Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

19 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



en: PAWS LKTTRU. (, qq i'WN l\>UK*lVM>itM ) llu* hOlT tor Ih' 1.\9 1', tlodi,.)l3 of the >8.11.11^ 1;11.i,ily "l-I'I.1;hiu¡. ami (ho cn-i. 1' nt lmud whin tlh\ M. imri'!>isls must ,t,, i,i,? t ctivtiu t)io KoyubliO mul luthintf. "1 l.o ecti, n ol tlm Orloaiiista con- tii.iitHto bo nile.'lcd it, in i nln I" niil tint hiin if O¡llL!\1Wut wtiero thoir jiriiKO- it ii's mil remain the tiist oitiaciis if, lnw- i M r thi' nuitliTrtto Ki»y«!ia!a ptlr3ut iti re- iiiaiiiing their "'1l mint rest ontloir own hiv.ils. Hioy hwo onlr "11" nu ri' fault to cnuimt. In tiny rnao i is a itliii to eoo at Iat tho Kunming ot the cml. 1'hi> Li>;itiuiista, it r,'Npl1c\.¡\hlo lint firlotu lioju>, «r« about pro- Vising Henri V. or or ilomli tla. OiUnmsts, th" !S {itoimito or diss..Jhtt\cu thQ HopnhHol\us, tho Kepublic or diaseliiUeii tho Imperialists, anything that trill keep away a iletittito tumult)input It would eeem thus that tho dissolution initlit U' bc., vcfetl lut-.t to in m. e n. Is H 10 bo'hopeil th;it if th., T'epiitus will persist in i.iithing, that Mi»rn!ml MxcMahau will exereico his grimll common sense, aud ro- comnuiid tho Assembly to restore to thl) nation the right to oxercije its sovereign III \18. Oi !¡¡t,. tho ovi<k»i:c i is clear dlat a reso- lute ami impartial baud is ^r.iilutlly direct- ing ult'a is. The snzaro ot tho documents c 'l'inetid with the lionapartists propagan.l lit c!so those bolouging to th,) extreme },n:i.,s has rhcu a (I, zil of 8.Ui«f;u- LOll. To BtuKv &II diatiwbaucea alike, no II atler to what party they may belong, is 8 mple justice. It is prudent also, as it will nip troubles in the bud. Then, again, it is not a bad sign to remark less disposition to convert Hopublicalism into tho Turk's head. Theelemelicy ill allowing some suspended democratic journals to resume ttieir ordinary coutse of circulation is an earnest of better timee, and the concession to the press in nou.iiifiting a distinguished journalist to assist in tho preparation of the proposed press laws-fllr such are ever oil the Consti- tii tional stocks- is also an excellent measure, because just. Surprise has been ypry gsusrally felt that a financial Jlinisttr of M. Magne's abilities would persiat in hio plan of increasing the indirect taxes to conr tho dalioiencies of the budget—some 40 millions of francs, when this source of taxation is unquestionably on the decline, more or less accelerated by the general stagnation of work. The Budget Committee has all bt unanimously rejected the Ministerial plan, and approved of the sensible proposition to reimburse the Bank of France its loans by animal instalments of 150 instead of 200 millions of feauos, thus leaving fifty to cover tho not dotbit, and to meet some itwms of increased bat necessary expenditure. The yield of the revenue for April and May exhibits a total diminution of thirty-two millions there has boon an in- ercite of eight millions, chietly under the head of tobitco—smokers perhaps smoke more when compelled to remain unemployed —and a few unimportant sundries, thus rJ- vealirg a clear loss of nearly twenty- four lniLions of francs for the two months in cjuesiion. 1 ha falling away by over UJ millions under the heads of stamps and registration fees is thl) conclu- sive illustration of depressed business the diminution on heme ind foreign -8\\gars amounts to six trillions Oil L-eyerages, to 10 millions on tickets for travelling by rail, & cl21 xr, illionii on foreign postage, over half-a million. So much for the ageial cca- diii, n of the country. In a few depart- meLts of the Post-office, notably tb3 trans- mission of iroriey and valuables, there has teen a small in-reaw but the foreign pos- tage is, as it has ever been since tha im- prudent increase of tariffs, a dead loss. The Government only regards the post as a aource of revenue, but not at all cf public conven- ience, and concluded it was so great a neaa3- fity that any rates fixed for letters would be ] aid. The tax was evaded simply by the underground railway" syslem it was a ] art of the fiscal policy of M. Thiers- mess, muddle, and obstin&cy, excellent a3 has been that statesman in othsr reapacti. ew men, above all a now and mere enlightened Postmaster- Oeneril, ate rapidly reducing what is ex- cessive and a failure. Then Franoo his tad such heavy bills to pay that sha may bo excused for trying all schemes to raise money, as mu, has possible also by mulcting strangers. The liank of France, which meins the inexhaustible riches of tho country, has a plethora of gilc; it would be healthier to see its portfolios swollen with lirst-class 1r"de bills than its cellars full of ingots. Money fructifies only in baing ju liciouily employed. Commerce and industry are so discouraged by political instability that they pieftr to remain with folded arni3 till ttcmity and confidence are dsveloped by (kids and net talk hencs banks are not oMi-solicited for discounts. Tha importa- iiois of grain and flour t) cover the clai- cieLciea of last year's harvest are represented 1 y the Liimi of nearly half a milliard, lesving a large balanse of trade against France. 