Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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'N.S.P.C.C. ' - 'A I


N.S.P.C.C. 'A I BENEFICENT WORK IN CHESTER. The annual meeting of the Oheeier and W est Cheshire branch of tho National Society for the i Prevention of Cruelly to Ohrldren was held at 1h.r Town Hall on Wednesday, tire Mavor (AJd JOlhn JoncAj piosiding. The attendance included Mr. Robert J. furr (director of t.h.? society), a.nd Mcssls. J. R Thomson, E. S~ Gilds, V. If. Dickson (hon. secretary), E. M. STKyd Kynneis- ley, the Mayoress, MiS, Granger, the Rev. K C. Lowndvs, tho Chief Constable (Mr. J. H. L,ti r j-, -i, Mr. Geo. Avery, tho Rev. Father Haves, Miss Wlight (Rescue Home), etc. [ Apo'ogiee were received from tho Bishop of Chester, Mr. Robt. Yerburgh, the Archdeacon of Cliefft-c^r, the Hon. Cecil T. Parker, the Rev. j Canon Spurhng, Mr. Thos. E-rooklebank, Judge Moss, Mr. Mond, etc. ,n j Tlie. ajimiktl report ffUited: rrho numKr of oasxw investigated was 170. being an increase of two over the ifgures for 1906-7. Tho moot. noticeable- change in the classification of these oa.vs is the increase in the number of oaare of causing to bog, there having [IC"k-ql only one of these in 1905-b, and none during 1S06-7. This increase is possibly the result, of greater vigi- lance exorcistd over tramps who have chikJren with thr^ii. The number of piosceuticwis found necessary iiae it- crcascd During the past year th society's Hdion in prosecuting j?.o onœ fuga iii b«'u ju?tiucd in ?\c?y caxc brought be- for? rhc c<?U!-ts, t?rm.s of imprisonment varying from 14 days to thr«. months having been im' posed in tan of the twelve prosecuted cases, while the remaining two v.cro adjourn< d for better Ix'hnviour. The classification of causes and asaauh 18, causing to beg 11, immoral sur- roundings 5, ot-hcr wiongs 4, total 170. How dealt with: Warned 142 (and con- victed) 12, otherwise dealt, with 12, dropped 4. Tlie total number of childien affected during the year was 476, and the- nttinbcr of offenders in- volved was 257. Both figures &how only slight alteration from thos^ of th;' pievioufl year. lvne activity of the inspect«r (Mr. F. Hay ward) ap- pears fo inere<wv> each year. Tho number of supe'ivb-ion visits was 953. The sources from which information was received were as follows: 88 cases were reported by the general public, 25 by the police, 24 by other public officials, and 33 wero discovered by the society's inspec- tor, a record which your committee feci justi- fies their view that the work of the year has bresn very s«fisfsctory, and that the confidence of tho general public in the society has been well maintained. It is with deep r&grot. that your committee have to icourd the death of Mr. C. P. Douglas, who had been a member of the executive and geaicra! committees since almost tbc. foundaticMi of the branch. In Mr. Douglas the society had a stiong and zealous supporter, and your committee a member of sound judg- mcnt and wide experience, whose place cannot j easily be filhd. The balance-sheet shews a most decided improvement, in the financial position of tlie bmnch. The total receipts dur- ing 1907-8 amount to £ 377. 5. lid., as againwt I £ 254. 14s. 7d. for the preceding year, which includes the handsome sum of £ 5-3. (ho, 4d. the district committee formed! at Mal- pas duang 1906-7. and a substantial and very wcJoome increase of £ 22. 12s. 4d. in tho receipts through, the League of Pity. Ae a rc«,ilt of this financial stioce'ss the bianch has been able, in spite of a somewhat heavier expenditure than J III tho previous vcat, to contri bute to the society s national fund £ 157. 15s., a.n increase of more than ;CIOO as compared with iii-it, figures 1£57, Os. Id.1 for the preceding year. A very valuable addition to the funds of tihc branch was the sum ol £ 55. 