Papurau Newydd Cymru

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ME1UONETHSU 1 1. E QUARTER M E IU U NET II S 11 1 ¡. E QUA J{ l' E H- SESSIONS. Tiie^e sessions commenced at the Sairchull, D.'lgelley, ou Tuesday last, before H. Mereiytii liiuiiards, i alld th" f,illowing tyi:tgistrittvs Vane, Lord | Moslyu, W. W. K. Wynne, W. li. M. Wynne, E-q., M.l\, Charles Edwaids, Esq., M.P., David Wil. liiiuis, K"h S. Holland, Isq., H. r. Richardson, Esq., J. l'ugiij Esq., Colonel Tottenham* Captain Taylor, Colonel iiuubury, Charles Jones, Esq., Captain 1 hrim- ton, Henry Hubertsou, Esq" 1. E. Parry, Esq., John Vaughan, Lewis AVilli?tmg, Esq., J. Jones, Esq., O. .). Scutt, Esq., H. J. E. N.mney, Esq., W. C.M?)n,)'?q.. H L. Th??'t?, ?aq,, J. Lloyd, Esq., E. Breese, Esq., 'Cleik ,f the Peace; and WilliaLus, Lsq, C(itinty Treasurer. The following gentlemen were appointed on the Poiicc Committee —Lewis Williams, Esq, John Jonen, E-q., and J. E. Pany, I"i i,ice tv. W, E. Wynne, Esq. (chairman), John Vaughan, Esq., Coloiicl Biiubury, Joliu Pugli, Esq., Captain Taylor, and Chains .f >ne.\ Esq. k'wvcytir* iomniittic: — Charles Edwards, Esq., Colonel Tottenham, H. Robert- son, Esq., aud S. Hollaud, Esq. Hills to the amount of X850 15s ojd were examined and ordered to be paid. A cottuty rate ot three farthiugs, and a police rate of one penny in the £ were ordered. KsCAl'iS OP A PRISONER l-'ROM THE COUNTY GAOL. Colonel Bunbury said he had been informed in coming into court of the escape of a prisoner from gaol, ou the previous evening. It was owing to the workmen em- ployed there having left a ladder against the wall; and he considered that the gaoler had been guilty of culp- able negligence in allowing so ready a facility for escape. The Chairman said the prisoner who had escaped was committed by the magistrates at Towyn for neglecting to uuiutain his family. As the gaoler was present, he wished to ask him how it was that the ladder was left against the wall. The Gaoler explained that the workmen had been in the habit of leaving their work at six o'clock in the evening, but on the previous evening they left at half- past five without giving him uotict. At the time he was in his office, but he had given strict injunctions to the turnkey not to lose sight of the prisoners while the workmen were employed in the debtor's yard. The workmen had apprised the turnkey of their leaving, but lie (the gaoler) was uot aware of it, Earl Vaue inquired it it was supposed that there had been any collusiou between the workmen and the prisoner ? The Chairman said nothing was more likely, and he was bound to say that the gaoler had shown culpable negligence in allowing the ladder to be left against the wall. The Gaoler, in reply to questions, stated the prisoner who had escaped was at wurk along with another pri- soner in the oakum room. The workmen were still engaged in the alterations, and two turnkeys kept "n the watch. The Chairman would be glad to have the feeling of the bench as t ) the conduct of the gaoler, and whether they considered he had been guilty of culpable negli- gence. Au extia turnkey was placed at his disposal, at the expense of the ratepayers, for the express pur- pose of preventing the escape of prisoners during the progress of the alterations. Colonel Iiuubury, on being appealed to as an active visiting justice, said he certainly thought the gaoler had been guilty of ntgligeiice. The Gaoler said lie had given strict orders to the turnkey to be vigilant ;aud had he himself known of the workmen leaving earlier, he should have seen to the re- moval ot the ladder. Earl Vaue (to the Goaler): Have you any reason to believe that there was collusion either between the turn- key aud the prisoner or the workmen and the prisoner ? The Gaoler replied that the turnkey knew when the workmen left, and he ought to have seen to the removal of the ladder. The Chairman could not help thinking that there was negligence ou the part of the gaoler as he had extra assistance so as to pevent escapes. At the suggestion of Earl Vane, supplemented by some pertinent observations from Mr W. It. M. Wynne, the Visiting Justices were requested to "inquire most minutely iuto the circumstances of the escape from the gaol, and to report thereon to