Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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CARRIAGES. I THE LARGES2 STOOK op CARRIAGES IN THE PRINCIPALITY. (ESTABLISHED 1762). TAC K SON AND SONS. (Succeesofs to the late Mr Joseph Cooper), COACH BUILDERS, IlOLT STRBET, WREXHAM, I TN expressing the!r moat grateful acknowleagmenta for I ?L the )ti?'i!)g'u9hed patronage and support they have receive"! frun the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry, J. & S. respectfni'y to iutitDate thtt they have OM SALE a hrse Assortment of NEW AND SECOND-HAND CARRIAGES. THE NEW CARRtAGES cons!at of exceeJ!ng!y light donbte Broughams, with cjtcular T,late p Ias front?, for one or two horse:; double :md singk-seated Cabrioiette Pbæ:ons with and without h(!uJs, t'<;ry light hahiouahie Cane-backed l'ony Carriages; huntisotue four-wheelfd Wagonettes, with alt recent i<n. provemcnta iuur and two wheeled Drags sad Dog Carts; mat NVI,itechapels and Spring Carts of various forms; Sociable Car?, adapted for Hotel-keepers, &c., &e. The ahrve Carriages are all built on the premuee, of the best seasoned materials, Sciahed in Srst-rate 6ty)e of 'workmanship, and are constructed from the most fashioa- able desigus, combitiing elegance, durability, and tightness, the whole of which will be warranted, and sold at the lowest remunerative prices. SECOND-HAND. Very light Waggonette with moveable pane!-hood, form- ing a small Omcibna (complete) for one or two horses; smaU Hj!ht Brougham; full sized Clarence; several large rhstoua with heads and glasses to form close carnages I (very smtabte for iunkeepeM) light two horse Break; small one horse Fly, Irish Jaunting Car, Waggonette, jritskss, Swiss Car, Log Carts, Gigs, Bath Chair, small rba:tons, &c., &c., all offered at a great reduction. Basket Carriages made to order on the shortest notice. N. B.—A design of any of the above Carriages forwarded free of cost on application. Heraldry, Ornamental Pa!nt!n)f, Family Hatchmente &c., executed, as aemi, in the nrst styte. Old Carriage of every description takeii in eichange. or utttd up ia best manner. Hott-street, Wrexham, Feb. 22, I860. NEW MUSIC AT HALF PMCE. 27, Bridge at. Row. Chester. T30UCHER AND CO. have always on hand an ex- J3 tensive selection of NEW and SECOND-HAND- INSTRUMENTS. of the best character, for SALE and HIRE, on the most moderate terms. Additional Stocks kept. by their various Agents in Wales. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE. ?ONDY'S PATENT FLUID or NATURAL DIS. ? INFECTANT, mot only deodorizea but disinfects perfectly and destroys for ever the cause of infection, is not poisunoua, as it may be used to punfy water, evokes no noxious or unpleasant gas, cannot be mis- taken for any other nuid, thereby preventing death and disease, and injuring good health, pure air, and water, and is therefore the best, safest, cheapest, and most pleasant disinfectant ever introduced. Condy's Patent ogoniaed water for the Bath and Toi- let invigorates the frame, and cleanses the mouth, breath, and akin, removes all secretions, by substituting abso- lute purity, 29. 3s 6d. Sold by all first class chemist?, 63, King 'William-at. London Bridge, E.C. Sold in Quart Bottler 49., Finta, 2s., Half-pints, Is aud in bulk 10". per Gallon; T7'INEGAR.—Patronised by Her Majesty's Govern. V mmt. CONDY'S PATENT CONCENTRATED PURE MALT VINEGAR. Families by using this delicious Vinegar, insure purity and effect a saving of Fifty per cent. See reports of Dr Letheby, City omces of Beatth, Dr Bassall, of the Lanctt Commission, and others. Sold by the Trade in bottles, labelled and capsuled. Wholesale, 63, Eing, London; bridge, E.C. Condy'g Family vinegar, being the above article be- orc concentration,0ne Guinea, Six GaMona, cask and car- age free. HENSON'S WATCHES. MANUI'ACTO&Y, 33 & 34-, LCDGATE HtLL, LONDON, E.G. f'4 ???