Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

4 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



'Leader' Classified Advertisements. AFARTMSMTS, SJTUATiQttS VACANT OR WANTCIIt TO BB LET, LOSV ANO FOUND. O. Tbre« Si* Ia«ertKU» I nou. lof-artious M W<arA«. 1 a „„ a s 0 & 1 » tmvi i a 4 C 4t < < II < "I." TRASS ANNOUNCEMENTS. 00. Ths" Six lwftiMl. losecuanil Insertions » Wwv4^.„ 1 I i i 6 < 3 4 6 0WaC44L- 2 6 4 ft 6 6 <Mf!TM<t OSATNS) IN nUiMORIAM ANO MARfHAGfi. Oue Tbrea S:.T IasetUoa. InserUoaa. Insertions » Word. 1 f 1 » 6 0 £ Word.&- 2 9 b 0 0 0 46 W«rdc. i a f a 11 0 EDUCATIONAL. 0. Tfcrea Six IascrUoa. tOS4Ch)oa.. Insertion* 91 Word* < —— 4 ft 4 » ii W«nit. t 4 < 0 6 6 41 Word* S < — & ft —. ? ft MONSY.dL per lUl" PSRSOttAL.  vim QUGÜRX CW:3. MerchMt. It- I > keU Sw'4 inne uo oœ<tiOQ *tm t&e said Mrs. ü«y, V.) was witness ill tlw Coranox 'a Court on ilwreolsy, P.P. 1? ?C&S!Xa Hom«\ 51 Tvjdu-*A. C?rdiS- Apcrov?d Xm? h'? Ac?Bm??t?B &)C f??&UM?: o?o??ta?e. iM?p<-a&<\e; t?St?P c? ??t?. T«gg*% ?JL ? "Umclw Berve ToCM Shop there is S?MSiM h?o-M Oo?. Uncle Bert Md t? Stt? ?.M? you for rour Utp. You are <S?Y?.rB? ? we did oof5. Thai?s'! S«JM«e. ThMttM?!! MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. PUKlST vMt?-AM!<y MM<?r Globe p clams&. CisdacA-an-Taws. '_? _ia W WOMEN ,:H-B I T?JLSTIED. Gi? f<M"M??? CMp B«*i- tt moae: oa? ?i?'< <!x.p<TMJtce ?ferned— i A.? BM ??. I?h B? MarMRtog^^ about Is tn Vv look aicr baby susei t-Apulj Wtn. J. <v.« DGMESHC SERVANTS. T\Y\ TAXTSb. c*M? G?e?.-?pP? with 1 v rd.. to ?,?? MwttMS. 84. Erne &I" ???23 IIN7,i=? Y?afC Girl to Msist in ?-AT)Djy M. Byng-te-ce- SnralvAnrd. Swaoaea. WDAM XU^JrrED. good Day GirL-A?y E.  J 1- Qottt-street. Swaneea.. VV Coaidey, t. Uoak-3treet Swaint^ iF?jLyTS). ?oodGecer?t for the ia iW fajniijr; good wsp* w G8pab 111"1.- J?bea. Box T. L"dp-roffice ?1AS Z8 HOOSKMAID and Day I?andryma'd 11 .?a?.-I?y Supena?deMtT?n. i,am CoilMe. iSwainom  '?'??' C> OOD General wanted: a.Íso Day .Girl Gin fMuiy; Rood wa,gm-40, K"?Sr v&rdl-rocxL. fcwansea. ?1A.?? WANTED for Poatardawe. good General tY with knowledme of "lain c<JOkin: two in famUr: CXJd t??nga.-Bo: G K. brt? Daft Leader. Swansea. C&98 n 'rAid iO: 'at-onœEinc¡Ojc)'nced Chttm ber. 'W m?M ?od PMtryYt?td. ?po Boot$.- Ant<y PMOTtetreat. the Tenbv *270A6-1? yõi:Œa äirJ WtBt???JUgM Hoc? verk B?P (mt. -is. Northampton, -place. MaA?26 CAPABIXE General wanted: oomforteble ? borne: help pTca. country Kjrl ?.Md-ABply Mrs ?Tcnaon. Cv?r.?lctsb (9 40are *Wye Uplands Cinemai. Swaus^i^^ ?aA5-% I W ANTY.D, -atn". c al gervttnt -1 YV good bome.-ÁDolv Mra John Clifton BLnnM. Gower-road. Sket?ty. B267A5-:4 i WAHTTO. Bxpericneed Oook —Apply. by YV letter. Mrs. 0. H. Mills. Callenrroft. Itmnhlea. 267 A5-26 MILLINERY AND TAILORING. HIIiORBSSES.- Wanted. Coat, Vest, arid T'Prouser U?ada &t once.-Apply Ab. aolom Br08DY.Z'il YaTANTED. EXDcricnced Yo?er.I?dy for W L??' and Children's Out6tt'ns-J Klwyn Jame!. King Kdw?d-road. SwauM?. JI AILORS.—Wanted, at once. Coat Hands forb?t work: in or out-dwrs.-Appty Sidney JS*?? ???????_——° MEN AND YOUTHS. '?rxTA?'rEDrW??'?rk?or?!? ?m- '1 pitK? Work6.-Wt-i?. gtaUDg ?se. cs; pbrience. a?d 6a.i?ry reouired N M:' aer office. ^5A5i9 TAÑTED Baker well no in SmaUs Mnd (', Fanciee. to work iu Swan^a.—Apuly Box R 5." leader Office. Swanbea. 2?M5-26 -f SUI'EIM?TENDEX'M and Agents 15 Wanted, full and ovare. to open up bc-uth Waiee, m colitioctioll with the New HouBire Plan; grood salary.-Box "H 2," Loader Office, Swansea. 