the next Quarter Ses- sions." The Chairman then read the following report:— To Her Majesty s Justices of II", Peace in Quarter Sessions assembled for the County of Ilcrioiieth. Mv Loans AND GKNILKMEH,—I have the honour to report that during the quarter en liug the 3oth of September last, the number of persons committed to your County prison were as follows, viz.; Vzt,,ratits for tOATing their clothes, and for beg- giiig, &c., ;io other iiiiscleiiieaiiours, 4 uu>ler Criminal Justice Act, U for trial at the Quarter .Sessions for larceny, 1 debtors, 4 total, <»7. Number discharged during the quarter (M, leaving 10 in tiie prison The highest number in gaul at any time during the quarter has been 31, the lowest number at one time was 14, and the average daily number during the quarter was 21. The c nuuet of the prisoners generally has been god, but 4 of them were punished for mis iemeanour, 2 in the dark cell, and 2 by stoppage of their usual diet. Their health has also been very good during the quarter. I much regret to inform you that one of the prisoners escaped from prison yesteiday about a quarter to six o clock p iii., by means of a ladder tliitt was left in the yard by the workmen employed by the contractors. The escaped prisoner was committed to gaol for six weeks for neg- lecting to maintain his family, and he had been in prison for eighteen days. I immediately gave information to the police whom I sincerely hope will succeed in apprehending him. I also much regret to acquaint you of the death of Dr Williams, the medical otticer of the prison, which stid event took place on the Uth inst. Mr O. W. ricott, who was assistant to Mr Williams, has attended the prison since his death I have tHe honour to be, my Lords and Ueulleinen, your obedient servant, OWEN TUOMAS. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR AND THE REPAIR OF TALYLLYN BRIDGE. The Chairman said the next business they had to discuss, was the report of the comrnitte appointed to investigate the affair of Tatyllyn Bridge. But previous to going into the question he would read to them a petition that had been received from a number of rate- payers, as follows To the Justices oj the Peace for the County of Merioneth in Quarter Sessions assembled. We,the undersgned ratepayers of the parishes of Talyllyn and Llautiliingelypennant in the Oolgelley Poor Law Union, beg respectfully to convey to you an expression of our disappoint- ment and disapproval of the way in which the Coisa of the Taly- llyn Uiidgehas been hitherto dealt with by your Worships and the County Surveyor. ll'o beg to submit that inasmuch as the Quarter sessions had appointed two gentltuucn to inspect, value, aud report upon the work done on the bridge (and for which such an unreasonable sum had been paid) your Worships were bound to hear and accept their report, aud until this is done we shall emphatically protest against such favouritism and par- tiality. Such an enormous amount of money being annually expended upon the county works and that in Ulany instautes without your knowledge or control, we are of opinion that it is very necessai-y and desirable that a Bill be passed to enable the Guardians of the sevetallTnions to be admitted aud enlitled to vote at the tinancial meetings of the county. We had other cases to bring before your %Vor liips in which we consider that an enormous amount of money has been injudiciuusly expended, but we cannot help feeling that considering the way this matter has been met by your Worships it would be fruitless to attempt any reform or curtailment of the county expenses so loig as the tinancial affairs are m tnaged in tke present mauner. e there- fore beg that your Worships will reconsider this matter and give it the attention which it deserves, as we cannot feel but that the evidence brought forward by us in support of cur case has been entirely ignored, [The above document is dated the 15th October, 18G8, and signea by tiiirty-six persons.] -He (the Chairman) had only to remark, that as those gentlemen who signed the petition were not present at the time this question was discussed in public court, they were not cognisant of the whole of the facts, and could not therefore form a correct opinion. They had expressed very decided opiuions