Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



s-'jXi. MijlLT OXLY! AT T11 !■' BATHS' ASSEMBLY ROOM, DEAN-STREET, BANGOR. ?HK?'.b.hty. Ontrv, al1itnt5 of Ban.?or and its Vi- A cinitv are respectfully informed tint UI; talented and popular SCOTTISH VOOALISTS, MISS M. A. IJ E N N E T T, MISS E nUNXKTT, A N 1> MR. ANGUS FAIRBAIRN, (From the t, yal Polytechnic, T,o!\h)ll). will give a (jraud Euter- taiiuncnt of National Music at the zb. Room 'l ON TUESDAY. THE 25th MAY, 1358- I'HU'RS 1)1- ADMISSION Front Scats, l. i; back datu, 1. Children, Half-price. I ,r" op'il at 7. To commence t half-p l: 7, CURACY WANTED. A CURACY, Sole Charge, or Temporary duty, is wanted in the < Diocece of St. Asaph. c Addre9d-Rt,, D. TI.. I)., Itho5lymc(lre, Rlhhol1. ™ il PER WEEK. "ITTANTED, AGENTS for a first-class l ire ?nd Lit, A?..nnee 1. IT Comeanv, for all towns in North Wale*. ?, Address-Post-OtSce, Chester. TO AGENTS OF LIFE OFFICES AND OTHERS. 11/ ANTED, for til." Briti-h l'rovidei: t I'ire UlTic- ACiENTS »» •? represent the Fae de partment fr )\orth Wales, Ll\T- poo \c. 10 per cent, commission, ntw auj renewal, on Fire IJ; premiums will be given. ¡::£:i. 'Ú,:i::Y,se::D' :t::c:l::It: FIre B WANTED, FURNISHED HOUSE, 0<i the coM? of Lumb >rlan>U Scotland, ?, Xorth ffairs. ACLELI-IN, v.h to take a Hou«E for two months, frmn c f?y. f., t f, t.on fur servants. Any dflicieney ill heds oan b* vapp. ,,r linen is re q uire d but bathing from it it arc desirable, anil easy access fioin i- ■rixiwt y A liberal rent will be paid. J r "I:{S:{;(?':0'¡: 1 11 1 1 u TO ADVERTISERS. P\HTIE req'lrill Adv. -rtHemenrs to be inserted in the j' fort/¡cLIIIl1 Ht fH ).!)ttf? ?)f "MAi:li? W)"K'i f WANDERINGS IN WALKS." are requested (0 send t?ir orders ittinit!diately to) ttic.Noil-1. Uangor. tnn,? HOFFMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT. 0' Ari'i;u having- lirru from John O'Groat's House to the Lands'  A,l ;I:i¡[¡.;ll::i,J' "'i¡:;itn;ItI;{irtit(::ci;: End, ENTIRELY NEW ENTERTAINMENT (including Hullnuiti's Org inophonio Band, alù Mr. Thomson's inimitable Z"1 Sketches from Nature. \j N.I'— Part v* desirous of !e¡:;C; an engacment, plcasc to On ad !re<s cart- of Editor of this Pap T. the W. COLLINSON & SON, lc, j FAMILY JSOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, 124, (top of) Bold-street, Liverpool, TI1K largest aortmellt in the Kingdom of Lad,s., Gentlemen's aud Children's Hoots Shoes of every quality F.\Mtf;tr.iA? nt??H'?' Can have, at any time, a Parcel or Hamper of Goods SENT T J N A l'1'I. CA T] OS. 181 d'Ol> OF) BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. A "ELLIS'S RUTHIN SODA WATER." t Rem.IS & SOX hog respectfully to inform the Public that J.)!«)t).r()t'A-in.)SK[.TXHR\V\T):K-,?n) F' CH tMI'AIIXE LEMONADE, so long celebrated for their un- iS'en -¡vdi.I¡HullY, may b "htauied from all respectable Retaikis uf l, Mi:¡aal Waters in the United Kingdom. Importers of German Seltzer Water. >"«' III rROVINCE OF NORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE,  THE Iti-ht Worshipful Provincial c.rand Master, SIR "WVTKIN ?n? « 11,1.1aMs Wyn.n, ""?. M.P., hold a ''rovinei? Grand to tl .f.,)dt. of Atieient, Free, and Accepted Masons, at Two o'clock %V,l •? tilt! afternoon of Monday, the 21th ?"' of Ma" v, at ''? .?' -'?'o" of !"CM.AY, the L?y There will be a BANQl'KT at Four o'clock preci?t?l)- of which Fc  ii '?x tite J;rettireci ivill p?irta!,e. ?roviii,iii 'i;; :¡:i,' ¡II}: t,â L'll:,1 t!Ï'/g'i;:iJr(i:jd' r.011;; L I:: ruahon nT ol «?'of'"rheTroVi™rr|rfe'5-Lo,^e .'1!± C''M d y ?C Wynn-ti.- ru"oi^ I°A*S*' 1>jovinoi"l Crand Secrctaiy. PC PWLLHELI UNION. T' APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL OFFICER. Sk [Ii!: Ðoard o' G««rdwa, of the Pwllheli Union hereby "ive I;j r, UBoa Vtl! i t the WJII. at a Meeting to be IIdd at the Tni™ [ orklwuse, Pwllhdl. on WEUSESI.AV, the 9th .lav of June, :-)-IJ( "J', at 1'2 ^h)ck at noon, proceed to the KLllCTlO* V nf a ilw 1,it 'DIC V- (H for the Abereirek District. Jt'o! n£* ^al,.rj £ .» an d the usual extras. A I V,?ta„T&^ Aborcirch,I.h„. Ztr' r L M Ol :cr will be required to reside i. t District a, d j 0111 e-1 > d medical I)ri?titiotier as sm!ualul i- »uu.,tuute in eases of absence, &e. ?|. (\HlÙlJatc V^C p03sesed of the qualifications required bv cost iard W8 of Ute General Consolidated Order of the l'o)r-La?v ager, Lud aild a ApphathlH are to be sent to me before 11 o'clock a m of the f Jii' l"'t J' ip °n,!>S' i"m0"iaU' &c- »«« be produced K t.u BL;ard |oVf (G.uardians at ttihe tune of Flection. By order, ?WH\ ?WEX, x^W 1 ,> "1.1, eh, ist, h May, IsoS. Clerk to the Union. TBIBUTE R THE MEMORY OF THE LATE HitS. W. H. OWEN. CA J £ s t>. uunt Of,nb'fiI:Ie:2\c:1\;1:S' 323 16 G CoN Pennant Pearson. Ks.j 5 0 0 Sir ie Family at Plas ileaton •> n n /r FHiib:lfE: f f T "8. William-%foiies. (ireerTwich 7 i n /p Rickett^, He) liujr Island o n u ni 3 and Iter. W* M. Williams. Llanfechan Uec t orv. I () o e Ker. h. Puarlie, \icar of iianijor [ q y j0jir ??v.JG.??th/?ton?Lert.) ?c?th.j.;s.)..a.?e.? Inn. London.0'f'i:? S. and Mi?- St. %?.pl? n \} i'n V'0 It "?I 1, .St. Ai.p h 1) ) 'o,t,i;i to be ;rhiot'h Rev ,T 1m' \II;,I.2. •moirchton, St. Asaph, or to hi$ account as Hon. sfec. and tirer, at Iœ ?N. i,i,,IIi,i,l Bank. Denbigh. CARNARVONSHIRE RAILWAY! (T. POSTPOXIDlEXT OF PUBLIC MEETING. V ,m7 2f th« directors of the Carnarvonshire Railway'I 1] l¡'r\ 'i't,¡: gl';I:e¡:ld o;hp¡,:o,!