CommriTtal ¿èalt1 JOHNSTON, MILES, AND CO., CARDIFF, I M F 0 H T E H S OF AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PKODITE. AUH OiTKlUMJ FOR SALE, | i; w vi.'KiiorsK. riUKlNS NKXV YOnK STATE, LAUD. i'lt) BO\E T.\FFOH}) IL\I, FINEST AND .MEDIUM II I: K S E TO AI;ki\T. ri;u •• KIIEUBINA." BLA1>DKU SINCLAIK'S ir.UBKHLAXP Cl'T.j \t.\CKIH'S(LMH[:t:LAM?'L'i'. SINCLAIK'S lA)Nl» Cl'l' HAMS, j hd roi:s. SI;IT> POTATOES, ,'r ail K'ri.l.s s i: k i> i' <i t r o i: s A[}ly U4 j n. i:v;i.ANi», St. MArt-s'.teit. ami We-' liuio I A II [I I K I'' 39281 )j rt\r'?A?iLi:s"A?!' 0 nn-.t?. j E i: i) J* o t A T 0 1: S! k i: i> P () r TOE I PAILV EXPECTED SEVKRAL CARGOES OF I i; i: A L sco tcii en \>ipions. lW:1I .:OCK: AIS* n¡,n; i 11.1,11 l?OCK. To ensure quantity rqi,i Ii orders immediately to  J. ANU G. I/v IESSRS. JJARRISON AND POTATO -< TOBACCOS FOR ALL SMOKERS. MCHOLLS BOSS TC BACCO (Strong) NICHOLLS' ADMIRALTY MIXTURE (Medium), MCHOLLS BEST nuu>' EYE (Mild), NICIIOI.LS'FI,AKEI) If,)-NEYDEW (.Mild). Sl'PKR SHMiGA ( I T AND l AKK ( AVKXD1>H. VIRGINIA ASP TURKISH RETURNS. THICK AND THIN TWISTS, And kll other Qualities Sn:(]kin and Chewincl 'f\ä\ùs MauuiACtureu t-v W. F. XrCllOLLS AND COMPANY. HAVANA CIGARS O: tilt-Best Frai-Us and Large Stcvks kept of Manilla. Sw isa, English :ind CIGARS, CHKROOTS, AND (IUARETTES. HIGH DRUP, LOW DRIED, SCOTCH. QUEEN-8. RAPPEE'S, slid MORTOX S AND PRINCE'S MIXTURE SNUFFS. TRAIlK PRICE ON APPLICATION. NV. F. MCHOLLS AND ('0., TOBACCO WORKS. C.UWIFF, jj ASI> AT 1 ?, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDII-T.1 9. ( A S T LK-STKEE T, S W A N S E A.: 22. H!(in->TRF;KT, NEWPORT. 33614:

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
MONEY lAHKET. ,r CITY, f^ATl RDAY ETKKINO. The demand for money has teen very | moderate, and short 10<1"" were obtainable on oasior u-ruis, ut 2 iind2) per cent. The general dis.unt rate for first claw three months' bills remained at I 2 below Kink. Nr> bullion opera-, tioiis the Hank. IJar ilver and Mexican Dollars Quoted nominally the same as yesterdav. 'ftw Pimis Kourse ruled dull. except Egyptians Exchnoge on London—( heques, 25f. 35c. j The St<vk Markets haw b^en fairly active for Riilwav .wuritie^, the chief future tieing a gene. I ruj ileciine in Aiuerican descriptions in \vmpathy with the depression in New York A partial ro-J c>verv, however, t»x>k place towards the close, and the tone was better at the finish. Canadian; lines also opened weak, but closed firmer. Home; Railways were unsettled at opening, especially; Brighton I eferred; price?, however, improved during the day, and left off in most instances sumvwhat better than Inst evening. North British exhibit a decided recovery. Easterns exception* -11, flat. Verv little business ?a,? transacted in F"Vei?n StCA'ta, hut prievsm-re generally well sup- F, -Ile;n I)ut lirico? iv?-i-e generally well wp- < onsok closed a shade eie! At 99! for Stoney and th, Account • New and Keduc* d remained t ;9 e 99); )ndia Enhc<-d Fnurs improved J;? Inaian !UiJway and C,?lonW Government Sc?eu- rit ies ruled q.i,t. In t?- F-?ign AT,, k,t, Egyptians closed without c h anger Preference, 9<? to 94? Inified. 7 r¡àl'74:;r75e(';iu: a'¡o ;;dy\nH\,7H! t 13; r\?[;(fL(Mn. 86??87; Russians a t,ifl, I better: 1873% 92 to 92;; Hungarian Gold, 95 to Spauislu Portuguese, Italians. and French I without ( Lango; receded A Mexicans closed at 251 to 25' Pcrus t higher. Fivfsclosing about 21; ^ixes, 25 to 25!; I nited Mates H» nds unaltered: Virginia Funded declined I 1: I)hio and Mississippi Railroad Bonds, Central l'acit'c. ( ttth.rnias. and Reading General Mort- 2; .Vyw York Central Shares, 2; Oregon* and Ontario?, 1; lilinei? Sti?ir?.1 to 134? t,, 135? ¡ K. tdinj! 1""re", 1 1. 34' Kries nearly 1, II) 49; Wnn.<y)van)?. to 66 to 66?; Atlantics lower: UrstMortM?' 641 to 65; Wi?t Canada* closed without chang-r iVtuiks, bo'ter; Third Pre- 1, 46,1 to 46^; t.o;H)Mr(hduH. at 9?; Mtxi- 4? Kai)?.n.«. 12; HahhI' and Cntrnl Argentines iu.provc^ ? Yarn? t. ?nd Min?'t Hi? $ lower. Home kaia,'s mark a rise of i in North British, I in CaledoiA ins, nd A in South Eastern Deferred, a* 1231; Chat ha ma. Preference, 101 tn 102; Dis- tricts, 72-} too 72); Sheffield Deferred. 50J; Glasgow and South ,tpm (]pdined 1; Edinburgh and ti!asgow tint. at di-opped WcHtmiost-.r Hank Ordinal improved A Vic- ia art(I St4imlard 0f Africa Additional Shares re- ceded ()t",mal\ remained 1\' 9, In 9. In City of Auckland Loans rose 1. urA (jenrral Steam Navigation FlOn("ipf Egvp-1 tian f^ebentures 142 paid" Mauritius Land Credit, nd BarceVma Tramways,$. Anglo Telegraph* further improved t, Phtino ?'.r??Mn;.° [ in Mining Shares very nuiet; Orn Br(-?, 115 ,:kö I:or: ¿1\'(' 22' n: r:t 19 1., 20; fl,?,?n f(,Il-t- 9 to 10 J>evoas, to 3»V to 11; John del Rey dectmfd 5; 4"uaùiaD Copper iiitproved J. CL-OSINLI P R 1 c E 5. BRITISH FVNDS.Ac. C..?'3p.<. W 99', lx.. ¡:t (' ?'4 :Ä 9qA i'loift 4 p. c. lOatf 106^ ?.r.k fit-k I. 291 293 t. B-«ard ot W •Tk- 3'j'.r 104? !K'? Caimda.im, 18rl.f r».e N.s. Wales, 1888. 1^04. 5 |c )? 115 N>v Zealand C<>nsoi.. b i>. c 102 ICO )- :1,;I;.r:C: A m '.t-ohft, Ht!S- f ). IC5 13J FOREIGN SKCTKITIKS. Av*"tine,18f8^i».r. 94' 9i'/t tr.lAw W.Tk. )?i. 6 p<?.    M? 94', otinan ^iUa-r |> e 64'i 66'^ i> tto Paper, b !'• c hrf 6^ 'a:,nï.D, 1'L, p ( B t.?v) t. ?. 7 ).. ( 74', 4 7i s¡T,c. ir{ Ë:¡ Jfyyptian Pref<-rfn<?. ') ).. <- 9?? 94^ EyptianSUU' Domain 94 -4" French Three per Oat. Kente«.3 p r !<2? ? ,tti" 5 ).. <. H 7 4 ]:? ::i:5: If" 1; IT.Ak.- 5? 861, 5 .Fl. !C9 j 9 p. £ 9 '>1 l?o. 18'B. ).. r .?.?. 83 90 Hun g arian G,4d P.?t 96 M??T* 3 ).. .?2;.? ?.. P?uvitu. "'I ""F ? ?- Do. I'n 21 2)?. P rtuguetc, iM'. 3 p. ? S! b, 14 IdiUiao 1870, ? p. c. SO 9" ?.?i?o)ti'. 4 p. ''?.?..?  ..?   ."?.'  7.t Fl Ho-1871,5 p.« 93 { 93" Do. 1872, b p. Cm* 92 4' Wi 1878 y, #> i Do. \in&.tt p. c.?. M ? BpaAUh.SfA.c <ti'i 21i*« D»' 2 p. 4v* 41^ Tmtt?.t)iM.5) C L. 13's 13? M< CohMt., 6 p. c 13 A ilj D"'S7t. ? .21! 73 .M" IS73. 13»X ]? Do IB ..d (,. 9 p. 22 M ,L "?t-d awl. 11, 5 p 103 M? Vnit'dBUu-aFunded 4ip e t'? ?'? B?.tmMttdt?.c .H? 116V  HOME RAILWAYS. t*tt.n.M.<M I L?4 1(514 )" 1;o 1 -:fr:t 119 G,_t tMter't Old &3? 66^i 6,-t tt?httn OTd M<? 125?d W. A" .? lu 123d GreatNorthernof Scotland Old 64 66 Great Western Ord 1241 Z." Lancashire and 161 \5 13^^sd LoiidiXi ami Brighton Ord Ia6 140 Uo"T* ?. ..?. .L. t?? t32? Ln?., Ch*t. Dover Ord. Mi ? DiM? Prelervncv Mi'? 102 gEt!Jl:L: tM? ;d London aud S-Western Ord tM? m.?d Manchester and SliefH^kl Ord ? 8T? MetM)?)U.tn ID' !'? 11911" JJan«U«swituid Shefttld.Def &>•  .??rnpotitattDittrM Od 7? ?< %I i d I..d 0.,] 1 3bi? ?<  North Btitt!h Ord. M?, ?' ?rth Bi it l3)i Ord. :166 "I,tb Bt"n Old ? VJ,x N>n»h Ra-MernOrd )*?,. 1^ Do. D,I.I. t'OKm<,? A,, 1, CUI.N?AL );AtLW?Y8. U.m)?,d.. 0', *■* -:? Al• \ican |{Ail\SH>90id v a ,? i Uu. O p. c.. t? P r t.———? ?. D6 p. v *.tid b., t. l,>* is*' S S ~w: 'S&d Ureal Wrfti rn Caiu.l" i n '• Pr, r ???'/r.'?'P''?. ? K h.,1.4; |. "An,A ISM Old Mi ?A ■> Fast InJ. Aun. B.Al I » M «'3 f \h>. Ih'i. A,»»l. ct||pw 4 p. v {« « (.h.d.un?.tfua. 5 | C ? 1*J M..?rt9. t" S?.t'  12? ?.,? ?. J K. hi?.?. »>.« }<♦ 'P ?.  [ u ..t Delta&|>.f ]M J? > 1 1^4 V r. ,-vlvaiii.i.»,k! Ohio 64'i HvJuM .r: tfU> :J !!?fm'.? :l"Jj. 6, I¥ L J I C .V..J«r^ v Coll., ItH'. 7 p. o 1U lii L' P ..Mt(. h.. S c  p. W 109 U. 1..U:û ljunU. 6 1' tM  In Krii- SlinrnUi'rt 4J¡ 'a K? !? H?K.!?a«'d7 p. t" 1 131  1> r:d 7r. IM 'M LInoi('et¡tm: Shares 0)'? Wj 3! liiinoisb p.e. Bonds.huieaiul Pev.ap.c. *9' N. York C. turr. 1 Ip.v 136 1 Penn»vl\uhia Shai t s Urd  66 Ws HII' Mtn. Mort., 1910.6p. c 121 123 IM.Con-ol. M..n.o p.l' T'! ? Phil, k Head.Gen.Con.tip.v 114  116 D-». Imnrovement 6p. c lC3'a 1(A; U. Gen.Gp. e .?.?.? .? 9) M t. ?.tic G BoOds 8 p e. 124 '3 D". L*?d Grants 7 v? 1W 1:8 TKlEGHAPH COMPANY Anglo-Anierieau T.1. Ord L,9 õ; Direct Vnited Stat..Ord. 10-; FaMern Eastern Kxiensiun Ord ? j 10lj BANKING COMPANIES. Ccinwlidated B;"?k Ord 7': 7'; t.?i'?U'K.?. &,?k 0.,d ?'. \<?1 LuudonatkdCounty BankOiu /•' id.\ d t:t,(s:l :¡r. 431; 2fiJ LonJon" "minster Bunk 6'la f.Is\¡ St.tn.BankofBri.SAiri?.L.?..?t)a  Pnion of ?.ndc.n B?k. ?'? 4^ i' j, '<.t.oM) PM<')n<-i? Mnk 361,? 39k MtSCELLA?EOCi. ?inbu?h Tramways 12^ 13J/ G)t..)? T'M,?!   HnllTramway^ ?' 9 ^-4 i;;J", ;I L Pen. and OrienMl S'M. 1,7 Royal M..)-<t?m. M ? Un.on Steamship J& J,■ & AFRER OFFI('I-kfl BOI'IIS. l'ort,s fr-, evi to 61; Mxe-. co ;o coj j Mexicans stoadv; ;pl hi:'n,7;"II 71$;; i<? ians rather b ft«'r'. R g, 113. g Kri«hto-i t)pt'?r').I3?: Xnr<))E?crn! 166$; «ri:idi, 84: Caio lonians, 105; Easterns I ?,t 65? 't? 651 t 49t t,, 4 9, ;1 (anadi<ins firmer. Anglos 59tu 59.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
DAILY STOCK AND SHAKE LIST. J by 'RHACKERAY A?D 8AYCE, Stcck tnd ?h.?Bn'k?.?' F??np?M.Ctrdi?__ ;ln:i: :rood'i¡ I 9,k Great WesTO .100  9 1 I N.,Il? W.t,.r?? 100 1,;?9 1^0 .,I Midland 100 ..133 134 nd Ktjvnti?v 100 •••»« £ ea sU ? hievfrn ,nJ Wy. 50 13 15 Muck T* .ff Vale 100 ..Z.,g 2wd PBKFJJRKSnAL. .? Cambrian U.d? ?. 1 ?? ?? Ftrf 100 ".Ile 117 !?Mat;htf)!it"'?o.tPrtftM ..US 1H G, C.I, 5 p. 100 '.Is,30 !b Pe;m^b4 roke and Tvnbyo p-1'. 10 ?? ?? ',664 1,, b?i c, ::7i¡i!}¡ :if ¡r .1 1 Co ?10 2 7 ,1 )<. 6, c.ltol iceml?, ?d 1 ).. & ..e.tSM )00 .122 )? ? ).c 6 p. c. 1364 100 .144 )46 ad; L/ {.?.r. ? ICO .121 123 ad To H<' br. F. '6 ?. 10 ? 1?'?' t) S.?.d??,? 11 rId to !)<», M».c 10 4 o St? T.tte Xo. 1 .?? 2:4 ) ? St,?k TaRVate-'Io., Hj' .lc-oI ) i-10 f" 6v.c. 9 ?? H' OAKA?iEKDAXU LEASE])% M A. t.U15127 W t&to-U.Mol l,. & p W Z S'i 24),id. L M. t:.k 5 p. JEI) 241.3.d i[}Ël:<t)¡¡" ii"  6 id ??\?rn).r<)iut.)iC.) ?.??????? :? )]r(;;2 ?; ? I.).??'riMnt?t'-ft?"??r. !<.0 :i ? :t L'aneUvKvA D»vkUrdiiur>'afO .i4o 1^8 d 146 Hd "d [? B 6 p. c }100 .}146 143d t.Ynvi.)?O?mor<-UrdiMarvtM .? M D i I. lv. Preference$p. <* |« .4 C O 100 Pe.xr't'H?r?Mr.D?k .CO .?1 ?o j 8lk :lrhr;ii[ :1 ? DF.BKMI KE STOCK. Stork Brwon4Mwtbyr"A."l«.lW .?M 1M ,bù..IGO .lœ )? Stock Cambrian 5 p. fJ.'?"? -? ._1. •^••iten;^vw:ioo ~m via 1It>rt'wrd, Hav. aut! Drt"COlI Cr??.tfrnhp.c.100 .131;:132H n .Livtivi and Ogmore 5p. c. 100 .Uo 1?7 ?i?. ?<p 'e'iOO .)M 1:2 ).hYm;? ? -? :C< "7t;i:5'Y: I 1MtVa!»4p.c 100 .10# K.' im :0 B-i.'o)AW<totEn.;?h.J,Um ?'J.0 '?'? 100 Glaniovi;aiishiri'Banking Co 100 ..140 1-.D  xil ■ 0 i).. do. do. 10." 14 1,?d ;a 1/jntion ..d P, 1''ixd g r;:i::(i: 7 I. lr l:.f.Xd ? National Provincial. Lim. 10)^ 33 oy ) National Provincial. Limited 12 •••*■* 0 ajid 3,)ul h ?Vales, Lint 10 3?  20 Li.il,d 7 ??. ? W, 11 ..d Dor"t17 3839 G.\S. 10 Ab.roar. Gas 10 11 !1 12', 8, jc4 Bri,t .:Ioo .174 .? CMebtt G100 17,1 171 Do. B 10° -14< 1« $tiT i)? va» ^G«7 p.c..?. | | L 10 M )v.?V.H..yG.? .? '0 ? ? "].?<" 0 :? :? ? M C. 20 24 25 25 S?ns?('"7K t<rCm.t.? 31! M? GAS AD WATKR, 10 Bridgend 10 E) 9? „ run?p?i(tCM.iO)tr<-<'nt.'lM ..13a lj» 12 D,, do. 12 17 i? ? ?. (tnat.7?rcent.10 .?!0 n 10 Yttt?. 10 .2C'? 2- 10 T,t,t VVATEKWOBK8. 10 20 2- ? Briatvl 25 »• M? 6j;< St'k t;ö¡;ç..llï(i;idl .l c a Ifr;¡ 10 Do. 5p<rCt")).fn!<-rtnttlO 6 7 !0 Newp rt. 10 N M 10 1.. N?? 1}0 0 M 21  10 P-typridd io,99 Stock P?!t?dd5p.<P"-fer'nMlM ?H2 H< t'J? MISCELLAXEOC8. I 20 Alexandra U. tk Sliares 20 12 J3 20 Alexandra Dock 6 w. <.•. Pre). 20 26 28 J 10 Bri,toliindSouth\\alesWag- gotiCd., Limited ♦ 6J4 61ld ft Cardiff Marine Insurance H U Cardiff Keataurant Co 10 8 S 11 Z:ii km:nl.ta.I' ? 32 ? 10 C.rdiff ..d 8?. ,I- lierv 9/5 ••• *si 23 Et,t,w'V?l, 20 I?) t2? 10 (,toucn?rW.t!nCM'))<t!'y 10 81"; Ki 5 G.MtWMttrnC?)i<ryB. 6 '4yl 3 5 Do. A Pr,f,r,,? 6 55'. 100 D() B Debentures .100 84 88 20 Ll' vnviandTondu 20 14 141-: .f Do. Preference. 1 4 4 10 Mihord Dock 10 3\i 4 Mwyndy Iron Ore, Lim 3J«. 2 21.- 10 Nan»vglo and ?' hon 41 42 ) %?,Pr,f 4 5 N??lt, T, 1 <2 10 K'?x? A'<reart) Col* lier* v, Limited 10 ••• V* 5 D(»Tramways 5 4 4? 10 Pr.?incii.t d. 10 H'? 12 H 515t.iU f. 16 Do. New 1& 10 If) 60 6w.<n)t*M.Shi?"'wn'. ?<0 15 11 10 Do. BhippinpCompany. 6 2 2^ 10 Do. Tramways 10 4'< Iht 2 ¡g g; {.I!i\V;;rk: ¡g 17 B.t t, W,,I.72"4 3 'D" 10 p, r. B" 3 3? 4 M lr.,? .d C".?; 30,n24 25 1>* do. D" 25 .21 23 Batik rat«*, 3 per i;en(. (since 17th Feb.) THERE APE BUYERS OF B..k ill) Shares, xt 14)t MHfoTd Du'k Sh. I/>tidonand Ptodllcia1 Bank .Shares,at 111. t"& div. HwanseaBank Shares, at ?'-J "x div. 8-iit !i Wal* Colliery Share?, Ac. TIIACKKRA Y ANI) SAYCE, Feb. '20,1881. CAUDIKK.

