Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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CAKDIGANSHIRE BOROUGHS ELECTION. I The nomination of candidates for the parliamentary representation of these boroughs took place yestesday at the Town Hall, Cardigan, Wm. George Esq., the Mayor, presiding The candidates were John Lloyd Davies, Esq., Blaendyffryn, and Jno. Evans, Esq., Q.C., of the South Wales Circuit, and on no similar occasion of a contest, we will venture to affirm, was so much good feeling exhibited, or such order observed, by the respecti ve parties and candidates. The short period that elapsed between the arrival of the writ (Sunday) and the time of election has, no doubt, tended to prevent much of the excitement usually attendant upon a contested election, The pro- ceedings commenced soon after nine o'clock iu the morning and occupied upwards of three hours, after which our reporter had to drive thirty miles home, and transcribe his notes, which had to be composed and ready for printing by four o'clock, the regulations of the post office cornpe liny us to dispatch at MX o'clock. We mention this as an apolosy for any abridgement in the speeches of the gentle- men wno took part in the proceedings, but they win never- theless he found to compi ise the principle topics wh<eh were alluded to. On the assembling of the Candida es mill their friends, Mr. Evans bowed to Mr. D avits to proceed, when the Litter gentleman observed that he could not think of aking precedence of a Queen's Council, and requested Mr. Evans's proposer to nominate. Thomas Lloyd, Esq., Esq., Coedoiore, Lord Lieutenant of the county, then pro- posed Mr. Evans, Q.C., as a proper person to represent the united boroughs. Mr. Thomas Lloyd, Cardmau, seconded the nomination. Mr. Thomas Davies, Catitle Green, pro- posed Mr. Lloyd Davies, which was seconded by Mr. R. D. Jenkins, solicitor. Nir. John Evans, Q C.. said that he should not have the presumption to orfer IlimspJt as a candidate Jor tiicse oorougus were it nut f r the invitation presented to him. lie pos- sessed no desire to re-enter Parliament, and was content to remain in the comparative retirement he enjoyed, but when lie received the earnest solicitations of a large body of in- telligent Liberals, including Captain Pryse, his esteemed friend, the Lord-Lieutenant of the county, Mr. Lloyd, of i.ronvvydd, and others to support the Liberal interests in Parliament, he could not feci himself at liberty to refuse, lid one of the strong' st reasons which influenced him, apail from what he had stated was, he was a strong po lticiau and entertained strong opinions on public matters, and had wit- nessed the results of liberal measures. (Applause) On these grounds he had accepted the invitations, and presented himself before them as a candidate for the representation ed the boroughs There should he no mistak" as to what they were "abmit to-day, "e and his hou. friend who now contested .ith iln Particular ftic.K He had "nown if he ? ?e t the number of years it might be disagreeable to ?him ?L.?ht-r Hoover they had long been intimate friends .nd he hoDpd t?-v would continue so. He repeated that t thecy v sshhoouut hf? ei?earliy ) understand the position tbcy occupied UAh ^tK he Shaker he culd not say what his friend ad ? tell ?.n but in his address at Aberystwith, from ;t t i hp h.J veerday y heard, he could to some extent con- icetuie S wWJ -line he woulJ pursue. It appeared that Mr. 'Uavies did not know what a Tory ??. But there was f. f^l a inlv <1 difference between Whigs and Tories. What he i t -o Sh?PP-?saWh? and Mr. Davies as a To;)', and if that was not so they were voting for nothing. In his -,idcli- his friend stated that his .f opinions were i "n ? ? h- vh?nublic conduct. Well, then, if that were the case, there ,o Id hc uo doubt tbathewa< a' Tory. Ho was sure that it it wac lot so, Mr. Davies would not have been received the rt of Captain Fryse and other ? lor) h1S opponent was, and he could opposed, butwoul Tory his opponent was, if he was not, Fryse and others- |LaUg{lt,r ,,y cheers ) If he was not, not g' out ot how could his conduct at the last three eh ebons for these boiougis be a' {^} On hg oppo,(iJ thcib.ralcaiidd and sup^ ported the Tory candidate. In Larmarthensue??', ? t,j Colonel ^revor and | In Carmarthensiie ks Ll?yd Davies-" hear, i5JUIl^ela s g? that his friend cheered | hear. ) ?" It ytr, Saunders Davies who moved for that remark. no  ?? Lloyd Davies would like to go the writ, and no' the writ. and no cou for the same measures as his Con- into 1'arliament M ? ?? bad to get the Tory gentlemen servativc friend. to come ??? t1IS place as his opponent's of the count y ? ? ? to hear lnm repudiate Toryism, supporters, and then to ???. ?? repudiate Toryism. (Laughter.) As it regardeù