Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

18 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

[No title]


u„„. (,li .iicl 1 >ouglas lVnnant, M.T. and 'j,t, l'mrhvn Castle for Wickin ratk,un i'l idav hst. ?,);.?r..Tn))t?'?' In another e?)umn ,U),. t ,WHl ?.tneUttereSth?)m'eecd[n?settini; ,11 int. Vchaniio of kindly feelinj; and mutual '"1 will on ti.. part ,tth,' citizens ofKangor and '?'t''h?n'? 'h.p. Wh'h regard tu the "??)?.H?'<'?' -???''?S' ?'?" V lint orthodox -there arc 110 dis- a oommunit y where the "goo d lii>lioj. '?'?'? ?,h..n-c)?)dw?'d- 1 ,'IWITll\' (Ill HlïL The following gentle- .?t??'.??.?.'nd kindh..?bscnbcd the -tt.u 111 d to tin ii names, towards the repairs ,kill'1 place ill the church of I.lonfrothan, \i "ixliirc: < ni>ri:e AiigustuslIuddui't.Kstl- ?,n!?.. ?— ""?''  Keveley Esq jun. of ll"n i.v- 1KI" &■ it- ,I M\t:tx. (»:i Saturday the 12th in,t:mt. '))i.).?- Thoinax. otherwise Thomas Hughes, of "p'ivixh of Newl.oi'OUgh, was committed to the ,? -«?'?'<' ?"?" '1 'it ?! ? xt Quarter C:o:'sinn,01i two distinct dUrl tf ')u1hry: nalndy, for breakin and ijiv» the -hop of 1 'avid" Williams, of Abu- ;m.l alxo the shop of John Williams, of J'j???R). The primer is one of u lamily 'oiixi-tin" of the father and three son,. who, it a rectntlv been discovered, subsisted by com- mitting dcprufitioiix "hout the country. the fa.. th\T :tntl out- oi'tiu- 'llb wcre apprehended about l^ve months ago, :,i,l at the last Uiliary Sc- »ii„ix tried 'nd convic ted on several mdietments, '1 ^ontcneed to 7 war* transportation, ihe ,r, x. nt prixoni r and another brother (a?nn-.t ?.).t'Mi.)unuehtH< were returned at the 1, ,ve-i'.ieiitioned sex-ions) at the time absconded, 1, i ".li-te I- The prisoners, however, under t",t a red coat was a sufficient • t, • hi- appearance a few day ao in V, r u, ,,u w h en lie was immediately imi nnimitted as above stated. Hugh Th-m i-. *tiic Other biother, is still at large, but a dw: 11 h also lven "bt lined as to his whereabout. Ivr"-ovi \p \i.- Tyutwr School, in the vicinity t'|. 1't'JJ:l Slate (luarry in the parish of ,!gi: ai, I1.1- 1 ecently been enlarged to meet the I Vici i ";¡J)- ..f the district. Th"l'e i, now accommoda- tion for •■">0 scholars. The elevation has been MI-HI and the drainage rendered a effectual as "??i'ttM)/addiuu)i.d tin')<)ace has been added 'nd .1 enpol.i ht-?.scd outhe centre of the !••> ,|');,r the purpose oi ventilation. This school wa- until latelv xiipjiorted upon the voluntary '.r.'?i!('. which proved ))cithfr rrotit?)))t't()th'c I.vbcuetU to thechildreu. The proprietor |nixhColonel Houglas l'ennant, )1.1)., has, -vi r. taken the charge of the :\1"t.r' salary, and other expellees, upon himself as well as atire ot the coxt of the new additon to the • ui'I iaijiroveiueiits alluded to. Mr. ilaydon, M,n, hasloriiu cl a singing class of Hearly of teaching jiraetii e in the above sdwo1- ■■ hie h being to improve Congrega- J. Wc w ?h Mr. Haydt'??? suc- t :.i- novel and popular branch of his pro- ;;11.1 that tluse young persons may soon '1')1' it to vie itti their alpine friends kindred spirit now under tuitioll at I.lanberis. 1.1.AN 1 • c 1 • Xo TUNNEL.—A public Mig «iis held at ].l;uidudno, 011 Tuesday last, ■: !"U;HHorath)1l of the opening of the level.— [!i:ur w;is provided for ;i compan'y numbering <>,»i t'orrv persons, at the King's llead Inn, over ■ 1 \-h Mr. of presided, Ui liaiiix, of Jirynbia, occupying the vice .<!o The company was enlivened during the ■ ;;1: bv Sonus speeches, anù eiiglyiiion it a v. li iment of the right sort, a temperate ex- I,i, I, tile .