Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



CAfTLE-PRAGUE. COUNTY OF DEKBICH. DT?i OTtCE IS HEREBY GJE? T? ? J?ticM.f theP?M ° ?'? County, In Quarter S.10n. (held by adjournment) .,?,.bl,)d t !tuthin, on the ??' o'? ?r? ? ??"? "?' ad ryder:- of O,d?r' ? Orden of "In pUr8u\noe of a1\' or any Order .or Orders of '°??.n'.°.?.?''?'T??MJ'?'???j. r?. ? ?" :?her ?M?pM'?t? ????? dOrd.r.d t?t hom the time of the publication ,f Notice hereolbY,theClerk of the Peace for this County ip any Now,pape.' CIrculating :?????'?S ????? "?? ?'' "? 1866, ? C?. ???G.?'- Swme, Bh?I '-?'? ? .?? .?v M?.rte?t or Mr within the Coanty of Denbigh but ,ithi- -eh Petty 8?3:0?1 DivMon in "ofDmM,h; ?"' ?MM"p?t(?nt? heg p)Me< hotain?ftet except- ?theMMC?Mty one to the other )I ? Divhiona, the ::?? ?_ ? place MmeJy,-Cattle .y C  removed for breeding pnrposes, and t? th?ir usual ??=S?o????????????  f Farm to .nothor  without Magistrate And She?p and II Swine, Iso  Straw and Manure, may be removed ? ?:g??,????????J??????????????? C,,ttl? ?,Ot b? ?e- U moved from place, nor raw or untanneå Hid,, 8n", 'ES???????? "gi"= ,ic?.,?; b? 1 cr any of the removaj- aforesaid fram ODe Pett) Sess1GDal Division to anotl?,,r the License of Mglatrate actin in the Diit.. to which the re..V?', I" to be Made, must be ?'S? .ot t. ?tend to the ??T??MpB.! W,e.b.m Abbot, Of 4,?.h.. R,gi?, -i E,thig f E?- :?E:S5??????? 3?? yllt' Of B.r -?, Gregford and 01 Holt, nor to the "?ri? o?rehwiel.wMchhMetM. d? been d.chrtd to be Infected Places, ??'S??? o"? rp.?DMi?ti.nm? ????? ? As o DELEGATION OF rOWERS TO COJUfI7'TEES, "In pursuance f the Order f Her MajestY's most Honor* i? ??.' ?tJd the Mth d.y ot M.r.h. 1866 ? "i. Ordered and ?" d by the J?lti'Os 99'em bled at this ..?i??????????? being the L A.thority for "t?Countyof Denbigh, th.t '????? ??. 0< and ,,rby accol'dmgJ)- the id Just.ces d, d,,I?gate to ??????S ?d in ? <.?"??? -,provisions of the Cattle D .p??,,?-tl.. A ?t, 1868 'l ?.'?p?????????'? ? ?' "said Order of the Pnvy C(.)uncH -?E?H??????? "It Ordered that the Ci?,?k ?f the Peace do prepare a "term of Decision Md McenM, Md do get th. Mme "printed for the use of the Magi,trates, imch tonm ttone to be effective for removab. As to DOGS, 11 ii i. by tM. Court th.t the Loc.1 Com. "mittees on or after the t6th doy of AprD, ¡866, <'° direct "th.Po]ice fpnb)K Notice b.inj! gtven tn thememtim.) to destroy aU Do):, strums in their several DMtriets, pro- ce vl:1ed \he owner3 cannot be M.dUy discovered. BytheCourt. JOSEPHMEES, Cierk of the Peace. .t)?t<d the 4th d?y of April. 186? ? MO the N.B.