{-l: TI;; I. :'[': yni &tt.un, E:5Q., IS TilE CHAIR. ,ti UI->OLVEI>. \h:t\'f'¡'\ic Meeting advertised to be held at the ;"è', ate 1.I'm Inn, Crlcc&>h. on Tuesdav, the tth (I.?, of Mav \xtt'n S, be postponed to TCKSBAY, the ,'Sth dav of the SI OF. oxtt'" ?tl? (to b held at the same place at 12 ',I,k at noon) in li?ht? er to t\e farther tune to the Landowners to conl(lcr the H to\ n$ ?f the printed Form of Agreemcnt ent to th<>:n and to er8 UI )eel the line, which, OWIU to :m accidental delV hi *tlv :u"1 1 ¡smis¡nn of he necessary papers and tracings, they have v, hid yet 1,l opportunity If th,y — ,.i:; ,l:'flI::tt"r ed(;!owners consenting at I:e'¡ •?fTiv th». Mer-tin? t? th, terms f sueh agreement, aud of a c ,bf;1;{{\:iif:,¡¡:¡i N vitUe Railway, the Directors will lose no f1' particulars before t h ose capitalists who VV;wv of th Mine. readiness to undertake ut once the construc- m• llu* .n.I;' 1t,;¡¡¡ depend upon the communications that shollhe ;)II;; p etotne meeting, by or on behalf of the Landowners who hiel uot yet const nted to gi, their land, whether anv further f|r 't5 1,11 be made to ?,r ry out the projcct, or whether the tl?, ent scheme shall b, abandoned.. -That theie rC:)Qlutiou h advertised H\ oth the (,H\l1t) to Vtat e rpaper. ft5 tü J. STASIEU JOXES, Secretary.  rta.nioi # .1, Apn', N,»^. Assistant >, ecretary. ]pa «UU r HIT SUN T IDE HO 11 DAY sT ftT'i 1 MM ESSE ATTRACTIONS! ZOOLOGICAL GAUDKNS, UVEHrOPJ,. SJST, 1, !)tl, W,?t pursuant to Act of Parliament, li uiul 7 Vict, ;? "a Obeeree .Gala Day* every day durh:' ,j Whit- "o •«;« week. A3: )endous I:.cpresentat:.ou lELHI! rmd Stonntnl7 of tJll' b.dCf:¡C Ony hy lht:' lh Iti,.h Troops. o:Lr. \:>v HW CO[eI\t,: \lilll sp!er.!¡'¡ nel\' h Ut ;;ii:;f!1I¡itÊf{\;f "? ^,rin». Tile oi,eni,1!f a,ulCondc Icuies wHtu.^ by 'u iloM under the direction of Mr. J. F. For<t« The mi #XCl'« "cry b?' Mr. Crauiord ami assistant The M hb'ml ??   1o'Donueil. I he Properties by t Mr "iio^oe l h"  by _if r. NN ?l,? I%I by 'L™ ?"? ,h« ?' ."?' .h??. i,? ;:t c ';r::I\' :'s; P;i:;I, (;¡ r,: 1 .ra t l' d ;11: :l;: tTTii^ wur i w««'lerfu! and surprising Fe i fntimr.i-"?. thr „" '? ?? ?,?';?'?' ??' ?"? ?'??"'??' ? c.. ??i Ira iw, IHuminated Chinc5e Toiver, Ðridge, and Or- ™ u ra -n'cctlon of l'ord1\ Animals and Mrd«. iplen'iid • n;^mf" Camera Obsctjra. Mnze. Centrifugal JUil- CinK /ncul)at)r- M'lth a 'hot f other Amusement. 1'1 tl. Il!\}.rnt of c\'t!ry d('s<¡tioll <t moderate charges. I-' ??? '?''?' ADMISSION, is.; CIIILDKEX, Gd. E"?"??' Omnibuses to a»d fr«n Town every half hour. lieKb! 'Ii.IT,;U MOJ)Ay.rof Her !\Iajesty'" IJirth- 1,J1 I^.v.suup^trrb hand colossal mechanical representation of «'«• h & Dragon, in splendid ^reworks, Irt',] Ly :Ie Flag. o" 1J'IllJrs 01 EIJ:n". qll GI and 11.0" ?rl,,] by tl,e and Bon>*  or m1Jl les visiting LIVERPOOL will I (\T -i- }fiM nd superi■ or APARTMENTS and Bed-rooms, with go" I Attendance and all the advantages of an Hotel, (if required ) in I the centre of the town, and fin' minutes' walk from the Hallway Statn'l, .(;eorEte'? Assize Courts, Th('atre. &c. Commfucial Tiiavellep.S. Terms moderate. X8-\n ex-ellent SIIOW-UOOM for the Accommodation of jl!!K HARVEST POLKA, by STr.pucs 'Oi.ovi's, Illustrated X 1" Colours. Cuameh, BKALE & C o >A. T"?"T,,L??V ?????'e?fromU.??. ri\^r-'urn'Mu; Ca,-u'°", 2nd aud 3,,l Series. «?lo "V•■ r A, ccompaniments for Flute Violin o"r 1 I- '^i„_ ncelu lo, >Is. each. (70., 201, Ilegent-sl^e r, 1 1'AKT'S OOXS??Xf?N?w go?, ..?g by r?;,p,e(I "Y J. f,. IIATT.I. CKAMEl!, BKALE &' CO., 201, ltegent-street. WHEN Y O u Ts k F 0 R KLKWFIKI.O 1MTEIT S1MUCII, ] 2 E E THAT YOU GET IT, J As inferior kinds are often substituted. — FOR SALE. ?  GIG, HARNESS, and handsome WHITE V L'f'T. suitable for a I. d v or Youn^ Gentleman, either to •ui ie or o! ri■ ve pw.ft in all nipaces, and a fast jrner. Apply to Mr. \V. JUNKS, North Wales Chronicle mct., nan?r. APARTMENTS TO BE LET? '10 N.? 1.?and Ti %'?ittin?Itonin,, J if required, H{'xt door to the BRITISH IIOTEI., West End' angor. tor terms apply (), the Premises. TO BE LET, i,t Hot, C,1,1, sli L PIIIIe nath. wIth a Dwell,ng-House attached, ji ;\pp to Mr. J. Si. ate p., Beaumaris. 1 TO BE LET, I'OR SIX OR TWELVE MONTHS, FURNISHED, i "??r?!?'?"?"' ?"' Rooms (two double-bedded*, I arlour. Dining and Drawing Room, Kitchen and o'her T. ,CC3, at Xo- '• I'c:lrallt Terrace, Garth Road, p'.a =u r may be known by I,p on the J p> A N G 0 it. 0 be Let, and entered upon immediately, G !"ul "I'l-estahlished Hotel, called the N!??: Al.Ll?l,: 1, and naw ia fnll busines3. 1 he Furniture and Sl?(-k to be bken at a valuation. *pply to Mr. I)EW, British Hotd, Bangor,«orto Jr. S.?,?NDPRS, Edmund-street, Liverpool. BOILERS ON SALE, 0 n "e °ne 4rI "ith two 'lues through T° 4S"r i^l" r5°' 0 j"i"inS into one; c 11. On, I, rOine ,and 27 Ilor-?, with Eg' End, all in be?t pO$ihlc working condition. Also, ?%eril good round IJS and Cisterns, all 8 f,et diameter, by ,arioud depths and thg, cut o order -lakers of 1'ernihough and Farrows Patent Se1f.acting Smoke ion ? I)paratu?. New Boil(?r?, Pan-. with patch. and deli\crcd on reasonable t,rm Lppty to Ft'.K-;tHOL(:tt & Soxs. Dukn?d. LLEWELYN COTTAGE. 0 BE I?BT OR SOLD, BEUGHTI'CLLY-SITUATED R'??KXCE in the im- H lI1('dilte n(>ilibourhoo,l of the picturesqne Town of Con- North W ales-a first-class and express Railway Station. •' w quite new, and in the erection of which .i spared to make it a comfortable and elegant e", contains spacious and well lighted Vi!Jin "ix ,;xo'->1Iout Bed Rooms, together with 'Ii:' s r1^( -'H,ars, Kitchen and Scullerv, with all Stabling for three horses, &c. &c. of half an acre of garden, facing the B J i, ]",)priclor, anxious to incrc3:;c Hs flUme- dillw the tenant the right of ShoOlÎrló over a ■' hud. •- d s immediately ol1t..side the walls of the town, j • i; v U..M>, which commarHts olle of the most heautifui N n^ t- L ifr I'! lnclpalJtj. To the soulh rise the mag-lIiticcnt l :1J' .c ?'"S' '°''? ''? ?'