Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

8 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



Leader" Classifier Ad vertisements. APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED, TO BE LET, LOST AND FOUMO. One Threa Six INSERTION Insertions. lrtsertione to WORDE. l'li 2 0 3 0 30 Words. 1 6 w.) 0 4 0 W Words, 0 < 0 S 0 ,,C R SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. On*. TH-REA Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions SO WORDS. 1 6 2 6 3 & 50 Words. 2 9 3 0 4 6 4J Words. I 6 .3 6 6 6 BIRTHS, OEATHS, IN SSEMOFHAM ANO MARRIACE. One THREE Sir insertion. Insertions. lusertlone 10 Words.. 1 3 6 6 0 38 Words. 2 0 H 0 8 0 40 WORDS. 5 0 1 0 12 (I EDUCATIONAL. oqe Three Six Insertion. TQSERT\ODE. I K Wor(le. 2 0 I 0 4 6 20 Words. 2 6 4 0 6 FC 40 WORDS. 3 0 5 6 ? I MONEY.-&.1. PER LINE. Lt 1 ——— ——————— -—— .——— — L' i.' L —— MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, i;ùi;lY. HALO or Female 1 A RENTS for Book" vaoau??l at Swansea, Neath. Aberavon, Goreeinoc. by successful offioe. C. B, Leader Oftke. Swansea. 382A&-8 WOMEN AND GIRLS. /TIOM Evans, the Topic Cafe, lias Vacancies X for Tea VV aitressws and also TONNE BADY ACCIITWIDETL to lee. Cream Trade—AN- D1.t. at once. Topic Cafe, 5ii. St, Helen's-read. 2a3, f,.ï AN,IT!.D, pei.(- -ed Practwai ik ?iner /VUMK,A to g??d CLASA t!'ade.-l'Wyn ing BDWARA-ROSWL SW« nsea. 2B7A6 j T?rANTEb. Smart YcuHf Lady for MitHn. w ery and Blouse Deoartmput: mu.? be EXPERIENCED; ROOD WAGES.—Kicbard-s, Hiall- d8S8 MiUiner and Blous? Spccia1l8t. 40, lL<ê-1'o:lCl. Swj2t?a. 2SCA6-I 1 "7AXTEI). Waitresses AMI Counter Hands. A? 'D altre6sm zud ef)untei- liaiids BARMAID* fOT Rxch?ge Heetauiant, ?wan- M;a; Good Wa?M; Sho? H<?"; t?Uay WEEK. \XT ANTED, for Yacht Caf&. Mumbles. A Vi TTaitreosea. etc.-Ap- D? Ma-o?vorth, Swa?MM-. 235A&-J) ?ANlT;brLtMty'???? GROCERY ?- V, oartment.—Apply Star Snpply Stores, U&ndo,very. S,?.A 6 6 HOUSE-KEEFERS. ^VTFV RANTEDTFOR FAMILY of four (father arid throe children). Housekeeper, not Tinder 26 years age; Welsh preferred, and of good repute.—Apply W. Thomas. Bryn. flyunon. Tircoed. Glanaminati. C6.7 'I'IRANTED, Woman, -between-iÇ45 to V T Keep House for Widower with fouri children.—Apply D. Johne. Upper Bank, Oarnant. 286 UUMTSTIC SERVANTS. (GENERAL; EMAIR fatnilj;; comfortable T bome for good ariri reliable refereneea :,eceaeary.—Apply, between 6 and 8. 1, vv ind. a<??t.?wajts€?. A.6.1G WANTED. YonBg Girl to -i,.t W)th \I Housework in em?U h<)u?; vod WAPE* if satisfactory; EVENINGS. troe.—Ayyly S. drertacent. UV»I:arxig. MEN AND YOUTHS. LAP.GE Assurance CompMy rcamir? ASuDerintendent to Introduce Ågnt, and Buei; good opening for successful worker: hboi-al terms.- Wri..e to 1 10," Leader Office. T 04"- LARGE Ae?trance Company rett?ircs A Superintendent to Imrcduco Agents and BUSINESS ;S-A opeuinK for AUOCTISFCFXD worker: liberal terms.-W-rite. to 1 50." Loaøer Office. Swansea. INCREASE Your Ineomn ill your Spare j JL" Time. Agents TAIL classes, both SEXES) wanted by irst-clase Publishing Firm for fcaleof Uniaue National Pub¡kaÜOJ:; hber:1 coiumissiou.— W rite 1. C. 1.. C/o tÄ. New Oxford-street. London. W.C. C')-6 NAVVIES wanted at Cymrner on new roada and pipe track.—T. Walker, Con. tractor. 