Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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NEW tSSUE. <- ( ?—' TKIS PROSPECTUS HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE REGISTRAR OF JOINT STOCK OOMP ANIES, No part of the proceeds of thus ieeue M to be applied for Capita purposes outside the United Kingdom or to replace money w hich has been 90 applied. Application is being made to the Committee of the Stock Exchange for DPO" permiasion to doaj in these shares afmr all otment. The Subscription List will close on or before 10th May, 1919. LEVER BROHJERS DMm PORT SUNLIGHT,"CHESHIRE. (Incorporated under the Companies Acte, 1862 to 1890.) leaned and Authored. CAP ITAL. FuUyPaid. & 4,00.0,000 in 400,000 5% Cumulative nrct Preference Shares of tlO each 4,000,000 6,000,000 in 6,000,000 6% Cumulative A Preference Shares of &1 each 5,750,000 10,000,000 in 10,000,000 Cumulative B Preference Shares of Sl each (entitled to dividend at a rate to be fixed at the time of issue. 2,000,000 have been issued at Gi %) 2,000,000 lO.OOO.OOO in 10,000,000 Cumulative C Preference Shares of Sl each. (entitled to dividend at a ratp to be nxed at the time of issue) 10,000,000 in 10,000,000 15% Cumulative Preferred Ordinary Shares of bleach 2,313,014 10 000,000 in 10,000,000 20% Cumulative Preferred Ordinary Sahres of Zl each .I. 750,<)M 5,'0"0'0,000 in 20,000,000 S% Cumulative A Preferred Ordinary Shares of 5s. each 417,378 5 0 5,000,000 in 500,000 Ordinary Shares of C10 each 2,000,000 60,000,000 17.230,392 5 0 The respective shares TMik for priority aa reeparde both Capital and Dividend in the order of the Authorized Capital act out Above. A member Is entitled to one vote for every share of .E10, one veto for every 10 etMH-<s I of JE1 a.nd one vote for every 40 sha-res of 5e. CO-PABTXEBSHIP CERTIFICATES After payment of aJl Preference and Preferred Ordinary div!Aendeand 5 per oent. on the Ordinary shares in -respect of any yea.r further amounts ava,ilable for distribution ambject to the terms of a Co-Pa.rtcerehip Truat Deed riitde in 1909 and Suppl<mMMit<.l Deede thereto under whMh employees of the Company and its AMociated Complies 'mxrticipate on Oo-Paftnerahip Certinca-tee held. The tenns of the Deeda do not effect the righte of the Preference a.od Preferred Ordinary ebai,eholdem. tSSUE OF Cumulative B PreferMce Shades of £1 each at par, payabte as to! tows:— le. per Share on application. 19s. per Sha-re on 26th June, 1919. The B ProfeMnoo Shares now offered for subscription will rank pari paesu wiMi the B Shares already iesued, and the Dividend thereon will accrue aa from the 1st July, 1919. Applications from shareholder6 will receive epecial consideration. DtRECTORS. THE BIGHT HON. LORD LEVEBHULME THE HON. WILLIAM HULMB LEVER (Acting Chairman). JOHN GRAY (Vice Chairman). JAMES LEVER FERGUSON. CHARLES EDMUND TATLOW. EDMUND VANNUTELLI SALAMAN. GILBERT WHEATON FOX. CLARENCE CHARLES ENOWLES. MAJOR GENERAL S. S. LONG, C.B JOHN LOUDON BUCHANAN. L'U.I HAROLD ROBERT GREENHALGH. JOHN INGLIS. JOHN McDOWELL. JAMES LOMAX SIMPSON. WILLIAM KEAY FINDLAY. HARRY GOODWIN HART. BANKERS. LONDON COUNTY, WESTMINSTER &. PARR'S BANK, LIMITED, 41, Lctb- E.C.2, and Branches. burv London, A LIVERPOOL DISTRICT BANKING COMPANY, LIMITED, MANCHESTER Liverpool, Manchester, London and Branches. BARCLAYS BANK, LIMITED, 54, Lombard BROKER'S!. -? ?. R. NIVISON& CO., Bank Building. Prinoos' Strèèt.Londo:D',E.C.2,' FOSTER