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PIBWR-LLWYD. j Suable FARM will be LET BY AUCTIOX, in 't'h SEPARATE FIELDS for the accommodation of 'the Inhabitants of Carmarthen, from Lady-day. CAUTION ?-Unprincipled persons, taking advantage o? f the celebrity of DR. LOCOCK'S WAFERS," tetnpt to foist upon the Public various PILLS and M?i?XTUhEs under nearly similar names.—The Public Is cautioned that all such preparations are spurious and ?"?P°sition the only Genuine Medicine, has, be- ,side,' the word DR. LOCOCK'S WAFERS, on the Stamp, thf Signature of the Proprietor's Sole Agents, Dk -g?, ?"? Co., on the Directions given with every Bo", without which none are Genuine. ,UNDEk ROYAL PATRONAGE. Polf*ect ?'ee?oM from Cough in Ten Minutes o/?' J-T>^ a rapid cure of Asthma and Consumption, and ?j<o??? of the Breath and LMM?, is in.uredby Dr. LOCOCKIS Pulmonic Wafers. JiRE truly wonderful powers of this remedy have ;in Qalled forth Testimonials from all ranks of society, the quarters of the world. The following have just v°. n received:- MORE CURES IN TREDEGAR. From Mr. J. Williams, Chemist, Church-st., Tredegar. GSontf i December 23rd, 1844, P"-4tleyaen,-A number of my friends have experiencedreat hen through taking Locock's Wafers. Please to send me ?'en boxes by post, as some are waiting for them. Ono ?'d. named Amy Calamore, subject to Asthma, had ■•box week, and has already received great benefit from them '"i 'hu ough she did not take the whole, as she divided the %(?"'ong some of her neighbours. Every one speaks highly .tbe em, and they are taken by some of the first families in tOWn. ?urs obediently, J. P. WILLIAMS. P IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL Prom Mr. Owen Thomas, Wesleyan Minister, Holyhead, Oct. 9, 1845. LelFirl-Dr. Locock's Wafers do a great deal of good to > YOlce. I got a bad cold from a damp bed thirty-five '-tm ago and my voice was very bad ever since; being great Paint° r,? when preaching and singing—and I am very fond I used many different medicine3" and some of th» J?.1"} good for a little fime; but Dr. Locock's is the best ?f?t —clears my voice and stops the coughing instantly. I yet to compare with them. ? been thirty-three years a Wesleyan preacher, and wse-a Methodists in the Principahty know me, t e-ears of which I have lived in Hohhead, and I am ?""J?rsonaHy to all the first men of that body, many of to-" "?e admired the etfect? of the wafers in clearing the *Oiep and stopping the cough; they never got such a medi- QM)e bef t':y Tife' eveT sir.ce Christmas, has been very well, after  ?vo h»*es. I am a witness of their power to stop a fri htft'l fit of coughing in an instant. f *1 a Wesleyan preacher, call upon all preachers and ''n?e of every denomination, to take these Wafers for im- ?r<?? the voice and curing Coughs. You may publish my ?st?i'ao'? nia) &r the excellent Wafers, if you wish. I am, yours truly. ÓWEN THOMAS. CURES OF CONSUMPTION. December 5, 1845. "th tlemen,-Your Wafers I can speak of myself with the greatest confidence, having recommended them in tnany cases of pnlmonary consumption, and they have ad IL'h fforded relief when everything else has failed, are dt l patients having been surfeited with medicine, ltre delighted to meet with so efficient a remedy having "Sch an agreeable taste, &c. 1 Signed, JOHN MAWSON, Surgeon. I3 > Mosley-street, Newcastle on-Tyne. Pt IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO SINO. 010 S. Pearsall, Esq., of her Majesty's Concerts, and Vicar choral of Lichfield Cathedral. G Lichfield, July 10th, 1845. to ?tIemen.—A lady of distinction having pointed out !l Inde the qualities of Dr. Locock's Wafers, I was in- due /f to make a trial of a box, and from this trial I am 11>P to give my testimonial in their favour—I find by ;C T **? a few of the wafers (taken in the course of the d?av7) to gradually dissolve in the mouth, my voice be- W^es bright and clear, and the tone full and distinct. ey ate decidedly the most efficacious of any I have "'cr Used. Signed, SAMUEL PEARSALL. &??? Particulars of many hundred Cases may be had 8!SU ever Agent throughout the Kingdom and on the (Intirienty Dr, Locock's Wafers give instant relief, and a rapid D4re of ?t?'?s, Consumptions, Coughs, Colds, and all Dign°-rj ^Sof the Breath and Lungs. 'f0£ ?rs and Public Speakers they are invaluable as in a ???' remove all hoarseness, and increase  and remove all hoarseness, and increase easarlt t t ^ility of the vo i ce. They have a most e Price Is. l?d., 2s. 9d. and Ha. per box. Lo??'D? Silva and Co., 1, Bride-lane, Fleet-street, 4 D o; J. W. ?'?. Chemist, Carmarthen and 0. 1) all-, Druggist, Haverford west. ?- —Full directions are given with every box in the C?'?' and French languages. These Wafers 'Ibes 9Antaci d and Sedative effectually prevent irrcgu- 1 ofthe bowels. .? J?ESSRS. R. & L. PERRY & Co. beg to inform them their Patients, and parties desirous of consulting thp? that m consequence of repeated solicitations, they izld it "?Practicable to adhere to the Public Notice, ??' tt *4. "h therecently gave of not visiting the Provinces, ?nt th ? Patients may not on future occasions be de- <e;??"* °Y parties illegally using their names, they beg ta %t ate ?? no announcement of any intended visits will oe <, ?? ""Assigned by  1l1jtc which is felony. ?!?M???? TWENTY-FJFTH EDITION. by 26 Anatomical Coloured Engravings on Steel. Physical Disqualiifcations, Generative Inca- pacity, and Impediments to Marriage. tw -a:nd improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages. Just Published, price 2s. 6d., or by post direct from ?? the Establishment, 3s. 6d. in postage stamps. i. ? SILENT FRIEND A Medical Work on the Physical exhaustion and decay of the frame, from J. ysical exhaustion and decay of the frame, from f**8 8°litary indulgence, infection, and the '^riot^ c°nsoquences of the abuse of Mercury with °hservations on the obligations of marriage, and direc- Sec ??i?ting certain disqualifications. Illustrated hy 26 p °l?ure(^ Engravings, by R. and L. PERRY and Co., '9, ?''Mrs-strect, Oxford-street, London. Pub- itlah,dby tbe Authors; and sold by Strange, 21, Pater- hoster'?'