as to the conduct of the bench ill this matter, but had they been present and heard the discussion at the last Sessions, they would have arrived at a dilferent conclusion. The question stood thus complaints were made of the manner in which Talyllyn Bridge had been repaired by the County Surveyor, and the matter was brought before the court of Quarter Sessions. It was under discussion for a con- siderable time, and two magistrates very kindly volun- teered to go and inquire into the matter on the spot. They were not formally appointed as a committee, but they acted with the concurrence of the entire bench, the object being to have the matter thoroughly investigated. The result of the tirst investigation was, that the bill of X30 charged for the repairs was reduced to ilt) 2s Gd, thus showing a deficiency in the original charge of £ 19 17s Gd. Mr Edwards, interrupting the chairman, said the original estimate for the repair of this bridge was £ 30, and at the desire of the magistrates the County Surveyor sent in au amended bill of £ 2G 2s Gd. Col. Bunbury and himself were requested to inquire into the matter, and after going iuto it fully they arrived at a calculated deficiency on the original estimate of £ 19 17s 6d. The Chairman said the matter was talked of a good deal at the time, and it was decided in consequence to examine the works minutely. Col. Bunbury and Mr Edwards appointed a gentleman named Spaull to accom- pany them, and wrote to Mr Fierce to meet them with his surveyor at the Talyllyn Bridge. Mr Pierce came himself, but didn't briug a surveyor. The two magis- trates then felt themselves justified in going into the case, with their own surveyor, and the following is the report of Mi Spaull:— Oswald Chambers, Oswestry, September lth, 1868. To the Committee appointed at the Quarter Sessions for the county of Merioneth to enquire into the dispute with reference to the work done at the Talyllyn Bridye. GUNTLLMKN,—Having met you, the ratepayers, and the County Surveyor at the Talyllyn bridge on the 7th ult., and heard their vaiious statements, it may be as well before giving my opinion on the matters in dispute, to give a short epitome ot the whole transaction as I understand it. The County Sur- veyor in the first instance chaiged the county tau for the repairs done aud was paid that amount. l1 pon this tJCiog míh public two ratepayers, Mr Hugh Jones, of Tynycomel. and Mr Jones, Of NlitCS) Patitiy, CKIIC(I attention iLt tlil (itiartur sessions to the amount as being what they considered excessive, and requested an inquiiy into the matter. When this complaint was made the County surveyor was requested to reconsider his estimate, and he therefore reduced it from Clll to X26 2s 6d, admitting lie made an overcharge of L i lis <M. t'pon the produc iou « f this reuueed e timate a comnritte > f magistrates was appointed to investigate the matter aud th.-y m t at the >Tlilge {tne hate- paters, Ci.unty surveyur, au i cue Contractor being present) and ill,tite ;tit Lstlitt to (if the worlts iron the information then anoided lhem which amounted to ?io?od, showing an ov> r- clurgc of 17a i> 1 on the lir*t I'stimite, and £ 1 ■> on the ai?iuiiii,(l (if th ? L:o-iii y V?lieii their rtpoit was presented at the Quarter ??on., the County Surveyor calied in Mr Spooner to valuctlio works on his b diaif, none but himself being present, which valuation amounted to £ '2.") 3s I'd, snowing an overcharge on the nist estimate of £4 17s Od. and on the alUen¡led IJ Ie or 1:t8 üù. Alter carefully considering the matter and the impoi tance of the hime to all concerned, I aiu of opinion that Llr lJrico for the w hk done would be £14 b 711, supposing I he wit oW to be executed in a workmanlike and satis- factory manner Having ueen asked to express an opinion as to the m Miner in which the work is t-xec ite l, I think it generally very slovenly done, more particularly the walling and the pointing, aud should recommend t at the contractor be required to pull «loW:> and r irniid the retain ng to the road and the west side of the IJriúöd -1 am, geutlemen, your -fit rjcr. I vaut, W. II. SPAUM,. Mr Wynne S lid tll it as tikis wlii in a gr«nt cltyreo a r.itepayeis' t!lht.ldU .HI. l.J looked over tuo siguc*Lviies t > the petition, llo