Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

9 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



I CONWAY. I [ SHIP ARRIVAL.—The barque Achillea," Captain nirid Junes, lias just arrived from Quebec in the Port pf Conway, with a cargo of timber consigued to Mrs. Phebe Lewis, Llanrwst. SOMETHING Will A RoOT OF POTATOES.—On Monday y a man Milled Thomas Roberts, dug up an extraor- dinary root of potatoes in the garden belonging to Major f itzmaurice, Conway. There were eight bulbs, the first wefehing 2 Ibs 5i«.; the second, Ii lbs and the third < Jl! There were five other smaller ones, which the wan neglected to weigh, but they were all comparatively large potatoes. The seed was supplied by Mr. Thomas ;oes, timber merchant, Conway. There are complaints that though of excellent quality, potatoes are very small this year; this certainly does not hold good of 51aior Fitzmaurice's garden. MEETING OF THE CORPOUATIO. I On Monday last, the monthly meeting of the members of the Conway Corporation took place in the new Guild- bill. when the following were present:—Mr. John WiI. liaiiis, Bodafon, in the chair; Mr. W. Davies, Vice- chairman; Mr. H. Jones, liodidda, Recorder; Mr. Geo. Felton, Architect; Mr. W. Hughes, Solicitor; Mr. W. Bridge, Ageut; the Hev. M. Morgan; Messrs. T. A. Roberts, W. Jones, I Vivid Owen, Robert Davies, W. OweU, (Bank), Owen Jones, Win. Owen, (Maibter), Dr. Tbouias, Mr. Ed. Jones, and Mr. I hos. Jones. Pittance.—Bills to the amount of £ 42 18s. Od. were presented and ordered to be paid. Mr. Feltktii handed in his bill ( £ 16 odd) for expenses, Jtc,, incurred by him in going up to London with Mr. Bridge, oil business connected with the law-suit in de- fence of the Scotch weirs at the rnoatli of the Hiver Conway. In answer to the Chairman, M r. Bridge said he had not made out his account. The Chairman said he thought it would be best to pay all the bills at once, and therefore objected to pay- ing Mr. Feltou until they had Mr. Bridge's account. Mr. Felton demurred to the delay. For himself, he had made out his bill in a few minutes. The Vice-Chairinau (Mr. Davies) said, perhaps it would he more satisfactory to the public if N)r. Felton and Mr. Bridge would explain how it wa-s that they had charged for four days, when, in fact, they could have gone up to London and done the business required in two days. Mr Felton explained that the fault was not theirs, but the Judge's, who did not keep to his appointment. It took them one day to g, there, of course; and ivheii they went to inejt the Judge he was gone, and they had to wait until the next afternoon and then it took thtm one day to return. Deducting the expenses, his was a very low charge. On the recommendation of the Chairman, it was or. dered that a cheque be given to Mr. Hughes, sol,cit,r, for the sum of tOO on account, towards the expenses connected with the Scotch weir lawsuit. Mr. Bridge then applied for the 1:21; which the Cor juration had promised towards rebuilding the Wesley an Chapel, in Chapel-street, and which sum he had advan- œJ on the good faith of the Corporation some time a?o. The Chairman remarked that the Corl'°r,Üion had al.,o I promised t?O towards the rebuilding of Gyllin Church and if they agreed to pay Mr. Bridge, he aho?dd Pl'OPO" that they likewise pay the like sum towards the Church. Mr. Robt. Davies, Mr. )). Owen, Mr. W. Jones, and others objected to paying i20 for Gyttin Church, for the reason that the money was not wanted at present, inas- much as the works had not been commenced. It was time, they argued, to pay the money when it was actu- ally required. The Chairman, Mr. Felton, Mr. Jones, (Bodidda) and others opposed this view of the question and ultimately, on a division, it was carried, that both sums be at once paid over. The Xorth Western Railway Company and the Corpor- ation.