*???7B ] Establiahed 1749. CPECIAL attention is requested to 0 BenMx's newlUustrated Pamphtet <H Watcteit (post free tor two stax pa). tt contains a full description of every construction of watch now made, pro- tuaety illustrated with drawinss, with their variout) pric<-s, important infor- mation as to the Watch to buy aud how to use it. By its aid persons living n !"cotiand, Ireiand, Wales, or any part of the kingdom, can select with .he greatest certainty the watch best tdat-tcd to their use. Every watch is warranted and sent free and safe by Mitt on receipt of a remittance. Bcnson's Lady's Watch.—" Exquisite artistic feeIlnR in orn;u!)entation and tx'rtectionof mechanism."—iteming Post SUver 3 to 15 guineas. Gold 5 to 50 guineas. Benson'a Gentleman's Watch.—"AH that can be desired in thnsh. [astf. u.ud design. —O'obe. Silver X to 50 guiue&it. Qotd 0 to 100 guineas. Benson's Lever Watches.—"Leave nothing to be desired but the mOlley to buy them with. "—Standard. silver < to 30 guineas. Cold 7 to 50 );uineas. Benson's Horizontal W&tchea.—" A Mod watch with- out puyit.t; an exorbttant prjc<i."—Uaiiy Tfiegraph. t-Hver 2 to 8 guineas. Gold 5 to 20 GuineM. Agents for India.—Messrs Griodhty and Co. Cuicutta. Messrs Smith, TayJor and Co. Bombay, MeMM Thacker and Co, Calcutta and Afiababad. Messrs Le Pa<;o and Co. Library Ca)cutta. of whom pamphlets can be contained. Orders, with remittances (including 59. extra for postage), shoutd be sent direct (or through any of the above nrms) to J. W. Benson's \V:ncf< tUanut'actory, 33 and 3., Ludgate Riit, London, E U JisfaMisbed !7M. Merchants, Captains, Shippers, Watch Clubs, and Whole- sale BuyeM treated with Jtoeraity. Old Watches taken in .Mhimxe or repaired. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. TTEALrH RESfORED and maintaiaed by the nso to JLL these Piits, prepared solely by John Kaye, Esq. of Daltcn-Hall, near Huddersndd. They are uneqaatles in simplicity, safety, &nd beneticiat etfect, and in caseJ of aceute as well as chronic diseases, especially thoso yMMy from impurity of Blood,' Indige& tÙm, eH(J CbK<<t- .qes ti&n, and Consts- patiois, are he best medicine that can possibly be em- ployed FEMALES, ARTiZANS, MECHANICS, all persons of Se dentary Habits, and the general public, wid nod them of the greatest service in correcting and preventing irrega- larities in the performance of the various fuuctioM of the human body. Buy one Box and read 0., lesti)nonial inctosed. ELMS'S RUTH IN SODA WATER. T) ELLIS and SON beg respectfully to inform the J?. public that there SODA, POTASS, AND SELTZER WATERS AND CHAMPAGNE LEMONADE, So long celebrated tor their nnrivalled purity, may be obtained from all respectable Retailers of Mineral waters in the United Kingdom. IMrOnr.EBS OF GERMAN SELTZER WATER. Agents for Wrexham, Joseph dark. Wine Merchant, J. Droughton, Druggist. tDg DR. DE JONGH'S (KnigM f the Order of LcoDold of Belyium), LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL Pn-schbed by the most eminent Medicat Men throughout the worid as the safest. ape<'diest. aud most effectual rouedy fer L'omwllption, Bronchitis, -Asthtya, roughs, Rhcll'1latism, 6'M«'. General ÐebiNtv, D4eases of the Mt'M, Ricketi, II¡/imtile Wa,9tiny, and all Scrirofulous -dfeetions. DR. DE JoNSH's Oil is the most etficaciou. the x'ost pa). ttaUte. and, trom its rapid curative effects, unquestionably he n!p<t economicat of all kinds. Its imtneasurHabte tttera. peutic su¡¡;,riurity over "very other variety is estabHshed by innumerable spontaneous tfsti'nonialx from Physicians and Surgeons of European reputation. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS The Late JONATHAN rEREIRA, M.D., f.B.S J'i-ofessor at the Uni'erJity of Londo/i, Physician to the London Hospital, c. It was utting that the author of the best analysis and t))vcsttt;:tt)onsh)to the properties of this Oil &houid himself bf the purveyor of this unportant medtcine. "Htnowthatnoona can be better, and few so well. ac quanted w'th tht) physieat and ohe,uical properties of th wt!diciiie asyouMetf, whom I regard M the highest anthont < u the subject. The Oil which you Rave me WM of the very nnpst auatit whether considered with reference to ib. colour, navuur o hetmcal t)roperlies, and 1 a<n satittned that tbrmediciuat pur osex uo micr Oil can be produced." G. H. BARLOW, E&q., M.D.. F.R.C.P. rlty3ician to GIY'8 Hosp;tai, Autltor of ".A. Ata,41 the Practice of Nediciac," &-c., &e. I have ftequentty rMommeudcd persons consuttinft me to uMkn use of Ur. de Jonxh'it Cod Liver Od. 1 have been well Mtiatied with in eSecta. and beticve it to be a pure Oi), \ff)t litted for th(Mj casw iti which the use ot that iiubsHmte is indicated." CSABLES COWAN, Baq., M.D., L.R.C.S.B. Bet4ior pltysicia), to the Royal Berk-sltit-e Hospital, COM- juliitly pilysician to the Reåtling Dispensary, ofe., !fe. Dr. Cowau ia xtad to find that the prolessiou has some reamnable gilarantee for a genuine itrtici "Them&terM)uow sold vanes in almost every estaMuh- mcut where it Mptu-chastid, and a teudeucy to prefer a cot. ottrtesii and matters uit, tf uot counteractod, wtU ultimately jeopardise the reputation of auuuquestionitbty valuable fm- dittuu to t,ho Mittcru Medica. Dr. Corwau visited Dr. de *"ngh every suecesitin his meritorious undertaiiing." sque"el ali d P,(, d ier's A Sql1,crcl and Rúdier's & 0)t the Blood," ke., lø. Dr. !Sht;p))ard has made elusive use of Dr. de JoQth' L'Hht-Bruwu C(K! liver Oii, and haa great pleasure in testifyiul; to hM a uperiohty ever auy other preparation to be met with m thMeountry. It hatt the rare excellence of being Wbi borue and mlilullgted by stomachs which retect tho ordluary UMa. Dr. hepp)u-d has uo heanatioa in atat. iut! that he believes an imperial pint of Dr. de Jonah's LIght-Hrown Oil to be of more vatue than au imptiiiat quart of auy other to be met with iu London." "Sold only in ImpenaIHaif-piata, as M.: Pinta. <s 9J. Quarts, 9s eapsulteu, aad tabeiled with Dr. de J ougli's Nig mature, without which none can p0!<ai&iy be genuine by.x(,bpectalile ehemuta. eoLB CMtaiotrEBa: ANSAB, HAIIFOIW -k Co.. 77, STRAND, LON. DON. W.C. .Agent by appointment at WREXSAM r WILLIAM ROWLAND, Dupeneing Chenuat, High Street G????. ?? G aud in thO .ltoyal uodry, ?—??' ?tr''?' ,L rODoun 'Fiaeat sweb, as em UIed. giMb?Ctrnt'??'?'S*?*? STEAM COMMUNICATION nE'VE:N LIVERPOOL AND CAN A DA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 'M PMt? OM''?C< M"? ?? -'??'< -F?OPMCt'S? <?OPC)'H- mM</br tM Conve!lrmce of the C!Ma<7MM and Unated States JlIaillJ), *t* Mails for the United States and Canada are made made up in Liverpool every Wednesday Morning, for the transmission by the undcriMtcd Steamers to Quebec. An extra M ail, to be put on board at Queensta'.vn, is also made up every Wednesday Evening at 9 30. 1SGO———SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS———1360 The Montreal OcMn StM!<-ship Compny's arat-chss powerful Screw SteAmers. ?3? '??T?. NOVA SCOTIAN; Cap. A. M'MASTER, BOHK.UIAN. Capt. W. CRANUE, NORTH BRITON ..Capt. R.BouLAND, -ANGLO-SAXON C -pt. BALLANnNE, 'NOi!TH AMERICAN Cdpt: T. AITON, CANADIAN Capt. J. GRAHAM. Are intenJ''J to sa!l between LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC AD MONTREAL, Catting at Quebec and Queeastown for Her Majesty's Mails, and Pasjen,,crs, as foUows:— FROM LIVERPOOL. NORTH BRITON Wednesday, 30th May, BOHEMIAN Wednesddy. Gth June, CANADIAN Wednesday, 13th June. And every Wednesday thereafter during the Season of open navigation. FROM QUEBEC. ANGLO-SAXON Saturday, 2nd June, NOVA SCOTIAN Saturday, 9th June, NORTH AMERICAN.Saturday, 16th June, NORTH BRITON Saturday, 23rd June, BOHEMIAN. Saturday. 