28ZA6-13 PLUMBERS, 2 Rood wanted; union rate J. and oonditione; permanency for good JIND efficient men.-Ai)-cly West Wales pliunbincr Co., Burryport. 286A6-I0 WANSEA Chemist reeiuireo an Intelligent Is Youth as Apprentice; no premium re ouired.—Apply "Chemist." Daily LOADER j 2S1A6-6 1 rrvT«TA7 LOES.— W AN TED. Tailor to work on LCOATE and Trousem.-Apply .Tones. Tailor, Claae-road, Morriston. 286A64 "RPHREE coed Railway WAGON Carpenters r uil'ed on Hcpa?- trade RATE sir,d boTi?p?l.-Apply 1? Wagon ?',?? ?aptyzto. MON.•  28ZAI>-5 J TXTÅNTED-immëdiatiy, at  VY Ba?. 6oach to prepay boy of 11 lop reboot in &utumn: I?tin. French, and ao- jnt'try?—Writer Scholar.' leader. ^A6"' aoctsetomed to tren- TV eral work; Iiorries C.irt« etc.; con-I ETANT employment; WAGOA. 1$. 7d. hoar: railway fare paid.—Apply, ic first instance, -It 4," oflloe of paper. W A IN'T E D. edintely. a part-time T T Gardener, or person with a slight hrowledeo of gardening will do for 2 or.3 day& per WRek.—Apply, after 8 o'l()Ck at Hoedwis Woodland?.terraoe Swansea. C6-1. TTtLTANTED. Nifbt wa.tchmafll'wlth ¡Ùtle t V experience of BoUera.—App!y R., LEADER Swa.n!.ea.?_? C6? T?T'ANTED. several cxpe?enced Ga.rden; s Wv for temporary emi),oiineilt- xcod vases.—Apply Parks Office. 4. Prpt. ?<?_ ?6Ao.6 W. ËIX.KNOwr;¡- Compan:  wEI,L-KNOW.,? ea, ca.?aMe of introducH)? ?s bu.i?c?6!n ?. clear, intcrMtiPE °J?"<??'q??., Write to BOX I 9." Daily Leaded Swml?';PR. C6-7 WIRF,Lr,R,S. We bitve this year SENT VT out 50 Students to arood permanent berths, fnd havE SITNA-TICN^ waiting for an- •ctfaer 50 Youths between 13 and 2.. ve,,its of ante. If rou want o:w of th".e berths, write or ct?n at W h..lœe Ck?lese. St Mary-street. laftle-t,reet. _wÐnsea. 'Phone JC88, OFFICE AND ERRAND BOYS. SLIART Boy wanted TO Ijearrr TyneTwrTter O Hepairing.— W rite Box" M 3," Leader Oce. 2S5A6 S WANTED, wnart intellicent Lad as A, prentice to PrintinK Trade; also TFTROFLFE Lad Errand Boy.—Apply Ernest uaTiee and Co.. Ltd.. Wisher-street, Swan- 233A6-9 SITUATIONS WANTED. M!:rK-21;;e' EXV- — JI MM, exc&Ueni references, df?irpa  ??rcia,I or hire work. Box I ?' 3.1 Y ader. 285A6-9 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. A' nTTFÏ(jÏÃÏ-'rCeth-Piatin-õni" G?? 811- A ver Bought; ANY condition; utmost value ):?en.-P<Mtcarc<.i? J Chernick. 34. Kxchanse-Etro?t. Chcetham Miln?e-.??  ZgSó.9 LATHE w??d: cw?l oo?f?ti,?; ??o?t t)in .JU centres: 4ft. bed; SCREW-CIITT;N* HIRLR <?r?. etc. State fuH particulars and ?.e to Box D?tJy L?d6r StD 1-,IiEE8 WMt?d ovM ?itwood"TiM?-Je)? )L nh1s. Ltd.. WcodworKers. Pcnnyv-pr- roM Brlwl. Branch ?tPorthcf..wL STC T" xÃ6rfÖ: -ErgiC;õr'm-wà-:r;'n i H;re, l>aywork cr Pi?cwcrk, for Pit- wood A"D Tree HEULINP in VARICES ooun-I tit*.—Jennings, Ltd. (Control1d :ftablien. mentl, Wc<5dworker». Pernywell-road, ?j.?. tol. (rrc TET), Shed. cood condition, wooden f OR ealvanteed. 5Oft. S 25ft.. for: ^■ORKAHON: state price, etc.—" Workchon Lfoader Office. 237A&-7 "tT^A NVED, Lisht Tip-Cart.— W'rit.e Dailx Leader Swaji«ea. 2S8A6 l5 weather boarfled Hut r.uheroi-1 "f I'ootinc. about 18ft. x 12ft. X 7ft. Sin to ?. ?&s: or fi'?Har Rtr?cture. — Rcnb- Metals," Daily LEADER 2S?A6-? *?7\AK'TED. <?<-)?rn?<i Car. in good r>- L1 Reply Car." Leader. 2S5A6-'C ??7'A?TED {mm?iHt?T. CcuntRr?. I\"I' ¡ J* ,SISH?. and F.?turef—Aumy 2. ?'n? MB.?l?e. Morriston. 