Papurau Newydd Cymru

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AMUSEWSMT8. ] E?S?fKSa? n &.e j V §.30. TO-NIGHT. J.30. 1 n,8.30. TO..NIGHT..30. ;"i'li 'i'huij«: CW;s. 22. VICTORIA MONKS, j John Bull's Giil. MAGINI, I Th£ ¡;ngLj"h Yi,}hn 1Vizan1. 1 | LATEST NEWS PICTURES. *><»*•-DAN HARLOW, Comedian k Mimic, in 'The Mimetic Waiter' *7 Abe MILLER & Michael CANNING in Comedy Creation, 'Something Turns Up' The Famous MONZO, Clever Novelty Pot-PolUTI. BEN ALBEHT, the Dry Old Slick, Atoms of Amazing Ability, TWO CURES, The Original Coster Kids. NEXT WEEK- j V'" Albert d CourviilL-'i "Ti P TOP." ELY'I UM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Win. Tox presents Annette Keiierman, described as \Vn us, iu, QUEEN OF THE SEA, Ecdia Polo in THE CIRCUS KING. Episode The S*,clen isecor-d. ) THEIR UNDER COVER CAPERS uSiilikin Comedy). Fox Cemedies. Topical Budget.!  OYAL Tliea-?re. j < Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. SessufD Hayakawa in BONDS of HONOUR An Intense Drama of Love and Honour. Waliafe Reifi in THE MAN FROM FUNERAL RANGE. .FrIXS Seals in HER- NATURE DANCE, > Two Keel Triangle Comedy. j Episode iCyclonic Serial, HANDS UP, J » Thui-sday.-r.;cr-Iciin,- Fsrrar in THE j STRONGER VOW. j    •" CARLTON. ¡ I 2.30, TO-DAY. 10.30. j W) VES OF MEN, die Great Social Drama < Starring Florelee P c Lid. ROUGH ON HUSBANDS, a Screaming Two Pi, rt Comedy. J Charles Ray in STRiNG BEANS. j MARVELS OF THE UNIVERSE. Pathe's Gazette. PICTURE HOUSl I 1:. íi \1 I 2.30. TO DAY. 10-30. Earlg Williams m A GENTLEMAN Or QUALITY. Louise Glaum in AM UNSELFISH I SI N N E R. Z THE øUYEn f ROM CACTUS CITY, An O'Hofiry Story. The Great Serial. A FIGHT FOfi MILLIONS, The Noose cf Death." MARVELS OF THE UNIVERSE.. Pgthe's Gazette. .¡¡¡¡ r- PUBLtC NOTICES. I I VICTORY DANCE ;1/ It; i I ï 1\1 l;!1 •In Commemoration of the Signing of the I Armistice, Nov. llth, JfJlS. i. LEWIS BROS. ""Nil' I ? ?.LWi? JL?&T.%?? x?il??.) I ? POMTARDAWE. j >i,'J A O-N eEl ? Will he held at the above .11 all 0n Tuesday Evening Next, NOVEMEER 11th. j InANCING-S to 12 p.m. PI. I C E S A S V S U A L {'J The Largest and Most Luxurious Dancing Hall in South Wales. Dancing Surface—135 Feet x 65 Foet. Musis by Trained Orchestra and Orchestrion | rPHE Pesumption of the SAILINGS of Messrs. M. I.itnglando and Steamers, from SWANSEA to HULL, j j NEWCASTLE, and MIDDLESBRO'. .v.i'hin!p!mpd?teCai)s at PLYMOUT H, PORTSMOUTH, and SOUTHAMPTON iwhen sufficient inducement offers) is. I announced. I For further particulars, please appl¡.¡ .0;- i F, H. TUCKER & CO., "r"' SWANSEA. I November 6th, IS>9. I Swansea Thscsophioal Society. A PUBLC LECTURE t 111,. Workingmen's C'ub. Alexandra Rtf, Next Wednesday Evening, Nov. 12, in g, Nov. 12, Prof. INAYAT KHAN (Sufi Author and Jx-eturer). Subject: THE BUILDING OF CHAR- AcTER AND FATE." Chair at 7.30. — Collection. Important Notice to Members of the National Sailors' and Firemen's Union of Great Britain and Ireland Ketr. Trati v Union. No. 1493. AS 1M) Nomination* for the noeition of Ordinary I •• Members 01 the Executive Council IK -c -tari(,s Branch Sscretaru* ami Pi >• will take place at tb 1 Brereh Mwt t; held in the month of Aiovcmbrr n- ilur lOt.i. Monday 17th. Friday "-I. i outlay, The Election of th» rrej-d' tive Ccnneil Brntv-h ^crctTi". :*nrf D >- z%tm will take p'»!