-F,,?. and ft?,r the 15t doy f April, lû60; the Pfov?Tt? Order ?ftheP?vy Council d.te? th.24th S?rch. ?. ? come int. operation, and ?ut be obeyed antit altered by acy further Order. CATTLE PLAGUE. COTJNTY OF DENBIGH. -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tha.t the ? JaatioCB of the P.aee of the said County, in (carter Sessions (held by adjournm.nt) a.sembi.d atRnthin on the 3rd of Aprii, 1866, did mam the following Dedaratton and Order ?In p?rMMCe of the Order of H.r Majesty's most Ho- noraMePnvv Councii, dated the Mth day of March, IMS. retatiug to the Cattie Piague, it h ordered and d.iared that from and after this day etch of the following Place. within the Count? of Denbigh be and hereby M declared to be an INFECTED PLACE; " the Township' of WREXHAM ABBOT, of "W??HAM R?S.of EKTHtG, of ESOMJ8HAM "S'?ofBROUO'HTOX, of ST?NSTY.of GWE? ?LLT'ofLL?Y, of BUKTON, of GttHSFORD, and of HOLT, aad the pari.h of MARCHW1EL. By the eout. BytheCour ???? T.EERS, Clerk of the Peace, PndMthePro-fisioM of the B*td Crder tn CoMc;) the fo] towing Rute! shajt be obMrred with respect to Infected Places," in Edition to th. .ther regubtions of this Order with FMpect to DieeMed A.I..I,; that is to <ay — 1. No Animal shall be moved out of ???? ?'-Mi 2, No Hide, 8ki,U r f  bell ??'?d?fan-nf?? it ? L! of .ome Offioer of the Loo?l Authority appointod t" ?u" ?T<=??????? Ati?l?? h." net (omed pMt of a dtMased animal, and, if nectary, have <. ???-a?f?nd?d meat that ha. for ?d p.rt of, 2, Ko Carc..e of, o undres..d meat that h.. formed part of, be Bf ?ull. ?ln?;e(?t,ed Place," withou ?tthe License "d ????? Placc," without the Llocnse ?n????????? pp.inted to issue such Llcens.' e?tifying tha$ .uch (?arease s not that of a dismMd Animai, "r that such meat ha-? cot formed part of a <li.ed .nimal. 4 ?d?o.'A?S?d no Say, Stra?. Utie,, or other MttctM formine the food, or UMd for or about Smah?hallbe remoyed out of an "1'"?? ?; wtthont the LiceBse of some omcer of 'he Local Antho- Sv?p?ed? iMne sn.h LicM. certifyi.x th?.uoh ar? hav. not been in contact with or a.ed about a animal, Ii, A Lic.n.elor the 'purpo.eof this regulation mnst be In writin!' and 'haU not authorite the removal of any articl.. beyond the Dht.iot of the Local Authority in which 'he" Inleeted Place "Is .itllate, without the LiMDM of the Loeat Authority into whMe District it it prepo3edtemoTemcharticie<_ If anT Animal, Dung of animalf. Hide, Skin, fiorn, Hoofs, OM. Meat, Hay, Straw. UttM, or other I, this or are remold in coatrwection of this reg:dation, the owner of .adt animal or articlee, aad aho the per.on moviBKthe .ame, Scauttn?, directing or permitting the Mme to be moved, ??MpMtiMiy b. OMmed guUty of an otf.nM a:ai..t thi. Order, ?" ? Con.taNet and PoHct Omcer. sh?!! mfoMe the provi ,lm. "( tM. regubMon, to the utmMt of their power, and may apprehend ail per*on9 cottmitting any onmce againat thi. reguiatten, and may require aU an.mais and article! ?d out f,? h pl.. in c"ti.. ef this r.g.