A BRAITHW ATE. 27, Austin Friars, London, E.C.2. R. J. TILNEY A CO.. 14, Castle Street, Liverpool. LAWSON&ORMROD, 4, Norfolk Street, Manchester. SOUCtTORS. SIMPSON, NORTH, HARLEY & CO.. 1, Water Street, Liverpool. AUD!TORS. fOOPER BROTHERS & CO., 14, George Street, Mansion HoiMe, London, E.C.4. SECRETARY & REGISTERED OFFICE. L. V. FILDES. PORT SUNLIGHT, CHESHIRE. PROSPECTUS. The preaent Comp&ny, of Lever Bpothere Limited wae formed in 1894 with a Capital of .El,aM,OM to acquire the bueinem of Soap &nd Glycerine Manufaoturere oaj-ried on at Port Sunlight and elsewhere prior to the 17tb Ma.y 14% by the arm of Lever Brothere and &ubeequentfy by T-*ver Bmt-heris Limited (i", tn 1890) the Vendore to the oreeent Company. The Company hoe from time <'o tita< by vaj-ioua reeolutiona duly paeaed and confirmed increaa&d ite Authoru:ed Ca.pitaJ to 2M,DW,000 of which t-here ha< been itaued 917,230,= 5e. in the various class" of shares now existing &cd eet out ab<nre. In addition to ite buaineee at Port Sunlight the Oompa-ny hoMa intereets in over 90 Associated Companies with numerous Branches or SeHing,-A.genoles.through-out the World. The Worke and Plant other than those in the War a.rea are in emoient work- in? order and repa.rr. Full provisioTi has been ma4e for D.epre.cia-tion,. The following ncuree ahowing the growth of the bueinees have been extracted from the Company's Belanee Sbeete aa certined by its Auditors, Messrs. Cooper Brothers ? and Co.:— Divddende to Rate Shareholdere of Padd up a.nd Ordina<ry Capital. Oo.Pa,rtoeM. D'ividend. £, £, YeM ending 31<t Dee. 1913 11,715.424 1,5 pw oent. 1914 13.247.59S 9M,7i3 ? 191S 14.001.8M &< 1, 10 1916 14.0!H.&18 6s. li4il" 10 M 1917 16,202,799 l,a3S., ? <! K „ 1916 17.065.34010s. 1,7,634 Llit „ The amount required to pay the annual Dividends on aN Hie ieeued nrst, A and B Preference. 8ha.res (including the present iNsue) M R-805,000. The Company hae guaranteed t<he due payment of the annual interest amounting to £48,500 oA outetacding debentmres and debenture stock by oertaiB of the Aeeoci- ated Companies. The present Issue ie made to provide further Working Ca-pitaJ in connection witli the oompany's business. Arrangemente ha,Ye been made wMi MeseM. R. Nivison and Co. and MessM. Foeter and Braithwaite to underwrite the whole of the shares now onered for aub- BeripHon in consideration of a comirission of 2t percent. Itt compltanoe with the requiremente o< SectkHi 81 of the Companies (Consolidation) Act 1906 the DirectoTW state 2,000,000 eh<fee a* the minimum su!)eoription upon which they will proceed to allotment. t!he Company will pw-y a brokerage of M. per share upon aU s, hares allotted on apptioatioM bwing a BrQker'& st&mp. It ia intended to apply for a epecial settlement. in and om- ct. &, l of the ah)<M'« on the London Stock Exch&nge and &leo at Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Brietol. Leeds. Glasgow/Dublin and Belfast. The following lurtheT information is given pursuant to Section 81 of .t.o. e O-om- .ft;" (Consolidation) Act 1906:— „ In August 1917. 1,000,000 D" (now B) Preference Sharea bearing dividend at ? Mr? were oBered at t?e price of 20e. per chare for eubsonption ty exietme Sh&re. ?dS t '?d?hewhole t&epeof allotted en ?t August 1917 In November 1918 UWO.OOO B Preference Shares bearing dividend at ?P?roent. wereotfered at the price of 20a. per share for pubhc tfubecription and the whole there- ot aHott.ed on 4th Deember 1918. ? ? TS?? ab?ve ?har?a? been fully paid. and amoncst other <?peMM connected with?e?nea underwriting oommi?on of ? pw cent. on the nominal amount of the issues was paid. ??The ??w? ?haree were iasned within the laet two yea.M M fully padd otbe,rwi" than in cash:- ?On ? ?ember ?917. 