Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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WANTED, A Gardener. Wages, 16s. a week. Apply A toZ..Pe<t-uaioe.H<'?he..d.  WANTED, A 1 Good steady plain Cook, in a private family. O ,? d d,t,, .1?. add, of App\y by l?kt?r, statins name *nd addre i1. als0 at.ldrt'i of last situation,to W. K. C Post Office, Llandudno. WANTED, AT CARNARVON, A CURATE in Priest's Order—English and Welsh dut" v. Stipend, £ !00 per annum. Address-Rev. J. C. VINCENT, Vicarage, Carnarvon. TO JOUNEYMEN PRINTBRS. TTTANTED, two or three Pressmen for a con- ^ia^°P r sume f the prantins particl,larly press- to ca*K*x »nd PARISH OF ABERFFRA W. WANTED, on the 26th of March next, a Per?t undertake the duties of Assiitint <M<r of the Ponr and Overseer of the Igt,?a?. f the Raid Parit1h. He .t ?,?id? \n r. ,tl,, Vi?l ,f At r. lirtZTm per annum. He must pr?du,, ce.tiflc.tes ol character, am\ bail to 111, fg o AppUeations to be ??nt t. the Ch¡nrman of t\) "e'\f)" I'riorr  Malo.h, 18:jO, HOWEI/L'S SCHOOL, DENBIGH. WANTED, a Gardener wages, 16s. a week. • i » "ort?tr wae, Ib. a ?eek, with house, cinls an" »as. The Porter houl¡llle a married man, and cnnveuRllt witb the W d.h lan2"e. ?efMaSrcha?n?t'. KX??? to me on or before the M of March next. j.?EREDITfIWtLHAMS.Cle.k. Denbigh, February 9th, 1660. toslate QUARRY OWNERS. WANTED by a House with a first-class "■ in llnl.lin an AuENCY for the S.?, ..fs! ,.n«,t.thl. advertisement eacept parties who are in a PQiiÜot\ to ship 011 the best tt'rm9. « of ?.r. Smith & NII,? A?enM. Sack.i?e-?reet. Dubll j —— LECTURE ON GALVANISM. ON Thursday, the 8th of March, at 7 p.m., Dr. KES??- ?y?,? ?'?'?-???p??' ° wl""b will bt Illustrated by a gnat |oLT,UCKLfec'WUm-, whieh ? '"?"'?" ? ?" variety of interesting E*'i* ,^YA-B'VV.NN" T'.« veil 61.; Children, half-price ANGLESEY VOLUNTEER CORPS. F" compliance with a Requisition to me di- rected 1 do herein summon an,I convene a M«»ngth' iuhah\tal1 of the County of Anle¡;cy. to be heht at the JI' RIr HALL, I' the '1'0\11 of Uei\uQ1!\rÎ!.I, in the saad Connt), on FRt .A?, the ?3,.d da)' of March nest, &t th  of,ri,tee i, ek iii tbe altt'rnoon, (,If the purpnsa of orgalHsillg a Yoluntt'e r Cori.@ f.?.e Co""t?'??,cnABU GRIFFITH Esq,,ire GEORG?'Y ti i.h' Pencraig, Feb. 1\ t"M. "'?" EIFIONYDD RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. TENDERS FOR CLOTHING, &c. T1 HE Committee of the above Company are nnen to -.I" Tenders tor 'he supply of Uuitor I.S, Ac- &c" for about 80 mt'.nbers. C0Air redersarustr ^d^led To me, under 6eal, on or before TIIURSD¡\ th    to accept the)..wMt The  ,"hf'm:HIes to '!e"p' the lowest  tn be upplied may be seen OD ?pp i,.ti? 1. MrH .?.y chemht, t>orlma,lnc. P.rt,.?d V?b., 18 E W. THENEWTOWNANDMACHYNLLETH RAILWAY COMPANY. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that the next Or- Is«S~ £ SS5= this c, P"' wiH be held at tIle TOWN HALL,  the County of Montomr. on W BDNBSDAY. the 29th da.y 0 February, 18 .t T.?.. u-?? [^ airman. V N E. Chairman. DAVID HOWELL, Secretary. FRS l'INIOG, !to. EN" IV HOG. AND HARLECH TURNPIKE TRUST. NOTICE is hereby given, that the General NAiinual Nleetillir      twro. and H..lerh ike 1'r.t, will be held At t?,- BL?. ???' ?h ???..Y. th. E?hth d.y.f M.r? n?.  at 12 o'clock at no,).,I'I"i,, .1?reaetart?r tbe @aid Tr' "gt for lh transaction of lh .t«7 RR..s as may be required rehtmg to tbe said Trust. the said iTHtt. JOHN ROBERTS, Treasurer. Caeeanol, 16th February, I860. CARNARVONSHIRE TURNPIKE TRU3T. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. rpI HVT the General Annual Meeting of the 'Ir,,Ie, of the stid Trust will he held at 'he 'IRAND J""y a. in the ,f 011 ATunu\Y, lh Tenth day of M.rc? t at E)?. ? th?r"?.? the P"'P.. of Auditb th %It. ?f file Irea-'lru. su veyors and other arties coonected with the Trust, aui It re?,? the It?g.,t Estimates from the Survelor, and then for other general business of to Trustee(. 0, JO lS, Clerk to the Trustees. Castle Square, Carnarvon, 7th February, I8'i0. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THVT the GENERAL ANNUAL MEETINUof the Trustees T ¡ ;I:e?e n¡i: io.I, br: t,I,o/rt' to sav The Mold n4 Denbhch District." "'I'h.a Rhvddlau District, rhe Conway District, and "'I AJ saph District" ol Turnpike Rctttd? will be held at the Offh:e 01 u' .V^ „ undusigned, gitul\t in the Citv of S?i., A. ",I, the count)' of Kllnt on 1 UESDAY. the sixth day of March ;}t'xt at S odock ^t noon tor the "e of, an.litiog, and  the accounts of tht' rt'atlnrerp, SUr\'evor, and uther.. ..Pl" the 'H.ei}t anrl,'xl)el,dilurt.. of the lIIouit':oi 1It'11111"11I1( to the .id e,?ral ande.III for tntn,u,tiug .U?t? other IUl\tters and things relating to the .aid st!i'r,.1 TtlllJl as may be required. WYATT & StSSOX. Clerks to the I rtistees. 8t. Asaph, 4th February, 1860. ———— THE PORTMADOC MUTUAL SHIP INSURANCE SOCIETY. AT the Annual Meeting of the above Society, held at Portmadoc on the 20th inst., the followm/ lies.Iu- ti.n. were paned unaUlmouI\) ?r.a?'h'. ?'???J"?"; S'?"'?' on the .i in?K of ^January lalt. with the time B%ed for 1t" collection he i.,t. e?;y ,t "I?ch Call bt!iiig legal, and strictly ,? '„:?.'?.e "Thatthecalfof 1 P« ce,n ha*g been ??? ?? ,pp,v.t 01 on the IinOilh Jja'nuary the Call ef 4 ?,r ??'?t -hi? ? '?. h^1( on the 6th February is not therefore necessary, aud i,conMquemUyno"re<e"?'-<??? HOLLAND. Chairman. 