Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

11 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



TO THE Gentry, Clergy, and Freeholders 01 tlUo: COVNIY OV ANGLESEY. GOTLPIE:-ó, r' wiHE unexpected intimation of our present wor- ? lh'„ Member, Sit R. B. Williams Hulkelty, Itart.'s intention of retiring, from the representation of this Count!/ IS tome individually, and, I alii us- to ile Constituency ut large, a mutter of "z: V¡IIIII the cnl'hJ so SOOII likd!! to OC<'II1', I aliI „,Juced to offer mytlf to your countenance and m u Candidate for the Honor of Heine- CIIIIII?1) j,, I already received the most Jlaller,ng mark, of "tioltiulI w;¡/ I'egurd /I llCllltisitio,/ sibllfd "1 (j ,??r.?/<v of mjluentiul '?"?'?"' 2 jded?. ??/<" no ?'?' to no  ?[T M.A? the ?<?? (' ?MT«Me ( AM?A Establishment, or the enjoyment of any Religuus Toleration, or Constitutional Immunity, which it has bun the Strath and Glory of this Nation to confer, jmoes-s lir preserve, are at st.lie-TIIERE I ill mice profess myself thoroughly and unytelding- /v Conservative. 1 have the Honor to Ic, Cnntkmcn, Your obedient humble Servant. OWKX FIT.IKK MKYRICK. 1836. TO TIlE Gcntiy, Clergy, and Freeholders, or "JIIE coi N I V OK AXGI.KSDY, (110'111:\11' m ).)f.M.<(!?-?< I beg ac' J\ kno,ete,i«e with the deepest feelings of gratitude il,e kiwi pr,™i«* "f s"i'P"rt awl confub-net which 1 nreiial.aiid which ensure, beyond the slightest ?.?,(.<('<«f<-<'?./ f"M"?.? the establishment if the ht,le,<endenee of viir c(itim, ittil lite esti,blishine?it oy t•> the utmost of mu ability, to jnin my personal respects to nil the Independent Voters, and if I have uiiiateit. tionally passed over any, I beg lo assure them, it was ,¡W" no disrespect or intentional neglrd, bat solely '{''¡)I11 lite leant of it proper Hegister, 1 j)nlt/o/ 1Il and 1fith sentiments of gratitude und n.-pnt, Remain, Gentlemen, rllHr (lbe<iien humble S unnt, OWE ITI.LFlt )¡E\HlCK. 23d January, 1837. 1 () THE Gentlemen, Clergy, Freeholders, & Electors OK rn li CO I'M V OK DKECO.V. A 4 FlT U Ihe correspondence which has taken place .Major Hoi,mill) and myself, it would ill become me to make any comments on that gentle- man's addiess to the i lectors. have for .00ne timc Ween aware of Major 11'.1.1 'I:' intention to canvass the County. 1 abstained from addressing you, being unwilling to light up the Dime of election excitement, ortodistmb the peace 01" county to which 1 am under so many obligations. 1 am -ure vou will now feel that 1 can no longer re- main silent. You, Gentlemen, are well aware, that I have had the honor of representing your County in Parliament for the last Thirty Years. During that long period, IllY sole anxiety has been to consult your interests, buth public and private; to promote your happiness and prosperity; and to represent you to your satis- t tction. You will, I am sure, do me the justice to remember that I have never attempted to disguise in. ot% I poli- tic! Opinions; that 1, on all occasions, without hesi- tation, in the face of the County, have declared to you wy sentiments and often have 1 had the satisfaction of finding the constitutional principles I advocated, responded to hy electors collected at our public meet- ings trom all parts of the County. lo those principles I .Ie .<lily aJhcrc; but at this eventful and periluu- period, YOll will naturally ex|iecl more specific cx. planation^. 1 titi opposed to all organic changes in the Consti- tution. I ncv, r can consent to any measure, the object of which is to separate the Church from the State, or to appropriate,either in England or Ireland, Protestant liccle-iaslical property to other than Protestant Le. clesiastical purposes. I cannot a,tce to exclude the Ili.;Iiops from tile House of Cords, or to convert that branch of the Le- gislature into all elective instead of an hereditary as- sembly. 1 will not vote for the Uallot or Triennial l'arliameiits. Neither can I sanction an Act, which \11 in Ireland give to the Roman Catholics the ascendancy, and dismember the empire by a llepeal of Iht lnion. All these are organic changeg-in my opinion, de- structive to the best interests of the Cnited Kingdom nnd, as such, I hope with your sanction, shall receive hum me, as long as 1 have the honor of representing yon, a determined opposition. At the same tinlc, 1 am prepared to join earnestly and assiduously in every attempt that may be proposed to apply rcmcdies wlierc abuses exist, and to conduct the labours of the COlllmon" llouse of Parliament in a course of useful and practical improvement. If there is any particular subject on which an 1.lector wishes to question me, he shall receive a frank ami unreserved answer. It is not in my power to o."kc.1 generJI canvass of the County. The 1'ai I la- IneOl, to which you have elected me your Kepresenta- till', is about to assemble, and I must repair to my post. I lest ,"li.tíeJ that a great majority of the electors, whether Constitutional Whigs or Toric" entertain decidedly Conservative 1', inciples. hcr.ever the day of ElecIion may arrive, they shall have an oppor- tunity of recording their votes; and 1 am confident, tiuit firmly rooted as their native oaks will be found the Loyal and Conservative Principles of the Electors of the County of Brcon. I have the honor to he, G ES rJ.J::1\1l. v. Your most obedient, grateful, humble Servant, THOMAS WOOD. Richmond Terrace, January 12, 1837.




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Jforrtgn imtrUigmri.———

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-.-10 1111::. Gentry, Clergy,…