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BENJAMIN SHIRLEY, CHINA MANUFACTURER, HIGH STRET, BANG-OR; AND PRINCE OF WALES'S WORKS, LONGTON, STAFFORDSHIRE. ATEW Pattern Dinner Ware. Dinner Sett. N102 Pieces, R2 10s. M.: Tea Stts, 32 Pieces, from 10s. 6d. upward%; Molded Tumblers, from 3s 6d. up- wards ditto Tumblers, from 5s. upwards ditto Wiue Glass, from 3s. upwards new Pattern Toilet Ware, from Ga. upwnrrls. I B.S. having his own manufactory, is able to match broken services, and which he is prepared to do at very moderate prices. WHEAT SOWING. Goulding's Anti-Smut Composition HAS been found, beyond exception, the fl. most valuable and effectual remedy for the Smut, Bunt, or Brand in the ear of Wheat. It has received the universal application and approval of most of the Practiic,,1 Agriculturists of this Country, and is firmly established as the TRUE FARMER'S FRIEND." It is the most simple in its application, the most certain in its effects, and cheaper than tiny other dressing in use has stood the test for the last SIXTEEN' YEARS, and with- out one single failure to our knowledge. The Proprietors wish to remark that with this Preparation there is no oc- casion to Lime or Brine the Wheat. The seed can be dressed and fit to sow in a quarter of an hour. Sold in Packets 9d. each, sufficient to dress 364 pounds of seed. Prepared by W. and H. M. GOI-LDING, Cork. Wholesale Agents—EVANS, SONS, and Co., Liverpool, EVANS, Ll:l'Il;R, and EVAsA, London. Wholesale and Export Druggists, Drug Grinders and Pharmaceutical Chemists. TO PARTIES FURNISHING. SAMUEL CUTTER, 19, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL- Invites the attention of Purchasers to inspect his C'nuioe ami V aried STOCK of WARDROBES AND TUDOR BEDSTEADS, TELESCOPE DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS AND CHIFFoNlERES, WALNUT DRAWING-KOOM SUITES, GILT CHIMNEY GLASSES, BEST IMPROVED SPRING BEDS, IRON BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING. Of every description, with every suitable article for GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHING. SHIP CABINS FITTED UP, &c. SHOW ROOMS, 19, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. DIN\TKFORD'S Pure Fluid Magnesia has been, during tweuty-tive years, emphatically sanctionell by the Medical Profession, and universally accepted by the Public, as THE BEST REMEDY for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEAD- ACHE, nOFT, AND INDIGESTION, and as a MILD APEBIEST for delicate constitutions, more especially for Ladies and Children. When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, it forms an agreeable Effervescing Draught, in which its appericnt qualities are much increased. During HOT SEASONS and in HOT CLIMATES, the regular use of tIns .imple and elegant remedy has been found highly bene- ficial. It is prepared (in a state of perfect purity and ot uniform strength) uy DINNEFORD and Co., 172. NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, And.Suitt by al respectable Chemists throughout the World. rn HUGHES ANI) CO., X CABINET-MAKERS ANDUP HOI,STERERS, 45 AND 47, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. OPPOSITE SLATE11 STKF.ET. FACTORIES: 58 AND 60, FLEET-STREET, AND 61 SEEL-STREET. T. H. and Co. being bona fide Manufacturers, are in a position to offer intending purchasers great advantages in price, and guarantee that for design and durability their productions not to be surpassed. A LARGE STOCK OF GILT MIRRORS TO SELECT FROM. BEDDING, of every description, and all the New Materials for WINDOW CURTAINS and DRAPERIES as they appear. the Parties about to Furnish should not fail to inspect the large variety of DRAWING-ROOM SUITES, in Walnut and Rosewood, brought out by T. H. and Co. for the present season's trade. 45 AND 47, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. OPPOSITE SLATKK-STKEKT. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. For Fire, Life, and Marine Assurance, and for Annuities, Established A. D. 1720 by Charter of King George the First, and contirmell by Special Acts of Parliament. Chief Office in the Royal Exchange, London, Branch, 29, Pall Mal PERSONS assured with this Corporation JL incur no liabilities of Partnership. Payment of their claims is secured by a large invested Capital Stock. They enjoy the advantages of modern practice, with the stability of an office which has been tested by the ex- perience of nearly a Century and a half. Tables o the premiums and of the Bonus in the Life Department, may be obtained at the Offices of the Cor- poration, or from its Agents in the principal towns of the United Kingdom. JOHN A, HIGHAM, Actual y and Secretary. Agent at Carnarvon John Morgans, Esq. Bangor .J. V. H. Williams, Esq. ? PwUheIi .Mr. DaTid DaYiec. BY APPOINTMENT. Purveyor of To the Curry Powder -< Que en. A REAL BLESSING TO THE AFFLICTED. P A BRANT'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. One Dose relieves, the third cures. Price 18. ld, nn.1 2s. 9d. per bottle. Retail of all respectable Chemists wholesale, Barclay & Son, London Evans & Co., Liver- pool. VALUABLE REMEDIES FOR THE AFFLICTED DR. Hoborts's celebrated Ointment, culled the POOR IAN'S FRIEND, is confidently re- commended to the Public as an unfailing Remedy for wounds of every description. A certain cure, for ulcerated Sore Le, if of 20 years' standiug; Cuts, Burns, Scald Bruises, Chilblains, Scorbutic Eruptions, and Pimples on the Face; sore and inflamed Eyes, sore Heads, sore Breasts, Piles, Fistula, Cancerous Humours, &c. Sold in Pots at 1 s. l1 2% lid" lis., and 22s. each. Also his VLjJE AN TiSCKOPHUL/E, confirmed by (;0 years' experience to be, without excep- ?n?c of the best alterative medicines ever com- pounded for purifying the blood and aid]ing '*•>a her operations hence they are used iii? Wroful?i, Scoi-bu- i? C?ints Glandular Swellings, particularly those of the Neck &c They form a mild and superior Family \PerienMhainu.y L taken at all times, without con- finement or change of diet. "'??n' bo? Tl'' ?', 2%. 