?? Hannay, 63, and Sanger, 150, Oxford-street; ?ar? *46 <- I?'tchborne-street, Haymarket; and Gordon, PA]??'?-street, London. V,, hT TilE FIRST treats of the anatomy and physio- 10 ry of the re-productive organs, and is illustrated by ?P'GnL"? '? Engravings.  TUB Scow treats of the consequences re- ?'?tin?f ???cessive indulgence, and their lamentable ??ctg On the system, producing mental and bodily ?a? '??.'?tvous excitement, and generative iacapacity. '? 's ? r"' cularly addressed to those who are prevented co? l?ence, from entering into the marriage state, ?'t( i p?. "? out the sure means of perfect and secret ?tor t .io 0 an h oo d It is illustrated by Three &storar to manhood. It is illustrated by Three Pwat0I7 Engravings. }lJJ.è.ç ]'Ii}1J THIRD treats of the diseases resulting from E-?ttier in the primary or secondary form, and C°ntain= cxplictt directions for their treatment. The 't h of early neglect or of mistreatment, and of .? afu? mercury, in entailing broken health, and a *ec> '??''tence, are also clearly pointed out. This tt. .,str,a'ted by Seventeen Coloured Engravings. ?A? '1 ?unTH contains a prescription for tT,c ?C?nu?" "? Disease by a simple application, by which r of infection is obviated. Its action is simple -? ?!?'T*' ?t? with the vrus chemically, and destroys ? Po??, ? the system. This important part of the 4 0J11d not escape the reader's notice. ?Nf ?? FtFT? is 4eipted to the. consideration of its duties. The reason of physical dis- ? ?? '?? ?od the causes of unproductive unions ?Q?"?'!kMd, and the whole subject critically and ?Allo "0114leally ?"tred into. I'm? CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM is ;qen e d to renovlÛe ;tke impaired powers of life, elle hauste by tte ?6'ience exerted by solitary ,!Ikdql Prit4e c t e gyatem. Its action is purely balsamic i Powy-  .? the sy&tetM. Its action is purely balsam i c ???t?p???invigw? the A'Amp in all cases of Ok '?S?ion< female cMMptsints, depression hv^l'tit8'8' ??"?"s debility, has been demonstrated 'hy its Var A ??Leeesa in thousacds af cases. Price a it, P? Slteees* ia thousands of cases. Price Tu?- or fe,ir quantitiea in one for 33&. ? ?tt???TR?TED DETERSIVE ESSENCE 8rc}¡' ..s'!>hilitic remedy for Secondary Symptoms, ,bl QQd r4?l? Out ?? P?"fy'n? the disea?e? .h?RM?rs of the <?' ?mn all cutaneous erup?(?s?Seurwy,?€?. ?.Pjm,?"? the head I fa", aad Diseaa?u of the '?- Pri?<? ?° ?? ??. ? Diseases cf the Ski. Pr?e Its. a-a-d '3&. pp, bott!?. he £ 5 Ca. es °f ^yrfacum or Concentrated Deterzl'c a??ce c.°?'y be h?? at 19, Berners-street, Oxfcrd- xt,L",t.L ?')??' L?? f"' ??''?y there is a Mvingof?ll2s. t, ",t.Jtit-ent is entitled to receive advice wmio.?t a rit t; a.d'ltae is applicable oatyto?Me?o u "-? a Packet. tqtit PITRIFY'IN-G SPECIFIC PILLS ec.n- J Mo^teane |ePtta,' .?.,dy in all ct?es of ?norrh.M. P  ?rtct? ? ?? O?MMea of the ?aM-y or?&as tJ.ce 28 9,1' and ^i8e*se« of the ainary argall, Pt: ° ^8- 9d '» 48: and "? per ??- &c, old by J} \?r ''??'"s Vendors in Town or CaunMy.   aX.?to?" ?. letter, ?l.-Patie? aM re- j Of  be as "?"? as possible in the description to iet N0?? cS, 8tatlOg age, occupation, and portion in •| X??; frl^^t 19, Berners-street, OxfMd-street, Mop,. f roil, I I to 2, and from 5 to 8 on Sundays I,, to 11 "t fore'lr-hen, lr. J. W, White, Chemist, I iultil 11' 'lave; ?- ?"?. Chemist, HiJ{h.strcet, Bre- ?'?P'?'??t 0 ce BridgeRd; H. Webber, ()fRe, Cardi Wali?r'Phomas, Chemist, (op- ?? A-nKp) XT 'k"Rel) I'lerth,,rI ?- W'?'s, Chemist, Hi.?h- ttrL,,It ,Cardi. gan; n .• Davies,Chemist, Joseph Potter, KJZu 0ffice '^r hvc8t; R. C. Tre^ec-ks, Chem?t, ke- anH I,-vans, Chemist, H?h-stre?t. ?f 1\ I f ""m my' had the SILENT PELICAN LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE, 70, Lombard-street, and 57, Charing-Cross, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1797. BONUS.-NOTICE. FOUR-FIFTHS of the net Profits realised by the Jt* Company from Insurances effected upon the Parti- cipating Scale of Premiums allotted, agreeably to the conditions of the Policies, every Seven Years, com- mencing from the 3rd of July, 1840. The following is a specimen of the Bonuses declared at the first septennial investigation up to the 2nd July, 1847.  D Per cent Age S in lPremiumsPaid. Percent; when Assu ured. dded. on Pret;nl- Assured. No. Amount. ums paid. 15 E3000 1'6 £315 0 01164 16 81 £52 6 6 25 E5000 7 £ 775 16 8!347 13 4 £ 44 16 3 35 E2500 6 C431 17 6!l83 18 0 E42 11 8 45 E2000 6 ??64 0 0?172 6 71 £37 2 10 The following is a specimen of the Annual Premiums required for the Assurance of £100 on a single life.  e Without With Without With Profits. Profits. -"Se Profits. Profits. 15 El 11 0 El 15 0 40 f2 18 10 E3 6f> 2011£11310 JE1 19 3 50 E4 0, 9 E4 10 7 30 £2 4 0, £2 10 4 60 ES 1 0 JE6 7 4 R. TUCKER, Secretary. AGENT. Carmarthen S. Awbery, Bank. TRY ERE YOU DESPAIR. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. CURE OF ASTHMA. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Benj. Mackie, a respectable Quaker, dated Creenagh, near Loughal, Ireland, dated September 11<A, 1848. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. RESPECTED FRIEND,-Thy excellent Pills have effec- tually cured me of an Asthma, which afflicted me for three years to such an extent, that I was obliged to walk my room at night for air, afraid of being suffocated if I went to bed by cough and phlegm. Besides taking the Pills, I rubbed plenty of thy Ointment into my chest night and morning. (Signed) „BENJAMIN MACKIE. Cure of Typhus Fever, when supposed to be at the Point of Death. A respectable female in 'the neighbourhood of Long- hal, was attacked with Typhus Fever, and lay for five days without having tasted any description of food. She was given over by the Surgeon, and preparations were made for her demise. Mr. Benjamin Mackie, the Quaker, whose case is referred to above, heard of the circumstance and knowing the immense benefit that he himself had derived from Holloway's Pills, recommended an imme- diate trial, and eight were given to her, and the same number was continued night and morning for three days, and in a very short time she was completely cured. N.B.