22nd February. I860. —— ——— DOLGELLAU CHURCH. a Meeting held in the County Hall, Dol- 4 1tdlau. on the 31st Jaii. Ol-ke uteps l«ir rUI\'d). ins the uu»ati*factor> state of th • h Church,it «a« rewUed— Sub.??,,ti.9 be set O f .ot for re-3eatitig an d other 1eJld g materially imprn\'h, th interior of "ht! hUlJdlll: thereby pr.ti,?l to a reat extt!iit, t he comlort ?p'7'<n fo?r thM '?'?. .-e 'd"r?'.n That the ph," for t'I?i, dr,x%vn by Henry Keoneù)', Eq,' ???-Se??????,b,;< '.H,?? y ?nd th .t E^q.' acriptiAIII'be P' 1 to Vt'n \n'h,leacolI \Vbirt', t.h LL"? icriptirt »* be pajau o, Messr>. Williams & »on, D«»lge The folllJwing Geiitlt?tr"" wdl ;tct a! a CtllUlDilteØ Ktiatl.ulIg to carry the above neQe"Y w, into «C t0Ca7KWI9wVLLlAMS. E.,| Kror.vnion, ,i-R\NCIS HALLOW K>,E-q Coed, EVAN C. ONI?n ??.r'??M'?AL? E T S., D?e.?.. VF ARCIIDVAF"'I tt I E lteetor of L)o.g" Wi'-UAM GR'Fr! 'f?t.'' ).. ??,' ,Ch..rc .rdtM. LEWIS wil-1'1}'M • 7; 1 jJt- ?,.ri. I? Cl, ?A It: J. C. ROI?ER' !i?l, D?Iguilau, MR; LEWIS JONM. ?_'m=e. .UBSCR.PTIO?A..?DYPROU.S.D.? ? ? Richard Richard! Ea).aer),ch .? ? ? (,  ..h It- h 'rd, 'Eq..t,( E?',d id?,.rd., E,?l C, ion 50 Willi' Ezq., 2000 The Very Rev. the Dean .I Ua"gor » 0 0 The\ryRe'r.t''<'Uei.notU.t..?r ?.? ?.?«<' L.O Edwards, Esq., Iron 1\ () (I' L 0'C. Br?nyg.%in ?O 00 t) The ite%, Evarl 20 () 0 M i'. J. ?es HengwrtucOiiatYf500 Wi'ii.. Grithth, Elq., 1000 The Veil. Archdeacon White )00 Mr Lew," Jones, Poet Office. 10 0 II Fran,i? .10..Co.,530000 Tborn. Greell, Esq., YII)sfa'g. I> II 0 MrJ Chtu)?R'er«f"?" :,??' II 0 e Th.Green. E.?Y"? S 3 0  0?=????????? S S 0  S ?;XT???Pe-?-  0  rJ. 'It. WilliaN7e!3%v, ,.ork p ";ch.o H. L. ile,:to, 1 I # ••••• ::v 1 ll °o ?ard 'M'?? .?. -?? Mr. Edwards, DoXarer 500 MTt. Williams, Fronygadr  ¡) 0 0 Rev. Philip Roberto, Colesb,U I 1 0' W\llim Parry Richard., t:sq. 10 0 0 w l?.E.q., M*  ? g g  E.q" Maes,ne.dd  "SS-••• =•' I! AST lPokJlllrlItOa It 1 1 0, SAINT DAVID'S DAY. A Dinner will take place as usual at the Livbhpool Arms Hotel, Beaumaris, on the 1st of March. Tickets, 3s. rack, SAINT DAVID'S DAY. THE Annual Dinner will be held at the J_ Victoria Hotel, Menai Bridge, on Thubbday, the First of March. ° Dinner on the table at 5 o'clock. Tickets, 3d. 6d» each. Menai Bridge, Feb. 17th, 1860. SAINT DAVID'S DAY. EIFIONYDD SOCIETY t'OR THE PROSECUTION OF OFFENDERS. THE Forty-Second Anniversary of the above Society will be held at the Madock's Aims, Tre'madoc, on ThuiiSDAY, the 1st day of March next. Dinner ss usual. President—ROBERT ROBERTS, Esq., Portmadoc. "lce-do.-JuHN ltUHT GRIFFITH, merchant, Portmadoc. Treasurer—OWEN GRIFFITH, Esq., Ccfn-coch. aleTetary-F,I.Ll$ OWEN, Cefn-y-meusydd. Ce'n-y-meusydd, Feb. Oth, 1860. SAINT DAVID'S DAY. THE ANGLESEY CENTRAL ASSOCIATION FOR EN- COURAGING THE APPREHENSION OF FELONS AND OTHER OFFENDERS. THE Annual Meeting of the above Society will he held at the BULKELRY Arms Hotel, L1.m!!efni, Oil Thursday, the lit dav of March, 18 0, for the purpose of Audit- in the Treasurer's Accounts, ¡Hut other buftlllcS8 connected Wittl the So>:i'Jtv. • • Dinner on the Table at 3 „ oV. l, ock ptec;I3¡¿>\Y. Pre,ident-The Rev. WILMAM JAMES POOLE. HUGH JONES Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. Pcnrho*, 20111 Feb., 18 0.  WEL?H" H AItITY SCHOOL. ASHFOBD, STAINES. The Most Honourable and Loyal oeiety of Ancient Briton*. I ntilutt>d 17U Incorporated 1816. '"?' p???,? ?'?.? THE Hundred and Forty-nfth AnniveMary Festival in Aid ,t the Funds of the Chririty, will be cele- brated at the Frekmasons' TavbHx oo THUKSD?. March 1. Dinner on the table at 6 o'clock precisely. Pre!'i'entof" ??H "y-Th' Hifh, Hon the Lord Dun?nnon. Vire-Presidents. TIH' Bl"ht Hon. the Lord Chief Toe Hon. 1r. Ju,ti.? Keatinr ?'Ju?o."E")e '?'?'"? R. W. ?eT<dith. Esq ? Th- Rev. Chas. William., D.!)" owland Jones Vetiables, Principal of Jesus College, J. W. Willcock, Esq., q.C. Oxford. Stewards. Thomas Anwvl. Esq. Jobn Evan*, Esq. William G. l>aviv», Esq. Challc. Morgan, Esq, Jnhu Thomas Esq. D'? '!?' '??' t?)i<-J Tuk.ts. 4?.; to he had th,? Secretly. No. 13, Lincoln^ In?i; and at the bar of the d% SeGnvernor# and F,i??d? of the Charit) wiH assemh1e at the Sch.?'H??.T<?.rd. '? M???e..?rUi<in.Ser'ice at 11,45. The Sermon "ill II preached "Y the Lord Bishop of Bangor. The Children "ill dine at 1-30. Luncheon for Vi?it.r. at 2. Tr iios t-toopin; !'h'' Ashford will leave Waterloo-road at 0.5t) and 12 4. Tr¡Ün ti London irom Ash'ord at 86, reaching London at 3,3 <'3? Lincoln's ")'n"n?. ? °? CHARLKS SHAW, Secretary COUNTY OF FLINT. AS TO THE TIME OF HOLDING THE NEXT GENERAL QUARTER SESSIOIS. TITHEREAS, at the General Quarter Sessions W of the Peace of our So\'erein Lady the Queen, held at the said County of Flit? :n 11. 1,, Fifth day of January last, in pursuance of an Act p ?d the fouth 3earof the reign <►' ?,iq late Majesty Kiny William the Fou1\h, entitled "AnAdnu pr?,?.ti,?g the interference of the ?r't'? Ajsiies with the April Quarter "Miion.-We. the under?ned. Edward Pemberton and Frederick Ph.hp?.Esqr. two of Her M?j?,t)*. Ju.tice. of the Peace in Md for the said Countv were named to ifx th* day for holding the .t General Q.Mrtcr Sessions of ,"f,t,,?,id C.Y' and to give otice thereof pursuant to the pro\isioo! of the .?id Act. ?r ?e ?d''Ed?'ar'd? Pembertonand mderiek Philips, do ac- <-w<nn'<)y Ox THCttDAT. the Twenty-tecond ''?'p?')  for hO\lliusr  t 0, r,,[ Quarter scosio. of the Peace in and for tbe said County. G?e?.'? ur?..d, this Ninth d,y of F.bT?Ty. M60. E. IIEMBER'CON, FREDK. PHILIPS. COUNTY or FLINT. N"T'cEgtthe T, tl!e ?hNC,t of ,tït. wi11 be IPll,,t1.??T? li?LL,Il? M.1d, W,t e ,day March next, t Eleven o'clock in th- foreno>n, when aL 1,.?ine., ,I-ti.z to the Assessment, A'p'?