- Stion to bt iotthwith takM back within the Itmitt of such placl. .Thls regulation thaU Bet apply to any animator articte earned by Kaiiway through an Infected flac< 0 BWYSIBAWB. DYDD TOCYNAU yn cael eu gwerthu am jj thweeh o t?riMt—cyfraBttU C?CtM? Swtit yr ua. CHWECHODAI Fre.hord), wedi eu hadeifadu yn gryf ac yn dda, gyda mm'< yny/o)tt,agarddhe!aeth'uolibobUNOhonyat,yntefyii ynnhrefDtnbych. BhoddantHeidhbdroay sir i boh nB dt enl wyr, CaUf yr cyntaf y 0 ddewis e1 r un modd gyda'r lleill. Anf?iier am gyfranm gydag n"dtmeifddeLt¡:; ;y¡;r::u rydag R. KKOWLES, De b V.I. Dinbyeh. D.'b -Ir P?'t 0 M'? 13 ? i?- gyfr,.a.. t Byddyy DraiviMs ar yr Main ? Fehefin, 1866, o:r?::uct::ih fu: (,7"m8) 8,000, perth y yinnau yn unig gm .ff on doslprt U.    P.?b y mddiried y bydd yr =hod Yn cael ei 9-io a au y. deg ac on??t. MORRIS NCHARDWILL?-??"- Tow1> Clerk, Dinbych, =======——————— COMPANIES' ACT, 1862. ? ?UDOL A ???Y ?ADVA -?I. CYFYNGEDIG, (TH. WE?H COLO?SINGAND ..N.?T?D? COMPANY. LimTEO.; S?wd, 50,000p. mewn_?000 B?t Mp. yr un. CYFARWYDDWYR. c?. RICHARD ????? ——. -?? S.???????  ve 'p MR. OW ?),,A iD ? Wil?, ,e, LIverpool. Street, Chester. GRU'FITH WILLIAM THOMS, Accountant, 7, Abbey Street, Chester, ???v?????? ?-???'? TH. NATION PHOV? ? 0? ??- COFIADUR TEtTHIOL. MR DAVID LLOTD JONES, HestiBics. COHADUR :MR, THOMAS CADIVOR WOOD, 24, St. Wer1¡urgh etreet,Chester. A?-J??????????? 1U, neu adeiladn llongau hwylio Den agerdd at gludo Y.f,,d?y, Ei?ld. i'r Wladva GymIeig i brynu stock amaathyddoI a?i ?rthu i'r Befydi?yr; c i F.?..?b. Bg un. SS?????????? Rhanelon, a ph.b, g- y Cei RhagIenI, RheoIa, ¡,oil Gy}¡oeddladau Y CwmDi, Flurfiau ymolyn Rhaneion, a phob hysbysrwydd, gan y Cofladur Cyff, e(linol, T, CADIVOR "OOD, 24 St. ,WeIburgh Street, Chester. HOWQUA'S MIXTURE. ?7ill l ?p rr/HE recent REDUCTION of DUTY brings 1. this EXTRAORDINARY TEA within the reach of all Classes. It is a combination of the finest sorts grewn Ï1l China, and for more than Thirty Yellrs has received the most wstinguished patronage, from its PÙRITY, GREA.T STBZ.NGTH, and RICH, FULL FLAVOUB. SONS, CO" 234, BIBh Street, Southwark, London, 11909,) iltill tàe 80tH INFORTEPA6 PJllCE.-3s. 4d. PElt Pomm. Agents appointed in Wales bv DAVID EDW ARDS, Brynmawr, South Wales. Y AIAE   DRETII y. dwy. y TE angliyffredin hwn a town cyr- haedd obdosbarth. Cymmysgedd ydyw o'r mathan goren II dyfir yX China, ac y mae wedi derbyn cymmerodwyaeth ?h?f..g.?th y dosbarUlhdau nchaf am dros ddeng mlYJ>edd ar bngaiu ar gyfrit el Burdeb, ei FAWR NERTH, FLAS GWill ID) A A BROCKSOPP, FEIBTON, A'U CYF., 234, High Street, Southwark, Llundain, (A SEFYDLwyn YN 1809,) Ydynt etto yr nuig FABNACHWYR sydd yn ei ddadf?rio. Gosodir Goruchwylwyr yn N ghymru gau David Edward" South Wa]es. LIST OF AGENTS TEA.! Thomas draper grocer. A berøe1e WiIIi:.m Ellis Ch?.,i?t