-From advice just received, it appears that Col. Dear, who is with his Regiment in India, the 21st Fusileers, cured himself of a very bad attack of Fever by these celebrated Pills. There is no doubt that any Fever, however malignant, may be cured by taking night and morning, copious doses of this fine medicine. The patient should be induced to drink plentifully of warm linseed tea or barley water. CURE OF DROPSY IX THE CHEST. Extract of a letter from J. S. Mundy, Esq., dated Ken- nington, near Oxford, December, 2nd, 1848. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. SIR,-My Shepherd for some time was afflicted with water on the chest, when I heard of it, I immediately advised him to try your Pills, which he did, and was per- fectly cured, and is now as well as ever he was in his life. As I myself received so astonishing a cure last year from your Pills and Ointment, it has ever since been my most earnest endeavour to make known their excellent qualities. (Signed) J. S. MUNDY. The Earl of Aldborough cured of a Liver and Stomach Complaint. Extract of a Letter from His Lordship, dated Villa Messina, Leghorn, 21st Feb., 1815. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. Siit.-Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking you before this time for your politeness in sending me your Pills as you did. I now take this opportunity of sending you an order for the amount, and, at the same time, to add that your Pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my Liver and Stomach, which all the most eminent of the Faculty at home, and all over the Continent, had not been able to effect nay, not even the waters of Carlsbad and Marienbad. I wish to have another box and a pot of the ointment, in case any of my family should ever require either. Your most obliged and obedient servant, (Signed) ALDBOROUGH. Cure of a Debilitated Constitution. Mr. Mate, a Storekeeper, of Gundagai, New South Wales had been for some time in a most delicate state of health, his constitution was so debilitated that his death was shortly looked upon by himself and friends as cer- tain but as a forlorn hope, he was induced to try Hol- loway's Pills, which had an immediate and surprising effect upon his system, and the result was to restore him in a few weeks to perfect health and strength, to the surprise of all who knew him. He considered his case so extraordinary that he, in gratitude, sent it for publi- cation, to the Sydney Morning Herald, in which paper it appeared on the 2nd January, 1848. A few doses of the Pills will quickly rally the energies of both body and mind, when other medicines have failed. Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar) London, and by most all respectable druggists, and dealers in medicines through- out the civilised world, at the following prices -Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s. and 33s. each box. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.-Directions for the guidance of Patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. DR. LA'MEP.,T ON THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY, WITH FORTY COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. Just Published, and ?y 6<- had in French or English, in a sealed <?<-?, 2?. 6d., or post /?, ./? the Author, for 42 jt<«?, Medical Treatise on the R^PT W.PRPSERVATION.—A Medical Treatise on the S Physiology of Marriage, and on the Secret Infirmities and Disorders of Youth and Maturity, usually acquired at an early period of life, which enervate the physical and menS ?-ers, diminish and enfeeble the natural feelings and exhaust the vital energies of Manhood; with practical observations on the treatment of Ner- vous Debility and Indigestion whether arising from these causes, close study, or the influence of tropical climates; Local and Constitutional Weakness, Syphi- lis, Stricture, and all diseases and derangements re- sulting from Indiscretion. With forty coloured En- gravings, illustrating the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Reproductive Organs, explaining their structures, uses, and functions, and the various in- juries that are produced in them by solitary habits, excesses, and infection. By SAMUEL LA'MERT, M.D., 37, Bedford-sq., London, Doctor of Medicine, Matriculated Member of the Uni- versity of Edinburgh, Licentiate of Apothecaries' Hall, London, Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society, &c. &-c. Marriage requires the fulfilment of several conditions, in order that it may be really the cause of mutua l hap- piness. Could the veil, which covers the origin of domestic wretchedness, be raised, and its true source in every instance disclosed, in how many could it be traced to physical disqualiifcations and their attendant disappointments. Excesses are always injiirious; the gift, which when used in moderation is fraught with advantage, becomes, when abused, the prolific source of mischief, and of greater or less injury to the constitu- tional and vital powers. The particular excesses, on the nature and consequences of which this Treatise pro- fesses to dilate, are productive of greater misery to the human frame, than any other to which it is subject. This treatise is the result of a long course of study in a peculiar and much neglected branch of medical practice; and the author having obtained the highest medical honours is a guarantee for his professional ex- perience, which has reference almost solely to the treat- ment of these diseases. RKVIEW OF THE WOKK. LA NIBRT ON THE INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY. —There are scenes in the drama of life which are acted with no spectator but CONSCIENCE and of these the result is ever disastrous. Happy the mortal who meets with a timely Mentor to snatch him from the gulph into which such scenes must plunge him In the book before us such a monitor is to be found. Far be it from us to misdirect our pen or sully our pages with a notice in any shape of a work that would iaiut the purest mind or pander to one evil principle ot human Ealsire but the book under review, so far from having a ten- dency of the kind, is one calculated to warn and instruct the erring, without imparting one idea that can vitiate a mind not alroadv tutored by the vices of which it treats. It is written iu a style of masterly precision and lucidity, Dlending the profomw'est truths of philosophy and physic witn the loftiest p«><'ejjt« of morality We speak eraphaticallj in our uosition as public censors and the guardians of public-morals. In fomnwn svitli many, we have heretofore nourished a deep aù'i pa,tí:t a.