<M?n' o'r ?'?e'men?of the County and Police Rates, W AND^^tTCE IS ALSO GIVEN, that the next General Quar- I D C'l'ICF. IS ALgO GIVES', that the next General QUat- ter Sessions of the Peace will be held at the County Hall afore- said on THURSDAY, the 22nd day ol March next, at Tell oVlnpk in the forenoon, and all business relating to the A.??- ment. Application, or Management of the County and Police Rates will commence at noon of the same day. All depositions and instructions for indictments must be sent to my -)Mee, in M'dd, if practicable, six days before the said G8l1er1 Quarter SeMMne. ? ? ROBERTS, Clerk of the Peace. Meld, 20th Feb- uary, I860. COUNTY OF DENBIGH. AS TO THE TIME OF HOLDING THE NEXT GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS. TITHEBEA.S, at the General Quarter Sessions W or the Peace of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, held at in and for the County of Denbigh, on the the 5th of JlIual;' ?a? ?e. tl"? "-de go' 'two of Her M?j?.ty'. uticeR ot I?, Pe .ce in 8ml for th said County were nominated, '.?u' ?t°t'o' an Act passed in the fourth yea.' ofth'e Reig of Hn ? Ma e??iM W?' the Fourth, chapter forty-.even to n? he.?orhotdin: the "t General Quarter Session. of the ?..? f ?h° County, and to give Notice thereof, pursuant e ??'?? of the s id Act. We acidorditig y fl? the ptirsu nt ?e.n?aYo'MMChM?fof holding the next General Quarter -,?io..softhePeaceinandforthe?dCounty. 0„e„ under my hand this Sixth ^y^r^OBKi ?, (;ABHIEI, ROBERTS, JAMES MAURICE. COUNTY OF DENBIGH. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. PURSUANT to an Act passed in the fourth t'ar ..? the r,ign of m. late Majesty King William the fourth, .?.?.47. that the GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS 01 the PEU'E in and for the County of DepibiLh, will be held at the < O'JNTY [I A LLin Denbigh, on THURSDAY, the 28nd day f March, 1860, at Ten .,it in the forenoon, for the transaction of h"° r"nanJe and Po\\ce Business, ° and will be continued at the same pl??? on the following day, at the same hour. 'the te!itivg to the Acb made and passed regarding the Police will "?."T" "r' 'for e"id"t10, and the bunnies* relating to the ft8.3ment, application, ?r management nf the CountS Stock nr Rate, wHl commence on the last-m?tioned rhv at II o'clock, at which time aU bills and demands against "?? C",?. y. "id before the Court. ""t'ne' ?n'? °''?d Petty Jurors, and all person. bound by re- cotfoinnce to prosecute and give evidence, or to surrender in d U chnr-'e of ii, ,e to "r 't the p>ace aforesaid on .;¡\ r (talf March ra:tTe orï::k in r:i1(':e noon Jo?Epli PEERS, Ruthin 14th Feb., I8G0. Clerk of the Peace. S H Instructions for ?.di,l.t. should be ?ent to my Office (if I .Ii,i,)tir d?is a! te?T before the S.M?ona. I Ttf.!if GLEBE-HOUSE is A !elclie,i h >vel, consisting of two miserably constructed Cnttale8i the wilUol o,?. of which are p,?,etd from falling 0\ h by tn fy,i,, which they are evelopi?d. lth?..?be?o.? .'???!'o' ?b.S.??t'? ?re?? ?. a mor? ..b?,antial an 1 ro nhinrtious Hnilding. Hiu to do this will require -o-,thi.g k 'it t')Oo -or'Iilitio-! thd cannot be satisfied by the Incum- be"?- ?h'o'.e?i?'d' ?i'.t? of?'he lte,,t-?hr,7 e-i li,, \ill:1.0:h'I;1ctI:Øt.d a I .:thoar'jioopi:t I ed b? ibe Go'rrwltl of the,Royal Bounty Office to this poor In- '1I1H Hence he Íe under the painful necessity of soliciting aid at the handd ot those, who have ut heart tne inlereit of our Apostolic Ch'iruh, and the C.,u for a of her Ministers, The I dlovvin? Cll TRlllUTORS towards the Funds ne es- gary for BHi111H a ue Parsonage House in this poor locality, l,;i\e been kindly promi ed:— The Lord Bishop of Baudot 20 0 0 The Verv :iev. the Dean of Bangor 5 0 0 The ven the Vrchdeac n of Merioneth 3 0 0 Miss June- Me'igartwhtf, Dolgelley 25 0 0 ) li. Ain-w >rth, E<q Bolton-le-moor 25 0 0 Miss Jones, Br>u Adda, Dolgelley (Collected ..I )/ "j. Reieiey. E^ J J 0 ?<.?. E.n. ? J "'■"i r"q 15 e o Uev F. Owen', Hrynswyn, Dolgelley 10 0 0 I M Beaver, Ksq., Bangor 0 0 0 rs Oakek, Plas, Tanyhwlch 0 0 0 .I Price li»"W Sant, LlanfrotheD 1"0 rr;St\í:bRi;Ÿëë'I: 10 0 0   I W'?e?';?.?P<.o'.?. S 0 r, o 0 { J J J. Jnn" t:.q.. r,ygfawr, Llanfrothen.   0 ;f:i;i;Jt, 3 g g ? ? 8 ^ew?i.i^Jr^Wwnion;Do^ } .0 I, William., I,.q, Fron Wnlon, \)ol,elley. } 0 Z Mr. Anw>l. Dolg'lley 0 10 0 Mr. J. 0. R.b,rt?, ditto 10 0 fcEwtos, n o Re? B. Killin, I,I., id.1I0  Richard 'it 00 6 'L'-William., Portmadoc o i o Sr'?  G'a.thto? Llanfrother,I 0 Mr. E. Jones, Gaithfoel, LlanfrotheD 0 0 0 Rev. E. A idrews, Ervv Sant, ditto 2500 I N.B.-An)' Contribution, that may be made towwdt ihe »'tore  r-, v* M..lrs. t and 00" Malloo, r bl the k ?qWr of lautnthen, Pearbyudottdraeth- SALES BY JttR, DEW, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW. j On THURSSDAY, the 15th March, 1600, at the Stanlbt Akks INN, Holyhead, at 12 o'clock at noon— e THE following valuable FREEHOLD LAND lying in the Parish of fiodetlern, in the County of Anglesey i LOT 1. All that very compact Farm adjoining the t j andca?dTA?-TH.ALLT.inth' occupation of W?.am?a, as tenant from y.' to er, and comprising an eM'?'?