9d.. 4s. 6(1., 1L and 22s each Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, beach and Bamicctt, Bridport; and Retail by all respectable Medi- ciue Vendors in the United Kingdom, the Colonies, &0, Observe-No Medicines sold under the above names can possibly be genuine, unless "Beach and Barnicott, late Dr. Roberts, Bridport," is engraved on the Goiem- ment Stamp affixed to each package. 1tD Pli ? e?"????  .,y,. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. T"E GREAT SUCCESS of this rmTT?F CONDIMENT has been the signal  of many SPU tKe totally different Vn ir/oR^Se of t JDIGESTXVE PROPEHTIES?ofth???CE. p.hxsers are earnestly requested to ASK ?'??????? ?'? Prepared Djay by L LEA & PEMI?. WorcMter.? ??  Sold Who' ? gzport. by yiobsu 8; B AOXWBLL, L*nd"l "and tU Merchant* tad Recommended by the Faculty, and univertally approved by Connoimeurs. THE PRINCE OF WALES SAUCE TMPARTS to chops, steaks, cut- '?&? JL lets, fish, game. hot and cold meats, etc., etc., a most piquant and al?petizi rellsll, and is prououueed by "I to be tho most perfect condiment ever offered 2?? to the public. It is a delicate combina- tion of rich exotic apices and fruits, is perfectly whole- some, and n most Agreeable stomachic. College of Chemistry, Duke-street, Liverpool. I have made a very careful Chemical and Microscopical Analysis of the "PBINCK OF WALES SAUCE." J can high- ly recommend it as being a very palatable, piquant, and delicious condiment, aud perfectly free from all matters that could in any way interfere, injuriously, with the ani- mal economy. (Signed, SHERIDAN MTISPRATT, M.D., Professor of Chemistry, etc.. etc. Sold in Bottles, Is. and 2s. each, by Grocers, Oilmen, and Druggists everywhere, and wholesale and for Expor- tiou by Evans, Sons, and Co., Liverpool. EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. Poet free for Six Stamps, open ends, or 14 in a Sealed Envelope THE MOST STARTLING TRUTHS are contained in the i LAST NEW BOOK on PREMATURE DECLINE and its ready removal; the modern treatment of certain disqualiifcationfi; witk ruleEl- and uurnerouI preKcri!)tioui for the ilpeedy cure lay very simple means of nervatioriess,debilit)*,aud all the more com- mou diseases aud supposed incurable maladiea of the sexual sys- tem, Invalids will be astonished at its contents. By Dr. W. .) F. Roos, M,D., &c., of the Fcolv demedecine, Paris; Graduate in Medicine, Sorcery and Midwiferf By the pretlent Taw, none but the real Physician dare attach M.D. to his name, as heavy penalties would thereby be incurred. The public should therefore guard aainst impostors who style themselves Dr. Professor," M.R,A.B. M.A. &c., in Order to mislead the titiwary as td ttieir true character. None of these men really know more of the diseases they profess to treat, than any person may, by reading the auove work. From Ion? practical observation in the most famous Institu- tions of this country and the continent, the Author has had somewhat unusual facilities for acquiring that uniform success, which has hitherto characterized his treatment, and he refers with pride to the numbers he has been instrumental in restoring to health and happiness: whilst to all who need such aid he utters everv assurance of speedy restoration. Persons at a dis- tlnce øhould forward a detail of their case by letter, enclosing iJl Is. for advice and medicines, which will be sent by return, Patients corresponded with till cured. Post-office Orders to be made parable at the General Post Office, to DR, WALTER DB Roos, M.I),. 25, Bedford Place, Uloeinsbury Square. London. Hours for consultation II till 2, Sundays excepted. It is impor- tant to recollect the addtess, as to meet the wish of patients THE ENTRANCE IS STRICTLV PRIVATR. THE MOST WONDERFUL MEDICINE in the CURE IN FOVI, MKEKS.—THE MUTT? VI'FE, or. C VEGETABLE DFE DROPS, Protected by Ro)al Let- ters Patent; Sanctioned by the Faculte de Erance,&c.,fiaveiii ntitntieriesaiiistaticeb proved their superiority over every other advertised Remedy for langour, lassitude, depression of spirits, excitement, distate on and incapacity for society, study or business, indigestion, pains and palpitation in the side, giddineso, noife in the head, Ac. This medicine strengthen? the vitality of the whole system, gives energy to the muscle*, peedily removes tit-rvotisness, renovates the impaired powers of life, and invigorates the most hattered constitution. For skin eruptions, sore throat. pains in the boneq, aid those diseases in which mer- cury, sarsaparilla, &c„ are too often employed, to the utter ruin of liealth, its surprising efficacy has only to be tested. Before wasting valuable time in seeking aid from instruments, electricity, sjalvanism, with similar absurdities professing to bet aside medicines, by American and other impostors, suflVreis will do well to make fair trial of a remedy, which concocted on scientific principles cannot fail. Price 4s. 6d, and lis., or four times the latter at 33s. per bottle, through all Chemists, or dir- ect from L,), BEDFORD Place, WUBIlE THOUSANDS OP TESTI- MONIALS !2AT D8 SEBN. THE THREE DAY'S CURE.—NEW FRENCH REMEDY THERAPION: as uniformly adopted in the French hospitals and by the notabilities of the French faculty; in a remarkably short time, often two or three days only, without the slightest discomfort, inconvenience, or risk, removes all discharges from the mueon.* membrane, whether of the urinary or other organ;. it combines all the desiderata to be sought in a medicineot the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto employed. Devoid of all tinpleasant taste and smell. In packets, 2s 9(1,48 Gd, Ils, and 33s, through all respectable medicine vendors, or sent direct from the establishment on reefipt") stamps or post office order. The lis size cnlltaill thrn at 48 6d, and those at J3. four 01 the Ih. The stamp, to imitate which is felony, bears the word Iher- apion," in white letters, b)' order of n er Majesty's lioli. Coinini- ioners, who thereby secure the proprietor against infringement throughout the United Kingdom and the colonies. I D\! NS IN THE BA' K, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO. GOVT. plt[IEU,%IAI'ISNI. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, n?)). ?! &e. THE COMPOUND RENAL PILLS.orrectaddity of the stomach, and indigestion, promote the functions of the liver and kidneys, thereby preventing stone in the bladder and kidneys, with many other serious disorders to which these impor- tant organs are subject. Listlessness, weakness, peevishness, and complaints long supposed to be nervous, often arise solely from contamination of the blood with certain impurities which should have being carried off by the kidneys: several unsightly eruptions of the skin and face also arise from the same cause, and may be as readily removed by these Pills, which in 19 cases out of 20 cure with a rapidity almost marvellous, Is I d, 2s 9d. 4s 6d, Us, and 33S por box, through all Chemists. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS MAY BE OBBN BT ANY ONB, Soldbj:—Hughes, Chemist, Bangor; Robetts, Chemist, Con- way Griffith, Chemist, High-street, Carnarvon; Edwards, Ckemist, Denbigh; Hughes, Chemist, Holyhead; and Moore, Chemist, Newtown; and at least one agent in almost every town; but should diiffculty occur, enclose thearaouot by Post-officeorder or otherwise, to 26. Bedford Place,, Bloomsbury Square, London. aud they will be sent securely packed per return. NOTICE AND CMTTION-Dr. De Roos is tbe onlylogally qualified medical man who thus advertises his medicines; and as there are injurious imitations of the above by self-styled Doc- tors, sham Clergymen, Rupture Quacks and others, who copy his books, which they send for nothing, and forge testimonials to puff off their useless trash, or publish fictitious reviewsthat really never appeared in the Journals the), name, sufferers should guard against the recommendation of the spurious or other articles, by dishonest vendors, who thereby obtain a larger profit. The getikiinehttye the words "WALTER DR Roos, LONDON, printed in white letters on the Government Stamp, by order of lJ er Majest)". Hon. Commissioners, to imitate which is felony and transportation. DO YOU W?NT LLXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS DMOUSTACHIES, and EYEBROWS!—Of the numerous preparations introduced for the HAIR, none have maintained such celebrity as EMILIE DEAN'S CRINILENE, which is guaranteed to produce Whiskers, Moustachios, and Eyebrows in a few weeks and will be found eminently succersful it) nourish- ing, curling, and beautifying the Hair, checking greynesn in all its stages, strengthening weak Hair, and preventing its falling off In the reproduction of Hair in baldness, from whatever cause and whatever age, ONE TRIAL will prove its astonishing power In the nursery it is indispensable, forming the basis of a beautiful head of hair. Price 2s per bottle; large Bottles, con- taining more than four times the small ones, 5s each. Sold by all Chemists in the world. or sent post free, on receipt of 24 penny s-Umps, by Misses DBAN and COUPBLLB, Hair Restorers, &c., bedford House, Russell-square, London, W.C. EXTRACTS FROM LBTTRRS My hair walil rapidly coming offjbut in a wet-k after using viur Crinilene it ecased.T. Hiek. son, Eldon-etreet, Sheffield. 41 In the short time of one fortnight I have got a beautiful moustache.H, Adams, Wiladeii. *'I can cow boast of a head of hair, which many cannot: 1 was quite bald on the crown of my head when I begat) ugingit.W.B. "Every customer speaks highly of your Crimlune"—K. P. Jones, Chemist, 5, Paradise-street, Liverpool. HINTS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF THE HAIR," Whiskers, &c., with Testimonials, List of Agents. &c.. seilt post free for four peony stamps' K NOW THY8ELFI THE ORIGINAL GRAPHIOLOGISX J\ MARIE COUPELLE, continues her vivid, and useful deli- neations of character from the handwriting of individuals, in a style peculiarly her own. Persona desirousof knowing their own characteristics, or those of any friend, should send a specimen o writing, stating sex, age, or supposed age,&c., with 14 uncut penny stamps, and addressed envelope, to MAKIB COUPBLLR- Bedford House, Rus.ell Square, London, W.C., when they will receive a lengthened detail of the talents, tastes, virtues, failings, &c., of the writer, with many other things previously unsuspected and calculated to ynide in the every day affairs of life. The Thousands who acknowledge the value and accuracy of Miss C. o sketches, establish the great utility of the science. It The chu. acters you sent were wonderfully truthful. Miss Hall, Atheury, Co., Galway. I was much surprised at the clever way in which you described my character,"—Jane Bray, 105, Lansdowne Place, Brighton. "It is pronounced quite extraordinary.Charles Hamilton. I- You described my character so truly, that I could not have done it better.LouiB Rivior. AN ACT OF GRATITUDE.—A Gentleman who had been long suffering fromaverydeplorablestateofnervousness, langour, lassitude, low spirits, almost constant head-ache, dimness of sight, threatened deafness, loss ofnlemory and strength, in short all zeit for enjoyment and everything that renders hfe pleasant, has been marvellously restored oy very simple means, aod as a public duty feeh it incumbent on him to impart the information to others similary affected, on receipt of a directed envelope bearing two stampt addressed B. B. Laurie, Esq., Montague Chambers, Montague Street, London, W.C. FOR GRATUITOUS CIRCULATION.—A Physician many years extensively engaged in the treatment of Debility and the various mental, nervous and muscular affections resulting there- from-as loss of memory, dimness of sight, thickness of thcanng, giddiness. noises in the head, langour and lassitude, indigestion, pains in the back, &c., will send the FREE EDITION of hislarge work (120 pages), on rectipt of four penny @tamps. 