¡;aj ast aU medical works treating on matters whlc h siiun tIP ^y<? but the book being placed on our table for notice, wo have been bound to give it an impartial perusal and feel equally bound to state our impression that it is a production calculated to confer a vital benefit, plij and morally, upon all who are tempted from the rigid path oi abstemiousness and propriety. A father may trust it in the hands of his boy. By untaught innocence the book is not of course needed but wherever laxi y has prevailed, the tender vet awful voice breathing in these pages is likely to prove as strikingly beneficial to the admonitions of a homily blended with the practical advice of a writer on medieine.—UNITED KINGDOM MAGAZINE. Published by the Author, in English, French, or Ger- man, and may be had, in Carmarthen, of Mr. E. W. Shackell, Bookseller, Guildhall-square; in Swansea, of Mr. Williams, Cambrian Office; Heath, 1, Broad- street, Bristol; Kent and Richards, 52, Paternoster- row, London or, free by post for forty-two stamps, from the Author, who may be consulted on these dis- orders personally or by letter, daily, from Ten till Two, and from Five till Eight, at his residence, 37, Bfdford-square, London, NEWSOM AND WILLIAMS' ORIGINAL mt AROMATIC MOUNTAIN COFFEE, Prepared after the Continental method,—and Sold in Canisters, of One and Two Pounds, and Leaden Packages of Half-pound and Quarter-pound, by their Agents, throughout the United Kingdom, and at the DEPOT, 50, BOROUGH, LONDON, NEAR LONDON BRIDGE. THIS delicious Coffee combines the pungent strength M and the fine mellow fragrance of the berry in a high degree. It is roasted in Patent Cylinders thickly lined I toith enamel, revolving by steam power; and so con- I structed as to admit a stream of hot air to pass con- stantly over the Coffee during the process. By this ingenious arrangement the beautiful Aromatic Mountain Flavour is concentrated in the highest possible perfec- tion it is then preserved in all its freshness by being packed while hot in Canisters impervious to the air. This Coffee will produce a strong, rich, and transparent liquor, by pouring boiling water upon it, and allowing it to settle. It does not require Isinglass, White of Egg, or other material to clarify it. Boiled Milk should be used The process of boiling Coffee evaporates the aromatic principle, and injures the flavour. AGENTS:- W. P3P4>iBn Gaweer and Tea Dealer, King-street, Carmarthen. Abergavenny, Roberts, Brothers, Chemists; Brecon, E. Ward, High-street; Cardiff, W. Luke Evans, Chemist, Duke-street; Haverfordwest, W. Perkins, Market-street; Llandilo, John James, grocer and draper Llandovery, D. Davies, Medical Hall; Llanelly, George Broom, chemist; Merthyr Tydvil, Thomas Stephens, chemist, &c.; Neath, Thomas Dawe, Wind-street; Pembroke, Wm. Trewent, grocer and draper; Pontardawe, Theo- dosius Evans, grocer, Cross-hands; Swansea, Jono Dury, tea-dealer, Castle-street. v. mt R. INLAND REVENUE OFFICE, LONDON. CAUTION. Fraud on the Stamp Revenue in the Transfer, of Shares in Railways and other Public Companies. IT being understood that, on the Sale of Shares in JL Railway, and other Joint Stock Companies, a prac- tice exists of omitting to state in the Instrument of Transfer the true sum paid or agreed to be paid for such Shares, whereby the Stamp Duty payable on such Trans- fer is evaded; The Commissioners of Inland Revenue deem it right to give the following Public Notice, viz.:— That on the Sale of Property of any kind, it is re- quired by Law that the full Purchase or Consideration Money which shall be directly or indirectly paid, or secured or agreed to be paid for the same, shall be truly expressed and set forth in words, at length, in the Deed or Instrument whereby the Property shall be transfer- red and that in default thereof, both the Purchaser and Seller incur a penalty of Fifty Pounds and five times the amount of the Duty evaded by the omission and that the person employed in preparing the Transfer incurs a penalty of Five Hundred Pounds; and if he be an Attorney, Solicitor, or Writer to the Signet, he is, on Conviction, thenceforth disabled from practising. That if either of the Parties to the Transfer gives in- formation to the Commissioners, whereby the Penalty incurred by the other, or the Quintuple Duty, or any part thereof may be recovered, he is not only to be in- demnified and discharged from his liability, but may be rewarded, out of the money so recovered, to such an extent not exceeding one-half thereof as the Commis- sioners shall think proper. That the Purchaser may recover back from the Seller, in an action at law, so much of the Purchase Money as shall not be set forth in the Transfer, or the whole thereof, if no part be set forth. The Commissioners also give Notice, that they will liberally reward Persons who may give them information by means of which any of such Penalties shall be re- covered. By Order of the Board, J. C. FREELING, Secretary. March, 1849. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC.—THE POPULAR REMEDY. PARR'S LIFE PILLS. rPHE extraordinary properties of this medicine are thus described by an eminent physician, who says :—" After particular observation of the action of PARR'S PILLS, I am determined, in my opinion, that the following are their true properties:— "First—They increase the strength, whilst most other medicines have a weakening effect upon the system. Let any one take from three to four or six pills every twenty- four hours, and. instead of having weakened, they will be found to have revived the animal spirits, and to have im- parted a lasting strength to the body. "Secondly—In their operation they go direct to the disease-. After you have taken six or twelve pi?lq you will ex=c their effect; the disease upon you will lecome less and less by every dose you take; an d if you will persevere in regu- larly taking from three to six pills every day, your disease will speedily be entirely removed from the system. Thirdly—They are found, after given them a fair trial for a few weeks, to possess the most astonishing and invigora- ting properties, tgat they will overcome all obstinate com- plaints, and restore sound health' there is a return of good .I,P,?ti? hrtly from the beginning of their use whilst their mildness as a purgative is a desideratum greatly required by the weak and delicate, particularly where violent purging is acknowledged to be injurious instead of beneficial. TO PERSONS GOING ABROAD. These Pills are particularly recommended to all persons going abroad, and subjecting themselves to great change of climate. Officers of the Army and Navy, Missionaries, Emi- grants, &c., will find them an invaluable appendage to their medicine chests, as a preventive of the attacks of those dis- eases so prevalent in our Colonies, especially in the West Indies, where a small box recently sold for lOs, In America also its fame is getting known, and its virtues duly appre- ciated, causing an immense demand for it; and there is no country or port in the world where it will not sj>eedily be- come an article of extensive traffic and general utility, as it may be had recourse to in all cases of sickness, with confi- deuce in its simplicity, and in its power to produce relief. None arc genuine, unless the words PARR'S LIFE PILLS" are in White letters on a Red Ground, on the Govern- ment Stamp, pasted round each box: also the fac-simile of the signature of the Proprietors. "T. ROBERTS and Co., Crane-court, Fleet-street, London," on the Directions Sold in boxes at Is. qd., 2s. 9d., and family packets at I I s. each, by all respectable medicine venders throughout the world. Full directions are given with each box. 0 NOTICE.—These Lozenges contain no Opium, nor any preparation of that drug. Coughs, Hoarseness, and all Asthmatic <Sr Pulmonary Complaints effectually cured. BY KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. UPWARDS of Forty Years' experience has proved the infallibility of these Lozenges in the Cure of Winter Coughs, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, and other Pulmonary Maladies. The patronage of His Majesty the King of Prussia and His Majesty the King of Hanover has been be- stowed on them as also that of the Nobility and Clergy of the United Kingdom and above all, the Faculty have especially recommended them as a remedy of unfailing efficacy. Testimonials are continually received confir- matory of the value of these Lozenges, and proving the perfect safety of their use (for they contain no Opium, nor any preparation of that Drug ;) so that they may be given to females of the most delicate constitution, and children of the tenderest years, without hesitation. Prepared and Sold in Boxes, Is. Ud.; and Tins, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d, and IDs. 6d. each, by THOMAS KEATING, Chemist, &c., No. 79, St. Paul's Church Yard, London. Sold also by Tardrew and Smith, J. W. White, and R. M. Davies, Carmarthen; M. Hicks, and O. E. Davies', druggists, Haverfordwest; John Jones and Philipp Bright, druggists, Brecon Griffith Phillips, druggist, Cardiff; Dawe and Son, Swansea; Humphreys, drug- gist, Aberystwyth, and by all the respectable druggists in the principal cities and towns in the Kingdom. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. Copy of a Letter from Colonel Hawker," (the well- known Author on Guns and Shooting.") Longparish House, near Whitchurch, Hants, October 21st, 1846. Sir,—I cannot resist informing you of the extraor- dinary effect that I have experienced by taking only a few of your Lozenges. I had a cough for several weeks, that defied all that had been prescribed for me and yet I got completely rid of it by taking about half a small box of your Lozenges, which I find are the only ones that relieve the cough without deranging the sto- mach or digestive organs. I am, Sir, your humble servant, P. HAWKER. To Mr. Keating, 79, St. Paul's Church Yard, London. PROFESSIONAL TESTIMONIAL OF THEIR MERIT. From Mr. Murley, late a Practioner in Cheltenham. Huntley, Gloucestershire, 3rd Nov. 1848. Dear Keating—It affords me much pleasure to learn that the sale of your Cough Lozenges is so extensive. Being acquainted with their composition, I am fully persuaded of their efficacy for promoting gentle expecto- ration, and allayinsr pulmonary irritation. In cases of Catarrhal disorder, it is most desirable to combine a class of medicines which may calm without the deleterious effects of opium, and this desideratum is, I believe, effected by the ingredients in your Cough Lozenges. I well remember the very high opinion which a late emi- nent Surgeon of one of our London Hospitals had of this preparation he frequently tol l me thnt it was the only medicine which afforded relief to his wife, who had suffered for many years from Asthma. If you consider the testimony of a retired Practitioner (after thirty-six years of extensive practice) of any ad- vantage, you are quite welcome to avail yourself of this recommendation. With best wishes, Believe me, dear Keating, faithfully yours, S. H. MntLBy. To Mr. Keating, St. Paul's Church Yard. N.B.