himself he was an advanced Whig. (Renewed lau°hter.) He agreed in opinion with Whig. of (Reuewedl?g? ?? offi= in the councils of many of ?enien? ?; had advanced and the Tories fol- the Queen, i" the wheels, abusing and trying to ob- iowcd. hanging by ?p wheels, abusing and trying to ob- struct their P1'1 Forty 'ears ago the Tories could do what they p e?istd, endeavoured to thwart all the pro- wh:u they p eas^ the l,iber.?ls. At that timc pohdls foi adv' there were rotten ?.Qughg. and they were considered an important pa. of the jg-lorious constitution, and when they unportantpar <? ?? w( t bitter tears over them ?ew? g?oM times when a gentleman's valet or „,hb-d the electors under a sycamore tree and ?t rnc?????liament. It was thought that the remo? ? this abuse would be fatal to the constitution and even Wellington himself when he heard of it exclaimed, How can the Government be carried on without them. Tilhl e Torics strengthened by these rotten boroughs, did what th<? leased, aud kept the people beneath their feet. (Ap- j.?.?e t ?ain, if any gentleman m the Army professed the Roman Catholic religion he could not hold a higher rank than :??. Major. What was the result ? Why, these ;.(l'lItlellwn went to t,.oltlltrit!s without such restric- tioll, nnd thl'ir services werc lost .to Briain. Dissenters H"H' Ic L'" "ph'i"i"ns. 'j hell' rehglOus creed  a I Il:Ie'' th(:'i'h(;1di';lg.lly public office. But thesei laws h.daUb.cB.Mbb?.t'ot?th,itmdmst,h, ci.Niayth.t it?d"n)d.u.Mrtheco.Mt.tutio. His friend was a pio- ..e?nXt .nJ ?.?v<.uUm.M..t.Mc'tth. was one of tlio ,lost perseveriii.Ili zealous7 and obstinate of that (.?I)PIIuse.) Mr. Danes bad also adopted the lolitieal doctrines of that public instructor the llfo".)Iitiq .s'js -u-.h' How do you know r) Hfe ohoped he was not infringing on private matters, buj; it had certainly struck him that his opponent's principles coincided with that' notable paper called lwi The Tories cried o^ ut that abolition of the Corn Laws would bring destruction on tIn country. Th,ere were Iws imposing heavy duties on imports from foreign county* mcy were cautioned not ti e shipping laws, or the import dutie., '"cause it wouM ?'? .?e safety of the ?one awa y with constitution. All Jiese things had been done away with by the progress of Liberal opuu? The Tories followed ? ? ??? ?  ir.u?mg on by the wheel P illg each of these ;nci?7bui,??s of re orrn. And w th t^seTories his opponent would vote if he was returned to He had been speaking of the period from 1790 to 1827, when the younger .peaking of the period from th?os. ???bo oured for progress t'itt e?c ?P??r, when who ? ? e denominated, Jbms leycllers and other such epithets. 1 he leaned g?cntlema "??'?., a short account of the various governments and ?''? P ?..Pi mea?rea from 1826 to the present day, and Proceed? because ,??ir Robert Peel introduced a bill for the repeai of the corn laws, the Tory party keept aloof from him, and ho,e who hd icted with him, and were now compacted to?m ? ,,th Dlsraeh- a renegade from the Whigs-???r?nd? tna^^ n^ tleman could make nothing of them, having sa^i  make a ministry out of these tools: give me some ? PediteJ and Whigs. It was not a pleasant dijtj t all times to talk about oneself, but it was absoluteh ncccs > h(; should do so. He had been told that he can iLd  Liberali8m too far, but in what respect he could not di A rt,spected friend of his said to a gentleman 11 shall oppose Alr. Evans as he goes too far for me'" and on being asked in what way, said-" You shall hear a 01- two." Well in what did he go to far? He was ™ te for the 8uf_ tra?e. Was it that they meant. (Cues of « No no") Me was in favour of the ballot, ?a. tnav fa ? He had always voted for it, and was prepared to do so again, because he had never heard a solid aig a° .jainst It. (Applause). He had not asked for a s?ingle ?v?c ? that be had said was 1 am a candidate on ?o hb?er?L  terest, and if your opinion coincide with mine glad of your vote." No representatives were under obliga- tion to their constituents, as the duties were attended to at a I great »afriif«e of time, tylwalw woo wprewateUTo lie was in Parliament both night and day. and worked gratui- tously for the benefit of the country, so far as his humble abilities permitted. It was not only his friend and him- self who were under obligations, but the constituents owed an equal debt of gratitude to them. What objection was there to the ballot ? He could see none whatever. But by adopting the ballot every man had perfect liberty of action, and was without the restraining influence of Mr. Thomp- son, or his agent (Mr. Snigglings ) Laughter. If Squire Broad Acres came into this town, and either by himself or his agent requests an elector under obligation to him to vote contrary to his conscience, was