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fpifilSgfl :.s.()"1::¡fY.ç.R"'CIO\ "d. ,\R¡t- ?kjE:.S    i T ?rRT ? ?? ?—?f   A.L'-c.. A .S (.' R\f¡ T p r .r, (J or .I "{'.j 4.. c E rj¡'11¿;¡l:J;tt ,? lJ-t Co, t: -p. ;?T' .111 'y J\TESSRS. ROWLAND & SON beg to inculcate a  caution of the highest importance and necessity ^arning the public to ascertain that the articles which eY procure for the toilet, and for which Messrs. It. and Son tiiave so long enjoyed universal favour and patronage, atrethe original productions prepared by them alone, and Ot the spurious trash vended as -? GENUINE" by un- pri ll'ipled traders and impostors and too often foisted as ?4 °n the public. They cannot, therefore, too strongly Inpres, ,ii purchasers the absolute necessity of observing th CA l'TION" detailed below, in order to assure tY)? '?cl\M that the articles they procure arc those in- ?? and prepared by Messrs. R. and Son alone. '1' ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL. The Numeration of all the virtues of this invaluable pp?'?tion would more than occupy the entire of the Pres 6nt advertisement; suffice it that this ELEGANT, I?lt -IGIt,kN,T & PELLUCID OIL, in its preservative, th Orative, and beautifying qualities is unequalled over t e ?'hole world. It preserves and reproduces the hair, g,.J) at a late period of life; prevents it from turning ??' 9r if so changed, restores it to its original colour ? S 't ?°m scurf and impurity, renders it soft, silky, tc-? 'y' and glossy, and retains its curl and other decora- ? ?"\i?''ed by the variations of the atmosphere effect* of the crowded assembly-facts, which are '?dantly proved by the numerous testimonials which J be seen at the Proprietors. t4 'value is of course enhanced by being used at an torly period of life, and to children it is especially re- t0 oiniended as forming the basis of A BEAUTIFUL HEAD ?AIR. to Messrs. Rowland Son, 20, llatton- Garden, London. o 23, Mason Street, Old Kent Road. Q ??TLEMBN,—About August, 1839, my hair began to fall ? Otid in so rapid a mann(7r that in the space of a month Iq "nd in so rapid a manm'r, that in the space of a month ea.d was almost divested of hair. I tried several prc- \¡1It¡Qs for its recovery without the slightest benefit, when Q daN' your circular, in "Collins' Memoranda," caught my  ??"turcd on the purchase of a small bottle of Row- ??M' '? ? Iacassar Oilafter using which I found my hair was bOtt ntlln¡; to re- appear, and accordingly I purchased a larger !)??. which, when finished, I felt satisfied that I had proved It, rQ0erson all you profess as to its restorative qualitics; ''id a'ter two months steadv perseverance in its use, I i?.as good a head of hair as at any time of my life, for to l?ll permit me to offer my thanks. I have delayed writing ?t' for six months (from the time of tcavin? off the oil) '!o°'"g to test the permanence of its restoration. I find it *? ?s as firm and thick as before it began to fall on, with Y prospect of its continuance. {I. I am, gentlemen, yours obediently,—JOHN FOSTER. ? 38. 6d.-7s.-Family Bottles (equal to 4 small) C 10s. 6d. and double that size, 21s. p. UTION.—The words "ROWLAND'S MACAS- e OIL" are engraved on the Wrapper of each tiUlne bottle; and on the back of the Wrapper 1,500 11 olell containing 29,028 letters—without this "NONE kr Genuine." ROWLAND'S KAL VDOR ? ?'cntal Botanical Preparation of singular efficacy t,), .?dcring the Skin peculiarly soft and fair, as well as tq bcstoa-illg a delicate roseate hue on the Complexion. 0Co P°sed of BALSAMIC EXOTICS derived chiefly tr ?ot4 the East, and utterly pure and free from all mineral ,jr"Iltallic mixture, it displays in unequalled perfection <0o'Plowing admirable qualities. It exerts the most %,i,1. 