235AS-9 T?7'AK?TED. Lea?? BRICKYARD Pta?*: ROIN" concern; d0??'?'f'? preferrr^-— c^vn^-npard. Stockwood Pct?ra?. S35A6-6 T^ANTED. Gent's Bi'-?If" al? 1?'b ?   *ill nay good tXT?e.— Write "School." ? .Da.Uy ù.>ader. Swan"ea. ? HA'VE' ??' ar!7 Wr;t-.õ-(;Ã;:eri.; I' £ -*■ Tr? the c?tct of a Leadtr Pre?aid Twent* worde. cne. sbillinL [ FOR SALE- PRIVATE SA1<E, tjuitablo for Farmers XL and VraAe&, oonuirising four Sin:* I Hied Cart H.r«;, 14- to i6 h».nds; a gee 5 to [ price; £25 to £ S6i Also X<&w 8lf^ arneee and llii Cartis to eiiit same. Above [ Wares are genuine good workers in g&aits I and Chains; open to Vet's exa.m;nation; ) can b., seen at work daily. At so threet Trolleys; equal to new: will soil p-.t rcaoo- 1 abl« oSer. For j>articuia>e, apply, Fc-re man, Ctppcr Works Stables; private addreee, 1-55, Old Castle Road, lAanzllv, j BLVE and Brass Italian Bedstead for (!>alc.. £ 5; room wanted.— Write M 9." Daily Leader, Swaraea. 2SSA6-12 CfTLING Laths (sawn, also cleft), English y mske; also Timber of all descriptions. -0. Jennis P-iid Co.. Ltd.. Pristol. C6.1O I (CONFECTIONERY at, Rock Bottom Prices: Nut. Raspberry, eLmon, etc.. Toffees, i Nut Candy. J.^inon Cauuy. etc.; 'n 1.1"j. 55 llos. IiZE. 6d.; carriage paid Constant to- i neat orders.—Andersen. 11 St. M?.r;r.,Hre0t. Southampton. 232A6 6 pOK iALF,. ETfy ca.rrta?.btiilt Pram: I. Kood. clean Godjt.¡on -Apply 11, I.^nr- land-street. Bryn Z8ói16:.6 OR SALE. 8 h.n. Croasley Oas Entcine, I. and 70 volt. 70 amp Dynamo.—Tivoli Garace. Gowert-on. 286A6-6 I?OB SALE, Kitchen Range, ecual to nev;. — Isaiah Thomas. Frampton-road, Gorse. ioon. U.B 6-7 }7*OR 8ALE( Pony HaWkiicr Caxi. in "??f ? JL condihon.-ApvLv 26. Rocebcry-terrace I Ph'?marl. ?9ZA66 FOR SALE, Haulier's Tip-Cart, with Hal': I FOR coaplctc.—? Jobu Dn.vks, y 13.v s 11,,) tiC6.6 FO'P "'AL"L' n t d f n' T?OR?AL.E. Upte?dm.on-frame 1 1:1 no; JL Rl Gentleman's frees.—Ji-lfces, 8, il.bian-,treet, 4t.Tbopia.c,. SPRUCE Peals. 'Hn. x 2Mn„ llin. x 3in.. S 12in. x 3in.. 9in. x 3in. lliH. x 4ill ? Sin x i4'1. etc.: hliort and long; Mnsrlish, felled 2 yf-.tre: better thjan iaor-ae foreign. Try «&mule truck. £39 to £-49 std., according to length and size; also smaller sizes under £ 4i): also Timber, Plywood. Woodwork of every description.—0. Jenninsrs and Co., 5 Ltd.. Bristol. C6-10 | RJPJJREE Air Receivers or Pressure J- 30ft x 7ft. 6in.. 701 bs pressure; elso 1.000 Pit, Tnh Wheels. 12in. with axles, lain.. 24tn?HEe: and Quantity Colliery Plant.—-Send for li«t to Todd, 94. Market-street, Mat:- Chester. 2S3A6-7 I "tTlN'-EU-A-R Stront? Lisbt. or Dark. ?'?0 v IN-,eso; 550 GraIla. ?25: 100 gn,lJe. £: 50 calls. 51s.; 20 calls. palls, J 16.: immedia-te delivery and paekagec free: (,a.d1 with order.—" Maples." Bridsre-street, New- | castle. Staff! 286A;j.JO OJ NEW Imperial Jap. in excellent condi- tion: new tyree: enftint. perfectly eoniuped: £ 44.—A. Rees. Oriel. Troroc- Pantyffyhnon.. 285A6-.9 DAA TONS (chteay Oah) Tr?M. Pitwo'? Branches, etc,- two !n place; mcftir felled near Newquay. Cardiganshire; suit oolliery owner having own boat.—S^?e. Aberayron, Cardiganshire C6-10 S=. =-=R~R j LIVE STOCK, &c. j r?JCKENS?'Wya?)do<t€B'Lp?h? I C inrtons. ROOs. Rocks, Anconoe, Mmor. ?ca? 17s. doa; Svoials, 2-?.: C-rcssos, 158, dOT. AylMbury and Runner DucklingsC. wm- j doa.