was bound to say that a number of the largest and must respectable farmers had signed tin? put.tioij. In fact, lie thought there were hardly any ut the large faruieis 111 the district who had not signed it. Mr Kobertsou wished tu kuuw if Mr Spooner's esti- mate was in court ? Col. Bunbury did not impugu Mr Spooner's estimate, 'but he did impugn the information on which it was based. A great deal had been put down as new work which was in reality old work, and which would require to be taken dowu agaiu. Mr Itobertson referring to Mr Spooner's estimate, which he held iu his hand, said that assuming the data oil which it was based was correct, the prices fur the work were not more than ought to have been paid. Mr Spaull's estimate, assuming that the work was properly done, was not sulhuieut. Col. Tottenham, on behalf of the committee who pre- pared the report to the last Quarter Seium, explained that they had only a short time to inquire into the] matter. They had not had the opportunity of seeing the? bridge and judging of the quality of the work. They bad only Mr Spooner's valuation, but from what they knew of that gentleman's character they concluded that his esti- mate was a correct one. It appeared the difference arose from the mode of measuring the work done, the practice among inasous being to measure not only the face of the work but also over the coping. It was ascertained that the work actually was done for leas money than the sum paid; the committee considered that the work was done under exceptional circumstances at au usually cheap rate, and on those grounds they gave in their re- port. The following is the report referred to by Col. Totten- ham, and which was produced at the last Quarter Ses. rii-)ua at Bala Your Committee have carefully examined the report and calculations of the County Purveyor who produced a valuation of work done, made and signed by Mr Spooner, according to whom the valuation of the work done amounts to 4115 ^s od being IWS od less than the County Surveyor's amended valuation, and £ 4 17s less than the sum which has been paid to him by the County. We regret that the Lounty Surveyor did not make arrangements for Mr Spooner to have met your Committee, as the items might have been gone into in a more satisfactory man- ner and differences reconciled and also that he should have paid the Contractor more than his own amended valuation. We recommend that the sum of £ i> as ud only be allowed, the balance to be refunded by the County Surveyor. CHAS. J. TOTTENHAM, JOHN LLOVD, JOHN AUUHAN. Col. "Uuiibury ex[>Uiued that in lurmiug their esti- mate, Air Edwarda and himself otitiiiued the assistance of the contractor, and the men employed to do the work at the bridge they ascertained from them what sums had actually been paid, and formed their estimate on thut. The contractor complained to them that he was only a working man, that lie was paid a very small sum for his work, and could not afl'ird to lose time in assist- ing the inquiry further. Air Spoouer's estimate was formed on the information given to him by the County Surveyor, which he maintained was false The work charged as new work was never done at all. He must say after going very minutely into this matter twice lie co,tld not see how the Surveyor could justify hischarges. He fully agreed with the report of Nlr Spaull, and thought the work should be redone. The Clerk of the Peace, in answer to Earl Vane, said that the County Surveyor made the contract with the contractor. Mr Thruston and Mr W. R. M. Wynne bore testimony to the work being done in a slovenly manner, and Col. Iiuubury added that this was not a solitary complaint. There was another case at Llanfihangel-y-pennaut, where the County paid £1 tia for work done by a man in two hours. Mr Pierce here explained in Welsh (interpreted by Mr Breese) how it was that he did not meet the two magis- trates aud Mr Spaull with Mr Spooner, whom he had appointed to go over the work on his behalf. On the tirst occasion Mr Spoouer had-written asking Mr Pierce to meet him at Dolgflley on the following morning at eight o'clock, but owing to the letter being wrontjly ad- dressed it did not reach him in time to give notice to the two magistrates, and also write to Mr Spaull, at Oswestry. On