272A5-o9 MOST Succcs?iui Friendly Society ever ) lJ c?.ta.bUshcd, transa?tinc Life, Endow- roent, and Sickness Businc^. require VV hole, a.nd Part-TUuo Agei)'» all districts; small salary, eommiaeion aurt tunes to spare-time amenta: opportunity for pushful agents, even if inexperienced, to secure l-eally r-ril. iiant future, with abeolute «>curny of tenure bv agreement.—Apply t iiarles L. Payne. Secretary, Provident Co-operative Society. 109. Quecn-strcet. Cardiff- 27^Ai>9 ][-IEQUIRED. Traveller for South Waler, for Rubber Shoe. Mercery, Hosiery. Leather a.nd Grindery Dt'Dartnu-nte; on eaiary and commission. Aaplicante. who must faave jrood sound cojinecfion with Boot I Retailers, should write in confldonce. stat- iiia full particulars, to Lillev and ifkinncr. i,td,. Kiuiz's Cross, London, N.I. ~XX?ANTED, 100 Men accustomed to Sliin- I breaking:, one Electrical Linesman, I 006 Elc 'trician for te?tinc motor from mb- marinp-.—Appfy ciliiubrcakiu? Co. ua"'j KiRE'a Dock ??A5 2.5 i -r A-NTFD, for RepairirK Trade, a stood Vf Denchtn;in; r-ood watces.— Write Box 1L1. Leader Office. Swansea. 270A5-4 Iv ANTED, Man for Wholesale Groo"rv t' f Warehouse.—Walters. Jone3 and Co.. 8tr..Ed._wnea. 267A5-24 .pA INTER a.nt;i"rl-äl}:rïd: con- p"t-Knev for euit?bte pcrMn.-Appiy T. D. Jones- Builder, Swantca. ]:> EL A BL ?(ANW;NNTED Axent; J6 ? J?ib&r?! Terms and Exc^llei.t O?po- t?mity for Improving position: would suit enleriy, man o< active habits with time at his for part-iculal Daily Leader. Bwaneec.. CS-24 *'T^iKELESS."—We have this year sent » t out 50 Stndents to ccxxl permanent berth,s a.n<! h?f S'tn?iont for an- other 5!? Touthe ht1Vn 18 and M vear# "r are If von want one of ti\e^<s terths. write Of call at Wire!e«» Oolietro, St Mary-atreet, Cardiff, or Ca&tle-street Swansea. W ANTED, Bricklayersfor pcrt Talbot: Vt full district rates paid: work under «oveT — Apply BeeFtOTI and Stevenson's Fore. man Yesera Baldwins Limited, !I' .Worts. Marsam. Port T albot, TO OFFICe AND ERRAND BOYS. TViV rANTED. ? for Engineer's ome' w aomp knowiedM of Shorthand and typewriting an advauta?- mn?hesoc? OL? i?,zitres.- V,ri-e. &t&ttn<y a.. to Box C? U. leader Office. 268A,?-27 SITUATIONS WAPITED. | QtTU&TtOMS WANTED CARPiNTER W?t<' EmdoyTnent: ?ae? to heav.v timber rifreme eo?'iBg tower M?frifn?e- ood reference* —Apply H 1." Leader CMRee. SwRPM?' Î2AS.26 «!■ ,'I.H FURNITURE. IHOR gALE,-1t poo<l K'trhihn Drewser: also other useful Household Fwrnitnre; to be eóld cheap.—M M?bony 1. Bridgo,-t.-rvt :7ZAb.29 FURN l.:rüR.E:='B-pfjels  givtn by we Ffor Seeowd-hand ?nrotturo and Antiane Yvirnitur-a of any description Drop me a poetcard, or call — Wm. Jatnes. 8, ttreet, S, Thomas. CTO HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR j &ALE AND TO LET. | TTOR SALE, Ho^KiC', with immediate vo&- j X »e«eioa( .£.9(}¡ ill srood Ic-cality.Yor par- !n<!ma?at;aIyH,IselsOB-atret;t. 37?A5?j HOUi-JG Jet At 426 Per annum can b? JH c?a?ed with the Kent, oa easy terms, j &i.y d??riet — Write Owuer. Da?.v Lc?dM. ow<M?M? 212.A.6-iJ' WANTED. Furnished Hotise (3 ??rooms" I ? July Uth—AHKu?? 8tb, or aU July; ¡ LsiiffUiid or hiuvabim-42. Claude-road, Car. dift. Z71A5-24 \J A CANT PoeeeAeion. For Sale. 5-rooincd j' V HouM on fflain road, Morrieton; back entrance: long ga(den.- Write U IS," Dailv t Leader. 270A6-26 J^OK SALS, HOMe PcrcbMe C('rtificat. JL v..400¡ .en paid: Rood bargain. ?''?T?' ?'?_L?der Orv Uancily. C5-23 J*C)3 SALE? by Pnvate Treaty. IJMsèllOU FHotis4E?. No. ?l, Jersey-road Bonyma^n. -Apply on Premises. 