- hou.e. with convenietit an'd substantial Out-buidiiigs, WO 7-3. !ir 4p. of productive Land-the whole being well arrant *n« f??d ,d in capita order. The tenant is nnder noUc" M 4ut LOT 2. All that Cottage, with the Enclosures of Land, formerly MP"" a<PenK?. M".n PE'<-YR-?t/ m the.oefcu- pation of Owen Prichard. a8 tellarlt from year to year, containing Ir lr. 13p. a joining Lot 1, :md situate on a delightful emm.ilce, ?n?m'a'?? estensh'e and ?ri'ed"p?.'p'ect.?i.b render 4? Lot particularly eligible for hmWing. Tile above property is ??':?e- VU?e of B.d?dr., ..d about three mile. !rom the Valley Railway Station, and ab.? mil.. from HDtyhead. 11 p, land tn,d offers itn pt opportunity for inve tment or occupation. For lurtbn pArticulars and conditions of Sale *PPjy i JSuk- $ ,FR ROB?, 'RT? BAR13L if t Ti(; 11 F.??,l Solicitors, B. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. W. DEW, At the BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, in the Town of Llangefni, In the County of Anglesey, on Thursday, the 8th day of March, in the afterdoon, lulJject to cón- ditinns then and there to he produced — ALL' that Dwelling-House, Shop, and Pre- OL .i.?? ?.11?d PENVOKAIO, situate in the ParHh ofthm- Ivfrvdog, in the County of An?te?), toother wth the Out- n-iiliiiDgs Cojl-iard, and Appurtances thereunto belonging. "F'or ''t'u'rtne? particula" apply at tbe S'e of 'M?'i'HOMAS OWEN, Solicitor. Llangefni. preiminaryannouncement. FREEHOLD BUILDING SITES FOR SALE IN THE CENTRE OF THE CITY OF BANGOR. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW, In the month of March next, ALL that Piece or Parcel of Land called CAE LLEPPA, subdivided into convenient BUILDING LOTS, further particulars of which, with Lithograph Plans, will shortly be issued. B A N G 0 R. PERIODICAL SALE OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES. MR. WILLIAM DEW BEGS to announce that his next PERIO- D DICAL SALE of HORSES and CARRIAGES will t.-ke otMe at the MART attached to the BRi? ISH HOTEL, Bangor, oi. 'y l?' ?' 1860, ^ ?' o? ? secu?e Stall?) ,Ii,)uld be made early.  YACHT ON SALE, ''THE Minona," 16 tons, now lying in the 1 Port of P?itMi. TM? wet) known Cutter Tacht was built C, Co" fL?O'totetfroreMttte. In ?S?ll'ROOI?-is well found in every ,?.p.t-f, deti-abte 'aea bnat. and the winner of Mverat cups is aim weU tnown in the R. W. V. Club. Apply to Mr. G. T. Picton Jones, solicitor, Pwllheli. SALE BY MR. EDWARDS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY KR, R, EDWARDS, At the Auction Mart, Castle Squan, Carnarvon, on Wednesday, the 29th of February, 1860, THE well known Schooner-rigged Flat ELLENS," of Lherpoo1, 6 tons Register, old measure- ment, with all her MtMh?h, M the now hM in the Fort 0i Carnarvon, ready for sea. The Sale to G?mence at 2 pm. <?'enSr? the Materials, &c., may be seen at the Mart between the hours of 10 and 4 TO BE SOLI) BY AUCTION, BY MR. ROBERT EDWARDS, lit the SfoiiTSMAS It OTBL, In the Town of Carnarvon, on THUR^BW, ihe First day of March, 18.,0 (unless in the meao- time disposed of by private contract), subject to conditions which will be then and there produced and read, LOT 1. 4 LL that well-built Freehold Messuage or A Uwetti?.houM. with .the appurtenance.. situate in Se- go.tium Terrace, in the said Town of Carnaro", ca^ed and known by the name or sign of SEGONTIDM IAV LRN, and now in the occupation of Mr. Richard Owen. LOT 2. All that other Freehold Messuage or Dwelline-hoiist, with the appurtenances, situate on Segontinm Terrace aforesaid, adj .wing Lot I, and now i.zth. occupat on of Mr. Wm. Parry For further inlormation apply to Mr. E. G. POWELL, Solicitor. Castle-street, Carnarvon. EXCELLENT FREEHOLD FARMS IN ANGLESEY FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, TX HE Fee simple and Inheritance in posses- ?ion of and iu all that ,a,, and ,t?,i,.bl. arm, f,?rly occupied as two \enemellH, and called by the ievelal names of ,?.TWS a d TKRFFVNNON, situate in t e Parish of Amlwch, I, Countv of Anglesey, and comj)ri8in a tarm House and 0'u[''b?'Sn?. °? "? ?rM'' 2 dd. and 34 %e.'J)?. of ?r.)b)e. Meadow, and P.t.r, Land. ??bo'Jt Farm li?? c?e to the M.h road. and 10 distant only about a mile from the pootilouPo rt, whicb .?or,l? an excellent market for1 11 d..?rip,io. ??'?h" Fee simple an?'"inh'e!'i?e'' ? au.? in ?''at other deo?irable. 1111 IV.N, r W.?l, itu. i,,he P??ri.h of H.f..heti. in the said Couiity of A"g compriiine an etceHent Owdhn? H?uM and Bmtdin?t, and about 40 acres of Arable, Meadow. and P:uture Land now in the occupation X the Kev. W. Johnson, Vicar ofaubadrig, undra lease, at moderate rack rent, for the term of tu. incumbency 8S luch Vi?.r. r?r?ew of the Property apply to the Prop.ieMr Mr. JOHN GaIFFITlI, of BrvnglaB, Llaneilian, and to treat lor both or ei ner of the Fama applicalionsmay^bemade of %lit. RENU 'y L L 0 10l? 0 Solicitor. Bangor. Dated 13th February, 1860. ———————— LLANRHYDDLAD, ANGLk&ux. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW, ON THURSDAY, THE 15TH MARCH, 1860, AT THE STANLEY ARMS INN, HOLYHEAD, AT ONE O'CLOCK :œ THE AFTMOON, By  .ft.. Mortice. under p.?ofSa.e ?———?"-??????.? ° from the late Rev. James H gl powers of Sale' and ^roverbV bU ^Honor the Vice By oSrdeSr oSf thMe MoBrtg»agee, unSde«r « SSSS'^t^ftx <WSSStSSU tmke e mirtuiB* of THE following Freehold Premises, composing the Church Charity Lands, in the Parish of Llaurhyddlad, in the County oi Anglesey ?- w,we0fOcettpi, • Anhn.1 Rent. No of Name of Tenement. N.- 6,? .tlimtf. "1'11'11111 of6<!etlpki¡' AnDual Rent. Lot. Name of Tenement. Tithe Map. A. a. 4) S. D. ?' Cottage and L.ndp.rtofMaenyt-antaH  6 ^.1 Q Hugh Roberts 5^0 ? Piece of Land, part of Maen y F..t.11 4 M Thomas House and Land, called Sgybor B_ ach and.