Ab,,t,l?,y 'n John Williams, Bookoeiler, &a. Abersychcru J. H. A?,J, A, Wil?. &.Per & gr.,?r. Aml,ch T. & D P,ith.,d, .?., the B,.k. B,?,,J,t C. A.?rowEi, Beaufort Hill; M, D?ies Rasau; W. Longfcllow, Post Office. Reíl'was u William Davies, Blaena1! J. Daniel, job. Evans, nr. Blaenau Inu, Ma1t'T Davirl Stamp Office: David Watkins grocer; T J Edwards, Beau, f.,t ?.ildi.i?; J?h. Judd, grocer; Thomas Hope, grocer. P)?itoiiferr?l W, & J Sloan, Bridg?,? ..iah Lewis, Chi.. h.p; WilU.. J.h. BHWh L, Price, Ba"golr Thoa? Lewis Market place, Henry D?ies, Pose 0flice, Upper Bangor. ;4t. Job. Pritchard, gr .or. Wm. Davies, Railway Crossing. Bonv;l.tone Thos, tailor, &c, R, Jones, Pest Ba:rilll M1chael Jones, chcmist. Beau",a, Job. opposite the church. Bodedeyrn no Ebenezer Evans.  B,tI.?d' n' R.wl..dl draper & grocar. Card,U 'M n' Thos, Job., Quay street; Jd Evans, Bridge street R. Lewis, Adam Johu Charlotte street; J. Lloyd, Bute docks: W. RIchards, grocer; John Rees, Dock-a. Wm. Wigiey, Bridgi)-street. .n .n Evan Roberts, draper & grocer. Cit?" Thomas Davies, groor, &a. house. 'M Thomas & C-n rvm Wm, William, bakar, Pool street. D, J. Cefn.coed.eymmer, R, Price, grocer; Samuel Jones, grocer;  house. Clyd,,?h, neat Aber??citny J,Q, Parry, groccT, Ct(Ytnafoll .M .n S. Lower road. I tff:: d:t&C,  Dyer Past Mae* wd near  Job. Ri.h?,rd h..l.. ?tl. Damn Felen John Richarlis, ""hoolmastel. 1Iinas, neaT Pont. ypridd'N J, Post 01llce. David Davies, ironmonger Jolin Hughes, Town's end. ) Ebb., Yare E. & W, Evans, Pontygof; John Morgan, Newtown; John Jones, David Hughes, Ebenezer Chapel; John Jones, Spencer Etim, N' Thomas Roberts, grocer., David Davies, grocer. Ruabon n. ,fobn Jones, grocer. myn Neath Thomas Parry, grocer. B 'H. 'a, Past Offi?..  R. Edwards, bookaeJler. Gogi7lan G, Williams, Gwyddell''crn John Jones, Garey-lefn Wm Jones, grocer, &c. Gwaltlnnai R, Jones, grocer, &c, G14 John D, R, Thomas tea dealer; Wmiam Michael /1l'OC6l' gettlla' John Roberts, grocer. .T. Jones, confectioner; T. E. grocer. ffo,yh' d Robert Jones, grocer. W. M, L Ihen.,hiTe H, g, Llanidlocs .n D, Morris, grocer. Samuel Price, grocer; J, Evans, grocer. Llane(l7'/ln Wmiam Davies, grecer. LlandovC1'Y Job. James, Llan(lilo.. Job. Roberts, Llanga"Teh J, W. Lewis Post Uw¡¡)n'H lIugh Thoa,, Pot Llan ,Ilen J, Roberts, CasUe street, S? ? ?c'??,??o.. ?'S? "?B.vidD?s, grocer. f!a?!?rM Joseph ThomM, draper, &o ?<t? &M< W?Mm WjUhms, grocer, A_C. L la "'fa iI', near ? Menai Bridge. Wm. Jones, grocer. Ll. -'t H. Jones, grocer. Ltanrhaiad?', near ?Mpt. ? Anne Evms, grocer. ?'??? John Evms, draper & gKMT ?!M?/att ???'?"'?Sr?c Llana'i John Hngbes, baker &c. ?S? T? D?ies/ drnper,&c? ? ?S ? ? J. M. D?ie. <.c. ??""