Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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BOAfiDS OF GUARDIANS. A TARVIN. MR. BARNSTON RE-ELECTED. I Tho annual meeting of the iarvin Board 01 Guardians was held at the Workhouse, Boughton Heath, on Saturday morning. Mr. R. Cath- carfc Smith proposed the re-election of Mr. Harry Barnston aa ohairman. He said Mr. Barneton had given every satisfaction. He had conducted tho meetings in a very business-like manner, and they were proud of their chairman.—Mr. R. Symme seconded. He said that during the time Mr. Barnston had occupied the chair he had not made a single eii-emv, and he (Mr. Symme) tiinoerely believed he had made many friends. The motion was carried, and an acknow- ledging tho nour Mr. Barnston said their. meetings were 00 very harmonious and amicab'e that it was a great pleaatire to preside. He felt satisfied those happy relations would continue in the future as in the past. Messrs. R. Catheart Smith and Roger Bate were re-elected vioc-chairmen.—Mr. Smith said it was 35 yeara that day since he first entered tho board-room.—The Chairman: Wo hope Mr. Smith will have 35 more. (Hear, hear, and laughter.) The Workhouse Viaiting Committee were re- elected, with the exception of Mr. P. Dutton, who retired, Mr. Darlington (Alderaey) being elected in his place.-The Asset^ment Committee f were re-elected, with the exception of Mr. Lloyd Hughes, whose place was taken by Mr. Mottcrshead. of Codding-ton.-The Finance Com- In ittec, was a'so re-elected. HAWARDEN. i MR. FRYER AND THE CHAIR, I The annual meeting was held on r ri- day, Tho flist business was the election of chairman, and Mr. J. Millinglon propjsH-d. and Mr. John Wright seconded, that Mr. W. Fryer oooupy tho chair. Tho motion was carried j unanimous] v., and Mr. Fryer was ejected for tli, twelft,h t-imc-On tne pioposit-ion of Mr. Williams, seconded by 11,. Skinner. -Air. •I. Millingbon was ic-cl5oted.—Several membcis maintained that tho honours should go round, but on a vote being taken, Mr. Millingion was elected. DISTRICT." COUNCIL. Mr. Miliin^ton proposed, and Mr. Vicars loeoud&ct, that Mr. Fiver be re-elected, and in doing so referred to his ehicient and faithful H>rvioei3 dining the past eleven years. Mr. Thomas Lewis proposed Mr. R. G Roberts as chairman.—Mr. Roberts said it wOllid grieve him veiy much to go in any way agamsi. Mr. Fryer, for whom he had great icgard. lr. Fryer was one whom he esteemed as a chairman, and he was convinced it would be impossib.e to excel him in that position. As long as Mr. Fryer wished to letain the position, he (the speaker) would be Ih? last to allow his name to go in opposition to him. IIo thcrefoic begged to withd:aw. Mr. Skinner said that he did net second ilic, moiion with any disrespect to Mr. Fryer. lie i but Lc, did not 1,,e- had every respect for him. but he did not be- lieve the cliaiiuian.s'hip ohould be monopolised year after year by one member. He I hought other old men;!X':s should be elected to the chair, and timt. after twelve years it was quite time there was a change. That was why he seconded the nomina.tion of Mr. Robaris —Air. Roberts s nomination was withdrawn, and Mr. Fryer was unanimously re-elected. Mr. Fiyor returned thanks, an:l said he fully appreciated what had boeo said by Mr. Skinner and Mr. Lewis anent the honours going round, and h-' won!d acrioualy cOl!"idm on the next ■occasion wh?Utor he wcu!d :?!ow hin?'c?f to be nominated. i t.,2tA?cr li-c wgu'd Z-?!IGw h ni::k?if to tx, the Council for a number of years must be fully aware how < noimuii-iy the duti: attached to the chair had increased since the Act. of 1894. They were a!-so aware of the extensive works that had been carried on in the district since be had been chairman. They had got a veiy ex- tensive scheme in Hawarden wlucn was now almost complete, and there were other scliemcs for sewering East Saltney and also other water schemes. ha i rman Mr. Williams proposed that a vice-chairman be not appointed.—Mr. Davies seconded, and said that !ti? ]nd no p? rsc,a,' ri ,iio mat- ter, but wiah?ed that no member diou'd be at am advantage tluough being vice-chairman if the chair should fall vacant.—It was d'cidœ I by eight votes to seven that a vice-chairman be ejected, whereupon Mr. Spencer pioposed Mr. R. G. Roberts as vice-chairman, and Mr. Fox seconded.—The- nominee, however, expressed the (fcsir-o not to go into competition with Mr. Mil- ling-ton and begged to withdraw, but ho was gieeted with cries of "No. no.