Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

22 erthygl ar y dudalen hon


Rhestrau Manwl, Canlyniadau a Chanllawiau

C&BMVONSHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. The Quarter Sessions for this County were hold at CWruarvt a on Thursday last, before W. liulkeley Hughes, lal-, Chairman C. J. Sampson, Esq,; R"v. W. WYllue "Wafcuiw; Dr. Millar; J. V. M. Williams, E-iq,; Rev. johri Owen; Owen Evans, Esq.; J. Millintoii, Esq., SL TiUighan William, Esq., Couuty Court Judge, took fig. Mtha, and was qualified as Magistrates for the OamAj. GRAND JURY. Mr. Crippin, Carnarvon, Foreman. Hugh Humphreys, stationer, do. L. Lewis, draper, do. J. Jackson, Uxbridge Square, do. R. Baugh Owen, do. Ames lIeeB, Printer, do. G. R. H ees, Cashier, do. John Thomas, Old Vicarage, do. Griffith Jones, do. it. R. Roberts, do. E. Roberts, do. S. Stevens, do. R. 1). Williams ironmonger, do. Robort Owen, druggist, (to. H. Joint hin, do. Vi~. P. Williams, ilrusrarist do. LB* CHAIRMAN said that he was happy to inform the OrmA Jurv that there were only three cases to come tafore them that day which required no remarks from Uitft. lie observed that the county hall was near com- pfctroi. It was well and substantially made, and he llølptl it would meet with the approval of the whole county. The gaol had been in a very insecure and un. evai,,I;w-tory state fur some years, ) hey were upon the *■ erecting a new gaol, which would eutail considerable <Mp<«)e upon the county however, it was absolutely WXXK-IAU to be done; and he might ol>serve that with the caetption of the salaries paid it was almost self-support- im The neport of the Lunatic Asylum at Denbigh Ind ken sent to the various Quarter Sessions compris- (M tfoe Union. Two gentlemen. Commissioners in lmmwy, reported very favourably of the institution, which would, probably, appear in the public papers. Abet some further remarks the Chairmau requested them lm retire to their duties. STEALING CLOTHES. AArt Dytr, a sailor, was indicted for having stolen a mmrpe-t tng. two coats, and several other articles, at Llan. !ItI(: on Monday last, the property of Mr. John Griffith It apfwirs that the prisoner having just been liberated house, in search ot em- jfaffaaeut, and that having been called into the office, th* bttt-f gave him a little whiskey, of which he par- tec* rather freely. He WM seen by « woman coming famn the back premises of the prosecutor's with a bag, aacl the coats on-in fact he was apprehended by the pork-t. officer with the coats on, and a pair of stolen shoes cabiisfeet. Tbn primmer said that he certainly drank the whiskey willo eoogeme3S, "Itid to such an extent, having been with- md it for a length of time, that he was hardly responsible (Sir Ir", actions. He also said that he was very respectably cwteit'd, having been engaged in some transactions in ifoofb America, where his father and mother died. Xhe Chairman lucidly summed up, and said that the oar was much aggravated by the fact of the prisoner bowing (OL)IY bet'U.liberated from gaol, a few days ago, tie was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment—hard MhMr STABBING AT BANGOR. WTftiam ioneg, a sailor, charged with stabbing a man «fU&- name of William Lewis, at Hirael, Bangor, was bmagbl forward, aud under the advice of Mr. Powell, jfcurteil guiltv. Br. POWELL said that in reading the depositions it avuM be seen that the prisoner was subjected to consi- AraWe amount of provocation. The two were drinking |M fi at a public house in Bangor, when the prosecu- J ones a violent blow till blood was drawn, having Mvrotoen on perfectly amicable terms together. He was dbotald that he was subject to fits, and the sole support rfbu widowed mother. My. ft. D. WILLIAMS, for the prosecution, said his I was not desirous of pressing the charge. Cfajtoin Ellis Williams and Captain Roberts, of Ban- IJIF. five the prisoner an excellent character. Til* CUAIKMAN, addressing William Jones, maid- the Cbort was determined to take notice of the circumstances major which he used the knife, which was a cowardly and thirdly act. However, from the excellent cha- nctv gnou him they were inclined to believe that he wm ovier before guilty of such an offence. He hoped far wiwild be more cautious in future as to how lie would mv a knife in any affray which he might be drawn in- to; atari abstain from drinking. The