Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

4 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



'>' L 1 C; 1 Sf )1 "'Leader' Ciasaifie.i "f A dvertisements. APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT 03 II WANTED, TO CE LET, LOST AND FOUNa. Orw Three Six Insertion. lnserticab. lncertior-a $i Words. 1 C. 2 0. 3 0 I 30 Words. 1 6. ? 0. 4 0 I 40 Words. 2 0 4 0. 5 0 FOR SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. One Three bix insertion. Insertions. Inaertions SO Words. 1 6. 2 () 3 6 30 ;Words 2 0 3 0 4 6 el Wurda. 2 6. 3 6 6 6 BIRTHS, DEATHS. IN IAETAORIAM, AND y MARRIAGtS. Oue Three Six hwertion. Insertions. Insertions ti YVorda. 1 6 3 b. 6 0 30 W0rds, 2 0. 5 0. 8 0 40 W0rde- 3 9. 7 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertiol15 20 Worde. 2 U 3 t) 4 b I iO Worde. 2 6. 4 0 5 6 I 40 Words. 3 0 5 6. 7 6 I MOI\lEY.-6tl. Vel l.DC. MONEY 6d. per line. | MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIOtJC VACANT. "lTrAJ<T £ D, L? ?-,Lpe r; OTchectr?l t t-i?Mst. — Apply Manage; Custi? Cinema. isw^nsca. 146A11-C ,\V ASiTE.ij, an Orgaiiist for V Congregational Chuu?!, M.Ytin???.-— Apply, statins qua-iiiicaticns and esjjeiieuci-. to i,. Taonias Jones, 30, Uplands-crescec; iiffanja. 011-17 WOMEN AND GIRLS. A GDOiJ Tailore-ss and also Improvers.— "fx Aopiy L. ilarcus, XV. Union Chambers, ^vranseu. C^APABLS General, under 25, required iu;' \? f-ai?ny two; plain cooking; 1.0 waiui- $n?: not- a auction of w&geb; referonce re- qmreti.—Apply first by letter to 4 jjjrneror- n-v^nue. JSeata. ;4bAll-iii aL V ,A¡¡r:;iy with fall particulars, to JKir- lin s bridge isa,uitary ;c.a.m Laundry, Jtla v e r f o rtl w HaAll-U G1 COD General Wanted.—Apply (with rc- I larenoe 3. PriorUm Villas. Swa-neea. 145A11-19 uOD Girl Wanted, .1?-26; good home. — GT < Appiy. Mrs. Davies, H. i'autygwydr- t'oad. bwaiifea. IslAll-lo filAlliOEKSSES.—Wanted, Experienced G&ut X Hands.—Apply, The Bcwnoke (jiotfcfcii, Co.,48a, Waterloo-street, Swansea.. 141Ali-3v" X\/A.NTED, Oook-Oenera-l and Day Maid. —Herbert L. Morgan. Z..K3Jlg&tot). ,t-tid. 146A11-19 flTTAKTKD a«n Experienced Cook-General: v w good vtagos.—Apply, with reference*, to Airs Beli, Mile-end House La.ndore. 146A11-Z0 ?%?AATSD, a. pood Girl: sleep in or out.— '?l l Apply Evan6. Red House Morri?bon. 146AU-15 fiT ANTED immediately. Good General Servant; four in family; good wa.ei a.nd comiortable home.—Mi&. Davies. Tan- yrnHt, MDrmton. 145A11.1(¡ ihoron5By experienced Sliort- V D t tio Yp!'eyz, stating age, ex- perience, etc., to Box ?o. 01, Leader U{'E? Kw-anaea. t (TC) A -N? 'fy, ber tt, t, clean, trustworthy Girl or Womau to assL? vith hotisewofr?: a few L-our?i daily.—Write House work," leader Oiiice. fewanse*. 1£jZA1 .17 "I^TA^TKn. Cooi:-General; 4 in Family — V*. Apply, Mrs. Vaux, "Thornhill." 9, 1)pland»tcrrace, S-wansea.. 142All-1 S TTfTA>*I isi), a Good Woman every Tuesday TV, for waoiing and hoawcwork.—Apply, Mrs. Vaux, Th-c)rl, hill," 9. Uplande-terrace. Hwan&ea. • 14SAll-lii ""TX'A^TKD. a, Good Geneual: email family. -AI)ply, ilrs. Da vies, Craigafon, Clay- ton-road, Pontaixlultii^ 142A11-17 X^ANTKdT-a Young Woman about 12 \W ■ yeare of ace, as Assistant to the Kews aad Statiou?ry Trade.