—To prevent spurious imitations, please to ob- serve that the words Keatinp's Cough Lozenges" are engraven on the Government Stamp of each box. COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the next General Quarter -L? Sessions of the Peace for the County of Pembroke, will be holden and kept at the Shirehall, Haverfordwest, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of April next at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, when all persons summoned to attend as Jurors, Chief Constables, Bailiffs of Hundreds, and persons bound by Recognizances to appear thereat, must attend and ansver to their names, and all persons having Indictments to prefer, or Appeals or Traverses to try, or any other business to transact are required to attend. And notice is hereby given, that the Court will com- mence the business of the said Sessions with the trial of prisoners, and the several magistrates of the said County are therefore requested to direct their Clerks to transmit all Depositions and Recognizances taken before them to ) the office of the clerk of the Peace, three clear days before f the commencement of the said Sessions; if taken after the I time mentioned such Depositions and Recognizances to be returned not later than half-past nine o'clock in the I morning of the commencement of the said Sessions, in order that the respective bills of Indictment may be pre- pared and also the magistrates' clerks, and attorneys practising in the said Court, are requested in all cases of I Appeal to be heard at the said Sessions to transmit to the I Clerk of the Peace for the information and guidance of the Chairman, copies of the examination upon which the removal is grounded, and the grounds of Appeal, seven clear days previous to the Sessions. And also that the Court will at two o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, proceed with the business relating to the assessment, application, and manage- ment of the countv rates. LOCK-UP HOUSE. And Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of the Statute 5th and 6th Victoria, chapter 10J, and on the requisition of Five of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said County of Pembroke, application will be made to the Court at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of the first day of the said Sessions, for providing a Lock-up House for the hundred of Dungleddy. COUNTY TREASURER. And Notice is hereby also given, that the application made by the Treasurer of the said County at the last Quarter Sessions for an augmentation of his Salary will be taken into consideration by the said Court on the first day of the said Sessions. COUNTY ROADS BOARD. And notice is hereby also given, that in pursuance of the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 91, sec. 35, Her Ma- jesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, will at the aforesaid Sessions elect and appoint a fit and compe- tent person being a Justice of the Peace acting in and for the said County, to be a member of the County Roads Board of the said County, in the place and stead of John Henry Philipps, Esq., who has been elected Chairman of the Court of Quarter Sessions, whereby he has become an ex-officio member of the said Board. FINANCE COMMITTEE. And notice is hereby also given, that the Finance Committee will attend at the Shirehall, Haverfordwest, on Monday, the 2nd day of April next, at twelve o'clock at noon, for the purpose of auditing the County Accounts, and all persons having demands against the County are required to attend such Committee at the place and time aforesaid. EDWARD LEACH, Clerk of the Peace. Clerk of the Peace's Office, ) Haverfordwest, 13th March, 1819. f CARDIGANSHIRE. EASTER QUARTER SESSIONS, 1849. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next Gene- ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace will be held and kept at the County Sessions House, in the Town of Aber- ayron, in and for the said County, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of April next, at the hour of eleven in the fore- noon, when all persons summoned to attend as Jurors, and bound over to prosecute and give evidence at the said Sessions, are required to attend. The Magistrates of the County are requested to return all depositions taken before them, in cases to be tried at the Quarter Sessions, to the Clerk of the Peace, at least one week previous to the Sessions, and in all cases which may be heard within one week, the depositions to be returned forthwith. The Recognizances of prosecutors and witnesses must be filed at the opening of the Court on the first day of the Sessions. The Magistrates' Clerks and the Attor- nies practising in the said Court, are requested in all cases of appeal to be heard at the said Sessions to trans- mit to the Clerk of the Peace for the information and guidance of the Chairman, copies of the examinations upon which the removal is grounded, and of the grounds of appeal, seven days previous to the Sessions. The Court will proceed with the trial of. prisoners before the hearing of appeals. COUNTY AND POLICE RATES. The Finance Committee of Magistrates will sit in the Magistrates' Room, in the County Sessions House, at Aberayron, immediately after the opening of the Court on the first day of the said Sessions, to examine and in- vestigate the bills and demands upon the County, and to regulate the County expenditure. All persons who have any demands upon the County must transmit their bills to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before Tuesday, the 27th day of March instant. The Court will proceed with the business relating to the assessment, application, and management of the County Rates, and to pass all bills and demands that shall have been examined and approved of by the Finance Committee of Magistrates, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon of the first day of the said Sessions; and also to assess and tax the said County with a Police Rate, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Consta- bulary Force, ccording to the provisions of the Acts 2nd and 3rd Victoria, c. 93, and 3rd and 4th Vic., c. 88. BRIDGES. And notice is hereby further given, that at the said next General Quarter Sessions application will be made for a sum not exceeding JE40 towards the erection of a new Bridge over the river Clarach on the line of road leading from Bow-street to Tynllidiart, and for an order that such Bridge, when completed, be made a County Bridge. And notice is hereby further given, that at the said next General Quarter Sessions the Court will be moved that the Surveyor of Bridges for the lower district