■ an meet without the feelings of either ,I" ,1. The company separated about t, -all ;Lti.11t.'d with the evening's "I, :"0 I NCAl" TloCSI. V IIANOLTNG f ¡I; tLl 12th instant, nt moonlight, a fatal 't. '.vd in Tvaethraawr, between liedd- i i. in idoe, t1H'l':trth-ull'\r. 01' which arc A miner, named Ellis Evans, accout- re hi- l (kq on aged 15, went to Tradh- J:1;;1,h in pursuit of wild ducks on coming l:11 which was t(1 he crossed, the Father Illl t, the "a wh was on the other side of it •• lav h .ld of t-ii' but end olthis gun to help me over, and u in 111 vou pull it to you," the 0011- • i j h"n'e was that ill the act of doing so, the Hint r ntaliy Went down, and the contents gn:i were lot!l d in the Father's side, upun i.. \e.ts ii niov. d to the nearest house,— v. nt for. but he ceased to exist about }),,u 1- at'ter the tnHt, and ht.fllrt? the arrival nil Heal men; HO human power could have a o!' auv avail, had they been at baud. This :n-i !• nt lily inxtrumenta l some years ■1 1. ] h i table female of life. -E. o and xix children, allll another • i.i! nt th. ir loss, lie belonged .1 :.i .e ¡, fnull which the a collection was made fin i !i amounted td i'l. ">s. He .•• ('l-.uri h-yard of i.lanl'rothen, a ,• • i n. iuhli"Uis having loilowed him 12. -An inquest was i.1 t'oroner Wrdict, Ac- ).v. v. Ktun ¡;nuls. It may :eti >11 ..I our readers, that this (.tH¡sol' ').r.t the lat licaumari s assizes and j ,ii!S addiess of the learned counsel, Vi. i ndi a verdict was entered for the • by e.,n-, nt, subject to the award of Ho Fxij. liarrixter at W'c are in- • 1 that the le irncd gentleman has just made ,e.i ad, directing that a verdict should be cn- t; (III the issues that w a- due and ..wing to the plaintiff the sum I: Ih"t I" Tex? itor had dulv and legally Ii, and .-N.-euted his last will and Testament, ml wa-ot and disposing mind, and fully .i"t?i?t' ?. :?k'' -'K'h \?iH? -t)'at under and 't!"?utt)nu-.?h).HYttau?<'t'ntaiu<dthcn'ut .it!??a'?.!)n!tYPUtit?dt"a)tthcrp- l.i- sole <?''aud benetit, and tinaUy (t!, :!ud pay all the costs of the • 1s .,t' the cause being saddled 1.. 1. t ov.nscl fllr th., plaintiff lr. ..vl Mr. Walker Jones attorney, Mr. of de- Mr. rvis and Mr. Welsh? attorney, :11 I.iovd Roberts, of Carnarvon. ,x I'n'i This noble mansion is being 'oni .t.))i? design of Mr. Hopper, lIJ!dlOr thl' )H:r:,ollal 'p?n"tcn- .0,1, thecontractor, Mr. Had, the builder, of :„)th..?h the ??otrcbuMh? was ). I ,HwIHt{l three months ago, the I-ool i? •« in 'cover, d in, a fait demonstrative of the ij.iditv with which the works are carried oil.-• In .11 t0 the former building, a d t > the east front, to the kit (If in accordance and ill character w ith .ut!)i.:ht.<huspiM'?th")'?<'?. 1- coir.ctl v proportioned according to the T. tuple on 'the Ili.-sus, a central appcar- ,) !i,lin" 0 ai-iderablv to the extent and ■ .vof tn- li't he buitdi.?i..c..ns<- ,1 .fi<?a-t?t.')'t.ap[?a.s h.w,and s?'u. .h.i<.ra).aiu?d<.t.. >l .?..)..w?'asafrnwn«'thcfnt'rf?' There ;In' about one hundred tncn om- of them from the immediate ■ 1 .IMd it is satisfactory ?" — han' ds are engaged throughout the ?" ,?dt)?atMr.H"dhasr?- ?r-).?'?rthath<.shanratus at Kinmelncxt Christmas twelve in. -,ve n.,duuhtth.mhfta)t-nt .;t?'d)n ???\??7? >| \iol 1 liable him to see that his 4 iutocllect. ,J".ll thl'lI. "I I.adv Jllllolbell llsHl- 1 V;, -tn. piuiC" v. keeping up tin' ^1'^] ::I¡I:I,r;I, hi. 1 ii.tcinpl l. il to erect forthw.tli a liH' uf ,?,j,?).?H..I'h?h. A class upon the Hullah system lias been in proress for some months among the boys and girls of the National School, in this city, under the direction of Mr. Wright, of the Cathedral choir, and another for adults has just been formed. W'KXFORD, Nov. 9,—-The New Expedition, Jones, from Port Madoc to this port, came on shore last night, 20 miles to the northward, anil is ex- pected to become a wreck: crew saved. The Hight II011. Fox Maulc, M.l\ for Perth, and late Under Secretary for the Home Depart- ment, was 011 Tuesday elected Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow. The lion. Gentleman's l'pponent was the Marquis of Bute. There have been discovered, in the archives of Salamanca, documents showing that experiments 011 the application of sttun to navigation, were made at Barcelona as long ago as 104.1, by a Naval Officer named do Garray. ItoKKlHLE ('llnLT. '1'0 A ClIIL» AT Xl?WPOKT, Moxvot rusHim:.