—Write. "N." Daily Leader" OOi, Swansea. 34A11-35 "\XTAN'l'ED. experienced Cook. Hcu?eniaid w? hent. Three in family. Good wavces. Apc?Y. iviI1g referptMM Mm Hewlett, Wernolen. Animarford \???T8D"good?pfier?). a?Mo to do plai ? cooMn?: wasea &Ga. month.—Apply Box s.1..Vcl.9Jfi. Hl?l?? MEN AND YOUTHS. t T) B?Ct?jA YE K;»Tand C?rpetuKTB Wanted.— A ppr: Mackenna, Contractor, wern.! ddu OolMery, near >ieati. CI 1-73 ClOliLECTOS for Swansea and distrKt; ? ?ood position for energetic man, smsH security, refcrMoes. etc.. to Box A S. -Tc-ader Ü.! SW!:1._l4£::l 17,UK"s1Fh1Nvs' Trade.—Wanted. a ood a.H- ? rcu?d Man for the Swansea Bmfich.— j HIll's. (?wer?streeij Swaœoo 12?A'[?-!5 < npHE SwTmw and District Farmers' Abso- JL ciation require the services of a. j Y.a,nagI and invite applications lor tht position; Fixed SaJa.ry and Coimnifision on &.11 Sale«. Particulars can be obtained froin lil., Sftcreta-ry, Mr. C. H. Newcombe, 41. Wind-street Swansea, to whom. applications stating experience (If Mty) in the work, I should be gent not later than the 2ist Nov- 'I enaber, 1919. 12Al1. T?'O?cod MouldeTB. alao one cxpenchcpd ¡ 1 ..Patter'tnM.tiW Wanted.—Apply T&e  "I.-andore Foundry Co. 145A31-1B TTIKiENTLY WA?TED.-5&J Studenta to ?? Qualify for Exi?tinc Va-c?c.ea. This i03 a cpioudid opportunity for a Yoab be- tween the age oi 17 and 24 to secure a per- manent lucrative berth fo" life Unem- ployed Demoboli-.ed Service men witii a kuowledse of Wirele»38 of the above .pre, should write or call IU crce.- Wirt,,It-at, I'-rainiitgr OolJetro, Ltd. St. Mar.v-street, Car- d'ji. or Caotle-g-trect. Sr-'ansea.. •TA-NTKD. Driver for Mann's Steam Ir (,art: one os-cd to Fame preferred: j paid to Crompetent man.—Apply to W. Jeffreys, Gounty Ptcpb ItLandilo. 145 't \J~'& XTD. at Watson & Storey Assis £ ta.nts ft to the Urocery and Provieion Trade. Applicants must have had experience in a good class trade, and have a keen desire to be courteous and attentive to customers. ♦ Jo-insr every eveninff at 6 o'clock —-Apply 1> p-road, Swauiwa. '?TTAXTED ? Sh?r?f'ctriciRn for- .^teel 'VV B?uat. be GXpcrjencpd m D.C. I and A C. and have a good know- ledge.—Apply stetinK age. experience, Aril withes reauired, Upper Forest find Worces- ter Workg. M-orr-iston. ci I -I pl, '??AKT?E'), B?tjcrienced Chuu?eur. Y?' V V me?ha-ni'?1 knovwledge. for Private I Oar: state aa-e. ware-:• ady experienced men need apply.-Write Box B 1 1 Leader Offioe. 142A11-1S for 4-rnill Tinylate \V;;ï: I Wages Clerk accustomed to making ""out yicldc. etc.—Apply, stating age csperi- ence. and salary, to Box A 17 Leader, _talls 'Y,"ANT, D, Yonng Man. about 13. at fij once. to Deliver Milk. etc.; reference j wanted.—S.. P. Victorie, Dairy. Ar- jjyle-etrcet, Swaiifeea. 142AH.17 miscellaneous SITUATEONS I WANTED, ¡-UN W Cb?wMdea7 I?Moobili?d ) 5 ? ?cw dY8, seel,4 Position of Trust with i .f!?d?!n Pr??ters? Lcidon'e Lt?t expefiencs Adir?s: ?. ?rpmadoe-road. Claphrm S- ?__ _?.?.??_ J45A11-1S j' n ¡P:UiLE Housekeeper, with escellent  ?' rcieren?f'M. rcQmr<y, Fopiuon unt?' Rammer: interview.