of this County be requested to retire upon a pension to be settled by the Court, and that one Surveyor of Bridges be appointed for the whole of this County. LOCK-UP HOUSES. And notice is hereby further given, that at the said General Quarter Sessions the Court will be moved to rescind an order heretofore made for the erection of a Lock-up House at Rhydlewis. DISCONTINUANCE OF RURAL POLICE. In pursuance of the provisions of the Act 2nd and 3rd V ic., c. 93, and of the Act 3rd and 4th Vic. cap. 88, and on the requisition of Matthew Davies, Esquire, John Maurice Davies, Esq., the Right Honorable the Earl of Lisburne, the Reverend Lewis Charles Davies, Clerk, and John Maurice Davies, Esquire, Five of Her Ma- Jesty s Justices of the Peace of the said County; I hereby give notice, that at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon of the first day of the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in and for this County, on Tul?day, the 3rd day of July next, it will be proposed tih? at a Report be made by the Justices then and there assembled, to one of Her Majesty's Principal Srcretaries of State, that in the opinion of the said Justices, the Constables appointed under the said Acts, or either of them, are then no longer needed in the said County. COUNTY ROADS BOARD. In pursuance of the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, c. 91, I do hereby give notice, that at the said next General Quarter Sessions, the Justices then and there assembled will elect and appoint one Justice of the Peace of the said County, to be a Member of the County Roads Board of this County, in the room of John Maurice Davies, who has ceased to he member thereof. F. R. ROBERTS, Clerk of the Peace. Aberystwyth, 13th March, 1849. VALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINE. HUNTS APERIENT FAMILY PILLS; A MOST excellent Medicine for Bilious Complaints, jLTL. Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, and Bowels, Habitual Costiveness, Indigestion, Heartburn, Pains and Giddiness of the Head, Influenza, Worms, Spasms, Nervous and Dropsical Complaints. For upwards of FORTY-FIVE YEARS have these Pills obtained the unqualified approbation of the public in general, among whom may be included families of distinction and medical men. Their composition is so truly excellent, and their beneficial effects have been so widely experienced, that the Proprietors feel the great- est confidence in recommending them as one of the MILDEST and MOST EFFICIENT APERIENT FAMILY MEDICINES ever offered to the public. These Pills require no confinement nor alteration of diet, and are adapted to every variety of age and consti- tution. They seldom operate until eight or ten hours after taken, and then gently. They restore the tone of the stomach, strengthen the digestive organs, cleanse the bowels of all impurities, and promote the due secre- tion of the liver and of the kidneys, and by invigorating the system generally, become an invaluable restorative of health to both sexes. OFFICERS of the ARMY and NAVY will find these Pills an invaluable appendage to their medicine chests, as they retain their medicinal virtues in all climates. LADIES even of the most delicate constitutions will find these Pills particularly beneficial, both before and after their confinement; nor can they be too hisrhly re- i commended for the general use of SCHOOLS. They are also an excellent preparatory in the use of medicinal waters, sea-bathing, Ike. Prepared and Sold by Messrs. Hunt (the original Pro- prietors) 6.5, Great Pulteney-street, Bath: an d sold wholesale and retail by Messrs. Barclay and Son, 95, Farringdon-street: Butler, 4, Cheapside; Sutton, 10, Bow Churchvard Edwards, 67. St. Paul's; Newberry, 4-5 St. Paul's: Sangar, 150, Oxford-street, London Tardrew & Smith, Carmarthen, an d by all respectable medicine vendors throughout the United Kingdom. Be careful to see that the names and address of the Proprietors are engraved on the medicine stamp around each box, as such only are genuine. Phcc& Is. Lid, ) per bos. CARMARTHENSHIRE. APRIL QUARTER SESSIONS, 1849. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next Ge- neral Quarter Sessions of the Peace for this County will be held at the Shirehall,in the Town of Carmaithen, in the said County, on THURSDAY, the 5th day of April next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at which hour and place all County business will commence and be proceeded with; and that at Twelve o'Clock on that day, the Court will proceed to the adoption of such provisions of the several Acts of Parliament relating to the Ru- ral Police of the said County as shall be necessary, and to the transaction of all business relating to the assessment, application, and management of the County Rate; and will pass all bills examined by the Finance Committee that on the same day the Court will take into its consideration the notice that all bills for the maintenance of Prisoners previous to Committal or Con- viction be paid by the County, in all cases except Vagrancy; and an application will be made to the Court for the sum of ninety pounds to be laid out in build- ing a Wooden Bridge over the river Teify, at Llanfihan- gel-ar-arth. The Court will likewise be moved that the Clerks of the different Unions in future be directed to pay the County and Police Rates to the Treasurer one week previous to each Quarter Sessions. That on the same day the Court will be moved that the pension granted to Mr. Burnhill he abolished. A motion will also be made that two magistrates be appointed at each Petty Sessions to superintend the repairs of County Bridges, and to be authorized to lay out sums of money not exceeding Twenty Pounds in repairing each Bridge. And notice is hereby also given, that all appeals and traverses to be tried at these Sessions must be entered in the Clerk of the Peace's Office on or before 10 o'clock in the morning of Friday, the 6th day of April next, (the second day of the said Sessions), and that on the said 6th day of April, at the hour of one o'clock at noon, all Grand and Petit Jurors, Bailiffs of