60,000 1& per cent. Preferred Ordinary 6hM<. of ?1 each were allotted in consideration of the eale and tranefer to Lever. Brothers Limited or?te nominee of Ordinary Sha?M in John Walkden and Oo_Limited undetM aereement in writing dated 30th June 1917 between Arthur Walkden and qthera of the arst pa?rt. John W&lMen amd Co. Limited of the aecond p?rt, and LeYer ?pothere Limited of the third p<Mt. On Nth July 1918, 62.810 16 per cent. Preferred Ordinary Sha-ree of At each ?were allotted in coneidera-tion of the sale and transfer toLever BrotheM Limited or ita < nominees of Ordinary ShareB in The Dithurst Trading Company Limited under an agreement in writin? dated 24th June 1916. between the shareholders of The Bathurst Tradint! Company Limited of the nrst pa.rt. The Bathurnt Trading Oonf. paBy Umited of the second part. a,nd Lever Brotherc Limited of tb* thi"d part. TM datee and nttmee of the partiee to the followin? contracte wnich been entered into within the pact two years a-M here set forth M being probably within the purview of Section 81 (k) of the Oomp&niee (Ooneonda,tion) Act. 1908:—  —30th June 1917. Arthur Walkden and others of the nrat part, John WaJLkden and Co Limited of the e?oond part and Lever Brothere Limited of the third part. —<' 2thJuly 1917 Lever Brothere Limited of the Orst part, A?ooiatcd Enterprieee Limited of the append part. Brunner Mond and Co. Limited of the third part. Joseph OroeSeId and. CJou. ly 1917p. art, of the fourth part and WiHiam GoaMgre and Spne Limited of the and Sons Limited fLfth pa.rt. aMh Julv 1917. Jc?eph Y?atson of the nrst p?rt. JoMph Wateon acd Sons Ljmitoedofthe second part. Associated EnterpriMS Limited of thethiM part a.n? Lever Brothere Limited of the fourth urt. -S? July 1917. Lever Brothera im '.?d of .the <Mie p'rt and B. Nivieon -nd (o. <t? F?oeter and Braithwaiteofthe ?"r rtTf. —Ktt December 1917. Arthur Erie and cthere of the one part ajid Lever Brothera Limited cf the other part. -Met December ?9)7. Barles and King Limited and Lever Brothera Limited. -24th Jnue 1918. The shareholder? of the Ba.thurst Trading: Co. Limited of the Hrst T)a.rt, The Bathu.rst Trad'n?0o. Limited of the eeoond part and Lever Brother Limit &d of the third part. —? ?P? ?? Ley?rBrothera Limited and AMOci:ted EnterpriMs Limited. -2nd ? ?"? B?.thcrs Lim!t.ed and the Old Colon v Trust Co. of Boston. Maa; th pc?t.??JT?? 8. S?nitae Co. Limited and Lever Brothers Limited, l?th ,??. Lever. BroMiers Limited of the one )veTnb?'? part .and B. yivi&on f?d Co. and Foetcr s"? B-itbwaite of the other part.. ?th April 1919. Lever Brcthero Limited ?f the ?"? P?t and R. KTiviaoTi and Co. and Poster I Md BraithwEntc of the other part. A Copy of t-he Memj&ro.ndum and Artidea of Aeeociation of the Company, the Balance Sheets 191X to 191B and the OTiginale or oopiee of the Contracts referred to m'ay be teen at the RegUtered OfBee of the Company by intending appIicantK for aharee between the houre of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. during the days the SubsorTption Liet ie open. The Company ha<e dunns the pact two yeare entered into numeroTM Oootracta in the ordinary course of its