—Lloyd. 334, P(?.ntzerethin-road. Owm- bwrla. ?wa?ea. Market Saturdays. 235A6-9 C HICKS: finest typical breeds. ;b doz.- V Note. wanted Fowls and Pifreons; high- • vot price uiven.—13. Peeler-street. Bi-ynhy fryd 2S.U4.» FOïÇ:Ü,LE,WiiiteW-Yandottë Cockerel F25s.: White Lebqrn Cockerel a?, 25s.: first-da!? strain- approval.—Mensydd HaU. Dajidilo. 2?,6 A 6-7 S I'OR SALE, two Pure Flemish Giant Does. JL nine monYha. 13-. 61. each. A!60 good Pram—Hill, Mount Pleasant. Loughor. > 286 Afi 6 j T70R SALE. Champion Pen 0f Black Let:- JL liorne: grand layefs and non-sitters: j BuS Orpington Cockerel and 3 Pullets day- irteh several lots of Hers and Chickens; atao Broody Hens.—Cambria-3 Inn. Moms- tor>. 286A6-6 R ABBYTi::t-r:çôillÚi-m:On;ter.trΡsh Belgian; also Belgian Doe. 8 -niina. i sters. mnd Buck; bargain: room walited.- 12. Marcaret-street Vclindi'e, Aberavon, 536A 6-30 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. j 1;OR:iÙ;irä;:i'o;ï;i!'ië;did condition.—Apply 2. &tap!etoD-pta<"€. j j Mojriston. 285A6-6 'L(iR SALE. a PuII-Mze Concert Piano b* J. F,gcbLiller, Bprti? overstrung, solid iron | frame with all latest improvements.— Thocjas, Albania, Brynamaaa-n. 283A6-3 tGODFREY and Co., Ltd.. have a Large So I lection of iron-framfc Pianos (Vertical and Ovetvtrusisr in Walnut. Rorew,-o(t. Oak. or Ebouised casse. by Geo. Rogers, Collard and Collard, Witton and Win,on. Same* Biirnand. Waddington etc. Prices from 50 inea.s. CAih or lt-rroa. Write for r'rle J Lit. or call and make a ;->er«ow«,] selection.— fJodfrey and Co., Ltd.. 22 St. He'etiVroad, j 8waB?€!? S23A4-7 G1 HA MO PHONE an'! E?orda wanted; ?y,it j f be in playing order. State loweert price ready money, Leader. 2S2A6-5 | JT. DOODING. GO"'ér.trcet. SWa.111. J. Vioiu: Maker and Expert Repairer, j Laree Selection of Inexpensive violins, j Bow. and Ca-se-, in all sizes new and old Personal attention friven to repairs. The Rest.t): tion of Valuable Old Inttrumente a Speciality. SJS7A6-14 1 JUSTIX Browne Uurlarht Piano for Sale:, full compass?: heaw b1"AAS sconces- a beautiful instrument: £ 50.— Write M 81" Daily_Leader, Swansea. 288Ai6-12 j PIANO (Metzler). 29 Kn«: others by Rutter. j 19 ens; Stoddart. 29: Bread wood. 38; j Morlcy, 48: Furlonu. 55: Craven. 58; Burling. 65i Ascherberg. 69: Hoffman Player-Piano, i 95: others. 15. 17. 18 oms.: wholesale and i-e- tiil.-Piano Exchargc. 19 Park-street, S van- sea. 28H6.7 'THOMPSON and Shiu-keli Ltd 3lTT;astle. X street Swansea.—Black CJcIlard Piano- £ 78; Walnut Collard Pianot Walnut Cballen Piano. £ 95: Walnut Kirkman Piano £ 70; Walnut Nornselle Piano £6!): WalnUt Brinsmead Walnut Souire Piano igb; WaIn lit Bawkins Piano. 165 IN. Walnut Tbompsnn arid wbickcil, itd,. Piano M.. Impena! Organ £ 2fi 58,: Jonea Organ £15: Er-tey t)ritail 4C45 '\7'MMN8* Vi?ol&ar 'C?loe Bawes, and all Wind'In?trun?T'te- BoTt?. Rtnngs. Ac- cessories. Music. Best value in town.—Sims. i 2 W-altete-r<)a,d. Swtrni,. 28IA6-7 j W-AJ|TED;"Becond-hand Piaiics. Orgsins. » Gramophones and Records Good Ericas Iriven.- D, J. Snell. High-Street Ar- caae, Swansea. ?' pL?OS-? ?.?3a: E40 £ 45 uowarft? fÜj:¿:f¿¡4-y¡{f NpMles. 6d. bo. Open Whit-Monday I 283A 6-7 r? J RK?L-S (??y_?<ir?rn? D- Arcade, near G,W.H..SWWnse.. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 C\ONTINBNTAL Cafe. Mumbles. Now > Open.—Law ton &nd Malkin. 286A6-S .,i(IIITSUS¡- J-lolic1c.s. Y isitor¡j to C&rdi I'll pan w?I find SM[-ra,te AMcrnmod?- i tio? at the Commerciai Hotc]. Under new i iiitmagement. Da.n J Thomas, Proprietor. Teicsrams: Commercial Hotel. Cardigan. I Telei)]K»ne:No.7. Z87A6-7 i f* YEARS' Success. Lilian Fletcher. JLt> M.B.P.S. Test-readine free. Send birth-date and stamped envèlope.-Sl.. J\ r- | cade Pcntypridd. CI&u' :A6.) A(\ J GIVEN for information that wi.! 'tU/ "ad to the conviction of a?y cer. I .son or persona inteifering with tar barrels Sec, in Pon tarda we and distdct.—ReM. 233, 6A6 7 j View. l1mbloo. 286A67 HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS. BLACKPOOL, ,}- -w BLACKPOOL.—Mrs. A?bc? Maud?y. Z9 f JL? Palatine-wad. cff Centra! Drive; J, 1:?. 6d. each person, bcd. ccw)ki?-?e, and a.t- i ?eadance: hcmc comfortt• nia no. <j "III-6. t. BLACKPOOL.—Comfortable Apartment^?, :8. 3d each Danon: cood beds and cooking; cleanliness: 2 mins. sea.—Mr?. Henry Smith. 41. Erdington-road. off Central Drive. -1 BrjACK POOL.—Mrs. Polt«r. ^"ChririesT -Lt street. Comfortable PnbHc and Private Apartments; 5 mica sua. statioo and all amuMtncnt". rept:?. Piano. -JB. -I-:ÄCKPOO-C-:=)Ú{. P.tIËh7ô. riih-fiid Houne. 63. Central Beach. Public and Private Apartments, overlooking ees. Board optional. Stamp reply. BLACKPOOL.—Mrs. LanKton and Mayr.r. ? 52. Paiatine-road 'late 54 Reads-road). Aparcments, public and ornate; home com- forts: Tijiino ELAOKPOOK—Mrsf' jrschofield, Wood- I -JL? !and.' 50. Falatine-road. Off Central Drive: comfortable apartments: Is. 6d. e('h person, with attendance: every comfort; piano. BLACKPOOL.—Mrs. and Miss Williams, | -!L) 14a. Manchester-terrace ProTOpnadc. Comfortable Public Apartments, pleasantly I p.ituatvd. central to all parts: terms moder- ate. Star/iit reply. j beiroom tir.g-room: June 14 to 28. July 12 to August. 2.-39. Moorland-road S>utb. Weston, super-mare. 236 A6-6 "s'6lfTIir:I{Nn0\V:R(1Ttn (b"<?. O roc?m'? and Attondance* Jnnc. July, Sep- tember; stamp for reply.—Apply Richards. Dcvonia. 285A6-9 n,- 'u_n_ n' _n. HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. A FARE Bar?ata for a, House Buyer of -?. ?250 Hon?. Prf)Dertv B<x)It of ? p?us Bonus and Interest. Sold very cheap.— Wrtte?'I 4," leader Oftice 2o5A5-7 i^OR SALE, 'Houf< Nine Kn<'ms; in Bryn. J- mUt; one minute frcm Ca.?; veca?t! po?sos.Mou.App?. Brymuill." Daily '???''?_ _??'?:'Z I S.^OR SALE, a si:oomt?i House in Ne»atb- ? n<;u. PtatmMrl.—Write. M 6, "I?a.dfr" Omcf. 287A6-J2 ,m-s.ÙJK-ä:-Crnf.8:hp- and House I 'f):.i?mp(t. on the mai? ro?d. Reollss, LlfTisamet.—Apply to Henry Jon<t. ??A6-H e?UR?ISHED HOU?K"to I?t "-1 4t.'c- st!e- J- ton. Mumbles; long period.—Ap?!y a? a **?>' ^'•■■d dress. 2S3A SJ- T bUGHOR.-P'or Rale. I?a?hoM Pw?'ifr'?. -t? honsfa.—for particulars, apply Hind". ?ohMtor. 6. Fip{)pr-stre?t Swansea. 233A6-6 ONE Firm &d- £5(J.OOO wornl of Property ?? this year thi'onch Sma'.l Adrts.  words for 3 insertions ?? M in the Can)- hria Dail^ Leader. S"ir'Ö'iROŒmm IIou.? ?0? ''?aleT S road. Handovpry: w?h ul1Gry ?nd I Mr?e Garden: fr?h?M property.- For par. tkubrs. e<?.. app?