the second occasiou Mr Spooner was un- able to attend, and that was the reason of his goiag alone to meet the magistrates and Mr Spaull at the bridge. Mr Robertson (who is himself a very eminent engineer) here pointed out thut whereas Mr Spaull only put down one shilling per superficial yard for roughstone dry walling, coping only set in mortar," Mr Spooner had charged in his estimate three shillings and sixpence per yard for the same description of work. No doubt there may have been errors, but it was simply a question of fact as to whether the County Surveyor paid the money and could show vouchers for it. Three shilling and six. pence did not seem to him too much for a retaining wall properly built. As far as he knew, Mr Spaull was more of an architect than an engineer. Air Edwards said the simple fact was, the money spent was not represented by the work done. He gave the land surveyor every opportunity of bringing Mr Spooner and exonerating himself, but he failed to do so. Col. Tottenham said he would not be a party to screening any public servant guilty of improper con- duct, but from all that had taken place there was no evidence whatever of any collusion between the con. tractors. After some further discussion, it was finally resolved' on the motion of Earl Vane, seconded by Mr S. Hol- land, That an independent person of practical know- ledge be appointed to measure and value the work done at Talyllyn bridge,and toexamiue the difference between the two estimates of Mr Spooner and Mr Spaull; and Col. Bunbury, Mr Edwards, and Dr. Robertson be re- nuested to attend at the time." I It was further resolved, that the arbitrator be selected I by the three magistrates above named- NEW COUNTY SUIIVEY. Mr Richards moved that the Quarter Sessions should petition the Government to extend the survey now made in the counties of Denbigh and Flint, to the county of Merioneth, and added that the Ordnance Map at present in their possession was on too small a scale, and that the Government had set aside the sum of X30,000 towards this purpose, and therefore it would not cost the county any expense. Several magistrates, including Lord Mostyn, Colonel Tottenham, the Chairman, and other gentlemen sup- ported the motion, and it was unanimously passed, the Clerk of the Peace being requested to communicate with the Ordnance Department. THE MILITIA BARRACKS. This subject, which had occupied the attention of the Quarter Sessions for several years, came on this day for final settlement. The Chairman went over the history of the question, and said it had been agreed on some time ago tn pur. chase the Bala Workhouse for the sum of X2,000, aud to convert it into a barracks for the Militia. It had beeu resolved at a pievious Quarter Sessions by 11 to 10 against to postpone the discussion. A committee had also been appointed to consider the subject. The guardians of the Bala Union had refused to annul the contract, and they insisted it should be carried out. Since the question had been mooted in that court, an Act of Parliament had been passed to render such pro- ceedings legal. Before the passing of that act the county had to provide store houses fur the militiamen. On a former occasion it had been decided by 14 against 3, that the Bala Workhouse should be purchased. He (the Chairman) begged to state that the legal point which he had raised as te the putting the expense of making the Bala Workhouse a barracks, was proved to be valid by the fact that an act had been passed to legalize such proceedings. The question before them was the purchase and adoption of a dilapidated building for barracks. This would throw great expense upon the county. He wished to remind his brother magistrates that they were not spending their own money, but the money of the county upon matters which were not obligatory. lie hoped they would be as economical as possible. The number of volunteers was 180 but this business would put them to an expense of about £ 5,000. The member for the county, Mr David Williams, and himself, had been looking into the matter. At first the county would have to pay about C55 per annum in in- terest on the loan to pay for the land and building, and afterwards about X104) per annum. The county owed at the present moment