—Write Bex A 6, D.iiy deader Swansea. 142A11-1S 'FTLDE?LLY '?mM' Widow, wants S?nf!- i ? ticn as Hou&eaecpcr; Domesticated :'tnBtwcrthy. and Uüne:; Cr.jR?emtM' Kwajiaea. or uhlrns Preferred.—Address' housekeeper, Daily Leader, Swan?e. I 14?A:'1?S HOUSEKEEPEK.—Widow (40itj'-1Tt:'k II JL- d&ushtcr (7), ,ill five cervices to re- t.??'tablo man without family.—" Mou?e- 'keeper." 4 AHt?cn Hi-It? PoDt?rd?v.c.  14nA13-15 Y01N KH. Thoroughly Efficient, .wants Job? I' w Bench preferred, cr repairs; would take v.oi?. or t'oMtrcL—W.18. "Lead??" Oiiice, Swansea. 141AI1-15 ♦^TOKEB Reeks Situation in Collicn' I M Woi kg.—Apply V. K.. CwmllynfcH. Favanaea Valley. 146A11-15 j ;{r.A'lED,-Šitution as Jlout'Rkeeper -or r'? G?ner? .S.crvH?t.—App?y, A 18, J L?"td? O?Rce. _W1_ -12.j 11 p'raw-rv isasj. .a FURNITURIE. 'L??RK !TLRP?.—HcstPrif;? given by me -T for fc'econd-ba-nd FurJiiture and Antioue F-u-niture of any 4eM:ry»tioii. Drop me a roaf.-atd .or, call.—Wm, 8. Fabian- Mrpt'ti-i?.Thjmas C'T.C. HOUSES (SHO SHOPS FOR S?LE A?D TO LET. BUY yo?'?o?uac with the }?ntT'?.?ifS B Hou?e? purchased this v?ay. lmnict!j- ate Advances.—Write for Mrticuia.t? to Ci!bert Evans, Sketty.y 141AH-I7 1?MPTY 4-roomed House for Sale: w  J> stone front; Smyrna-street, Pla*marl, -?A'!j?h- ? Penha.Ic. 232. High-Kttect. ?6AI?.;i) J:ORSALr:iIouië'ïH)t(é-Cll- Loughor e-?d Goraeinon; one with Vacant, Pos,?- sion with Bath, end inside sa.mt3.tioI1.- Af/ply. Humphrcye, Llwyn Hall, Lixi,, ci- j bandy. 142A11-14 SALE, with Vacant Possession, Small Jt Shop and DweIling-hous<e; Freehcid; :0. 5. Brynsifi-terrace, T'reboeth; yonicutly near tile Tram Terminus.—Apply, Virter lf,der and Morris, Solicitors, Orford-street, Swansea.; 145-411 r.3 Sale, a very Preebold Villa Keeidcnce: 5 bedroom*, bathroom, W.e.. dining and drawing vooi* large kitchen scullery, larder, ware- house. coal- w.c.. greenhouse (heated;, e-table with loft, fc)wlc, house, good garde a. carriage entrance; nicely situated; close to train and present tenancy expires 35;,h December 1^19.—Apply J Ja-mes Kaver^r wood. Fforcctfach. 2 i>easoho T X Dweiling-bousefl. each containing pnr- IOllr. kitchen, scuilery. bath thot and cold water) 3 bedrooms, water closet, sine a garden, back entrance, dramas'? complete. —A?nly J. Saixie-e., (Irairiag,; fach, 145A1Ltl T?OR SALE by T)riv,-it(- Treaty :n ..H:' Westbnry-street; convenient situation. —Mw?rd Roberts "md Son. Auetionce-?. I?aj?air  Buildir?gs.? Swingea C 1 l' 4 ? OC'SK for "Sa.le'Ccntra.f P?u-?on?. Jf.?; suit market gardener; price. 11 £ 4G(i.— Address, Gardener, "Leader" OSIee, ?wans?t. 146Al .15 "UbUEb Purchased on e?sv ?' terms; Any -KL district; you will ben&6t by having the lowest repayment in House Purchase.- Writer "Ownership." "D?ny leader" CS?ce. Bwansoa. -81 '¡;:ëü!:Ê-y'Zl1r ri;;üsë.; v;m 1ti;:L;f£'i2 I £ 100; balance by arranecment- a' y diBtriot.—Box E 2, Leader Ofac4L?. 6wans<>« 3 46 Ail-: •? "c- j "t7"ACA.'«T POSSESSION nivec of   ? Urnnswick-str?et-Sa? «.t Hc*< ? Cameron, November 14th. AHcttoueers- E.; ward H >berta and Son. Swansea, C!l''4 TV. Old PI?' Tenn?ts"Tjr?:?erto?o';n ?f.OM EMahtiaitcd nou?o P'?