- to 9. Tan-.v-Tirvn-strcet, AbM-d'.iTo. ?7_6-! V°H can Secure a House of your own bv -1 becoming a PoJiw; Ho!dN of the ProT!. dent Association of London. Ltd. Full amount of valuation advanced in five years, For write to Mr. R. Hard- wick. 38. RosehilJ-terrace. Swanisea. 4/0 WEEKI.Y will Purchase £ 4*G House: U any d?trict: rx??p?e'o?. b? a:ran<?- m?r. Lirdiord.* Leader. Swansea. TC PRESSES TO LET WANTED /SPPICES required on Docks, two or three rOomR Write. with particulars I. A. W. P., Ki,g Edward's-rOad. 283A6-? I-vl AN!"l'.F:D. Small Warehouse, ileiir Lin- » dore Station.—State rent and particu- lars to "Meta's," Daily Leader Swanifea. 2S3A5-7 PARTNERSHIP. D- .IRŸ-Btl¡;í.Íië5'148 imperial gationp D daU?: 5 pram rounds: uniq ue pf?i- tion: suitable partners or private company rood house and premise^. — Appl v IJ. ?4. Northeote-road. Battorsea London. 235A&9 MOTOR CARS, CYCLES. &c.   Al.BlO? Chassis. 60 cwt delivej: one A in Jn-? and six in Jlil?v. ?ubj?L UU. sc'i.d —R. E. Jone:. Ltd (-Iio;?r w'r-strt.. Swansea. A OTIn:R A.E.C. Four-ton Chassis for'r?. ?"TL Ihei' in 7 days. W p hare been the owners of a fleet of motorg since .'530; our exuerieneo :n heaw motor repairs is uiiioue. Ws are cow scUin? all our old chassis ad buvinc A.E.C. Our ad viM hl!() ocui-r ioup?. and 1)?h<?. Whitv, and Co.. t n. ? erineers. South Wales Agente .Barry. C6-26 C^AES fcr Hire.—Apply, Carotheis and Co., j, 33. Eaton-road, Brynhyfrv. Os-ntral (. 287A6-7 FOR SALE. 4 h.n. Motor Cycle. 2-sjjeed: j F.E. kick start: in sood eOing ordor* £40 or near offer.—Francis. Shaw-street Gowerton. 287AS-7 F ORD Touring Car. 3936: 5 detachable wheels: painted grey; very good order: i £2.35.-Aovlv Fordc:u," Le!der Offlce. C6-S I '"L"oR':o' Touring Car. 1916. 5 detachalilc. i wheels: painted erev: very good order: £ 235-—Appl.v Fordc^r," laader Office, (}6-5 'L?OR SALE, Ijady's Bicycle in exc?HMt Fmndition-, new Duatoc? tyres.-?-Hord 79 Kine Edward e-road. 285A6-6 PIVE-SEATER Darraca Car for Sale: ready to drive away; £ 395.—Apply 50. Tri. nity-road, Llarelly 282A6-6 SMART, lightT ooAch-bnjit. Side-car: conditi(,n; EIO lowest.—It. E. Jaimes. i Gla.nApiary,Pontc-rdnl»i& 286A5-6 j 16 -1,4EATER 'Bas, in first-cla^s order. XU ready for delivery. £ 450; 1915 Ford Vat:, complete with shelves, for baker, in first-class order:; detachable wheels: The Commercial Carrier ÛÖ. Ltd., 59 to 62. St Helen's-road, Swansea. Telephone; Gen- tral 776. CS-7 Ivor L. Roberttl (223 Oxford-street) Announcements, COMMERCIAL MRBJE?.-A?nt for Dpr. nis. Austin, Knrriers Stars, etc. Send me your inou:r?. I can offr Early De- liveries. SECOND_-HA_ ND I/>3RIS,S.—I have a Larpe S Acsortment from 1-t?h to 4-ton; prices 1:h- i to -e?u. ?end icr iibtd, or a?K nt? to cali on you. 1\"i-OTOR OyciÆS-.=\Jït:o-r- r¡-¡:¡; jJ B.S.A., Douglas. Sunbuain. A.J.S.. En. field. P. and M.. Ntoi-tnn- Get your nrmo on my waitine lists to ensure e&rly dsiiveties. SUNBEAM 5-Seater Car: good condition; G £ 425.. DENNIS 3-4 ton. complete with body, in stock: immediate delivery. Y ouR, Old Car or Motor Cycle taken in JL Part Payment or Bought for Cash. Send or writo. with full particulars, to Ivor L. Roberts. Oxford etreet Swansea. LOST AND FOUND. i OR'l'l':Ü¡' of Gold.rimmed Src?'tac?? on L Tuesday, between CroM and Cac Mawr, Morriston.