119, ?eK?e, coo?'My, and pMrt/)/tM? action on the ') and by its agency on the pores and minute secretory tea e 1 8, dispels all impurities from the surfacc, allays e've ty ?dcncvto inflammation, and thus most effcctlllly toPa.tes aU"REDXESS, TAN, PDIPLES, SPOTS, "i'it 1'HES, FRECKLES, and all other cutaneous c??'<it ?ons so hostile to FEMALE LOVELINESS. Its 0 tant use will transform the bilious a?M?c?McM<Mpcc< ?'?.of c?ef!?-a.nd ?.)o?es?tcAt<e; while it invests the ? ,HANDS and ARMS with delicacy and ?ct?-KM?, M^Petuates the charms which it bestows to the most ?d ?? period of life. In travelling during the heat krid ',It of summer as a preservative against the frosts 'Æ.1\ ter; and a safeguard against c/i?&?iK?, chapped a well as a relief in cases of burns and scalds, its ^irt\| ^ave long and extensively been acknowledged. It js Prized by gentlemen who suffer from tenderness of t?' "??'ing, as affording the most grateful alleviation Of the Part affected. 8( ill huit pint bottles, at 4s. 6d. cach; and in pints, s ? ''? ??y indudcd- ^rV Be^ *are°f ??tations, composed of the most dcle- t,e i us None ire q eniiizie, without tile ?'?ou<! '?''??"cnts. None are genuine, without the ?Off? «ROWLAND'S KALYDOR" on the wrapper. U Odonto, or Pearl Dentifrice, Of th hIte Powder prepared solely from oriental herbs ?fthp most delightful odour, and of inestimable virtue ?Qr st,.??ening, preserving, and cleansing the teeth. It e ^dicates the factitious formation of tartar, and by the ?oval of that extraneous substance lends a salu- ?ty ^owth and freshness to the gums. It removes tt,'kthe surface of the teeth any spots of incipient de- ?y "s surface of the teeth any spots of incipient de- tay, I Polishes and preserves the enamel, substituting for ^Col T aU(^ the aspect of impurity, the most pure and ?l-'? whiteness; while from its salubrious and dis-  qualities it gives sweetness and perfume to the '?4eC?)"?'? "Pstowin'g at once cleanliness, and the appear- ed reality of health. rw The price is 2s. 9d. per duty included. otsRlt-E '—To protect the Public from Fraud, The oon issioners of 77?' Majesty's Stamps have ?th '?? the Proprietors' Signature to be engraved on ?e 0vernment Stamp, thus— 'S??OU'??y? & -S'0?,20, 7??M-?f7r?eM, which *(( >ed to thc???I'7?0? (!? ODONTO. None ?6?0?? uine without the Stamp. '13-Tlle principle on which each article is prepared ? ?c?hned solelv to the knowledge and practice of A. <i.o^. <Ltt??i) & Sox, 20, Hatton-GarJcn, London,—the krQ aLl ?tnation of their purely vegetable mataials neu- tt4l. "03 all attempts to separate their component parts, ?il t411s proves the imposition of all other articles bear- 14 the same names. EPnuine preparations are sold by the Proprietors, and by Chemists and Perfumers All others are Fraudulent Counterfeits TWENTIETH THOUSAND. Published, in a .?<'nM ?/i??.'c,;?-;ce 3?.; nM? sent free on receipt of a 7?? Office <?'r?'M' 3s. 6?. M A N H 0 0 D ?tht? CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE, 1'ta laill Directions for its PREMATURE RESTORA- lte; adùressed to those suffering from the destructive Its of excessive Indulgence, solitary habits, or infec- ?Ot). f"Mowed by observations on MAIUMAGH, and the ?i?&nt of Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, &c. illustrated "vi ?cs, &c. &c. J J. L. CURTIS and Co., Consulting Surgeons. J, TWENTIETH EDITIO. ?cp ??'shcd by the Authors, and sold bv Burgess, Me- »'cal^T)°^sellcr, 28, Covcntry-st, IIaymarket; Mann, O 0rr>hill; Strange, 21, Paternoster How j Barth, R?trti,a ?'18-strect Strand, London; Philip, South Castle- j' Liverpool; Pritchard, Chronicle Office, Ches- ler.' jCI'?ttlev Booksc!ler, 6, Bedford-row,Dublin; Drum- ?nd ?' Blair-street, Edinburgh; Cambrian Office, t??t)iri??; Ferris and Score, Chemist to the Queen- bttry -t:, Bristol; Watton, Chronicle Office, Shrcws- Sry. ."