•«. hv Bnl'.o! n, ».i>e of Decpmhe'- F!y   f v •_ >. fnr.1JJ*'r}/i+i: ,)¡ !1h" ?"'?i'.n'?'!? n (;' 1 .'f k < /jt ;> t • 1,1 •• I <• i: :'T>ranch Meeting's notie/* of •nh.cb are ex- Ii '.uhitc-<l t' Bramrh Offiaei- I .?!?''tf')'rP:.1"<'nU?.?tf"1tft8?<'T!d?H"h j "f?t?r.f-.?r'<?fth?:ri'rt! tb*. Elet- T ••"ir Hy o-<iv!' t -.o.n t  p -ell By (nc' jêi'n:ièir/¡E\ii'7::R+I. j General Secretary. I ',C1::n ? I??!t?t9: t< attend the j 'nus} Genpraj ¥t!n wID al«o taijeJ vl-ic* I I ARMISTICE DAY. I CENTRAL HALLj p TO-MORROW, Rt 3 p,m. THANKSGIVING Service. f\MU!5:MaNT. GRAND Theatre J' 1. 1 I .&. 1 eatre SWANSEA. MONDAY, lilt], Six Nights <it 7.3rt, MATINEE cn SATURDAY at 2.39 PERCY HUTCKI30N, in c-onj miction with ALFRED BUTT, presents A NEW PLAY of NAYAT, ■ INTEREST, in Ilnoo Acts, THE LUCî( OF THE NAVY. .I b. ;U r ¿kl I NEXI %AJEEK- K<-i urn afier Jnany Yours of LOUIS CALVERT and his Entire London Com- pany, in thH Big Domestic Play, DAD DALLAS. [CASTLE! SPECIAL FEATURES I Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday § í Iviunroe Salisbury and Ruth Clifford in i H F. 1 L T 0 F SILENCE, I A Special Five Part Photoplay | of the Great North-Wcst. 1 Catherine Calvert |i In a Five Part Drama of unusual 1 Strength and Grip, jjj I BEHIND THE i MASK, The Story of a Womau's Dramatic j r1ercngü. Also Selection of Up-to-Bats Bj Comedy and Topical Fiims. I Tluu':>dtiy i Tho Anglo-Iuuia.u Photoplay. Bi l^UBH.1. JUWH> )„ ■ 3821»ia»PWBtBaai»^WIILiaa8tSM8gBB»5fc- j PU3S.IC NOTSCES. S. ARNOLD, STOCK AND SHARE BROKC Denk Buildings, Castle Square, Swgr.z. Tel. "Jurold," Sr.'anseu. Thoiie 181 CVut. Neath Rurai District Feed Cj!1trQ¡ Ccmmittee. XUTICE IS 1IEKEBY GIVEN that J. E. PUGltE JONES, Enquire, District Auditor of the District comprisirg the :i'=X)t-e-niimcd .Hurai District, has ap-j pointed the Audit ot the Accounts tor the j period ended the 31st (iay of March, 1919, of l he Kural District- Toed Control Com- mittee, and of the Officers, to commence CD Kritiav, the 28th day of November, at i.30 o'clock in the Afternoon, at the Hnral District. Council Offices, Orch- ard-stroot, Neath, wlten and where any Katepayvr or Owner of Eroperly in the 01,,(;.jct may he t(,0Ut-, and make any o'tj?cti?n to s t Accounts bdcra the District Auditor. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYE. t lat the Accounts of the Kural District Food Control Committee, duly made 11p I and balanced, together with all Books, Accounts, Documents, etc., relating thereto, Nvill be deposited at the Focd Cont rol OSce, t. The Parade, eath, and he open during office hours to the inspec- tion of all porso^s interested for sex-en clear days immediately before the Audit. Dated this Inlh dav of November, 1939. W. P. JENKINS, Executive Officer to the Kural District Food Control Committee. SALES BY AUCTION. .a- WALNUT THEE HOTEL, A BEL'A YON. LONG LEASEHOLD COT NEK