HEKBEUT KAKE, S W A S A LOW'S 1RU KS PAILV. • ON MXCATIOWARRANO«P T)T?HRTS&' LYU)X)?. J? STOCK A?D SHAHK HKOKEM. 17. cmKCH?IM:t.T. CAIWlfF. AKD DRXXACHAMMEHS. livrE DOC KH. PURCHASE ANI) SALE OK STEAMSHIP sharks \i:r.r»TiATp;r>. iTTEKitY SIDkiTAS, sioOKuK(.)K.i;n, 39. ?ASTLF-8 TPY .7. SWA?SKA. 33614 /^TK<7KGE~TLUMHLY, SVYOKN STOCK W AND SHAKE BROKER. 9.T.?f-"houie yrd, L^ikIoii, BC. Everv cl? ot Security dmlt in at the c!03fst Ph('M'. An inn'.dmpnt hit of dividend peyh? stocks and h"re9 issued monthh', post free on ApplicA' ti?. Cl,.fq, t. t. City ,,d?, G. Pt?mbty. ??5)f

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
MAKKETS. .r COKN. (ILorcFSTKR, Saturday —There was a fairupply of English wheat at to-day's market, and the liest samples m-ert- Is. per qr:de:trii- foreign kind were held for a siniilar advance, which checked palp*. -Maize 6d. iiijher. Urinding barhv and oat firm. « MEAT. 1/ONtON, Saturday.—There were good flupplie* on offer to»day» and trade ruled steady at about previous rates. Tho following are the prices:— Beef, 2s. 8d. to 4. 8(1. prime Scotch ditto. 4s. 10d. to 5,. Od: mutton. 3s. 4d to 6" Od. veal, 5s. Od. to Ss,. 8d.; large pork, 4s. Od. to ts. 10d. small ditto, 5s. to 5s, 4d per 8Jhs. PROVISIONS. CABDIIT, !o("lur<ù\(frnID Me.vrs. Johnston, Miles, and Co.'s R*«port.)~Kresh l>eef There has kieen a good demand during the week for prime beef. partly caused by mutton being scarce. Owing to the number of diseased sheep coming to the market, dealers complain that it is hardly possible I to get a Round sheep in either Ellg. land or Ireland at present. Extra India mess bcefr There has been a lair inquiry, but little business passing; stocks are extremely light. Perk continues scarce,shipments not baiiig equal to the reouiruneata of u* lewis itaof x The market h? beun '.?ry excited since the nlws :r:: that ti-e F ,I, Government had :W bited the importation of American, one day going down fully 5. the next day going u fully 5s. ,dviœs rp.ivpd this morning from Chicago state the market closes firm, receipts of hogs being light. The temuorurv scare has boen made much of by speculators, but we look for its being, like many other scares in the meat business, a nine davs' wonder, and will pass over. Butter: For the finest and extremely low grades there has been a good demand. Cheese: Advices of an advance of 2s. having been established no the other side, and shipments and reccipl being light, holders have advanced prices 200. on this market. MONUOI'TH, Saturday. This market was an ordinary one, and prices were as follow:—Fresh butter, h. 5.1. to h. &1. per lb. for wholesale, and 1. 6<1. to l. 7d. retail. Eggs from 14 to 16 fol' IS..j wholesale, :md 12 to 14 for 1,? retail. Home-made lard, 8d. per lb. l'uultrv l)re*sed fowls, from 4s. 6d. to 7s. per couple, or about lOd. per lb a few late hatched dressed geese and turkeys were offered at aboulls. per lb. figtueat: Large gris- kins, 8d. per lb.; spareribs, 7d. per lb. Live fowls from 3s. to 5. 6d. per couple; guinea fowls, trom 5s. 6d. to 6s. 6d. per couple; ducklings from 6s. to 8s. per couple. Fruit: Cook ing apples, frolll 8d. to lOd. per gallon oranges, 8d. per down; seakale from 3d. to 4d. per bundle; rhubarb, 3d. per bundle; brucoli from 2d. to 3d. per head; potato from 4d to 8d. per gallon onions (Knglish), lOd. per gallon. Butchers' meat (prime joints only quoted i: lieef, lOd. per Ib; veal, lOd. per 11>; i wether mutton, legs, lOd. per lb.; pork, 8d. to 9d.¡ per 11). PRODUCE. LONDON, Saturday. Sugar: Market remains firm. Coffee f.eady at the recent recovery. like I (iuiet aud unaltered. Cotton market firm. Jute ver'v sleadv. Tallow, old. 38s.; ne\ 39s. 6d. on the spot. Rnpeoil, 28s. 3d. to 28s. 4.W. Linseed, 35s. 4dto 35s. 7id. Turpentine. 34s. 1 etroleum spot; 7Ad. one month. iiorrKK. CARMARTHIS'. sa:r;'Thcr" ?as a fa'r supplv "I butter at our market to-day, which realised the following prices:—Old butter, Is. 2W. per lb.; new ditto, Is. 2d. to 1 s. 3d. per lb. Cbe..se. 23s. to 30s. per cwt. j CüAR. G t ASOOW, Saturday — Market slow, and only a moderate business done prices generally 3d. un- der \<Merd.ty's r?a. T)? ofncmh'e.'ort s'?Mt :— arket clos" dun, with a small bu?ine?.; done. The advance reported early in the week has beea lost, and prices are generally on a par with last Saturday. IIInE AND SKIN. BRISTOL, Saturday. Spanish hides, 931bs. and upwards, 4J to OJ. per lb. 331b- to 821bs.. 4d. to Od. per lb.; 731bs. to 821bs., 3d. to Od per. lb.; 631bs. t > 721bs., 3jd. to Od. per lb.; 541b3. to 621bs., 3Jd. to 3§d. per It). 53tbs. and under, 31d. per lb.; cows, 631bs and above, -3Jd. to 31d. per lb.; light, 3Ad per lb. bulls, 3^d per lb.; heavy cuts, 3id per Ib; light and irregular, 2Äd per lb. Calf skins; 171bs. and upwards, 5¡d. per lb.; 121bs. to 161ba,6Jd. per lb.; 9lbs. to lllbs., 6Jd. per lb.; under 91bs., 6d. per lb.; cut and irregular, chance, Cd per lb. Horse hides, 8s. 3d. to 12s. 9d.; 1st kips, 3M. per lb.; 2Dd ditto. 2?d. per )b. Fat: Mutton, 3?d.; beef, 3d.; rough, lid. Wooh, D. 2s. Od.; ? 3s. Id B, 4s. 7d. ;J A. 6?. Id.; X. 7s. 6d. XX. 8?. 8d. Forward price to Thursday:— i Moob. P. 2". Od.; C, 3.. 2d.: B. 4.. 6d. A, 6s. 4d.; X, 7,. 10d.; XX, 8s. lOd. )'at, l?d.. 3d. J to 3jd. to 31d.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
80nH WALES TfDE TAULK. -Č?_ï!. ¡'=ï=-i:ÁI-_o:! I *Mor.??.H?.!Mor.?n.?6t.M'Evn.!Hst. __IOr !E\'O'' Rgt. I 27 8 5 M ? -?M g 4 68 n u 1 a M 6 47 7 U ? 6'" 49 6 1< .:7 0 S? 6 ? 4? 1 20? ? 34 U ?*? 7 U? 7 437 9' 6 38 7 0 28 4! 7 32h M' 33 6 2 W 8 14 8 34 ??3 0 7 ? 7 ? .1 Ll 9, 14. 8 34, 38 8 3 T a 51 9 837 1 7MSU.28 I?8H91!:87 8 4 F 9 24, 9 41 ? 6 6 34 8 &!? 7?9 28. 9 45? 3" 8 'N'oi th Dock -hall-ti. Bajin 6ill, -I