|2 Margaret WiUiams 15 0 Cottage in Sgybor Bach ?10 A4Morgue& WiUiame 1 50 5 Quill.t I. Ty Newydd 24. ,)flr  6 s- 5"E;r: =?:t:h'r"; <X '5 ? .O 7 cXe andLtdWoVn'rafon"' » f 7Hughes 2 15 0 8 Cottage and Croft part of Merddyn Fadyn 424 8 1 0200TWhiollmiaan s Jones 2150 44 y The- 2 20 § Cottage .ndG.rd.p..tofd.tto. .?? .? M Ditto ditto •••• ? ? ;:0 7 Eiijabeth Jones •••• '1 '5 '0 Dit o ditto 'o ? ??eMdC?:aHedPen.nenian, the'w"' 47 .3 M WillÎam Oweo 3 0 0 T?wrthwyneb M 0 2 )0 John Thomas 13 Qui))etu)Hafodty 50 0 210 John Th.m.. 0io It Q.i))etinRhyd)n?rad .57 1 Ig a;:o;y ig 15 QiiitetmBon 62 V 2 0> William Owen 2 „ „ 0 „0 18 Ditto ditto. 63 ? { ? 3 oe)( WiU?m O?ea. 2 0 0 tto d tto 63 1 .-e. 0 17 Ditto ditto II "00 William Parry 0 0 1? A piece of Land called Pant-glas 3 Jg j0hn Williams 110 19 Quillets in Tyddyn Jockey. 89 ø 3 o?« ? John Williams. I I 0 20 Cottage ??t"??rynti? U7   21 A picce of Land called ciitto /? 3'1 22 Cottage@, Garden, and Croft, called Tower Hill 64 022 Hugh J. 4 4 50 i :naé', ereif Tower I t) ? ? ? ??. ? ? 0 Williams 07 6 (,'roft vn f ,r h  not a4joii)iog public roads, and entirely surrounded by the lands of other ?t.?!d tob??at pur.ha..r. o< quniet. not adjoini?'puMi. rads.'l:no::t¡arounÚd'¡;y the .and, of o:he proprietors will ""e ri-ht f w?" Of necessity over tho ee i..d. proprietors will have a risht of way ofote ),?M ?aluab)p a. accommodation Lands, or for the formation of CoS^ Ua''<l'"I '? ???- °f tbe ""?'" K^ni^TS.BAitB^K.and\luQHi^Soli(Uto^8|Btaiigori or to the Auctioneer, at the British Hotel, Bangor. ?pply to MessraROBERTS, BARBE-T, and HUGHES, Solicitors, ra,ngol.or to the Auctioneer, it the British Hotel,Bangor. TO BUILDERS, SHIPWRIGHT? FARMERS, AND OTHERS. TO BE SOLD, 4 BARGAIN, A LARGE QUANTITY OF QUEBEC YELLOW PINE AND BALTIC TIMBER. IN LOGS, PLANKS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, &c. ^1 fhE Timb.r, which was ws.hed down from the Nortb Breikwater during the recent gale., i. equal  new, and will be sold by PtuvA^E^ntl'iA'T^Y atid8pe0BlTc AU^ riON^.Tl^ fint Auction..iII take place on^he' iTeAC!! of th^ NEW HABBOVit PRIVA*IE FebeuabV fth, 1860, to commence at IS o'clock precisely. For particulars apply to Mr. E. CORNISH, Harbour Work?, Holyhead. MR. ROBERT PRICHARD a received instructions from Messrs. J. & C. Rigby to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, about 100 Lob of the above Timber, on SATURDA Y, FEBRUARYlith 1860.t.,ommeneeatl2o'tto?ka t u(?oupreeieel5,bo,,e.  BALTIC and YELLOW PINE, to b. 80LO at EENRYN BUCH, "? of "?" Bay, on U ES DAYI t, EBRUt.y 7th, at -0?-. vTBKT^ATE DYEING, CLEANING, CALENDERING, BLEACHING & EMBOSSING A LL orders sent through the Agents carriage paid. Most respectable references given in A anv part of the Principality. W. FBITCHARD, DYER, LLANBWST. Llanr.t, February 21, IRGO, W. PRITCHARD. DYER, LLANRWST, ARTIFICIAL TEETH. BANGOR, CARNARVON, AND DENBIGH. 1ST E "W" DISCO VERY^ AARRTTIIFFIICCIIAAL L TEETH SELF ADHESIVE! WITHOUT SPRINGS! VULCANIZED INDIA RUBBER AS ABASE! PROTECTED BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. ATTENDANCE IN CHESTER, I Every Tu:M'? ?Jo? ? Pepper Strclt-I BAN HOB, N.WALES. I The first MONDAY in each Month, ;t Mr. Roberts, Watch Maker, igh Street.  ?, CARNARVON, The 8r.t U&??D&T in each Month at the Uxbridge Arms, Hotel, Private Rooms. ? 0? NOTICE?-FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF PATIENTS FROM THE COUNIKl. Messrs. Gabriel's hours of attendance in BAt?OR will be from 9 a.m. till 8 p:m. MeMrs. Qabr?el. ho? ? ? ????., at oabNARVON from 9 a.m. t.l 5P.m, Messrs. Gabriel s next visit to BANGOR will be on Monday, 5th of March. CARNARVON T e di, 6th „ DE" Wednesday, 7th „ NBW BDITION OR J\;ST PUBLISHED GABRIEL ON THE TEETH, POST FREE THREE GRATIS, STAMPS. gratis, and u now Re ?tored on Gabriel'. „„ 8„t,_ of Capillar, Attrution and Suction combined, by mea?. of a   c( o'A"" GUM-COLORED INDIA VuBBza. in two of bone or metal, there ar prilJst ",ilf', or opera?ion reqiiiredtiby r? i?d u?.. ho 1, ?some, aiid entirely, free from  or smell, are easy an d com ortable on t her  d may be worn for many )?ears witlio@t being in affd. mO'T'he.nrll:ib'h.:I ;;r,;h'i:tt ir:nlu;piLIf:: tban aau tbe ordinary cost only by MESSRS. GABRIEL, (I)entipt. to the Prince D'Otyjitia, E?tabliphed 1815, D?).) 184, DUKE STREET. &É'RÔL hi.óDó3:oarnâ'til1Â;liii.Í.;DaÙOI REGENT STREET. BRA CHES?- BANGOR, at Mr. ROBERTS'S, WatehmaMr? High?treet. CARNARVON, at the UxBMDGE AaMS HOTSL. DENBIGH, at the CROWN HOTEL. Gabriel's Treatise is of great imporUnce to all requi,7, D d, and »m&natin? from such a source may be confidently ? ?? on, -UNITBD SBa.ICR GAZETTB, Ga?riel's a)-.temwill ..?h 'n"' nd tiir;?ore di.a?p,tme"I'- 11"I ILI. Roya) $Lbt@,i'. celebrate d Preparations-the W ie p.,?kt the Gutta P rh. id., b f r 8toppin?( and the Koyal Enamel 5? per pa?cke" r the GnMa????? U-it-d Tooth Powder for restoring tne Teeth may be had of any of their agents or wrougn w y ihe United Kingdom. AMERICAN MINERAL TEETH. get9 £ 44s The best in Europe, warranted to el?i, th.i colou,, from 3,. 6d 'per   DECAYED TETH eSecMatty stopped With the WIIITE E:oI AlIIEL, GOLD, .d SUCCEDANIUM, prevents further decay and tooth..ohe; ccoonnssuuliiteeu d onthe « Lobs of Teeth, and all opverations ap- MEMB6. GABRIEL are in attendance daily, fron.?p7.and.ay b. .on.ulted on the LOBB ofTeeth.and.U.p.ration?p- pertaining to Dentistry, at their establishments per?, t. Dentil, at their ????,,??.?,u, ;\j GlTËetÍiILL, CITY ESTABLISHUVNT, 33j.f, L)GA?E HILL. ParUcularlg Ob8ett1/J that the entrance is the private  the State Fire 1118urance Office a d o?M <A«< ? <-?Mc<- M ? <Ae pW?ie ?w?? the ??"'