—finder rpward? on ret1rnin samp to Pembroke House. CrMS. Morriston. ?? ..? .?. 66A6-61 T d?T. ou Tuesday Evening, between Park. I min and Killay. Bunch of Keys.- Firder rewarded on returning to Sand ere, Dillwyn Dairy. Sketty. 286A 6-6 SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. I -I.. ?—?? "j  —————————— "*?—————— —————'———— j I )) _——  Pleaoe. publish the above advertisement times, for which I EACIOSE ..D. Name and ADDRESS: IF dired, REPLIES may BE tent toO BOX IF AMBERS at the Cimbrit Daily LOADER" OFTICA. J The FORM SHOULD bo ADDRESSED to ADVERTISEMENT Depmrtmen". Cambrfa Daily B 1 LEIDER," SWANSEA. A. | TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. I..T'AE -?U:E_T! A Y?RED "TEyXE?Sr L:1dí' and Gent> 1.13. Tailor. nialos all kinds of Ladies' Cos- tumes. Riding oiflabits. and every kind d I Sporting and Ridinc Gam.ents for Gents': I fri*atp.ntee8 to be one of the finest cutters i in the trade.—5. Cradcck-etreet Swansea. 2!J7A6.1 F. OR Bail;, Trunks. Portmanteaux Kit JL and Brief Bacs- Week-end Caees a Speciahty.—Swanaea. Saddlery 00.. Hig' ?treet Arcade. 2?5A6-10 IVOR L. ROBERTS Electrical Enffineer. JL wishes to inforai his old Customers and the Public centrally that hi* Chief E)MtT! cJI Eliir ,I"r. who ioined H.M F(re 15 b returned to bis employ. Thp Eleetrical De partrncnt being now thoroughly equipped with an Efficient Staff of Electfioal Ensin- eera Electrical Work of every deecriptit n can noy be carried out. Heating am Power Installations mq Speciality. twr enauiries solicited. K5 Osford-etreet Swan sea 'mrpTURE Pcsit?V Cur<-d.?-Fr?p'TT? i I.l. from 1? Bra&&?!r Surgical )Ug C< Ltd. 'Der)t. E. 90 AND 92 Worcestfr-stMei. Birinini?ham. .5: P, r,g. Btrtnin?ha.m? Works: Paa?y Paris. i SALE now on at Enoch's, Areide, Bar- staiiit4 in Novels. New and Second-hand: Bibles under cost; Set, of <Jommontaries: Ereyolopsdiss. and all kind? of Books.- 0«»H to inspect the stock. 3A6,7 SHEETS.—We are a?aul t- offer ?omp S Terv KOod lines in U?Mca?hed TwH' Sheets at 17s. ld.: also in White Twill full size, at 12s. 13d. to 19s. lid—John Richard-, 2. Cradock-street, Swansea 2S1A6-6 OUROICAL Appliauces.—Trvsfes, Sprays. 0 Enemas, SurRPun: nubber Gloves ai d Surgical Rubber Goods of every description Writ-o for Catalogue, sent poet, frep— I,p Brasfeur Surgical Co.. Ltri. 'Dept. D.V.). 90 and 92. Worcester-street. Birmingham. SUN BUKDS ?CDnsr ro!)??). Hoo?no S Blinds Tents. AwnJnes, Finep. Tar- JHtnlin. Cart Covers. anc I-oin Cloths — Morean and Richard»>on (Limited), Manu- facturer-i. 20. Woman by-street, (opposite Cattle Clock Tower*. Cardiff cat MONEV ELAW, :2. London-road. S?:<th Ma kef E* Cash Advances from £ 5 and upward Strictly private. Established !876 TC VOR-a.-pï.i"'llt Lo?n upo? pa?- term?. F apc!y to Albert E. G?h. 6. Upland- I _cr<^cent.Va 1 ters-voad. Swansea C6-2.) ]F you require aRE)I)i?i to Geor&v Jt Thomas. TAanChu.-ch-treet (oppo- site t Mary's Church). Swansea. Prr-ato and confidential. C6.3:1 H/TONEY to Lend to Respectable Hoiiso- ;.V.1. holders. Private and Confidential.- | Ivor D Thorut i Waterloo-Street,. Swansea j ?00 HADE fcr'?5' For' fu?l Darticn!ar<. j <i) ( Rs to ho? EIDaU aniounts of money mav be oro6ta?!y employed to cive laree profits apply to Graham Marsh and Com- pany. 240. High Holborn London. SOUTHERN EOUITABLF, ADVANOE CO. (LIMITED). EXCHANGE-CHAMBERS (Queen-street end). 