?? Office, Hereford Paton ? Love, 5, Nclson- (!t 'Gl:tsgolv; and sold in a scaled envelope by all °oV"S' e, llers. T?. OPINIONS OF THB PRESS. ,??i -q Work. an EI.KVENTH edition of which is now presented r the 1c' 10'000 copies having been exhausted since its I V*1 at, ''arance, has been very much improved and enlarged  Uition of a more extended and clear (lett il general ih^iul ?s' as also by the insertion of several new and highly ,ln" CMes. The book, as has been a)rea'h stated, j, 'hp e,u" of very ample and daily increasing experience Ij it 4 C|aLSS of diseases which, for some unaccountable rpaon, ?'? hcer? either altogether overlooked, or treated almost ??-p' ?''cucc, by the ordinary medical practitioner; a f' "° hesiatatiun in saying that there is no member (j p »00i.r' '?' whom the book WIll not be found iis(?ful, whe- ()r a i)?,rsoii hold the relation of a rAUlsKT, a rKl:CKP- oi-A ('LEK(;YMAN.—Sun evening paper. ?<).? )lpru5'1l of Messrs. Curtis's book, entiHed'Manhood' t?'?f' '?ton[she(l us by developing a series of maladies. consequence of the nduus habit of which it :\¡,('. Tht' pointed out 1I('tw(,l'1I the assigned 0 -i 1 'b° dfects is perceptible to (?veri capacity. N%'e 't to,1Rlv recommend the work. "—?e. t b??'?'tis'.s m-orl; entitl(,(l is one of the tt \his n,ow cornin.g l¡!'for<' the public O1 sneh a uh- \vv 1<: c?n)avc)aim to the character of sti-i(-tlv '"V1'' ? t'u> ??' time it is fully "tteni?tbfe to all who it '1! 1nori1' ''ln^ medical precepts given in it, render r.,k] ,.( I medical 1)rece it, r??ider f • l>lvalu-il j  to ? '? ?' ?"rk that we fear there exist? too much need tsle '4 t' to hesitate to recommend it for genera! f(?sun ?'? ?"'?"?"' those fri?httut ma)a<Ues, whether ? ?uu ?. "nmoral habits or secret vices, is here succinctly ???''d ?''?'?cstedof all medical tcchncaiity and plain .f 'ections are given for the best mode to be pur- l"jij '<l in* r cases, however complicated or apparentlv hope- Cs- f 'married, asweM as the unmarried, this )i!t)e I^ JJ' ali k (' atlords consolation and cure in pculiar cases, ^fal doing a service to so('jpt in recommending it to ?' ?°?"'f.-?sex and Ilert M?rcur? ??ir ( ??. CURTIS and Co. are to be consulted daily at j eir »S1ClCnce' -^T°- FKITH-SXHKI:T, SOHO-:)Ql'AHB, '°.box requested to be -.ic;  as I)o,- ?'???"?"? arc requested to be as minute as pos- )?le  ,the detail of their cases—the communication t? t tjp '????????'? ?y the usual consultation fee of v«. t and ? cases the ?"st inviolable secrecy may be ? on he above \V k. C ^ork is Sold at the Cambrian Omcc, Swan- the "1111 ^^K'e, Carmarthen, and by all rcspect- i, &{Wcld'llcrs, to ",hom it is sent, post-paid, in a lpd ope, for ;k (3d. r-j* C. GRIMSHAW & Co., t???. 10, GOREE PIAZZAS, LIVERPOOL, NHHB? Z)e?a<cA fine ?7's<-c/a<? American Ships for NEW YORK every week And occasionally to NEW ORLEANS, BOSTON, PHILA- DELPHIA, and BALTIMORE. Also British Ships to Quebec and to New South Wales, and Van Diamen's Land. IF Emigrants make their engagement by letter from t the country, they need not be in Liverpool till the day before the sailing of the Ship; they will thus save themselves expense in detention, secure a passage on lowe-r terms, and have the best Berths marked and re- served for them. Every information given by applying as above. jMk Idverpool, Milford, Bristol, -??/ (//?MJX?