30th June, CANADIAN.Saturday, 7th July, And every Saturday thereafter during the Season of open navigation. Rate of Freight on Fine Goods to Quebec and Montreal 60s per Ton Measurement, and 5 per cent Primage. Weight subject to agreement. Cabin Passage Money to QUEBEC, EIGHTEEN I GUINEAS and FIFTEEN GUINEAS, include Provi- sions, but not WiuM or Liquors, which can be obtained on Boar d I Steerage Passage Money to QUEBEC, SEVEN GUINEAS, including a plentiful auppty of cooked Pro. visions By arrangements made with the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, Bilis of Lading and Passage Tickets will be granted in Liverpool for the conveyance of Goods and Passengers, at veiy moderate through rates to moat of the principal towns in Canada and the United Statea. Baggage taken from tlte Ocean SteamShips to <Ae.&K?- way C<!f< Free of Expenge. Apply in London, to Montgomery and Greenhorne, .17, GrMechnrch.atreet; in Glasgow, to James and Alexander Allan. 54, St. Enoch Square or to ALLAN BROTHERS and CO., Weaver buildings, Brunswick-street, Liverpool, For Steerage Passage apply to Sabet and Searle, 19, Water-street, Liverpool. HENRI'S PATENT HORSE & CATTLE FEED. THE first invented. Introduced in the year 1854. JL Sold by guarnnteed Analysis, and the only one pro- tected by Letters latent. Manufactory, Hull. AGENTS-MidIand and North Wates. Ash bourne, Thomas MeDor Ailaton, Euoth Cottey Birmingham, M. J. Exicy Button, .HbnrySta)ey BuM)em, P. R. Slater Cheadte, W. Turton CheaterReld, T. Evinaon Chester, Bowers, Broa. Conw&y, T A Roberta Dudley, Geo. Baggott Derby, T. R. Miles Hantey. Saml. Wood Leicester, James Black Liverpool, J. Margerison Manchester, 8, Hanging Ditch. Munai Hridge, J. Edwards Macclesfieid, J. F. Bowers Nantwieh, Jcsiah GilbMt Newpott, Icke & Yates Oswestry, Weaver & Son Shrewsbury, James Icku ScaS'urd, Fowke & Astea Tarn worth, S Hansoa \\a!saM, Henry Higiiway W'j)verhan)pton, Mandcr, WeaTcr, & Co. WeIUngton, Thos. Webb Wem, Retiry Kynastoti Wtexham, J ohn Morria CILKS D UT y F R E E" ? NEW SPRING PATTERNS. Shephord's Check Silks, £1 Is full drl)s. j'iec(j)otaini Bar-4, 4;1 48 lid The New Rifle Stripes, jCl 7s 6J. Striped, Citecked, and Crossover Poult de Solo .&I 7s Gd. Jasper Bar and Hayadero Glace:), jC'9s6d. Rich RfpaTatfetaij, .StHstM. Real Silk Drougets, JEti5s6J. Novelties iu Ft'Hnch Si)k% ?in?M. RichhrocadedSHks, JEtt?M. Black andcotoured Flounced Silks, iC2 21. Eitra. Rich Bayadere Flounced Silks, 2t Guineas. Rich Moire Alltiqlles.£:i 3< od. Muslins. Muuairi, Sprin Dressct. Ac.. cqnalty choap. PATTERNS POST-FKLE. AMOTT BROTHERS, 61 and 62, St. PauFs Cimrchyard, London. BURROWS AND Co., WHOLESALE WINE MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL. Stores. LiME SrREEi.—Oiuces, 51, DuKE STREET HE Proprietors beg mmt respectfuUy to call the JL atteution of the Trade, Noblemen, Clergy, and the Public in general, to their uxteusife Stock of Choice Wmes of Kare Vintages. B. and Co. itre not duposed to comment upon the pu!- ity of their Wiuea, which i3 daily most laudably aeknow tedged by the pnb!ie and eminent medicil men ot alt countries, as the iacreasiug patronage of the highest families in the !and is a gmrantee. They bert to catt particular attention to their pare TONIC WINES, as beiag so valuable to Invalids aud peMous of weak stoaachs. A Sample Case, containing three full a!zed Wine Bottles, will be forwarded to any address, on receipt of P. 0. U. for Cs 6d, or a dozen for 24a. It is a well-known fact that impure aud adulterated Wines are the greatest toes to henlth, producing acidity in the stomach, and debihtitttug the digestive organs, while Pure Wine: will accelerate the digestive powers, invigorating, streagtheniug) and bracing the nervous aystem. Their Tonic Wine is admitted to be most essential to Invalids, both o)d and youo?, and should never be absent from the homes of the weak and sickly. Its properties are duty HekoowIedKed aod appreciated oy the leading men of the acuity, both at home and abroad. THE WONDEK OP THE WORLD. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. If these Pills be used according to the printel directiona and the Ointment rubbed uver the region of the kidneys- at least once a day, as salt is forced into meat, the Ointment would penetrate into the kidneys and correct any derange, ment of these organs, should he suner from stone or gravel then the Ointment ought to be rubbed into the neck oftha bladder also, a few days will convince the sun'erer of the astonishing eflect oi these two remedies. WEAK.NHSS AND DRBIUTY. Such as may souer from weakness or debility, or where there is awant of energy, should at ottce have recourse to these Pills, as they immediately parity the blood, aud act upon the main spriog of life, giving strength and vigourona the system. Yon'.)K pers,JUi entering into womanhood with a derangement If the function, and to mothers at the turn of life, these PittswM) be most etucacions iu correct- ing the tide of life that may be on the turn. Young and elderiy men suffer in a similar manner at the same periods then there is always danger; they shoutd therefore, un- dergo a course of this purity ing medicine, which eusure lasting health. COMPLAINTS OF FEMALES. The functional irreglllaritie necututr to tno weaker sed are invariably corrected without pam or inconvenience by the use of Holloway's Pills. They are the safest and surest medicine for all the diseases incidental to tmnates of aliases. DERANGEMENT OF THE KIDNEYS. Any derangement of these delicate organs aifects disas- trously both the body and mind To the nervous invalids Holloways Pills are au article of vital ueccasity. As they impart tons and vigour to the internal organs, and conse- quently to the nervous system, which pervades and con- nects them. Pence their marvellous cures of hysteria, low ) spirits, spasms, tits, headaches, nervous twitcbiugs, and other kindred complaints are a'l radicaily removed by the use of these invaluable Pills DISORDERS OF TUH LIVER AND STOMACH. mot persona will, at some period of their lives, suffer from indigestion, derangement of their liver, stomach, or bowels, which, if not quickly removed, frequently settles iuto a dangerous illness. It is well known in India, and other tropical climates, that llolloways* Pills is the ooly remedy that can be retted upon iu such cases. Almost every soldier abroad carries a box of theae Pills in his knapsack. In England most persons know that these Pi)ls will cure them whenever the liver, stomach, or bowels are out of order, and that they need no phyaidau. mUOU6 AFFECTIONS The quantity and quality of the bile are of vita imports ance to health. Upou the liver, tl1; gland which secrete this nnid, the Pills operate specincally, infallibly rectifying itsiregulanties,andenectnal)y cnriug jaundice, bilious re. mittauts, and all the varieties of disease generated by an unnatural condition of the organ. l1o!lO'way's Pills are the beyt ret)iedy known tM <A<! word for the fullotCillg diseases AtttuM Bth)OM'Comp!emta tSlotchs on tile s]¡.,n Bowet Uomptemt* t;oae< UeMtHpttioDoftBe Bowett Contumption Detuhty Drupty DjMuMry Erysipelasil Melllalo trrepiJtn- tiea t'evere of tU Auila t'na Uont MMd-aehe lu,,ige4tiun lollawmauIIII Jaundice i,tYer UumpLUnM Lumbar MM Kaeumttitm Rtteutiun ot UtiM Scrohib. or KiDjt'' mti SoreThrotUt bwne und Uratet Sccuudnry SIUDP- tomt Tte-Uoutoureu Tumoun mcer* \feuerta)AKtct)oM Wormt of ttH kind* WMtntt* &t, hem wh<He<M MNM Sold at the EstablMhments of PBOMMOR ?ow? a44, Mmnd (near Temp? Rar,) Loaaon, aud 8U MttideB f,tue. t<?Yo?M?? respectable druggists and Dealer!, in Medi?'t?hout thoCLVth.ed' ?''??? ??? phoM :-t.t ?d?td ? 6d,U?. 32s. ?*? ? ?'. TLere is t considerable s&ving by taktBKti.M ?e'?es N.B.-Dtrectiona torttmguid.moeof pttteata la every <?order Kataedteeach fob



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