next Yisit, Saturday, Feb. 9, & Tuesday, Feb. 19, and will also attend at CHARLES STREET, MILFOBD HAVEN (Mr Meyler, Chemist), every other Tuesday. Next Visit, Feb. 12. AT Mr. MEYLER'S, CHEMIST, MAIN STREET, FISHGUARD, every other Thursdry, Next visit, Feb. 14. AT MRS. JAMES', GWALIA HOUSE. CARDIGAN, every other Saturday. 6 Next Visit, Feb 16. Also at Miss OwEN's, DBWI HoUSE, CROSS SQUARE, ST. DAVID'S, every other Thursday. I Next Visit, Feb. 21. -0- CONSULTATION FREE OF CHARGE. TEETH. 1. Perfection in eating and speaking. 2. Parfectly natural and life-like in appearance. Teeth extracted painlessly with Nitrous Oxide Gas. Watches, Clocks, &c. The Largest Show. The Best Quality Goods at The Lowest Price. This Season is as usual at BISLEY H. MUNT'S Watch, Clock, and Jewellery Stores, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, AND MILFORD. Show Room on Ground floor for Silver Mounted Glass & Leather Goods & many low-priced Novelties. 110 0 0 O vT A Year Round Remedy. j* BEECHAM'S PILLS may always be depended upon to exert a powerful and beneficial influence on the ills which beset the human race at various seasons of the year. A few doses will act most effectively on the vital organs, drive out the impurities in the blood, cleanse the stomach, strengthen the digestive organs, and tone and invigorate the entire system. 0 S 9JittJ I act like a oharm in setting you right. Every person, young or old. occasionally needs to assist nature over the trying times. If you would avoid sickness and be well, and always have good digestion, an active liver.clear sldn and bright eyes, make a habit of occasionally taking BEECHAM'S PILLS. They may be taken with safety at any time, being Always in Season. | SmM 0V9tywb»n ia boxes, price Ilt\ (<56 pills) A 219 (168 pills). r. [ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEABS.] W. H. REYNOLDS Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer Decorator, and Undertakei IS HAVERFORDWEST. GOOD HOME-MADE FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BEDSTEADS, WINDOW BLINDS} &c. jjfvaJ RJJ1! CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, I A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPERS -an ALWAYS IN STr Great Clearance Sale OF MEN'S AND BOY'S OVERCOATS AND MAGKHTTOSHES. ALSO SEVEAL C I T I TT C TO LINES IN O U 1 I O CLEAR AT VERY LOW PRICES. Immense Reductions in Woollen Shirts, Underwear, &c. TERMS CASH. NO CREDIT. NOTE ADDRES8— TOM DAVIES, THE COUNTY CLOTHIER, 24, High Street, Haverfordwest. CORN, BUTTER, SEED, AND MANURE. I. REYNOLDS BEGS to inform the Publio that he has taken over the business carried on successfully by Mr Joseph Thoman at Swan Square, Haverfordwest, for nearly half a. century and will continue the CORN, BUTTER, SEED, AND MANURE TRADE as heretofore. ALSO GROCERY AND SACK HIRING. A Large Stock of perfectly new Sacks always kept. Usual Charges ADDRESS Swan Square, Haverfordwest. MESSRS. JENKINS & SONS, Jeffreys Square, LONDON, Have now decided to supply tea at wholesale prices to private families at exceedingly low prices for cash within fourteen days or the tea, if not suitable, to be returned free of expense. A very superior quality from 1/9 to 1/11 per lb., not less than 41bs. The above firm has been doing business largely in Pembrokeshire and the six adjoining counties for the last 30 years. All orders and communications must be sent direct to Welsh ad. dress, viz., Pentre Parr, Llandilo. It is important that you should give it a trial, and the above- named will be glad to send samples free of charge. Local Agent-E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, SOLVA I For the Celebrated K," the Easy-fitting 1 Footform," and the Laåw. I "Norvic Boots and Shoes, GO TO L. EVANS & SON MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. II FOOTFOBM BOOT13 Are the lberfectionof Work- ^Mte^BnSSsWnllQ^H^BralSRfl^ mamship, Perfection of Style, Perfection of Fit. The New K Boots are so named as being yf'^ the latest and most up-to-date Speciality of jf M this celebrated "K" make, and will be # n found exceedingly moderate in price. Jp t^KfW^ ffl The "Norvic" Shoes are made in fourteen JlW different styles. Each style of Boot or Jmw Shoe has been carefully worked out in JjBBmm' \Jp every detail, and is a model of good taste .^™gSSP, Jr. and smartness combined. They are made -J0L by an old established firm of high repute- and only the best workmanship and mate, rials are employed in their manufacture.