\ ??? Swansea. j?SJ ? S??S? FIRST CLASS POWERFUL 8THAM VESSEL, THE TROUBADOUR, JAMES BECKETT, Commander. IS intended to Sail from the Trafalgar Dock, with JL Goods and Passengers, in the Month of May, 1844, on or about the following days, Wind and Wea- ther permitting FROM LIVERPOOL FOR MILFORD & BRISTOL. Saturday, May 4. 10 morn I Saturday, May 18 10 morn Saturday, 11. 4 after. ) Saturday, 25. 2 morn FROM BRISTOL CALLING AT SWANSEA AND MILFORD. Tuesday. May 7. 9 morn I Tuesday, May 21. 8 mom Tuesday, U. 3 after. Tuesday, :!8. 8 after. FROM SWANSEA FOR MILFORD & LIVERPOOL. Wednes. May 1. 3 after. Wednes. May 15. 3 after. Wednesday.— 8 4 morn i Wednes. 22. 1 morn W ednsday, May :9. 2 after. The TROUBADOUR has very superior and elegant ac- commodations. Horses, Cattle, and Carriages, at Shippers' risk. Apply to BltUCE, WADllAM, & Co., Bristol; WM. MOYSK, Swansea,; DAVID PROPERT, Milford; the CAPTAIN on Board; or THOMAS M'TEAR No. 15, Water Street, Liverpool. May, 1844. JJYTYCJ BRISTOL GENERAL ?j7 ???STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY <tS????? Office 1, Quay, jB?M<o?. TIIE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to A Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of MAY, 1844. FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PIICENIX. Friday, May 3 6 morn 1 Friday, May 17 5'jmorn Friday, 10 llimorn I Friday, 24. 9?morn Fridap, .Hay31. 5 morn. FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PHCENIX. Tuesday, May 7. 7?morn I Tuesday, May 21. 6]raorn Tuesday, 11 2-lafter Tuesday. 2.12altcr. FOR DUBLIN. SHAMROCK, Saturdays. Friday, May 3. I Friday, May 17. 5}after. | Friday, 21. yjmorn Friday, May 31 5 after. Returns Tuesdays. FOR CORK. ROSE, Tuesdays.—VICTORY, Fridays. Friday, May 3. 6 morn Friday, May 17 .r>\after. Tuesday, 7. 9 morn Tuesday, 21. 8 morn Friday, — 10. llimorn Friday, 2L.9\morn Tuesday, rafter. Tuesday. — ?8. M after. Friday, May 31. 5 after. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR WATERFORD. NORA CREINA, Tuesdays.—OSPREY, Fridays.* Friday, May 3. Shifter. Friday, May :7. flatter. Tuesday, 7. 9 morn Tueday, 21. 7.\morn Friday, — 10 llimorn Friday, — 21. 9morn Tuesday. H. Sjmorn Tuesday, 28. 2 after. Friday, May 31 5 after. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR TENBY. STAR, Tuesdays,-PIIŒNIX, Fridays. Friday, May 3 6 after. I Friday, May 17 SJmorn Tutsuay, 7. 9 morn Tuesday, — :1. 711yioi Friday, tO li-lliiiorii Friday, — 24. 9tiiiorii Tuesday, 14. 3glafter. Tuesday, — 28. 2 after. Friday, May 31, a morn, FROM TENBY. PHOENIX, Tuesdays.—STAR, Saturdays. Saturday, May 4. 7 morn I Saturday, May 18 f).morn Tuesday, 7.HImorn Tuesday, 21. y^morn 11 .IInor?i I 'I'uesda3l 21 9',iiiorn Saturday, 11. 1 morn Saturday, 25 11 morn Tuesday, 14 "Rafter. Tuesday, 28. Rafter. Saturday, June 1. 6 morn. FOR MILFORD, PATER & HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT TENBY. STAR. Tuesday, May 7. 9 morn I Tuesday, May 21. 7?morn Tuesday, 14. 34after. j Tuesday, 28. 2 after. FROM HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT PATER MILFORD & TENBY. STAR. Friday, May 3. rafter, I Friday, May 17. 5 after. Friday, 10.11 morn I Friday, 21. 9 morn Friday, May 31. 4 after. FROM MILFORD. STAR. Saturday, May 4. 3 morn Saturday, May 18. 2 morn S,qturda ) MtN- 4. 9 after, Saturd;tv, 2,5 6 iiiurii Friday, 10. 9 after Saturday, 25. 6 morn Saturday, June 1.2 morn. FROM SWANSEA TO ILFRACCMBE. LORD BERESFORD—Mondays. COUNTY.—Wednesdays. Wednes. May 1. 3 morn I. Wednes. May 15. 3fmorn Monday, — 6. 0 morn Monday, — Wednes. — 8. 8 morn Wednes..— 22. 7 morn Monday, — 13 IJmorn Monday, 27. 11 morn Wednesday, May', 2. 2 morn. FROM ILFRACOMBE TO SWANSEA. LORD BERESFORD.—Monday. COUNTY.—Wednesdays. Wednes. May 1. 1 after. I Wednes. May 15. 1 after. Monday, — 6. 4 after, Monday, — 20. 3-iafter. Wednes. — 8. (Rafter. Wednes. — 22. 