— Mr. Bridge then read over the minutes of two special meetings which had been held during the last month, one on Monday, the 8th of August, and the other on Wednesday, the 31st ditto. At the latter meet- ing Mr. McMillan attended on behalf of Mr. Lee, who was unavoidably absent. The agent (Mr. Bridge), re- ported to the meeting the purpose for which they had been specially called together. On the Thursday pre- vious he had been informed that the London and North Western nail way Company had a great many labourers at Pensarn. employed in removing a part of the Muscle Bank towards the Bridge, in order to prevent the salt water going to Morfa Bach, and they not having obtained permission from the Corporation, he (Mr. Bridge) at once ordered them to stop- The quarrymen, in the ab- pencoof Mr..McMillan, persisted in going on with the work. Mr. McMillan upon his returning home that evening, wrote to Mt-. Lee on the subject, and Mr. Lee in his reply said that he would attend the meeting of the Corporation. On the Friday following, seeing the men still engaged removing away the said bank he (Mr. Bridge) tolli the quarrymen that unless they ceased working at once they would be compelled by force to do it by order- iug their planks to be taken up; and upon Mr. Mc. Mil- lau returning home they left off working. Ir, Lee's letter was read to the meeting, in which lie atated that he did not know it was necessary to obtain permission from the Corporation, for if so he certainly should have asked it. as the work was only temporary and he expressed a hope that the Corporation would not prevent the work going on, and added that he would un- dertake to remove it as soon the reservoir was full of water. This was agreed to, as the Corporation had no wish to impede the progress of the works, or in any way to cause inconvenience to the London and North Western Company, and Mr. Lee's letter of explanation was" ac. cepted. At the same meeting it was also resolved that the willingness with which the Corporation have invariably accommodated the aaid Company, will meet with the same feeling of reciprocity; and that the application some time ago made for a foot-bridge by the Waen may be reconsidered, and which the Corpotion strongly urge upon the Railway Company. It was directed tlwt a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Lee. The Rev. M. Morgan and others remarked that afoot bridge at the Waen was really necessary as the present level crossing was very dangerous. The Town Mountain.—The Chairman remarked that at the last meeting it had been stated that owing to the absence of Mr. Jones (Bodidda) the Committee appoint- ed to examine into this matter could not send in their report,—was it ready now ? Mr. D. Owen replied that it was not quite ready, but they were getting on with it as well as they could. The Gtitfin Mill.—The Chairman read the minutes of the last meeting in reference to the miil in which it was decided to accept Mr. William's offer to repair the mill ath?owne?nseupto the sum of 4150, the rent, when the work was completed, and a ci.rtihcate ?hent in by a respectable millwright to that etfect, to be leducecl from t;)0 to £25 per annum. Mr. Thos. Jones (trimber merchant) was decidedly op- posed to the bargain, as the rent in that ease would be much too low. There were a house and premises m ad. dition to the mill, so that at ;C25 a year f,)r ttic whole, the rent of the mill itself would not be more than £ 1 Mr. Hughes (solicitor) reminded Mr. Jones that Mr Williams would have to spend £ 150, and the interest of that would be about £ 7 10s. Oel, a year. Mr. Jones still protested against the lowness of the rent: and on his proposal, the ratification of the agree ment was deferred. New Homes.— Vt the last meeting it will be r.mpm. ber t??: W. jL. (Solicitor) appli"d for ^ermi•s *V "i'f$TaS £ the hou.e on t? he  road, on b.h.ti of Captain Hughes. On that occasion Mr.Fe)tono?cted be'ng erected there M? less it should cost about 1400 or so. At thid meeting Capt. Hughes sent to say that be would not spend than ?200 whether tbe Corporation choose to grant him a lease or not. ??:rw? referred to the Building'Commits^ The C'A;? Stone <??.-At the last meeting it was agreed to let this quarry, which is on the I own Hill, to Oparty from Llandudno, but no terms were ?th.e?u agreed upon. The Chairman said, it was not only  term? be deS.?tdy arranged, but also the quantity of ground which he should have. The matter was (leferred? After?ome convention it was decided to allow MMr Roberts, to have the Io? of bilil?ii,ig ground on the NIO coining Mr. Hridge'. ho"?.?f''?'7'? at the Price which Mr. Bridge paid for his his lot, namely 3! per square yard. It WM stated that Ir. Roberts (llrynmair) paid 6d per yard, and Mr. W.Owen (Bank) 3&d. per yard for their lots. V1r W ^Hush- The Crown Rent, and ? CorP'at'ola Nir. W. Hugh. ? (solicitor), handed over a letter ?,,h?u\?';? from Mr. 8i..un. St. Asaph, in n.,  rents connected with Conway and it' „Bielibourhood. As far as we could underHtarKl th^ ty subject the facts seem to be M toUow.. ?The Co '??y?t tion has to pay Crown rent to the »».