1-twfcvtr, the agricultural prospests of the c i r.try tliis yer arc sound, the vintaga prt mises to be cxcelleat, the economical situation of the nation, and its producing p vers are very liealtiiy the people only Ùsre to labour, to rest, and to give to all that can embellish a nation that intalligenca at d creative power now abwrb;ù a:L1 lost in miserable politico Paris has entered upon what » by a fhtioa called her dead season, wh;ch really means ■oir.e big dinnera in town houses less, and fewer vehicles in the Bois between the sacra- mental hours cf two and five in the aftsr- Eton. 6lrange, there is more banqueting in the open air, and, more remarkable st:l!, more visitors to the Boia, and an increaso 0\ vehicles for after-dinner drives. Thus cabs and hired carriages do an imoiensj business The upper ten" retire to make way for p(;cd humoured provincials aad money-spand- il:1f birds of passage from foreign countries. A Frenchman has been a'.udjing thl) habits cf tho animals in the Zoological Gardens, "hen the ternperatura is 0J degrees in the ..hade; the heat so overcomes tigers and ions that they dl Z) away into in- !i";r, i;ee, while tho bear, & commence to bt iri.iky, heuco why tho inhabitants of warm cliiuaU; in! ke excursions northwards in sum- Jocr, and why tho people of cold latitudos tnyel, pending the same period, towards tho nicy south. Among other celebrities who Lot pt the antipodean fashion of leaving the (i i i.try for tho euipitul elnring the ,1o,: days is Getrgo Sand; all,, alleges that Paris is at this period to hLr most attractive, particu- hrly tho mornings lId the nights. Although il c is now 70 years of age, with her hair cut ti.crt, and something like a gentleman's straw tat, a fct-cm cano, mul a dog, tho may ha ell- tiim.tered any morning at ejht o'oloci walking around the lske in the Bois, and it ip (,nly after midnight .he bid. adieu to the Champs UlyeciB. She is an excellent walker, tempo:es herworks, like Victor iIu'j.o, while pouitnadmg. With both, a drive would be regarded all the ovielence of failiii; health or (Id age. D ire is no denying the thrifty lnbits of the 1 reuch Now from a saving*' bank point of v iew, every inhabitant of France repre- fpntH but 14 francs so invested, while in Eng- glpnil the sum per inhabitant is 11 francs; in Austria, 41 fratca and for Eur >po an aver- age of 24 francs. In tho case of France the <'i.\cri.m«it allows only a very nio-iost in- t, TO t, aud does not undertake the expensos < f ti e institution besides, when a depositor has f nvcd up a xuflicient number of francs, he in vntH them in the public funds, or in other hr sneiiil tcrip. A very excellent plan is in ng into fashion, that of wealthy persons lcquta'.hing to the directors of laving*' bul ks sums of iti< ti' y to bo allocated by tlimu I tie inojt deserving pupils in the Pllblio eehoo's and orplmnagis, to be paid only on tl.o recipients attaining their majority. 11 h, re are 241,COO depositors in Paris, tailors and shoemakers ft rmmg the majority. The military review was very creditable, not only in the remarkable precision of tho movement of the troops, but in their lino soldierly bearing and disci- 111111'. The men appear to be quito II ilillVrent 1"lns froui thone that re- presinted the army before the war they ftro snnirt, intelligent, and serious looking. The nation has reason to bo proud at this proof of eucvctsful military reorganisation more, it cannot but be satisfied that the money votod by the Assembly is judiciously applied. Parisians, perhaps like othex citizens, are ever happy at a military review and, as vmiil, tlu-y counted upall a tine day, aud w«xe rewarded. Tho strangers wcro very nuintiaua, especially tile English, win jlliued in the general applause mosVheartily, as tho ti'ocps littilid. Among the infantry, the 1 aim of niarchiril, past the Ill. stail, and the representatives of foreign powers, must be accorded to the pupils of the mili- ary school of St. C3 r-all otlices in embryo tliin these wiry and activo little fellows the Chasseurs, whom I inspect very much, ha\ing seen then so bravely at w Irk dining tho late \v.