'I'he work contains his highly successful and only safe treatment, with all the neceisary prescriptions and directions, by which sufferers may obtain a cure of their ailments, at the smallest possible es- pense. Address, Mr, Lawes, Publisher, 14, Hand Court, Hot- born.London. MEDICAL REviEw.The shoals and quick, sand, s against which this little work is well calculated to guard the reader, render its careful perusal especially worthy the attention of all young men." SKIN DISEASES, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, NEURALGIA, PARALYSIS, GLANDULAR SWELLINGS. CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, &c. m1 HElR SPEEDY PREVENTION AND CURE by means so .L simple, yet so certain, as to appear almost incredible. A Pamphlet (110 pages), sent post free for 14 Stamps, by Johnson and Co., Publishers, 10, Brook Street, Holborn, London, or by order through all Booksellers. STRICTURE CF THE URETHRA; it.natufe.cou.equences sva?eties, and speedy cure, without the pain and risks of IRceration., cutting or .ther nratlonal measures Pnce 1?. or ?tfree for 14 stamps, by Johnson & Co., PnMishers. 10, Brook Street, flolburn nd by order through all booksellers HOTEL KEEPERS & OTHERS SHOULD FORWARD A H' r stiff of their c ?b argep, accompanied by 12 postage stamps for inseltion in the Pleasure Seeker's Guide & Hotel Directory, the second annual publication of which is preparing for press and will be ready early in 1864. Address, Messrs Johnson&Co., 10, Brook Street, E.C. A copy sent froe for ? stamps. Frice Is., or free by post for 14 stamps. THE DIET OF INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD, book for Mothers and Nurses CONTTENTS'—Diet of infancy-chiliren prematurely born- i j,rin» ?nd after .eaDm.wet nurtmg—qualifications and hd? utHiees oolf aa ■ wet nurse-diet after eight ontbs of agdr, bUS- Ing or up chUdren by -lb??? dLfrevent kinds of milk hever.?.?'?""?""?"-?'' for mother, verageo-various kind lonivu; Jtatort HwdwiclW/ IK, PleMdlllj, W. THOMAS'S TEGID SAUCE The most delicious, economical, and generally useful SA UCE extant, Price Is 6d ::J A Cosmopolitan Relish.—Price Is. THOMAS'S MERIONETHSHIRE SAUCE, Sold by Druggists, Grocers. and Italian Vareliouse-men, everywhere. A case of 12 bottles MERIONETHSHIRE SAUCE, delivered free to any Railway Station in the kingdom foi 18s.—The same of TEGID SAUCE, for 12s.—The same. Six Bottles of each 15s. Post Office Orders to be made payable to WILLIAM THOMAS, Bala, North Wales PIANOFORTES ON SALE OR FOR HIRE ALL NEW MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE UPON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. JOHN KENMUIR DOUGLAS, MUSICAL REPOSITORY, "NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" OFFICE, CAXTON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, BANGOR, BEGS to announce that he has constantly on hiiid for Saie or Hire well-tuned Pianofortes by approved makers. He has also entered into arrangements for a regular supply of all the New and PopularfcMusic immediately of its publication, to be sold at HALF PRICE. Every facility afforded for trying Music over in private rooms attached to the Shop. Parties resident in the country may have their Music by return of Post. If the price is known, it is advisable to enclose with the orders the requisite amount of p?st?K" stamps, with one stamp extra for each piece as postage. On SALE a Foreign l'ianillo, in handsome WALNUT CASE it is a TKICORD, and very fine toned, full com pass. Lowest price for immedt?S. Ou SALE & Foreign Pianiniaot, e Cash COTTAGE PIANO, in beautiful Rosewood Case, with the extra compass of Also, on a new brilliant toned down. octaves. It is exquiaitly ifnished with Ivory fronts, and Coliards Sharps. Lowest price £ 25 for Cash down. MAGASIN D E MUSI QUE UPPER BANGOR. MR- II. IIULSE, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC AND DANCING. FIRST CLASS HARPS, PIANO FORTES PIANO FORTES Ell the 6est Londo/1 Makers AND FR02,1 S, Itllilll HARMONIUMS, T™TY OMW. ^glpSiig§ ON SALE, OR HIRE. MPROVED PATENT ?MONIUMS. ""??'.?f' PATENT  of all descriptions, FROM FIVE GUINEAS..L-'?'??? AND EVERY ARTICLE IN THE —— TRADE SECOND HAND INSTRUMENTS Supplied on the shortest notice, and TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. at the lowest possible price. PIANO FORTES TUNED SINGLY, OR BY THE YEAR. MILITARY AND QUADRILLE BANDS PROVIDED FOR FETES, BALLS, &c. u- MR. JOHN BERRIE, SILK, VELVET, WOOLLEN, AND COTTON DYER, AND FRENCH CLEANER, 13, OLDHAM STREET, MANCHESTER, HAS appointed R. E. ROBERTS, Draper I H and Silk Mercer, &c., Victoria House, Bangor, and J. Roberts and Co., Drapers, Port Dinorwic, Agents for the above well known establishment, and any orders en- trusted to their care will have prompt attention. STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.B.H. THE PRINCES OF WALES. QLENFIELD pATENT STARCH, USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. AND AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDAL FOR ITS SUPERIORITY. Sold by all Grocers, Chandlers, Oilmen &c. WOTHERSPOON & CO.. GLASGOW AND LONDON. W~HEELER AND WILSON'S HEMS. .11 iii" FELLS. TUCKS. Sir CF QUILTS. BINDs. CORDS, This Machine claims it superiority over all others from its range of work, beauty of finish, nicety and case of operation, inability to get out of ?. sim. licity of construction, and durability of work when done It has attained a popularity unparalleled in the history of intl The Machine will Sew exquisitely the Finest Book or Swiss Muslin, Silk, Linen, Calico, Flannel, or the Ihick est Cloth. Besides ordinary Seam Sewing, it will Hem (turning its own hem as it stitches,) fell, Quilt Tuck, Bind, Gather, Cord, Set on Braid, kc. The Work of a Day can be performed in One or Two Houis. First Prize Medal awarded at the PARIS INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, 1861. LONDON INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 18FIJ. AMERICAN INSTITUTE AT NEW YORK, SEPT. 2OTH, 1863. BELGIUM EXHIBITION, 1863. And at upward* of