«« oi ^29, and of this they have to coUect .Cg (?i? ? o? '? ?. ??\bMt Estate, .Itu.t. on the op?te?de ?.? Couw"r. Mr J. Lloyd Jones, the present owner o the e*.te, i aeUing it to Mr. S?u "??  SissoD ?toeaqMre wbeLher tne CC-oou uway y Corporation would indemnify him in am?;ut, ??c, 6(1.), Drovjjed that he could not buy it outngh ?'"  Mr. Hughes tried hard to explain th.e ???' to the meeting, but we think he was ol,)Y Pvtially sttcce6:iftli. Mr. Hugh"" ?. that Mr. SiMon  X" to pay them for tbeindemnificati?, oa the in uCoUecto^ Md he would recommend to open negotiate with him, on tho subject. OUAfteratng and de?tory couver?ti.?, ?: H?ee'. tUZMMicnwita adopted. « \19a Building on the Morfa.- "r. Felwp wd he b&d ?ived a letter from Lieut. Col. ,??m?e?.?y, t' ?<< Roe to building new houm, &c., oa Conway Mort?, the substance of which ia as follows, Sometime ago a company of capifcilliafca was formed fit London, the intention of whom wiA tA) purchase land for building purposes at, Llandudno, t'heyenteredintonegotiations with Sir Waiter Liddell, but they could not agr.'e M to terms. Now one of these gentlemen is connected with the UauberU Kailway, and is a personal friend of Col. Walmedley's, and he intends being prcapnt at the cutting of the first sod at Lbnberi, on the 14th of the preheat month. We may add that this gentleman is an eminent architect, atd is employed to erect a large building at Oxford at the present time. It seems he wrote to Col. Wahnesley, to ascertain whether or not it was likely that the Conway Corporation would dispose of land on the Morfa for building purposes, (houses and a large hotel), and if so, on what terms. The letter of Col. Walmsley, therefore, was to ascertain upon what terms the Corporation would dispose of such land, and whether they were disposed to act liberally in the matter or not. Mr. Felton stated that it was important that this meeting should decide upon the mitter at once, inasmuch as the gentleman in question would be at Llanberis on the 14th inat. For himself he wonld be quite willing to meet him, aud to carry out auy arraugetneuts which tile Corporation choose to make, free of all charge in the first instance. All that he should stipulate for was that his instructions should be clear and definite. A very long conversation theu ensued, which lasted about an hour ami a half, the particulars it is not necessary to report. The main point turned upon this—whether in the tirst instance, it would be better for Mr Felton lo make a detinite offer as to price, or whether the [nice should be left au open question to be afterwards agreed upon between the Corporation and the Company. After a nllmber of resolutions had been moved, and withdrawn, it was finally carried by the casting vute of the Chairman, (Mr. Davies,—Mr. John Williams haviug left previously, as had atao Mr. Felton, and a number of gtutlemen), that I r. Felton offer the land for 3Jd. per yard,the same as paid by Mr. Owen, Bank but tint the quantity And the site should be in accordance with the views of the Corporation The .Yelv Ourdenn "11 the Morfa —At the lait meeting the Market Committee was empowered te visit Nl r. Roberts's new gardens, near to the Workhouse, on the Morfa* in order to ascertain whether or not it was desirable to permit Mr. 11 »berts, to cut a channel ('() yards in length, and 2 yards wide, in order to divert the brook there, so as for it to run more in the centre ot the g,lr,hm,i, tile area of which is taroc acres. Mr. D.Owen, and Mr. T. A. Uoberts, recommended that such permission should be given and after a briet discussion, their recommendation was agrcedrfo, subject so the supervision at the Corporation. The S/¡'e;/ Mr. Thos. Jones eilhid their attentiol) to the street lamps, some of which are broken, whilst others are not lighted at ati. Very often he c.mld scarcely see his way h nne at night Keferred to the Ga; Committee Tito Indepcndunt—A complaint was then made ,it Owen Jone, a c \mer, who it seems is sometimes ù"'l,loye,1 t" calt