270A5-2.7 "I70& SALE. Y?sifuMa Detached BMidenM. .Itween swan"& and Neath; OlOè to Station: nine rooms. bat&. g&rdcn. l wn earace: water and cas: vacant, possession: IflaRe 54 years; rround rent f3: price £ 1,400 —iistley Samuel. Auctioneer. STvanaca,jC5-27 fOR SALE, Two Dw?IUng-hcuses. a:M) FRotwo and Shop 16, 17, 18. Landeg- street, Landore; convenient for works: lease 54 yeaw.—Apply 5 Brynhyfryd-street. ■ ;SOUTH Waleo Honaing Plan goheine C) enables you to become landlord instead cf tenant at eqnivalent of rent; special facilities ottered persona email capital; tftDM to suit all.-Write Ho'.reing Scheme, Ijeader Office. rIA14 AlI ¥AN tORD.-A pair of Hqgsea for Sale- bath-roome, complete.— Write G ]>»ader Office.. 268A5-S5 nwu U)«GE& YOU gAr RENT the More i Money yoa WaeM. Applj to-day for i "Personal Ownerthip." which will be eent pttft free to Appiic&nta tuenf ir iiinE Daily LeAder."—Address: The Managers, The Pre- j vttieut Asdociatloa of London, Ltd.. 246, Mehopt?ate. London. E.C.1- ?-? ONE ?m' Sold e5o.CM worth of.iŸ ?7 this year thr01tb Sma? Ad vi a. X J words for 3 insertions 2111- 5d in the Cam- brii Daily Leader ? /?: WEEKLY will Purchase £5Î!-H;; 1/ D any aietfict: poeseMion by arrange, Iead,!r. SwanseeL. TC MesC". J. Blewitt Jenkins and Sons' Announcements. i TU TPIiiNDS.-Fi'eehold Residence and Occu. <J pring Prominent Corner Position, 1 with arly pion; ? Re<?ption Rooms, 6 tM'dro<HH<? etc. itv> tBaR 8WAX3EA.—Det?ch<'d Leae&hoio N &KÎdenoo. well eitu?fd in oonTcniej? ;oeajU<T for Sale with Early Poa?Msi-on: I I Ac-; Every Oonvenieyiee. Leaset i cad tUTYxbnCM't-T?RRACE.—??cm LMM)eh?M VI House for Ralo with PoMeaeion XW- iguaigier. Ji>"Jf L U MBLfeS.—For i??le, SUb5taDtiaJ Pme- ?JL hold Hotwe, conrepi?tt for B&Yb. Trwte*. -te.- with early ion. Si LET^-Kixcellent Roc-idence with Ample Accommodaticn in Ideal Situa- tion for Boarding Bouse, Private Hotel, etc. WANTBD.—To Pnrcba?e Fr?hotd Pre- mises in Central Poflition; High-etreet. Otford-?rMt. -&c. ]7»{)li SA1Æ.-nou in Bryn-mad, Gwttir.¡1 eresnt. M.?iVf'rn-t?rra?e. V n a- ?cet. Oxford street, etc. For farther particulars as to above apply ¡ to Messrs J. Blewitt Jenkins and Sonfl, Es- tate A Bents. Surveyors, etc., 4. Collesre- street. tNcweaea. V0- APARTMENTS AND LODGINGS TO LET AND WANTED. "^AitRiED CouPlelno ctnidr?n) reouire 2 I JM Furnished Itt>o- without attendance: ?tv ? BTynmiM diatr?.- W nt«. Bo -U Ú." Leader ??oe. Zn.\ó-Z6 ^VkNTLESiAN r?atui?f Bed and Sit.tiJH.. G room. with AtteudMce. in Sw?M?; HrynYDlor-road or K? jMw&rd-ro? pre; fMred or must b? within e.My d'6KU)ee from town taust k)lo within eav?illa'Ig, Ab?%6 frota "n cc- i3tre.-A'DPI,r kA410 Oter- I philb'z# — ?XT?NTTED by Ycane Lady Clerk Aparu W/mMte: with Part Attend??: ?rm?. mento share ettttHK-foom with an- other' convenient to lleth-street Siation 6tat terms to? Clerk.?thta oace. WA5-26 i Ta7 A WEEK.-WMt?d. for & 8insm i t 07-W&i1t'8i(t Hi?i?nt). no cwkinK. with ''BspMtnMc people: Cttr'n?rtb?n road district or HafM- —" L C. DailyjL?&der. 6wa.!<<paL_ M7A5;S4 BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. e Cali Herb Business for IjT Sale at once owins to death: good livins trade, held lasi four years, with ten- ancy of small house and shop. iOs. weekly rental, in main street, near General Market in Brideend; a chance of a lifetime: C30 j or t eareat oSer Accepted ? or won Id exchMife with another herbalist. Addrew: Mr. Wil. son c/o Mrs. T. Edwardg (Butcher), Nolton- Btreet. Briil trend. 