BUSI- NESS PREMISES, huoT MAKING and i<EPAIlilNG FACTORY. Going Concern. Repairs over tiO Weekly Ow7i<>r Going A broad. VACANT POSSESSION ARRANGED. Mr. Richard Morgan ( Will SELL on TICKSDAY, OVEM. liER 13th, «'eU-kno\vn Eusinass, KncMvn as 1, CROWN STREET and OAK WOOD HO A D, NORT TALBOT. Comprising- 5 Bedrooms, Dining-room, Parlour, Kitchen, D.F. Shop, Bath (hot and cohl), w.e.. Machitierv, B.U. 3A Fin- Engine, Stan- dard PrMs a'td Knives, 2 Singer's Patch- ing Machines, Roller, Skiver. Can he Viewed in full working order. 99 years' lease from Juno 2fth, 1902. fGround Rent, ti 15s. For further particulars, apply to Auc- t.ioneer, Glohc Chambers .Aheravon. I^i ii ■, mr»ii iii 11 turnBu—_i. i.ajLMMi— I ?-?.? ? 7 '0.: :r:q.  N OW can"} inr. FULL SUPPLIES oi GENUINE FORD SPARE PARTS. I C:U:ne or Write ( I UUTCHiNS 1 & CO,Li?-IITED, j X7?i?QSTR!;CT 5WANSEA i I krmom-vgm I I MALfM AND MtRTSsrMG? I WW J MODERN MR. PEGGOTTY. Boat as House Substitute. reroarkablo i&stances Qi housing sbort-ag« weroi brought to the cotico of tlie Cardiff Union JJoard cf Guardiajas cn Saturday. One was oi a railway gna-rd who name to Curdiif froai Liverpool, &ucl. failing tc, filli a House, was compelled to house hiinself, wife, and fire children in anaHic. Mr. G. E. Edmunds: That caie is not as •bad u, that. of it local school teacher who had returned from the war. and he and •his family <-f fivo children hare been i ni'ot boat on rh +:i (;: r¡ 111 j -¡ Ladles Have a Clear I Sweet Healthy Skin By Using Cuticura Promote skin pGrity, skin com- fort and skin health by making j tCuticura Soap and I ????? Ointment your every-  dêl.y toilet prepara- tioOR. r Just tC1!ch any ffl pimples, blackheads, |l redness or roughness p* with Cuticura Omt- I ment. \V:tsÍ1 off in I ve minutes wi,?, Cu-  ticura Soap and hot water, best spphed vdth the hands which it sofiens wonderfuliy, and continue bathing a kw moments, R ir.r- ewith tepid water, j Contrast this simple, witolesotre j treatment with tiresome massaging. Sorp Is.. Oin raent li, 3t5. aad 2.. Sdl. Sold ihroii^hou: the Lmpae Vot ihirty-two parte ¡ I,¡n far.oklet adds ess F. Newbery & $011'. i .id.. 27. v..har;ev'h5u«.e .'q\.1are. London, 'c. 1. Aiso for nisii ordeti-.wilh rice. i^Sy- Cuticura Sosp »«avcj ivithout Mas. -U. I flfflfJJIHHUHiiHlfHHHIL IHmmmmm I toother watch I nOí J. d 'I Wortti32EH&-| or w s I Stilt rj¡3 most pfir.uiaij \tc:h for tiie L,¡"y j D,an is Xn° u'r;5t tperi'ect irrvice he ;3 r:r:IU I wiild SJI"r or Mild I Nickel, &ad cottmin » ??9 ?? ?' J<"?'e"<? LHYRN ?? r7pSB!M& motsment. This is ??N? ?SiL-?? ?''?S?"??? t?'Mr'e.<<?t :?,id it h a. \c:!> ??? \ii ??'?? "'?'' can be ?'?? "° k"p i'.me all tht I "<???????? <mu; Jumtn?'t dial ?a Solid S!!ve/45/- ScHd Nickel 35/- written guarantee^ BUY IT TO-DAT l I  )/ ? p.un$ei$ ..ç ¿yóns Lid 283J Oxford St., Swansea (Opposite ilarkct Entrance). iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiijiiii m i I., i —M Sun Rises 7.24, Sun Sets 4.53. I Lighting-up Time, 5.3. High Wilter, 7.13 n.m.. 7.3 p.m. I King's Dock, 42ft. tin., 41ft. 210. p.m. Tc-ntorrow, S.3 a.m., 3,32 p.m.