buil,liug st"ne.i from the Town | Mountain. To go to the quarry, Owen has to go through a gate, which he obstinately refuses to shut after him, all account of the trouble, more than twice a day—that is, at noun and at night. Iu consequeuce of this, the stleep on the mountain get out into turnip and other fields on the flat, and do a great deal of mischief and trespass. When spoken to by a member of the Cor- poration, he flatly refused to shut the gate after him. Mr. Bridge, as the agent of the Corporation, promised to see to that little business, so that anybody leaving the gate open in future, Bhall be stopped from going to the Mountain at all. JDiprovcinents at Pensai-n.Ir. W- Jones, (solicitor), moved for the appointment of a Committee to inspect Pensarn, (uear to the C.iotle), with the view to certaiu improvements and alterations to be there made and which he indicated. If they were carried out a large piece of land would be gained to the Corporation, which could be let at once for timber yards, which wery much needed. A committee was eventually appointed, and the Rev. M. Morgan and others went at once to view the place. The Sea Beach at the. Morfa. -A letter was read from Mr. Roberts, Brynmair, in which he requested to be informed whether the Corporation intended to dispute the right of the Crown to the shore between high and low water mark or whether they would sell such land to him and let him take his chance with the Crown ? Answer deferred. Stone* for the New Homes' oil the Morfa.—Mr. W. Owen, Bank, asked whether he should be allowed to get stones, for building purposes, from the Town Mountain ? Permission given, at the rate of Id. per yard. BUMBLEDOM IN CON WAY—" HOW NOT TO 1 DO IT." Our correspondent writes case occurred the other day in Conway which illustrates how the poor are some- times treated by Relieving Oiffcers, and how little they have to expect from their tender mercies, when put m the balance against their own personal comforts. On Wednesday night week, as Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, Red Lion, Conway, were returning home between ten and eleven o'clock, cheysaw a woman rather tidily dressed sitting upon a btone, in a reclining position, on the side of the Bangor road, outside the walls, by the Town Ditch. She was apparently in a fit of some kind, as she was insensible. Leaving Mr. Hughes with tha woman, Mrs. Hughes ran to the police station for Inspector Evans; but he not being at home, she found P.C. Grif- fith Thomas, who at once went. with her to where the woman was. She was then taken to the surgery of Dr. Jones, who recommended her to be taken at once to lodgings but as she was so ill, it was concluded that no lodging-house keeper would like to take her in, she being in such a condition. I may state that there are no vagrant wards in the Workhouse, and when tickets are Riven to vasrauts by Inspector Evans, they are di- rected to take them to some of the common lodging- houses in the town. This, however, was quite an excep- tional case; and so it was resolved to go at once to the Relieving Officer to obtain a certificate for her admit- tance into the Workhouse, where she would be properly atte itle(I to. P a Thomas and Mr. W. Hughe.s went to Mr. Robert Hughes, relieving officer, who lives in Chapel-street, and who it appears had gone to bed. The police officer knocked at the door the wife came to the window, and she was told how the matter stood, and that a certificate was wanted of her husband, to permit the woman to be taken to the Workhouse. Mie then saitl that her husband would not give one—that it was not his business to do so, but Inspector Evans, who was the relieving officer for vagrants. It was again stated that the woman was most danger- ously ill, and no lodging-house keeper would take her ill, and that Mr. Evans had no power to give a certifi- cate to go into the Workhouse, only to lodging-houses. This appeal produced 110 effect, and'the relieving officer flatly refused to give a certificate. This was an awkward predicament to be placed in, for there was nothing for it but to put the woman in a cold cell in the station, or to leave her out in the street all cell ill the st? night, which, in her condition, really signified--death. Or. Jones, the police officer, and Mr. Hughes, then de- cided to take