-eha? kvs- ¡'m Adv?ntapM u?iouc ami nni.?: !Ie?l.-A?D)y B6NT, "Leader'" Nt'3U).. C?-14 ?/? WHEKLY will Purchase ?450 n??€ 4/6 a.,i' 7d.ti,let: by arrange (I ?C!tt? LZIMHOTIL/' Lca?pr. SWANSEA, T.G. Mr. Jo:enh? Harrit's Attnouncemcnts? TliT ATKL\S-S'TREJi.T,-Thr<(' Houses ?h w Po'lcd Stone Fronts A)e Sale chMp to Qtijc.kbuy?r. QEA VIEW-TEB.RACE.—Splendid House ror Sale-in best positoo of Terrace. pOfflC TKNNAJ^T.—Three Houses for Sale ..1L in Bagbtn-street, and one in Bay- sti-ent. Alsd Freehold House in Balaclava- street. 6]:'j)('¡à;K:;i"'Ý(;-ÍTè\]ëS)r ??I<' in. J nett-street and four im Cwm Lev<-i- Toad. BKY^MiLL—T\vo eKcnénto fvr Jl Sale in Canterbury-road. "\7ETOODIx.vND8-TEilKACE.—Freehold. Hosse w with every coxiTenier.oe for Sale. A !«o one in Kasehill-terrace. Tj^OIt Particuiara of the foregoing prope>- 1 ties. apply to Joseph Harris, Aue. I tioneer end vainer, 1, George-street. Swart- .l. Tel., 469 Docks. C'l-33 Messrs. J. Blewitt Jenkins and Sons' Announcements. ~XTAO.\KT POSSESSION.—Modern Freehold c* Semi-detached Villa in i'versley-road Sketty for Sale. QT. ALBAN'S-ROAI). BrynmilL—Good ? j?pa?ehold House for Sal?: 2 reception icome. kitchten, etc.6 bedi'oome; reason- able price. B.-RYN-Rõlill.-TWO Lcaseld-iI-¿u -c'.r I JD !?ic at moderate figure. OkETTT.—Leasehold Semidetached Hou«e Sat, ierv reasonable WH'.c; ? rccption I ro&m&. 4 bedi'??oms box-room,, bath-room, etc.  '??ATH-ROAU. LA?ORE?'?'a?a'i)'r'?h'< -L? and DweUi!?-hou.?? on Tram Route for Sale. -S-¡TR:o\i";¡'Ù.- FörfR le:- Fr?eho]dPrf'!?e&? ks affording excellent Site for Wa.Tfho:? < etc. CR' 'r.-ew;r¡tl good L&?chcld WYDR-CBESOEN T and BEYNY310K" Dwellin olise Sale. Fáir, Further Particulars fnd Orders to View apply Messrs. J. Blewitt Jenkins and Son«, jje-ta-te Agents Surveyorte etc.. 4. C 1,4 -17 APARTMENTS APID LODGSPdiGS TO LET AMD WANTED. Rooms, near ii town: ma mod counle no cbildre u.- Writ.e Box D 2 Lea-der Office. 146A11-15 Boa; <' i Kesidcnoe with Private Family in re sidential neighbourhood.—Write F. X M. Daily Loader. Swannea. 346A 31-15 HOUSES WANTED. WiAiNTfib, oy June, 3^20, to Rent or Pur- W. chase, a Six-roomed House, Cen- traUy sitnated in nice locality; Must be ir Good Bep&ir and Ready for Occupation by carried Oouple.-Write. fu?est particuia.jF?. A ll. "leader'' Oiac«. Swansea. (STD j PREM:SSS TO LET & WAMTEC { '??RKSHr7p?o' Let. at rear of l/OaSd" 1 ? so'oare,—Apply 't?atkina' Pnntuig c? i 4. Rutland-street. l?SAU.M | "\?/'A?TED. Prcm?s SujtabI? for ?Yfttar? Hall or R<!(.mB above Shop?; must b? j central; good rent paid.-Anply, lli, Alex- andrar-terraco, Brynmill, Swana. 141A11-15 LOST AND FGFJK-JD, I L-Ej;i-in Mcrristou Car Ic?vujx Swansea L abc?tt o))Ü o'clock Small Brow?t Paper larcel. Reward oh retuiBtCK to Rcb?tF Statkiner. Morriston. C11-J6 L- o'i"õÍI- Xo??mber 10th, Dark (4recL j L 1;miher Purse, t?her' in Docks Oar j or between Tenby Uotd and Terrace-road '? Schools.—Finder suitahly rewarded on re- I turning same to Miss Lewis,' 117, Ehondda- street. Mount Pleasant, Swaneou. 