Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

12 erthygl ar y dudalen hon











BRECON COUNTY ELKCTIOX. THE RlYAT, CANDIDATFS AND TME HULTHULKnTOUS. IIW. KAITL4ND ANBAVCKED BY 8TK JOiKPH BAILEY, THE HEV. KILSbY JO.N'I«. TEE ALLEGED SKOKE0Y OF THE HARLOT EEl'UDIATED. EUi. GWYN AND THE NONCONFORMIST. (l-KOir OUB Sl'ECIAI. COKEE.SrONDKNr ) lii'.ECON, Tv,rn\w. I a; BulEh yostrrda7, as may he gathered frota my report of Mr. Gwjn's reception there, which appenred in thp Western Mail this morning. That lejJCii, hovrc-ver, tcjrcelj docs justice to the orcaelou. In wlditlon also to tit" meoti-ig of Mr. Gwjn's supporters an the Lion Hotel, there wai a mrctlng of the supporters of Mr. Maitland, tho Libeml oundldale, at the Crown Hotol, of which latter gathering tliv.o only permitted a short telo- grft^hle summary. I attended both raeotlegs, which tock place within an hour cf each ether, and within a hutdied yards of each other. In fact, the htter portion of he Liberal meeting overlapped tho filst part of the Conservative proceedings, tho vclce of the last speaker for Mr. Maltland bolng htbtd In foniuiictSen with the first speaker for Mr. llowd Gwyu. There seemed, Indeed, to he a de türmlLatlon on the part of the MaitUnd Orl\tor8 to talk the speakers en the other side the street out of time, for although, in deference to the former, who had called their uieottug for two o'ciock, the latter, rnther than clash, had fiiod three o'clock as the hour for Mr. G»ya'o meeting to cooruePce, the Liberal orators wero holding forth :r? Ight good E."?e.t at a omter-pMt three. Even ?.Dae'llative fiehh and blood, howt ver, could stand It 110 longer. Sir Joseph UiIoJ, who is the-chair- nlan of air. G wyn's Central Committee, appeared at the optn wltdow of the LIon, and, looking up towards the Crown, from an open window at whlea the H,v, Kilsby Joues ww IcutolÍn¡: hl9 ittic"l.i 1,Wbi.g ?-t.,d, bo Cilled out, 1. a voice'nv?ume?d power to thnt f tho oolpit hero of LlanwrtyJ, thut fair pUy" was a g?od old H')g!?hmtx)u?'M "ctfYtre? teg" W.M a RC( d old Welsh œaxtm that Mf, I\hitllHrs sup- pcileis b"d called their II1l'"do¡: at tivo, and "Ir Gwyn's supjiorters had called their meeting for three, tot wishing to Interfere with them; that they hed no N been speaking for more th.«n an hcur; and that, if they went ou any further, it world look like II desire to prevent Mr. Gwyn bavlrgan usinterrupteit heaiiug. Sir Joseph rat- tled away n.nnfully, the guns cf tho opposition were- soon silenced, the double gathering melted into er e, and the reception glveu to Mr. <i >vjn, as I h«ve nlrendy sUted, was one-of the most enihu- sisstlc cl i\Taetn, A note er two with regard to the fiot meeting. "C1.I I .1. cd o\J\Jc3ie the, Mr, JIiHiaad, ser., the father of the candidate, was addressing the e'ectrrs. It w«s well for him he Uld not hear the l- •: oVoervations thut were mado la the crcwllllJ n.y hearing. He was telling the crowd how perfect the bi-Uot wus as a method of secret votiiig. I defy any one," lie said, Bhaking hid fist D;fDadn.!y, to "Low me how votes U.I,? he LiuiHif thi.ha p??1)0. to all hW' Le ?ote. With nil ilefeience to Mr. Miitlaad, sou., aud haling the fear of that defiant shake of tho fiit o' his before my eyes, I will tell him that ar:.yone CII tell how another votes under the ballot, It is to be Ktlowulu this wise ].o;ch ballot-paper is numbered, and tie ccircspondlng number is on the counter- foil frtrn which the p-.per Is taken. When the pciscn who presides at the polling-book hands a voting paper to the elector, he mrkl with II per.cil on the coanterfoll tho elector's number on the icgister. Although, therefore, the elector, III the secret rcceeses of the polllog-botb, only puts a cwn to the name of tho candidate tor whom he wishes to vote, the pretidlng-officer, or anybody else in the polling booth, may Bee the number of the vctin* paper on the counterfoil,and alro, on the ooan- tufoll, uiay see the number, In pencil, of the ejector on the register. Where, then, is the pe/fect seertsy cf which Mr. Maltland speaks' If the system were perfectly secret," how could 1m personators be detected &ud punished i After the father came the son, introduced by the Hev, Kilsby Jones. Afr. Maltland, jnulor, acknowledged that the Ubcr?s were cof t? weak party," because It was disunited. If, he M)? "?'  