Fifty other Exhibitions including two tb??bester and Liverpool Agricultural Society, -One at Birkenhead in 1863,-the other at Ashton in 1861. Instruction gratis. Prospectus free. WHEELER AND WILSON, 73, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. j?tFabUshed, Price Is., post free for 14 stamps, or un sealed envelope for 20 stamps, -DREMATURE DEBILITY, a popular Me-    caU¡e8 and Cure 'giving full instructions for the perfect Rutoration of those who wr? prevented by im-  into the Married State, also showing the dreadful re.ults from early abu, Gonnonhœa and SyphHlies. Addicke James Allen, Bookseller, 20, Warwick Lane, Pa- ternoster Bow, Lendon, j TRIESMAR No. 1. is a eertain remedy for relaxation, Spermatorrbœa, and all the di8treuing consequences ari8ing from early abuse, indiscriminate exceueø, or too Jong residence in hot climate. TRIESEMAR No. 11. effectually eradicaUB all tra. of Gonorrhœa. both in aggruated fOnDI, Gleet8, Strictures, JrritaLion of the Bladder, Paine at the Loins and Kidneys, and all uriuo-genital deseases No. UI. is the great Continental Remedy for SyphUli. and Secondary Symptom$. ??S?MAR 'No 1. 2, and 3, prepared in the form of a t.?? devoid <.? ?' ? and be carried in the "1l pocket. pricell8.or fiar ca. in one fcr? which oa.e.n. and in 95 CM. whereby Ihere i. a i 11^ Ch(lrch)ardi W. AGENT8:-Newbury & Son;, 45, St. Paul's Churchyard, W. I8 10, 1 W. Edward., 67, St. Paul'. Su^r*cClO Bow Churchyard; Stree- L, 63, Ox- Churchyard; J.Sanger, 150 0*f » d Bareant, 229,  8tTeet: '? Hooper, "5, King William Street, KC. BUCHAN'S SUGAR-COATED SABSAPAEILLA PILLB.  is a weR known fact that Sarsap?i?  -L the greate.t purifier 01 blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURl> !Tbe Bowell regular!-And DEFY the DOC- TOR ^^eeVplua'Bthk^a^h^roo^ of each di.ease, tbey are particularly beneticial where Mercury has been employed-and are for the cure of eVEry ailment incldenta\ to M,n, Woman, and Child. «uch a. »u E.upt.on« On th Sk Y' Indigestion, Biliou., Liver, and Stomach Complaint., General Weakne. Gout, Rheu- matism, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Hf?daches, Sore Throats, and ewy complaint cau ed by ,"6^ of the bowels, ob- .trucled per,plntlon, and deterioralcd aad unhealthy blood. ?f.M?nt M?edtcin. ?Warehoute, Streel, Oxford Street, ??J??a??r?t..?e,, .75 '?f-M?ri. n?edo? n? Street, and from ail Cb.mi818, Sold in boltle., Is 16d, 29 9d 4s 6d,and 110. II THE SILENT FRIEND ON MARRIAGE, .Medico Work a Guide to those who have imperil- led the power of ?'d b> you crelionS; ueatiogon &c containing a Syphilid, Secondary the Preventl1't Louon, to avo1d contamina- tion; IM p?M. w?th 50 MgjWW.? contamina- ,Umpii lie" Street Odord Street, London W. consultations daily. 11 ..ndfr.m5t.ns. Sandaysti 1 o'clock. T>"PT?'RY'S COR OF SYRIA- CUM. For all cases resultint from the errors or excesses of yPon?th. te<M?' ot .n?.tar?.) pow.ut.r ?.t ?''t!????" four &!m*o the quanuty, 339. ?RY?5(SAIBA AND CUBEB GLO- BULES, the "'«>«> ^cobm.pJosed of the very es- ..nee oithe Balsam Copai and Cubebl, perfectly 1.ltele, in consequence of their being enc.ed (b In eMt, ofgonar-  &< ul *will proTe the emcacy of rhtea, Gleet, Stricture, A? ^j, co 4 6d and lis per bottle, this wonder work'" remedy. Prico 4. 6d and Ils per bottle. Sent anywhere, on xeceipt Of post-offlet order. Addrew, esers,  or ma)' be Proutand'Hai.ant. ??<i6?<M. ?, Oitt<"<f6ttttt, UaM<w- PURE AERATED WATERS. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SODA WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, P .TASS WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SELTZKIl WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN. LEMONADE. ELLIS'S LITHIA & POTASS WATER, AN EXCELLENT INTERNAL REMEDY FOR GoUT, The Public are particularly requested to observe that aerN Cork is branded R. Ellis and Son, Ruthin." with- out which none is genuine. May be obtained from all respectable Chemists, Con- fectioners, and Hotel-keepers and Wholesale only, from R. ELLIS AND SON, Kuthin, North Wales. AN EXTRAORDINARY SCOTCH TESTI MONIAL RESPECTING HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS. COPY OF A LETTER FROM Mn. PETER GRAY, FARMER, DEVEHONSIDE, BY BANFF, DATED AUGUST 17TH, 1863. "MAIHTER HOLLOWAY, I hiv been unco vext wi' a sair leg for nearly a score o' yearn, and I tried aw kin' o' cures for it; but neither doctors nor drogs seemed o' the least avail. So about Christmas time I wis pitten awa some beasties to Lunnon, and gaed down to Banff to see them off, fin a chiel handit me ane o' your bills. Weel, I teuk it hame and read it to the gu(lewife, and then says I- Weel, Janet, I'll send in by for a box o' tliae ,P, eel,s and Ointment to tlie droggist in Banff, and see if they will dee my leg ony gueed." 'fat dia that I [owl-awa "'Toots, Peter.' says she: 'fat dis that Howt-awa chiel ken or care about the like o' us ? I hae nae faith in foreigners ava, and I think ye are surely crack to sliauve awa your siller on ony sic stuff.' Stuff here or stuff there,' quo' I, 'Ise gie the man a trial, for I'm sick and vext o'doctors and droggists tee; so I think it little eneuch that I get a spring on my ain fid- dle ance in the twenty years.' WeeI, weel, Peter, tak yer ain way, and seen ye will- nil, dee o' the put. But 1 tell ye I have nae faith in thae foreigners ava.' But the man bides in Lunnon, says 1, and he s nae a foreigner besides, if he didna sell his stuff, he widna be fit to adverteese as he does; so I'se gie him a tri Weel, sir, I got a box o' thae Peels and Ointment, and pursued takin' them as ordered, and in sax weeks, mv leg was nearly as gueed as new. I cauna tell ye how prood I wis o't. Janet allowed hersell that it passed her comprehension, and that Mr. Howl-awa deserved a medal fo h:s physic only Janet is some droll in her rewards, for the ither day she heard the minister takin' up the cudgels against some folk in high places, and she declar'd that he ought to git a medal!! I ken na how that would lo ik on