fact of his having sweirfd the blow was no justification of his conduct, naeenily when they remembered that he followed the jnateator into the house, aud that it was there he SBMKBitted this cowardly act. The sentence of the Court was that he be imprisoned &r ne calendar month, aud kept to hard labour. LARCENY. JK BKin of the name of Evan Thomas, out on bail, and commaitted at Pwllheli for a rohbery, was called over in t/km mm-ol way by the crier of the Court, but did not ap- prar. His recognizances were in consequence for- AITPALS. JIr. POWELL, on behalf of Lord Willoughby D Eres- <f lodged appeals against the poor rate assessment of Trrwjdir; also against the assessment of Trefriw, which (pwertT, from certain communication made with the prafc officials, was likely to be arranged also the ap- peah against the poor rateii in the parishes of Llanrhoch- wjm aH Béttw"y-Coed-the consideration of which wne wljonrned till the next Quarter. IMPORTANT TO WORKMEN. I JmAt.Walter John Evans appellaut, KODert Ont, rwpondent. This was an appeal against the de- «nc! the Conwoy Magistrates in a case tried on the M »f M.%y Lut; 'when the appellant was charged with utifasictfttiiig one of respondent s workmen, and was owteucctl to one month's imprisonment Or- Powell was engaged for the appellant, and Mr. R. 0l Williams for respondent. Mr. R. D. WILLIAMS said, the appellant was proceed- ed %pinot tind" 6th George IV., c. 139, s. 3, which eewcled that if any person shall by violence to the per. or property, or by threats or intimidation, or by mufefttion, or in any way obstruct another, force or en- 4AhWMW to force any journeyman, manufacturer, work- mm, or other person hired or employed in any manufac- IK, tnde or business, to depart from his hiring, em- ploywwnt, or work, or to return his work before the amow ^11 be finished, or prevent or endeavour to pre- mat any journeymen, manufacturer, workman, or other poneanot being hired or employed from hiring himself, or from accepting work or employment from any person «v rwTBons," &c., shall be imprisoned only, and shall or may be imprisoned and kept to hard labourfor any time tfieeeding three calendar months." Now, the law "M that point was elear and unmistakeable. Robert Owvai was a master builder at Llandudno, and in April to*, having two or three contracts in hand, employed 74or 2D workmen. Among others there was a plasterer of the name of Newell, whom he employed since Janu- my Lv* Newell, as well as some other plasterers at Undwlno, had formed themselves into a branch society "ber trade society at Chester, In that society there Mvf aewral rules and regulations, some of which were mji arbitrary. But whatever the rules of a society wm nothing would justify any man to do anything awarary to law. The question he had to submit to tAK- Court was, whether this man (Evans) did some- Cfaag, by intimidation or otherwise, to induce Newell, ID leave his work. Newell was at work an the 26th Aril; when there happened to be in Owen's employ a M, not regularly apprenticed to the trade, and, it there was a rule for the society hands not X?tA -wng with those not so apprenticed. Evans weal to Newell and said to him, If you work with Owen the society will took you in the face," or words ro that eject. Now, he wished their worships to ob- art" the words of the act were very comprehensive. It woe not necessary that there should be any actual force .tI, but evidently such words as t hose made use of by lb which implied if you work with your present you will be reported to the society and fined. TV* eeicsequence was that he left his work. He return- ad in a day or two, but afterwards left; and not only dwk the other men followed hisexample—all left except oae or two and the loss he sustained by the stoppage (it his works was very serious. It was a monstrous pro- meding, and what must in the long run prove ruinous bo the men themselves, if persisted in. The simple •oration their Worships had to decide that day, was wfcether the Magistrates at Petty Sessions in coming to I&P conclusion they did in ordering the person who in- daeed the othef man to leave his work, to be imprisoned ftp week did that which the act just read contem- and empowered them to do. He then called tti prowentor, :1Ir. Robert Owen who sad;—I am a fleiller »t Llandudno. In March last had 18 men in m Mnplov, on the 26th