Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

12 erthygl ar y dudalen hon


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MURDER OF MESSRS. WM. AND HUGH GRIFFITH, SONS OF JNO. GRIFFITH, ESQ. OF TRYFAN, IN THIS COUNTY. For the information of the numerous relatives and friends of these unfortunate gentlemen, we insert the following extract of II letter from Mr. Zaccheus Williams, innkeeper, Lower Town, Que bee, to John Price, Esq. Plas Caduaut, in this county Qneiec, 'M'Ah July, 1831. The Qu?bfc Mr,?ro d tbe 4d inst. which aQ- companies this, will inform you of the untimely e,.d ryo.?r two cousina, Wm, and Hugh Gi-iffit?. fybavinlt had the pleasure of being acquainted with Mr. William Griffith for these ten years past, and being, I believe, the only person irdluehec, from his part of tho country, with whom he had any acquaintance, has induced me to write to his eonnexions by first conveyance. The murderers are not yet taken, but there is no doubt but they will soon he caught, as there is an active pursuit after them. The property belonging to the Messrs. Griffith will remain in possession of the proper officers until that a regular claim can be made for it by some autborisedpersonin Quebec, A bro- ther to the Rev. Mr. Price is at present in Quebec, and will sail in a few days for Aberdovey, and any further intelligence that can be known, I shall send to you by him, however, the public papers gives all that we know as yet, nothing further can be said until those unfortunate men are taken, which I tiust will not be long. Since writing the above, it appears that the boat belonging to the Messrs. Griffith, has been left the Island of Orleans, near Quebec, and a description of the men has been ascertained, so that there cannot be much doubt of their boing soon apprehended," THE LATE MCRDER AT GOOSE ISLAND.—The fol lowing letter gives a more correct detail of the cir cumstances of this murder: "Two men, who appear to have been employed in dragging for lost anchors, have been at Goose Island for some time back, with two hired men, The employers had deposited a trunk at the house of F. Xavier Lachame dit Jolicgeur, with orders to deliver it only to themselves. The four persons when not out on the water, lodged together in a cabin in the woods. On Monday last, some of the people on the island heard a cry and a musket fired but paid no attention to it. Finding none of Ihe party coming. to ( i o- hottse, Some of them had the curiosity to go to the cabin on Friday; they found one of the employers dead among the racks, with his scnH fractured, apparently with an ,ax; alld the body of the other some way off in the vood, with a musket shot through the head. The boat was gone, and the \0 hired men had dis- appeared. All four language. A woman at the house of Jolicwur recollects that the two hired men ?am? 'to the house oil Monday) and asked ,for the trunk, but it being refused, they went away. The trunk. has:«inee been opened, in the presence of the Captain of Militia, and a packet of money amounting to about £70, Ingold, was found in it. The name of Mr. H. Griffith, of Carnarvon," was on the envelope; also, the date "lstJune," The bodies have been buried, after being visited by a Militia Officer, who will pro bably report to Quebec." Since receiving this letter we have seen Mr. Panet, the coroner, who returned this morning, having got the bodies lifted, and taken an inquest upon them. It appears that the peisons murdered are well identified to be Hugh Griffith, half-pay Lieutenant of his Majesty's Navy, and his brother William Griffith. They were known to a number of persons in town; their books on naval gunnery and tactics and literature, all bear their names, and they lately purchased of Mr. Plnnte, ferry- man, at the Island of Orleans, the boat in which thty followed their occupation, and which is also well known. The men whom they hired, and who murdered them with a view to get £70, inl their chest, were two emigrants, supposed te be Irishmen, engaged just as they landed from the vessel on one of the wharves, and unknown to their employeis. The day the murder took place, the wind was westerly, and they no doubt pro, eeeded down the river, but the strong gale from the east which blew the following day, would pro- hahly Induce them to chme up towards town.