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SKiMALLED OL'T THE LIZARD. 26,-I%i.d, N.A., m,lalra?e, ?i)ower?. P!l;; F; R;1:t e, L;:r: I <tctuMrs Wm. Bank*. Sydney H&14 and Louvain, of London L<-?rhfr, of orth Shields. for Fal- mouth, i,l? "fllnk hart broken. Passed West — Steamer Burlington, of Wet Hartlepool. hb. 27 ?ind. E., lihl, fine. i?sifd E?st— Ship presumed MacmilWn, of tilasgow s\eame Volmer, of Copenhal;ell; Celsus, of Sunderland; Llandaff. of Cardiff; Wilson Line steamer Romano. I'acsed West.—Tug tiladiator, towing ship Drum- park, of Liverpool; steamers Southmoor. of London; Borthwick, of Dublin Brazilian, of New- castle; Jan lireydel. of Antwerp; Clara, of (■lasgow; Argentine and Bywell Castle,of Loudon.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SIGNALLED OFF THE MCMBLE9 HEAD, Feb. 23.-Wind, weather hne.—steamer Celtic. ('l.isg. Av sclnoner Telef;nvui, of Barrow; brig 1,?tbella. uf Whitehaven btigantine Joscpli and Marie, of Aurav. Feb. 26.-Willd: S.W.: wesither unsettled.— Schooner EjcI, of Cardiff; brigantine Bannah Kansonu of Southampton; steamer Holmrook, of Newcastle; schooners Storm Nymph, of Hayle; K.iglc Eyed, of Aberystwith; Aurora, of f,ideford; tumers I'ganda of Middlesborough Acorn, of U :ns¡r:>w R<-dJand, d Bristol; JteU. -e, of Doagflm. Feb. 27.—Wind, S.E.; weather tine, fresh breeze. —Bri" Caroline, of Servau; steamers Neath Abbey, of Swansea; Bessie, of Hayle.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
FOREIGN ARRIVALS AND MOVEMENTS OF CARDIFF VESSELS. Oabilva, «, arrived Billwo Saturday from; from Mediterranean. Dnrent, s. left Ifustendje Friday for l'Orient. Cosmopolitan, s, arrived Brindisi Friday from Cardiff. Bentinck, s, kft Liverpool Saturday for Cardiff. Lord Bute, s, left Gibraltar Saturday for Bilbao. Hero, s. arrived Roctiefort, Saturday from Cardiff. Llaridough, s. passed Malta Friday from f avdiff tor Persian Gulf. Edgworth, S, arrived Bilbao Friday.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LATEST ARRIVALS IN PENARTH ROADS. I Vi'b.Sfi.—Raven,v«r, 1.041. light, D«nt>nnauir«. 483, 1.1i.t. J-il 0-gl?. il", PaJmas, 1.2S3, bittM?. .91. Mnd. CYnr.M, ti?ht. J?wne Doone, 2c6.tMtb'«. Arrow, 84, whM). U?,d., 138, pitwood. Mnrion, 184, light.  ?" ?.-?Xt?.t. t. 503, light. Ccrnw.U.). &€7.)?ht. 1,090, ligt,t. IAO, ligbt ..d Piavon. 53. potatoes. EKnnmil..2T.h){ht. Aleaamltr, ?3')).??=?. JohnHt<nt.y.M.b.uky. 8<ttorniM.33<. tulla?t. Kagnhilda, 517, wbeat. ,losiperBrolovicll,, ?i')?? ??tt. ]?=97, pitw-d. liiMiidaer, 324, pi' wood. h<:n 'ranklin, Ught. ???f.?7? WL«d. ?"W?)?r,20. light. Bttttth Queen, 66. :J;¡t¡, lih;/19t=í:: EhMbeti).1?69.b))t!.?t. W. K. R.?ttt.t.M3,MHM<. CM]uet.?9t. btth?t. Suw?. t,3M. ballast. BrMt Ida. 4M, ballast. Ocean. 464. tmllMt. Caskt, 350. Iiallast, Itictiard Pearse, 367, ballast. Adelaide. 424. ballait. Vanessa, s, 376, light. Albireo, 846, iron ore.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
CARDIFF ARRIVALS.—Feb. 26. ROATH 174, Bristol, ballaat, Kjoven- 7 ha«cl1. 700, liu.i.11. I in},: V canks. Einil v, J, 171. BOlton, light ??r Bt iK DOCK.—Usndsff, 258, Dartmouth, light. William Stonard, 99, Workington, pi iron. k. 77. Ducldon, Iron t?. North 1)evo.f 484: sJwonrt'. tieht. Ardanmor, s, <74. GtMgow,' )itM. A'htnt. l? 93, L?,nft", 'iltit,. nnt;er;lw,a:1;,lb: I Ztm.t. 666, Li, Pcii ballast. 8t, David's, a. &7. N,ww". ttnp).t?. Ann, 36. S?.n-. burnt ore. I VecU!. '0 61b, PurHmouth. light. Alma, 47, Br¡.I, bTwrBvTi DOCK.-Leon Idas, U8,Cornnna, pitwood. Adtt? M*?. 124, AuntV, ?ttw'ood. Mary, 49. C?*). ji.ht. Kf.hin?r.M.Xt-wrv.o?. Jtttit.t.ZM.BtttMt. lljht. Maialeel, 502, Bordcaua, pitwood. Hannah,», BridgwaU'r, light. Prospero, 880, Bordeaux, pitwood. liid?tr? 52 uurtowP:-i.Wp,l ?.. Dai.y, 418, e.rth, )?ht. ?rt*. 121, Ikird?u pitwood. Given, 74, N«wry,oats. En,147, B?%i ,,m. twlwt. C-plin ?!?!?H. ?!?'n'/Uth?"'W?. :ërllii:: C-k, "t". 1.?.Lvnx, s, U7, Portmth. i?ht. Q' -f the Rout?, 119? Uttie Hampton, t?tiMt Ili thY,5H.H?.Te. '11:tIm::eI93: 'B: b.limt Ghdiron.-Ltdy HMt?ck. 3,381, H08<Ù, laden (Dutback). (put ENTERED OVTWARDS.- Feb. 26. Bordeaux, Daisy, 9, B, 4\8, Turnbull Bros. Passages, Louise, s, B, 677,Gueret Gibraltar, Abvona, B,365, Pyman k Co. Port Said, Leverington, s, B, 679, Cllry Bro*. Listwn, North Devon. B, 484, Vell.ieoti i; Son hMhtnc. T?tit, s, B, t>15, Harrison Bros. C?,n. Lhndetf. s, B, 258, B."r A Bon Itl-udC)'t. Itnclnfori, s, B, 561, J, I:rr, A8ons &?" T??''t.L?'?d?r'.B. 1,171, E. C.Down?g St Stntn. t..94. Morel Brut D)fp)<. Bhnchc, 9, F, 337, H. Worms A Co. Mtssmw, od?n 8wn,601 I I D. 6136, .1. H. Ann'mg CLFAIAED -F.b. 6, Vera Cruz, Julie, Nwv, ?7 coal Dieppe, ell I 900 -1 LI?u. ?. 1, &57 coal 81 ngapore, Avondale, 3, B, 1,800 Mt) Gibraltar, Abeona, I, B. 620 coat Flushing, V<-ot?. ? B, U60c<M) Port Baid, 0,,?)?i,, B, 2,000 coal C..n, Ll..d.Lff.. B. ?Ob -.1 9, Bert an. St. Jean, t 145 ?-1 N.1,1.. Francois, s, F. i 500 R'?h?ort. *R??'?t.'t.B. t.'M coal Aden, Flatnsteed, B, 2,200 coal i Cadiz. Jean Bart, F, 280 coal riavona, Zia G., Ity, 750coal Ht. Jgo "'Ilona, ?wy. 800 coal Port?id. Man V?gt?.M), Ge., i.5M coal Gibraltar, 8merton, B, 1,500 coal Bordeaux, Dai.y, B, 745 CitM??r'?!?''t't'y?!nf, B, 2.3W?-I Malta, Headquarters, B, ,039 lemi IMPORTS.—IVb. 26. W,,? kigt. WilliAm 8tonard, 116 to.. pig Iron, Rhvmnoy C(». "T.?wick, 143 tons iron ?, Rhvmnev Co. Carthagena, Leverington, 5, 1,480 tons iron ore, Dowlais Newport" David's, s, 100 tons tin-plates, W. T. Edwards 8""1\n.ea, Ann, 85 tons burnt ore, Tennant & Bon Bristol, Alma, 100 tons burnt ore, Tennant & Son Corunoa, WOHkdas, 150 tons pitwood and 2 tons iron ore, C.ry B, AuraylAdf le ,riel6Ot?nspitw?Kt,P. 1,?wtii Newrv, ,,?,, 73 t<jm ?.t,. T,,k?r Bre<. Bordeaux,Malalecj, 570 10110 pttwo"d. T. A. RichMù' B.r" Pr"!p<T?.«)Otnm )itw,d, Mdtr Rord..u, Morta, 146 tons pitw.d, »wry, Given, 89 tons Jobn Hibbert CariinKlord, Wave, 70 tons potatoes, C.Ua¡lJan

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
NEWPORT. ENTERED OtTWARDB.—Feb. 26. Bordeaux, Benton, s, B, 597. Rtephcu!. Mawson A Gois Hennebont, Aigrette, F, lb7, Budd A Co). Lisbon, Monro* s. B. 397, J. Cory A Sons Barcelona, West Riding,s, B. 575, Young A Christies Oran, Florence, F, 138, Htonehous* k Co. Lisbon, Castor, t»w n, 435, Jones, Heard k Co. CLEARIID.-Feb.26. M.rM'n'C.yr'i'F?.7K'cMt Barcelona and I'aleneia, Nova, s, B, 1.0Mc<? }<i!'?.S.t?tan?r,B,600c.t Barcelona, We,t Ridlne, B. 1,050 coal Li,Don, Munroe, B. 780 ?!? B"??'. ?'200 coal Qmn.Fioren?,F.ZW -1 IMPORTS,—Feb. 26. Bavourie, L. C., 200 load, pit|.r.>p». Slv"ebous..I; Co, BUbao, Somorroatro, 400 toua Iron ore, Blaina Cu,

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I SWANSKA. 1ENTKRBD ODTWABDS.-Feb. 26. I Caen, Triomi.hantf. F, 124, Lt,"i .& L.?id i Hum*. 4- B..ti,. By. F. 1?7. E. WilU.- 0-k Ce.,A., Li?d-, Ity, 478, Me,!o A f"?- PM)ip[t'iHt, Ad?tint. But. 3M, .1;k 4 !MH Boueu, Roll Call, s. B, 164..1. Strick 4 Son Bt. Naxalre, Britannia, s, U, 631, T. K. W. Mason A Co. Cadiz, San Jose, B, 393, Richardson Bros. Rouen, AUgusta, s, B, 567, Wm. Howell eLEAUKM.-Ftb 26. Bonfteu., Clarissa, B. 440 patent fuel Huelva, Gogo, s, B, 200 coal, 150 .e. 20(hundriea Guemsev, Morniug Star, H, 85 coal Bahla, Ay- B, 2<-M TroHviOe. Henrie" F, 2}SO coal Rouen, Roll Call, a, B, 22 £ coal IMPORTS.—Feb. 26% Bordeaux, Joseph et Marie, 163 tons pitwood, T. R. Bordeaux, Britannia, s, 920 l?ds (jitwo?t. J. 1).?l. Wrdv&?, Britannia.. 9- I<ù, pitwwa, J. Vav' lIiUTH CLEARED.-F,b. 26. Caen, Reveil, s.coal Cherbourft, St.'Pi'rre. CM) lit. Valen'. Achilla, 00&1 lfM\, &rringt(Hl) I. coal Penzance, HiœrJlhU11 5, coat F?rtmth'. Otmort, I, t?i Bristol. Alpha, >, tin pl.t., I Abtrth?w.Joh'n?xt M?y G:asgow, t yr. b?i,k.