the sum of X2,800, together with £1,500 expended on the county gaol. Colonel Tottenham begged to impress upon them that the present mortgage was not owing to any expense incurred on accouut of the militia. He could not see why the sum of £ 5,000 was necessary he believed X3,000 would be amply sufficient for the purpose, and he diselitinie(I any intention on the part of those who supported the cause of the militia to spend the money of the connty improperly. They were at interested in keeping the rates dowu as any class. He advocated an immediate decision on the subject. He believed the expenditure of the necessary sum would be a good in- vestment. Mr David Willi mis confirmed the statements of the chairman as to the probable exp.-nse. The drainage of tiie wo: kliouse woulil cost, about £ ,Hlil, aud the repair* now ii,cesi;kry (,u ttie t)tiildirg would c,)st ilb(-ut A:Iijt). flu also thought the expenditure would be a good m- ve-tmeut, especially when they remembered that about C tf)i) IV ),11(1 be i eceive,i fr,)ui G,)veriiiiieiit towards the expense of keeping the officers of the regiment. At any rate he could not see that inasmuch as that the Bala Ulliou Ouardiaus refused to annul the coutract, they could do anything better than carry it out. Mr W. It. Wyuue supported Mr Williams's state- ment. The Chairman thought that with a much smaller sum they might procure the required accommodation for the men. oil the question of drainage there was a pretty long discussion. Mr John Jones (of fiala) said the guardians were not at all prepared to give up the contract. J'hey lHtluut t'ouud silcli liberal purchasers before, anil it might U a long lime before they fouud otliers like them. At last, after much discussion, it was resolved on the motion of Karl Vane, seconded by Mr David Wiliiams, That the purchase of iiala Union House be completed forthwith, and given uver to the 1ilitia, and that a committee be hereby appointed, consisting of the Lord Lieuteuaut, the Vomlllanding Officer of the Regiment, Captain Taylor, Charles Edward, Esq, l. P., and the Justices of the Bala Petty Sessioual Division, for the purpose of repairing and fitting up the Union House for the recep- tion of the Militia Stores, and for quartering therein two of the permanent staff, as barracks for the Militiamen during training, and that for these purposes they shall be empowered to expend any sum not exceeding £ 800." The mortgage deed was subsequently signed in open court. ELECTION OF GAOl, SURGEON. I There were two applicants for the office of surgeon to the County Gaol, vacant by the lamented death of Dr. Williams. Colonel Bunbnry proposed, and Mr W. W. K. Wynne seconded the appointment of Mr John Edward Jones. Mr David Williams proposed, and Lord Mostyn seconded Mr Edward Jones. On a division, Mr John Edward Jones obtained the largest number of votes, and was declared duly elected. WEDNESDAY. The Court opened this morning at eleven o'clock, for the hearing of appeals aud trial of prisoners, before R. Meredeth Richards, Esq., chairman Colonel Bunbury, Charles Edwards, Esq., M.P., David Williams, Esq., L. Williams, Esq., William Casson, Esq., .1. Vaughan, Esq., J. E. Parry, Esq., Charles Jones, Esq., M. T. Pugh, Esq., aud J ohn J ones, Esq. The following gentlemen were sworn on the GItA'ql) JURY: Mr Edward Griffiths, merchant, Dolgelley, foreman Mr William Davies, farmer, Drwsmela; Mr Johu Evaus, draper, Dolgelley; Mr (lowland Evans, farmer, Hatodmeirch; Air Griffith Griffiths, far- mer, Caecrwth Mr Hugh Jones, merchant, Dol- gelley Mr Richard Jones, farmer, liryiiyeastell Mr David Owen, fanner, Brynbras; Mr Evan l'u^h, farmer, TywalVr; Mr Rees Pugh, farmer, T'ydynbach; Mr Robert Pugh, farmer, Hafod. feredydd; Mr Griffith Roberts, farmer, Helygog- fach Mr Griffith Roberts, farmer, Llettycauol; Air Evau Reynolds, farmer, Caeaddawyu; Mr John Itoberts, farmer, Carregyrogof; Mr John Williams, farmer, Bwlchcoch; Mr Samuel Wil- liams, farmer, Hendregefeilliad; Mr Richard Wil- liams, dairyman, Dolgelley; Mr E. P. Williams, draper, Dolgelley. The Chairman, in charging the Grand Jury, said he would, as was his usual practice at the October Sessions, briefly touch upon the Acts of Parliament that had beeu passed during the last Session affecting that