Hundreds, and per- sons bound by Recognizances, must attend and answer to their names; and the several Magistrates of the County are requested to cause all depositions taken before them, and relating to Felonies and Misdemeanours to be pro- secuted at the said Sessions, to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace on or before the 31st day of March instant, and in all cases arising subsequently, imme- diately after being taken. And Notice is hereby also given, that the Court will proceed with business on the said 6th day of April in the following order:—First, Trials of Prisoners secondly, Trials of Traverses Thirdly, hearing appeals and common motions. Notice is also given, that all persons having claims against the County, must send in their accounts to the Clerk of the Peace's Office, at Carmarthen, on or before the 26th day of March instant, and must attend before the Finance Committee of Magistrates, on Thursday, the 29th day of March instant, at the County Grand Jury Room, in Carmarthen, at eleven o'clock in the morning, for the purpose of having such claims audited, if re- quired, otherwise they will not be paid.—Dated this Fifteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. CHARLES BISHOP, Clerk of the Peace ■aaiflfc BRISTOL GENERAL ???.STEAMNAV!GAT!ONCOMPAMY ?????" 0?<-e 1, Qi?y, ?-t?o:. THE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to J_ Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of MARCH, 1849. The Phoenix, will very shortly have completed her refit- ment, and will be replaced on the Carmarthen Station with increased facilities for Carriage of goods. FOR CARMARTHEN, TORRIDGE. The Torridge will make as many Voyages to and from Carmarthen as she can get loaded and the weather will permit. FROM TESBy.-Three hours after leaving Carmarthen. FOR DUBLIN. SHAMROCK, Fridays. I rday, March 2 11 morn I Fridav 9 morn I Friday? 16 10 morn I Fridav, 41 after Fri,lav 30 10 Friday Friday April 6 4 1after I Returns Tuesdays. FOR CORK. JUVERNA, Tuesdays.—SABRINA, Saturdays. Saturday March 3 12 noon Tuesday, 6 Softer Saturday, 10 7 morn Tuesday, 13 8 morn Saturday, 17 lOimorn 20- 2.? Fift?r ? 1 Saturday, 24 5 after j I Tuesday 27 ft morn I I Saturday 31 I Tue?day A??,; 3 2i t,, Return Tuesdays and Fridays. I FOR WATERFORD. VICTORY, Tuesdays.—ROSE, Fridays. I Friday, March 2 11 mom Tuesday, 6 31 after Friday, 9 7 morn Tuesday 13.. 8 morn Friday 16 10 morn ITuesday, 20 21 after Friday 23 41after 1 Tuesday 27.. 7'morn Friday 30.. ] Oimom I TuesdaN, April 3 21 after Return Tuesdays and Fridays. I FOR TENBY. OSPREY, Tuesdays. I Tuesday 13 8 morn Tuesday, 20 21 after Tuesday 27 7Amorn Tuesday April 3 Staffer FROM TENBY.—OSPREY. Friday, March 2 12 night Saturday. 10 8 morn Friday 16 10 aftpr | Saturday, 24 7 morn ) Friday 30 11 after FOR MILFORD, PATER & HAVERFORDWEST. OSPREY. Tuesday, March6 31, after I Tuesday, 13 8 morn Tuesday 20 21 after Tuesdav 27 7Amorn i Tuesday April 3.. 2,^ after FROM HAVERFORDWEST. OSPREY. Friday, March 2 II morn Friday. 9 7 morn Friday, 16 9 morn I Friday, 23 6 morn IPriday 3 o' 'o FROM MILFORD. OSPREY. Friday, March 2 6 after Saturday, 10 2 morn Friday. 16 4 after I -Saturday 21 ] morn Fri(lay 30 5 after FOR SW ANSEA. COUNTY—Tuesdays & Fridays. BERESFORD—Thursdays & Saturdays. I BRISTOL—Wednesdays. I Thllr. March 1 10 morn Friday 2 llimorn Saturday, 3 ll i mom I Tuesday 6 4 morn Thursday 8 6 morn Fridav 9 6.morn Saturday. ]0.. 7.i,morn I Tuesday 13 8(morn Thursday 15 9'morn Friday IC 10 morn Saturday, 17 104morn Tuesday 20.. 2,morn Thursday, 22 411norn Friday 23 5kinorn Saturday, 21 6Jmorn Tuesday, 27.. 8 morn Th,, rsday, 29 91.morn Friday, 30 10 morn Saturday, 31 lOlmorn Tuesday April 3 2_morn FROM SWANSEA. 1 BERESFORD—Tuesdays & Fridays. COUNTY—Thursdays & Saturdays. Thurs. March 1 11 morn Friday, 2 11 morn Saturday 3 1 morn Tuesday, 6 5 morn Thursday. 8 6\morn FridaN,, 9 7,morn Saturilay, 1() 8 mor?i Tuesday 13 9|morn Thursday 15 10"morn Frid:ty )C.. )0.?mom Saturday 17 ?Hrnom Tuesday 20 3mom Thursday, 22 5 morn Friday. 23 6rnom Saturday 2! G\mom Tup?dav.?' 27.. 9 morn Thursday, 29 9?morn Friday, 30 10',morn Saturday, 31 1J\mom Tuesday April 3.. 2'jmorn FROM BRISTOL TO CARDIFF. I STAR AND PRINCE OF WALES. I Monday March 26.. 6'morn Tne!lday.2i.. 7.inorn Wednesday 28 71morn Thurs. 29 8moTn I Friday.30.. 9?morn I Saturday 31 lOlmorn FROM CARDIFF TO BRISTOL. Monday March 26 5Jmorn Tuesday ..?7.. 6 morn We=ay 28 6;morn I Thurs 29 "jmorn Frida' 30 7 }morn | Saturday 31 8,3morii ? FROM BRISTOL TO NEWPORT. I LADY CHARLOTTE AND USK. Monday March 26 71morn Tuesday 27 8 morn Wednesday 28 8.morn turs., 29 9mnm Friday 30 10 morn I | Saturday 31 11 morn I FROM NEWPORT TO BRISTOL. i 1'0 Monday Maren zo 0 morn Tuesday 27 6 morn Wednesday 28 6jmorn I hursflay 29 7 morn Friday .30.. 8 I Saturday 31 9 morn The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the j conveyance of passengers and oods.-Female Stewarùs 3n Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods. Packages, Parcels, &c., should be addressed for Swansea, to W. Terrell & Sons, 33, Back; and G. C. Glasson, 12, Quay street:—for Cardiff, to R. H. Johnson Clare street Hall, Marsh street:—and for Newport, to J: Jones, llownham Wharf, Hotwclls. AGKNTS.—Mr. II. STACEY, Carmarthen Mr. Joseph Morgan, Tenby; Mr. John Rees, Haverfordwest, Mr. Palmer, Milford: Mr. Bowen, P,it?r Mr. John N. Smart, and Mr. E. T. Turner, Swansea: Mr. Pridham, Bideford Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe and Mr. J. Clarke, Lyiltoii. NOTICK.—The Proprietors of the aKive Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Lucrga^e, or damaged) above the £ 5; nor for any De.-k Passen- ?er's LI\a<, (iHost or damaged 1 above thev?)ue of 20s. un- Fe"ts in pae ?(.ise entered as such, and freight in proportion p"aid j for at the time of delivery norwill they be answerable for any i other parcel above the value of 40s. (if lost or(laniu.-zed) entered as oUch, and freight in proportion paid for the same al the time ol'delivery. I Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes, i I All letters seeking information to be po.-t paid.