TRADE REPORTS, I [FROM ot-it OWN HEVOURERS, TRADK COHRKSPOX- | PKNTS, TUK PRBSS ASSOCIATION," 1 Ht CKMIIAL n:w;' AND OTHKH SOUI1CKS."] MEETIXC. OF COl.UEItS AT NELSON I On Saturday the adjourned delegate meeting ot Ihe house coal miners of South Wales and Mon-, mouthshirc was held at Nelson Inn. NeNon Village. Early in the week a nuinlxT ui di legates met to consider whether an appeal to the masters for an advance ot wages slu,ukl be made. After some discussion it ws resolved 10 apply 10 the masters for the amount of advance in wages thev deemed the state of the coal market warranted. The meeting oil Saturday was for the purpose of receiving the result of the appeal to the masters which had been made in the ¡"(,,im. The repre. sentatives of the press were refused admission into the meeting, but were told that at its close the secretary Would supply thtni with what the delegates deemed advisable to make public. Tlw proceedings commenced at ten o'clock and were not over before three o'clock, w hen the foHowing statement Wa handed to the reporters:—" A delegate meeting in connection with the South ,a:dn:bsni; I coal colliers was held in duo course at the Nelson Inn, NelMn Village, on Saturday last. Appended is a list of collieries represented, and the amount of subscription received from cach colliery: Coedcae, Wernddu, 3s. 4d; Cwmygelly (T) lack wood I, Is.; Llwyncelyn, 5s. Hhos. wen (Argoed), 2s. 6d': Old Rock (Black- wood), Is. Id. Rhydri .Caerphilly), Is. 8d.; Cymmer Level, Is. 8d.; Gwrge Inn (Uhvmney ) 5s.; Ynvshh. 3s. 4d.; ibr Rhondda, l.¡g;¡:,hi. 3J.;d'r03: I was), 2,. 6d. :retary fro the balance at Ponty- pridd, 2.1 Tnp Hill represented, but no money from pridd, 2,t; Top Hill rep,t-nt,d, but f,?,m poeth, PN)rhiwfer, and MirdN, I"fli?t Llewelyn Williams L,? Ir"osmer of this meeting, and Thomas Prichard Ni .?cretitry." 2. "That the house coal colliersbcearnestly requested to send delegatestotho next meeting,abio the ,ib!?eripti.? of one penny per man. The ?N?tli and Ogmore men are speciaUv requested to send representatives." 3. "That the next meeting be held at Nelson Inn, Nelson Village, on the 19th of March." 4. "That the present treasurer and secretary occupy the same positions at the next meeting." The above was all that the secretary would furnish the press with; not a word w¡¡ forthcüming as to the repliesthe masters had given to the demand for an increase of wages. From whut, trauspired, how- ever, after the meeting had ended (and it was very difficult to gain any information), it seemed that the delgates were under an impression that the masters were prepared to give an advance, but that no master had been met with willing to take the first step in that direction. The number of pence received indicated the number uf men repre- sented, for the amount of subscription is one penny I per head.

THE TIN-PLATE TTIADE, (BV LIWYS AT AN.) A meeting of tiu-plate workers was held at the Dutfryn luu, Trfforest, on Saturday lasi, when the trials of the men now nn strike in seventeen forges were made known to the tin-plate workmen by tlwit. general secretary. It was unanimously rë- nolved that thl leviis s hould not only he doubled b'.it trebled to assist the men t., keep away tri m the works until such time as the employers should usk them to return at the old rates. The men were highly cnmpiim?nted for their good behaviour during the stru g??l'. l?.5 been idle for tii?een,others for thirteen, and the fifteen forges that, came out It had now beto idle for the last four v»e<-kv }*t<S>k> u«u Itlu> Mme MCfttft 100< wards their employers. They were patiently and peaceably going nrounù to ask every class of I workmen to assist them to hold out. until mch lime as their employers thought advisable to re-employ them. Tlxre was no threatening language, no rattening, no picketing, no burning ur demolishing of pro- perty, but a perfectly calm behaviour on the part of the whole of the men now as at all times in the annals of the trade. The men of Maesteg were praised for teaching their employers a lesson in integrity. It is freely admitted by men of standing that, when the prices of tin-plates advance the weaker parties among the employers will give way. The moneys paid by them io their association will be forfeited,, and the plunder shared among those wbn prepared and proposed the scheme. Wo hive a little better news this week than the inf. and are in hopes that they will continue to improve daily. From America we learn that tin-plates arc quiet, notwithstanding the strong advices cabled over trom here, and that the stocks are very tow on the other side. In proof of the latter facf attention is caUeù to the circumstance that dealers are quite frequently forced to huy small Rupples of com- mon grad?s and Izes from one another in order to meet pressing demand lrom their customers. They are forced to pay quite a handsome advance over current. mtes at such times. Charcoal tin is quoted at $5 75c. to S6 25c.; charcoal ternes, S5 25c. to S5 50c.t cokestin, S4 90c. to S5 10c, and ternes, &4 87ic. to S5. The Labour Market report is that tin-plates have not undergone any im- provement worthy of special mention during the week, although in some inglanceS American orders bearing marks of urgency have come to hand. A large demand exists in the United States, but stocks on this side are so abnormally heavy that it may possibly be met without mate- rially influencing the course of prices. Practical men who write state that prices must rise up soon in the face of all stocks. We aro surprised to hear of a new company registered 35 "The Dvnevor Iron and Tin-plate Company," capital 920,60D, in shares of t50 each, formed to acquire collieries, steel. iron,and tin-plate works, also chemical works, r emi"se!? and hereditaments, situated near Panty- ?,n-, Ltandybie, Carmarthenshire. What cAn p.pectof such speculators be? Working- men would do well to agree not to enter such works and ruin their trade. Unless something is done by those in mills and finishing departments the merchants will be leale trade. CARDIVF. Favourable conditions have again characterised the trade of tho port and district during the week. The shipments have been targe and the collieries have worked with regularity. Firmness still marks the steam coal trade, the heavy contracts which some of the principal houses have made, combined with the demand which is sustained from thosebuyers who take the chances of the market, causing tlie supply to be '11 provided for. There is, however, not so much pressure for secoadai-v tiualit The prospects Ww it ti regard to lat>our continue to occupy the attention of those interetcd; nnd the i of ari alteration in the 1 present conditions of payment causes sellers to bo independent about making heavy engagements. There is undoubtedly a lot of coal sold for this year's delivery, and any movement in I the wages question would mako a seriou9 diffe- rence to colliery proprietors, and might reduce, to some extent, the output. House coals are in fair request; for fuel also a good inquiry is sustained, ) .1?ippen are seeking increased prices for for- ':dlllv;.rc A:;t i:t,etee :rm for coal keeps pitwood in active requisition, and priec, are maintained. The market for iron ore continues to be but dull; prices are without ani- mation, and the trade generally is quiet. In char- tering there has been a fair amount done during the week. Stocks at the Northern French ports being heavy, and business quiet, rates in that direction continue low. No movement is notice- able in Bay requirements, while homewards from Bilbao freights are without change. There is de- mand for steamers to Lisbon and Cadiz, and Gibndttr keeps ?teadv. The Spanish Mediter- ranean ports are in a trifle better request thm has boen the case during the last few months; there is not much doing homewards, however, from this quarter. For Malta and the Central Mediterranean ports there is still a fail1 demand, but not quite so active now that a good many of the orders have been filled. Rates are steady for the Upper Medi- I terranean nnd Black Sea. For sailing tonnage there is good inquiry: West Indian rates are firm, and, withtlieadvanceof the season fromthisquarterand from the Brazils, enhanced figures have in many cases been paid. Tonnage has also been fixed at high mtes for Monto Video, Buenos Avres, k?.. nd there continu" to be a gud demand for the Date. A steamer has just been closed for Havannah, and there is still inquiry for other ports in tlh,?? ?an? tion. There are several parcels of iron in tho I market for the Brazils, New York, New Orleans, kc. The clearances foreign for the week havo been 108,137 tons f coal, against 130,736 ton9 in our last p,,rt. Of iron there have been 2,066, of fuel 750, and of coke 365 tons sent away. The imports were not very numerous, but comprised 3,687 tons of Bilbao iron ore, and 3,605 tons from other places; 7,411 tons of pitwood were also received. NKWTOHT. Saturday .—We are happy to say that trade here continues to be good. The clearances for the week have lieen heavy, and in both coal and iron the activity existing augurs well for the prosperity of the district. Prices of steam coal are firm, the late rise being fairly maintained, and, ?Mingthot hipper8 are still well suppMpdwith orders, there 18 reason to hope that the improve- ment will last. Orders at the iwo: I ported to bo still plentiful, and the various mn- cerns ih the neighbourhood are putting out god Quantities of make. The ore market, however- does not show much movement, an it, connection I with this branch of trade it is worthy of note that the stock her.! was very recently com- puted to be little short of 50,000 tons, and a :Similar quantity of iron, steel pil?4Airo..&c,,?.Sestidsted to be in 8tock, I'M Ri. in "ood request. In the lreight market Ilre are a ve;'v fair u.ber "f orden for bth steam and sailing tonnage, and there are also seveml lota of iron open for chartering in various directions. The coal clearances for the week show a total of 26,303 tons, against our last report of 22,471 tons. Of iron S?s tons have boen cleared. In ore 5,290 tons arrived from Bilbao, and other porta furnished 1,444 tons. Of pitprops 4,017 louds came to hand, and two cargot* of potatoes were received. FOREIGN ORK AT THE BUTE DOCKS.—The Engimer comments favourably upon the appliances at the Bute Docks for the unloading of foreign ore. The despatch with which this was done was well shown last week, when the Cyfarthfa waggons re¡ I:J:'wi;lleiI :;ës!;h the old method used in former years no more striking spectacle can be presented. An average of 10,000 tons per week brought into Cardiff alone well indicates the importance of this industry, and shows that at the cate we are now importing, a huge slice of Spain willeverv year be put on the Welsh coast. COAL CONTBACT.—The Ebbw ValeSteel, Iron, and Coal Company (Limited) have secured the con- tract for the supply of 32,000 tons of Welsh coal to the Midland Great "Western Railway Company of Ireland. FORKVT OF DKAV—Some additional vigour has been recently imparted to the district coal trade, both domestic and manufacturing, hence the pits have been generally working with regularity. Last week's output in the Cindcfford Valley was in excels of some previous weeks since the new year began. Ostensibly best block coals are shipped, f.o.b. (Lydneyj, a't lis. per ton. Pig iron slocks are easier than they were a short time ago, al- though the tonnage was not so heavy last as pre- ceding weeks since the month began. The other hardware branches are better placed for ordere than could be said at the beginning of the year. LANCASHIHEIKOSANDCOALTRADH.—MAXCHESTKB, Saturday.—The iron trade of the district remains without" change, and there seems to be no prospect of an early recovery from the extreme depression which has now been its distinguishing feature for so long a period. For pig iron, the prices still liave a downward tendency hnislied iron is only firm because of diminished production and the increased cost of coal, and dealers in outside brands are quoting lower prices here than lias been the case for some time. Turning from this cheerless condition of things it is gratifying to be able to report a decided improvement in the coal trade, so far as concerns the dispute which has extended over seven weeks, and In which the workpeople alone must haw sacrificed upwards of £ 120j000 in wage&, to say nothing of the manner in which Chousands of them have pawned or sold their household property in order to provide the common necessaries of life. In the West Lancashire district about one-lialf of the men are at work, and early in next weekitis likely that the whole of ttieru will have resumed operations, the only point they have gained in standing out so long after the Liverpool Conference being an expression on the part of the employers in favour of weekly payment of wages. In South Lancashire there is now a much more hopeful prospect than was the case a week ago. Some of the men have returned to work, and the probability is that the bulk of the remainder will—especially f!er what has taken place in West Lancashire— f illnwsuit inthecourseof the next weckorso.ltneed hardly be siid that the labmr market hasalreody aumed a healthier tone. During the latter part of the week purchasers with large orders have hli"L;.vkraiulå:;e: :¡f pr'il; long revert to a legitimate level, and there is ¡ already di?p?-iti.. ?vi.-d by some hi: colliery owners in oulidc diqu;cts to reduce their rates. As yet the local owners are without fixed list prices, such quotations as they have made this week being of an except i onal nature, necessarily governed by the abnormal state of trade. When- ever or.linarv deliveries are resumed, consumers must look for the prices ruling ]xrmaneutly in excess of those quoted before the commencement of the st rik. AMKRICAN IROS MAKXFTJ—The Iranmouyei pull- lishes the following cable dispatch, dat'jd New York, Februarv 25 :We have still a steadily good market for Scotch pig, but prices are hardly so firm. There has been no further relapse in the prices of scrap iron and old rail* during the week, but the demand seems likely to grow gradually smaller. Sales, howetr-r, are still good. The upward hound in the price of steel rails ad- vised la.-1 week has been fairly sustained, the demand continuing stcadv and large, sales to-day being effected at S62 (£Ja 8s.) The relative values of the two leading kinds of tin-plates liait- wme- whatmore closely approximated than usual during the week. There is an absence of animation, but busincs" ii fairly ROI.), Charcoals nominally Is. lower; cokes unchanged. After lusting dh weeks the Wigun colliers' strike has terminated, most of the men having re- turned w work. The nin-ismie? have determined to dispense with the services of the military, and the troopft left Wigan on Sunday.