27&AS-26 PARTNERSHIP. ^TLEMXn"with Car.itai wanted to wi- \jr workinp largo woods pitwoOd. etc. (i 12." Cambria Daily I^eadai*, C6-28 MONEY. i £ 38 'MADE for ??or full Dart, 1, ?00 as 'o how ?m?U «»'pu»U of .awnw may be orofltauly epaploVtHl to cive I a profits apply to Graham Marsh and Com- I pany. 240. Hitth Holborn London.  LAW. !2.'London-ro&.d. ?Mth. MahM E. Cash Advances trom'&S and upw?rd? Strictly private. Established 1676. TC IF you require a Lo&p. apply to (?eorKO J? Thomas. Manager. Ch i?t Ireet (oono. site t Mary's Church). Sw?nM?. Private an ^confidential. _i?- TT/ifONEY to Lend to Respectable Hou6<?. rholderr, Priva.M and C<)nGdentt&)-  Ivor D Th -LE Waterlw4 -treet. Swansea ¡ Large or Small Afcounts may be Opened with th., C.OUTHERN QUIT ABLE A DVANCE j 00. (LIMITED), EXOTIANGE-CHAM BERS (Qne¡tIMtret n(1). 1 EDWARD-TBRRACrt CARDIP* Just a Fev* FgLots Whv We ar,. the Leartin^ l Financial Finn: Fact I ._Ut)"n the time taken for Re-payment in coniunctlon wilh j our No Fee and No Fining System. Our ftatels are the lioweet (Not- a Money Society.) TfJ1. 2399. Estb. 1830. Branch Office: 11, Charles-st,. Newport Mon. T\fO»:EY LENT PRIV ATELY. Secnrj is JjJL our Speciality, A Money-Lending Firm. apprcved and recommended by tiie Press. ) 'rtiat is the unique, proud, and happy posi- t tion of the BritMh FinainM Co Intereft and re-oaTmcct the Lowest in England. tia Loan. 106 monthly: C.50 Loan. 400- montblv- j £100 Ijoan f,4 monthly. Z200 Loan. R-1 loll month!v: £ 590 Ijoan. £ 17 10p. monthly EI,000 Loan, £55 monthly. Lareer amounts, lower rates Quarter)? and rearIT paments 1 ratlr%. No bills of eale. suretiee. or dama- intr rnnniries. Absolute orivarv euaranteed —The British Finance Co, 20. Bridge-Street, Bristol. Telephone: 1675. _— -ø ø .¿,- MISCELLANEOUS. HOW to Win Weekly," an interesting JLL little Book clearly explaining how to I' obtain a Regular Income from Racinpr. Price 3d.—1, New Oiford-etreet. London. J W.C) 1. Sportinit Chat. TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. T-lLL-MA Y- IS OUT. Keep Ko?trolir? JL ?s?aISpedno handy. TheoreTa?ence of liÐad Colds. Nual Catarrh, Intiuccz?. and Sifre Throat makes this remedy i1. valuable in every home for Prevention Mjd Cure. Never be without it Of !fadin? Chemists everywhere 3 (by 005t !;a. &otd by E Bevan, e1on- fttreet: u. T. David Mansei-etreet; ii. C Davica St. Helen's-road; J T. Davits, Ltd (all branches); H. L. Havard. Lrynymor- road Ü. H Kent 45 St. Helen's-road; E. J. Kiei't. Robert-street. Manselum; A o 'thews, Oxford-street; B. Needham. Keath- road: Otfdene, Cash Chcmieti, Lid HiKh- street; J. and D. Rees. Fabian-street, St. Thomas and Port Tennant: E. T. Rich, Hiun street; E. W. Richards. Collese-etreet; E. Thomas. High-street; Wright and Son. Walter-road, SWANSEA: W. T. Thomas. Gorseinon; M. L. Bevan, 99. Woodftelcl- street: W. ISaac. 66 Woodneld-strpet. MOR- Rj?TON and all Cbeiniste In Neath, 'IGAR,LTTES.-Virciiiia, in Packets of It > and 30: well-known lines to suit the track, ocet free 39s. per 1.000. Also Hand- made" mdnia. in packets of 10. 20, a.nd 25. 52s 6d. per 1.000. Cath witu irder. Moni-y returned if not satisfied Send at once, large stocks and immediate delivery to Lionel Aarons 66. Pinsburv Pavement, E.C. i. 272A5-29 SNIPPER and Goldman. Swansea's Smart- est Tailors, 16. Northampton-place. All Suita completed in Six Days Before order- ing that Whitsun 8uit rou should see otir extensive range of exclusive materials. [Vt. Style. and Vorkmanshii) our Speciality. T-?bPS' Ice Cream Powder. Waferp. C? J? nct?.