14SAJ1-34 j "TATILL the Person who found Gold Albert ii. and Two Watches at ilicrs-etreet on Saturday night return eame to 43, Inker- i'ann-?'trect ?t. Thomas, will bc suitably rc-  w&r.(Ied. H .?  ?'— .— J?±.?-I ¡ M:SCELLAM?OUS WAMT?, I BUY Furniture New and Second-hand.— -? Serkin. 219 High-street, &wa?wM.. ■ 1UA1145 j P1^'0 Wanted for [D-BÏitutritltlïd P. IAfiker  ?" stated, and not to b? I more than .EM.Arite. "?-crctary." "Cam- ??- ????:?__S?ns?. 14??.1.?ëd OT-M- P:) woo? ??e'?.Ten-! r mugs. Ltd. W oodworkers. PermVwt-n- road. Br:st<J Branch id Port.hcnwl. STC. ( "ITS.rANTED a r«illy good GramoplTone^- w Jliei JiasterV; Voice" or ''Columbia" i —or good American Machine.—Write "((:1-! umbia, !)(i_< (.}!L_- :14?- j 1.1 f ANTED, a Chip Cart in Good 1 Condition. — Write. PofM.oe. "Leader,' Swansea.. 1.343A31-S6 FOR SALE. CCARDIGAN tfacKbte; all wool: :)ew:Ti?f;ca.?hv'i!t. order.-Ren, 236. Hacknoy-road, London. E.2. 145AL.]4 c à8T:lfjfÊ-:='1ïâ;S:-£iö 10& Xavy?'Scr'? ? ? Quite New; Fashionable West Eiui Tailor; Splendid Material; Well Cut, :aéq,t £ ■> lots. good bargain.—108, St. HelenVroa* Swansea. 342A33 39 DON'T Mi«a This! Good Coo?inp oe Ea.- t ing A Ppk3. 28 Itx fcr 6f.. c?rri')?? paid, pnclsago free. Cacb with order.—li Edwards Fruit Grower Wellington, Som 146A13-C5 '¡. T^UES.—Magnificent Black Set; Lar,c X Shoulder Wrap, and Lovely Pillcvr Muff; cost £ 14 14s. late last season; Ii. t worn; accept Helen'e-road. Swansea. 142A33-;9 ■pURS^Magniflcent Slack fe«tl Li i-e J- Shoulder Wrap, and Lovely PilljV Muff; cost JE14 14s. late last season; not worn; accept .64 35s.; bargain—Mr. Scctt Vorbee. 10S, St. Helen's-road, Swaiu-ea. 141A 33-35 rr.o JAM MAKERS.—Jam Apples (Mi"eel A- Sweets and Scours). £ 5 per ton m bur. ers' bags; F.O.R. Cash with order.—F LeI. wards. Fruit Merchant Wellington, Som 146A11-C5 i'TIL\ T offers for 300 Boxes I.C. Tinplat,-r 216 llje. 20 k 28; immediate shipment J 46 A11-19 ?nn CASEa Gnn?'& Canadian Kc. ??'? Arriving on Wednesday. Wh<.??- eale.—w. Thomas and Co. (Swansea), Lid.. Gloucester Buildings Swansea, 140A11-14 LIVE STOCK, &c. ■ "OOULTRY Keepers.—Ilavfi vor, tried ti-c well-known Exee) Laying? illeal Noth- ing finer in town; an e^g-profl»cer without a, douht: 3d. per Ib.-ltarrioon Bros., 330. Jxigb-etreet Swa-,ieeo,. 143A13-33 13ONY for Sale; good worker; free fro. vice, and ChCtlD; bnit hawker.—App:.r 338. Port Tennant-road. St. Thomas sp?; 42A i -7 -6;\()ING Pigeons.—For immediate j i JLL p??aL Twenty-four )Firs?"tass Ix.n? Distance Eacera, A. R, Osman. Edit-ur Racing Pigeon, a.nd W. Cortis, London, Rtrain«; strong, healthy oirds; an H.P rang; 3M pair; all RdNvn North Road: cr accept .e?3 for lot not nn?.rtpr valne; in- spection invited. Ab-o- Training Backer#.— 1'. A. Williams Rosstyn/ Tyncbone-road. Pontardulais. 143A13-18 ggaEanaggBH™ ,i MUSiCAL i^STHUMEWTS. ??AM?HO? E'?'M?e i.?:c?."?R!d" l!o?? "U! ?M. Cabinet, ota.ndin? 4ft. hi?n. recently ne?; perfect tone <ind cotiditi?i tM-owghout; quantity of rcc?r?.s.i.crihcr. ?3 tT'f. 6d.: Kenui? bM?ain: h.t sell— | 108 t. 41A',I.'5 G.