<u\ Tho cavalry dupliy was very tine the horeos were in excellent c, ndition, and in point of grooming and care would in no respect sutfer in comparison with the Uhlans. The Cuirassiers, who so nobly fought at KeichBholi'en, being pats, ivero warmly wolcomed; and the artillery com- manded applause, as it ever does. There was a severe business air about the whole proceedings worthy of MacMahon, who could well afford to eschew the riivs of an army which is at ached to him by other than ihicial ties, and the respectful salutations of the citizens as he rode past them could not but be pleasing to the loyal old soldier, who is doing his best to keep the peace between all political parties, and can refer disturbers to the liO (MX) soldiers composing the ferco uiicer his hand at Paris. Nearly every foot regiment had its favourite dog, generally a white one, and but two eautinieivs passed in review. These "Daughters of the Regi- ment," picturesque if not serviceable, are to be abolished. The display of vehicles wa3 very remarkable both from an antique M well as from a modern point of view. The small shopkeeper generally prefers the cab drawn by two cobs, packed inside as well ns outside by members of the family; tho servant girl is generally seated beside the driver, and her conversation is said to save. paterfamilias a peurboire, The toilettes sensation were rare. The Comteaso de Paris woie a robe in maroon faille, trimmed with guipure Mmo. MacMahon, a sea greeu silk, with small flounces, and a tunic ia embroi- dered niiialin the tickets to her reserved part of the grand stand were white in gold letters the cards for the diplomatic world were roje-coloured, and thus had nothing compromising those for the municipal body were red, doubtless cut of compliment to their Radical opinions. A great number of pickpockets were arracted, and their cell having become suffocatingly-hot, and death not being the penalty for their crimes, they were penned in the cpen air, and were among the first to applaud the troops. Two female prisoners were plaeed by her male unfortunatea in the best position to view the spectacle, and who raised their hats to the dear creature? when they aeked a question. There is gal- lantry as well as honour among thieves. Among the many strange strikes witnessed of late is that now menaced ty the directors of theatres. Oddly enough, the notorious Felix Pyat predicted in 1848, that if the Assembly withdrew the subvention to the theatres, the managers would close their establishments. The dispute at present is against paying the poor's tax on receipta-an old grievance of 10 per cent. The directors demand that the sum be levied only on net Irolits or better, not levied at aU, particu- larly during the summer season. The plan of making pleasure pay for the support of want is an idea of the First Revolution, and not a very bad one. It is difficult to sym- pathise with managers who conearr. them- selves but very littb with the high prices they inflict on the public. Good news arrives from the anchovy and sardine fisheries the anchovy on the shorei of the Mediterranean, where France has a largo capital and population employed, is what the herring is to Holland, a source of wealth. Amsterdam, according to the pro- verb, is built on herring bones. The con- sumption of anchovies is very general in France, and the sauce is as popular to-day as in the time of the Greeks and Romans, who made a liqueur from it called yarum, which corresponds to the anchovy butter at present employed by cooks to give a relish to their best dishes. It is very raro that a Frenchman shows any unkindness towards his mother, whom many prefer in point of affection to their win-c s, for (ne can be married in Franc3 -and perhaps elsewhere—without love. A brute has been Cl ndemned to hard labour for life for sequestering his mother, aged 70, in a pig- stye, where she could hardly move, and leav- ing her in all the tilth of neglect and insufli- cient food. At St. Danis, a merchant rather well-to-do. not content with the condition of a rich bachelor, poisoned his first, and, later, his seecr d- a popular beauty—wife. He is likely to receive the benefit of the new regu- lation—that of guillotining the condemned in the t)wn where they have been tried, and not near the place where they committed the crime, as at present, In 178!) the average value of an acre of land in France was 200f.; in 1315, 280f.; and in 1874, 8COf. The measures taken by the authorities for moderating the effrontery of th9 dcmi-1I!9rtdc is commencing to tell. Vice is at last being fojeed to retreat behind virtue. Then, greater surveil ance is exorcised in the a cl. mission of unprotected fpnnlea to respectable public places of amusements. Aspasia has never recovered from the fall of the Second Empire. An anecdote is related of the unanimously regretted Jules Janin, who was not a politi- cian. On the announced publication of one of his charming romances, a Senator called on him, and assured him that he would be promoted in the Legion of Honour, did he dedicate the volume to the Prince Imperial. Janin took a pen, and wrote the happiest of dedications to the--Comte de Paris. At Mirabeau's funeral the dust was tor- mentingly plentiful. An orator remarked to the vast crowd, "the dust evon anticipotl your teaTs


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