April Evans came to the build- im& avaro said to Newell iu my presence, "Chester IlrillIMit thee in the face, if thou goest on with the mt," He had been working for me from January tiR that time. After what said Evans Newell went away Am and thre. ttum-naiuined by Mr. POWELL-I he words made or el were Do as you please, worfc or not, Chester w9t loolc you in the face." ML-oxamiued-Knew that Evans and Newell were fhn of a society. VWthe- Bench-in consequence of that interference mf wotfc was greatly impeded-all the men except two %on& slid a lad left me. that. Kewell, a plasterer, and a number of the plas- terer's society in LiverpooL That society (he said) hld the power of lining the members if they go contrary to tile rules. Was working for Owen from January till April. Evans objected to Owen employing a lad. lie said to him (witiiess, Please yourself, but Chester will stare you in the face." This was said after Owen had told him to go to his work." The reason I did not like to go to work was because I did not feel inclined to go. The society could fine him if he would go to work agaiust the rules. The CHAIRMAN— Where are the rules ? Why are they not produced ? Mr. R. D. W ILLIAMS-1 don't know; I only go by the rules or the Acts of Parliament. To the BENcH-It was not in consequeuce of what Evans said that I left work. Cross-examined by Mr. POWELL-Did not commence work on the 20th. Had decided the night before not to work. The society to which I belong is a National So- ciety all over the kingdom. Mr. R. D. WILLIAMS-Did you work after that time. Witness—No. Mr. It. D. WILLIAMS -Now, be cautious man, what you say, for we know what you said at Conway. Mr. POWFLL-Well, that is intimidation. (Laughter.) The Witness--Idid work one day afterwards. I was coming from off the ladder when Owen came to me. I knew that I was not to workmen Monday; Sullivan said I was not to work. The CHAIRMAx-What was the reason you did not work ? Witness—Because I would be fined. This concluded the respondent s case. Mr. POWELL said that the case as presented before their worships was bad in point of law; and, without meaning any disparagement to the gentlemen who usually sat to administer justice in that Court, he con- gratulated them upon the acquisition had that day in the person of a member of the bar, who had just taken his seat, upon the bench, because the question he had to t;ubmit was a legal one- nice -is it was dry. True, as his learned friend had observed, the act under which it was sought to substantiate the charge against his client, was a comprehensive one, but the conviction proceeded upon very narrow grounds indeed. It stated that the accused by threats and intimidation," prevented Newall from working. He would call their attention to the heading in thii clause, which was, "violently preventing persons working." Here was a statute as penal in its consequences as any act could possibly be-so penal that they had no discretion to inflict a pecuniary punishment —it must be by a term of imprisonment. Now, he contended that the conviction made was not on the grounds of molesting," but upon that of "threatening and intimidation, and certainly it was not proved in evidence that the appellant had either threatened or in. timidated the man. Both belonged to a trade society which was a national one, with rules and regulations framed under the sanction of Mr. Tidd Pratt, the barris- ter In this case one member, without either a threat, in- timidatiou or violence said to another member, Do as you please, but remember Chester will stare you in the face," I f that was threat he really did not know what a threat was. The fact was it was impossible that any man working with another could use a milder term than that He therefore confidently maintained that the evidence did not support the conviction, and upon that ground claimed a non-suit. Mr. Vaughan WiUiams-Cases of this description fre- quently arise, and come before the Courts. Can you re- fer to any one, Mr. Williams ? Mr. R. D. Williams -I do not know of any one, just Mr Powell-In "Stoneman's Manual" the proper con- struction of the wor,18 "threat," "violence," and" in- timidation," are explained and furtter comes the word » molestation" which is explained that no workman entering into an agreement for the purpose of fixing or regulating the rate of wages, and endeavouring in