—The magistrates of Xewport, Monmouthshire, have been engaged during the w eek in investigating a most disgusting case of cruelty to a female child of between seven and eight \l'ars old hy her mother and grandmother, both of whom WI'I:" committed onThur.xday after- noon to take their trial. Sr. DAVID'S Coi.i.iaiE.—A meeting of the stu- dents uf this r nivcrsit\, was held on Saturday last, the 12th instant, in the Collegiate Hall, for the purpose of taking into consideration the laud- aMe presentation ot' a piece of plate to Dr. Olli- vant, whose departure we had the unpleasant task of announcing in our last publication. The chair was ably filled by the Kev. J. Hughes, P.E., when after several talented and eloquent speeches from many of the members present, several reso- lutions were put and carried with the greatest enthusiasm. The meeting was then further ad- journed. So great is the respect and esteem in which this upright and accumplished scholar is held, that we are given to understand that the ordained as well as unordained lIIembers of this institution, who have been so fortunate as to have studied at are unanimous in their deter- mination to bestow on him a tribute worthy of the feelings with which they honour him. His regretted departure, wc believe, takes place, together with Professor North's, at the expiration <.>f this term. CAUMAKTHKNMIUUS.—A meeting of the Conser- vative gentlemen of this county took place on Fridav, at the Lion Royal Hotel, Daniel Pryth- creh, Esq., in the chair. Amid universal regret lur Ihc dcmise of John Jones, Esq. the late nem- bcr, und numerous expressiuns of the greutest respect fur his memory, it was unanimously re- solved, upon the motion of W O. llrigstocke, Esq. of Blacnpant, seconded by E. 1*. Lloyd, Esq. ot Glascvin, that D, A. aumlers Davies, of Pentre, is a tit and proper person to be put in nomination for this county, and that he be supported accord- ingly. The meeting was perfectly unanimous, and the array of names affixed to the list of sup- porters of Mr. Davies, is such as to prove that all attempt at opposition will be futile. A melancholy accident occurred in Carmar- then, on Thursday, which had nearly been it- tended with fatal consequences and the sufferer by the distressing occurrence, is now far from out of danger. A boy, aged 1'2 years, a son of a Mrs. Davies, residing 011 the (?tav, WaS riding a horsc through the town, and when in Lammas-street, the horse took fright and galloped madly through Guildhall-square. When about the centre of Lower Market-street, the boy fell from the horse, and his foot becoming entangled in the stinup leather, lie was dragged along the ground in that state for mow than a hundred yards, his head beatillg on the loose stones, and the horse gallop- ing furiouslv along, occasionally kicking the un- fortunate boy on the head and body. The boy's foot became disentangled in King-street, near the house of Mr. J. Hughes, surgeon, who immediately picked him up and paid prompt attention to his wounds. The scalp of the poor fellow's head was almost whollv severed from the seull, and the effu- sion of blood* was considerable. He had also re- ceived a great number of bruizes in various parts of the head, neck, and body, and was in a totally insensible state. He was conveyed home, and now lies in a dangerous state. EXTIIAOKIUNAliY Cvni: BY A F.\J:IlIER.-On the oth of Oct. last, as the servant bov of Mr. John Davies, of Aberscvin, in the county of Brecon, fanner, was in the act ofharroiv-iiig, he awkwardly turned the horses short on the headland, and there in' threw the harrow over. One of the horses, a very spirited mare, fell upon the tines, which had been newly sharpened, whereby she was dreadfully cut in several places, and particularly under the belly. She ran in this state two or three hundred "yards, till her entrails became en- tangled about her feet. By the skill and activity iiid farrier, near Penpont, the whole were replaced, and, to the as- tonishment of nil who had seen her, the mare re- covered and is now able to work. At seven