bufinesR. Applica-tione for the eharea "iuet be made on the prescribed fonn MM !Oonr:J.itd to the Comp-Miy'e Bankera with the deposit of le. per chare. WTiere the numoer of ))hares allotted M lesa than that o')!i€d for the bala-noe of the depoeit will be repaid to the applicant. Failure to pay the nnal instalment, due 26t.h June 1919 will render the amount pirevioualy paid liable to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. Share <pMtiOcatea will be ready for exchange for Bankera' receipt on let July Mit. < NEW tSSUE. ProOiwtuses and forms of application can be obtained trom the Bojikera <Mid Brokers and at the Registered Omce of the Company. DfLted lat May 1919. No. PORM. OF APPLICATION. LEVER BROTHERS UMiTED. t«ue of 2,000,000 61% Cumutative B Preference Shares of H each at 20s. per share. To the MrectoiB of LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. t Gentlemen, Having to the Bankers of the Company .E beine & deposit of One Shilling Per Shara on a.pplica.tion for.eharee of the obore iesue, I/we request yOTi to aj!ot the eajme to me/us upon the terms of the Prospectua da,ted Ist May. 1919, and Memorandum and Article of A&socia.tion ef the Company. a,nd I/we agree to aooept the same or any emaUer number that may be aJIottied to me/ua nnd reaueet yon to place my/pur name(s) on the Hegieter of Members for the ab&rea co &Uctted. I/We hereby declare that this application is not made by or for the benefit of a,ny enemy eubject within the meaning of the Trading w..ïth the Enemy (Amendment) Act, 1916. Usual Signature Name in fuU .—.—"——— (Giving title (if aay) or sta-ting whether Mr., Mre. or Miee) PLEASE WRtTE Addrese in fuU DtSTtMCTLY. Deacription or Occupation D&te May. 1919. The Bankere of the Company will not acknowledge receipt of the deposits upon application for shares, but LetteM cf allotment or Regret will be poeted in due course. This Form when duly ailed up should be aent with the neceeea-ry remittanoe to any of the following Bankers of the Company:— London County. Weetminatef and Rorr's Bank Limited, 41 Lothbury. London. B.C. 2, and Ma.neh<'eter and Liverpool District BankiBg Compacy Limited, Liverpool. Mtnchewter. and to< Ba.rcia,y's Bank Limtted, M Lombard Street. London. E.C. and Branchee. ? Ohecuee should be made paya.?le to BEARER and crossed -? ?v?O'nABLE,, L "Was in Such Pain hardiy knew how to bear it." ABSCESSES apder both arms "Comptetety Cured." Our portrait ie of Mra 0 Lee<i€, of 1 Boghead Cottage. Nirfield Moor, Yorkshire. who writee:—"iwM suffer- ine with abaccsaes under both my a,rnM), h&vine several oae &fter the oUier. a.od wM in ElUoh pa.ii! that 1 ha.ulv Knew how to bear* it. I had one of t,he a.bec«Mea la.ij(!ed hv a doctor, bnt did ?!0t derive much beneQt a< the a-baoeaoea kept oonuTHf aemiB. Thee a. friend of ipin? who wae completely ir in 4t by BhBujn&timn by 'Olarke's Btood Mixture.' re. ooniBiended me to take it. to I decided to try & bottle. and the relief it gave me wM re&Uy wonderful. H&vinc Onished it. I pot oiM of your 11s. oa-6€9 which. 