CARMff BOARD OP (WARDENS. | The usual weekly meeting of the Cardiff Board of Guardians was held in the workhouse, Cardiff, on Saturday, Mr. R, Forrest in the chair. The Master of the house reported an increase of 23 as compared with the eresl.t?d?'n eek f it" year. The Master of the Kly School* reported a decrease of 25 as against the corresponding week ot the preceding year. The clerk (Mr. Stephenson) reported a decrease on the corresponding week of last year of 215 in tho number, and .£2111.5. 3d. in the amount, ot out-door relief. A letter was read lrom the Local Government Board calling atten- tion to the cases of two children who were unvac. cinated. I)r. Paine said he had received a letter from fr. fforder, the public vaccinator, and asked that it should be read. The clerk read the communication referred to. In it Mr, Border stated that, he was certain there were in Cardiff hundreds of children over three months of age unvaccinated; and that since the 1st of January last the number vaccinated was only 76. Dr. l'aine moved that Mr. Border and Mr. Watkins be requested to attend before tho vaccination com. mittee to give wlutever informationtliey could on the sub j ect. He remar k ed that amil-pox had broken out and was spreading largely in London, and it was important that' every .1:1 pre- caution should batmen. Dr. Davits, of Cow. bridge, attended to explain the ramn of his non- attendance on two pauper patients in his district, m d to whom ?iao' had received noHeee {mm the r u the retieving?Scer. Dr. Davies said he was un. well at th time, and could not atwod; but he made inquiries about the cases and found they were not urgent. It washis intention to employ a deputy, and he would then be able to give better attention to his duties. There was no other business.

CHI.Orco-LISSIU¡JI CDCOITOMNOKS, N medicated lIn5œd extract, &1. ¡ postage 2d, Kay Em3.. Block port, nd?)Ch<-mhtt ?x- Dome "ditfOl from the ordinary kinds of Bla- ck ti:?Dd from the fact of It, adhering olm to the atove or grates, thereby avoiding injury to the iurnt- tu, t B. Silver, and Gold ,L.1- national Medal, awarded I., .11,.c, of quality and cleanline,, in w." 8.14 bv Gr_ra 1. &1, ana h. boxes. SAVB tOM CmLBMS Mt t??tUM M DO BAHRY'S Fool). Far ?rpMtnttn other )tin<h "?, a, P.ed by t he higb?,t medical ..pedeti? during W ?j?'?td ?cct?tu?y in hundred* o< th.d, of *p- i.r,,?tly he?XM ctM*. Du BI-R? 8 F,- *« Pl- ti,.Ily tested by Dr. B.. R-U,, hud phyaician -t the f??m?tl')  Hospital tor Women and Childr?.. London, who, alter analsing !ieu 01 ht'r tindtotf'Md.Mm* of which are Eu ;ed up ? identiml or sup-Tior. .Prt.: ?-???? ??b?ub??<?.?e?' F?d'; the t??,t 'i.aturüfy rich in pho.phorle acid, eblorld..r potassium, (t h. element. of bi.W. bd, :l.i:nd. scile e c:;3e.t: ^men and chlhlrenam¡"ud with atrophy alldmaduid debility. Th, absence ,I the W" elements in bread a'idp.u and 'r'I f..d el:IIU int :rfe;; ;norttmy of mftnts-M per l<Cin lbvirnntyftr.-D. Rot'TH. Effectual In all stomach, ntrvous, lung, blllou, andnvM'-o<np).<ii?. mptrMr te "? mt'JktMm ptttLi)itt"d*)Ht)ng diseases gena y, Is prefmble t', ?l r011, ?ntttut).: aU the 11un and pho,- pl- nd the ?tMtOMU. elemenia t?M?ry for :iin;e blood and .ilding ppf tb, hu..n?raint In R sound an,l heathy tunditbH, and impro? the milL ?t u.I. 11.r and rMW."e we Mo? of adu)t*MWt?M cMidrtU..)< un?tr?t adoption Mttte most awtainizig and cheapest of diet wlll1u a fe g.n?. !.?o;? d*?t)op ?? f?t?rom tti the taint ajul Imperfec- tions we now witti- in endless variety, aud n I. joy,rnent of orgat h. *"of Inntell-t. W?q?.t.. few of the 100.000 C=:-q.. 98. 444. -Infants' preepwlty and slee p My eldest 'i; ???oX ? ''MS'?f*?' Food, 10.1 is a model o y, perfet htttth.-A. *Jlh,  White Hart :nn. CotehMtM. July 9. 18æ." ^JJo. 97.S1. —*•39, Vyner-street, Yoi*, Dec. 9, BM, Ever i- I fed mv baby on Du B*r?'' famous Food ? develops ? .o dbi.g t-g_ as a ?h Id I twi.. hi. a"e. He *)Mpf Mund)y *H '"t"? 'romep.m?M 8 *.m. without once wakinj, *nd be n<v<r eriM duh? UM ':j He )im on thtt Peed ttmpty botM in c1, and Mh. *nd )U<M H warm or ecM MuaJly *?* BM)Xy." No. tM3!Dt. F. W.?eMkt. Prot? of Medicine in Ordintry tc t?t Pnitt?ty.writtntn the ?.7. t'?.<? Wewv, Apil 6, 1878 s— 1 h?ll ?%er for.et that I 0'" 3:. tlon of one of my children to Du B.rry') Food. Th. chi, *uBtt«t from oomp?e tm?itUon, with eoMtMt vomittnt, which rMt!t..d.))m<dfe?eM"nd t?n trot- ;l =.Iœ thfd B: 3,:dgith t b'St astonishing success. ThtMmttu)tet<tedtmMdtttt)y. and, after living on this for six weeks, tie baby was restored to  tbe ° !n? ?ouh?)t Ttttt?h." Cure No. 'et::altl.ll7s.ri,¡;t; (France), Apri) 18,1876.-Du Bany's Food hM pMfmUy cured me in .Is w«k)'Hm<ot dy<p<p?*.<'ppr<ttioo, and debility, which during twenty 1_8 prevented my d,.i"g or undreMiut myself, or melllnl even the .HthtMt etfo. t. I *m cow. tt tht age of «. per- f,t3y 7 t?'d,? h-ith and strength, (Mmt) B.RXLL CA8BOMTTI." C'r* No. 98.4I8.— <:oMumt)tmn.Dc B?rrY? Food be.. tbrug, I ki.d P?.,id b,?. me* of prtMrying Mmt the life of a dear wile.'h WM fast .lnldDI into the i'we in the tMt stages of coMumptioM, not being expected to live from one minute t?o-tb ?,n foAoi?ht BM,! wMtnductdt.t?yo?Po?.w? hM *I eadywor *etd a change for the UON. CHO gy, Holywell, North Wales, March 5, 1gi., mon).). frnm Lord Stmrtdt DMtc.. Dr. P".Dr. Dede, the M?hton. of "I b.] the Duke .1 Du?ow. Dr. A. U", Dr. Shordtnd.Dr. WhrMr. Dr. Campbell, Dr. Harvey, Dr. lngrsm. Dr. Livingstone and Mr. Henry M. 6'Miey. th. AMa,o ?v*'?'. Bev, Mr. Be "'1r.y3!, Monmouth, the Dowager Duchmof Cutt..tuart, Û, ?'  B? ? F. sell,, In tin. of «b. at 2s.; lib 3.. J: l: I: 1'4;,I :1¡;Iå2. f r.?, l: ?, ?'bo? 2d'' p? mM). Du Basil* a CMOCOLATI POWPIR, in tiMfer 12 CUp., & (or «oupt, 6.; for M6 cup', 65.. A)M Du BARRY # AfTf*DiAB#Tic BucotTa. four times more *ulhl, UMM beef, and handy at all ttmM, 't home or t.?ll." in thu. lIb. 3.?..Zlb., ra.; I:?..K!t. AiteDHB?XHT'sBNeun' POWPIR in Hn.. ?'??. M" and it,; 'Tb' 2e'Wo. ti., -t fr e e *f Car ;I:É:;I'on I:Ö/:nJJ ;¿",C; ?.BmTW and utrtJUm MtMttOM unkcrttjmlmuyf ifftrti f ? Mttwy M "t?'Mt <?<r.tr,"t? <n<)<i tra?T? .-h. attmp MtA?*'?, iII,fIJIJMwr <-?<a?tn*<Mer(M'??<*<rTat*)?Mf<M«'"?<Mer. DP B?MY AND Co" LIMITK», No 77, Regant-straet, London, W., ?4 throgh.JlGrtf-.n4 Ch.t-= t. world. KAY'S COOTOCND Fmrww or LM3MB fOT Cc!d* .,?d O,ugh,. cures i,Ai. -t of Un. Sold b11 TUeiubU. 1s. lid.2s. 9d.

FOOTBALL. ENGLAND V. WALES. VICTORY OF THE WELSH TEAM. The third annual match, under Association rules, between the choeen representatives of England and Wales, came off at Blackburn on Saturday. The players were, with one or two exceptions, the same 1M previously announced Tait, of Birming- ham, and Harvey, ot the Wednesbury Strollers, taking the place of Mitchell (Vpion Park) and Luntlei (Notts Forest) in the English team, whilst Kcnrick played in the place of Powell for; Wales The game, which was witnessed by about 4,000 spectai?)m prond 01 a highly interesting :te:hrutverrhefllro3 closely con- tested throughout. The ground wa« not in very good condition, consequently play at times waa rather uncertain; but, notwith- standing titatdm-baci4 the v orou endeavour, of both side.s made it doubt ful up to almost the last moment as to wtiich would secure the vic- tory. During the first portion of tlie game bmh o? were -n timM coMider?iy preMed. but time was called and ends chmged without any- thing of a declve character being accomplished by either side. A(M[ reitarung, the brilliant jt: ,f MI:flia:dni'enk b:I\ loud applause, and the pme generally became chamcterised by very fine play on both sides. :sr:r,se: u:.ed ti:mdge°':rJtJ: to score for the hemej tnm. Th< WeMt backs, how- ever, preveowd a too near approach. and some fast forward play took the leather dangerously near the Engli-h citadel, when, after a deal of close scrimmaging, in which Kenrick, Owen, and Vaughan made themselves conspicuous, the first- named disengaged the ball and cleverly passed it to Vaughan, the latter, by sending it under the cross bar, scoring the tirst goal for the Principality. Incited by this reverse, the home team played up with much spirit and determination, and from a corner kick by Hunter, Marshall headed the ball througb the Welsh posta, but upon an appeal of "off-side" the goal was disallowed. Encouraged by this escape the Welshmen strove their hardest to in- creMetheecore, but while frequently atMcking g backs &nil goalkeeper they met aî:jg reward. and hen" no side" arrived the players from the Principality were hailed victorious by one goal to nil For the winners Morgan, Kenrick, Owen, and Williams were moat in-, defatigable, whilst Bambridge, Hunter, Brown, and Hargreaves played most conspicuously for the home team The players ere:- Englmi: J. P. Hawtrey (Remnants), goal; E. Harve y (WednMbury StroHera) and A. I.. Bam- bridge (Swifts). blk.: J. Hunter (&herf;e)d),Md F. W. Hargreaves (Blackburn Rovers), half-backs; J. Hargreaves (Blackburn Rovert"), and W H. Moss- forth (Sheffield), left wing; J. Brown (Blackburn Rovers), and E. Tait (Birmingham), omtres; T. Marshall (Darwen), and J. Rostron (Darwen). right wing forwards. Wdti: A. M'Milljn iShrewsbury Engineers), goal; J. B. Morgan (Derby School), ana L. L. Kenrick" (Druids), backs; W.Wilboms (Druids), and J. Bell (Shrewsbury Engineersi. half haeM i W. P. Owrn (Ruthin). "nd T. LewM (Wrex- ham ri ?t win?: C. K. Smith (Druids), *nd J. Price rihrx): 'lIt J. ti:<)n:s: and W. Roberta (Berwyn Rangers/, left wir.g for- wards. TO Till ITOII, I- Sm,—Could you or any of vour reanera m:I;d I{;U::J,:rl':h Welsh Fifteen, who played against England on the 19th of February, were selpded by respoMible persons appointed by Ule committee of the South WatM PootbaU L'nfon Ctub, f.r w? it a pri v 'te team, got up by Mr. MuUock, of Newport, do b.ttl, for Wales.—1 am, io., A WELSH FOOTBALL PLAYER. CARDIFF V. NIATB —On Saturday a match was played in the Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff, between the Cardiff and Neath Football Clubs. There was a numerous attendance of spectators, and con- siderable iDteret was manifested in the game owing to the hct that when the two t<MM )Mt nnga:di':a;a;r;the::ot: nnmp'n-fthept*ver<??'y.' Back, A. Hybart; )hr<e-qu*rtfr backs: W. D. PbiUips (captain), and W. B. Norton; Wf.ba?k., P. K. Herd and J. 0 Davies; forwards, B. E. Girling, E. D. Thomas, F. Vyvyan, J. Bridie, J. C. Smith, T. Williams, R. Trotter, R. Laybourne, W. J. Thomas,and A. Evans. ,Veath, Backs, li. P. Lewis and A. L. M'Ewen thr"-quarter backs, C. Branfill and Jenkin Jones; half-bwk, S. S. (lark (captain); quartor-hek?. F. Williams and W. PhiUipf; forwards, T. E. Riclmrd% G. H. Blenkinsopp, D. Watkins, W. K. Davies H. Marlev, P. J. Bmine, F, Palmer, and A. T. Hobbs. The bill was kicked off by Xeath, and eoon after- wards got a free kick close to the Neath 25 flag. Phillips tried the place, but failed to cover tlie posts, and Neath touched down in self-defence. Some ev?n pbv Mtowpd. but ukimate)y the home team pressed t t eir opponents, wliu, from a scrim- mage at tb front of the post?, succeeded in a??ain touching the ball down in 8t'1f-defence, The next incident, was a smart run by Heard, which com- pelled the visitors to touch down in self-defencn a third time, and not many minutes had elapsed before the same player made an- other plucky attempt to run in, and from a crimmage near the goal Williams g? a try; Neath disputed the point, Md Bndie kicked UMp?Md<tJ)Mt<e<. The )tt<A*natMye. and Neath touched &n in -self-&fewe. Half time WM then called. Play was resumed, and the visitors obliged the Cardiflians to defend their goal. A clever run bv Bridie averted the danger; *ad, from a scrimmage in the Neath 2S; tried to get behind t," Post Ho was ooUtrpd by two ?Mtb men, and a maul in fc?i rMuXed. At the request of his captain, Girling gave up the struggle, and Neath touched-down In self-defence. Directly afterwards Davie* secured the leather, and, running well into the Neath 25, where he was collared, passed it to Phillips, who touched down in goal. The position was excellent, but Bridie failed in the place kick. It was not long before Neath touched down twice ;t self-defence, and whtu the baU WM ;c: in the open a drop by Hybart was followed up in admirable style by Williams, wlto got a try. The place kick bv Bridie resulted in 11 goal. From a scrimmage i? the Neath 25, Heard succeeded in running in, but the try WM deputed by ?Mth. ""i"ip. refused to give way, Md kicked for gcW under protest. The ball went wide, and after a little more vigorouii play, the game terminated with another touch down in sell-defence by the visitors. The result was therefore :-Cardiff, one goat, three tries, and eight touchesdown, to Neath, nit. ST. ELVEN.9, AaaRDAiii4 V. MOUNTA" Asx.-A match was played between the above team on Thursday afternoon, on the ground of the latter, the result being a victory for the home t?s- by a goal (droppe5 by E. D. Wjl1iam), two tries, and nve touches down, to two touches down. The I ere were:-M. Elwn's: T. Lewis and J. Farr, t .e P. Jones and T. ':SalAs'Ñ: K Jones, J. UwLs and W. KeMhote. quartu-backS; J. Kowlind*, Davies, Nichow,1'remellln (cpti.), RuateU.Wttden. Mor?M.Md'Wtkenetd. M"i. Ath: R. Netherway and E. Brooks. backs; E. D. Williams (captain) and T. James, half-backs; H. Jonee. J, Francis and D. Powell, quarter-backs T. Roberts, T. Mortimer, B. and F. Brooks, F. Francis, J. Davies, E. Davies, and T. Pugh. NAINDU T. NKWPOBT SECOND XV—On Satur- day afternoon. game was played between these teams on the Newport ground. Maindee won by seven goals and three tries, to Newport ail.