??d'' t?'?,? it ta>t f °1;I\Oi\lo:;I'J\("caIP of Z,d,;l :l;t'¡ TJ $h rllins;" to th nfJrth T' "cst the Town Mountain ,d *» ?)r,n?s ?1? "?.? ?'? view, in?d -D orate 'L'o!? ??'?!K??'I??' ;°'" ?°""??" 'f In Terr,'I,(;e, L ppCI' lLm:;ê>r. TIROM W n RTT R FOR BAlii. 6 I BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. ? 't???'? "??. ?"?'?' ?"? ? Islington on the river Blv,h '?""? ?'? ?'y'h Md Ty„e Rail- T] b,?,(!Ik. Tl k5 COI;slst of 'wo powerful en- .if r, .fit h )0'?n?d l!;0. hcr? ????ra??? ??'?'d').?' ? •n'V lIull:i, with ? i1,lcczers aml shears attached. There .0 puddlin a' n^ d 11 hcatiu furnaces; also 1 engine for lar<*e con shears, with small p "'Pn- and dn k"ad 1iE )rse power engine for working a good use forge, with 2 ifeat- urnaces. The works are capable of making from 300 to OJ modi of finished iron per week. The ad,'antags connected with orks are t. lieir 8ituted in a large coal di-triet; also, bcin. connect? '?? ?<. BI)th and fyn« Railway w? s can be shipped either at the Haystole jon tl,? Tvne ent to any part of the kingdom b) rail, or at BI)th. at a verv cost, where also the raw material can be delivere?d ex shin (, cotilil be rea,l?- smali There 11 I, to the ,ork. ,,i ,-h, house. ofliccs, and se,'eral cottag-es aliO. a firt..rate dam large rC:icnoir of water, capaLle uf drÏ\ing a water wh [!,I further p"rti(uhrg appb" t? Mr. Gibb, at the works; to Mr .h Th.?. Xcneastle-on-'l'vue'- r to Al ra. i ?lar and Gill, Solicitors, Liverpool, HYL HOTEL COMPANY, LIMITED. "^0 TTAL £ 25,000, divided into 2,501) Shares- of TO +'10 unfit. I CI CO"W"'U "t:j'U,Cl 4,1 per o/iare. 1>11,no" S nel the Hon. Kic)?rd "T'ho.n? How]er, BodrLyddan, near ^V s. Morton Peto. Bart., Great George-street Westminster a ° e Chester and Holyhead Railway Company). Ilenrl :\tainwariHg, Esq., M,P., Galltfaenan, near 1>enbigh, hairman -ft Yal of Clwyd Raihvay Company). Jittl E:>q., C''e/ter of the IHeken.. ad, Lancashire and <CMhqes"hi ire JUuctioa Railway). Churton, I- ist, rl s???o., 1, St. A?aph. C n ?t?'n I,y Ma sel, Eo¡.. Boughton, Ch,,ter. (With power to add to their number.) The Xorth and South Wales Yiank and its Branches. SOLICITOUS. Richard !\I¡)lJta!1 Preston, ES(i. AUUITOltS. ue appointed by a General Meeting of the Shareholders 1 StviiETAHY PUO TKM.-R. M. Prl5ton, Eq. 0.-ltliyl, -N0 rth Wa :T?.ofHhvii,. PRosrï::CT1;S, 1 roynof Rhy!, in Xorth Wales, situated on the ea coa"t d at the northcrn t!xltem¡ty uf 'he far-famed Vale of Clwyd' H'rhial for adry and bracing atipo?phere, with almost frecdom fr,)m fr(i,t, Sni)\V, or '"?• Th0 soil is a porolu dry t the rstt a frontage Tis s extellhe, and the beach admirably adapt- I bath ng, being p,?lf,??tl), safe aud linn. The 8alld. whkh ire :iin, iar d and dry at low w:\tcr, a"or'' eIcellent facilities I rse LXccaarrrriSaag^e i xefrr cises. t he town, which is wen sewered and pavcd, i aha *u,Pillicd with Suod water. It contains n hall, M well a. I ?rkc?' an" is rgulated by Commission- 1 tidleer ? the powers of a Local ,Improvement Act. The Cl?.t,?r (ol)IH'at ltai:way pass:; throu:;h V* ,B [he eentre of t^ r? i, a tirst-c1ai station, alflJrding ly ,e?, to .11 .f t.h.e ki• ngdom. The distance betwo.n Uhid l,,| ('he ji iphshed under one hour. The Vale of Ctwvd Railway in ° c,unsrudion, will gi\e to "b!tor at the hotel ""ry"f". for i-iivin» the W ?'i;itors al the hotel ever} fa- il?1) 1,,dR 'I .1 in\( t) the lllcrea.ung IJOptJlar!t). g¡ the place, ani! the great for, and to'meet U,U imperatfvely f', r, tl??? r?q.W,.Nuetl!it isiproposl?d to form a my under the provis^01.3 TheI i oi, P, j. r'3U"U,y "the 'holders to ?he extj:n .mHv t lual sha res. object of tl?? P,t"? i3, to r??t and n on laud already seemed, having an 9 ^t-class a sea ot considerable t. t!,e fronta-e provideM?))e..tM()i,)g,?'' ?;??'?tot? so.)?n?') ? and private reception row*# -,f>mmudat i on, with both directors, who, with th" 1 he control wIll be vested d bv them, shall f- assistance of a manager, t, be ap- l«o 'propof-' i'UliUe the working of ti?, e7 "t"i)li?l'. ? t. if f?, I for the convenience and • <nval;<fjs an I '?' to construct a short ?'??';? UPI -e r'UIW lN ^t ui jn, by means of l,ilb the rai1wa) arriagC9 <•• i! i: 't to t!ie hotel. t 1 be co!t,l as far as practicable, on the THT ? ..11/1i'7t'ë:t\Il}i:Ci.e:et:bu g H"\cJand!.K)dt.ratetc?e.)f.?-?. at.d thereby oiler the attractions of a Hr*t-cla*s hotel, ?' it the too frequent drawback of excessive charges. .ihyl is strongly recommended b, the t, as a winter re- CO?'PI vari, t e, it is I I;lose 1110 uti'lll? to receive families to "? upon rc:i-onable terms, i;),i:O:tt,{;ri,h the approval of the boards of ??"°' i-eral railway companies interested in RhyJ, a5 evinced by Inelu( tit tio of the direction. Inclur r a careful examination of the estimates, al)(1 from expo- lng, w of similar establishments, the promoters of the Rhyl compa fntL.rt?.n no doubt that the amount of capital proposed ,ill ° ^03t EXI)EN^ITUR'' rcquisite for completing and fur- TIM g »tIhe Hliotel and connected accommodations in the .0?t and comfortable manner, anl ttie profits of the undertaking t i n''c!ic'ies returu 0:1 outlay after amply prondllJg for —— of the take. by the N 1?   °? s^lares having been taken by the rt .Self a. substantial ffu.wantee of the character of golden IV a,ul f°l" tlie remainder, application must be 13y u ;1;1:.11 aiiiiexcd. to lv. M. ilC; T7)';F.lif'lin S ;);:) 03gt m. Hhyl, .? or b,-fr, the bt i?, of Junc. l:), By the lll?yl, HOTEL COMPANY, LIMITED. danger FOivM OF APPLICATION FOR SlIAliKS, using, s e D;?f<«rf. (? the 7t'/?? /7'o?? CoM/?<M?/, L:M??. ?'?? 1 LP.MEN, I request you will allot me !!ro, of Tcn l? 'd. each in the above Company, and 1 a„ agree to accept the same, or alY les number which you .01 to .ne. ?d"to pay the d?r? .f y|W Pound p? s)? ?'? 't t. t celebr% n; the St?.r?,d to me tq "j"' to .he Rule, ?'?? mutations c-mtaned in the ?emo?n?m and Attica of '7'' puw,'«w»«f"Xbe Joint Sto? C.?  Acts,6 D?.dthi. d ? hoars, Bo°;il"n" -,r 0Q or Occupation— .u v V -&- &&LMAN DJHLUJti 'W A B E 1& 0 USE, I 158, IKCIO-Jta: STREET, BANGOR. JOHN ELLIS 11 his 1ri th3t he hjSmdveJ LABGK ASSORTMENT of L.\DI E5 and GE T L E J E' lay pjth, IbbS. S R A D PO RD HOUSE, Bik R „ NEW SPMIWG- STOCK. W. & J. ROBERTS to th t t]?,, l?,, F ji? t St.,k f ?PPING COOD2,, |>LG respectfully to announce that they have just completed a purchase of a well-selected Stock nf 5P"rvr rnrvna • • aBIH):S. A?11-101,S. SII,K HAT: &xc.. reph'h' with en'ry novelty produced this scuon. A pril :n, 1 85,4 ME?S S R ST?W?N TN?r??Vfs. AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, &c., Be; to inform the Nobility, Agriculturalists, and others, Ah.ttl?,y have been appointed A-ents to MESSRS. RANSOMES & SIM'S'?' THE CELEBRATED IMPLEMENT M A X U FA f T i: T! !■ V < THE CEI,]-Ii]tATEI) llfPI,1'111-'NT .\IA-NUFACTUPI;,PS, A-or toMrAlEvTJ, Uxbrrdg^ Ui'°" ai,Uo Uo" at their »«ccs. THE CITY AucnoN MART," Chester, A.?\ Squire^ Carnarvm DRAl'KWl VEVV LONDON HOUSE, CHURCH STREET, N?A??AMS. I M S  and its vicitii t y, that lie lia? (!oninience(I biisine?s J"OHN n ?DA?IES in li?, ab.,? B ]Stt: i'; ;I:C,ads;};;JI?.ji'"î;da;\?II¡ll;a;: pr.S ;rne(et št:, J;o;ï.lI::n\l:\t', ¡deh arc of an extcusive selection from the mot emlllent 1- orelgn and Bnthih l\f,umtactures. Iz?, J. D. bci."s to st1\tp, that:1.3 it has been hia aim to ?4tab"9h a FA?oItL\ BUS,ES8' he adh<™ t0 '"e system of kceping no class ODDS but such as he can with confidence recommend. v.?.-z??. ? ? ?r.? o/?;?,,? c???, a??z??. Fancy Dresses, of the newest Fashions. ALL OltllKIts PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. GENTLEDIEN'S CLOTHING, F the ?? ,?/?.„< ,?? ? „„  ?,,?, ,,? ?, ?? ? the fmi ;w u i??l?ere lie has had a very -extensive ??c?ce. A MORNING SUIT-COAT, VEST, AND TEOWSERS WARRANTED ALL WOOL AND SHRUNK, FOR £2 IUs. w A. T E R PROOF T "W EED T A H, 3SA: A S se 2 AND £ VURY OTHER ARTICLE ON TIIE SAME REASONABLE TERMS. AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF OSIERY, HATS, POKTMANTEAUS, KNAPSACKS, &c. wing been obliged, by the great increase of business, to again visit the London Markets, JOHN ARONSON 7-GS TO SOLICIT AN EARLY INSPECTION OP Ills NEW GOODS. BANK PLACE, BANGOR, NORTH WALES '_B_o-SEVERAL GOOD TAILO R S WANTED. ANGOR IRONMONG.ERY WAREHOUSE, w. FRANCIS WILLIAMS, o, 'E?EMA? & F?MMitSatt?? I;RO?MO?€.EM Ä WATERLOO PLACE" BANGOR 'f  of Familir; Hotel.keeper!. and Pal'tie connected ,itl? Public Establishments, to E hi5 cxtl'tJ:Ün.' ::)tock of PATET PRIZE K[TCIIE'¡ EllS, which are the only Cooking Sto\'eg that obt?,i,i? t h Nl?d?,l of tl  both N ations-i in L0"J- F.ri?, with special approuation, and have proved to be thc in(?t 5 lihll' remed\' for Smoking C Stat tant supply, but'h"a'comVi 1" this district, of which he has not onI>' a ready, select, and St T t" ;t ;pply, 1),?t h., a competent Workman who w:ll attezill ?it ?iti) put of North IV?d(!s to fix them up, i.?,i correct ,iris at a moderate expense. etutWorkmanwho!!im5 yppaarrt t oof fSiNoorrttfh l XVaie-ttoo fifix ?th! em up, i.n a correct manner, |>ris| f'' 1" i;?ilectioti °"- "y bended MOW ROOMS, which .ren.? sL'ed ?JZt E? em L TpptvedlLortnent of Two REGISTER GRATES, FENDERS, FIRE IRONS, IRON BEDSTEADS,  Hat< Coat, and Umbrella Stands, J'00! iARDEN AND HALL CHAIRS, DITTO SEATS, CUTLERY, pTi ELECTRO PLATED GOODS ?'' (:3P,003DS, T E t TRAVS SWt?C KETTLES, MATMS Ac char AN D EVEHY ARTICLE  tN FURNISHING AND BUILDING IRONMONGERY. !=ï. ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 17 YEARS. justi THE IN, IIAlilTANTS OF TIIE PRINCIPALITY AND BUYERS OF CABINET FURNITURET" A M U E L r. IT f rp TT nr. TII ..r.J.. L J:t JlH\I} 19, BOLD-STREET  CABINETMAKER, UPHOT,STERFR BEDSTEAD, BEDDING, -OKING GUASS, AND  S. GUTTER'S SHOTV ROOMS Of a ''???''?'?"'?'?'°?''????ryArti???? Pa 0 If P L E r ?, ff 0 ?SE F U R N I S 11 1 N G l'i" ?? t Ilrices may bL? h rù on !Pispli cation at R,?;, R L K- E 1 L '??POOT ? J————!9? PACKED FREE OF CHARGE, AND SENT AlPvDU1W=T1AiNXCCE L. ?,. CAIL GOUIIS MARKED IN PLAIN hU¡;UES) AU '_n_ A' FOR FAMILIES AND PARITES FURNISHING. bil "■ ch)ict rj R Q U II ART AN D A D A M S O ?T' CABINETMAKERS ?E UPHOLSTERERS, BEDSTEAD AND REI)DING MTNUFACTUREPS, I?t'" 13 AND 15, BOLD-STREET „ LIVEKroOL. In-He their nU!)]t'rous Frit>nd :111(1 the Public to  their exte!1si.e anù magnifici'nt PRE)lISES. comprising Five ?. '?w'R'L??'? ??,.? ?-,?.??'.??????"7??"?? -? ?-  w,,rr,"?t?t ,ii k t, I URI" ? Ul'UorSI'EltY. LOOKIG °'?' B B;D3TE.DS, BEDD!XG. DAL\S((S. &c. &c" unequalled for extent, lIas b he CaW»S«.tifri;„V& or elewhere, lf he" he Cabin?t Furniture, &c., wIll contznue to ùe manufactured by t. & A. of "eJ[seasnned materlal. superior workman- D Y ship, and in new designs, expressly for their c usto U,? r tradpthi/ v amilies and I arties Furnishing may always be u^ supplied on the best ami most advantageous terins at ?on  best? U!iQlJliART ?.