a parson's coat. However, I'm wanderin' fr,te my Soobjcc; but ye must excuse an auld man. I've been d:ppit upon every time I cam to Baufi, by the drog- gist, to senk ye a certificate o' my case; so I've gaen ye aw the oots and ins o't noo, and sail be happy to recom- mend your medecine, and answer ony enquiries that may be pittin to me. 4, Wishing ye aw manner o' happiness and prosperity in which wish Janet heartily joins, I trust aw your, patients may experience as rapid and complete a cure as that of ver most obedient servant to command, (Signed) "P.ETISK GHAY." The above was sent to Professor Holloway by Mr. Alex- ander Coutts, a highly respectable gentleman, carrying on the business of a chemist and druggist, at 34, Low-street, Banlf, who states that he sells large quantities of Holh wav's Pills and Ointment. These celebrated medicines will cure any old sore, wound, or ulcer, however desperate or long-standing. The Pills are the finest medicine known for all dis- orders of the liver and stomach, weakness and debility, and for disorders incidental to females at all ages they are unrivalled. No family should be without them. The medicines in England are sold at Is. 1 id., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d,, lis., '22s. and 33s. each Box or Pot. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. K.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Box A Pot. A Lecture, by post, two Stamps, sealed 12. Address, Secretary. London Anatomical Museum, 44A, iladdi x Street, Regent Street, W. ON MARRIAGE its Physical Duties and Obligations, with an Essay on Sterility in Ian and Woman its Cause and Cure. By a PHYSXCI ^.N. To which is appended a catalogue of the conteuta of the Museum, which is open, for gentlemen only, from ten till ten. Admission, Is. MASCULINE VIGOUR GUARANTEED in 1 Fourteen Days, without the possibility of failure, by the use of DR. BRIGHT'S REMEDY, prepared in the form of a Lozenge, to insure secresy. Invaluable in all cases of Generative and Physical Debility, Spermator- rhoea, &e. Sent carefully packed, on receipt of I] s., free by post, 12s., for stamps or post office order, or on appli- cation. Address, Dr. BRIGHT, 29, George street, Hanover square, London, W.. READ THE NEW MEDICAL WORK entiled It DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE, or A Warning Voice to Young Men on the Cure of Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory. Dimness of Sight, Lassitude. Indigestion, Dislike to Society, LocalWeakness. Muscular Relaxation, Languor. Listlessnes., Depression, &c., m hicb, if neglected, result in Consumtion, Insanity, and piema- ture death. This work is illustrated with hundre,1s of catses and testimonials from patients, showing clearly the treatment by which they were cured with plain direct- ions for perfect restoration to health and vigour. Sent post-free to any address, on receipt ofa directed envelope, enclosing two postage wtamps. Address, Messrs. SMITH, 8, Button crescent, Tavistock-square, London, W.C. CONSULTATION BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. Messrs. SMITH will, for the benefit of persons suf* ering from NERVOUS DEBILITY, &c„ on rcoemag* d?t" of their cases (enchænga stamped d Z- c?,,7d e"' e. Pfor reply), send a written opinion with advice and IdAir ? (? ti?.( r the most meceMful treatment and "Mre. AddJet?, Mrs. SJGTB,8, Burton-crescent, London, W,C I WHITE AND SOUND TEETH. i tB!?jzAm<M!<'nntK:EM!g' j tEMtMm!<MW OtSMMm?'c ™^Z x^SSSSSkj -t This Unique White Powder preserves and beautifies the TKXTB, strengthen* the Gens, Mil give. a pleasing fragrance to the BBKATB. It eradicates Tartar Irem the Teeth, removes spots ofincipient decay, and polishes and pre- serves the Enamel, to which it irapartg A PEARL-LIKE WHITENESS. Sohtl BY CaJtJlUT.IJI JkHIt PLEFVMBSS. V Ask for ROWLJ.NDS. ODONTO." OATJTION.-CJhlorodyne.-In Chancery. IT was clearly proved beforelpVice-ChanceUor J. Sir W. P. Wood, by affidavits from eminent hospital Physicians of London, that Dr. J. Collis Browne was the discoverer of Ohlorodyne; that they prescribe it largely, and mean no other than Dr. Browne's.—See Times, Jan. 12, 1864. The public, therefore, are cautioned against using any other than Dr. J., COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, which is extensively used in hospitals at home and abroad, and is affirmed by medical testimonials, accompanying each bottle, to be the most efficacious medicine ever discovered for CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, SPASMS, RHEUMATISM, 4c. No home should be without it. Sold in bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 6d. Sent free, on receipt of stamps, by J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell Street, London, W.C., sole manufacturer. Observe particu- larly, none genuine without the words "Dr. J. Collifl Browne's Chlorodyne" on the Government Stamp. Prom J. MloulQou CaoPT, M.D., M.R.O.Phyiiclaiu, London, late Staff-Surgeon to H.M.P. After perfcriblng Dr. J. Collis Browne's Cblorodyni, forthe lut three years. in "Yore cams of Neuralgia and Tic Doloreur, I feel that I am In a portion to testify tolta valuable effect4. Really in some cases, it acted AI a charm, when all other means had failed. Without being siked for this report, 1 must come forward aud state my candid oplnloa Ihat it it a most valuable ]Frour Jito. E. GOULSTOWN, M.D., R tton. I can confidently state that Chlorodyne T» an admirable Sedative and Anti-Spasmodic, having uaedit in Neuralgia, Hys- teria. Asthma, and Consumption, with remarkably favorable results It relieved a fit of Asthma in four minutes, where the patient had suffered 11 Jelrs I- a most distressing mnnner.M pre- S.?Kmedy bavlng had so Immediate .M beM<teM an ?ect? THE GLORIES of the HEAVENS eeen by a NEW TELESCOPE, for RS, which wiU distin- guish the face of a sheep and features of no man four miles; the pigri of a public-house five miles; shot marks upon a target two miles, and time by a church clock ten miles. This instrument is guaranteed in writing to perform the whole of the above, and to be equal in the most important respects to telescopes costing ktQ. It has a throe-inch superior achromatic object glass, two eje-pieoes, &c., with portable metal tripod stand with jointed claw feet. Persona are invited to apply for a diagram, with other particulars, and eight sheets of closely- printed testimonials from scientific and other gentlemen (in- cluding LORD ROSSE). Sent free by book-nst. S. and B. SOLOMONSL 39, Albe- marie-street, Piccadilly, London. Small powerml Pocket Telescopes, Opera, Race, Field, and general out-door gUues. 