? r ? Bees Lewl', Booh-ieUm; Wm. StepheM, Chemi-.t? Dtvid Thomas, E!Ulwty shop. Maestea Daviù H"PS. fost OtBce. Thomas Richards, Bookseller. MaT8jiÛ,d .N Job. Walters, grocer, i?? ? ?? '??. ? near Pembroke. John Evan" grocer. Nelso", Llafabon R. Cule grOcer ?yE<wp?ort .? ? ?&E?' .trcet; B. Grimth., ?? cMs, strMt;.D. JenMM, Corn. street A, Bisud, High street B Daves, chemist, Great Ðock street IMI!thshire R.Cu!e, groee. mxtmre? John Ditvles, Penrheo!. ?a?snf .DavMJMkms.xrocM.? Nayla..a..N Anthony Thoine, grocer. P"'t"d John Jones, grocer. S?S? ..? John D?s, Se?t; E?.naNa DMies, grocer. Pen y Garn, Pen- ??"?' T Wtmam E?M, grocer. fott(!/poo: ThomM Jonea.gfKer Pyle Morgan Rees, Kenfig hill. Penrhyn. Hugh Jones. grocer. Pontymeistr John WiltMms, grocer. hy?d. .C,?, Po.rt.)?rv th 'e,14 i," William Stevens, gr.ce,. Penel-dd Rhys Thomas, grocer. J. Jt, Elias, grom, &1. Pe1l'Jraig IVen- ?S?M ? ..? BUM Hushes, groeer, &e. fmHr, Mr. &t)t!)w WiMsm Jone?, grocer, Ac. Jihx-' mMe-x John Lewis, Twyncarno; John Reea, Brynhyfryd; WUti?mCrott. Fonttottyn. 'N E, Roberts, Wellington RUabon'N Jas. Jvnes, Street Isar; Mary Parry, grocer. Rh'uddla" Smuel Jones, grocer. Rhostryfan Williams, grocer &0. Rhydmain John JonM, p-ocer. R1,thin E" Jones, Iron monger John Jones & NMOMtt ? ??? ?u ???'' SKfttMM ? ? E. & G. JenMna, Wmd street; J. ThornM Lo,,?r OVord street William Davies G.d?. ?t,.t; E.?kiel Thom& Newot. st J. GriBiths, Post OfBco. St, lIIeUon's Wm, Evans, Tea Dealer. Sirh-V E, & W' Evass, grocers. Thomas Thomas, grocer.. TrejJore.t Samnel Robathan, &e. i Talyart" A. Willis, grocer. 'dhi" 'Ta?. Je»kins, g.?., T,a.?fy.ycld E, Roberts, Glasgoed. T??S' ? G. WtUiMM, grocer. r<a)-<mM bacn R. Benjamin, grocer. M, Aubrey, Queen Wm, BrOWD, grocer. Tonawynlais T Jeremiah, draper, &c, T,.b, ?s, grocer. j ,,ho n Davi??s, Chap t?..t; M. Willi. grocer. rt-e/rt'c R. T. Rogers, grocer. Tal. garth David Price, grocer. 1 717Texltain R. Brunt, grocer. Wm. Poiiell, bookseller. Yn Bisieu, y dydd cyntaf o Fat, ?WEITHIWR i gymmeryd goM gwcdd dda, w., i edrych ar 01 /ferm 0 ddeutu 00 erw, yn sir FlUnt. Ymolyner trwy Iythyr J, J" i ofal y YSIVIRIAFTH! Am YSwmUETH Provincial Union ABBurance Company (Limited}. A SEFYDLWYD ? ?reiddiol fel y Gym- ?i- deithM GyMH?ar Uno: frenMno). Citpit&t, <61M,COO. 4, ALA STREET, PWLLHELI. D. E. DAVIES. Goruehwylwyr yo eisleu drwy Oil. C) SPECIAL NOTICE. NEW T EAST'S GIFTS. FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLr. THE THIRTY SHILLING Case of useful .JL articles for New Year's Gilts, packed and forwarded  paid to any Railway Station In WOes, on receipt of 0. Office Order, payable to ? ? ANTHONY WHITE. 10, PARADISE STREET, LIVERPOOL. THE CA13B COWTA7N?5 AS FOLLOWS I Best Cruet Frame 4 1 ;,It Metal Teapot, large sW. Cr.. J.g. 1" It Pepper Bos. 1 ? ? ,? Mustard Pot. Ipatt „ „ 9)t)t9. E:' best uan')'. 1 pir gg  1 pair bl? ap?? 