We cannot publish any letter oolIM the writer send, hh MAt MMX AKD ABDMse, not ."Wuyf,P.b- lication, b?L G-W. -t g9-d lalMi., Th??Mr o='I¡:CSr'¡; Joottd ca. munications unda any oireumstanci,. All correspondents must write on oxt Bills oltDf paper only, or their letter, will be rtieeted.

J, R T.-A key to Lord Boaconalleld', Elldymlon "I .al published a few weeks since in a number ol •• Notes and Queries." You had better ",Ite to tb. publishers (W.l1ll1p""ue., Buaud, London), and NUQV bop. D." (P..typ.l) IW rc- ceived hi, n"booll. The iiutlte, b,?,.g uwhd a» a copy, was lhrow II into our waste paper basket, and ..lInoIoIIOW be found. The boo* he quotes t""Ulllnu ah authority on legal questions. The rule Is this: 11 a hotDt )< Ut hy the yeu, a ymrjy tenancy b ef<*Md "hlch only be determined b> hall a y"Oll" rLd  the noJee must Mp"t ? Ih. tiU." ot the year a the tenancy commenced. Tim fact ot th* fft. being payable quarterly, lor tlie ouvtnierlCe uf IaIUÜUI\! t1r tenant, does notaflect thu class 01 tenancies. But whell a house Is leI. bY tile q..r" &t. quarterly rent, and a qrter', uutke h. &ô be given, socn .? n?y be )?' at *"y quMMr. Then is no help lor It; to ooMtMt the -,i, would t? sheer waste ot money. OoTJU.CT. Lex" (Cardiff) having been unable to per- form his part of IL, contract, the qUeltlolI &rIMa wbe- ther he is equitably entitled to lie paid for what he has ?f'e, *D? ?i? ? MnttWtMt dt.nbUHL He may sue for Uie value of the services actually rmd= tit i8 open for the other pty 1, contend th? H)0 MrUt) =; c::r,;rI to hnn, Md Umt be -1?- ?d luw the wntmt as a wbole, and would not ,I.b.-I. h&Y. hd anything to do with I' ¡ and from t)et?p?h)? X view. tht< would be ..tremely dUll. cult to answer FATBSB s -G. 0." (Ab?rn) is Informed that F,LhTiB, =1= eMttMt be f'd for Id. (,be --n'-) d?M. t)ut they -yb,-di.t-1,df.r..t. IA of M?rbetnt'*t"' elon for -?Y <? the sop's debts, Uie father would liave w &lve DOtIœ ot b1I oialm to m< oOtoM In poMttttan. who wea)d P"t''y tIo L?* P= u==. when the W-t would ban &0 pro.. hll rtlllt In eoUR, T?i.cT*t.*c.T<y y 0*?? (BedwM) h htfemed tb.t )M)d t- payable ..P-t o< all property which has pot been exonerated by payment of a capital lum for Its redemption. Inhabited houwduty i, pay- &b by the tenant ol every house of the annual value :W upward*. Nether .1 these tes Is ff.t-d by the wejth or poverty of the p?ii cbu.eabIe, bul income tM ft on)y MytM* by ?*? b.A.Ft '"eomet 'rMiW:: ;:J:il ccf.tm.I": kDOW what 'i. his 'IUO" r-l- 10, we b-ll be -b4- to d,i. hi. d.fi. t.1y.

I visited the DoctM, ?here tea tmpor?d by MMm< HORNI@AN London, 19 in Bmd. I twk, Mmp'M. which t Mt)y*ed. and found S??w, and /fK ?M<?M.rmy. Now U?. P.Wi. b.?. ?hoice "of tea ptrftcll) pure (teatred u paektu), they will not •• b.,I.w in deciding between il and .h., which is C. (tei?iyeoto?red. C?''? AMttM Bui !UMAH.. l Can:s:Ca h rJ':tir go?elf, 266,"Bute-street; Anthony, 88, Bt. Mary-«tieet; Joy, Dnife 'trMt; Pmat, !M. Clifton-Ana, CottmM. HI¡I1,.t X?"=h. 23, Do?t-ttttet: Williams, 11, 1I"1.e,.t; Mumford, 8plolland.. P?th: HMeock and Co., cbeml.I., Ca?rthen: White Brotbem 7, Guil"14q?e. Cowbridge: Ito?, Cheut Bridgend: Williams, Post-om.; Lloyd, Chemist. :I,$e;Jdd :"e'ï:¡'rtO; ?e=: hill, 'Iwhe,wrt: RYan., CII.mllt, Penuth: PRWW, Ch?m'?t. M..tg: Mrp..Ch,.i,t. H OLUMAY'S IR-t good dig?ation attend on appetite."—Holioway's Pills ar* universally acknow- ledged to be the safest, speediest., .d best eorTteU't tor indigestion )oM of appetite, acidity, Utle-y,.ad ntuM* are a few of the )ntonvM)<neM whk-h am reme- died with ease by ti,. purifying Pills. 7%.y strik. at the rot t AU &Woni?i i l ailmnt., Uwl exmte in the stomach a proper om-etion of gtri. 1,?k., and gu- !tt?& MUen ot the liver, promoUntio tht !!rpo a copious supply of p?, wholmme bile, m ummory for =!Ir.nï:n"1 ehttnte- tion, and, from tbir h*mtaM ..p..itio., are p- liarly well &dlpted for delicate pemm ?d y?g f,'J;; they expel ft.p": .ten'f:' .t:: and give ? Y?e p the $Yt..

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SANDOWN PARK FIRST SPltLNO MEETING. FTATCKBAY. HUCTZW' HCTRBLI RAea 01 b sovs each for starters, with 100 added, for hunters; weight for age; wiunert extra; alWwauoca; toberidden by persons who have sever riddeu for hire. Two miles. C.Up. 61". llt6lb Mr W. B. Glipt. 1 E.ig-. g?d, 1? 71b IfrT. Sijence 2 Kin Axtbur, 6yrs. Ign 51b M, 3 F.ik..1. ran. DcUlog-9 to 4 ag" King Arthur, 5 .h g.t finiginaand C-p8W. W 1 Lglt P.I" Won by a neck; bad third. The SAHDOW* GHAKD PRIU, a handicap and Uurdle nwA .1 25 ,s -b 10 ts? with &00 ??ldd; wi. extra; the second to receive ro tOVI out of the stakes, and the third to save stake. About two miles and a ball. over ten hurdles. Sorthtieet, aged, 10st IStb. J. Potter 1 6co: Guard, 4yrJ, 10st 121b K. Marsh 2 Advance, ageit, lOst 13ib J. AdL., a Bacchus ana Btockruar also) rail, Betting—7 to 4 agst Soot, Guard, 9 to 4 agst Bacchus. 4 to 1 apt Nortbfleet, 8 to 1 agst Advance, 10 to 1 agit Stockmar. Won by a length; bad tbird. 89LLLIO HANDICAP HCADLB RACK of 5 sovs each, 2 ft (to the fund), with 100 added i the winner to be sold for 60 sovs. 11W. mil. ?"Uf*M? Olio, 4yrs, list Da>is 1 rÿ:?¿,.4K 6"ïtïö¡¡;j'r: 2 U. Woodland's Bili.t, g,,d, 'l& 81b .SfMitr 3 Sleepy Eye also rau. Ifcttiug—6 t. 4 on Nugget, 4 to A each Agst Sleepy Bye and Olio, 10 to 1 apt Elil L, 4 to b) sia lengths bad third. T. "'lU"" W. stld W Iud M. Beresford for po 1:" VOLall HANDICAP BTIKPLXCIIASK of 100 sovs, added to a Sweepstakes of 10 sovs each for starters; winners extra. AWULLWOln i. Austin Friar, 4yr», 10at 101b R.It 1 Ft-.i, 6y. U.t ?..J. Ad-. 2 Xavier, 6yrs, i&t 8ib Canavan 3 h; ll''Ti;ï;;ÿ'i; ran. ""in: -6 to 2 ag.L AuAiu friar, Z w 1 agst JUvier, 4 to 1 g. Norseman, f, tOJ 1 agst inlander, 10 Lv 1 each agst Cy,?t i? The Inny. Won by half a length three lengths betwe." the second aud third. tiXLLl8 e%T*Lt,?aA%zotbwvswti,2ft(tothe fund), ?iLb 100 .,Id?d, weight for g.; .11,.& .??d othtr allowances. About twu miles. Lord X A. R.11 1 111 2 E. Bird's Miss Kate, 4yrs, IOn .1. Jones 3 Doreen, Billot, and Indiana alw 'AA, JleUhl&- to 4 agst. Oui.. ? to 2 g,t Mi,, Kate, 3 to to 1 agat Indiana. Won by tw? ?l:? 4; to third. i he winner was sola to Mr Harris for 18& gs. BETTING ON THE COURSE. The LtRC0L5tfBlBX HaJfidCAP. 100 to 9 agst Valour, 6yr», £ st 8lt>, t ZU io I A¡.I1.mlot, byrs, 6-t 1()Ibl t 20 to 1 — ..ye., 4yrs,7st, t low to 46 Pelleas. 4yra. 101 lib, t 20 to 1 — Kaleidoscope, aged, ?st 61b, t 30 1<> 1 Buc.l1a.r., 4yrs, 6st 101b, t A o 30 to I Post Obit. 4yrs,7st 3lb, I II f) 30 to I Early Morn, 4yn, 7*t ?b, V AO 100 to 3 Emi; 6yi,, 6.t Slb, t A o 4O. I Flddlt""g 6yra. 10t 911..1 A 0 40 m i. 6y"" 10t 3ib, t a 40 to 1 Hlgnorina, 3y. -t 71b 14 0 40 r.. ,IL,;4ayr. 5.t TAX LIVERPOOL GRAJTD ANATIONAL. 100 tn 7 .(Mt Liberator, t?ed. ti?t 7)b. I A o 100 to 7 KtpH.tted.ntti?t-.tto )00 '« 7 Fi, Wind, aged, lOst 131b».t I o 100 to 6 Lord Chancellor, byrs, lOst 2lb,.o M00t< to — New Glasgow, aged, iOst 7lb, t 20 to 1 — Wild Monamh, af ed, list 3ib, t &o M t? 1 gunitwe, 6yro: t TIll CUT UD SUBVRBAX HANDICAP. 10 w I !.t P?.t.-I, 4y, 7.t 71 U to I w 13 t? I Pew, byrs. Emt 21 to I bi o 3y, 6.1, ii b. t 100 to 6 — do, 4yrs,*t,t 2d to 1 FernaJidea,4>TS, 8s181b, t )OMte ? Ht'?ry Gvwrite. 4yn, fzt Lilb, 1000 to 30 v i,:t,.r Emanuel, 4yrs, 101., t 2MOM N BMttt/<yM.6t'Hitb.t 40 to 1 JeUDY Howle", 4yrs, 7st, t A o 40 to 1 C,, fill?- 3y. A 71b, L 4k bo to 1 8ignorina,3yrs,hst9lb, t k o M 'a t Moccot, <vn!. 6.t 7)b, ,a' Two TUOUBAITO GUTXJUS. 9 to 2 ai" Bal Gal, t