her to the Workhouse, without a certifi- cate, to see whether Mr. Roberts, the governors, chns- tian feeling and sense of duty to a suffering fellow crea- ture were not superior to the Relieving Officer a-{who, bv-the-bye, is a Christian minister!) The Master of the Workhouse, on learning the facts of the case from thetloctor and the police offiper, at once decided to take her in, on his own responsibility, and she was then properly attended to. I don't think it is necessary for me to make any fur- ther remarks on this case, as they speak very plainly for themselves. Had it not been for the kindness and ac- tive energy of Mr. Hughes, Dr. Jones, and the police officer, the woman would have had to remain in the atreet all night, and if she had died there it is possible that the Helieving Officer would have had to defend himself on a charge of •' Manslaughter," which would have been a little awkward and disagreeable. People, m this countrv, are not to be allowed to perish in the cold, and when afflicted with fits, bec?e a relieving oihcer b?pens to be in a warm bed when the necessary ?pph. cation is made to him. The Poor Law, hard as it is, does not permit of that. The woman, who still remains m a weak, hazy st, ate, of mind and body, states that her mme M hh??beth Dove, and that recently she lived as a servant with a dressmaker lit Ore-furd, near Wrexham. She had no money in her pocket; but aho says Bite had 6s. before She became ill. She also made some remarks about two men who had abused her, but she would not give auy particulars. SoMUTUING TO THE ADVANTAOE" OF CONWAY. —W « have often alluded to the natural advantages possessed by the town of Conway both its it regards site, climate, and pieture?ue scenery, in all of which it is not sur- BMSed by any town on the coast, not at ad ?na?URd save by a verv few. Still, Conway does not progress 111 material prosperity, whilst in its immednte vicinity what were lately poor straggling villages, are becoming large towns and fashionable watering places simply be- cause at those places there are found men of capital and energy, who expend it in such a manner aa to attract n,.d accommodate visitors. Whilst other places are "wide awake'to their own interiijt Conway has been | content to c?t in a placid ?t ??.tmmm.buiency- N4) hayl) Ils tll t tile to rest aud be th?nMnL" No<<<!Nb h?f.jwt? th?t the Town Corporation possesses a inrgffxract or laua (aooui | 200 aery* or so ) outside the walls, and dose on to the I beach and whioh MIGHT have been built upon many veara ago, as similar land in Llandudno has. been but. with the exception of one solitary residence (Brynmair), nothing whatever has been done, it is true that Mr. Owen Hank, has purchased a large piece of land on the Morfa, early in the past spring, and on which it. is in I tended to erect several houses suitable for the accommo- tion of respectable visitors; but these houses have not yet been commenced, although we believe they will be in a short time. We are glad to find, however, from what transpired at the Corporation meeting held on Mon- day last, that a brighter day is likely to dawn upon Conway at last, if the Conway people themselves do not cast impediments in the way. It would appear that se- veral capitalists, in Loudon, have perceived the advan- tages possessed by Conway Morfa, and of its capabilities ;w a watering J)Iace-facti which have been overlooked by the inhabitants themselves. At this meeting the said Company, through Col. Walmesley, have made a first overture to the Corporation to pi<rch;ise the whole, or a portion, we presume, of the Morfa, for the purpose of erecting lodging-houses upon it, fronting the beach, and also a large hotel. They wished to be informed of of the terms of such purchase, and, if they prove suita- ble, no doubt but what in due time the land will be bought, and a line of terraces be built on ground now occupied by a few cattle, wild roses, and sea weed En- glishmen are no sluggards when they fairly set about an undertaking and if the Corporation act in a fair and liberal spirit towards them, and not be too anxious for first profits, we believe that all agreement will be come to. If this should be the C;Lie, it will be something to the future advantage of Couway.






[No title]

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