's, t =: i:oø:rk', r. C,,rvr., to match. 1 Tea BeU. 1 ROdgers warranted 1 „ StrapL 1 Shaving Box, 12 Blade Pocket Enite, and 1 ALAMI CLOCK. EA, H All arly application [44(I LIVERPOOL AND NORTH WALES. The Splendid FMt-S<t!lht! Steamer FBINCE OF WALES," 0 ,.A .,P ,T A .tm N R" OBERT DATIE8. WM ply p..?t..Ily ? LITSRFOOL t M<MTYN, 'htf. WtU P? P??' ?.?.rpcot. M? MMt? Qn,y )„„ th. ? ?"????, ..t M h.M rMp.MiM? ?' ?????.t.-? -? .Rl??S ?—-F? Ca&M, 1?. e?' ?M? ?.. 6f)! ?M? '? ?? ?:P?<. ?S?/f;n='? &c:-1 4 7 10 44 12 30, 8 9, 5 51, 9 1, 'rom Ml,"ty- to RhYl, B;ngor' ke? -7 4, 0 19, 12 59, 3 19, 5 it, 6 31, -d9. Th. "P.txc. 01 WAL@" b remarkably fast, and h r commodation for Pa8Sengers Is .?p.,?d. Th. -U, ?ht,b has hitherto occupied above two b, I. p.,I.r..d U, t, b?.t I. half tbat U ?' ? S??S.S'S??'S trams t the Most" St-tl" o, 1,,Ier "4 HoJv)oPjli .'a. E??'r??ss?.N. ast add cheapest route to an paris of IV.7.lbo:d?,rig on that ,.d Vale ( Clwyd ftil?,,Y", Unless Good, will be properlY adde-d, &ad notes 01 ??5??.??-?- ? SSS <S?X ?..tb.—"M" damage such Shipment may i. ''?.???t?mR??" ? ers. ?lia ged for in the usual wav, OTICE,-Goods will te shlpp-d by this 11 .,or on Fri day. only, Good. receive in Liverpool on -dY? -ld F,idavs at the Soutb Bn(t of the  Pi., ,Ooo& for Shipment at ? o"ty. mu"I).o?the (?-V On the day named t "-t 0 'ffour before the Ctme Gf Saing, 'he day= :t t??. ,i?kof the !¡!ppers or  th??ir being landed out of the Stteamer. :es from ?????'S ??? p.i Ld. C.. be tk.. on be.d,tt Mostyn or Liverpool, bt ,C be Iiippd, ..?i4 md )Mded oniv ? the htk of th. ?"? ? Bo&rd ..d 1,,Iddge=Ilta to e had on Board. ? ?th???? ??.??"??. ;e:r.n Steam Packet OIIlce, Sonth EM "'??O??Mo? .8t..mF?toac.. South E? ?&?'??c.. M..t? Q?. ? -,—?.'———coun? oF T?Io?st? A VERY geneMi feeKcg h?vrng bem ex- e  ?d throughout this ""ty. Ings bp,i. ,Z be,. held t. ?l ,I ?. In favonr ol raising a fund for the purpose of p,??.ii.g D, WILLI INLI, ?f CA.STt.E DEUDR.£TJlJ with a suitable Testinl0niaI, iu .,k.??- ??.??b?lMd p?triothm ? the contcnt.up- Mr?rofMcM tDd potiticat pMgreM.Md oft?? semoea ??d?d by him to th. County '°????'? ??M?S?F?d????dS? ?gftt" local ..d Indivld'1I\1 intere,ta have derived om ?b as.lstane. and exertion, ?" \OTICE 13 HEREBY GIVE? ,??? ???????d'???esB??°thr?,? s?s?'?????????? the liatio ProvinclallJ&nk, ,,d Mp, C.??.n'? Bank, and i,y M., Bankers, PwUh.h and M. WiU6. Banker; ??B.Ord.r.nh.H???? ? RUIS PUGHB, ?<AN fed teimlad cy&edinot Mwn wed! el ?jr ?ml?udrwy y sir hon, & phwvllcorau w !di cyna?i cy,farf odydd mewn amryw leaedd 0 bl.i? ?'d I t"f,, i'r Sb?n??. ???.Y? .C?T? DEU?A? Sthysteb briodot, yn "Y' di t,hI el "I wl?dg?r? wchM ptetdiwr cy?ou diwy?d cymde hMot ?d/Mo), 'r KWtsMMth a gya?wnwyd gMddo i'r su- yn cy?d yB rnlMnffyrdd h?Mn,?!wem?tmeretU.yn<:ysM &'t mM cy?t-I W, m, teMomm?wrionymMperMMn a chymmydM-Mtt?u wedtj eu derbyn trwy ei gymmborth s?i ymdrechion. BYN SYDD I HY?BYSU, '???ti?t ?n?'