county, or which might assist the magistrates in the administration of justice. The first act to which he should allude was the Heform Hill for the better repre- sentation of the people. Its provisions had been so fully discussed in the press, that they must be quite familiar to them and as he was informed, they would soon have an opportunity of judging of its practical operation in that couuty. Therefore he would not fuller refer to that measure. He particularly wished to direct their attention to the Militia Act. They might possibly ie-j member that at several Quarter Sessions considerable discussion had taken place with regard to the purchase of the Workhouse at Bala for the use of the Militia. He (the Chairman) had discovered a legal difficulty in the way of carrying out that object, but the Militia Act gave the power to purchase and erect buildings for barracks, and so the legal difficulty was entirely got rid of. The result of this alteration in the law was, that it had been considered expedient to purchase the Bala Workhouse for the purposes of the Militia. It was satisfactory to himself and other magistrates that the matter would now be carried out legally. It had been calculated roughly that the fitting up for militia pur- poses, including purchase and drainage, would cost very I nearly X5,UOO, certainly more than £ 4,000. The money? would have to be borrowed by the mortgage of the rates, and he trusted that the committee appointed would do their best to exercise economy in carrying out the matter. The next act to which he would refer was as to the payment of church rates, and he believed that it would have a most beneficial effect. Formerly church rates could be recovered by legal proceedings, but under the new act the vestry could only make a voluntary rate, and those only who paid the voluntary rate would be able to vote in the administration of the affairs of the parish church. The learned chairman having briefly referred to the act providing for the puuishment of co-partners in public companies guilty of larceny, and also to the act for regulating the sale of prisons, then proceeded to direct the graud jury on the two cases con- tained in the calendar. APPEAL CASES. Mr John Jones applied for the respite of an appeal 14Silvertou v. the Commissioners of the Dysyni Valley Drainage." Also for the respite of an appeal, George Jonathan Scott against the same Commissioners," and for the respite of an another appeal George Jonathan Scott v. the I)ysyni Valley Drainage Board."—Mr G. J. Williams, who appeared for the respondents in each case, consented to the respite which the court granted. Gaardians of Dolgelley Unioii v. Guai-dians of Gormen Vnion-TIIis was an appeal against an order made by the Guardians of the 'Jorweu Union against the Guar- dians of the Dolgelley Union, for the maintenance of a pauper in the North Wales Lunatic Asylum. Mr Louis, of Ruthin, who appeared for the respond- ents, stated that the greater portiou of the Corweu Union is in the county of Denbigh. He cited the 108th section of the Union Irremovability Act to show that the Merionethshire justices had no jurisdiction in the case, which must be heard by the justices of Denbighshire. Mr David Pugh, for the appellants, admitted that the objection was fatal; the court had no jurisiiction, and the case must go to the Quarter Sessions for Denbigh- shire. His clients had come to this court to fight the case on its merits. Mr Louis then applied for costs, as his clients had been put to the expense of bringing their witnesses to Dolgelley. After hearing the advocates on both sides, the court refused, as they had no jurisdiction to hear the case they had no power to certify for costs and also de- clined to grant a case for the decision of a superior court. BRIDGE INDl CTMENT. The grand jury returned a true bill of indictment against the inhabitants of Merioneth for the non-repair of Maenotferin bridge at Festiniog. APPOINTMENT OF FISHERY COMMISSIONERS. On the application of Mr Williams (of Bala), Mr Francis Griffith Jones, Mr Edward Gilleard Jones, Mr William Jones (of Ruabon), Captain Robert Massey, Mr William Owen (Lion Hotel, Bala), and Mr William Scoon (Bryn Aber, Bala), were reappointed commission- ers for the River Dee