—Jones and Co.. D.C.L., Alexan- dra-road. Swansea. 271A5-2S SPORTS Coats and Junipers. in the newes ] tj styles and leadina: combination of con- ( trant coionrs at John Richards. 2, Cradock- street. Swansea. 272A5-29 I DAINTY Sboes for the Children sbowii- at the new &.6 Shou Store. Goat- street. Have a look at thfem 271A6-27 /1- WEEKLY will Purchase Hiflrb-Claes ¡ 5// Tailor-made Ladies R!:d Gent's Suit- ¡ best workmanship -TAndon Clothins MDnuftur!n¡; Co.. B?y?tt-eet, Reginald- street '1 bomu. ? ?. 268.4 5-26 E'- ASynl)iyinelJts-ch:e.i'-)-ifeš¡;ect3hl, I E Houholder5. 8?cd coward; agent wÜI call—London Clothina Manufacturing I Co.. Bay-street. Reginald-street, tt. Thomas. 268A5-25 T ~p7WaltonrXRsTMA^ljti«5al Chemist ? and ampler Consultina MetaMufg!st, E?t??rt in Electrical Smettinz'-lCS. Yickria. road. Aberavcn.?A? _? "J-.1{ ëiFfB tR'r-S Full Cream. Walnut and U Almond ToKecft are now on Sale at his O-?ford-strppt ShOD. Pre-war onality The First and the Best. 264A5-M Ttt'E'W"Stock# of Encr>cr«ment Rings inst a>. ? riv?d: lale6t dMilIs. low pricea.—BuL lock Rro?.. portland?treet. S?'a?ea. LADIES. Bead Neck!ets afd Ropes are JU faahio?able: C(\ lour to ?nt aU drapes at. Bullœk Bros., Portland-street., Hwaoae?. MEN. we cf-n w!] you a LeTer Watch, jM- pocket isiae Nickel or Black caec, for 20114.-Bull,Dek Bros. Portland-street. Swan. sea. HAVE von an* Waht" to Advertise? IJL Trv the effect of a I/eader Prepaid Twenty wercis one shilling 'h I SUN BLINDS fsprine rollers). Hook-up I 0 Blinds TentA. Awninsfs, Flags. Tar. t)atllin. Cart Covers, anj loir) Cloths — Morsran and BicharrHson flilniled). Martu- faoturers, 20. W6ttj&nby-street (opposite C;vsti(i ("ock Tower), Cardiff. I \;0&-1. m'HMKTS Eteetr?cat Engitifer, I wiilbes to inform his old C?Momers scd I the Public Mner&Hy that bis Chief Clmtri. cal Engineer, who ioined H M Forces, his returned to bis employ. The Electrical De- partment being now thoroughly eouipped with an Efficient Staff of Electrical giilin- cert4 Electrical Work of every description can now he carried out- Heating ana Power Installations mt Spetiality. four etiuuiries solicited. 225 Oxford-etreet Swan, sea Mills, English, and Co., Ltd., Swansea, Specialities. OERVaNT «iONG?-We have Vacuum Car- O pet Sweeper* in Stock. Leaking?-Ask fot our "Militet." the quick cure. PARLOOR FIRE.—The Princ?M (lr&N at- P tachment will ea?e vou usinx bricks for fuel economy. (T IAg.-If you use it do not forget the %ioli- X ply h reduced. A small " I)over" will burn rtilibi-iii. arm cook ami boil for 141 persons. Wo do it. Call and 6ee. U^^GLy^flreplaee^ cause discontent.—Call U and aee our Artistic Mantelvieces. Malkin Panels and Roglib t'ire Grates. TJL lfRN your Kitchen inW ft Breakfast- room by adopting the Twin interior. which hae hot ixiter parlour tire aDd -in- APC- I oven comnlncd- MUS tCAL ?)N8 T MUM'CMY? OD^EY anTrCb. Ltd.. have a Large 8e; \jr lection of iron-frame Pianos (Vertical I' and OTcretrunt: in Walnut. Rosewood. Oak. or Ebonisea casee, by Geo. Rogers, Collard and Oollard, WItton and Witton. tiames Burnand. Waddington etc. Prices from 50 guineas. Cash or i?-m?. Wri?for?r? ,ist, or c 11 and rckt? a t'M?nal ?le?'ti?Tt — Godfrey and Co.. Ud., 22 St. HeIea'?roadL and Co.. lAd., 2r,, swanica. 2nA?-29 "r ANT:Eri-.ViõïTBo"s.Ud-()Îie,U .V? sjzM: bMt prices given.-Woo Jin f-. tsOwNtNet,. S?an?a. ? ?.?.?-?"? 1""?OR"SALE,"Old Italian"vioi'inl (J), in eo' d J condition; exoelletrt o'al'ty: chámp¡o instrument for so?oid-Da-nca. V'o)?'?. 52, Common. Plaamarl. 