7 Bank Buildings, Old Jewry, London, E.O. Is the Chief Office of the ACCIDENTAL DEATH INSURANCE COMPANY, J. W. ORAr, Secretary. NOTICE TO INVSiSTOKS. OFFICE FOR PATENTS, 4, TEAFATjOAH SQUAXtS, CHAKING CROSS, LONDON. I)riim:<l instructions (»ratis) as to the COST of PATENTS lbv (iroiit Bnt.iin or forf?ncoui?riM. Adt!<e and ns«;>jjc« in disponing of or w hIohr inventions. BI'OLn,h offinsiimt Jt-fm:ieR in every fontinentul state, and in Amenm. ::m )eul' Full mJomiyfion us to expired or existing pulentfc at home nwt abroad.—Apply personal.)' or by letter to Messrs. PRINCE & Co., Patent Office, 4, Trafalgar Sq., Charing Cro £ e, London, y/.C. CRArN PIPE, Tiii AND BRiC MAùHmES. E. PA<ii !•: k CO., Maniifitcti.'i'cr'a of Ifce "BEDFOP.D" P.:IZE BBICX, PIPE Old tilt; MACHIKILS tor iiAKD, liORSR or arijAii. i'OWKB. Ilfuslf atoti uml (leswi{ifivi? Cataln|»iws, witli p"ie.», Bern, ii'os on ajijiliiMLioa to tlie Makers,- l. P AGl-; & Co., Liiurt'iicii Poulltney l'i.iee, Liiiiri-noe Poimtnty Hill, Cannon S:, L'm.ion, H.C. Knaulictory:-Victoria Iron Works, J3en!od. NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE. The greatest and most useful invention of the day, AGUA AMARELLA.—Messrs. JOHN GOSNELL and CO., Three King-court, Lombard-street, London, Perfumers to Her Majesty, respectfully offer to the public this truly marvellous fluid, which gradually restores the human hair to its pristine hue—no matter at what age. The Agua Amarella has none of the properties of dyes; it, on the contrary, is beneficial to thesystem, and when the hair is once restored, one application per month will keep it in perfect color. Price one guinea; naif bottles, 10s. 6d. Testimonials from artistes of the highest order and from individuals of undoubted respectability may be inspected on application. Messrs. J. GOSNELL and Co. have been appointed Perfumers to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales. ANY ONE CAN USE THEM. A basin of water is all that is required to produce the most brilliant and fashionable colours on Silks, Woollens, Cottons, Ribbons, &c. in ten minutes, by the use of JUDSON'S SIMPLE DYES, MAGENTA MAUVE VIOLET GREEN I SCAHLET BROWN -I ni10 ORANGE PINK & BLUE Price Is 6d, is 6d, and 5s per bottle. These Dvi-s will also be found useful for imparting colour to Ftather:, fibre., tirasees, Seaweed, Ivory. Bone, Wood, Willow el-, iilso for tintinprPhotographs and for Illnmi. natinu May be had of all chemists in the United Kingdom and Colonies. WUoienalo Depot, 19A, Coleman-street, London. COUGIItf, Astiima, and liicipient Consump- tion Rite effectually cured by KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. STATISTICS SHOW THAT 50,000 PERSONS annually fall victims to Pulmonary Disorders, including Consumption. Diseases of the Chest, and the Respiratory Organs. Prevention i.S:tt all times better than cure be therefore nrepared, dining the wet and wintry season, with a supply of Kk, 'ATII,'(i' COUGH LOZENGES, which possess the virtue of averting as well as curing a Cough or Cold; they are good alike for the youiig or for tlie PreMU'cd tnd po!d in Boxes. !s. 1M ?nd Tin9, 2s. 9d. each, by THOMAS KKATISG. Chemist, kc., 70, St, Paul's (Jhurehyard, London. Kotuil by all .Druggists in the WL i SPECIAL NOTICE. DUTY OFF TEA. PHILLIPS & CO. are NOW SELLING J- STRONG BLACK TEAS, 2s, 284d, 2s 6d to 3s. The Most Delicious Black Tea the World produces 4s per Pound. A Price Current Post Free. SUGARS AT MARKET PRICES. PHILLIPS & COMPANY, Tea Merchants, 8, KING WILLIAM ST. CITY, LONDON. PHILLIPS & CO. Bend Teas, Coffees, and Spices CABBIAGB FREE TO ANY RAILWAY STATION OR MARKET TOWN IN ENGLAND, if to the value of 40s or upwards. PHILLIPS & CO. have NO AGENTS. :96y,$T INDIGESTION C I 1II11I13HS S«U ertrjvbert, Bsttbi 1*. lid,, ts- (d., ud 11*. ? St? f steni !U?J!tJ? PROTECTION FROM FIRE, t?'JU?UBRYANT & MAY, FAIRFIELD WORKS, LONDON, E. Respectfully reMMt PuReBtamRs and CONSUME" of MttohetOfTwhete to observe, th.?at ..T? S'?? Special Safety Match;" I 'ttt)tttm? whioh M not POISONOUS, con- Ink tains no PHMPHORPS, and ?gSS?'M?TS ONLY ON THE BOX, /??)M?'? I* mmM&etured ONLY by them, and that ithout their address and TRADE «AM (AN m) !fon can be gen1Ùne. Bold by Ntr. WM. OnifnTH, Bangor and may be obtained of most iespeoti»L>lo grocers, chemists, &c., in the neighbour- hood. "Be very particular to c?erye that every Pack?e Md every- Box bears our trade wark-an Ark. Use MAIZENA as a Diet." Vide THE TIMES, September 25t1.. Only Prize Medal. Reported by the Jury "Exceedingly Excellent for Food." TRY! TRY! TRY! BAKER AND BAKER'S PURE UNCOLOURED mL This Tea is grown and prepared under careful imynn- tiou, and imported free from nil artificial colour. I* highly recommended by medical and scicntific WCIL it combines purity, tine flavour, and lasting strength. ouly in packets, by Agents throughout the kingdom- LOCAL AOENTS. Bangor ROBERTS, Baker, High-street. Cardiff—TREHAME, Chemist, Bute-street EVANS, Chemist, lligh-strect. Swansea—LADD, Grocer. HOLMES, Grocer. DENT, CHRONOMETER, WATCH CLOCK MAKER To the Queen and the late Prince Consort, and M.hr4 the Great Clock for the HOUSES UF PARLIAMKSX INVITES attention to the superior workmaa- L ship and elegance of design of his extensive St«t Watches and Drawing Room Clocks. Ladies' Gold Foreign Watclies 7 GiDBCas. Gentlemen's ditto Ladies' or Gentlemen's Gold English Lever ditto 16 Strong Silver Lever 5 Gentlemen's Gold Compensation Ralanr* 40 Silver ditto ditto 25 Marine Chronometer, neas. Gold and Silver Pocket Chronometers, Astrosonued, Turret, and Bracket Clocks of every description. All elegant assortment of London-made Fine Gold Albert aai Guard Chains, &c. DENT, IH, Strand, (adjoining Coutts's Bank); :U.3i R Exchange; and at the Clock and Marine ftmf Factory, Somerset Wharf, trand, London. DENT'S PATENT DIPLEID08COl t ? (or Meridian Instrument) for the ReguUii<» 4- Clocks and Watches by obtaining Trite Time by Observation. Recent improvements enable the JDG8! experienced person to fix these Instruments in the dian, and thereby furnish the means of ascertaining other Greenwich or Local Time. Price 21. 