pMty ?e?, united, it wouM b? IV? at he meant by M! pMty my b, gathered from the context. He must have aUadoi to the ultra-Kadleul party, for," said he, unlosi the Liberal pait-y move fn. our party will upae tlum" The ieal Liberals of the cnrnty must theiefore look after their laurels. If they do not •'mole TO," they will ho nps«t by Mr. laid and his extreme Radical following. It is very evident from this th,'t Mr. Maltland sees nothing in common between his party, which he c,Us "our ;»■ ty,5 and tho ) lberal party. True ilil);rtis viill do well to note this. The Epe%kerwent on to allude to Mr. Oaboi!-e Morgan's P.i'ial BKl,_ of wMch he ussumcd his hearers knew noihini, fei he talci he would tell them all about It. He tbl n proceeded to tlci-1 with the seotlmeutal side of (Ii estion ccly, and that in a most meagre and mta&te way» cavesfing his b3ard continuously for want cf practical ivrgumen^, and finhhics up by teliirc his audience to r o home and think of i-». Ht said he was to be followed by a much more able men thon himself, and retired with tho hope tuit it ') eJectcrl wou.U veto as their conic,, erice dictate. Mr ki"itlrnd was followed by Sir Kiohard Gte-mo lmroduced by tho ltov. ICtl,;t,y Jones, ,'hL, that Sir Wehr-rd ws a well-tried frlrvi. brave and bold, and although old in jeers was a mire boy." Sir Wchard made a. vnuota fl».eeh, and. lite Mr. Maltland, senior, took "•* r t ults to make bis audience boHove that vow? hi ballet was a perfect method of .sore* Toaog. • \'ote sccoiulng to yoer principles, he riU, aud i.e\er ask the question whether you will be foaud ut tcu will never be found out," I hav.) oaly t) ef' r fi'ir illchard to my answer to Mr, ulanland e "F" rtun of the tarao character—nothing is easier. "Thanh Roodntss," I ti:ought the BaU^ ls a LIU <al measure." Ihe count- r thought is ht v. Mb'-val* be afrlid f it," Kcho aasffors A few notes with regard to the meeting of M, supporters. Sir Joseph lialley commenced 1 V grnppllrg with one 01 the clauses of bit. Malt- );■(.V: sddiess to the electors, in which it WAS «tatod ti kt, "lost year the Conservatives entered office with a tuipiut: of nearly six millions bfqueathed to 11-; rlJ t,y the Liberals, and n"tv¡ltbBtarllng this I: rod for lane, arising frcm the financial skill of tho I.ihraJs, He Corse rvallven have this year a surplus "f cn b?!f a,I, J(?.,ph, I,, analysing ibl? ckuee io Mr, M"i\1and's printed aldre1A n\ I to did not think Mr. Maltland wished to deceive the electors, but the para;ravh sbowed an QiJl()\1nt < f political which onght scarcely to be expected from a candidate seeking the lu nour of representing tho county of Brecon. It was tiue the Liberals, when they left cflice, had a surplus of nearly six millions, but it WOB not bequeathed to the Conservatives. It went towards reducing the National Dbbt, Tho Liberals Lad miscalculated the national fioanc?s and ex- penditure by the amount named, and It went, as he had euid, to tho reduction of the National Debt, The Cons- rvative Government had none of It. They, on the other hnnd, estimated the finances v Uhiii half a rt.Ullon, aml UJat amount was found ssa&nrplrn. Instead c-f having a large surplus to co to the ,eu,ti.. of the National Dobt, It was 1 ft to fructify In the pockcts of the people, by the reduction anu the remission cf taxation. The Can- H ivatives had reduced local taxation to tho oxtnnt if n 250,000, They had takeo 43 per head ofT the local charge for pauper lunatics; they had reduced tie lccal payment to the polloe to one-half; they tad nbofcbcd the sugar duties to the exteut of two millions, aud reduced the income-tax from 34 to 21 Ir, the J;, And further, whercus the Liberals rever paid uny local taxes for Government balld- it P., the Conservatives paid on such property £170,((10 per allDum, thus further relieving local ti'iation to that extent, and, boyoad that, re- lieving