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
MANCHESTER BETTING.—SATCRDA*. rIll Liicousixifti HANDICAP. (Hun Wd?.fty, M-h 23.) 100 M 12 pt Henry George, 4yrs, 7si, t 40 t. 1 — B..h. Zg st 101b, t THE LIVERPOOL GRAND NATIONAL. (Bun Friday, Mareh 25.) 100 to 8 pt IJra1or, "led, 12st71b, t 100 to 7 k'AJ,Wit?d,?g?d,10?tJib,t CITY AND 8IBI/R§AS. (BUll Wednesday, April 27.) 100 W 8 OD the field. 0

Ku's COMPOUND ESSEVC* oF LIXSLBD.—Asthma and Bronchitis immediately relieved by it. Boldby Chemasu, Is. Ild., 23. 9d. ALL the authorities on Dress recommend the Boyu D??..thi?, ""ree "n .Qual ?t Ita B-.t, DIINbUtt1, and geiwmi wefuluen; the new [>aUfrn t<o*ks, ('Ompil aod revised to we P-t date, coin- P=l the latest iashionable novelt i. 2. colours, mix- ture*, and texture.. for Ladle*. Children, Gentlemen, and Boy.' d. Hard wear guaranteed. Pri? from 10, Gid. peryard. Any length cut, aud carriage paid L4?n &ole [acton Hpeirman ..d sp?. Fly- mouth,Devonshire. Taz CELEBRATED OCTAOON SILVER STOVK POLISH.—Tlie e\eanest, bri ghtest, and cheapest Polisher tor Fire-grates and Stoves is sold by all Gmcers, Oilmen, kc., in boxes containing six two-ounce cakes, at M»pcr box; or to he obtained (wholesale only) of John Hare and 00.. Bristol, Petroleum, 1Ien7oUn"" and Oil im- porters; Faints, Varnish, and Grease Manufac- turers. 33716 RKCKITT'S PAHS BLUF.—The marked superiority of this Laundiy Blue over all others, and the quiek bv t t. p T1. -.i th. qui,k appreciation CM ita merits by the public, has beeh at tellde4 with u.181 results, vU., a noodofimitationg; &be .e, of tin Itt..iuly cúnsi.u 1. the ing-?ity «Mtt<t, M*'?'? S?n?MM 'a' ?M?j  MBtiag th# appearsReeof tne wrappers resemBle the gmufne article. Tne maufwtu? beg, therefore, to cauU.n all buyers to ? I-R?kitt'sP&ris Bli?" on each packet.