- ADAMSON'S ° ?"?'" ?'; HOLSE-FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, 1? A?D to bc- AND  NORTH 0 FEN G LAN D BEDDING HOUSE ?' 13 AND 13, BOLD-STREET, UVEHrooL. vided 0RKSH0PS OH t'llQII-I. VjVE, wliero Connoisseurs nrii^Tselect the Wood, and superintend the execution of the;r own S úr¿eIS. U • & A. s Hou$e*jt urm?hin^ Guide 1ray be had on anolica'ion sa THE TRADE SUPPLIED. w"'M "hwe '?' N'OTF.-U 4(Tli.kltT &- ADA.NISO. ;I) a ,?Int 1-g Sb^^dY^°UT' a"d CLL Nlto ?, Plf. ST0K^^ 1\ 'L'?'.??-??!'?"-???? ?'"??.,?,\??" ?"?' '?"-?' ?R?? ?"??'?h?,v ?J c? rn UTTnTTTIfl nA -L AL u tv n n o a U U I Valua [OLSTERERS, CABINET MAKERS, AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, ,.Ivr 4.5 AND 47, BOLD STREET, Pie' VING foMheCexec!iTioi/of\Vxport' s ^il^l' HoiTs'e'^Furid^ hi^ ^orl publie attention 1° ■ ioereascd faci1itie their Establishment T 0 :dl; sh"Lcf:¡::O;fr\lll durability ami that ele^nce 'o^slyle' which the publ^ 1taL'now demands' "P "ir t ?- '"? ?'??Bt'KE'y 'SE??RT?ENT I'? -1 "Illt Di,?i,,?, .?,d Bedeliarnber Ftiriiitiire, up froni ori,-inil de?i,-n? i et ,eI;r;:erOsfo:¡' }ri :;7, ¡,df: a .a' 'I':euJ¿nt::lcI: \t;7- S iv thus ensuring- their customers agaiuH the imperfections which ausc ?o much annoyance and loss in the Furniture supphed ;md L aiiul?ttitrin,? houses. a1J{t 01 o THE UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT .ev.r? 'ichls* a! made'Sn oTthe !r"  de.cripMoniof material used in the "?''?? of '? ch? Bed- jraig. ich is up on the o that this description of Goods may b d on of the be!t  Duly. and on Ô1:r ison w'Hl be found to cost norniore'than is frequently^harged elseivhere'lor inlerio^artic11 of the be.t quality only, and on l,rperil'ilCed Assistants sent to reeeil'e cúlllltry orders, for tIle Pac,:m'J (<-» which ? charge is 7K??. ??"' LR YAM., SCALIN,-T ACT(HiIi:.S ^AN,I) WHOLESALE WAMHOUSF, ??T STREET AND SEEL STREET. Ty'iill 1. HUGHES & CO., 40 a?j ?? BOLD STREET, LIVERl'OOL Brynh 7———————— ————————— 7 '—— T '——— T ?'' ? ''? MORHYKRMt?f! Thtvi.h?)?.? ?-?,?..)?..?. dreams"01'' alH( d0ring .ù-r- balmy dL ef'e}; iLg"S)'IbJrl!e()¡hlll Ie t:: i:(ti::eo: rl:a1rcni:i': ë;yii; i'mcmOTVof^hw'past^ ?e? ? "°? T" ememberel. for the extinction of the demoniac race shall preclude all :¡;í ,m,ry 1 1,, instrumentalitv of ru wifica .1,U of which i. numbered hy hour.. and the lnd shaH be censed "eh to l:n"\ r!:l;r.t\}{s G;S T;o:¡irt1pUhdl hI;:É-l¿lelMnt C!v'\I;tl¡ Wl,!fl ee Professors MUSI-UATT .SECT, QUAMR? PED. and RKPTfLE-VEHMtN-POKOXS (without Thc e? Proft, sorzi NIU?il'RkTTan(lII' A?XILT' tiai)ticiii iteports,,an(t of tlleir,positive efficac3,, ?,e p,r,?f '° '?" ''?' "? a<-c.,mp)ished! tor their perfect safety m B_?.ne if! Rrnwnlow i?ill T iviTDQCil and V 'P ^,ie,«>sts and Dr,, n town and country, ,?i of It. GltEfcK, AN?l-\ •• i\lVir;í,i'¡.¡It:J?r;a(el1doD..r;'r\'oI\:I country, ¡lilt! of It. GRl.;¡m, J\¡H'¡¡n).¡¡;I 'HI tl; to tli(! recf,,nt extraai?diiiary and ??'? afforded by Go?rnment. to R. GREER, he has greatly i?j? The led Vermin Poisons, and ?edu n*\«n .?,, ?? hvk sHUXlxr/s worth m«i- hA rif.attnvod >ved thpp excell m?etbMMUMK_t_ ?thCh.of OOCKUOACHES, ULACKUEETLHS. -àicKiis' ?IIL XP man}' as 100 found i o-fmUSHbLoU'?'? '.CIIQ Anti-B?R L?ti?? to one-half its original price, tiamely, ?s 4,Y "?'"y M iOO found Ut??is, P"hl!? iiistittitions, N t aii.? ull Iloises and Dwellingii, Ca.tles and Palaces, 4-art4yardV, t' 0', -?YofBL'GSor The. 'a«t?ts. P!'h"" Institution$, MansIon HoMSM and DweUin?t. CMt)es and Patacef, f..rmyard? p^hina an \houses, fjr;iphe< m, Chapel, and Theatres (however badly infested), effectually c!earcd of ."erm\ \q \he lI&orl spcp¡ an Warehou,e., gr:'phcl at one-half the original price, and on the usual terms, "NO CURE NO PAY ??tH*. ddrw,ed to R. GBl\tOÝci ¡¡' ''9 Browntaw-MU, Liverpool, win receive prompt attenuon. 1 y Purchasers of Chemists and Druggists should be certain *Q o&Mm the Genuine Artt>irCU le' 04 inf'rior further y ft<rc?aMM (? C?f?M? and wi.L! Compounds are not mfrequently <'<6<??  0<w< CARPET, FURNISHING, BEDDING. ( k N IJ UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. 1 T) A N D L I) S O .V S in R. oe t ;j\: 7!1Jrt'l'(t\ f'}ii(,5S t H' bO I;Lttl? the piireliaiers f th I::I\ ;;I' tI7tl,tltli; r\:it:IIY :).,Til(t,r( S BEE 'f ?l'> ai an addUioS 1 u; pJeN nt\V "°l>' tlK"'V DC prepared to execute all orders for prepared lKVVIN<' AXD r>ININT. ROOM. I U!JH,\IlY, 11.\1.1., AND BEDROOM FUH\"I1TI\E, MAHOGANY, walnit, ROSEWOOD i 0\ MAl'LE, &c.; IRON ANI) BRASS BEDSTEADS. PIER GLASSES 1 GILT C()HXICES. &c: r And frolll their ddl'rlllilJation to ,.ell nothir; hut the> ùe:;t g()ot! f,pI rtivffihr-bNt THE FAMILY LINEN, C\lU'ET, AN'l) FURNISHING NvAREHOUSE, 41 and 16, BOLD-TltEFT. LIYI:npUOL, UPHOLSTERY ANI) FURNISHING 3 | > A N U E It S 0 N AND S 0 X S 1 11 AND W, nOI.lIaTnr.ET. ;i' Ar? fally prepared to execute, in the Hrst t Ie of el*. i' ;i ta>te. every description of Ul'lloliTEUY suitable for the coming season. t Their Stock is thorou-hlv well assorted, comprising all t new French German i:' and Britih (jond. in SILK and WOOJ.LE D\.M \sii-i lournay VELVETS, REPPS, CHINTZES, &c. FHIXGES kxi) TRIMMINGS MADE TO ORDEH. L FURNITURE CAREFULLY REMOVED ty Contract, hy theIr own Men 41 AND40, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. C A It P 1, T S. A  N 1) E It S O N A N 1) SO N s T„. K h,e Il T::(}i\.