Fishery. CUARGE OF STEALING WEARING APPAREL AT THE PARISH OF LLINYCIL. Robert Roberts, 2M. labourer, was indicted for stealing at the parish of Llanycil, on the 27th of June, one cloth coat, vest, and one pair of trousers, of the value of two pounds, the property of Thomas Davies. lir G. 1. Williams prosecuted, and the prisoner was undefended. The prosecutor stated that he resided at Cefnmawr, and at the time in question was employed on the Bala and Dolgelley railway. On the 27th of June he had occasion to go from Bala to Llanuwchllyn, and had with him a bundle of clothes; he lay down on the roadside near the latter place and fell asleep. Ou awaking he missed his bundle of clothes, which he did not see until about eight weeks ago, when they were in the possession of Police-constable John Joues at Bala. P.C. John Jones deposed to finding the clothes in the possession of the prisoner, whom he took into custody on the charge of stealing them. After being duly call- tioned, the prisoner stated to the officer that he bought the cloth from a hawker, and that John the tailor at Llanuwchllyn, had made them. Prosecutor was recalled to identify the clothes. Hugh Hughes, tailor, Bala, proved that he had made the clothes for prosecutor; and a boy in his employ corroborated his testimony. John the tailor at Llanuwchllyn, was also called to prove that he had never made clothes for the prisoner. There was no other person at Llanuwchllyn beside him- self who was known as John the tailor. The prisoner, in auswer to the charge, now said that he fouud the bundle on the roadside, and as he could not find an owner he appropriated the property. The jury retired to consider their verdict, and to the consternation of everybody in court, acquitted the prf soner. The Chairman, in disclur^in.; the prisoner, told him tint there another ii■ • ii.-1.11■ • ■ t against him for a previous conviction. >>n WIIUM I.ovvever he would not now be trie.I JS the jury had | .,[.[fd him. He would remind iiiiii to c )tintry fiadinel. bundles of cloilii-s. David Jones (on bail), a respectable looking man from Towyn, was charged on three separate counts with steal- ing a portmanteau, the property of John Charles Cony- beare; he was also charged with receiving the sama knowing it to have been stolen. Mr G. J. Williams prosecuted, and the prisoner was defended by \lr J. H. Jones. The prosecutor is a member of the South Wales Cir- cuit, an I on Saturday, the 1st of August. he left Shrews- bury for Towyn, having a good deal "f luggage with him. lie stvv Lite 1 1, trt of it, inelu lio.; u.eportmanteau in question, placed )u tll,! .,i c »ri i.i. e. On arrival at Towyn he fouud that his luggage had been missent. Ou the following d>y, Sunday, he stated for Pwllheli in search of his luggage, but when ..egot to Barmouth Junction he found his luggage tl"'le on its way back to [owyn. Un the Monday morning the whole of the luggage was placed iu a L;.Ll t at I IPWYU station to be conveyed to his lodgings, but the poitman- teau was supposed to have beeu dropped near the rail. way crossing. A man passing along the road found a portmanteau similar to the one lost close to the house of Air Silvester, where the prisoner was employed, and he placed it against the wall. The prisoner who had left his work without any luggage in his possession, was seen to cross a field leading to his own house carrying a portmanteau resembling the one lost uy prosecutor. rhe prosecutor placarded his loss, offering L5 reward, which he afterwards increased to £ 25. 011 the 8th of August the prisoner (accompanied by a servant of the prosecutor who lodged at his house) came to the prose- cutor and stated that he had found his p irtmauteau in a field. It was on the day he had given a manuscript at the station offering a reward of X2,i. The prosecutor declined to receive the poi tmanteau from prisoner, who was afterwards apprehended on a warrant Mr J. H. Junes made a vigorous defence to the jury, who retired to consider their verdict. The Jury after being absent nearly two hours, re- turned into court with a verdict of not guilty, aud the prisoner was discharged. This concluded the business of the sessions, aud the court rose at six o'clock.



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