o'clock, on Friday evening last, the frieniMtip, of'Bideford, Fisher, master, laden with timber, parted from her andwrs in a heavy "pwll off the Breakwater, and drove on shllre in Purth. ewal Bay. The sea broke entirely over her, and the crew were in great danger during the whole night, as the surf w as very high, and the vessel roUcd and struck heavily upon the sands. At four a.m., thetide had left her, and the crew were cnabledtoget 011 shore much fatigued but thank- ful to Almighty Goo for his great mercy in pre- serving their lives, ller cargo is discharged, and as she has not, so far as can be discovered, re- ceived much damage, in all probability, should the weather prove moderate, she will be got into l'orthcaw l Harbour in a day or two. NKwsi'AI'iats SI:.NT ABROAD.—It may be useful to those of our leaders who may have friends re- siding abroad, to know that newspapers can be ..c?tthrou!.h the p?st<?) the following terms /•Vol. To all parts of France to Hamburgh, Bre- men, Cuxhaven and Lubeck, Spain and Poitugal, Gibraltar, Malta and the Ionian Islands, the East Indies ria Falmouth, South America, I ppcr and Lower Canada, Jamaica, and all the Kritish West India Islands.—A postage of twopence is charged upon papers to the following countiies, which IIlllsl be paid when put into the 1'ost- office in this country, either by postage stamps or money, namely, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, Italy, Egypt and Turkey riii France, the United States of "Vmeric.i, Cuba, Mexico, all the foreign est jlndian Islands, Guadaloupe, Martinique, Hayti, t'? St. Helena, the Cape of Good Hopc,(\v)on.Austra)ia,NcwS<?uthW!des? Van J>icman'* Laud and New Zealand, are dlarged n postage oiom.'pcnny cach. Tnr Siti? riie usual wcfkty meet- '.n"ot't)?.«'?'?<W.)shddou't'ursday m?ht attlie National Association Hall, in th.UId Bailev but, owing, most probably, to the unfa- vourable State of the weather, there w-as but a very thin muster. A Mr. MaJd<.na)dhaYin? been v.?d to the chair, and the minutes of the iunmr meeting read, the reports of the delegates were then received. Among the different motions put and.anied was one for printing therms and l'e- gulations ofthe association, in the iurmutasmaU pamphlet, to be distributed to the public at the charge of one penny each. It \;?s likewise resolved of (iL.? oti,ig tiic! first rti(.s(iztv evening of every month to concerts ot 1 patriotic OIl'rs" llOU)d be discontinued -the custom mter- fcriug too much with the business of the aso('ia. ?on. These preliminaries being disposed ot a ?r.J{v)and was hed upon to enhghten the audience hy one of the most mvstihcd and long- .pnn lectures ever heard, on ,ariou: subjects.? ,,eetedwith"thechar<er.' io'.vatd?thetto-.o?? thi beautiful specimen of elocution, a murium ing amongst the admiring company 1 arrival of uo h' a personage than Mix* Mai} An^n W'llker who was lxcmni with every dcmonstia- friendshi)'sfYerat stretching out to shako hands with the voting lady. At the close of lecture she rose to address the meeting, and com- menced bv'?serving that her hue absence tmm ,be hall had been occasioned by md'.po?ton ,ne She trusted they would not th.nktha he shafts of ridicule which had been lately hurled aaillt h"T had had any 1\"lId in pn'l'lItin¡:: ho j ittcndance. She was proofagamst any such mis- siles She then road a letter she had leceivi t -oma person in France, dedicated to herself and tht' female ('hartlt ot Great Hntam. towa ds whom the writer, a Monsieur dc prokssl'd to, entertain kcliugs of tile greatest respict and ^•«> miration, in token of which he begged tu pn>oHt th,m with an unpublished work adYOC;ltiH ,t' woman, :(I ) t}¡USL' wl!1 had I It it to he of merit. Having to)llludt,d 1 he. • oeh Miss Walker sal down, and a vote 01 ?r, '?n.? ..??" «» ?" lecturer, He :;?.b??.r?outh.U-p?tI.o'c.ock.





To the Editor of the Xorth…

To the Editor of the Xorth…



Family Notices

;.t)ipping ifhUrUigntrr.

: itiarftm, iirtrro iTunmt,…

[No title]





THE pRINrir.YUTY \1.11\1 io…