? ?MrMM O?ee o? J?°<<rff«<cc««M&!rrf? y .M?. Bejuon,St ? t?M-MtM, aH<< 110,?'?-<<ee<, ?e?< ?cAt't. 1 GRIFFITH DAVIES, FTJRNISHIlfG ESTABLISHMENT, BANGOR.   CARPETS IN VELVET PILE, BRUSSELS, KIDDERMINSTER, TAPESTRY, VENETIAN ■ DUTCH, FELT, PRINTED DRUGGETS AND FLOOR CLCI THSI 1 COCOA AND INDIA MATTINGS, HEARTH RUGS, DOOR MAT:?o. J TISSUETTS, REPS, LASTINGS, DAMASKS, AND UNION MOREENS, UTRECHT VELVET, TABLE COVERS, TOILET CLOTHS, '• COUNTERPANES, BLANKETS, SHEETINGS, TOWELLINGS, BED TICKS, TABLE LINENS.L,. DAMASK CLOTHS, NAPKINS, BLIND CLOTHS IN ALL WIDTHS; CHINTZES, DIMITIES, &». fco.; FBINGES, LACES, GIStrB AND BORDERS. IMPORTER OF SWISS WINDOW CURTAINS. "PAPER HANGINGS," IN FLOCK, GOLD, BLOCK, AND MACHINE M/HJFCFACTL » ii, GUTTA PERCHA PAPER FOR DAMP WALLS; GOLD BEADING; BORDERS AND CENTRE PIECES FOR CEILINGS AND DECORATIONS. CITY CARPET AND FURNISHING WAREHOUSB EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER, BECKETT BROTHERS, (LATBrRICHARDS.) |T MESSS, BECKETT BEOTHKRS be? respectfully to ami unce that they are now showini? at their F n j"* Estau?iihmen( East^e Row, late Prichards), »n fntjly New Stock of BUU^ELVS, KIDDERMINSTER and TAPESTITY (I ,,III"rs: ?pri? Rreat variety .( new Jd.uper.or ?i?. Iu the purchase of these Goods, Messrs. B. bg to ?.y they particularlv careful to select only nuch qualities and colounnjts as they can salelyrecommend Messn. Beckett be?,'also tc that they have just receivea New $Lock of 1MPKOVED H:TALLIC BEDS IEADS, and CHILDREN S COTS, i. ) i:.Ut-. "4 BttASS' Also, NEW DAMASKS, DIMITIES, CHINTZES, AND MUSLIN CURTAINS. Messrs. B. having at their New Est?kbli?hm6nt the advantage of every facility for a large extensilm of their Furnih:' rr.l.J.('¡ rMM?)h' mt?X ?M patMna?e of f'lmJie a?o?at to furnish, and beg to say they feel M?rt-d that by the punctna). fCOnoH.. md thoroughly emcient itia.. r."?h?. f they are prepared to execute orders in every branch of the turnietun? UphoUterj ? e.Si they wilt not faU to secure the f?,prol!.titi of their eu tomer., ?'' MATTRASSES, FEATHER BDS, AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BECKETT BROTHERS, (LATE PKICHARDS'), EASTGATE ROW. CHESTER. TO BE DISPOSED OF BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. THE PW LLH ELI PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. THE Office con?i3t8 Of one super Royal Col. bi?,. T PreMt)?)? tron ?v?i?derI?k Block; one Super ,?oyil Demy Imperial Presa; one ,on Proof Press; one Standing Pr<-8»i with about 1000 Double-crown Glazed Boards; about 5 cwt. of Brevier, & to 4 cwt. of Long Primer, with good Fonts of t e fro. Doubt.- Minion and Pi" "'ke Jobbing Tj pe is ;?li goo(i Fonts of pi?. and Two-?i,, English up to Twenty-Line Pica, ith ?h'?e? Stic?° Bme Gallies and Wooden ditto, and all the other requisites. F.»r further partlcul". npply to Mr, HUNBY HUGHNS, or to Mr. Humphbby Griffith, Auctioneer, Pwllheli. PERSONS DESIROUS TO EFFECT LIFE AS- Sl'RANCES at the mailest OuUay, are requested to ex- amine the Ilyt,, oltl LIFB ACCOCIATION OF SCOTL&ND; wh, Ar e..t.. ,,en specially adopted with that view. The ASSOCIATION was founded in 1838, and is one o f the most extensive Life Offices in the Kingdom. PROFIT 8CHEME.-A ah'of IP-At' 10 allocated Yearly to every Policy-holder of five yem' standi^? at the r:'b:i:uha:t¡:' is applied so u to reduce the pmen? omlgy for hie po l icy. The allocation. to Po?iey.ho!d? o?the t-ir<t Serf?fnMntty Xo? S e?ti?'S*?'?!' have thia yMr been so much M P.t. (.. me?y 7.. 6d. per ?t) of the Annual Premiums* POLICIBS OF £1000. I; Ae 1r I Age e POLICIES OF jEUMO.. ? ? ? ?? STIPULATED pre miums.46 10 0 £ 44 5 °1£321l 8 £ 25 0 ( SHARE of p roflt for Year 2411 ?. I0 12 4 4? 9 7. < PRZ.L T..? R.D-? W?.?; 18 9 27 13 2 20 7 4 15 12 HALF-CREDIT SYSTEM.Iicie. of £ V0 and upwards may be ?ff??t?d and kept up by payment of only One-halt the Premiame for theOrttSi? fears, with Interest on the othev j fhalf. YšcÏUeM\>o3bRD:IOVAL CHARTER and ACT of PAR- UAMENT, and having HEAD OFFICES, with BOARDS of MANAGE- LIr AMENaTt ,?oNDON, DUBLIN ED)NBURGH and GLASGOW w £ AGENCIES throuchout the WaOLE KiNGMM.theAssocttTtOKpreaente equtthetUtmteReMdent? maH parts of England and IrMand MweUM Scotland. APPLICATIONS .bould be made before 5th APBIL, when the ?OO?S ?[? be Closed for the T WENTY-FLRST ANNUAL BALANCE. BALANCE. THOs. FRASER, Re.. Secy. London, 20. King William Street, City, E.C. AGENTS:— Bangor Mr. John Edmund., British School An??h "?'?Mr'. Ed. O. Wynne, Mona Lodge Office Carnanon Mr. Moigan Lloyd, Wine Merchant HotyhMd 'Ni rr: Frederic GiH. National Provincial Bank L)aMefni.Mr. Wm. Hu?ee. National Provincial Bank Chester Mr J. E. Williams. Druggijt, Bar De6bigh Mr. J. Preece, Nationt Provincial Bank SAINT DAVID'S DAY. '11HE BANGOR ASSOCIATION for the PROSECUTION OF ,,L, INI. *ill hold their ANNUAL MEETING at the house of Mr. John Deuman, Casti>b Hotel, Bangor, on THURSDAY f the 1st day ol March, 1859. Dinner on the Table at 5 o'clock. REV. MORRIS HUGHES, PRESIDENT. Whereas, house-breaking, robbery, and other offences have been perpetrated in the Parishes of Bangor, Llandeg.ti, and Llan- il ee il, and the offenders having frequently escaped punishment either from forbearance, or want of the means necessary to bring sue offenders to receive the awards of justice, THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE. That we, the undersigned, inhabitants of the above Parishes, and othrø have bound ourselves, to the utmost of our power, to in- flict the just punishment of the law upon all those that commit any depr.datlo", upon our property, or shall be guilty of any or n yheT ei mentioned; and for the ?'p ii.h "t of that lj, we bave gred to ff?r such ri"Wardd. as below fixed, to any one that shall apprehend, or be the cause of the apprben- ?inn and conviction 'ot guilty f the following e..?. Feloniously breakinginto houses, shop &c. g55o ,;y robbery 55 X 8iealimr a ho«e cr a mare 330 Stealingacow, calf, sheep, oro?rf;rn.?.to.k".7.?.: 4 « J B,, k?,,R i,,Il ,d,, r orchard.». 