a reasonable and peaceable mannerto induce others to ab- stain or cease from work be deemed guilty of molesta- tion." Here they find a special act rendering it perfect- ly legitimate for workmen to endeavour in a peaceaule manner by reason and agreement, to influence their fellow-workmen, with the view of fixing or regulating wages. What more, therefore, was done here ? Mr. R. D WILLIAMS—That is an Act to enable work- men to fix the rate of wages there is no dispute what- ever about wages here, and, consequently, it bears no reference to this case. Mr. VAUGHAN WiLLi MS-At present, it does not ap- pear what the dispute was about. Why are we to as- sume that it is not about wages Mr. R. D. Williams— Mr. Powell has not asked a single question upon that point. Mr. VAUGHAN WILt.IAMs-lt is your duty to ask that question, and not his. Mr. R. D. Williams—I have done so already, as you will find by the Chairman's notes. Newell (re-called) said the dispute was about the boy's indentures. I Mr. R. D. Williams—So it turns out that the dispute is not about wages. If men are allowed to interfere with masters as to the boys whom they employ, then there is an end to their independence, and they are com- pletely at the mercy of the men. The question is-did this man threaten to report Newell to Cheter 1 It is not necessary to make use of actual words of threat, but such as would make the witness understand that he wta threatened. Mr. Powell again went on to shew that the clause in Stoneman's was applicable to the present case; and ob- served that, moreover, Newell abstained from work not on account of anything said to him by Evans but that he had determined previously to leave the work. The CBAIlUlAN- We are of opinion that this order should be confirmed. Mr. Powell- Then I apply for a case in the Queen ,s Bench, B The case was then drawn out and agreed upon by the two advocates. ANOTHER CHARGE OF INTIMIDATION AT BANGOR. Mr. Powell lodged an appeal against the decision of Magistrates at Bangor, in a case of "Morgan Riebards v, James Thompson and Lewis Roberts," tried on Mon- day last, and applied to have the hearing of it postponed till next Quarter. The application was granted, and the bails were or. dered to be enlarged. l'OLICE RATE. Mr. Powell moved for a police rate of I Jd. in the nound. No county rate was moved for I CHIEF CONSTABLE'S REPORT. My Lord and Gentlemen, With the balance sheet of expenditure for the quarter, I append to this report a full statement, according to the Home Office returns, of the crimes and offences in the county for the quarter ending March 31st, 1864. The money earned for the same quarter amounts to f38 4s. lid., made up as under :— Division. Fund. Police Rate total. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. Carnarvon 7 5 0 6 19 11 14 5 8 1 0 0. 1 0 9 0 Conway. 4 19 0 5 10 0 10 9 0 Bangor 3 14 8 5 13 6 9 7 9 Nevin 0 0 0 1 17 6 1 17 6 Portmadoc 0 10 10 1 14 2 2 5 0 16 9 10 21 15 1 38 4 11 ■ 16 9 10 21 15 1 38 411 The amount under head of fund has been paid to the county treasurer, and that under the police rate credited in this quarter's account, No permanent change has been made in the police stations of the county since my last report, I have to submit a general order issued during the last quarter as regards the use of the staff by policemen; and though it is impossible to draw one out that would meet each particular case, yet I am in hopes the one sub- mitted will do as a general guide. (We published the general order at the time it was Quarterly Xeturn of offence.s COlnmitted in the County of Carnarvon, with. JlesutUi.—Indictable offences report- ed, 27 apprehended, 10; discharged, 3; bailed for trial, 3; committed, 4. Character of persons proceeded against in this :—Known thieves, 1; prostitutes, 1 suspicious, 2; habitual drunkards, 2 good, 2 unknown, 2. Offenees Punishable by Jmtices.- Proceeded against, 267 discharged, 46; convicted, 221; committed, 32; fined, 158; to find sureties or recognisance, 11; other punishments, 20. Character of persons proceeded against in this table :-Known thieves, 6; prostitutes, S: vagrants and tramps, 19; suspicious, 30; habitual drunkards, 35; good, 146; unknown, 23. I have the honour to be, My Lord and Gentlemen, Your most obedient Servant, T. P. WILLIAMS ELLIS, Chief Constable.




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