2s. DExT, Cluck, Watch, and Chronometer Maker fA ihe Queen, and the late Prince Consort, 61, Strand (a<Lj«iiAMT £ Coutts's Bank), and 3t, and 35, Royal Exchange, toftdoa. Maker of the Great Clock for the Houses of Parluxaegafe. PECTORAL BALSAM CF OEHOBSL Prepared, by Mr. Foid, the Patentee. rpnis celebrated mrdii ine still nniintains its high pe«- 1. tion in publie eslimation. For the cure of Coagbe, Colds, lnliuenza, and Pulmonary complaints, it rr mjm* without a com;a'titor. The well known propcrties of Hae herii, with the elegance and extraordinary lities of this preparation of has secured for the Poetemi Balsam of Horehound the highest and most cxteMwe patronage. Influenza and common Colds will be foanl to yield to its benign ir fluence in a few houre; Asthmatic complaints, of however long standing, allenar tion and relief will certainly follow the use of it. Mr. Ford respectfully requests purchasers to obeene that his signature will be on the outside wrapper to bottle, and that the name of his sole Wholesale Agori, Mr. Edwards, 67, St. Paul's Church Yard, is oagcinaA on the Government Stamp. Sold in bottles at Is 111, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 10s 6J each, by most reapeciaM* Chemists and BookMllen. FIRE! BURGLARS! FIRE! A A > S 1■ f J 23, CAN NON STREET WESTJ (Late of Old Change, St. Paul's.) QECOND-HAND Wrought Iron Fire PMof ? SAFES, DEED BOXES, mON DOORS, 8ht<? Rt.OOMS for the SECURITY OF BOOKS. DMi-M? PLATE, and other valuable property. The only towe in London where they can be obtained at half the ufacurcrs prices. Sketches and prices may be had OA ap- plication to C. H. Griffiths. 18-inch Wrought Iron Firepronf Boxes, 40s. 23, Cannon Street West/London. RUPTURES. By Her Majesty's Koyal Letters Patent. WHITE'S MOC-IAIN LEVER TRUSS KEQUIRING no steel spring round &e JL? body. is recommended by the foUowmg pfi?MMt- ties and advantages :-1st, facility or application M, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate W. it may be worn with equal comfort in any position body, by day or night; 4th, it admits of every kiaa 41 exercise, without the slightest inconvenience U> «■> wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. 44 We do not hesitate to give to this invention oaxwa- qualified approbation, and we strenuously adyiæ:.he.- of it to all t lOse who stand in need of that protaett?c, which they cannot so fully, nor with the same cdmSt:1;. obtain from any apparatus or truss as from that whim we have the highest satisfaction in thus recommendi^ Church and State Uauttc. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeon* William Ferguson, Esq., F.R.S., Professor of Su^efym King's College, Surgeon to King's College HospitaJ, C. G. Guthrie, Esq., Surgeon to the Royal We<?nmM*ar Ophalmic Ho.pital; W. Bowman, Esq., t-?-S., Aaask- ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital; ?" Esq., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guys iH_ ospiM.T.. BIiard Curling, Esq., F.K.S., Surgeon to the LOIKM« Hospital; W. J Fisher, Esq, Surgeoii-m-Uucf ? the Metropolitan Police Force Aston Key, Esq., Sur?.a<< Prince Albert; Robert Liston, Esq., F.R.S. .?metj  Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society Liamu* Wit- son, Esq., F.R.S., and many others. A descriptive circular may be had by post, aaa uhe Truss (which cannot fail to lit) can be foi warded by p8Ii on sending the circumference of the body two inches the hips, to the manufacturer. Mr. WHITE, 228, Piccadily, London. Price of a Single Truss, 16s., 218., 26s. 6d., and Sit. iSi. Postage, Is. Double" 31s. 6d., 4280, and 52s. f3d. Postage, Is. 8d. Umbilical,, 42s., and Ms. 6d., Posta, :& Mi P«Jt-o<Sce orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-oiffce, Piccattiuy. NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS. KNEE CAPS. &c- The material of which these are made, is recororiy»4t bv the Faculty, of as being peculiarly K1.A8TIC aad COMPRESSIBLE, andTHE BEST INVENTION forgivaae efficient and permanent support in all cases of V> KAE- NESS and swelling of the LEOS, VARICOSE K £ Hi$, SPRAINS, &c. It is porous, light in texture, and ioes- pensive and is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Baae from 4s. 6d., 7s. 6d., 10s. to 16s. each. Postage, JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PltX'AIli* LONDON. Specimeos may be seen in the Crystal Palacft. EECKITT'S DIAMOND BLACK LEAD, Userl in the Palacp of and the MORE CLEANLY. Because being in polished blocks [it does not drnn Øøu like powder Leads, on the Furniture Carjiels, CJfltte &c. MORE BRILLIANT. Because fit is unadulterated, thus every rparticl« i>ra&tMa4 a splendid ljietiillic lust e. POLISHES MORE QUICKLY Thus saving the time and labour of AND CHEAPER. Because it is less wasteful. And because a little goes far- ther than any other kind. RECKITT & SONS, London ^Bridge, E.C., and HiR. Sold by Mary Williams, Chemist, &c., Aliergfle- T. A. Roberta, Chemist, Conway. David Jones, Grocer, Bangor. John Staples, Grocer, Beaumans. MR. E. W. THOMAS, Oraankt of St. Ann's Church, and Teacher oftkc Pw-. forte, Organ, and Harmonium, PL AS LLWYD TEKBAOE. HIGH STREET, BANGOR. PUPILS attended in Bangor and NeigMMv* J. hood,—'Xerma, One Guinea per Quarter. "1 i.