s TIFFS STAKUH. gTIFFS STARCH. s TlFk- STARCH. s TlFkS STARCH. gTIFFS STARCH. STIFFS STARCH. BTUT:) STARCH. OTIFFS gTAKCH J"I;ï?h' .uiU.bJ fur CULLAKB, f !:]aT BANUS, iHlKTFKONTH.4r..lmpar<|]i»» DNA. FULGLO88you Ihm A,ti?l. king khe Li".n l?k like new. The O?T?KB'A'STM?: Is Sold by G- DrunilU, .d Oilmen, j. lib. boxes and 5)b. paptrt, each box or packet bttriBgihe'TrJdeMtr?'-?Q?alBf??  8T1FF CO. KEBCLIFF-STKEKff, BBI8TOL J. BRI @TO L Trade Mark." Mandrake Pills." Befisteted. How All E YOU?—If J OO Uttffer from JLJL iWi-?d L4,er C..pW.I.. Giddi. P.I. )*' tSe Bead, Paiw tu ? Back and between the Show, d-. Gipi.g Pi. I. the Bod% Wtnd. tM Owiling -f the Abd-. ta? T^TMERICAIN MANDRAKE PILLS. *NDIGEMON md )tU tM t?tn of (Uteomfort? are r. -,ed AI /I by -ale, and the pati-t 1.w?d f.. r?t e??vem dttpondtMy MppMCitto the bltninp .f tuH b..Ith -d ig?. if)-S.ffaf.. 1'ILM,eRAVæDROPSV.0I an) D.t? t tbs KIDNEYS, tk. the AMBMCAN MAN- DRAKB PILLS. The a_wt BLOOD PURIFIER ot the Age. Tou wUl DOt be dl. loted. far their tBeet ? certain. You will BoxM. l!. rtT. 2a. 9d" 4.. W.. -d lis. ?Mb. OmttMvtBttyttUnt he larger W,o. Sold by .) =I=-'f:.varleALCb=t?Y I;J High strwt. Sw?m, FVft by Post by the fropnet?t Sold In Bmth by Mr. Hobb; iff' Messrs. ('01" and Co.; Newport, Mr. J. ?''? '?'?' ''? ?° LL.diy, Mr. J. H,?g"' Pontypridd, Mr. ;;? Hi it I; dU' Mr. B. C. Evans. London, Messrs. F. Newbery ft?dzi. Mr. B C. E Lo.d.n. M. F. N- CLBASSE THE BLOOD." OLD nIL JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. Highly recommended for all kinds of Blood and Skib D- Pimples, Ulcen. k, Tbe best BM.g and Aatumn Medicine. Hold by altDrugvs r.CTION.-G= T? ri? ATN SLC* WHAPPM WITH TftKDOCTOR'SHaAOiNTaKCIMriut. Noothertsgenuine. In bottles, 2s. 6d.. 4s. Sd., and lis. Dean, Steel and Co., 131, Fleet-street. B.C. J9038 R\~¥ES! 0 YES! 0 Y 'LDlt. 0 anywhere between the City and Lb. World'. Binl, ID4Jg.gon. Constipation IAsllwele. Headache, lour or Ave feven. numerous Bilious Affections, and Feverish Colds without end, by the Ildlful an4 direct efficiency of "Umpluugh's Effe,O.g Pyrstle Saline." Whoever 3uners *ny 01 Lhw -mhttmp'y MWMdtd by taking LMt?MCSH'S ?I;R,16 BALIN E May be obtained 01 any ClwmbZ. or 01 the -k.. I is Ynt S Y«au 0*14! 120 rJpL oWLE'S PENN YKOYAL AND STKKL JL PILLS MN FEMALES quickly -11-?t -It imxti- U'ltlN "4 nUevo the dMtre<tt«t <ympMm!M preva- UMtwtUtthete?. Bo?Mtt. tt?. and 2* M.. *tt)t ebemists. Bent anywbere "POD .Jpt.f ltampl &y £ h? aker, B. T. T.?t,. Chemist. NotUo«bam. 23000 HAVE IT IN YOUR HOU8ES- XX IAMPWUG" PYRETIC AALINE, *nd no "the,. This Is the true mtidMe in F?,, BrupUn AHtction*. Sea or Bihm3 Sickness, B.M))-po? and HetdMhe: htvtnt txe?mr <md exc!lwive merl?s CM no substitute. Sea perpetual tnjoMttoa against Imi- t.ton; go the ananlmout J.,dg..?t ?fthe L,.& Justices Bram'.11 .BeU.d (?uth" ?"<t jMUtry. 1878, against the Government, In favo? of Its freesale by all Ntallen,-U3. Ho)t«!fn!M).?'Kton. ?Sia) jyjLOBYXE (Ent. Sta, Hall). T\OLORYNE. — The .afe and certain .L? Mmtdy for CHOLEBA, DT8B3TEBT, COLIC, CtilMK. FMuteney, -d all Pthn to the $to-1, and Doweb &to for lbou?he and Nemt?c LffmUous MaertUy. BecommendeQ to Capiam md Ownen of Steam Vessels, Travellers, :t8"ua.:n4n f ¡ Private Families. prepilration wems to D~ have a specific influence over the stomach n4 b.wd. numeroua 'tfmonlall _bleb may be seen on .0pliwio." I. the ponmion of the Proprleton, will Mtify. ]Wid in any no of e abov.tio.ed =. I. "o? :bO:e; a ffeKv:o:: rest spreading th-ghotit the body, foi..?d -a Jt. by mt3m e?? DOLORYNE.—N'o Tr*vei!eM, Residents IDRDI,Coun Firemen In IIt_bl¡>s. or any ol" o r? b v wwboxm? to the danlers oœuIoned by tb:"too free u. op, water should be witboÙt tblllnvaluable medicine. DOLORYNE. — Full directions Dn '?aa j? boMt.-M*y be obtained through all ChamistA. ??'*?*??LENE'nd SONS, 14. London_to London. B.C., DODO being geautMitnttM be.?hug their name and add. Mme 'nd *<'? Price ? lH-and 2s. 9d. WKOLD"LK AGK:t", London Melin, MAW, SON. and THOMPSON; W. SUTTON and Co.; LYNCH and CO. South Africa i Messrs. TREHABKB and VAN DEB- PUMP. Cferdlff: Mr. J. MCNDAT, Chemist, 1. Duke-street and igh-streat. J;uøint55 atiurrssrs. 'I'HE Ûí;WIÏ-YKii:S: j.ftLMARKfKBFERREUTOALLOTHEM.! b?,th.y __y t-? !)W??w. being < tty MtMtU, 1.?? a streuirtbeuiug tendency, aud liave been pronounced by Dr. Baioirnie to be the best medicine for all disorders of the head aud stomach." They are invaluabl. rr nervous complaints, tic-doloreux, Ac. bold by all Drug- glsts.ln Boxes, 71d.. Is. lid" and 2s. 9d. IF MOTHERS ONLY KNEW THE < VALUE .1 ?KBtncK'a VEGmAmE WOBM LO ENU.LG lor C HILDIMN. no ttmHy would he with- auU box. Mwt effi?luus rei "dy ever 1", Ud for WOKMS. May be taken by children of all ages with perfect safety, aud lire also useful lor child/en of delicate stomachs d pale complexions. Sold I. L.1. 1.. 1 :1: b'leti,:¡;:d or X7,ot Iiorl: and It, 2d. ERNICK'S DANDELION WFFEE, & Hef_fling and much approved bevemgt. 8?ent- ;!t? L. tSoou.. &sq, F.e.S.. Anal). for the CHuntáel of 6ta<tord and Glamorgan, writiiig,Y" pr.. paration is certainly a success as regards composition Ft Sold by 11 Gr?r c t. in til., at 611.. 10d., and Is, 6d. eb. Shopkeepers supplied by the Proprietors, or by the appointed Wholesale Agents. L I V E R COMPLAINTS. DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS ?itI'clut jd'Ury* Tn BEST RR°U;O'Bi.ulsPl. STOIUC8 DEKANOKNUKT* FLA? VLEXCE, PAIK» BETWEEN "RX SHOCLDAAS. DA ¿PPErIrK, JN1>lGalnO, ACIDITY. HEADACHE. HEARTBURN, andall other Symptomsof Di?m,dm,4 Liver and Dy.p.I.. Acknowledged by many ?,ni. ..rgen. w be the ,.f, and migid"t b? Ill. for every constitution. In b. at h. 14., 2.? Sd., 4.. 6d., at &II eh'?n? ? 2201? rjMIE A PRICA HAIR R ESIORER, FOR RENEWING THE GBOWTB LiD RESTORING THE HUMAN HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOOB. PRICE Is. PER BOTTLE. I THE AFRICAN HAIR RESTORER JL has never been knowu to tail III Bestoring tile Uair in light or Ten Days. THE AFRICAN HAIR RESTORER eradicates I>andriU, anel imparts vitality to the hoots 01 the Balr, THE AFRICAN HAIR RESTORER, JL li applied Daily lor a Weak or Two, will rutore Faded, Grey, or White Hair too its natural colour sod richaess. THE AFRICAN HAIR RESTORER is NOT a J) YR. nor dees It contain any colouring matter, hence it does not soil the bead, the scalp, or even white lInu, but produces Lb. O.I.L. within the substance 01 the bair. SOLD, by CHEMISTS and HAIR .:) DKESSEK8, at Is. per ttoltle, and by the follow- "'K .paciai AgentsCardiff; Coleman an4 t?e.. High suect; Williams, U, hutestreet; 'I'r-e and 1)-Igk, 104, Bute street; Williamson, 6011. Bute su-eet; Ilernick an4 Co., 28, Duke su<*t (wholesale). r..typhdd: Key, Hemut.MMd?.T'tt <tre<?. J.bu D.?M.Chtm?' ti;en.von; H. M. W.i Cuemist" 74 Broad street. NeaUl Å1fre .u.vmau. 8waLl: D.??-. 44. 8-gb w..t; Bonnet, 7, Heathlleld .treet; Reel. 188, High street; ar??h<. 44, Wind SU?t 'M<etuf<CMUt .treet.J.M. Davies, 4, OtterJ str; eet. Htnejty J. Hughes, SMpnty tr..k Abed- i T. W. Evans, Cheinist, Commercial street. Fontypool Ferd. Chemist, George street. Newport I All Cliemiets. TT OLDENS STOMACH MIXTURE. I IMPORTANT TO ALL. Th' most frequent complaint of be bamau race is in- =. and every per30D, at one u.. or another, .utf.r. from it. Tne stomach in many people 1. easily affected; tbusanyeKoessine*liuganddrinking,of eat, Ing .I)' 01 cert&inlndJ.eot,hle foods, will ca.- I. ljiti. lorms—.ickness, h?.dh?. paiu In the stomach, belching, loss of appetite, shortness of b' wind on tho stomach, ddiim ?.?, bad breath, faddiness, Ac., are .11,Y?.pw.. of Ld stomach and t?, d 7i"?? hi?h My be .ily cured by taking a 60 HOLDEN'8 8U. MIXTURE. I Inconfirraationot vnis, ut. i. r Jktu, ourgwu, •«., 12, York-street, Ardwick, Manchester, says r—" Your celebrated Stomach Mixture is deserving of all the com- mentUUon which 1 -1, b.W.it. From my t()1n"rI'eperirnœo¡ itaex""nrnt qualities I have fre- quently ?iumendettit,?nd $ball do w again to anyone who auft'UI (rom indilet.ioll. "'Mr' THOMAS ?EfM?r. Btrnotdtwftk.ceMteedt. say, "My wife was cured of Indigestion and m?it ?Stnthe?)!?? by ?Li''< smile buttle of your St .,nd? Mi.t. lt=gdg = it for upwutyi3 ::orf .even years and having tried n..?e.. remedies, and be<" undtr arlous wedical men sitt,?t ub$Aini?g re- lict." teM riU wW Ftnt MCAW- D.LIM t  at ,W by 12?h;per bottje. s A VFI) GV A PICIl OF SNUFF. Dear Sir,—I uad Tic or Neuralgia in my head for about.is weeks, and was as near out of my mind as pos- sible—so far that I was determined to put an end to my ul.OO< A fle.d who had been ,,mry m bad u m) .,If, and cured by your stuff, told me of 1t. I came tQ your shop with great prejudice; but, man'ellou, to uy. I .as cured in 1e.M than ?r. minutes, aud there arenosiensof it returning, aud that 18 two mantls 1??'??ouMt??htuHy.' J. W. A. MABCHANT. ago. I ?. HANDYSIDES' ELECTRIC NERVINE SNUFF CUKES TIC, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, and PAINS In the HEAD IN TWO MINUTES. tHr M. HANDYSIDES, tV PATENTEE and MANUFACTURER. €8, GRANGER-STREET WRST, NEWCAUTLB-ON- TYNE, Andol aU ChelRisl.3 and Patent Medicine f1eaIer.. BOLD in BMLSS M ls. ltd. BACa. or POST FREE U. 3<L Whole=le Ov Mmn. Filling and Gmbam. 3, New Bailey-street. Mancbesler. T R E NOKTHEKX CURE. A Single Bottle of this Remedy for KHBUMATISM Completely cured a well-known Newcastle gentleman Particulars may be bad of Mr. PB0CTOB» Chemist THE NORTHERN CUBE contains no Oil. Price ls l{-d. per Bottlf. Sold by all Chemists. wbol"" by MtMr.. fHUax .d Graham, 3, New Bftey-MtMt.Mttneht?er. < FOR THE BLOOD 18 THE LIFE. /CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND f RESTORER. nr cl_uoIUi/ and clearing Lhe Iood from .U im- BuhMM.?nn'X t? t"" Mthiy recommended. Fer?refutt. enrvy, Kkin UiaM?M.itud 9or" atl kinds, it u a .W'e=ng ?d pe?nen, e?e. It Cures old Sores- Cures Ulcerated Botes ou the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Leg,. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples lie Face. Cure. Bcurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. cu'.0i..d, Swellings. = n; from all mpW't Matta. From whatever cause arising. .u this qi.tu. is III_lit to th t"t., and war. mnted free from ?nI injurious t. th.t :Ùe m?tSSon ot ?thtr Stx. tht r:: 301kit tuttt?t to K?t It" tr.ft to t«t in valu. Thousands of tfstimomaJl irom all parts. CURB OF DROPS*. Leeds, ?? atpttmher. Gameml, L?d3, 4th 8?pt..b." Of Dear Sir,- This 11 U, -tit? Ut ? w. el,??. illi"g b-tti. 01 CL?rk.i Blood Minur. cured my wile when three eminent doctors were 7erlm. p •• Her complaint w. dropsy, and h. bad been 111 nearly teu years. You are at liberty to publish this if you please, Your, Iru OR Cox. Bold In betttM. 2, *6d. each, and In ,-ti,d.g six Uma Lbe quantity, 110. -L-U, I.M?i.Ilt to fft. permanent cure in tt? re" niajority >>f lor^tanding ?wo. BT ALL CHEMINTS -d PATENT MBDtCtHK VENDORS throughout The world, or not on r?ipt of 32., ? O}.lL?Poth"ILI!lcoln c OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS In us* the last 81 years for BILIOUS AFFBCTIOSS. In Boxes at is. lid., 28, 8d„ 4s. M.. and lis. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. la use the last81 years for BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. 4s. 6<1,. and III ipOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at 18, lid 2s. 911., 4s. 1ioL, and Ila 412941 KEUKFTRONTCOU GH IN TOMlNCTas. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HOKE- uou' the "t ,W.d pdy remedy f.ra.th CoilsumpUonBmncbitia,C?ghs.Inguenu, íS:Sro;;C:;nl:e:c Difficult l ?14.0 i voi..a?. Hoaneneu, Lon of Volœ,lIc. instantaneous relief, and rapidly effects ?" IT BAB A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. TaU-nW. are un ry there is _ly hwly in South W&W = h.; -tpm,.d it. nJB f.mity to South W?????<"  It is Invaluable, as children are fond of it, and take it Mgtrty. Immediately it is <&"en -ughl.g ?-, .t. j I_n.ala«ono, &lId refreohinl.¡eep ensues.  My who has once tried it would ever ijt??ds be wltb,: it. prepared oly bv A. Hay-n, Cb-.ist, NmLh. ?d a..r.:e= r.: H,:ni.tú 2. bottle. _?* GEORGE'S PILE and! ?T GRAVEL P!LM-the be4 meweing yet diicovered lor Pile aDd OmMt.Md <tttUvtrCempt*inM. Th* -'i has ?ived r& rllp. :r;u: In favour ?t t PIli., S.Id by all CM?LOU 1. beM' 1,. lt? Md 2,. Sd. _11, Proprietor, J. B. GMMH. *M.P.8? Htrw*?. (rlam., by Post for h. 4d. and 81;, in stamps. _-r- GEORGE'S PILE and \Tf GRAVEL PUM-tor Pains in the Back, Flatulency, <M?M. C*Uc, wim of weight r? the L't and ri., D.Wag Pains In the 'i.. ='un:n Kid- neys, MM In the 'ni?ht. Sup- pression and newatiou et C?at. tb* ot*b. Ac. May be b:.s from the =: Jy. OEMSt"* !<*R.r.?, Hkr?ain, aiam. -iiLE- d VT GRAVEL PILLS.—Send a pennv namp for any important List of Testimonials *?'= t?o". Che.d,U, -d l?,?lid- t.. all pMtt 01 the country. M*y be hAd wholesale from most Patent Medj- dM Wareboua In I«nden. erii?. and L1Y. Sold In botM at H.lM.Md?.M.<*eh.-PMp?t<r. J. t.MOBGE. M.R.P 6. B?'*iB, "4am, "381 Sudtntdd ftft&rrsttrd. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. rjWOMPSON AND gHACKELL PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC I WARFIIULTSES, CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEWPORT AGENTS FOB THB NEUMEYER piANOS, 81181 AND CHEAPEST INSTRUMENTS EVER MANUFACTURED. Double Overstrung, Check Bepeater Action, Iron.tnuDed. Trichords Throughout. WARRANTED BY THE MAKERS TO STLND AIA CLIMATES. Nswear ADD STYLUS Datum. from ao, Black and Gold. Walnut. Rosewood. Carved Oak. Mahogany. Price List sent Post Free. JgRLNSMEAirS GOLD MEDAL PIANOS rpiIOMPSON and gHACKELL, SOLE AGENTS TDRDiSMEADS GOLD MEDAL PIAKQS FROM 35 GUINEAS BRlXSMEAD'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS, With Patent Repeater Action, May be bad ot Ula SOLS AGENTS, THOMPSON and SHACKELL, TNUSIC AKU PIANOFORTE 8ALOOND, CARDIFF, IQUEEN-S BUILDINGS, and I 64, ST. MARY-STREET. SW ASR. 97 an4 9S, OITORD STBEBT. NTEWPORT, Illand 112, COMMERCIAL-ST. THREE TEARS' SYSTEM. HIRE AND PURCHASE ■piANOFORTES, JJARMONIUJ13, AND 0ROANS. fTIHOMPSON AND NS. gHACKELL, CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEWPORT (Mon.), (SOLE AGENTS for BRINSMBAD'S GOLD MBDAJ PIANOS) Supply NEW PILYOFOLCTES by the best makers, ou hire for three years, and at the expiration of that ttms (1.0, after the payment of twelve quarterly instalments; the Pianos beoome the property of the hirer, without tny<uttbtrptymtntwh*Mv<T. THOMPSONandSHACaeu inZurtb P& T ? to int"u(* tti. ely .tbod.f acquiring a good musical instrument, and can refer to th?nds ot cnmm.r! to the quality the Pianos Lbeympply. Customers are not limited to any maker, biit?yseimt, whichever make "Y be preferred, f$ow t?e S?? Stock in ?he PrfnetMiity of Wat?. All in- struments warranted. :cie:a: q' pLAKOFORTES by KIRKMAX, DIANOFORTES by COLLARD & COL tr LARD. pIANOFORTES by BROADWOOD, pIANOFORTES by ERARD, PIANOFORTES by BRINSMEAD and I SONS. ON THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. klmm.92 2s. per quarter. Detailed Price Lista of Pianofortes by any of the foro coinl celebraled .k-. and some tl,L w generally known, sent free on application. THE ?NEW YACHT PIANO. Thirty Guinw, in wild 8I&boPDY. Ttis;wtrumentfs made expressly to withstand the damp of a voyage, and is warranted to keep well in tune. Orders may to addressed to Cardiff, Swansea, oe Newport. Sol. Agents for BmqsmEAD a SONS' GOLD MEDAL PIANOFORTES. c.talog\1e1 he., FJIHOMPSON AND s HACKELL, SOLE AGENTS BI'.INSMEAD'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS jj In Ebonised and Gold Cases. rpHOMPSON AND SHACKELL, SOLE AGENTS at 0ARDIFF, N E'*VMRI, AND. gWANSEA, BRINSMEAD S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS Old English Style. rpiIOMPSON AND I^HACKELL, | SOLE AGENTS BBINSMEAD'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS BRIN.-S-MEAIYS G LD MEDAL Plk?NOS, 'THOID>SOX AND gHACKELL. SOLE AGENTS B RINSMEAD'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS, JLF With Sostenente Sounding Board. Price Lists sent on spplication as under:- C. Rl.lt'l. QUEEN'S BCILDtfGS, c {?ud 1i4. ST. MABt 9TKEBT. gWANSEA, S7 and 93, OXFOBD-8TBSKT. I NEWPORT, 111 od H2.COMMERCIAL ST S.B.-PLASOS, 10 Walnut, from Fifteen Pounds. rpHOMPSON AND gHACKELL, f I A K 0 F 0 K T E AND ORGAN SALOONS, (AOEMTS FOR BRINSMEADN GOLD MEDAI PIANOFORTES), CARDIfF', ( QCBEVS Bnr.DINGS, and r, ST. MARY-STRiitX 97 and 98.0XF0RD- CJ WANSEA, BTREET,  111 A U2. COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT SOLR AGENTS FOR THE MUSICAL CABINET, The most marvellous Musical Instrument ever Invented. It will play any tune. Anyone can play It. No know- ledge ol Music is required by tbf, player. It affords ail excellent accompaniment lor sinfiug. p iticr. SIX QUINEAS, WITH MUSIC COMPLETE. Order, may be lent to Cardiff. Swansea, or Newport. List of Tunes on application. N.B.—Several good Second-hand fiuios uow In stock. rpHOMPSON AND gHACKELL, THOMl'SON A.D SOLE AGENTS FOR BRINSMBAD'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS AND THE BSTEY ORGANS" QUEEN'S BUILDINGS and ) VARDWkl. (A, ST. MARY-STREET, j kj THREE YEARS' SYSTEM FOR PIANOS BY BROADWOOD, COLLARI), BRINSMEAD, ERARD. Ac. rjlHOMPSON AND SHACKELL, 97 and 98, OXFOUD-8TRBST, SWANSEA. SOLB AGENTS POR BBINSMEAD'S GOLD MEDAi PIANOS AND THB ESTEY ORGANS. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM FOR PIANOS BY BRINSMEAD. COLLARD, BBOAD WOOD, Kl&ItIU,N, EBABD. HOP KIN SON. AND AI.L LEADING ENGLISH AND FOREIGN MAKERS. N.B.-HANDSOMR CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. rpHOMPSON AND gHACKELL. Ill & 112, COMMItRCtAL-aTBEET. NEW PORt SOLB AGBNTS FOR BMNMEAD B GOLD MEDAL PIANOS AND THE ESTEY OIiGA.11 THREE YEARS' SYSTEM FOR ORGANS, IRARMOMUNS, AND PIANOS. from 10s. per month. M.t<dtnd '?????   R PriMua:rOS7:" ??, CenBty of atMMft«m, at <)am Of j. W^ MaLi." 6t. Mary' CMdKt. MONDAY. PUBrAEl 2L 1al.