1 am mope than glad to e&y. completely cured me. It i<! now some 18 I iz:; sine" I took yonr 'Cla.rke's Blood Mixture. I Rhah always recommend it to my friends, as I think it a. froat medicine." Sufferers from Bad t ega, Abscesses, U!ceM, Otandutar 5we!!in?, Pite?, Sc UT? iererS Eczema, Boita, Pimp!es, ?ores, ErHpt!ons, Rheumatism, Gout, o? kindred compla.icts, shoutd reaJiee that lotions, ointments, &c., can but give temporary relief—to be sure of a cure, complete and lasting, the blood must be thoroughly cleansed of the impure wa.ate matter, the true cauee of aH such troubles. Cl-arke's jJlQOd Mixture quickly attacks, overcomes and expels the impurities, that is why so many remarkable cures stand to its credit. Pleasant to take, aad free from injurious ingredients. Ask for and see that you get Clarke's Btood Mature "EveFybody'B Blood Pun!f!af." Or all CAewtsta and Stores, :/9 per bottle. (Six times the quantity, 1.1/-) Weak, Wasted Chitdren Grateful Mothers tell of Little Sufferers' Remarkable Cures by Dr. CasseM's Tablets. ,?S)B? tnfantHe Paratysis. ??S?M?. Mrs Peere. 14. May- .?MR?? ? ? lane KinR's Heath. .??N??'???SSf. Birmingham. sa-ye :— ?S???'?? ? ? ??-? ? ??s ?o ?????S?S???::? ?:?;<??? ba.d that his hands ?'??S? ?? kn?s were all ????N?' drawn up to hM body. ???gS ? ?,. I tried everything. ??S??s? but a,ll Bo Bood. Then '-??'?S?;? I tried Dr. Ca.MeU's "?:. ? Tablets. &nd h<. KeDt hi<! food .down. eoon gained Cesh rapidly. his food,, is in aplendid he&Jth." ?)M? Chron!c Diarrhma. ????)? Mra. Litchneld. 12. ?????? AMcrsyde-street Har- ?M?????? pa..My. tAnchcst?r. saV3 My Hnle virl ?????? feU into a decline, and began too wMte ? ?Mt!? away. The diarrhoea ????????????? ?? something dread- ful: it hardly ceased.. It WM thought she would die. I then tried Dr. CaaseU'6 Tablets, the diarrhoea got lees and it was astonjshinc how ouicMy she <rot weU." I Para!ysis Through Shock. Mra Robinaoa. 15. Leigh-Street. Freder- ick-road, PeBdIeton. March ester, says:— My little boy WM paralysed in body and timba through aboc a He could not- move his &mi&. could y not eat or'sleep, and was helpless. Bf. Oaa sell'a Tabtete very ouickty made hint & <Mf. ferent hoy. and now he is as Etrone as n I youn? lion. After <nf!uenza. Mrs Russell. 8. Far- ringford-road. West Ram-lane. London, saya:—" My son after inftuenza. was alwaya ailing and lost flesh rapidly he had rheu. ntatiem and his heart was affected. He went into hospital: when he came home no wao soon as m ae ever u not worpe. ( Then we tfied Dr. Oa.sseU's Tablete. ajid they helped him from the Srsft. He crew t strong, and ie now better than ever before." { Write for fult pa.rticula.r9 of an;r of the above casee. !Drëašsë.ïl's Tablets Dr. CaMeWs Tablets are the recognised home Remedy for Nervous Breakdown Sleeplessness Wasting Diseases Nerve Paralysis Anaemia Palpitation tnfant'teParatysis Kidney Troubte Vita) Exhaustion Neurasthenia Indigestion Nervous Debility Speciatty vatuabte for Nursing Mothers and during the Critical Periods of Life. 80111 by ttt Chemieta and Btores tht"OUfCout the Brittdj Empire. Roipe Pricea: ]a M and 5s. th40 5a size bein<? the more economical. FREE !NFORMAHON as to the suitability of Dr. CasseH's Tablets in youl case aent on. re- quest t)r CMaeH'e Co., Ltd., Chester I Road. Manchester _n- PtANCS. PIANOS. M< Ftrm do!na a H!re BusIness bee" a better reputatten than THOMPSON & SHACKELL. LTD. Sota Agents for Estey Organs and Brinsmead and Broadwood Ptayer Pianos, ? 39, CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA, And at Cardiff, Newport, Merthyr, Pontypridd, HaneHy. Brtdaend, Bargeed, And at Cardiff, Newport, EbbwVa!e,Br!sto!etc..ete. FOR FAIR DEALING. BEST TERMS AND GOOD VALUE. LARGEST STOCK IN WALES TO SEBECT FROM.. SEE THE "HERALD OF WALES." (StX-PAGES) THE Paper for Absent Relatives and Friends.

The Day's Goss!p. 1