268A5-36 D- J. SNELL'S (oDly}Addr.: Hiph-street D. ArcaJe. near G. W .R., Swansea. '7iT ÃN'tED. Second-hand Pianos. Or?aB? VT. Hramophon? and R?orde Good PricM ?iven-D. J. Snell. fligh.4trecit?. Ar. eade. Swansea. __?_ ? ?. PIANOS." CIS E40. e4S upwa*tiq, p Grarnopones £4 106.; aecord" from ?:: èCdle5. 6d box. 2«7A6-24 PIANO.—Upright (irand (Oont .tOOT tie ,Nèw JL 43 Guineas; Others ?. ?. 32, ?. 42, 45, M. 6T G?in?M. tc.: Wholesale or ?ta?.—  Piano Exchange, 19, P&rk?trMt. (Eracire end i, Swansea. 2I! jRs?t i (!. 'A PHoMPaoN and Sbachell Ltd 35 Oastle. st?-et ?anse&Biach Ocllartf Piaw^ ?78: Walnut <.?!:ard Pi&oo £ 70: W.lnut L78-. Walnut. (k)iltrd Piano ac7o: ?planf,- ChaHe" Piano, £I}! \Va.lrHtt 'rkml\n PianQ £ 70- Walnut Normelle Piano ?65: Walnut Rrinemead PiIlM. Æ1M W&)uut Sajli™ Piano {8ó: Watnut Bawkins Piano £ 65 lot.: Walnut Tfioaipaon and RbackelL Ltd.. Piano £ 73. Imyeriai Organ ?26 M.: Jone< Orjan £' l:}rf J?'- _?-—?u— LIVE STOCK, &c. I11 7OR SALET?'?ood?ob Mares, nbont 1' hand: Flat Cart and Covered V&ri.-9 Car.e? » u ijd i ngsC 1yd ac h 272A24 T-.Ö- Hentlemcn and SDortsmen.—A Thor- Touabbred HorM .by St. PaMraa Per- atmion." grandsire "Pereimton; Vd huBter and broken to harneM: 5 y??. M j KOineas: not Army horqe.-I?ockyor. But^»«^ Treherbert- Z'72A&.Z9 K'. iliswoot>-aiitlkcn Powder containinK i c-ouiid infects, ensures hAlthy dr-I o? chicks S?d.. W. Is 3d —Redgrave "d I Son Kine Edward????wcDMa_ ?7XA5;M 'pH.l\'ATif.-=T-;8j I jT Fa?mere. Tha Choice of Thre? Harea; Bl&ck Mare. 15 hands. E?ht Te&re ?M. ,:y. I Cheetnut Hare, 13-2 Setcn Y??UB .'M. ;U9: B?k C<'b. 14-1. Six old, very faM. pri?o C?7. Also Pcny Cart and Harper. nuitable for Greengrocer: Two ?ets of C-?rt iiamf?. Harnaes as a?cd a? n?w. price 10 Guineas a Set. Above Animals art, guar- II anteed good worlieite end qniet; come straight out of work.—Apply. Mrs. WatKins, 43. Coedaaeeoh-creecent. Sketty, near Swen- tsoa. 267A5.25 ¡ i I SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. I  ——————————-? ———————————— ———————————— ———————————— i,* ii i rTTiM^li mi tiiriin i i i n ii i ,j'i 'I i i. I"' iii i mini—i kwwwe^wwwwwveeepweee—  ?-?———??———.————?——————————————?-.——'—— I r I J I  —   ? ————————?——?—————————————?.————?-?————————? ?_——————————————————————L Piew pabiish the above adrertiisaar^nf. times, for which I ♦aclose 4- Name and Address: < If aesired, replies may be eent to Box Kumbers f t the Cambria Daily Le&dar Office. This form should be addressed to Advertisement Department, "Cambria Dailv I Letdei," Swansea. EDUCATIONAL. rpi HE EDINBURGH SCHOOL OF COOKERY j L AD DObnc ECONOMY. 5. ATMOLL-CRiA^fciS J. 5. SESSION. 1919-1920. I Th* t'oliowing CoursC6 of Training can bs I taken:- j TRAINING for TEACHERS in OOOK- EEY. LAUNDRY WOltK. and HOUSE- WiPERY—% years and 2 terms, n. TRA IN IN G tor TEACHERS of NEEDLE. WORK, DRESSMAKING, and MIL- LINEiLY-2 years. III. HOUSfJWIFEï TRAINING—6 montht IV. HOUSEKEEPER'S TRAINING — 6 mouths. V. COOK S OERTIFJOATE-3 months, VI. LAUNDRY MANAGERESS CERflFI- CATE—4 months. I VII. TRAINING for PRINCESS LOUISE NURSES for CHILDREN—6 months. Students are received for anv number cf selected lessons in Cookery. Needlework, Dressmaking, and Millinery, and Courses ia Hytricne. Sick Nursing. etc The School is re-coenised as a Central In. stitution by the Scottish Education Depart- ment. and the Teacher'- Diploma is reccg- nised by the Education Boards of England. Scotland, and Ireland. There are four Boarding Houses for Stu- dfents in connection with thi Sr-hool. There is a large demand for Women hold- inll: the Diplomas and Certificates of this School and Students have no difficulty in obtaining suitable situations at eaJaríNõ. I Full Prospectus on application to the I Principal. 