7s. 3d., generously contributed by the Me.narider Amateur Dramatic Club as a lesult of iJieir most successful performance of "Lady Hunts worth y Experiment." The Mayor eaidorised the reference to Mr. C. P. Douglas, remarking that ho had always found him, a most ardent vve.rker and gfsiera 1 sympathi-er with cverytliing that was good and phi lam th ropic. in Chester. The society, along with othe-in would miss him greatly. Tho Mayor a1 so boro testimony toO the work tuid vigilance of the local inspector (Mr. F. Haywa-rd), and said he was surt- that a prosecution was never resorted to until attempts at reform had failed, lhe conditions and surroundings of kklc. n tclwii had been sticil that it would be utterly impossible for them to make any headway whatever, and it woo a real boon to the childiv.n to }X' separa- ted from t lieir fathers and mothers and taken away from such surroundings and given some- thing of a chance in life. The work of such societies as theirs must be helpful in the future in very many ways. If they could only recover the children, they would do a very great deal towards recovering tho fntuio generation, and liberating them from the associations and sur- i,ollil4ii-lige m which they were found, they were giving the-m an opportunity to rise in life and grow up to be good and respectab^ citizens. (Applause.) Mr. J. R. Thomson, as one of the oldest mem- bers of thr: (-hotter ('-o-mrivitte. seconded, and a'«ociated himself with tiie testimony to tibk, memory erf Mr. Douglas. Tito work of tlie fc :-iety was absolutely neceesary. and they f.('It the success already attained would be act<led to year by year, so that the whole country would bo swept by the sot-i?y. He acknowledged the excellent, welcome and skilful he!p given by tho Mcnand?r Amateur Dr?m?io Club, more especially ti'?t of Messrs. Harker and CMivcr. 'nM tt pohs wfr? ad-opkd. Mr. E. M. Sueyd Kynnersley proposed, the Rev. 10. C. Lowndes seconded, and it was agierd. that tho committee should be re- olected. Mr. Robert J. Parr deliveied an interesting and instmctive address on tlie work of the society. He alluded to the references of spoa- kens to the, founder of the socicty (the Rev. Benjamin Waufh), and ivniaikcd that in his early days, wiien he was buffet ted and; beaten about, some of his earliest, friends were in the city of Chrcter, and it was a constant comfort and consolation to him to look back on the warm encouragement he received from tht- fri<,nd,-g of the society who worked and acted a.t Chewier, lie paid a tribute to Mr. Giles, the chairman of tlie committors Mrs. Granger, the leader of the ladies who colkcicd the funds, Mr. V. H. Dick- son, the lion, secretary, and Miss M-aefie, whose labours on belie If'of the Children's Lea,gue of Pity bad resulted in the league receiving £ 39 17s. 9d. this year compared with £ 6. 19e. 5d. Ia-st year. (Applause.) The work of the sooiety throughout the land was shewing pi ogress, and making it increasingly impo-sible for chiidem to suffer. 'Piiey believed it impossible to carry on the work without doing incalculable good to the race and permanent benefit to tiho com- munity. During the year just, closed they had inquired into 46,000 cases, an increase of 5,779 ■aver the previous year. He eupported the Children's Bill, and said it represented the aoeumuJa-ted experience of the last, 25 years of such institutions as theirs, while it, was going to do mere for work such as they were carry ing c-li tiha-n anything done since Parliamentary government, begun. Concluding, he said the future outlook, so far- as the work for children was canecmod, wa.s full of hope and encouraco meait. The Re v. Father Hayes proposed a vote of thanks to the Mayor, and bore personal testimony to the great work the sock-ty waf, doing in the city, and to tihe kindly and tactful manner in which Inspector 11 ay w aid 1-alto u reel. Mr. V. II, Dickson seconded, and the motion was carried. Pine company were- afterwards entertained at ten by the Major nnd Mayoress?.



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