6 after Monday, la.lI morn Monday, — 27. 3 after. WednesdaN., 29 12 noon. FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Tuesdays and Fridays. LORD BERESFORD, Thursdays and Saturdays. Thursday, May 2. 5,Jmorn Friday, May 17. 6 morn Friday, — 5. 6,morn Saturday, 18. 7 morn Saturday, 4. 7 morn Tuesday, ■— 21 8 morn Tuesday, 7. 9morn Thursday, 2:1, 91 morn Thursday, 9.11 morn Friday, — 2-1.10 morn Friday, 10 llimorn Saturday — 27.11 morn I Saturday — 11 12 noon Tuesday, — 28 2 after. Tuesday, — H, 4 morn I Thursday — 30. 4-morn Thursday, — 16. 5$mom Friday, — 31. 5morn FROM SWANSEA. LORD BERESFORD, Tuesdays & Fridays. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Thursdays and Saturdays. Thursday, May 2. 6 morr. Friday, May 17. 7 morn Friday. — 3. 7?mom Saturday, — 18. 7 morn Haturdav, 4. 8 morn Tuesday — 21 9 morn Tuesday, — 7. 10 morn Thursday, — 23. 10 morn Thursday, — 9.llimorn Friday, — 24 lO.Jmorn Friday, — 10 12 noon Saturday, — 25 llimorn Saturday, — 11. 2 morn Tuesda)', 2. 3 morn Tuesday, 14 5 morn Thursday, 30 5 morn Thursday. — 16"6 morn Friday, -?- 31 6 morn FOR ILFRACOMBE, TORRIDGE. The only Steamer going direct and that lands and i'mha.rks l'ASSr-iHEHS AT TH l'izit, without the aid of Boats. Wednes. May 1. 51 morn Wednes. May 15 5?morii Saturday, — 4. 7morn Saturday, 18. 7 morn Wednes. — 8 lO^morn Wednes. 23. 9 morn Saturday, — 11 1 after. Saturday, 25.II morn W ednesdny, May 29 4 morn. FROM ILFRACOMBE. PASSENGERS EMBARKED AT THE PIER. TORRIDGE. Thursday, May 2. 7 morn I Thursday,May 16. 7 morn Monday, 6. 10 morn Monday, 20. 9 morn Thursday, !I 12,1 afte r. Tliurs, Ity, 23. 11 morn Monday, 13. Ij morn Monday, 27. 26after. Thursday, May au. 5morn. LYN *,Nl OU'I'L Torri,lgo calls off I.ynmouth, going to and returned from Ilfracombe, weather permitting. Passen- gers landed and embarked on payment of Is each, Luggage to be paid for at a moderate charge, for which purpose a large boat is always in attendance. For particulars apply to Mr..1. ('lark(-, l,i 'iitoii. To and from NEWPORT, USK, and GLAMORGAN daily, Sundays excepted. FOR CARDIFF. LADY CHARLOTTE. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Returns, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. See separate Bills. The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.—Female Stewards on Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with (,;tr(,. Horses and Carriages to he shipped two hours before sailing. Particulars may he obtained by rlpplying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &e., should be addressed :— for Swansea, to W Terrell & Sons, !>3, Back; and G. C* Glasson, 12, Quay street ;-for Cardiff, to R. II- Johnson, Clare street Hall, Marsh street:—and for Newport, to J. Jones, Rownhum AVharf, Hotwells. AGENTS.—Mr. T. Prichard, Carmarthen; Mr. George Hughes, Tenby Mr. Hitcliings, jun., Haverfordwest Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. Boiven, Pater; Mr. John N;* Smart, Swansea; Mr. Pridham, Bideford Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe and Mr. J. Lynton. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Luggage, (if lost or damaged ) above the value of X5: nor for an y Deck Passen- ger's Luggage lil'lost or damaged) above the value 0f 20s.; Iln less in each case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for at the time of deli', cry nor will they be answerable for any other parcel above the value of 40s. (if lost or damaged) unless entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the same at the time 01 delivery. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes All letters seeking information to be post paid, j Bristol, May, 1844. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On SATURDAY, the 8th of JUNE, 1814, at the Busii INN, CARMARTHEN, IN LOTS, Subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced, AFIELD known as PARK-Y-BRODYR, and several Houses and Gardens, constituting the whole of the North Side of the Village of the Ferry-Side, in the Pa- rish of Saint Ishmael's. A more detailed statement will appear in a future advertisement. In the mean time applications for pur- chase of Lots by Private Contract, may be made to Mr. Philip Griffith Jones, Solicitor, Carmarthen. This Field is the only eligible Site for Houses at the Ferry-Side. April 13th, 1844. BUBLIN PORTER STORES, LITTLE KINO-STRKET, NEXT THE CUSTOM-HOUSE, BRISTOL. Anchor Brewery, Dublin, April 6,1844. Messrs. J. C. Stivcns and Co. Gentleinen-We have great pleasure in appointing you Sole Consignees for our Double Stout, and we feel assured, as the quality becomes generally known and fairly appreciated, you will have little difficulty in form- ing an extensive and profitable engagement. To enable you to do so, we pledge ourselves to supply all article of unrivalled excellence. We are, Gentlemen, very truly yours, JOHN D'ARCY & Co. J. C. STIVENS & COMPANY RESPECTFULLY introduce to public notice the C very superior DOUBLE STOUT of Messrs. D'ARCY & CO., DUBLIN, for which they have been appointed Sole Consignees for Bristol, the West of England, and South Wales, as above announced. The celebrity it has already acquired in the North of England, and in fact wherever it has been supplied, war- rants J. C. S. & CO. in strongly recommending this PORTER for general consumption its flavour is mild and full, and it is admirably adapted for strengthening weak or debilitated constitutions. They beg leave to add, that they can supply small Casks of Nine or Eighteen Gallons, for the greater convenience of the public. A large supply bottled, (pints and quarts,) in prime condition. BASS's celebrated INDIA PALE ALE, in Casks and Bottle. Fine Hereford PERRY and CIDER. Orders received at 22, High-Street, Bristol, and Free- land Place, Clifton; also by the under-mentioned Agents who will supply any quantity in Wood or Bottled, viz.:— Mr. THOMAS ROP.INSON Swansea Mr. JAMES MORGAN Ctrin,-trtlicii Mr. WILLIAM BEAVEN Llandilo Mr. CHARLES CLARK .Tenby Mr. WILLIAM TIIEWBNT Pembroke Mr. THOMAS DAVIES Lampeter Worsdell's Pills by John Kaye. IT is now an incontrovertible fact that NVORSDE, LL'S JL VEGETABLE RESTORATIVE PILLS, prepared by John Kaye, Esq., Daltin Ilall, near Iludderslield, have become the most extensively established Family of the present day. The high celebrity which these Pills have attained has arisen solely from the health-restoring properties which they possess. Their office is to purify the blood, drain the system of all impurities, open ob- structions, free the passages for the healthy circulation of all the fluids, improve digestion, and go at once to the root of disease. Thousands upon thousands have been rendered convalescent by their use; and they are allowed to be the best antidote to sickness ever discovered: and, although powerful to conquer disease, yet so harmless to the system, in their operation, that a child of a day old, or an adult of a hundred years, may take them alike with perfect safety. From the extraordinary effects that have followed their use, we have no hesitation in saying (fear- less of contradiction), that there never was a medicine, which for the short time it has been before the public, has wrought cures so numerous and striking; and it is gra- tifying to the proprietor that, according as the sale in- creases, so is an increased amount of health and happiness diffused. diffused. CASES