110 «JJ Cutting t.ees, branches, plant$, or qiieks in hedges, a", 1 1 0 ?c'h *'<r?e!). 0 Ste ¡ling corn, gra.ln) gran, bay, rrowing or in stack, 1 1 0 potatol'&,turnipø.orJr°rae.. e. 1 ] 0 Stea? ? gate, ?pS"raUtn?orany' articiM of iron ?  belonging to the ? a I10 ,,jrin? a ??on'. cart, plough, or any other implement in husbandly g g g Stealing a pig,or any fowl v J[ lJv JJ A*!d'' any o't'h'er offnce or theft not beiol before mrntioned, such reward ? the ma?rity of the members of th. Society think pro- Pe ") g ??ma'int a bod tori tai, nadrata. a thro.eddiadau eraill wedi gw"n..?g 'i.ndeg?i, L!a.1l..hid, yn swydd U..e?"nar?t,i, ac i'r troseddwyr yn fynych ddiane rhag ?n.? p,.ped.?eth; naill ii trwy ormod tynerwch.neuo ddiffyg ?kr4ii i ddwyn y cytryw rd,,Iyn barn c)t- ra?h MAE II WN YN RBYBUOD, ^:odni«:i'irVedry^wo u?l?od, ae traW. wedi ymr ,,o i tI 'Ore. to.. t ddwyn 'r gosb a h .edilant "f"" ral a wnelont unrhyw lad- rad ar ein lIeiddo, nen a f)ddont ya et" tr,eddiadau a enwir Y"' f gwoelom  'll C)t.un<i801l1 1 roddl y c)'fryw,? !?, bellodir ?.d? i 11IIrhyw Un a ddaho, neu fyddo ?'' aS?dda. '?""o?'o?  e? o'r tro?edd.adaj yn call1yn y.tord u, g??ithdai, & c  Am r:i:;1 :{7: £ g A in ladratta cetfyl neu gaseg,. • Am !:?a'???!??d: neu a-?ara-i:?. ? J Am dort uerliau neu anld l iu U A.d?,i Pi3nhigion, byw mewn .id i.,?, a'r f"th droseddiadau 1 1 0 tn)' ?rat't'a* Jd. tra? ",ellt, neu air yn tyfu neu wedi ei gas 'In yn.'liyd, ,.ywtws, maip, neu eltnip. 110 Am dori neu ladratta liidiait, ?,?d.e,? P-11, -.?. unrh}'w wait < htiarn >n perthyu id tynt 110 Am ladratta ntu neweioio mfio, trol, aradr, neu unrhyw s;€r hwsinonaeth arall 0 10 0 Ac am unrhyw droaedd neu ladrad na Phennodwy? o'r blae, y fatli wobrag a dybia r ;? hvyaf Aelooau y Oyid,ith.. yn Ket.H.H.P.Meaty Very Uev. the lieU) Jam. Wyptt, Esq. Bev. )lorlÎs liughf8 Right Hcy, Lorll liiahop Wm. Francis, Esq, Quarry Rev. J. V. Vincent Mr. Giiftth Davies,draper W. B. Hughes. Esq. Mr. T. Birkett Hon. E. G. D. Pennant, M.P. H. A. Huberts, ;'q. R. M.Ghmu'' Esq. Mr. H. Morris, coacb.builder Mr.H.Mome.c.Hch-hniMer Mr. S,.p,o.?, Palace Mr. John Aronson 11. B. Roberts, Esq,, solicitor li. Lloyd Joth-s, Esq., solicitor Mr. Wm. Griffith, druggist Mr. Benjamin Shirley b' Mr? E?" H'??'?? Uanbenf! Mr. John Parry, New London ?o. A.J. Dodson, Ksq. Mr. Chas. Bicknell t<r. Win. Williams Mr. George Ingram Henry Kennedy, Esq. H. ll. Hughes, E»q., surgeon J O. Binder, hsq. J. V. H. Williams, Esq. r. Turner, Esq Mr. Henry Humphreys Mr. Robt. Humphreys John Francis, 8q. \r. "H. ?'?cWit'hamt Uedworth Lee, E»q. S???r W?'M Mr. H. W. Humphreys j<,hnHichMdt.t.?.. 8Jjr^n W. B,i,i?h Hote I Mr.J.DtnmM.CMt' Mr. George Fern ?? ?fSn Thomas, Port 'Ar Thomas, T.1y,a,. General Hughes I B. M. GRIFFITH, TebascrBB. [PRELIMINARY PROSPECTUS.] THE LLANDUDNO ROYAL HOTEL COMPA-Xft LIMITED. Capital 147,500, ia 9,600 Shares of £5 Each. 10s. to be paid on allotment, fl two months afterward*, the residue as it mat/ be required, but no subieqw.'i t Call to exceed Xi per Share. HONORARY PATRONS, The RIOHT Hon. LOID MOSTYN, Mostyn Hall. rh' liON. COL. E. G. DOUGLAS t'ENNANr, 1.P., 1,h)'1I. Ca,tle. The^loN. THOMAS E. M. LLOYD MOSTYN, M.P.,Gl?, Llandudno. The HON. PRYCE LLOYD, Penwern, Rhyl. Sin PIER MOsTYN, III.T.,T?l?,11RI LLOYO HESKETH B.TXFORD HE ?KET, E.q, "Y,fs CasUe, Abergele, ROPKR, Esq., Pias T,g, Mol l. CHARLES II. ESII" Plas Teg, Mol, jCastlLe,ES WIt. YNNE E'Q.'r ZCoed C.,?h, Abergele. J. U. WYNNE, E?,q. Junr. Coed Coch, Abergele, DIRECTOBS. GEORGE BEAUCH\MP COLE, Esq., Roxeth Villas, ITarroT^ WILLIAM H. MORTIMER, ESII" Mortimer Roa], St. J i'i.V< Wood. H. S. WESTMACOTT, ESQ. Gordon Square, London. With power to add to their number Two seats at the. Board will be reserved for the ShareKol-era o £ the Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool District,, BANKERS. LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK, Bloomsbury Branch. SOLICITORS. 28, John Street, Be iford Row, London. BROKERS. LoMee-Mr. E. LLOYU bf ORO Ali, S. Bank Chambers, Lothtaf Manchester—Mr. SAMUEL FERNY tiOUGH, 30. Cross Street. Birmingham—Mr. NATHANIEL LEX, Bennett's Hill. Lherpool—Messrs. W. CHAMBERS & CO., 7, Castle, Street. ARCHITECT. HENRY ASHTON, Esq., 5, Victoria Street, Westminster. TEMPORARY OFFICES. London-28, JOHN STREET, BEDFORD ROW, W.C. Liandudno-The MOSTYN ESTATE OFFICE, Choech WalU THE totally inadequate amount of residential Tafforded by the town of Llandudno, U9 families visiting that favourite reso t; and the exorbitant chargcf made for such private lodgings as could be procured, were pyb- jects of constant complaint, even before the railway to Llandudno was opened. These drawbacks have betn doubly felt during the past season, as the railway poured in ita DAILY stream of visitors, many of whom, unable to find either private lodgings, eg hotel accommodation, were compelled to