ÖLH.IÜ, Y and ,w! Md??eeia! BarM ?? G- )n Seeond'd Piano? and OrRat'?: H'ke.. from 2$?? New Pianos by all ti?e lea-dinmakers, including Collard aiid Col- lard. Wiitor. and Wittoa. Semes and Brinamead Cramtl etc. et4i, Prices from 5?Bs. caHh Teras arr$Mvt-d if dMir?d W,Ue for free !<? or NtH and make s. per. Mnat selection.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd. 2". St J?e!rn'B-?<J, Swansea. !['A??4 ?lODFREY a.nd CorMd Piatiufortc Mnu? Gfl*,cii.irefs. have n?w R<' Opened tJJPir funin?t ami Kepairing Department Pi?c? and OrP.'aÆ Thorou?h?T Besov?tfd and Re- p1\irM. E?tuoates ,i"en, Expert Tunc.'s Visit a.H Pfrt? of Wales Mano'a and Player rianop a. Speciality —Godfrey and Co.. Lt(. 22. Hc'en*«-road. Swansea. 340A13-14 P -ÜÖFOp.Tî:Fir-,tOJIn;trum@t ivalnit c,i,(, frieze panels, iron frame; splendid cOD!Ution; inspection and offers invited.—" Ciairwood." Neatli 146A 11-15 PIANOS mode equal to new; my speciality. Repairs and Tuning; several Good Second-hand Pianos from 28 Onto Hawkins, 22. Cliapcl-street., Mumbles. 25 years God- frey and Co.. Ltd., late Manager Swansea Braxich. 342A13-7 T?Hb?P?ON AND SHACKELL'S AN 1 NOHNCEMENTS:— (CHICAGO OrKan, 4 sets of rept'?. 8 :'top J khec f?'reUs: Tpr? fine t<?-s. ?'?.- Thompson find Shaekell. Ltd., 39. Cae-tle street, Swansea P.r..(oFö)ITE-i;YRiiÏlhAÜ.on fuÚ com- 1. pass, ivorv keys; 50 guineas cash, oi I ftasy terms.—T.'tompson and Sbackell. Ltd 39, Ofastle-strget, SwRiriea. A JjEXANDRA Paris. Harmonium; 12 stops, set$ of reeds; I a rge powerful jnetrn. ment. suitable! for place of worship; £35;- Thompson and SUa-cbell. Ltd., 39, Castle- street. Swansea. -.z_ "t:. TKADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. -¡-iYi I' Variety of Boys' :md Girls' Au? 11 nuals, Picture Bco'?, Reward Books, Bibles (Soafield and Toaoher<s'). Fountain Pens, Stylos/ Purses and Wallets. May be seep at Enoch's, 37, High-iitreet, Axcadc, ■v;<«wa. rieal Hargaius in BOt>TS for Men. A spiendid lot readv at the new R.G Shoe Stores Goat^treet rrrv a pair. 344a 11-18 1 Exclusive Blouees and Latest in Corseti -M -1 Keen Prices; Go to Madame Jar fife Jones, Ladies' Tailor and Dressmaker, 23, St. Itclen'&road, Swansea. _42AU-:5 L^XJRS'Re^nodeiled; by our Proccss wc are J. able to make Old Furs look like New; ¡ All the Latest Styles in Fur Coats and Sets. —Tennens, 5. C*adock-etreet. Swansea.. 144A13-3S I QiDNHY PALMER'S well-known C^rSrui I Pastries are made cf best ingrcdlent*, only. Wedding and Birthday Cakes in I StoCk ami Made to Order. Noted for Teas 'tnd Mince Pie*.—Palmer's Cafe, opposite Ela?rc. and Branches. ?AH-? ) CA);œ(FÙ{! !!esisting), ?0 to 48iobel I ? AF.B for Sc.le. Also pair S?in. Wh)ciu" E,nn; ,St"an WaEOM; Pirmps.—Birt 47a [ Strand, Swansea. CH-!? ^jURGICAL Aprillanceq.Vriiss(-,g. ravs. i O Etiemr, Surgeons' Rubber Gloves Surgioai nuhhn Moode of eterv description i Writ for Catalo?na. sent 'POst free.—Le I Br?8t:ar Surmc&l Co.. Ltd (Dpt D V ), 90 and ~93- Worcester-street Eirmingaro. MiFbYOT Frill Cream Wflln^R^Tsd Almond TofTees are now on Sale at i.ip- Oxford-street Shop, Pre-war quality. The i aind MONEY. ELAW 12 London-road, ?ath' E. C?s? Adva,ncc? fiom £ 5 ami upw?rd? St:ictt/ Private. Esta.bIi?hpd U76. TU. IF yo-.i require a loan. aoi>,T to ("Por, t Thomas Church-stree. 