that fair—was it right ? (cries of "Ño, no" from Mr. Davies's friends) Well, he was glad that they agreed with him. It was extremely satisfactory. (Laughter). See how the force of reason was felt by a body of Tories. (Renewed laughter.) His political principles were known to them. He had been five years in Parliament, and he was happy to say that he had done some good there in the promotion of legal reform, and if returned, he would again give his attention to it. lie then referred to a needful reform in conveyancing, which he denominated monstrously grievous. He would not tell them that he would bring a railway to the country if they returned him to Parli ^ment, and he would tell them more, that he did not believe Mr. Davies could, as there existed many obstacles to the construction of a railway. He held in his hand a paper referring to a railway, not the same his friend was connected with, which the Aberystwith people supported as it would extend from Oswestry to Aberystwith, but he would not enter further on the subject. Reference had been made by Mr. Davies's friends to the fact, that because his opponent was engaged in a projected railway it was an im- portant qualification in a Parliamentary candidate. This was a piece of absurdity and ought not to have been intro- duced into a discussion exclusively political. They were placed in a serious position with respect t" the unhappy war. The principal part of their valuable army were being de- stroyed in the contest. He had great hopes that if the war were prosecuted with energy there would soon be a safe, honourable, and glorious peace, and then would be seen the great result of the war, the unparalleled valour of the English soldier, which would prevent other nations from aggressive war, and secure a lasting peace. After some humourous remarks, without any political bearing, the learned gentle- man resumed his seat amidst loud applause. Mr. Lloyd Davies said that he appeared before them as a candidate for an honor to which he had never previously as- pired. When he was solicited to offer himself for the repre- sentation of the Cardiganshire Boroughs in Parliament, he felt an indisposition to leave the retirement he enjoyed for the anxieties of public life, and he should not have consented had he not been assured that he would be acceptable to both parties. Indeed, after receiving the requisition, which was signed by many highly respectable and intelligent gentlemen, had he not availed himself of it, he should have proved in- sensible to the compliment paid him. (Applause.) He resided amongst them, and in the county he derived his revenue, and expended it. (Hear, hear.) He knew of no more legitimate season for reminding them of the fact that he had spent thirty years of the best period of his life in advancing every improvement in the locality where he re- sided. When he first went to that district, the roads were so bad that it was impossible to carry on heavy traffic without the application of unreasonable strength The means ot communication were altered, and had become as perfect as may be. (Loud Applause.) If it were in his power to bring a railway into this county, he should confer a greater boon upon it than Mr. Evans could ever do as a mere Parliamentary representative. And notwithstanding the observation they had heard, he still hoped to witness the completion of a railway through this county. (Applause.) His friend was elected for his native town on the liberal interests, and so firmly did he adhere to his promises that on no single occasion was he to be found in the lobby of the House of Commons with -a Tory. Surely if the Tories were even worse than they had been represented, they would in the course of five years introduce some measure worthy of the vote of his opponent. This was not independent thinking, but adhering to party under all circumstances. A more dependent representative could not be found. There was not a single vote recorded in favour of any but Whig measures. (Applause.) The extreme opinions of Mr. Evans had cost him his popularity in the town of his nativity, and his seat in Parliament. (Hear, hear.) Why should he come here from Haverfordwest without waiting the first opportunity of contesting with his successful oppo- nent ? Why should he come here to represent any family interest ? He was certain that if it were not for the Gogerddan interest his friend would not have ap- peared on the hustings. If rf presentation meant anything, it was that constituents should exercise their own free choice in ac< ordance with their opinions. If either of the Pryse's had come forward there would have been no contest, or at least nothing would have induced him to oppose either of them. But he protested against the political power assumed bv two families. Mr Evans might be