return, and locate tbe. selves elsewhere. It is alo a known fact, that many families and tourist%, were delerred from visiting Llandudno lad summer* fr»m the uncertainty of finding an) a h? ,,t?r EVBN to'r'light. Th??,,ilt appear the less surprising, when it is remembere. what facilities the railway and steamers offer, and the widely spread popularity of the place. There can be no doubt, ,berefor, that the number of visitors will continue to increase, in proportion a# the accommodation of tbe town increases. As it is evident that many years must elapse, before private enterprise can build and furnIsh a sufficient number of hoU1.1 to meet this immediate and early increasing demand, it h48 ?: resolved to erect an Hotel, on a scale commensurate with the rising importance of Llandudno, and of the class of visitors whet would then frequent it in the summer, or who, on account of its recognised mi¡dnes and salubiity, would make it a winter re* .idence, the temperature generally being 10 degrees higher thm in London. The success of Joint-Stock Company Hotels in London ana elsewhere, is now placed beyond a doubt: and they are found af investments to return from 20 to 30 per cent. dividends, even where immense sums are sunk in high rentals, or it. the purchase oAand. In the present undertaking, as the rental will be but nominal for so great a structure, it may be faitly estimated that the profit. "w" ill ot fall short of the above amdunt. A very large plot of ground has been secured from Lord Mostyn on favourable terms, for a term of ninety-nine years; and a con- tract is being arranged for completing the building b the shortest possible time. It is hoped that a portion 01 the Hotel may be; ready for occupation during the ensuing summer. The Hotel will be con,tructed on the models of the O.t ap* proved Joint-stock Hotel.. It will consist in the first Of two divisions:- The First-A General Hotel, containing A Large and Lofty Coffee Room, with Reading B. Billi" and Smoking R. e. suite. A Saloon (at Coffee Room ?b"ar ie,) for Families and Ladies Wb« prefer this more e?nomical and continental faslOn. A I ?arg, Dining Room. for nonr8idents and parties; "d Private SiUinr On?,q. for Families and Gentlemen. P., of the .0t,? will a.Tord ?teep accommodation for "ogr, 140 visitors. Thebeco nd-A RRIVATB HOTELwith private eIntrance for Families, and occup), tbe principal floor. It wil be arranpC in ..its. of Tooms, and m.d as pri.ate a8 po"ibl,. Each luit8 will comprise one Sitting and two or three Bedrooms, with Dressing Room and Water Closet. These apartments will b?g arranged and adaped for Winter as well as Summer relidQee. An Assembly or Concert ?Tom can be subsequently erected^ ehould one be deemed necessary. The Royal Hotel ,ill be d,?,d, nd face the ?es, haviar a t:tn:n'1J!, :e,e'ih\1¡,¡ ";ed Btde in a :.= part of tbe Esplanade, and will be surrounded with la"ns, "aJU and parterres. It wHl be built with wings seawards, w thate?ery Room on that side of the Hotel will command a view of Ll= dudno Bay and the.Ormes Heads, whilst the rear of the Hotel will enjoy a view of Conway Bay and the beautiful scenery of the adjacent mountains. The interior will be fitted up with ta*t., comfort, and evevjT modern appliance, suitable to a winter as well as Summer resl« deuce. The management will be in the hands nf the Board of Director** who will make arrangements for strict local upeivision. The general business of the Hotel will be conducted by an eye perienced Manager, with an efficient staff under him. The Cuisine will be under the direction of a first-rate Cbeff and the dinners, from the plain coffee-room joint to the most ,echerchd epa8t, will be served tp in the very best ?tyle; and B9 expense will be spared in pocuring the choicest viands and as. cessories. The Cellar will only conhin the very best qualities of the dif" ferent classes of wines, which will be selected from the stock of the first hou "a in the wine trade, and every precaution will be taken to prevent the wines being tampered with. Equal caie wil be bestowed on the sleeping dp?rtm?nt, -d el?ry .i. detail, whilst the Charges ?ilipbe on a liberal .4 graduated scale. The hares in the Llandudno Royal Hotel C*,P, I lit4 are intentionally made small in value, and the 118Udu'r' hunted, that all persons \i\litin and takingan interest in tbe pace. may hat" the option of becoming Shareholders; and byavlllhng tnem* ?elve. of the ad.?." It. the Hotel -i'? offer, may both tribute to its success, and l?articipate in the PrO?t' I trihe p:taTdf £W,J8t¡S i:.ef?t'fter the o.9 carefu 1 calculations, based on the actual conUiact »o» in »• course of arrangement to be amp ly eifficietit for building ?4 furnishing the $otel: a? also, for pl?cing in the cellars a t?.k of wine; besides (\i'a: all preliminary expenses. Applications or Sharea may be addressed the form anwxe d t Ihert,) the Secretary, at the ofliees of the Company, or to tb« respective Brokers. FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES. THE LLANDUDNO ROYAl, HO 1 EL COMPANY, LIMITED. Sib, I will thank you to place my name on th lilt.. an applicant for 8hares in the ab., Comw pari); and I hereby agree to accept the lJame. or any less numbtf that may b. allotted to me; to pay the i..stalmc!:t of lOs, on aW lotment, and all other calls thereon when due; and to sign th8 Articles of Association when required to do 60. Same (in full) Profession or Occupation Residence ( i,, full) Date i Usual Signature To the Secretary or Broken