'opposite St Mary's Church), Swansea Privftte and Cor fi denial. Wtf to Lcn4 to Reipectable "lllTuse holder?; Piivr>(e and Confidential — -^ADVANCES) L15 TO £ 5j000: 0,1 written pj-omfsc to rer.),ty or any security Principal reamins or caa b ■ repiid by 35 or 24 monthly insta intents; no charge of any kind unless busirtec^ done; promptness and privacy; avoid exposing your requirenifiTt"; locally.—Write oldest Companv essoin* • E. LAWRENCE. LTD., Don Chambers, Wtne-street, Bristol. -o-¡. _t PÆRSONAL. IN DecIg Bert's Toffee Shop there fs "Htsr.diiit;. Room Only." Tilele Bert and big Son thank you lor your bplp. YOIl are doaig "Yor: Bit" na we did ours Thanks' I -iwan^ea Thanksf' WdtJLD Someone Adopt a » V months; healthy.—Apply Nurse Lewis. Infant Welfare, Vaughan-rcad Llanelly. Cn-n vq=- :r-=- 'q' SMALL ADVERTISE MENT ORDER FORM. I j-I.- l .c I ——j | -1 j '4- -,t I ??.———.  ¡ _M- j ?_ ??. .?. L..?.   .?. __? ft i ¡ -< ¡., «- j I-w_, f; —?—" I.. ——  —  —  f.: I r  ¡ r- t. 6 Please publish the above advertisement timos, for which I | | ectlos-s •« d. I Name 800 Address: • < | « "v. 11 desired, roplios may sent Bí""W1.¡!\t thft N Cambria, Daily | § Loader" Office. I This form she-old bo addressed to A tl rd Cambria, Daily | § Leaeer," S-Ransca imwwci iw^^>n»yag^3ia*g^aiffaa<Bf<fa3W8aWiE^j^«tHBai!!iajfe<DaBicai>i»<MtJua»"»» 11 iw>« IMI »■ lamamauo Diamond Five Stone Dainty Diaiocon4 Clns" i Half Hoop Ring, lfict. ter Crossover Ring- Gold Mount, ISct. Gold Mount, £3 to £50. -0 to S40. The cannot f I'  r'eprodwee j! the cotonr ?nd lifo of Diamonds or ¡ I prccious ??toues. Of all the wonderM i j be&unes of Nature, the precious 1 i stones are the only ones tho arisr I cannot bring to his paper or canvas. | I Even tho camera is at a loss, prodcc- R ing a Hat ana expressionless Jeult. I i But yon can possess the original i I' beauty in our diamond and coloured | I stone rings. To own one of our gem | ? riugH is to SCCUTr to yoGrself a con Bt.wt Hource of dlibht, 'which Wti | j g Bsver w,?,%r out &nd never ?kepreciete 11 ?EE OL? ?Z?DO??S I 8 i, 1:: i I | HandRonie Diamond | Maraniso Bine, Pal- I Mnm. rti-Ci I8ct. Gold 1 Mount. § ?28. -<——— Diamond and Sapphire 1 Five Scone Half Hooj | Ring. ISc-i; Gold I Monpt. I £2 to £ 20. I IM<&30ltem.^unitks^ | (L?.???S???"?"?3?? III  I  Warm Underwear Protect yourself against Winter Chill by Wearing Warm Underwear—Un- derwear that" keeps the cold out." Reliable Underwear in a sensible weight is what you want, and at a Moderate Price. I We have it. PANK'? ?' I -iL '.rk JL ? I C? a Hatters and Hosiers, 17, HIGH STREET, I SWANSEA. I _u MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, &c. ¡tLBJON Cba&sj:Jk!i-(,IY ()f .so t'tlt. and A 60 cwt. Chat;is from Stock, subject to being uti^Td; cash or easy terms.—ii. K Jones, Ltd., Motor DeiJOt., DiaN-,yi-,treot, Swansea. Tv" ipdxt ,V1/E, Royal FnfieJd Motor Cycle; Combination.—Apply, Vanstone, OUlee, Manfeelton. 14 P..I) Two-Seater with English buil It Oolly, X painted green, upholstered leather, doable windscreen, khaki hood, dicky seal, right-hand drive; been little used: can tl Keen by appointment. Price induding spare wheel With complete tyre and ail acces- sories, £ 355.