fr-rmers by taking the duty off their 1I;;EIP. Tfco cheers which followod thb ex. ploration showed that Sir Joseph had fully arsweied the allegation of Mr. Maltland as to tb" io called Burplus left by the Liberals, and why the Conservatives had not a larger surplus than half "-million. Yoa cannot," he sdd, ,I eat the cake and have it." A voice in the crowd ciled cut, "Yoo are quite right, Slr Joseph," md a round f hearty cheers followed for Mr. Hjsvd Gwyn and the ('or.aervatlves of the county. I gave you in my letter yoolerday the full test of Mr, Gwyi- 's speech. tlr. Cwyn wss followed by Major L'C try Lloyd, who deprecated tho attempts that were being made on the other side to ret tenants agahJ9t landlords, and cou sequently, landlords against tenants. Let thorn hI h," he said, "row In the same boat: whit is gecd for the landlord Is good for the tenant." He uvgid that it was neither right, nor fair, nor just, to Introduce a religious question, ad uttempr., on thHt STCl1lJd, to make the tenant quarrel with his lai cllord. He did notboUcvG the people of Wales wished to destroy the good old Church. Let it stand. If there were any defects In it, let thoie i'dectø be refj>wJùd, but let the old Church bhnd, !bcle war. fitedtiu of opInIon all over Wales daca bed his ov.n place of worship, and worsh'i'ped as lie lllcd according to his cOD.ošence. Why h..IA they quaml over the parish churcuyatd ? He firmly Hlkvcd that, as h1(eptn()tnt, Noncocf .l-mlsta prefttied having j raveyards cf thelr own, an 1. that agitation wa. not the wish of the Welsh people. Let the <d feeling bo tutored bettrecn tho Welsh lsrdlord and tuiart, and he thought none of them wtuld iterct it. Ltt them stick to the old Welsh et; d" i-s "iffY had stuck to it in the past, and all would be wtll. This sentiment was endorsed by loud cUerc, and the proceedings tür:oil160ted, A ti'utstion Ivaa been askt-d, '■ IViiat hn" Mr. Gsyr. done for the Nonconformists ?" I will i!:eutlon a few things he hll done. He 'P'" o site for the crectlon of a ch'pe! at Alltwen, neur Pontardawc; ho gave anothtr site for the erection of another chapel at Tyn j c(¡c¡J, LC: Abercrave, 1.:rcc(Jlishire. 116 also picacntcd each of these phcoa of worship with a iicw clcek on their ec;mpletion. Ho h, frequently HeV £ crllcU to cb"pijJs. British aclwo2<, an i olh"r (turitabk IIJtltutiln8 btZongiog to the Noncon- tOImt6te, ac scores of them might testify if they thought well to do w. 1.v a letter this morning from tin old ltd highly esteemed Nonconf irmias n.iniatc)r to his sun, where he speaka of Mr. Gwyn's conatant libonlity aod grtat 1InJr;c,¡" to Nonconfaru^ta, and espiesseo a fervent hope thfit he will bo returned as their lepreseDtuthe. These things will no doubt 1", accepted a* 1\0 ample answer to the question, "What baa Mr. Gv\n done for the Nonconfor- rutsls." I only wish I WAS at liberty to use that good old DÓâstH"8 name to whom I Uude, It woultl carry conviction with it, aud would ahow An hor ept and grateful hPpreclatiùn by him of charit- able to:err..1O"o in.. theological and p,ltl"1 oppon- ent. which we 'oob for in vain among the more modem intelligences of Trevecca, but which might bu studied by them with advanta e. IAANWRTYD. TOESDAY. Mr. Howel Gwyn visited Llangenoech and Ltin- wrtyd to-dfty. The meetiogi at both places were veiy large and enthusiastic. Speeches were do Uvercd by the following gcntlpmon :-The Hev. K Davy*, Mr. Howel Gwyn, Major Thos. IJ. William*, Brecon; Mr. J. Lloyd, Dllis; liEr. d. Gwynne Vsushan, Major Penry Lloyd, ntr. 1'. Jonea, LUu doveiy; Mr. Owcna, Builth; Mr. J. lJjvan H!dU.ld, Captain IIo.lIe" Ll,.nùrindod; Mr. Jeffreys, Vetllysk; Captain Owynne Vanghan H8IDer, Newbridge Mr, Williams, lirynderwen; Air. K. L. W¡Hlamb, Glangweasea; 1\lr. liishop, 1'r,Ùf'VHY Mr, Thomas P«rk, Mr. Jonea, and the tttva LloJd. Isaac, H. Mile., n. Jenkins, Tador Th(,Dl38, J. Jonea, Al:.urgwes8en, and J. Jonea, Pon- ((irdulaiv. IltaoJutions approving of Mr. Gwyn's c"did..tnre, and pledging th eletors to anpport that gentleman, weieuuanimuusly passed.


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