5 Atholl-crescent Edinburgh, wf>o will additional information and will adras to the most Fuitable Courscs. i 7 .m_ LEARN Dutton s 4-hour Shorthand. 5s per month secures speed of 150 w.p.m specimen In 2d —Dutton's College Desk P 96 Skegness. IISHMAN'S Coaching College, 40-41. IJ Worn?t?r place (opposite CMt]O Cinema, Swansea, rapidJv and th6murblN- pm.areF Students for Londcc Metric, f'x- for.l Loc?. and all the Profef?ion?t pre1im.j iFrc-rch. Single fub?ct* takn: Latin. FrcK<-h. Mathematics Scicncp. EngHsh. ?c. Ex?rt Tuition in Book-keeping and Sbnrt- hand. CS-VI .? f 96 PER Ceiit. of Bar-Lock Student# havr I been placed in lucrative position*, j during the past ten vears. Let jour daugh- ter learn Shorthand. Typewriting, and I Office System Pit the Bar-Lock Business Ce,)1 lesre. 5. College-street. Swansea. CaM or writ.: for nroepeetus. 271A5-2E ] PRIVATE Coaching for Matriculation a r, (I -L Professional Exam& terms Tn) derate —Applr Demob," c/o Leader Office. 268A5-26 LOST AND FOUND. I L IT. between Wind-street and Mumbles 1 Railway Station. Rutland-street (pofc- 8íMy on 4.10 train to Mumbles) on 2nd inet I a. very antique black a.nd gold Brooch with letter" .b in centre cf blatik. Finder i handsomely rewarded on returning same to Mra Thomas Hill. Hav and Corn Etoree A', Carmaithen-road, SWalisea. 272A5-26 Iostt.-Left jn 10.20 -&.in Brobtich Train J Court Sart to Neath, Wednesday. Gente Alackintosh Coat containing wallet and pauers." Finder will be rewarded by returning same to Evans. 13. Water-street, Britonferry. 06-24 t TV7,ILL Perron wh) picked up Bo<>k, 'The T f Beloved Vagabond." iJ1 Morriston Car Tharsday Night, please communicate with Mr Hopkins. Leader Office Swansear 2T3A&-26 1 L-OST on Wednesday Evening, a Gold Pen. JLJ dant and Chain with photo of dead husbad nnd little girl: greatly valued.—Re- turn Walters. 14, Sianjey-terraee, Swaft^a. mA5.Z6 IOST, between Gralg-street and RicMtd. J son-street, on Wednesday Evening, Ca?c of Motor-cyclft Tools. Reward m re- turning to Locaemorc Hay Merchants Ox. ford-str«et. 28ZA5-2h If bST a. Blacklead in Silver Ca-tridce Ca I J with bullet (a present from Her MA? jesty the Queen). Finder rewarded on re- tutning name to 55, Oxford-street. 27!Ai-24 LOST, orj May 12fn, a Gold Bangle, with JU watch kev and seal attached, between Newton and Caswell—finder rewarded on returning to i ne ^tbife. ->ewton. £-p-?-IÜW ARÎ>Jt:ön MaT Srd. !?:e ?zc,jWhite Pom; ?newere to name ?f Bi!liR." Anyone ci?inK information to tbe Centmi Police Station or Exchange Brew. ery. Swansea, will receive above reward 268 A 5-26 COMMONS ACT 1938.—Fwind, on Cefn Bryu. n contravention of regulations inade under above •♦Act ? Dark Entire Ponies. :0 to 11 hands. If noT. claimed wiihin three weeks will be ?o!d — W G. Jenkins, Sec., Perris Wood. I-lerinafa. IULO" 267A5-24 .-L- 'i ■! usa'Mur MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, &c. T?Rr8ALE7Y9I7?a?a?7?nd€<]?m6 C*n< JL t:Hda.r: mileac about rW; on?t above >;85.- Thomas, ltoee Cottage, Llwyn- bendy. Hazelly. 27CA5-24 I 1?01»; SALE. Arrol-Johnston Motor Van. 13.9 h.p., in first-class condition, suitable for a bAker, grooery, etc.; any trial. —Apply Ben Jones. 14, Pembroke Build in fee, Swansea. 270A5-24 RUDGE Motor Cycle and Sidecar for Sales JLX, eaual to new.