? y ?o? ? S?tth?esB?nk. ProvtncM BMk; ch?n MeiatriC?mon'9, Banet?T, a MeH'n pugh, Bancwyr, FwUheIi; & Meistti WilUMns, Banc?yr ?? Trwy Orohymyn ? ?°??? ELLIS PUGHE, CYNNAIiIWYD CYFARFOD YN YSOOLDY BRYTANAIDD CORWEJY Dt/<M GtCMMf, HydV&d, 1865, Er Ystrf'd P- f- a  -n.(,rthwyo Mr' .?, ,V, LLI ,Z. w. i?d ft golled d,oi.. dd?, byniodd drwy yr HAI??T AR Y GWARTHEO, Ya OEDD YN RRESENN'OL. MR. MOHFBY, YN Y GADAIR. Parcb, It, Ro 8ERTS, Pl<>s Y" btm'Wm. 0, DAVIES HUGHES, Ysw,. Solicito-r. r. MA URIOE JONES, E. Li., T. WHITE, M.O.R.V.8. R. RO'Hm'lS, M.C.B.V.S. II HENRY MOLTRY II D-?, D-id. TU-AS EVANS, J, LLOID, Plas Adria, II G, PARRY, J. ddu, J. WATKM. !'fe')- <Mo!. J. DAVIESJ T'fC1JJYn. Mr. Tyfo8 W. H. 'jJangolÙft.' J. EVANS, D. Ro T., A.,t7. R. P. :T:Jit1\. Cyfairiodd y cadeirydd yn fyr at y goIled !am a dderb". iodd eu cyfaill eu cymmydog, Mr. SIMON WILL?A ?ll, (1""? Haint yr AnUeiliaid ac yn" fe eglurOOd yr amgy1chl.d"¡,, 0 bar ai y mae a ganlyn yn daJfyrlad byr :-Efe a gymmero,l\! roawr 0 i Ifair ODd gaD Iddo fotha eu gwerthu yno, ef i gymmeryd porta iddvnt geT Watford, Yn mhen byr amser, trengodd un lie nl chanlatäal yr arolygwr idde symmud y p3l' Y canlynl.d ydyw, fod 112 0 honynt wedi marw YI1 barod, Y Parch, Robert Roberts, Pias yn bonwm, a ddyweda¡ ei fod yn cydymdelmlo yn fawr Ag ef, ac yr oedd yn sicr [cJ pawb oedd yn  wl?ad y n y r? i,,I, n teimto gy ely id oedd Mr, W, AM on d n,"d, mn.c. ewn anifeil id; a 1 y .ddyg' gonest, yr oedd wedl ennfll prch pawb yrot 4 y "¡ ddynion 0 werth  1'r wl.d, I bry.. stock g..?th wyr, a"I eymm?ryd i r manhnadiodd 8?? 'n g yuyg?,,? fad I bwyllgor g?l e? ffurfio ym Ngl?.r.? y mofy täny.g,ifj,¡, rr diben 0 gynnorthwyo en eymmyzg y Id?llo Lli-,  ei f.I:n :td;; .F..Fd.,g..t h?.. ?.w hod a g.,glid f?Ny ,u t.f.u y..1 bar. y p?yllg.r.  Y cynnygiad g? Mr. Maurice Jone, MaerdY: ey y aur yw berson? ere'll yn gal g wnaed, a pbleidient y cynny& d_-yr hwn a gariwyd yu UIlfrydol. Cynny?iwyd gm 0. D??e< Hnf;he? Ysw., foct t'r boM? 10 dyllg'* 7bd  l  ll-o Zh-?u w, bwyllgor, g? 9-?U- I -bw 9- at en -if.?; a bd Mr. Whit.. Rh) dygl,,f f o'ly d,,Irydd rp h R o-I, oitpb,wi. ld Hotel, yn <lrysol')'d.: a Mr, David Roberts, arwerthydd, yn p-grifen3 dd antb, Cefnogwyd?BMt.GodfteyP<H-)-y,UM!)MtS[.'? ch,,riwy t m?e'r tmxytchhd wed: pert y hth ddyddordeb yn "'M' trigulton Corwen. <el tg y mM dtoa GAN GMI wedi ea t"' o yno yn SUBSCMMIONS £ g, c. Cyfranladau a gyhoeddwyd elsoes 61  t Snbacnbera md Co))e<:tors Me reap?tful? ?9°???'° .?.d their subscriptions to the Honoury Tressu,r -t 0 M i 69)1 Mnp on M ? be ????''?c't??, J<m. Mth, DAVLD ROR,?K i,m,y Argraphwyd a Ch7hoedd-;d; Thas G. y el ay Stryt r CIpo4 D nbyeh, Morcho, Eblill 1166,