OF CURES. Mrs. Ann Williams, of Carmarthen, was afflicted, for upwards of three years, with a severe pain across her back, accompanied with loss of appetite she has expe- rienced an entire removal of her distresting complaint, by taking Worsdell's Pills; she has also derived great benefit from them in a ease of asthma. Mrs. Esther Owen, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, was for years afflicted with violent pains in the stomach and side, with shortness of breath, and incapacity to retain food on her stomach, attended with great debility of system, and, at the advanced age of sixty-six years, has been relieved of every painful symptom, by taking a few doses of Worsdell's Pills. Evan Davies, Landore, near Swansea, was, for a long time, afflicted with a severe complaint of the stomach; which, at times, caused him to discharge a great quantity of blood; but, by the application of one box of Wors- dell's Pills, his distressing malady has been removed. David Lloyd, Tredegar, Monmouthshire, suffered much for twenty-six years, from a very sore leg, in which there were seven running wounds, all of which have been per- fectly healed by the use of Worsdell's Pills. Hannah Rowland, of Bethesda, Carnarvonshire, was afflicted for a long time, with shortness of breath, a vio- lent cough, and internal weakness she tried a variety of medicines, without realising any benefit; but, after taking a few boxes of Worsdell's Pills, she is quite well. James Jones, of Penybank, near Newcastle Emiyn, having had an attack of the typhus fever, followed by pleurisy, which left such a stillness in his limbs, with shortness of breath, and great weakness, that he was deemed past recovery but, by taking daily doses of ivors- dell's Pills, for two months, he has been perfectly restored. To prevent fraud, the Honor- >0 able Commission- /J cr of t)tamps haye C £ ??' /y?? ? ??\ ordered the word s /J "U'M?/e/?7'i7/????? \?L.?????, ') by John Kaye, tc ?? be engraved on the Government Stamp, and as a further protection, purchasers are requested to observe that a fac-simile of the proprietor's signature is printed on the direction, wrapped round each Box, without which none are genuine, and to imitate which is fe1ollv. Sold in boxes at Is. id., 2s. 91., to 4s. 6d. each, at tha following AgentsCarmarthen, J. T. Jones, Bluc-st. Newcastle Emiyn, Wm. Jones, printer; Llanboidy, G. Evans, Draper &c.; Lampeter, John Thomas; Ll.f.ndi 10 fawr, R. Owen: Narberth, Pembrokeshire, Wi am James; Llanelly, It. Chase, Grocer; Pembroke D ck, Thomas Cloughcr, Bookseller Haverfordwest, Edwards, Grocer, &c.; Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, Davies, Book- seller Cardigan, D. Owen, near the Church; Newport, Pembrokeshire, John Davies; Aberystwith, D. Jones, Grocer. Messrs. PEnny Co. have REMOVED their Establishment from Binning/win to .Yo. 19, Berners- Street, Oxford Street, London. ./M?< 7'M  .s7;<'  <A<; 1:?A 7?«!«?M, Just Published, the 1 Ath Edition, Price 2s. 6d. and sent free to any part of the united kingdom on the receipt of a Post-Office Order for 3s. 6d. THE SILENT FRIEND, A MEDICAL WORK on the Nervous Debility, and Disorders arising- from a vitiated state of the blood; embellished with engravings, representing the deleterious influence of mercury on the skin, followed by observa- tions on Marriage, the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a Silent Friend," to be consulted without exposure, and with assured confidence of success, By 11. and L. Perry and Co., Consulting Surgeons, London. Published by the Authors and sold at their residence also, by Strange, 21, Paternoster-street; J. 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