(1 JI1J(, 11:\a}crnsIlO X s BRUSSELS CARPETS flip prj!1(ipal manufacturers in the trade, anti are »* offering them al GIŒ\TL Y REDUCED PRICK* A large Lot .It Lat Year's Patterns in the Let q1 ualities ^1* at Js. GJ. per Yard, FLOOR CLOTHS. From ? to 8 yards wide, of best BRISTOL manufacture, 3UÙ warranted well seasoned. PATENT KUIPITLICOX, p|; ° so in i" i, Supplied at W HOLES \LE PltICES. R. A. and SOS h ive laid it in the Nisi Priu- *e-i and Crown Courts. t. George's Hall, various Stations 1m bir th London and North-Western Railway, and in several 111), 1 rivate Hcideuccs auù lercJ.Il)t8' Offices. p.ii 44 AND lfi, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 'I"! BEDSTEAD ANI) BEDDING JJ DEPARTMENT. c T) A1) 1' R S 0 N-t 14 Ds 0-N s R A X Ia::e; )re HI e()IPItctOto7 X S A u PATENT IRON BEDSTEADS, COTS &?. hieh they have got forward for the present season All the improvements have been carefully introduced so as to bring this brn, of "'to cotllpl,.tr col!lp titioll with the mahogany and other wood bedsteads. t res, Feather Beds and Pillows, Hair and Wool -Niattresse Blaukets, Sheets, and Quilts, can be supplied at a mo- I lnent s notice. 4J AND 40, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. T MUSLIN CURTAIN DEPARTMENT. P A N V E It S O N AND S O N S On • 4 are now showiiiif ] ML<LIN, LKNO, AND SWISS F;IUROIJ}ERE[) v C U ITTA I N S, Of useful and elegant dEc:riptioTl,all(1 solicit the atten- ti Of IIQuHkel!prs chan¡:iug Window Drapery for the qp "eion German ond olhcrFRIXGES, CURTAIN HOLDERS sfat &e" which will wash, ??,t?bl? for Summer, to match the brg Curtain totbe^fasl;io!,allc appendages Pal; to the Drawing lo()l1l. are kept hr:¡d) in stock at 'Va 44 & 46,BOLDlsi'REET? lYvElU'COL m. —— K SALES BY MR. FELTON. 4 ;> DENBIGHSHIRE, NORTif WALES. 10. By Mr. GEOHGE FELTON, I"RJD\Y. the 28:h day of .\lay. I.). at two o'clock in the ft "n £ ,T A ? Ho j ect to H )tl'rJlhi:š °of 'i Ji:;J Itn:ldu' ¿dIiSt:iCS! H I rust of the ]ate Mr. BenT) Jenkin,- r-; exc(er:lingl)' dt'irahle T?'' co'nInoi'io1" Freehold FAMILY rn-vPrM-'r."fiHBIWAKDWB," with OntbniM- (ahout Three.. i Ganlener I ol r fi Ten t°1 V>?cUiue a[BJ ie Conwavon th L, a firt.cla:;s preci i.,l on the Chester and Holyhead Raihvay. "r>t-c,la»s ° J,°?' ,Vh"l'1 uS hnilta most substantial manner cOm' i!Vf s an .Entrance-hall, DiiiinZ, Drawing, and BreakfaH Rooms princiral Bedroom, Two SCr\'ants Bedroou, and Two StoTe- 13, \Yater.closet, and numerous other Closets and Pantries with I itcheng. a Scullery Md Brewhouse, an Range of capacious J^ e OUTnUILDIGS con8igt of a caP'tal Two.shll Stable and \itll' ;e B. ,C-owhouse, and Cart o%el, Gardener's Lodge and titl pifig-room, Garden-house, &?., &c, t\iO\ iises is an abundant supply of soft and spring- Water oa the In oises. Flower Gardens P l ea'sure ?°V°' ie Premic3 are surrotinle? by Gardens, Pleasuredcvol mds, Shrubberies, and thrhîng Plantations, laid oat at con- to able ?.p?. and the Kitchen Garden is f a v,ryprodt"tiv ?■ acter, and well stocked with Fruit Trees of the choicest canE ription. 1 he situation of the Property commands an exten- and unioterruped \'iew b?th -V? .!O,?Z the much-admired tabm 0f the Conway and of the Carnarvon5bire Bills as far as r^ 'do-? a.dd,d IJewel)n. T1,e surrounding country is iti? 5 ^eceeile.brat, ed i ? for .t1 he ample sport it yidds to Patrons of the and G .F,t?r,,pi k'?-?o?,d? lead to the Property >r I,eTal-?)- Ca ii I erry, where the Steamer pl)ing between shnd ,?'yd Llanrwst calls, is within five minutes walk. "i 1 ie Premies st3nd Iwrh'al!cd in the locality, either as a per with nt or Summer ite?i l,n, t?', Litlier as a per witl? father particulars and to \iew apply to Mr. II.NN JiT! r. t<>r' Li\crpoQI; or t0 the At:CTIOHHU, Penrbyn, pets Co, p et? cff'ct Rj,'TI. Ni 13"" ?ighly attractive Sale of EleetrO-Plated Brilp' pier Machie Goads, China, Glass, and Earthenware. M It. G E ORGE F E L TON .A ^ctfuHy announces to the resilient Gentry, Botel..keper8, I rtv.ite r aimiies ot the loan and the surrounding district t i\lt: 'il;i'IC :;c}(IlIJo8rrUI}:n.:ri: Pusu er[ON, 0 Town ofRh)'l, earI>' ilJ the month of June- ,:tu. ^7 extensive and valuable assortment of Electr Pl,tt,d 'a'¡ \SC'íl :Inas:I:n:j:Cd¡i' wi '?* nchly Cut Glass in great \artety; superb Tea, Iuir" eakl.ast, D,??rt, and Dinner Sehices. of the st patterns, and many other artides, being" consignment <\t tl? l?? ccleùrated Firm of Rollason and Son, of BirmifiT3 am! J. un thcr particulars in future advertisement. | It rl?Y", C-?i,y, 14th May, 1855. up^var ),1 R, GEORGE FELTON cen ?,t,d by the Owners to SELL by AUCTION, at iWe1 !^? •)"MS "OTEI- in the Town of Conway, on FHI" {„„ !th. e 11th day of June, 15, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon ,ifa IS. deposed of in the meantime by Pri,?,te Treat, of Uang'o ?h due notice will be given)— i fast-sailing Schooner FOUR BROTHERS," of Conway, j¡¡ptain Vtr Jones) ?0W her vayasc' an expected head n the POlloI Counay Oda)sur?,frLiiiglitl)revioi.ti?,? 1)OrtSJ will carry about 105 TONS, is very strong built, well pr, »C Br tilth til requisite Sails, RoP,??, ci,??i. Anchors, &c c,. ;? ,ai,,d in November last, and a 'I Survey nude by the Insurance agent. Is a nion eol tad,),,d to the Coasting Trad* a,'d il without balla any further J)articulirs prior to the Sale, ai)pli?:,ti.?y 1, I)¡O fr ;l\tJ:s '1Ir:O cw;I, 1:lt,oJ OI 7"eril Master, Colwyn or \q the Auctioneer, Penrh" vn, near n', a, I,' r?l IV?Ilk?, Llandudno. y SALE BY MESSRS.HILL ANDSON. M 1'dUUA Y j 1 J 1 O 1 i 1 11J J. ble Freehold Estates, containing upwards of 5000 ,s, with L ke of Water, Grouse Shooting, &c., in the uresque Vale of Llandrillo. At ^ie ur ? SO LD ?? AUCTION, ?" BY MESSRS. II1LL AND SON, £ cnsuing month of June, at the OWKN GLVNDWR HOTEL, (lHU) in Corwen, in the County of Merioneth, I «tabUi ERAL most (ompact and deli!itUl1) situated ESTATES, menta the '? ?'