— They were Ignorant of the management of a boat and of the river, and it is hoped that they will have landed somewh?re, where being strangers, they may be looked ulah with susp!Io?, allrlllo,1 tked, One of tha Messra. Griffiths is said to bue. had land in the upper part of the provini e. Tile murderers are supposed to have put on tl,e "I"tho; of their victims. From an examination of tlio hones ractiireil, it appears doubtful whether cither of tiiem died from goa shol 1I"0unds, The heads of botli were much shattcred,apparc itly by blow s of an ax, We lçarn that Messrs. Griffith* have very res pectable relations n,-ar Holyhead in Wales from, wtiieh part of Great Britainlhcy both arc. The younger hrother intende,1 to go home in II shurt time, and had come dowii lately from Bytown, on the Ottawa.—From the Quebec Menwy tjf the 2J if July. The boat in which the murderers of the Messrs. Griffith had been for nearly 1\ week, wa. lel't hy tliem at' St. Laurent, (Orlean4,)on Monday the 18:1t inst. The two men, afterremaini g several hours in the boat and on the beech walked aWay. They have been t,a?ed by Police 'om""r., sent for the express P.P"?e, Ie P"inl Levy, ?1w, ?; iIlrl'pM"i they anived on F'riday night, and further trace of them was then, A full desc ription of their dress has been, obt9incd, and parties have been sent after them by different r,outes-Flutl.IÀ<I Que bee Mercury, of the idth uf July. from inftHmatioll derive! from the best autho- rity, we art enfbled to lay before our readers the following particulars regarding these unfortunate brothers.—Jlr. William Griffith, while a midship- man in the Royal Navy, had been employed f.,r some time with a party liiider his command, mi the Lakes and in the woods of Cahada, procuring stores for the shipping. This employnient led hi", into frequent intercourse with the Indians, whose language he speedily acquired, und by whom he was so highly esteemed tiwit several pKiposals were made to him to join one,,of their tribes, all offer which be dechncd,4ftc.r tbelleR"" he re, turned 10 Ihis country, but,whilc at home his constant cle.iI'6was to go baik amongst his old friends the Canadian Indians. In 1818 he did return to Canada, nccompn¡e,1 by his brother Mr. Hugh Gritih, and they both settled upon all estate of GO0 a.6res, named llellev uii Gloucester, on the Rideau river. In a few years they had got a considerable prfriion of their laud into cultivation and were inostxlomfortsiblv situated, when bad health compelled Mr. Hugh Griffiih to to revisit his uative country in 1823. On his re, turn to Canada in 1825, he found that his brother had neglected the estate, an-I followed the-bent of his wandering disposition by going amongst Iii" Indians, with whom he remained until about twd years ago, when he commenced constructing Ii machine of his own invenli"11 lor reCoveilng lo"t property from the bottoms of rives kc. ;llr Hnh Griffith remained upon his estate until May last when l?? ?" to Quebec on his way to this court- try to visit his parents and Friends. fli? last IQIt)"¡ dated Quebec, June 2,Stli, IS31, iiif(lrtii that in Quebec he had found his brother, who was just recovered from sickness, and had been unfor- tunate in his speculation owing to tempestuous weather, but that as soon as the weather permitted he would renew his efforts for the recovery of some property sunk in liver St. Laurence. A warm desire to be of ser. ice to his brother, and the hopu of witnessini his belter sureess in his dangerous speculation, induced Mr. Hugh Griffith to d. tei' mine on remaining with hitn a month, a, d at the expiration of that period he was led by tbe same considerations to stay another month with Wil- liam, but ere that month had elapsed, both tha brothers were murdered by the ruffians whom Wil- liam had hired as labourers, in the manner aboi* narrated. To the [Nitn. nf the North Wales Chrimii lr. Sin,—In a.??er to a deelaraUon made by Mar- tin Colquitt, R. N. ,hich uppeats in the Carnaivi.n Herald of this dav, ??! owe it in justice to the g, tleman whom It is the object, i? it'appears tons to censure, and very unjustly, to slate the true facts, which we are enabled to do, as we were alongside the William the Fourth ste:trner at tli,) time the transaction took Jilacej W)i ilst she wai l under Tyeigb.' w 11, r-"6rd making for Iter, in which weie 1\0 gentlemen, whose object, it appeared to liS, WjlS for the pur pose of getting a tow towards Puffin Island. The acting master of the steamer had orders to proceed with all aispateli and, agreeably to those orders, the rope was cut. Instead of rhis, last act being matter of reproach, as is assumed bj Captain Col- quitt, it was absolutely necessary, or the boat must have been towed under walei, I u,m, Sir, yout most obedient servant. J. MOWLE, Commander of the William IV. JUlES SPENCER, Superintendent of the Sf. George Coriipaiiy.

Family Notices

StHPVlHS EntfLligenrc.'