—Apoly. between 2 and 4 o'clock, Aehley Villa, EatoB-creactnt, Swen. sea- 269A5-26 t I IWU 1916 3-tou Besize Chassis, fitted with X Flat Lorry Bodies, and Cab Fronts, for &uie; C-ais-h Ea6y Terme. or Erehangd.-k. E, Jones. Ltd., Motor Dept.. DiUwyn-fltrtct, Swansea. TC ?jr\ CWT??attd' 60'cwt "?Mon CnM?)a" for I t) delivery this month .ulHert unsold. Cash exchange or deferred terms—R E. Jones. Ltd. (Motor Dept.). Dillwyn-strpet. Swancta. T.C. i IQ j b FORD Toarin? Ca,r for Hire: Strer J.t7±U toDriTeHimee!f:Own?-BOtMinK the Car will Let on Hire to Responsible party.—Particulars, write Box F6, "Cambria Daily Leader. TC F OR. ';ALE-WoleF,.elv Siddeley Car; Perfect Jf Condition: Five Seater; Fully Equipped with Anster Back Shield.—Applv Robert*, ttlandiio-rt-ad. Brynamman. 545A64 I WE can offer early delivery of Albion TT 3-ton and 4-ton Ohaeeis.—R. E JonfcR. Ltd. fMotor Dept.), Djliwyn-street. Swansea. Ivor L. Roberts' (223 Oxford-street) Announcements. DELIVERY from Stock. 13 Ton Austin: also 3-4 Ton Dennis. First cheoue so- cures; (COMMERCIAL LORRIES -Agent for Den- j nis. Awnin. Harriers Hc?rs, etc. 66nd me your inquiries. Terms arranged to euit your convenience. I eao offer Early De- li verieB. SECOND-HAND r»rrie*.—I have a Larre '0 Aseortment from 1-ton to 4-tt> prices from £125 to L550. Send for lists, 01 ask me to c<?! ?M you. SECOND-HAND Cars: orteev from ?36 to ?L-??— S!l?!.J!' iVWfL OTOR CTCLES—Agent for Tfiumph. ?JL B.8.A. Douglas Sunbeam. A.J .S. En- ne!d P. and M.. ?ortoM etc Get vonr ¡ name on my waiting lists to ensure early deliveries. QEOOND IIAND Motor Cycles.-I barei I eeveraj to offer from 96 to £100. 1 can t fix vou up at anv price tu suit your re- qulrements. Send for lists \rbUit~old Car cr Motor Cycle taken In X part payment, or Bought for Cash Send or write with full particulars, to Ivor L. Roberts Oxford-street SwanMa. Si f 11 FOR SALE. Y.; ÖR SAJ..E:s1ïib,õa(f:pjano. Organ, Sit- ting-room Suite. Dresser, Bedroom Suite: sell cheap.—Appl? 13. Nelson-«trert. I I 272 A 5-26 1DOB SALE. Lady' s and Gent's Wardrobe. with large drawers; also Gent's Bieycle, cheap.—83. St. Helen's-avenue. Swansea. WOOD-TURNING Lathe. M'? to new.  YY win be Sold by PUBLIC A urmON at J ): Kfnc's-road. MumMes. on Monday_. CMSary ?th. )919. ?.? ? ? ? JTIN. Theodolite atvl 14in. Levei by Trough- O ton Hlmms for diao??!- both parteet <n. 'section: what o, 'To?r? Brycheulot. P?nv. wern. Ne&th. C5-26 ¡ MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. | MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. I and Sfotor divcles. or 'Parts V wanted; in any condition—State p?r. tieujars to D. Jonui*. 100. A'oerdyberthi-street. I Iåw"ll&ta.¡ 271A5-24 I I Y\7"ANTED, Second-hand Hand Ctrl; V* wheels, axle, and springs only essen- tial: body not. E. W. Wrench. Decorator. 57. PrincesrfStifget, Swansea. 27U28 i LATJTE wanted eood condition; about 5in centres: 4ft. bed: screw-ebttirg ba k | geared. ¡@It/ State full PftrtfenJare and price to Box F V Dailv [?ader STD COCOA Butter Wanted In large quantities. v>> 2. per lb. Accept this as our order, and rail atifcklv.-G. F. Lovell and 00 Now- I port. TC 'I pREES Warned over puwood else —.1 en rnad Bristol. Branch at Portbeawl. <:T( r1 pRACTlON Knt?nM or HofMc Wanted '-n JL Ulre. day work or oifllwo,k. for Pit- wood and Tree Hauling in various soon- !?d <(?ntr<?ned F.stshHsh j m<ft? Wo?dw?Ftier) PtnnTweO Med  TV — ,yrr' ADOPTION. ) r W^ILL Anyone Adopt Bllb., Iloy f Q," Lender Office, Llanelly. 1 -> >

For -the Ladies.