?M''?f L??'r??uS?'f??'?' I ?. t?cU.?i??o???f Meri.n<.th, divide.) ?.F? ?r ther smaller Tenemf'nt, anå g-enerally kU0wn ù thQ si\'e E] i.s:S:i.SKSivSS:rl W5u* .r ?' :):C']);'lI'i(::fll I O7:;111 )r11' \¡le; G f :û brt'eh dWIJ, Tydd) n-t) rud, TY'IlYnawnnO' IIafod .Tudur' beaut )btH. Tpltlyn ':Sguhur, Bl')n.ù'fi, (; CottaO'e Celn Wf\t, IU ant yr he Glawdd, Bryn. ;U, 1'ai IsSIi, IJi\'VI}cw, I '1Vll:tΡ yn, l:{'l?efn, Ca.cra. 'ha. Clel'a hs: '1')"n}'fryo(\ ç\ I T .u ).ju:(n, T' g\l'£orl«wr, Cein DWi\rn (("f(>a1or .ni,¿ to 11 Djnvo/.Im| ?: hoV p, C!r\ tdi.. f-lanerch wyncrwvni I & ^rynrhyd, the 12, ?'t?' 'an'd'?)..? !?'? ? ???o???? n: 'Matt .f ,?ll be }■' J" °a? 01' .:tatl's ?'i'?' °' P'e<:M of Land, t'h'j ?'hjtc of th? t' u for sale in 53 lots. remain ?':?'?°seotLordWard.8?' n. 'V. Vaughan, CUclOH li?l, E?q., and other p?rii,-?, a.? )Ii, O the Turnpike Road leading from Corwcn to Bala, minera nines from the former, and G miles from ??'??p'?: ?'? Pldu(>sqlle V;de of Llandrillo. wiUlhi K .r. iii part bounded by the Ri?r Dee. in which there is dscrll nsutng, and on diSlerent portions uf them Grouse are phnso n abundance. 0f jie5, e?(.etne tenants of the different )?rm. n'iU shew them street. ?riUeparHc.u)Msofthere<;ct?t;).ot..withLitho Lcifchi I'littisare being prepare d, ald for th, \t JIkA !en G "d r otel. co r%I r. J ?'" person' t?wt'rnhe6n, near Cm'wen; Mr. Roberts, Land Valuer, who m   Asaph "'??"?" of 1?fe?.r Lo,,gue,ill?: ?'?i and Jone.. Solicito", O.we.try, ?lc wU %iford any hh,o.,  Stenc .try, M a)' l, I&A. T?*DQCrgOi PROPERTY AT THE CROSS, MOLD, FOR SALE. TO BE SOLI) BY PiaVATK TREATY, TII)\e}:tlt:;? aud well-built PROPERTY, con?istingof Dwelling House an d Druggist'* Shop .t Warehouse, &c. ia he occupation of Mr. Walter Turner. h::Itií)').dWG;,J1¡);. in the OCCulution of Mr. :ítr';¡}' in the occnpation of Mr. nobrt Jones. Extensive Yard and Stabling, in the occupation of Mr. Edward J:)p('rty is o,t eUgioJ) situated, in an i=.t .,igh. ourhood, an! with a moderate outh" the pre,?en rental of about b*10\ may be materially increased J,. rTII:J:jr:I Ir;(;ty. ami for further particular* ppI) to Mr. fc^imnd !rar, Timier Merchant, 03, Se:tou- tr.-et, Rrunswi«4 Dork. Ll\r¡wvl. •AXES BY MR. WM. ""M O BE SOLD BY ?ElVATE COBIEACT, llm: beautiful Vaclit MF.MIE," built of the best uialeiials, L and coppered by •• Anson"—5u Tons Burthen—well found in •' Ills, Hop S. CI),ins, and Anchors. Also, about 7 l'onso(LEAI) '1' I" I'ons IRON BALLAST. She is fitted up with £ r ""sets, and is iu every respect replete Willi every oi/udation desirable iu a Yacht of this class. rl; |r;ienlar« and price apply to Mr. DEW, Auctioneer, MENAI BRIDGE, AXGLESEY. ilPORTANT TO I"UIILLES FURNISHING. M R. W I L L I A:\1 D E W, »f !n -iircded by 1). \V. Williams. Esq., sur'-eon i chan hi residence) tn Sell by l'„hl„ Actiono7|V f.vho\is ')th 1V' his 1"(:illl"!}ci'. Bu"N M"».Mem,i Br¡(l' iIlIlI I. n..mlle of his truly vain ml J[ ) !> L! I !JLIt FI'ltNITCRB. }rC';> Vir 1 ,i"rr«sewo.Hl 1 vv t ..r, with spring at and ,1\ V » :■■■; do, back and It, C(J'.t' i. J) '• I I! f'uuell, with. V.!V 1 er' 'V • m bltl el"I! on walnut cabriole les; '(In; ro-cwood$id,e.table, with marble slap oval walnut centra d¡ll', Oil pillar and i"t:wrl: octagon Work-table, with inlaid top; i hog any< h urs with hair seats do Sofa and Couch with spring :I;),6t;¡n\ l:titlt\:r Jttt; t1lJ\I:l \h :PJ{ in gílt frame; mahogany four-»o>t aud halt-tester dsteals and Palliasses; hair M .soned leather-beds; Whitney eh Wa-ii-stand, with 7lt;)II:O and Dressing-tall es niahog nted Wardrobe swing Dreim v KiddcriniiiSter Carpet; F(,: >erial raised Dish-covers; Kitchen requisites; China ana .ss j as we.I as several volumes of interesting and valuable n:-Sall.! to commeiKe at 12 o'clock at o.,? to t!,? minute. analogues may be had si* days prior to the Sale upon th !iui*c$, at the rincipal Hotels in the vicinity, and of tho etioneer, British Hotel, Bangoi. BANGOR. reserved Sale or Modern Ifotnehold Wines and Spirits, (By order nf the Trustees, under lit Assignment. ) 0 BE SOLI) BY AUCTION, BY Nlit. WILLIAM DEW, \YEDJ:SD\Y and Tll1;nnAY, the »fith ru.d 27th davsof Mav" 'jS.'fcomlneuclngeacl. day at 12 o'clocl" at .N UOII,) up' on remises called the PRIXCE ALBERT HOTEL. Ilt whole of the <ery superior HOUSEHOLD tTRXITURE. coQsisting of several Dinin g -room suit-s, in Mahogany hairl edo G Si11li f ¡d(l il:tiI,1 u 1 ¡ \?ftr= e ma^aotfanv Book-ca^e, Sideboard, 15 4-p ,t .,?d t}l:rst:t :,a 1 t ii 1,.t¡ 'ùl to'\ltt"llg i.i;ses, Prime reather-be d s, Bedding, Ch?_, ?f l' 1; rtâ \i;1l',r u; ¡! d¡i;s8e le 6 :I:li: wr:: ings, iour-pull Uer Engine, Spirit Jus. &c. itcben Furniture, and Culinary L*ten*il« Uo the whole of the STOCK IN TUADE of Fine Wmos, and •its. Catalogues of which may be obtained a week previous n the })remises, at the principal Hotels in Anglesey and Car- shire, and from the Auctionreh, British Hotel, Bangor. ATTRACTIVE SALE OF SUPERB OUSEHOLD FURNITLiCE, (CHIEFLY IN OLD CARVED OAK,) AT RHIW-WAEDOG, NEAR BALA. M R. W I L L I A M D E W AS the honour to announce that he has been commissioned ,T ,™ M SOn' Esq.. to sell by puhHc uctiot (at the c-named Mansion) °" 1" l.RSD\ Jun 3.183*, commencing ,selv at 11 o'clock, AM,. a choice and \alu..b1e collection i ;6ÙiOLU FU¡¡XI1Tllt:, recently remo..d from Ab?ri,i? r, hbalcrk k d'l"n«,:r?um. a set of 18 handsome oak ^0 ^ai'l!d S seats st, uffed l wuh hone hair, and con>red with 1 leather; two elaborately-carvcd oak Arm do., upholstered green \eh"ct; a massive oak Telescope Dining Table, J1 ft. long, and 5 ft. wide; richly-carved oak Sideboard. 