satisfied that he was only a warming-pan for young l'ryse. He had fallen into the net. (Applause ) The gentlemen who recommended him did not merit the allusion made by Mr. Evans. They were all connected with the county, and were worthy of the highest esteem. What is a Tory and what is a Whig ? Whigs ate a class of men who, when out of power, did all they could to agitate on every question, and promise many wonderful things. But where was their performance, where their leg slation ? What had the present ministry done ? Look at the Crimea. Great God! forty thousand of our brave men out of fifty thousand had perished not by the sworu of the enemy, but from starvation, for want of food and clothing and even for the want of arms to defend themselves from their foes. If it were not for the nation England once conquered our decimated troops would long ere this have been driven into the sea by half civilised Cossack soldiers, and all through culpable negligence and gross ignorance. (Lnud applause.) He did think that the question of Free Trad; would not have been introduced on tile present occasion by one so astute as his friend. As an abstract question he would not discuss it, but there was no doubt that the anticipations of the Protectionists were realised at the present moment in the high prices given for corn, which on an avenue had been double the amount it realised before the abrogation of the restrictive duty. (Hear, hear.) He believed that the re-imposition of the law was impossi- ble. With ragard to the shipping, he stated that, as a result of the new law, the British navy was almost paralysed (Hear.) As to himself, he was neither Whig nor Tory, as the words were used on that hustiugs. Was he a Conserva- tive? The meaning of the word was simply to preserve; and he could assure them that whatever in our laws, consti- tution, habits, mode of living, which recommended them- selves to his reason, he would carefully preserve. (Applause.) He would not go behind any minister, but on all occasions he would venture to think and act on his own responsibility. If the Whigs, or any other party, brought forward any good measure it should meet with his support, and if the Tories or Conservatives introduced any bad mea- sures, he was prepared to oppose them. (Applause.) He would vo!e for the removal of church rates, but until the abolition of the law he would not be a party to its violation, as ,11 property ws taken subject to the impost He then explained « hat he had recently done in a church rate con- test in the neighbourhood where he resides. The clergymau asked him to bring his tenants to support a small rate, which he refused to do, and recommended that a meeting of the parishioners be called. The suggestion was adopted, and he attended for the purpose of discussing th, merits of the question, and it was unanimously agreed that at an adjourned me ting they should have a fair stand up fight. He then had an interview with his tenants, and explained to them that according to the terms on which they held the fir in they were liable to a rate, and as honest men they should pay it. Sixty of his tenants, at- tending the meeting, preferred to vote, but a poll was not demanded. (Hear.) With many it was a matter of con- science not to pay such rates, and he respected their scruples. If they elected him their representative, he would under- take, if no other person would, to bring the question before the legislature. (Applause.) With regard to the ballot, he did not object to it, but he thought it deprived every honest man of the noblest privilege of his nature-that of asserting his independence in giving his vote in the face of day, and without any intimidation. (Applause.) By the ballot. too, the honest man was placed in the same position as the dishonest and cowardly. Church- men and Dissenters were alike respected by him and if any disabilities of the dissenter were pointed out to him he would endeavour to get them removed. But he was not aware that any existed. On his own property there was a place of worship connected with every denomination and all the pecuniary advantages lie derived was a nominal rent in acknowledgment of his right. (Hear.) With respect to Ny Grandmother's Gazette, he did read it because he con- sidered it more truthful and consistent, but perhaps not so talented as the great Leviathan paper read by his friend. But he was afraid that he was not proof ag'tÍn,t its tergiver- Rations. If they returned "hitn to Parliament he would act irrespective of parties or men. He would be at least an honest and sincere representative. (Applause). The show of hands was in favour of Mr. Davies, and a poll was demanded for Mr. Evans, which will commence this morning at eight o'clock.

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Family Notices