—Mr. Milling- ton waa nominated by Mr. Williams and Mr. Da vies, and on a vote b* ing taken Mr. Roberts was elected by a ma iori fV of three. HAWARDEN BURIAL BOARD. I The clerk to the Joint Burial Committee for 1 Hawarden forwarded for the consideration of the Council the following rc-solutioiw of the committee, which weie unanimously adopted at a meeting held in Hawarden PLibl 1,2 llill on the 12th inst., at which the following district councillors were pieseiit:—Mosrs, Fox. Nieholis, Hampson. Wright and Spencer. It. was resolved "That the District Council be askc-d to put in force the provisions of the Public Health (Inter- ment) Act, 1337, for the parish of SeaLand and .:¡ nniCii cf the p.uishe-; of Saltney and Hi w aid m as lio within the special drainage area, and that they be asked to take ovor the preliminary ex- pens0^ already or that may be in- curred up to taking ihe matter in hand, and defray tho same; and iliac the District Council be fiuthor asked to cat:y out the suggestion of the Local Government Board and hand over the management of the cemetery to a joinl com- mittee composed of the three Parish Councils find the joint district, councilors within tIn burial area as defined. Mr. H. G. Roberts (the cleik) said it was wished to form a burial ground for part of the parish of Hawarden, parish of Sealand, arid part of tho parish of Saltney. The three parish coun- cils joined together, and after communication with tiro Local Government Board it was pro- posed that the Council should take up the Act and delegate it to the Joint Committee. On tho suggestion of the Clerk, it was decided that the clerk write to ihe parish councils ask- ing them to send in a formal application for the Dit-tric,t Council to take tho matter in hand, and that tho Local Government Boa.rd be writ- ten to and asked for their authority to carry the works out, and treat them as special ex- penses. THE LATE EX-PREMIER. The Cliaiiniau said it had been suggested that- they migltt pass a vote of sympathy with the relatives of the late ex-Premier in the tliel- and tho country had sustai ned by his death. Ho trusted this would not be thought a political matter, because the King. Mr. Balfour, and other members of the opposition let (bth heal I all wounds that had existed.—Tho motion was carried, all standing. HOPE AND TRYDDYX DRAJXAGE COMMITTEE. During the appointing of the diffeiont com- mittees. a question arose' as to whether the Hop:) and Trydclyu Drainage Committee should consist of membcus fiom those districts alone or whether outside members of the Board should »it on the committee.—Air. T. E. Williams pro- posed a.3 an amendment the re-election of the committee en bicc.-Air. J. Wright (seconded, and Mr. P?.rry said that tho representatives of the district wore quite capable of managing their own affairs. Mr. Miilington said he wad glad to know they were out. of the wood. (Laughter.) The Chairman protested against certain re- marks made on the matter, and pointed out, that if tihoro wl-re any faults they lay at the door of tha people in thox> districts. It had gone abioad that certain matters were being carried out by the Council in opposition to tin: parishes, and he strongly objected against such an idiea. Mr. T. E. Williams said that if what Mr. Pa.rry had said was true, that they were able to manage their own affairs, why were they net present on the committees? Air. Jamoe Hampson said lie had known ease.") where the local members could not settle their own matters, and tho result was they were obliged to get outside liclp.-On the vote being taken, eight voW for tho motion that the old committee be re-elected, and six against. On the motion of Mr. Parry, the fol- lowing was carried unanimou,4iy: -"That an advertisement be pubii&hM!, giving notice that the CounciL intends to make application to the Local Government Board for an order that Part III. and a section of 47 of the Publio Health Acta Amendment Act, 1907, shall be in force in the wl}.()c cf the parishes of Hawarden, Hope and Saltney, and the Hawarden. special drainago area, which are contributory places I within the rural district of Hawarden; and that application to the Local Government Board be made at the expiration of 32 days from the I last advertisement." JUBILEE STREET, SHOTTON. I It was decided to contribute £ 45 to the Salt- 1ney Parish Council towards the repair of Jubilee-street, Shot ton. =2 I








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