10ft of eX'luisite design and workmanship; oak waggon do' three Üers; oak stand able; long caned k C.,?i" Fender and lire Irons; sets of elegant green and ?l?it. nelte ",ilHio,v curtains (new.) li,-ht occasional Cliairs one the Drawing-room Set of six Iiht occasional Chairs one ional do.; settee do. to match deg;mt green and ?bit? irette conversational Sofa and three Cushions; square and Ig Ottoman Boxes, neatly cO,"(Hd: occasional oblong fancy dw g .Y sma.ll do., «"-eu!ar marble top, on ca8tor; octagoi d Oak do.; richly-gilt window cornice, H ft. 5 in. long: do t. l?.6f 7 in, long: Fender and Fire Irons; and a set of new in I" Fire and set f n?,, bed-rooms: Stately fiur-pwt terit, and French Bedsteads damask hangings and palliasses; spring and wool mattresses- al fe,t8cr Beds, bolster, and Villows: W[iitne Blankets and eilles Quilts oak aud painted dressing Tables and Wash- Is: ak 1,. with marble top; large chevalle Glass a'i" I ? .(? .i", ir mg a .I?at)dso"ie dwarf %ardrb,? sliding tra)s and tlne large drawer5 j iait?..1 'ers; towel Rail; cane-seattd (;haiu j o," "Vid,,w Poles tings; chintz and damask Window-hanging Dutch Car- and Rugs. 1'" the whole of the Kitchen, D'i ?ry.[ ing utensils, Glass and China, as we. Iti,? out-of-door ,-Dpscripti"c Catalogues may be had a week previously, at rindp,,1  auJ ot the AlCTJOSE8R. ?iilcip?l,, l *SOrl^i a L? and Of the Al-CTIONESH. lXGLESEV, north wales. TO BE SOLD, ant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, nude in a Ir?,?ger," with the aPProhation of the .Cruh. anfcenllor, S,r Hkhard T,,r?.? K i!,d,r?l,y, the Judge t. se Court the aid Cause is ;lhched- BY Mil. WILLIAM DEW. AUCTIONEER e Btl..t HOTEL, LlangeflJi, 011 1'U'ESD\Y, th 8lh day of e. 1';I. at T-t Hoon precisely, in Lob- io the Island of Anglesey, of the lte :\lis-i' Jane Ihomas, of Coedhelen, deceased, containing ds of (;60 Acres, near the Towns of Amlwch and Cemmaes. g?r.: d? ising severa. desirable Farms, with valuable mineral rights neighbourhood of the p rys Mines, and a Dwdlin-nouse unds at Amlwch. and Cottages in the neighbourhood is and printed particulars and Conditions of Salo mav be ratis, in London, of Messrs. Parker, Hares, Barnwell and f0' 6". RUseH"S(lUare, and of Messrs. mBoilttnofn, and Filder. solicitors, .No. i, New Square Lincoln's In the country, of Mr. Haslam, Estate Agent, Carr. g Bran, ir, Anglesey, aud of the AUclionct!r, lr. Wiliiain Dew r, from either of whom any further information may be d: and at the Dinorben Anns and Castle Hotels \nilwch • IOld, Llanercbymedd Royal and Castle Hotels • Holv- B?;kel,y Arm and 1, p..l Anns Hotels, Heaumana • inan Hotel Carnarvon; the Bull Hotel, Llangefni; aud ltish Hotel, llangolr. FRED ERS. EDWARDS. Chief Clerk I'A AV, B*nN'WEI.I., and r, «)«f,. ltusl! s,quare. Pl:untirr, Solicitor. SALE BY MR, LIEFCHILD. imp ,tant and extensive Freehold Landed In- tmc"t, i?4 tle most popular district of North ¡/ cUlltall/lII[J lIear Vi,(m a"'es' 'uth a rental 1r 1u,'0Z 00per annum. MR. LIEFCHl L]) > announce that he has received instructions from the Pro- n TT n prietor, to smit to ? ? ?. L. ? ? A u u i i (j N CO»S-V-OKDOL ARMS HOTEL, ??". ?——s. J'?IY 11, at Iwelve f?r One, import'n'ti\\¿tôt ¿:'l\;n as the" Cors- ai'S!, ;rcom'lr,3<'s an ancient family mansion by lI uni L° o JI ones in 159z", ample oOices, coach-houses and g extensive flour and kitchen gardeu 19p1:et\}(:}:e aldurpllri111d:r: J t." I !)'! :I: irms and smaller occupatioHs. water le s abounding with game, alld salmon and t I ,I vn- ieepwalks, &c. 'I'Iiis tiiie 1)roperty along the coast of erionethshire, f3cilig Ca(hgan Bav, Ul ltry presenting the most romantic scenery,aod intersected by d rivers, which meander through it aud all greatly to the v 't t it? ot Ua locality. a beautltHl lake and two maguificent M):, cn tL, estate constitute l ,?,y strikinp fe.tmm,?() add i:r!,h to its inteTt't aud \'ahc, < e estate is traversed by the turiipii- Barmouth Li" Oil whioU tUcui«»' road from Barmouth • » IHI coach runs daily from Carnarvon *30 acres comprised ivill'Jta\ b¡;;UI'O:1 under .I. i by responsible tenants, on ei tti,? side of the lugh road r part of which l?s been drained including 60L, acres of ::¿j: :,clat:, of i};r,I¡g'i:r:S tt:: der is enclosed mountain land and °'?' '"? "°?? TI,e estate is let at a moderate rent? of ?UOU ?r annum, and it contains several beds of valuable* Is, and a promising Slate quarry has been partly oocued t.<tMe will be put up tor sale in one lot, £ „d if n? soi l m be offered in ?t is eN esze(i and 8f-t forth j" 'J,iuhZJ. It;ve particular^ 0f ialo, wlaeh, will, full hU f the 1),opr ty' :,I? 2 Jays pr""lou. to t?» sale. "*• West,nacoott and r. W, Blake solicitor- 2. Bedford-row; and at the land and timber offices of M Id, who is fully authorized to treat '? ?lly s i-I 0, f t htyte ""t ??'? 9 are appointed to show tile any Sentl"maa ? be furnished with a e? ? °?? "?" ?' M?. Hd. The nearest direct !•< f' London m .y th« ?ury and Chester Rai?ay tnr.??? '?' Station, M< ?ttMt?throuxhc.r"??' *?°'' ?B» tl. t< D.?<V.-<? w*W,city,E,c, r