— Apply, Box iio, FIB, c/o Leader'' Office, SW3.11Sea. TC MOTORISTS: For Snow and 1 "Ice 1, Parson'e Non-Skid CUaiufc; fitted in two minutos. All sizes in took. Trade i supplied.—Fletcher's Garage, Swansfca. ??? ? K6AH.15 ?? '?T ? 6-SEAT?R. TouriBC Motot Ca; -!Lt..?jtL<?.ic)' Sale; in excellent co?L tion; price £ 450.— Apply Joseph JJarrjs. AcutioTiticr and Valuer 1, George-street, Swa-nsea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. Cll-1(j QAIflJ, Daracoi SS&ater Touring; Zenith Carburetter, etc.; any trial. Alec 3334 Landaulette in Perfect Running j Order; any trial.—Banwell-street Garage, Morriston. 1t,lAl1.17 TTf?OlisFliEY Siddeiey 5-Keater Touring; ) v. Electric Lightifig; laid up during War; in Condition; e.11 y trial.— j Samuel, S\ffu,n Hotel. ft" — A,E r, ROAD TRANSPORT EXHIBITION. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL gALL. LONDON. NOVLivfBLU 20th, 1919- SEE OUR EXHIBIT. ]VTEW A.E.C CHASSIS SUPPLIED DIRECT .J.. BY US TO USERS ARE EXAMINED A YLA K FOR TWO YKARS. We can give good delivery to the follow: In :s: 3>\ and. 35 sealer Charabancs, with taper fetreauiiino. bonnet, and datii., Air,o 32-r,eater Snloon I Hnse:. 4-ton Lorries j wiC¡ li.rd¡'nuUt tipning'ge-ar T?rms—C??!). or b?ferrp? NOTE.—AH .KC- Chased now ?ppl!? by ob.have t11' hnpTovc? type 50'h.p Tvlor en e:?c Pt?o!. Don't bny A)-? d?p<?'' A.E.C.. CTtt t})<- t)fw an? pTtarantM! Ch?M:9 ?rorc Tt'orn:? White and Co. B?rrv (Tel J?). the t h<-? Soot 1 Wal *s Diettribnting Agents for A.F.C Commercial Vehicle* C31 20 j ,| i;1* j worrcEs, j '?TH?U??ROTE?Drawinfr?or?a?? aiid ?' Hop):u? has been Postponed nnti! De- c?mb?r 5th. Pica? ??3- l'!6A?1?5 ?O?TINUKO ?ucc?-sa;MU<in '"Fr?t?her' ? M.B.P.S.; Test Reading Free; Send |BV irth Date and ?t?ic?cd envc;opp.—5. Area;!f, Pontypridd. Glam. 143A11-15 IN Rverylxxfy's Month' Ma?'kaY's'HcT?? ?. ?ah!<? for Chest. Throat, ar.d Voice. I l rnrivalI,')d. Of all Conf?ctionere. M. ounc? O^ld l,i0!?sa!e of Ma?fy's, Mfg. Confccticnen, Old Market-street, Er?st?!. I-yõn,a-ntQ-ÿ.à.1 gOOf\V1t11. "k for one! -? of my 15 ymr Euaranteo Timekeepers Full Jewelled Movem^nt^; excellent Time- ¡ piece 25s. each. Only at A. Joseph, Wv.cch- and Jeweller. Heathfield-stre-?t Ir;mct I to tJuWn's). ?9A11-? DA:ÜiI-ftJd Glaínoyancy.N"(;t'; ¡ p Indian Palmist; 3n years' experience in America. France London Australia. FLIlr ) from 5s. Oorreepondenct invited.—Frof Kiemitt. PH.D.. A.B. (13 a.m. to 0 p m.). 92. C"?ii street, Man&clton. 143A33-33 -9- .?- _'4- —I.I.IAI IWHI,—1. EDUCATIONAL. rp.1 .mV¡A-I'T'Srí1I:i |- fi ::z ¡ i 8 ll; :J'C:i .tlltíi!1 The Great System of SVImd I Training. |! Call or writ for full information, 1; Director, 1; PELMAN INSTITUTE (-1), 96, ST. MARY STREET, I C A R D I F F. I p R IVAT E, T Uki:ION fop Unrion Matrio. I- and all the Profet-sional Frelim. Es- ams: Shorthand ahd Book-keeping rapidly j taught at Lishigan'tf'Coaching Hollege. 40-41. W orce«ter-place ioppositc Caetie Cinema)., j a ii ieal 10


:1 Children's Corner.iil a…