1. EDWARD-TERRACE CARDIFF Not a Money Society but an Old-established Registered Financial Firm. Prompt and Private. No Fees. No Fines, i Forme Free. With or Without Sureties. TEN Branches. The Leading: Welsh and English Firm. Telephone. 2393 Cardiff Estab. 3880. Branch Office: 13 Charles-st. Newport, Mon. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY Secrecy is If.1. our Speciality. A Money-Lending FuDi. approved and recommended by tfca Prete. That is the unique, proud, and happy D!i- tion of the British Finance Co Interest and re-payment the LoweH in KnjrlanJ £ io Loan, 10s monthly: iE50 Loan. 405. monthlv • 00 Loan. £ 4 monthly: £ 200 [,a,n. £ 7 30s monthlyj £501 Loan. £ 17 10-: monthly Loan. £ 35 monthly Larcer amounts, lower rates. Quarterly and yearly payments taken. No bills of sale, sureties, or damag- line tntiuiries Abs<>lute r>riv?<.i.- guaranteed -The British Finance Co. 20 Brld^e-strert. Bristol. Telephone: 3675 S M t J J jr L. J E B PEnaoNAL. IN "Uncle Bert's" Toff" Shoo there is St:tldÏ! RC,ö,D Ontv." Uncle Bert and bis Son thank '411l for roar help You are doinc Your Bit its we did ours Thanhs" Swansea. Thanks! n.- n' Lady travellinr with cnr?. '1 Hrttonfprry to Cwnravon, 9.0 train i E.' and Swansea Bav Uailvrsy. on Friday, j May 50th. kindly eomrnurvate with Box ¡ V 7." Leader OClice. Swansea? 288A6-32 =- FURNITURE. ..= I OURNITUSE.—BEST PRICES- GIVEN hv nle I ,L FOR KCJOND-BAR.D FURNITURE and ANTIUNE I FUMITNRE OF ANY DEICRIPTTON- DROP me n'l POWEARD. or CALL.—WM JAMES. 8. FAB>N- J STREET. St THOMAS. CTO J| IUUI.1 .J !—LU— I.a __181 I Un?er THE AUSPICES of tho National I I Federdion of O¡schrgzd SAILORS E?d I SOLDIERS (SWANSEA BRANCH), 8 GREAT | I WHITSUNTIDE HOLIDAY ATTRACTISNS VICTORIA PARK, SWANSEA. J 1 GRAND FETE, GALA I and FANCY FAIR. | | FOUR DAYS. I SATURDAY, June 7.Admission Free J WHIT-MONDAY „ 6d. J WHIT-TUESDAY „ 6d. [ II All the Fun of the Fair, including jl Studt's New Welsh Golden Dragons" 11 and numerous Si-'loshowg; also Dane. >8 ing, Boxing, Comic Football, Fancy 11 Dress Parade, Champion Baby Show, j 11 etc., etc., etc. J GRAND SACRED CONCERT hy the I B FEDERATION BAND 4Condudor. Mr, T. Hawkcs), on SUNDAY, JUNE 8th, at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Admission I See bill for further pnrficnlars. -I All enquiries to Federation Offices, i Mond Buildings, Swansea. l FADED OLD SUNSHADES can bo re-covered F.o look like new again at moderate cost. Full range of silks in all the FASHIONABLE sliadc-s at KENDALLS, Umbrella Specialists 26, Castle Buildings, Castle Street (opp. Wool worth's, Swansea. RHEUMATISMS KIDNEY TROUBLE Rheumatism is due to uric acid which is also the cause of backache, ltimbal sciatica gout, urinary trouble, stone, travel, dropsy. Entora Tabict?. a th<)r- ouehly harmless specific based on modern medical science are the successful treat- mertt, and have ctireci numberless obstinate j eases. Es'.ora Tablets— an honest f remedy at an honeet price—3s 3d per DO* of 4(1 tab- lets or six OON for 6* 9d All Chemistp. or postal freo from Estora Ltd.. 132 Charing Gross-road London. W C2. Agerts HoofjS Cash Chemists. GIRLS WANTED.   Apply Personally, So wen's Sa?so Works3 Mo?rtston. j

I For the Ladies.





